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The conversation analysis

This is the analysis of conversation in “Disturbed” movie. This dialogue, or conversation

between Minnie, Ashley, Kale, and Ronald, in order to accomplish their duty, and their
mission. The place of conversation between Minnie and Ashley get in the store.
Conversation between Ashley and Kale by the phone, and the last conversation between
Kale and Ronald also by phone. In my opinion, they didn’t do a good conversation, such
as style, they are speaking so fast because in a hurry, no longer pauses between turns, and

Conversation text
In the shopping centre
Minnie : Ashley !
Ashley : Hai, Skinny Minnie ? ( 0,2)
Minnie : Where did you get that name ?

On the Phone between Kale and Ronald

Kale : Hello, Ashley … // Hello Ashley ?
Ronald : // Son of bitch. I am come in
Kale : There you go, nice. ( 0 )
All right look around, look on the seat, inside compartment, low box,
hold on.
Ronald : It’s not here doll !
Kale : Nothing?
All right … all right, keep looking, hold on!
On the phone between kale and Ashley
Kale : Yes ?
Ashley : Kale, I lost Turner. I crash with Skinny psycho !
Kale : Hum … you lost him?
When last saw him?
Ashley : I don’t know, about 5 minutes ago.
a. Adjacency pairs
There are some adjacency pairs in the conversation above. In that scene dialogue, the
players are in hurry to finish their mission, so the pattern can be implicit but the players
are understand each other.
Minnie : Ashley ! ( :: ) Hai. ( Greeting )
Ashley : Hai, Skinny Minnie ? ( Greeting )
Minnie : Where did you get that name ? (Asking information )

Kale : Hello, Ashley … // Hello Ashley ? ( Greeting )

Ronald : // Son of bitch. I am come in ( Information )
Kale : There you go, nice!. ( 0 ) ( Statement )
All right look around, look on the seat, inside compartment, low box,
hold on. ( Ordering )
Ronald : It’s not here doll ! ( Giving information )
Kale : Nothing? ( Asking information )
All right … all right, keep looking, hold on! ( Ordering )

Kale : Yes ? ( Greeting )

Ashley : Kale, I lost Turner. I crash with Skinny psycho ! ( Giving information )
Kale : Hum …(+) you lost him? ( Asking information )
When last saw him? ( Asking information )
Ashley : I don’t know, about 5 minutes ago. ( Giving information )

B. Turn taking
This mark is a scarce commodity called for the floor which can define as the right to
speak. Take control at any time is called turn. In any situation the control is not fixed in
advance, anyone can attempt to get control. This called Turn-Taking. This is a form of
social action that will manage the dialogue without monopoly.
Minnie : Ashley ! ( + ) Hai.
Ashley : Hai, ( + )Skinny Minnie ? (0,2)
Minnie : Where did you get that name ?

Kale : Yes ? ( Greeting )

Ashley : Kale, I lost Turner. I crash with Skinny psycho ! ( Giving information )
Kale : Hum …(+) you lost him? ( Asking information )
When last saw him? ( Asking information )
Ashley : I don’t know, about 5 minutes ago. ( Giving information )

Turn taking as shown in these dialogue, there are some pauses marked with a plus sign
(+) and number (N) sign (0,N) show the time in the second, and sign (+) used when the
pauses in the sentences are not attributable to else because the speaker has completed a
turn. Sign (0,N) used if the speaker turn over to another and the other speaker doesn’t

C. Overlapping
In every conversation that consist of 2 or more participants taking turn, and one person
taking monopoly of turn. Smooth transitions from one speaker to the next seen to be
valued. Transitions with a long silence between turns or with substantial overlap ( both
speakers trying to speak at the same time). In this conversation there is only 1
overlapping between Kale and Ronald.

Kale : Hello, Ashley … // Hello Ashley ? ( Greeting )

Ronald : // Son of bitch. I am come in ( Information )
In this conversation, Ronald overlap Kale. When Kale speak with Ashley, Ronald overlap
Kale speak.
D. Characteristic of Interaction
In this conversation all of participant doesn’t care with the rule of conversation. In this
dialogue the character of Minnie, Ashley, Kale, and Ronald have same characteristic.
Both of them is impatient, impolite. For the example :
Impolite :
Ronald : // Son of bitch. I am come in ( Information )
Kale : There you go, nice!. ( 0 ) ( Statement )
All right look around, look on the seat, inside compartment, low box,
hold on. ( Ordering )
In this scene Ronald said ‘Son of bitch” to Kale that mean verbal abuse, curse, or bad
habit. Even though they are best friend, I think that impolitely.

E. Back channels
Another type of floor holding device is to indicate that there is a larger structure to your
turn by beginning expressions. There are so many expressions to indicate that they are
listening while the conversations are taken place, such as: ‘uh-uh’, ‘yeah’, ‘mmm’,
‘humm’ provide feedback to the current speaker that the message is being received.
During face to face interaction, the absence of backchannels may be interpreted as a way
of agreement, leading to an inference of disagreement. In this conversation there is
backchannels that I got.
Kale : Yes ? ( Greeting )
Ashley : Kale, I lost Turner. I crash with Skinny psycho ! ( Giving information )
Kale : Hum …(+) you lost him? ( Asking information )
When last saw him? ( Asking information )
Ashley : I don’t know, about 5 minutes ago. ( Giving information )

• Hum in here show that Kale surprised with Ashley.

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