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The boys learn the girl's name is Eleven, which is tattooed on her arm; they nickname her "El". Scientists
from the laboratory find a substance oozing from the walls of Joyce's home. At Mike's home, El
recognizes Will in a photo. She uses psychokinesis to lock the door and prevent Dustin and Lucas from
informing Mike's parents about her.

Tell your teacher what did you understand from the first half of the episode.

Do you think Els real name is Eleven? Why?

What do you think the strange substance comes from?

How is it possible that Eleven recognizes Will in the photo? Do you think she knows where he is?

If you had a friend that had gone missing, what would you do? Would you tell your parents?

Read this text about psychokinesis and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

ability levitate superpower literally skeptics disbelieve broken the Force

parapsychologist supernatural

Psychokinesis (also called telekinesis) is the (1)

______________ to move physical objects by the mind
without the use of the body. Psychokinesis first came into
use in the late 1800s. (2) ______________ meaning "distant
movement," telekinesis referred to the moving of objects by
(3) ______________ forces. At that time, believers would
think that the movement came from a spirit or a ghost, and (4)
______________ would think of it as a false trick.

It wasnt until during the 1930s that a (5)

___________________ named JB Rhine started testing
people for evidence of psychokinesis. His methodology was questioned by critics but the result came with
a possibility of 1 in 20 billion of possessing the (6) ______________ .

Throughout history, many men and women have claimed to possess the ability of moving objects with
their minds, including Uri Geller who could bend spoons and keys and fix (7) ______________ watches,
or Eusapia Paladino, a medium who could (8) ______________ objects and materialize the dead.

The possibility of true psychokinetic ability has fascinated the public, a fascination that is often expressed
in novels, film, television, computer games, and comics such as: Carrie (Stephen Kings novel), the Star
Wars saga (where they use the term: (9) ________________ to refer to said superpower) or X-Men.

As of nowadays, advanced scientific knowledge and the easy access to information has led people to (10)
________________ in all the parapsychology world, but theres still people out there who are convinced
that such things have always and will always exist.


Searching for Will, Hopper discovers a torn piece of El's hospital gown outside the laboratory grounds.
Nancy goes with her friend Barb to a party at her boyfriend Steve's house. Will's brother, Jonathan,
investigates his disappearance, photographing the woods where Will went missing. Hearing screaming, he
runs and sees Steve, Nancy, and their friends in Steve's swimming pool, and he photographs them. Barb
vanishes from the poolside. Joyce receives another call from Will, hears music from his room, and sees
something coming through the wall.

Tell your teacher what did you understand from the first half of the episode.

What do you think of Steve Harington?

Wills father isnt really interested in his disappearance. Do you think hes involved in it?

What is it that takes Barb from the poolside? Do you think the blood has something to do with it?

Do you still think Joyce is going crazy about hearing Will on the phone? Why?

Read this text about the Solway Firth Spaceman and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

analysts photographer dress famous suspicious mistery camera spaceman


The Solway Firth Spaceman is one of the most (1) ______________ photography mysteries of the 21st
century. Its somewhat special because it involves a figure of a man in a space suit which has led to many
theories regarding aliens or (2) ____________________ creatures.
However, the story behind the photography is the one of a normal
family on a day trip to the seaside.

Jim Templeton and his family took a one day trip to Cumbria, in
England in 1964. Jim, as a passionate (3 ______________, took his
camera and started shooting pictures of her wife and her daughter.
He stated: "I took three pictures of my daughter Elizabeth in a
similar pose and was shocked when the middle picture came back
from Kodak displaying what looks like a (4) ______________ in
the background." Templeton insists that he did not see the figure
until after his photographs were developed, and (5)
______________ at Kodak confirmed that the photograph was

Jim took the photo to the police, who after examining it, didnt
think there was anything (6) ______________ about it. The day
after, the story was in the local newspaper and from then on, it
spread all over the world.

Fourty years later, the Solway Firth Spaceman is still a (7)

______________ , even though there has been multiple attempts to explain and expose who the real
Spaceman is. According to Sheffield University journalism lecturer David Clarke, the "spaceman" is most
likely Templeton's wife, Annie, who was present that day. "I think his wife walked into the shot and he
didn't see her because with that particular (8) ______________ you could only see 70% of what was in
the shot through the viewfinder. Annie Templeton was wearing a pale blue (9) ______________ and she
also had dark bobbed hair.

Of its impact, Clarke said: "People will still be talking about it in another 50 years.


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