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ngl SI El Video-Maestro de Inglés Conversacional 8 La Salud -Cuaderno de ejercicios indice Aprendamos Viajando. | Examen Final ...... La Salud Vocabulario. Examen .. Respuestas Vocabularic Clase Dislogo.... Examen . Respuestas Vocabulario... Clase Didlogo.. Examen .. Respuestas Vocabulario. AL Respuestas ... No se olvide de estudiar las leeciones en el manual antes de hacer os ejercicios de este cuaderno. Antes de comenzar el estudio de este volumen, dedique unos minutos a contestar a las 15 preguntas del examen siguiente. Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. I ° ° ° ° ° ©0000 coC0ON eoooos My shoulder _ 1) has a backsche b)is 2) ps _ his elbow 2 3) Why does, hurts b) Why, aches ¢) Do, aches ) Do, ae ©) Does, hurt Do you earache? a) hurt some b) have an ) have ) have a ) hurt an What's the 2 2) stomache b) hurt e) hurt al) matter ©) wrong Thave a throat and a 4) hurt, temperature }) ache, temperature €) sore, fever 4) sore, runny e) fever sore The pharmacists was very hell. a) lemperature ° ° ° ° * 90000 * c0000 o0000 10, e0000 b) cold ©) preseribe dd) symptom ©) adviee Those shoes hurt my feet, swear them, 4) I shoalde't b) She should ©) Lean 4) She ean ey Lam You are ato You should see the doctor a) ache by) fever ¢) coughing d) nanny nose Drink los of take two 4) orange juiee, pill b) coffee, medicines rest and ) fluids, aspirin ) medicine, tablet @) water, capsule Listening to the message on an answering machine usually diffieul, 4) happeried byis ) shouldn't ) ha ©) happens u To hear this ‘again, press the siar Fey ©O0OOE D0000E C0000 C0000, © 00 00; HP ssepptin o) speaking ¢) phone sh masage This medicine ease drowsiness a)don't byis ce) wasn't 4) isn't ) may __does the prescription have? a ) How much ¢) How many refills ) How many 9) How praible Did the docior _ you a prescription’? a) give b) mark ©) make 4) recommended 6) tell 2isp. 3 X day a) Take three b) Take 2 teasp each day, ) Take two tablets twice a day 4) Take 2 tablespoons three times a day, Ie ons at 3:00 «) Take 2 teaspoons three Cuando haya estudiado todas las lecciones de este volumen, haga el mismo examen de nuevo. Lo encontrard al final de este cuaderno, en la pagina titulada “Examen Final”. Compare los resultados obtenidos en este examen con los del examen final. Asi comprobara lo que ha aprendido y podra medir su progreso. Cuando haya terminado este examen, empiece a estudiar la Leccién Uno. A. Resuelva el crucigrama. Primero, complete las oraciones. Después, escriba las palabras que completan las oraciones en el cuadro siguiente, empezando por la casilla que lleva el numero correspondiente. Horizontales tw 6, My arm hurts. It’s very Vocabulario he | ‘10. He is Dr. Martin's 13. She felt so she went home. 3. He has a sore 5 6. 9. Take care of your 10. She has a in her arm. i. 12. 14. f Vocabulario B. Delante de cada oracion, escriba la letra del dibujo correspondiente. Ejemplo: Her leg hurts. 1, _____ She has a backache. 2 Their arms hurt. 3.____ She has an earache. 4, His head hurts. 5. _____ She has a stomachache. 6. He has a pain in his nec 7. I think his toe hurts. Encontraré las respuestas en la pégina 13. C. Complete las oraciones relacionadas con los dibujos. En ciertos casos, hay mas de una respuesta correcta. Ejemplo: He has a pain in his huee. : ae His knee His hurts. He has a shoulder. His aches. Does his elbow : The man His neck + too. chest aches. He has a in his chest. » D. Escriba las preguntas correspondiente a estas oraciones. Use las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: He has a headache. Does he have a headache? 1. Her stomach hurts. 2. Their shoulders ache. 3B. She is siek. 4. The pain is in his knee. 5. My kne (you) 6. My wife has a stomachache. (you) 7. He hurt his arm yesterday. 8. [feel better today. (you) Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina M4, Elija la respuesta correcta. 1. Angel How are you today? Mario Not too good. a) [feel great. b) Thave a headache. Julio a) What's the matter? b) I don't feel well. Kim Oh. You look fine. Jim Thave a pain in my chest. Kathy a) Does it hurt? a sharp pain? Lee My leg hurts, Joseph a) Is it your ka b) Is it your wrist or your elbow? or your ankle? 5. Barbara Do you have a stomachache? Sam a) No, the pain is in my chest. b) Yes, the pain is in my chest. 6. ‘Terry a) My wile is sick. b) Tam ill, Nurse Where is her pain? Encontraré las respuestas en ta pagina 14, Llene los espacios en blanco con las palabras indicadas a continuacién. Ejemplo: shenma Backache : 1. My head 2. She has an 3. Thevew in my shoulder. 4. Is the pain in your knee or your ? 5. Do you OK? 6. sa pain. 7. My knees 8. What's the 2 9. Do you have a throat? 11 Respuestas Vocabulario | [| Tews aK Oo dais euce 2 Clase SRAM ESE PIV eeNE Respuestas hurts (or aches) shoulder sore elbow hurt (or ache) has aches (or hurts) His pain Does her stomach hurt? Do their shoulders ache? Is she sick? Is the pain in his knee? (or Does he have a pain in his knee?) Is your knee sore? Does your wife have a stomachache? Did he hurt his arm yesterday? Do you feel better today? Respuestas see ooe 1 7 | Dialogo | 1s | 2, | 3; } A | 5. | 6. ankle feel sharp ache matter sore BP a se bor 6. x 9. | 10. Vocabulario Encontrara las respuestas en la pagina 24, A. Elija la palabra correcta. Ejemplo: He has a Gunnrunning nose. Please take your fever/temperature, Is your throat sore/hust? She is cough/coughing, ‘The advice/symptom was very helpful. The pharmacy/pharmacist will answer your question. That was aloud sneezing/sneeze. Ts your left arm numbness/numb? chest. Thave some congestion/dizziness in my In the US, people Celsius/Fahrenheit, thermo You should go home and_rest/go home. 7 Vocabulario B. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras de la lista siguente en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. advice, appointment, cold, cough, drugstore, fever, hu ill, pharmacy, rest, runny nose, should, sneeze, sore, symptom, temperature, thermometer T H IE R M oO M E T E R m) oy) Or | CeO) so) a) 4) So) mi w|Ol|m/al|—|<| oO} P| a) >] = A/C) >| <|/a)| >| <=} a) >) =z] v —|O}/ |Z) OO) 4) 0] S|] <|/u)m Cc) rl zl Si zis! Gi al cl Za wl a}|m| <<} min} —| ee] elm 4 A|<[m| 4) O/| Z| <| 2) 2|'\C} 2 m/D!O]Alu|/ a} Cc} x2} oO}c|m C. Complete las oraciones con “should" o “shouldn’ Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina Ejemplo: She has a backache. She choulds Clift that heavy box. He has a cold. He drink a lot of fluids. His temperature is 98.6" He You hav arp pain in your chest, You call the doctor now Those shoes hurt my feet. wear thi She has a headache. She take some aspirin ‘They are too tired. They work so hard. He's a doctor, You take his advice. You pick up that prescription today. 19 D. Conteste a las preguntas relacionadas con los dibujos. Ejemplo: What's the matter? Mark is SNCEZING, Is he coughing? No, he 8 sneezing, 1. Is he coughing? 2. Does he have a cough? 20 Is his nose running? Does he have a runny nose? Does he have an earache or a sore throat? How does he feel? Is he taking his temperature? Does he have a fever? 21 22 Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 26. Llene los espacios en blanco. Ken Maribel Anna Ken Maribel Ken Anna Ken Maribel Ken Maribel Ken Maribel Ken Anna Ken Anna Maribel Ken » Maribel and Anna. How are Teel great. , 100. How are you, 2 to0 good. the matter? Ihave cold, Does throat hurt? litle, [cough all the time. Do you have a 1 know. I didn’t my temperature. Achoo! Oh, you. ‘Thanks, 1 a pain in my chest, too. Is a sharp pain? No, My chest aches. whole body aches! And I have che! Do you have a stomachache, 2 No. Sorry, P'm just kidding. You should home Test, That like a good idea. does sound like a good idea. “ncontrard las respuestas en la psigina 26, John esta hablando con la enfermera. Ponga las oraciones de esta conversacién en el orden correcto. ‘What are your symptoms? I don’t feel well. OK, thank you very much. Goodbye. No, it doesn’t. 7 This is the nurse. How can I help you? A little, My temperature is 99.9", Drink lots of fluids, rest and take two aspirin, all me tomorrow if you don't feel better: My head aches. I have a runny nose and my throat is sore. That's not too bad. Does it hurt when you breath? Do you have a fever? 23 Respuestas Vocabulario A. 1. temperature 2. sore 3. coughing 4. advice 5. pharmacist 6. sneeze 7. numb 8. congestion 9. Fahrenheit 10. rest B. TE] Mi/Py_e| RIAL T/ UR] © H]| H] AT HI(s) ||P] Lu) u E] T| Rally] ul[P] Al G|/N|/0) R||(S) A) R|||M| Cfo] tL] D)/N||R Mi[H]JD]/MijPy of tyr iyiju olljol|v|/al|t] Al/Ni/F)[L| Nic NIDIDISIO RIE E|// Ul] c/ly|iw) n |imiivi 1 ifs || TOE] AG TNT ETET Z/w)o} E|C/O;U|G/H)/N|[R G| Y/R LE] S| D) 1 | ulliGTOTRIW Clase ne PAR eS a. 4. Bi 6. 7. 8. Respuestas should shouldn't should shouldn't should shouldn't should should Yes, he is. Yes, he does. Yes. it is Yes, he does. He has a sore throat. He feels terrible. Yes, he is. Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t,/I don’t know. 25 26 Didlogo Examen Respuestas Ken Maribel Anna Ken Maribel Ken Anna Ken Maribel Ken Maribel Ken Maribel Ken Anna Ken Anna Maribel Ken What Hi, Maribel and Anna. How are you? I feel great. Me, too. How are you, Ken Not too good. the matter? cold. Does your throat hurt? A little. F cough all the time. Do you have a fever’ I don't know. I didn't take my temperature, Achoo! Oh, bless ‘Thanks. I have a pain in my chest, too. Is it a sharp pain No. My chest aches. My whole body aches! And I have an earache! Do you have a stomachache, too? No. Sorry, I'm just kidding, You should go home and rest. That sounds like a good idea. That (or It) docs sound like a good idea. re your symptoms? 3 2 [don’t feel well. 10 OK, thank you very much. Goodbye. A little, My temperature is 9° 9 Drink lots of fui it doesn’t. the nurse. How can I help you? rest and take two aspirin, Call me tomorrow if you don’t feel better, My head aches. [have a runny nose and my throat is sore. That's not too bad. Does it hurt when you breath? Do you have a fev Dwele cw Ingiéssin Barreras Vocabulario Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 35. A. Relacione cada numero, simbolo 0 expresién con una de las categorias siguientes. key pad telephone number appointment time medical insurance identification number medical center address Ejemplo: # hey bad 4. 2208663 449 Oak Street 8. 895 Main 9, 2:00 PM 10. 1D#342-88-12 29 30 Vocabulario B. Ponga las letras en orden, Ya esta colocada la primera letra. i, 3. 6. eessnorp eoaoprir gessmae. yombls ntxameiaoni toppmnetain aaalebvil preceisttnio Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 36. C. Lea el correo electrénico que Gonzalo envié a su amiga Maritza y luego conteste a las preguntas. Maritza, How are you doing? I was sick last week. I had the flu, I think. After two days, I called my doctor’s office to make an appointment. It was about 7:00 PM. When I heard the voi phone, I started to talk. But the voice just kept talking, telling me to press different numbers. It was an answering machine! I couldn't understand anything. I listened to the whole message and then I hung up the phone and went to bed. I stayed in bed for two more days. I didn’t go to the doctor but I feel better now. Next time Pll be ready for the answering machine. B Gon: 1, When was Gonzalo sick? 2. What was wrong with him? 3. What time did Gonzalo call the doctor? Who answered the phone? 5. Did Gonzalo make an appointment? 6. How does Gonzalo feel now? 31 32 D. Lea la respuesta de Maritza. Haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra correcta. Dear Gonzalo, I'm glad you 1, (are/were) etter now. ng to the message on an answering machine 2, (is/was) usually difficult. Sometimes you 3, (could/ean) listen to the message again, At the end of the message, the voice 4. (will/is) give you directions, It will say something like, 5. "(Pressing/Press) 1 to listen to the message again." Then you can listen to the message again and again—until you 6, (understand/understood) it! This 7. (happened/happens) to me almost every week. Take care and I 8. (will not/will) call you next week. Your friend, Maritza Dialogo 37. Encontrarg las respuestas en la p: Dibuje una linea que una la pregunta de la recepcionista con la respuesta correspondiente. Receptionist Patient How can I help you? It’s 100.2”. What are your symptoms? Excuse me. Did you say 2:15 or 2:50? What is your temperature? he I's 4670AK2. Would you like to make an Thave a fever and a sore appointment? throat. I don’t feel well. Can you come this afternoon at 2 2:50, What is your insuranee number? Yes, please. 33 Encontrard las respuestas en Ia pyigina 37, Lea el mensaje grabado en el contestador automatico. Luego, lea las oraciones y decida qué tecla se tiene que pulsar en cada caso. ‘Thank you for calling Dr. King’s office. To hear this message in Spanish, press 2. To leave a message for the receptionist, press 3. To leave a message for the nurse, press 4. If you'd like to make or confirm an appointment, press 3. To schedule tests, please press 4. To leave a private message for Dr. King, press 5. If this is an emergency, dial 911. To hear this message again, press the star key. Ejemplo: Juan doesn’t speak English. LKCSE. ie 1. 6. Maryanne wants to leave a message for the doctor Joe wants to confirm his appointment. Elizabeth needs an X-ray. Mr. Topp cut his finger very badly. Julie didn’t understand the message. Mariah wants to leave a message for the nurse. Vocabulario A. Se ge Ge Oe Respuestas key pad telephone number appointment time medical insurance identification number medical center address telephone number key pad medical center address appointment time medical insurance identification number response operator message symbol examination appointm available nt receptionist 35 36 Respuestas Clase is 2. Bi 4. a He was sick last week. He thinks he had the flu. He called the doctor at about 7:00 PM. An answering machine answered the phone. No, Gonzalo didn't make an appointment. He feels better. are is can will Press understand happens will Didlogo Respuestas Receptionist How can I help you? What are your symptoms? What is your temperature? Would you like to make an appointment? Can you come this afternoon at 2:50? Examen pr ape :50. What is your insurance number? press 3 press 3 press 4 dial 911 press the star key press 4 Patient I don’t feel well. Thave a fever and a sore throat. It's 100.2°. Yes, please. Excuse me. Did you say 2:15 or 2:50? It’s 4670AK2. 37 a |e een iiteseris) ae Vocabulario Encontrard las respuestas en la péigir A. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras de la lista siguiente en el cuadro de abajo. Tenga en cuenta que las palabras se leen de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. _-bottfe, capsule, cause, dosage, empty, exactly, full, label, liquid, medication, once, pill, possible, powder, prescribe, refill, tablet, twice MIE|D]!/CJA]T|1]O/N]F]P P|X/OIN|CIE/A|HIO/E|UIA R/AIS|LJA/C|®lolT/TI LI» E|clAl1/UlE/L/E|W/E|LIm Si pliG isle tF lager Cee wee hr ire meal or: R|YIP/1/LILl[DlFle|/LiBly 1{wlelD/clA/P|s/u|Llelt B/K/P/O|WID/E|RISINILIs E|Plols |S\) ley) He stRaerale 41 Vocabulario B. Haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra correcta. Ejemplo: Be sure 1. 2; a 6, 8, s 42 (ake) an appointment. ‘This medicine should/may cause drowsiness, Did you take/give his temperature? How many symptoms/refills does the prescription have? Did the doctor give/take you a prescription? The nurse asked/told me what my symptoms were. Make sure you take/make the correct dose. ‘The label says to take one tablet fonce morning, The possible/recommended dosage is one tablespoon daily. U Encontrard las respuestas en la péigina 48, C. Relacione cada oracién con su abreviatura correspondiente. Zisp-3Xday 3 tabs. daily 1 thsp. 2 X day | Qeaps.2X day 1 tsp. w/ food tsp. on empty stomach L cap. in AM 2iabs.2X day 1 tbsp. as needed Bjemplo: Take 2 teaspoons three times a day. 06D, 3X day 1, Take one tablespoon twice a day. 2. Take one capsule in the morning. 3. Take three tablets daily. 4. Take two tablets twice a day. ‘Take one teaspoon on an empty stomach. 6. Take two capsules twi a day. 7. ‘Take one tablespoon as needed. 8. Take one teaspoon with food. D. Ponga la letra correspondiente a cada instruccion en la columna correcta. £ or Do not mix with milk or milk products, Caution: may cause drowsine Take as needed. ‘Take with lots of water. Take three tablespoons daily. Take every evening. ‘Take all the pills. Take in the morning. No refills. Do not exceed recommended dosage. #1442000) Take before bed. When? How mueh? How? Other a Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la péigina 48, Elija la oracién que corresponde con las instrucciones. 1. Caution: May cause drowsiness, a) Don't take the medicine and drive, b) Take the medicine before you leave for work 2. Take on an empty stomach. a) Don't take on a full stomach, b) Be sure to eat before you take the medicine. ‘Take before bed. a) Any time before noon is good. b) Take it just before you go to sleep. 4, Do not mix with other antibiotics. 8) Do not take any aspiri b) Tell your doctor if you are taking other antibiotics. 5. Do not take if you have a fevel a) Take your temperature first. b) If you have a fever, take this medicine. 6. Two tablespoons each morning for seven days. a) There are no refills for this prescription. b) You'll need a spoon to take the medicine. 45 Lea la 6. a 8, nntrard las respuestas en la pagina 49. etiqueta. Luego, conteste a las preguntas. Beverly Medical Pharmacy James Smith 8/24, 8770 Beverly Cozzard 100 MG Tab #30 LA, CA 310-555-9990 ‘Take one tablet daily. # 3422950 ‘Take on an empty stomach. Dr H. Wu Refills: 3 Who is the patient? What is the name of the doctor? n number? What is the preseripti What is the name of the pharmacy? What is the name of the medicine? What is the dosag Are there any caution How many refills are there? Respuestas Vocabulario > a 4 uw o a (=) 4 P ClAIP]S/UIL IE) T IIB[LIEJR| TIE E)\PlO| s|s may take i 2. refills 4. give 2, 5. asked take each 6. Ts 8. recommended 47 Respuestas Clase Dialogo 1 thsp. 2 X day Leap. in AM 3 tabs. daily 2 tabs. 2X day 1 tsp. on empty stomach 2eaps. 2 X day 1 thsp. as needed Lisp. w/food PAS VeYENE When? RAL How much? e, g, j How? ad, Other: boi,k a) a) b) b) a) b) Ree PE PASS PON Respuestas James Smith, Dr H, Wu. ‘# 3422950. Beverly Medical Pharmacy. Cozzard. | One tablet daily. or 100 MG daily. Yes. Take on an empty stomach. | ‘Three. ! Aprendamos Viajando rién en el manual, nacién contenida en la oraci6n es verdadera, haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra True. Si la infor- macién es falsa, haga un ef False y eseriba una oracién © Si la infor ededo He la pal 1 la informacs True False 1, Boston is in Massachusetts, True False Many events related to the Revolutionary War took place in Boston True False 3. Itis called "Europe's American City." True False ¢ Freedom Train is a tour of historic sites. True False 5. Paul Revere began his midnight ride at the Old North Church. 53 Aprendamos Viajando True False 6. The Boston Coffee Party was a famous event. True False 7. Faneuil Hall is called the "Cradle of Liberty." True False 8. Malian is spoken on the streets of the North End. True False 9. The New England Aquarium is on East Wharf. True False 10. Harvard and MIT are in Cambridge. True False 11. Harvard is called an Ivy Tree school. True False 12. MIT is known for its scientific research, Respuesta ed "America’s European Cit dom Trail is a tour of historic sites . The Boston Tea Party was a famous event. False. It’s on Central Wharf. ‘True. False. Harvard is an Ivy Le True. gue school. 55 Aprendamos conversando Actividad 1. Molestias y quejas: problemas de la salud Escuche y repita. Actividad 2. Alternativas: 2Te sientes mal? Escuche y repita. Actividad 3. Formas alternativas: ,Dénde te duele? Escuche y describa qué molestias tiene usted. Actividad 4. Prescripciones: formas alternativas Escuche y marque con un circulo la forma alternativa de las oraciones que escuche. 1. Take one pill twice a day. fake two pills once a day. 2. Take two capsules once a day ‘Take two capsules twice a day. 3. Take three tablets once a day. ‘Take one tablet three times per day. 4, Take one teaspoon twice a day. Take one teaspoon once a day. ke one tablespoon three times a day: Take o e teaspoon three times a day. so Aprendamos conversando Actividad 5. Escuche y conteste las preguntas que siguen. Didlogo 1 Does Bill's knee hurt? Didlogo 2 Does Ann have a sore throat? logo 3 Can Leslie see the doctor at one Didlogo 4 Should Dan take the tablets before or after he eats? Actividad 6. Sintomas: formas alternativas con “for” y “since” Escuche y repita las preguntas y respuestas. Luego, diga cada respuesta de una manera rente. How long have you. @ «& Acti Aprendamos conversando dad 7. Consejos con el verbo auxi “should” Escuche y marque con un circulo la respuesta mas légica. 6. °, 10, You should go to sleep. should exereise now. k. ‘You should see a doctor. You should go to wi You should eat more, ‘You should take an aspirin. You should take a vacation. You should work more. You should get a massage. S You should carry these boxes You should go outside, You should take your temperature. You should get a new prescription, You should take a pill. ‘You should run in the park You should sit down. You should make an appointment. You should have a sore throat. You should go to the dentist You should eat some eandy. 61 62 Aprendamos conversando lad 8. Pronunciacién: “should” y “shouldn't” Escuche, repita y marque “should” 0 “shouldn’t” con un circulo para indicar si la oracion es positiva o negativa. 1. should shouldn't 2. should shouldn't 3. should shouldn't 4. should shouldn't 5. should shouldn't 6. should should 7. should shouldn't 8. should shouldn't 9. should shouldn't 10, should shouldn't Actividad 9. Consejos: formas alternativas Escuche y repita. You should. ‘You ought to... mike my advice and... T suggest that you, T recommend that you, You might want to. Aprendamos conversando Actividad 10. Scarborough Fair: formas alternativas Escuche y escriba estas frases y sus formas alternativas. a true love of mine fone of my trie Jo a friend of mine a teacher of mine a problem of n cousin of mine a favorite song of mine Actividad 11.Scarborough Fair: hierbas medicinales Conteste a las preguntas de acuerdo con la informacion del cuadro siguiente. 63 20000 COD0O# GODDO CODD0r ooouoN ° My shoulder a) hae a backache biis a pain ©) pains d) aches eh ache ie othuse a) Why does, Innis 1h} Wha, aches ©) Lo, aches di Do, che 1) Does, bust Do yon eavorhe? a) hi sme bj have an eh have dj havea ce} hart an What's the 1) vlomache bi ut e} hut al enue fe} tong Theme a throat and a a) hurt temurnatire 1a) mes, weapon 2) sare. fever 2) sore, sumny 0) fever, same The pharniasist’s was ery helpfid. 1) temperature e000 = 00000 eoaco Examen Final 8 Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. i cold ©) presibe ai symp elalsiee Those shoes ust ony foe, ear them a shoulda’ by She should e) Tran Ay She ean 6) Tam You ure ala, You should see the doctus a) ache bi fever ©) coughing Hi runny aose ©) sneeze Drink lots of__ ress and. tule treo — x) orange juice, pill b) colle, medicines ce flils, aspirin A) medicine, tablet ©) water, capsule Listening to the mess fat easing mec eeswatty eiffel 41) happened by is €) shonlsn't all has AL ts hear this agenin. press the star bem © a) appoininents O hb eeveption © 6} speaki © di pve ° fe) message 12. This medicine _esuse drowsiness © addon O bis © ey wasn't O dist © ehmay 13 __does she prescripeion hose? © a) When © bj Mowe mich © ¢} How mang refills ° ° 4 Now many } How possible 1, Did baltir out precinton? © abgive On) ua © eh inake © dh mennanendei © ateil 15.2 tap. 8X day © a) Take tine uiblels daly, © by abe 2 teasponis at 8:00 avis day. © Take oso tablets pwive a day O 4)) Lake 2 tablespoons three liane 1 day © ¢) ake 2 teaspoons three Limes a day.

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