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In this stage finelgroundore is mixed wter and reagents creating a slurry when
agitated and injected whit air ,froth is created in the slurry and the copper is
lberatedor floated away from te hast rock.The almost dry ,gray poder product of this
process is called copper concntrate,wich contas about 30percent copper .

Flotacin En esta etapa, el mineral finamente molido es agua mezclada y reactivos

creando una suspensin cuando se agita e inyecta con aire, se crea espuma en la
suspensin y el cobre se lbera o flota lejos de la roca. Llamado cobre concntrate,
que cuentas cerca de 30 por ciento de cobre

As nex step,copper-containing minerals in the concentrate are further separated from the
other elements (chiefly,naturally ocurring iron and sulfur) using extreme heat.Th melten
copper i cas tinto anodes weighin 800 to 900 pound each.Theese averages are about 99,6
percent purity

Fundicin Como paso siguiente, los minerales que contienen cobre en el

concentrado se separan adems de los otros elementos (principalmente, que
ocurren de manera natural hierro y azufre) usando calor extremo. Los nodos de
cobre y castao pesan 800 a 900 libras cada uno.El promedio es de 99,6 Porcentaje
de pureza
Anodes creaed in the smelting process are purified y electrolytic refining.The anodes hang
vertically in cells in an electrolityc bath of copper sulfate and sulfuricacid .Thin started
sheets of pure copper are placed beween the anodes and act as cathodes .Both the
anode and caathode are in contact with a supply of direct ,high-amperage eelctric power at
low voltaje tht passes trough th cells with the electrolyte acting asa conductor,much like a
car battery.

Refinacin Los nodos creados en el proceso de fundicin son purificados y

refinados electrolticamente. Los nodos cuelgan verticalmente en las clulas en un
bao electroltico de sulfato de cobre y cido sulfrico. Las hojas iniciadas de cobre
puro se colocan entre los nodos y actan como ctodos. En contacto con una
fuente de energa elctrica directa de alto amperaje a baja tensin que pasa a travs
de las clulas con el electrolito actuando como un conductor, al igual que una
batera de automvil.

Drilling and blasting

Large drilling rigs bore a carefully desiged pattern of holes approximately 42 inches in
diameter and 60 feet deep into the rock. The holis are filled with an explosive compound of
ful oll and ammoium ,nitrate . Upon detonation thousends of tan of ore framented in a
single blast

Perforacin y voladura Las plataformas de perforacin grandes llevaban un patrn

cuidadosamente diseado de agujeros de aproximadamente 42 pulgadas de
dimetro y 60 pies de profundidad en la roca. Los holis estn llenos de un
compuesto explosivo de ful oll y ammoium, nitrato. Despus de la detonacin, los
millares de bronceado de mineral se fracturaron en una sola explosin
Loadin and hawling
Large electri-powered shavels are kopable of scooping up to 100 tans of are in a siglee
pass mammoth haul frucks are copable of camjing more tan 300 tans of material per load
Compiters and global positioning safluita systems assist dispatches in directing full loads
to Leach stock piles our crushing plant and in directing empty trucks back to awailable

Carga y reventa Los grandes electrodomsticos elctricos son capaces de excavar

hasta 100 tonos de estn en un paso de sello. Los movimientos gigantescos de
transporte son capaces de transportar ms de 300 toneladas de material por carga
Compiters y sistemas de posicionamiento global de safluita ayudan a los
despachos a dirigir las cargas completas a los depsitos de Leach en nuestra
planta de trituracin y en dirigir los camiones vacos de regreso a las palas que
estn a su alcance.
Crushing and conveyng
Some loads of are go diretly to Leach stock piles ,other are directed to primary crushers
where the ore is crushed into small enough sizc tobe placed a convenyo belt

Aplastamiento y transporte Algunas cargas de son directamente a pilas Leach,

otras se dirigen a trituradoras primarias donde el mineral es triturado en tamao lo
suficientemente pequeo como para ser colocado una cinta transportadora
Using carga grinding mills,ore is further crushed and ground to the consistenly of beach
sand because nature crtes copper in low densities( tipycally less tan1 percent,copper
luvels must be increased or concentrated to be recover al this i sor cmpished by the next
step,caud plotation

Concentracin Usando molinos de carga, el mineral es triturado y molido a la

consistencia de la arena de la playa porque la naturaleza crea el cobre en
densidades bajas (tpicamente menos tan1 por ciento, los luvels de cobre deben ser
aumentados o concentrados para ser recuperados al siguiente paso, Llamado

A) What does metallurgy deal with?

Metallurgy,or cience that deals with procedures usen in extracting metals from their
ores purifyng and alloying metals
B) What are the five basic steps in the development of metallurgy?
Identifying and discovering its usefulness
C) What are the three basic ages of metal?
Copper age,bronze age,iron age
D) What did the use of fire make posible?
The casting of metal and smeting of mineral ores

What is bronze?
La aleacin fundida de cobre y estao
E) Give 2 characteristics of the iron?
The most abundant on earth and the melting point too high
F) How was Steel discovered?
G) What are the seven metals of antiquity?
Gold,silver copper,mercury,tin,iron and lead
H) Name 3 3 cararcteristicas of the aluminium
Weight,low density,and resistance to corrosion
I) What does metallurgical engineering involve
metallurgical engineering involves the study,innovation,design,implementation,and
improvement of processes
J) What is metallurgy?
Metallurgy is a domain of materials science that the studies,the physical and
chemical behavior of metallic elements ,their intermetallic compounds
K) What are extractive metallurgy?
The metallurgy extractive is process used in the separation and concentration of
raw minerals
L) What are extractive metallurgists interested in?
extractive metallurgists are interestedin three: feed,concntrate and tailings
M) What are the metals more used as alloys
Aluminium,chromium,copperiron,magnesium,nickel,titanium,annd zinc
N) What is mettallurgst is task?
The task of the metallurgist is to achieve balance between material properties sush
as cost,weight strength,toughness,hardness,corrosin and fatigue resistance,and
performance in temperatura extremes

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