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El aj de gallina es un plato originario del Per, consiste en un aj o crema espesa

compuesta por gallina previamente cocida y luego desmenuzada .

En tiempo de la colonia, la carne que ms gustaba era la de gallina llamada Hualpa. Los
que podan usaban la carne y desechaban los huesos, stos eran recogidos por la gente
pobre llamados Pcaros, ellos los llevaban a sus casas y terminaban de sacarle los restos de
carne y le agregaban pan y algunos condimentos, para darle sabor.

Otra historia complementaria del origen de este plato se encuentra en los tiempos de la
revolucin francesa en el ao 1800, en donde muchos cocineros se quedaron sin trabajo y
vinieron a Amrica. Aqu son empleados por comerciantes empezando a tener presencia
constante en las mesas de las ms importantes ciudades del Per. De estos nace un plato
llamado Gallina al Jerreque, plato de creacin de los conventos de Lima, donde el
jerreque era una mezcla de agua, nueces y almendras picadas, y que esta masa
conjuntamente con la gallina desmenuzada, ajos, pimienta y cebolla daban como resultado
dicho plato. Con el tiempo, a este se le agreg el aj, es as como fue llamado Aj de


The Aj de gallina is a dish originally from Peru, it consists of a chili or thick cream made
from hen previously cooked and then crumbled.

At the time of the colonial era, the meat most liked was the one of the hen called Hualpa.
Some of then used the meat and discarded the bones, the bones were picked up by poor
people called Pcaros, they took them to their houses and finished removing the remains of
meat and added bread and some condiments, to give it flavor.

Another complementary history of the origin of this dish is from the times of the French
revolution in the year 1800, where many cooks were fired from their work and came to
America. Here they are employed by merchants starting to have constant presence on the
tables of the most important cities of Peru. From these born a dish called "Gallina al
Jerreque", dish created by the convents of Lima, where the "jerreque" was a mixture of
water, nuts and chopped almonds, and this mix together with the cumbled hen, garlic,
pepper and onion made the dish previously mentioned. Over time, the pepper was added
and that is how it was called Aji de Gallina.

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