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Understanding Electric Bike Modes: Throttle vs.

Pedal Assist (Pedelec)


A throttle or pedal assist electric bike: which one will you choose?
There are many different types of electric bikes with different ways of activating the
electric assist.
In this article you will learn about the different throttle types (twist grip, thumb, push
button), pedal assist types (torque sensor and cadence sensor) and which mode
may be best for you.
Throttle Mode
The throttle mode is similar to how a motorcycle or scooter operates. When the
throttle is engaged the motor provides power and propels you and the bike forward.
A throttle allows you to pedal or just kick back and enjoy a free ride! Most throttles
can be fine tuned like a volume dial between low and full power.

A lot of e-bikes in the US have the throttle feature. In some countries the throttle
electric bike is not allowed; only pedal assist.
Here are a few of the different types of throttles found on electric bikes:

This is the half grip twist throttle on the eFlow E3 Nitro electric bike. The throttle is
engaged by twisting the throttle; similar to a motorcycle or scooter. This is the most
common type of e-bike throttle.
This is the thumb throttle on the Prodeco Outlaw SS electric mountain bike. The
throttle is engaged by pushing the throttle paddle forward with your thumb.

This is the thumb throttle of the BionX system on the OHM XS750 electric bike. The
throttle is engaged by pushing the red button forward with your thumb.
This is the push button throttle on the Clean Republic Hill Topper electric bike kit.
This particular throttle is simply an on/off switch; there is no way to adjust between
low and full power.
Pedal Assist (Pedelec) Mode
Pedal assist, also referred to as pedelec, is a mode that provides power only when
you are pedaling. If you are used to riding a traditional bike, the pedal assist mode
has a more intuitive feel compared to the throttle mode.
The pedal assist mode is also nice because you can focus purely on your pedaling
and you dont have to hold the throttle in a certain position.
Since you have to pedal, the pedal assist mode will generally give you more range
when compared to the throttle mode. Here are 10 tips to increase your electric
bikes range.
A lot of pedal assist bikes have different levels of assistance, for example: low,
medium, or high assist. Please note that some e-bikes have 4 or 5 pedal assist
settings, but for this example we will just stick with low, medium, and high.
Low pedal assist = you are feeling pretty good on the bike. Low assist provides a
little electric assist while you provide more pedal power and get more of a workout.
Medium pedal assist = you have a nice tailwind everywhere you go. Medium pedal
assist can be a nice balance of your pedal power and the motor power.
High pedal assist = you feel like superman! High pedal assist is when you want to
get somewhere quickly and with minimal effort. This could be useful if you want to
get to work without sweating too much. On the way home you could use the low
pedal assist to workout the stress of the day.

This is the display of the Easy Motion Neo Jumper electric mountain bike. The pedal
assist settings can be adjusted up or down using the + or buttons on the left side of
the display. In this picture the pedal assist is set to the highest level; see the right
side of the display.
There are a few different pedal assist types on the market; the torque sensor and the
cadence sensor systems.
The torque sensor pedal assist systems measure the amount of power you are
putting into the pedals and it will increase or decrease the electric assist based on
your pedaling power.
The torque sensor systems have a very intuitive ride feel because they emulate your
pedal power very well. They are also generally found on the more expensive e-bikes
or e-bike kits.
The torque sensors are generally found in the bottom bracket, rear drop out, or in the
rear hub motor.

This is the TMM4 torque sensor on the inside of the rear dropout of the Easy Motion
Neo Jumper electric mountain bike.
The cadence sensor pedal assist systems provide assistance when the cranks of
the bike are turning.
Compared to the torque sensor system, the cadence sensor will just provide the
assist based purely on the level assist you have selected and it will not increase or
decrease the assist based on your actual pedal power. You could be pedaling very
lightly or very hard and it will provide the same level of assist.

This is the cadence sensor at the cranks of the Pedego City Commuter electric bike.
The Combination: Throttle & Pedal Assist Mode
Some e-bikes come equipped with both the throttle and the pedal assist modes.
On some e-bikes you can be operating the bike in the pedal assist mode and then
get an additional boost by twisting the throttle.
There are also e-bikes that have both modes, but they cannot be used at the same
Which Mode is Best for You?
If you want the option to simply cruise along and pedal or not pedal, then you should
consider a throttle e-bike.
If you enjoy pedaling and want to a more intuitive e-bike then go for the pedal assist
More and more e-bikes are coming with both systems so you may have the option of
using both systems depending on your mood.
I hope this helps in understanding the different electric bike assist modes.
I recommend that you visit your local electric bike dealer to try the throttle and pedal
assist modes for yourself to see which one fits your riding style.

Terjemahan :
throttle Modus

Modus throttle mirip dengan bagaimana sepeda motor atau skuter beroperasi. Ketika
throttle bergerak motor memberikan kekuatan dan mendorong Anda dan sepeda maju.

Sebuah throttle memungkinkan Anda untuk mengayuh atau hanya menendang kembali dan
menikmati "bebas" naik! Kebanyakan throttle bisa diatur seperti dial volume antara daya
rendah dan penuh.

Banyak e-sepeda di AS memiliki fitur throttle. Di beberapa negara sepeda listrik throttle
tidak diperbolehkan; hanya pedal membantu.

Berikut adalah beberapa dari berbagai jenis throttle ditemukan di sepeda listrik:

Membantu Modus pedal (Pedelec)

Pedal membantu, juga disebut sebagai Pedelec, adalah mode yang menyediakan listrik
hanya ketika Anda mengayuh. Jika Anda digunakan untuk mengendarai sepeda tradisional,
pedal membantu modus memiliki merasa lebih intuitif dibandingkan dengan modus

Modus pedal membantu juga bagus karena Anda dapat fokus sepenuhnya pada mengayuh
Anda dan Anda tidak harus memegang throttle dalam posisi tertentu.

Karena Anda harus pedal, pedal membantu modus umumnya akan memberikan rentang
yang lebih bila dibandingkan dengan modus throttle. Berikut adalah 10 tips untuk
meningkatkan jangkauan sepeda listrik Anda.

Banyak pedal membantu sepeda memiliki berbagai tingkat bantuan, misalnya: rendah,
sedang, atau tinggi membantu. Harap dicatat bahwa beberapa e-sepeda memiliki 4 atau 5
pedal membantu pengaturan, tapi untuk contoh ini kita hanya akan tetap dengan rendah,
sedang, dan tinggi.
pedal rendah membantu = Anda merasa cukup baik di sepeda. Rendah membantu
menyediakan listrik sedikit membantu saat Anda memberikan tenaga pedal lebih dan
mendapatkan lebih banyak dari latihan.

pedal media membantu = Anda memiliki penarik bagus mana pun Anda pergi. pedal media
membantu bisa menjadi keseimbangan yang baik dari kekuatan pedal Anda dan daya motor.

pedal tinggi membantu = Anda merasa seperti superman! pedal tinggi membantu adalah
ketika Anda ingin mendapatkan suatu tempat dengan cepat dan dengan sedikit usaha. Hal
ini dapat berguna jika Anda ingin mendapatkan untuk bekerja tanpa berkeringat terlalu
banyak. Dalam perjalanan pulang Anda bisa menggunakan pedal rendah membantu untuk
latihan stres hari.

Ada pedal yang berbeda membantu jenis di pasar; sensor torsi dan sistem sensor irama.

Torsi sensor pedal membantu sistem mengukur jumlah kekuatan yang Anda menempatkan
ke pedal dan akan menambah atau mengurangi listrik assist berdasarkan kekuatan
mengayuh Anda.

Sistem sensor torsi memiliki sangat intuitif naik merasa karena mereka meniru kekuatan
pedal Anda dengan sangat baik. Mereka juga umumnya ditemukan pada e-sepeda lebih
mahal atau e-sepeda kit.

Sensor torsi umumnya ditemukan di braket bawah, penurunan belakang, atau di motor hub
The membantu sistem sensor irama pedal memberikan bantuan ketika engkol sepeda yang

Dibandingkan dengan sistem sensor torsi, sensor irama hanya akan memberikan assist
murni berdasarkan tingkat membantu Anda memilih dan tidak akan menambah atau
mengurangi assist berdasarkan kekuatan pedal Anda yang sebenarnya. Anda bisa mengayuh
sangat ringan atau sangat keras dan itu akan memberikan tingkat yang sama membantu.
Kombinasi yang: Throttle & Pedal Assist Modus

Beberapa e-sepeda dilengkapi dengan baik throttle dan pedal membantu mode.

Pada beberapa e-sepeda Anda dapat beroperasi sepeda di pedal mode membantu dan
kemudian mendapatkan dorongan tambahan dengan memutar throttle.

Ada juga e-sepeda yang memiliki kedua mode, tetapi mereka tidak dapat digunakan pada
saat yang sama.
Pedal assist and hand throttles; Capulets and Montagues
When it comes to the issue of pedal assist systems and hand throttles, there are
strong, outspoken proponents on each half of the debate. Supporters of
both sides stubbornly tout the benefits of their chosen system, rarely getting along
with the other side. But before we blindly start choosing sides and sharpening our
pitchforks, lets learn about the similarities and differences between pedal assist
systems and ebike throttles.

Pedal assist systems and hand throttles are both methods of controlling the speed of
an ebike. PASs usually works with a sensor mounted on the bottom bracket or pedal
crank arm that senses your pedal cadence (the better ones sense pedal torque
instead of cadence) and indicates to the controller that its time to accelerate. Hand
throttles are more like traditional motorcycle throttles in that they are mounted on the
handlebar and are operated by a twisting action.

Both pedal assist systems and hand throttles come in a number of different styles.
The different types of hand throttles are mostly just physical interface differences that
dont affect their outright function, while PASs come in a variety of forms and
associated qualities.
Hand throttles, due to their familiarity and was of use, were the original form of motor
control when electric bicycles were first developed. However, some countries (Im
looking at you, European Union) began passing laws regulating ebike functions and
usage, including the requirement that the motor only work when the user is pedaling.
In some places the laws even went as far as to outlaw hand throttles all together.
This ushered in a new era of ebikes with pedal assist systems designed to fulfill the
law and allow ebikes to be imported into as many countries as possible.
Pedal assist, how does it work?

The most common type of pedal assist system comprises a ring of magnets mounted
on the pedal crank and a sensor fixed to the bottom bracket. As the pedal crank
turns, the sensor reads the rate of pedaling. The faster the pedal cadence, the faster
the controller will make the motor to spin.
This type of PAS comes with a major design flaw: the speed a rider is pedaling
doesnt necessarily represent how much power he or she needs. On flat ground,
faster pedaling usually means faster speed and thus more power needed. However,
pedaling up a hill requires even MORE power, yet hill pedaling speed is very slow
due to the lower speed. The result is an ebike that is woefully underpowered when
climbing hills, negating perhaps the most important benefit of an ebike, hill climbing.
Torque sensor pedal assist systems
A much more recent system which has improved on the older pedal assist system is
a torque sensor PAS. The torque sensor is usually mounted on either the pedal
crank or near the rear dropout and measures the amount of torque being applied
during pedaling.
The amount of torque being applied nearly exactly matches the amount of power
needed at any stage of bicycle pedaling, including acceleration, steady cruising and
hill climbing. This means that a torque sensor PAS works much better than an old
fashioned magnet sensor PAS. The difference youll experience during riding is like
night and day. Not only will it make your bike feel a lot lighter on hills, it will make
your wallet feel a lot lighter as well.

A torque sensing bottom bracket

Ebike pedal assist advantages
But why would someone choose a pedal assist system over a throttle or vice versa?
One reason could be if you live in a country where ebikes with hand throttles are not
allowed. Ive spent a few years living in Israel where the laws forbid ebikes with hand
throttles from being imported. All the ebikes that come into the country come with the
old fashioned cadence sensor PAS. Humorously, a lot of them come with a hand
throttle in the same box but not connected to the bike. Even though it is technically
illegal, the user can easily slide the hand throttle onto the handle bar and plug in the
supplied wire, allowing use of both the PAS and hand throttle.
Another reason for using a pedal assist system would be for some who wants to
ensure that he or she are getting exercise while using an electric bicycle. Due to the
power and speed of most ebikes, many people find themselves rarely needing to
pedal their ebike. In fact, unless I make a conscious effort to provide some good old
fashioned assistance to my ebike, I often forget the pedals are there and simply use
them as foot rests.
A pedal assist system ensures that you always have to pedal, though not very hard,
to get your bike moving. This keeps you from relying 100% on the motor and throttle,
giving you some healthy exercise every time you use your ebike.
Pedal assist: trouble in paradise
Many people, including yours truly, find pedal assist systems frustrating and
annoying. I dont use my ebike for exercise. I have running shoes for that. When Im
on my ebike its because I have somewhere Ive got to be. Im heading to work,
making a delivery, running an errand or doing something that means Ive got to be
moving. Thats not the time that I want to worry about pretending to pedal in order to
trick my bike into working for me. I want a simple, responsive and fool-proof system
that is going to power my bike exactly when and how much I want, and thats what a
hand throttle is for.
Often times pedal assist systems fail to operate smoothly, resulting in quick, jerking
movements. If you just want to start rolling slowly, you can easily control your
acceleration with a hand throttle. But if you try to use pedal assist, you wind up with a
few seconds of delay from the time you start pedaling, then a jolt as the motor kicks
in abruptly. Not ideal under any circumstances.
So if you feel like you want to get some exercise, and youre afraid an electric bicycle
can be counterproductive to that goal, a pedal assist system is likely a good choice
for you. If you want to use your ebike like a motorcycle for some thrill-riding fun or
utilitarian transportation, a hand throttle will make your life much easier.
Note: while a compromise of having a hand throttle and a PAS together on a single
electric bicycle may initially seem nice, please allow me to nip that idea in the bud.
There certainly do exist ebikes like this, but Im not a fan. The problem is that when
you want to pedal a short distance, such as needing to scoot up or over at a red
light, or maneuvering your electric bicycle while walking it through a door or gate,
operating the pedals for a turn or two can cause the ebike to suddenly accelerate
when you arent expecting it. Premature acceleration isnt fun for you or anyone
around you.

Terjemahan :
Ketika datang ke masalah pedal membantu sistem dan throttle tangan, ada yang
kuat, pendukung vokal pada setiap setengah dari perdebatan. Pendukung kedua
belah pihak keras kepala tout manfaat dari sistem yang mereka pilih, jarang bergaul
dengan pihak lain. Namun sebelum kita membabi buta mulai memilih sisi dan
mengasah garpu rumput kami, mari kita belajar tentang persamaan dan perbedaan
antara pedal membantu sistem dan throttle Kediri.

Pedal membantu sistem dan throttle tangan keduanya metode pengendalian

kecepatan dari Kediri. PAS biasanya bekerja dengan sensor yang dipasang di
bagian bawah braket atau pedal crank arm yang merasakan irama pedal Anda (yang
lebih baik merasakan pedal torsi bukan irama) dan menunjukkan kepada controller
bahwa sudah waktunya untuk mempercepat. throttle tangan lebih seperti throttle
sepeda motor tradisional di bahwa mereka dipasang di stang dan dioperasikan oleh
tindakan memutar.

Kedua pedal membantu sistem dan throttle tangan datang dalam beberapa gaya
yang berbeda. Berbagai jenis throttle tangan sebagian besar hanya perbedaan
antarmuka fisik yang tidak mempengaruhi fungsi langsung mereka, sementara PAS
datang dalam berbagai bentuk dan kualitas yang terkait.

throttle tangan, karena keakraban mereka dan penggunaan, yang bentuk asli dari
kontrol motor ketika sepeda listrik pertama kali dikembangkan. Namun, beberapa
negara (Aku sedang melihat Anda, Uni Eropa) mulai meloloskan undang-undang
yang mengatur fungsi Kediri dan penggunaan, termasuk persyaratan bahwa motor
hanya bekerja bila pengguna mengayuh. Di beberapa tempat hukum bahkan pergi
sejauh untuk melarang tangan throttles semua bersama-sama. Ini diantar dalam era
baru ebikes dengan pedal membantu sistem yang dirancang untuk memenuhi
hukum dan memungkinkan ebikes untuk diimpor ke banyak negara mungkin.

Pedal membantu, bagaimana cara kerjanya?

Pedal sistem membantu

Jenis yang paling umum dari pedal membantu sistem terdiri dari cincin magnet yang
dipasang di engkol pedal dan sensor tetap ke braket bawah. Sebagai pedal crank
ternyata, sensor membaca tingkat mengayuh. Semakin cepat pedal irama, semakin
cepat kontroler akan membuat motor berputar.

Jenis PAS hadir dengan cacat desain utama: kecepatan pengendara yang
mengayuh tidak selalu mewakili berapa banyak daya yang dia butuhkan. Di tanah
datar, mengayuh lebih cepat biasanya berarti kecepatan yang lebih cepat dan
kekuatan sehingga lebih dibutuhkan. Namun, mengayuh atas bukit membutuhkan
daya bahkan lebih, namun kecepatan bukit mengayuh sangat lambat karena
kecepatan yang lebih rendah. Hasilnya adalah sebuah Kediri yang underpowered
menyedihkan ketika mendaki bukit, meniadakan mungkin manfaat paling penting
dari Kediri, mendaki bukit.

Torsi sensor pedal membantu sistem

Sebuah sistem yang jauh lebih baru yang telah ditingkatkan pada pedal lebih tua
sistem membantu adalah PAS sensor torsi. Sensor torsi biasanya dipasang di kedua
engkol pedal atau dekat jebolan belakang dan mengukur jumlah torsi yang
diterapkan selama mengayuh.

Jumlah torsi yang diterapkan hampir sama persis dengan jumlah daya yang
dibutuhkan pada setiap tahap sepeda mengayuh, termasuk akselerasi, daya jelajah
yang stabil dan mendaki bukit. Ini berarti bahwa PAS sensor torsi bekerja jauh lebih
baik daripada kuno PAS sensor magnet tua. Perbedaan Anda akan mengalami saat
mengendarai adalah seperti siang dan malam. Tidak hanya akan membuat motor
Anda merasa jauh lebih ringan di bukit-bukit, itu akan membuat dompet Anda
merasa jauh lebih ringan juga.

Ebike pedal membantu keuntungan

Tapi mengapa seseorang memilih pedal membantu sistem melalui throttle atau
sebaliknya? Salah satu alasan mungkin jika Anda tinggal di negara di mana ebikes
dengan throttle tangan tidak diperbolehkan. Saya telah menghabiskan beberapa
tahun tinggal di Israel di mana undang-undang melarang ebikes dengan throttle
tangan dari yang diimpor. Semua ebikes yang datang ke negara itu datang dengan
kuno PAS sensor irama tua. Bercanda, banyak dari mereka datang dengan throttle
tangan di kotak yang sama namun tidak terhubung ke sepeda. Meskipun secara
teknis ilegal, pengguna dapat dengan mudah geser throttle tangan ke pegangan bar
dan memasang kawat yang disertakan, memungkinkan penggunaan kedua PAS dan
throttle tangan.

Alasan lain untuk menggunakan pedal membantu sistem akan untuk beberapa yang
ingin memastikan bahwa ia mendapatkan latihan saat menggunakan sepeda listrik.
Karena kekuatan dan kecepatan yang paling ebikes, banyak orang menemukan diri
mereka jarang perlu mengayuh ebike mereka. Bahkan, kecuali aku membuat usaha
sadar untuk memberikan beberapa bantuan kuno yang baik untuk ebike saya, saya
sering lupa pedal yang ada dan hanya menggunakannya sebagai kaki beristirahat.
Sebuah sistem pedal membantu memastikan bahwa Anda selalu harus pedal,
meskipun tidak sangat keras, untuk mendapatkan sepeda Anda bergerak. Hal ini
membuat Anda dari mengandalkan 100% pada motor dan throttle, memberikan
Anda beberapa latihan yang sehat setiap kali Anda menggunakan ebike Anda.

Pedal membantu: masalah di surga

Banyak orang, termasuk Anda benar-benar, cari pedal membantu sistem frustasi
dan menjengkelkan. Saya tidak menggunakan ebike saya untuk latihan. Saya telah
sepatu lari untuk itu. Ketika aku di Kediri saya itu karena saya telah di suatu tempat
aku harus menjadi. Aku menuju ke tempat kerja, membuat memberikan menjalankan
tugas atau melakukan sesuatu yang berarti aku harus bergerak. Itu bukan waktu
yang saya ingin khawatir tentang pura-pura pedal untuk mengelabui sepeda ke
bekerja untuk saya. Saya ingin sistem yang sederhana, responsif dan bodoh-bukti
yang akan kekuasaan sepeda persis kapan dan berapa banyak yang saya inginkan,
dan itulah apa yang throttle tangan for.Often kali pedal membantu sistem gagal
untuk beroperasi dengan lancar, sehingga cepat, menyentak gerakan. Jika Anda
hanya ingin mulai bergulir perlahan, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengontrol
akselerasi Anda dengan throttle tangan. Tetapi jika Anda mencoba untuk
menggunakan pedal membantu, Anda angin dengan beberapa detik keterlambatan
dari waktu Anda mulai mengayuh, maka sentakan sebagai tendangan motor tiba-
tiba. Tidak ideal di bawah setiap circumstances.So jika Anda merasa seperti Anda
ingin mendapatkan beberapa latihan, dan Anda takut sepeda listrik dapat menjadi
kontraproduktif untuk tujuan itu, sistem pedal membantu kemungkinan pilihan yang
baik untuk Anda. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan ebike Anda seperti sepeda motor
untuk beberapa sensasi berkuda menyenangkan atau transportasi utilitarian, throttle
tangan akan membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah

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