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Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156



Steven Jones and Barry Drust

Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University,
United Kingdom

Original scientific paper

UDC 796.332:576.8.095

Eight elite male soccer players from a Premier League Soccer Academy completed 4 v 4 and 8 v 8
games. The physiological responses to match-play were determined for each player by recording their heart
rates during all the games and filming each player to determine individual work-rate profiles and evaluate
technical actions. Mean SD heart rate for 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 matches were not significantly different (4 v 4,
175 10 beats/min; 8 v 8, 168 6 beats/min). Total distance covered during games was also similar (4 v 4,
778 160 m; 8 v 8, 693 103; P>0.05). The total distance covered by walking, jogging and sprinting did
not significantly differ with the number of players included in the game. Significant differences were not-
ed for utility (backward and sideways) movements (P<0.05) with greater distances covered in 4 v 4 (140
68 m) than 8 v 8 (107 51 m) games. Reductions in the number of players significantly (P<0.05) increased
the number of individual ball contacts per game from 13 7 in 8 v 8 to 36 12 in 4 v 4. The data from this
investigation suggest that the number of players involved does not seem to be a crucial determinant in the
demands of match-play. This observation is in contrast to more technically related actions that are signifi-
cantly influenced by player number.

Key words: heart rate, work-rate analysis, association football, soccer

Introduction demands of match-play as well as a consideration

The identication and development of young of the practical constraints placed on the training
soccer players has become increasingly important programme. Such limitations include the facilities
to elite soccer clubs over the last decade. This is a and time available for the sessions and the rules
direct consequence of legal rulings in the European and regulations of the national governing body that
Court of Human Rights and the inationary pres- determine the developmental process that operates
sures on both wages and transfer fees for elite adult within a soccer club. These considerations have
players (Williams & Reilly, 2000). The detection partly prompted a number of recent developments
and identication of individuals with the potential in the training of soccer players. One such advance
to become elite soccer players at an early age en- has been the increasing use of small-sided games as
sures that players can receive specialist coaching a specic tool for physical conditioning (Rampinini
and training to accelerate the talent development et al., 2007) in the development of young players.
process thereby helping to ensure the future suc- Small-sided games combine both technical/
cess of the team. tactical and physiological training stimuli (Ram-
Performance in soccer is a consequence of pinini et al., 2007). As a consequence they repre-
psychological/social factors, technical and tactical sent a useful solution to the time restrictions faced
skills and the physiological capabilities of an by the coaches of elite young soccer players. The
individual (Bangsbo, 1994). Any development physiological responses of adult players suggests
programme undertaken by a young soccer player that small-sided games can elicit heart rate respons-
should consider all these factors though there is es around 90-95% of maximal heart rate (HR max)
frequently a greater focus on the development of (Hoff, Engen, Kemi, & Helgerud, 2002) and lead
the tactical/technical and physiological attributes of to improvements in both aerobic tness and physi-
players. For participants to improve these elements cal match performance (Helgerud, Engen, Wisloff,
players must be chronically exposed to effective & Hoff, 2001) in addition to providing a technical
training sessions (Reilly, 2005). Such training stimulus. Several factors, related to the organisation
requires a close association to the competitive of small-sided games are, however, thought to in-

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156

uence the training stimulus associated with small- Experimental Procedures

sided games (Bangsbo, 1998). These factors could All subjects were fully familiarised with the
therefore impact upon their ability to be useful tools experimental procedures and the requirements of
for training sessions aimed at the development of the games prior to participation in the main inves-
young, talented players. Few studies (Little & Wil- tigation. This familiarisation involved the comple-
liams, 2006; Little & Williams, 2007; Owen, Twist, tion of three training sessions in which the relevant
& Ford, 2004) have, however, attempted to system- measurements were obtained from the participants
atically investigate the impact of changes in the while playing games with identical rules.
number of players, pitch dimensions, rules, coach Following this familiarisation each participant
encouragement, etc. on such responses. This would was lmed while competing in two small-sided
seem an important consideration for all coaches if games. The order of completion of the different
the effectiveness and time efciency of these drills experimental trials was determined by a random
as a soccer training stimulus underpins any inter- numbers table. The number of players was system-
vention. Such considerations may be especially cru- atically altered on each occasion. On one occasion
cial for coaches involved in youth soccer. Inappro- players played in a 4 v 4 game on a pitch, 30 x 25 m
priate physiological and technical stresses may not while on the other occasion players played an 8 v 8
only interfere with the normal processes of growth match (60 x 40m pitch). To ensure that all games
and maturation and lead to injury (Malina, 2003) were of a similar technical demand the opposition
but lead to psychological stress that may lead to was selected from the remaining members of the
athlete burnout (Kentta, Hassmen, & Raglin, 2001). elite under eight squad at the club. Both game for-
Taken together these factors may combine to reduce mats complied with the regulations of the English
the possibilities of young players developing into Football Association. Each game lasted 10 minutes.
elite adult players and hence undermine the objec- All games were timed by a digital stopwatch (Ca-
tives of such talent identication programmes. sio HS-3, Casio Electronics Co. Ltd, Guangzhou,
The aims of the present investigation was there- China).
fore to compare the physiological load, as indicated Both 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games employed normal
by both heart rate responses and work-rate patterns, match play rules. The tactical formations used by
and technical demands during 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 elite the players were, however, different for the two
youth soccer games. game formats. A 1-3-2-2 formation, using one
goalkeeper, three defenders, two mideld players
Methods and two strikers was utilised in the 8 v 8 matches.
Conventional positioning was not used in the 4 v 4
Participants games as a 1-2-1 diamond formation was used. A
Eight male elite youth soccer players volun- large number of footballs were placed around the
teered for the investigation, all of whom were physi- perimeter of each pitch at approximately 5 m inter-
cally active, taking part on average in three hours vals to ensure a rapid restart of play. All games were
of training and one match per week (meanSD; preceeded by a standardised warm-up period of 10
age 71 years, height 1.30.2 m, weight 25.33.8 minutes followed by 2 minutes of passive recovery.
kg, playing experience 21 years). The participants All games were completed indoors to minimise the
were all recruited from a single northwest F.A. Pre- inuence of environmental variables.
mier League Academy and were considered to be
of an elite ability for their age. All the participants Physiological and Technical Evaluations
gave consent to participate in accordance with the Heart rate was recorded following the warm-
local universitys ethical procedures. In an attempt up, using short-range radio telemetry (Polar Team
to minimise the effects of maturation all the exper- System, Polar Electro OY, Kempele, Finland).
imental work was completed within a three week Heart rate was continuously monitored through-
period. All the testing sessions took place at the out the small-sided games and recorded at 5 s in-
same time of day to remove the effects of circadian tervals. After each session all heart rate data was
variation on the variables (Reilly & Brooks, 1986). downloaded to a PC via computer interface using
The subjects also completed all sessions in a post dedicated software (Polar Precision S-Series Soft-
absorptive state (~ 2h), having abstained from vig- ware SW 3.0; Polar Electro, Kempele, Finland) and
orous exercise during the previous 24h. Each partic- stored. The mean heart rates for each minute were
ipants guardian recorded their nutritional and uid calculated for each participant for each game and
intakes for the 48 h period prior to the rst test. This used for analysis to provide an indication of the
record was copied and returned to the guardian so overall intensity of the small-sided game. The re-
that the diet could be replicated for the remaining corded heart rate was also divided into 5 intensi-
experimental trial(s) in an attempt to standardise ty zones (>50% HR max , 50-60 % HR max , 60-70%
the nutritional and hydration status. HR max , 70-85% HR max and <85% HR max). The time

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156

spent within in each intensity zone was calculated Statistical Analysis

to provide an additional indication of the physiologi- Data are expressed as meansSD. All data sets
cal stress associated with match-play. were assessed for the assumption of normality using
All players were lmed for the entire 10 min the Shapiro-Wilks test for normality of distribution
duration of the match using a video camera (Sony, statistic. A students t-test with repeated measures
CCDTRV218, Japan) to determine their work-rate (within subject) was employed to evaluate the dif-
proles during each small-sided game. The video ferences in between heart rate responses, the total
camera was positioned on a tripod (Vanguard VT- distance covered, the total distance covered in each
131, Vanguard, Michigan, USA) 5 m from the side activity category and total number of ball contacts.
of the pitch at the half way line. Four players were The Bonferroni procedure was applied to correct
lmed in each game (two from each team). None of for alpha-ination. All statistical analyses were car-
the participants had any knowledge that they were ried out using SPSS Statistical Analysis Software
being recorded at that specic moment. The video (SPSS Version 12.0.01 for Windows, Chicago, Il-
tapes were then replayed on a television monitor linois, USA).
(Sanyo, CE-24WN4-B) using a VHS tape optimiser
(Mitsubishi, HS-550V, United Kingdom). To ana-
lyse each discrete activity prole a hand notation Results
system was used. Activities were divided into four The mean SD heart rate responses for the
categories. These were walking, jogging, sprinting 4 v 4 and the 8 v 8 small-sided games are present-
and utility (backwards and sideways) movements. ed in Figure 1. Mean heart rate responses for the
The total distance covered in each game in each ac- 4 v 4 games was 17510 beats/min. This value was
tivity classication was estimated according to the not signi cantly different from the mean value ob-
stride length method devised by Reilly and Thomas served in the 8 v 8 games (1686 beats/min). The
(1976). These values were then used to calculate the percentage time spent in each heart rate zone was
total distance covered during the game. The number also similar between the two types of games (P >
of technical actions completed by each player was 0.05) (See Figure 2).
also recorded. These were cumulated for the en- The mean SD total distance covered was
tire 10 min game period and reported as the total slightly greater in the 4 v 4 games (778160m)
number of ball contacts. compared to that completed in 8 v 8 (693103m)
Drust, Atkinson, & Reilly (in print) state the though this difference did not reach any statisti-
importance of ensuring that observations made dur- cal signicance. Figure 3 presents the meanSD
ing game play are reliable. In this context, reliability total distance covered in each discrete activity
can be dened as the agreement between repeated category. The total distance covered by walking
observations by the same observer (intra-reliabil- (4 v 4, 18172m; 8 v 8, 18777m), jogging (4 v 4,
ity) and between repeated observations by differ- 31586m; 8 v 8, 33469m) and sprinting (4 v 4,
ent observers (inter-reliability) of the actions that 14364m; 8 v 8, 71 7m) did not differ signicant-
make up the activity prole. Inter- and intra-reli- ly with the number of players in the game. Signi-
ability were assessed by the re-analysis of one des- cantly (P<0.05) greater distances were, however,
ignated small-sided game by
the investigators. These ob-
servations were completed at
least 7 days apart to prevent
any learning effects inu- 200
encing the data. The level of
Heart Rate (beats/min)

agreement for the work rate 180

analysis was determined us-
ing the methods of Van Der
Mars (1989). This method
uses the percentage agree-
ment between two repeated 140
observations to provide an 4v4
indication of the consistency 120
of the data. The percentages 8v8
of exact agreements for both 100
inter- and intra-reliability
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
was 93%. This score is above
the value suggested by Van Time (min)
Der Mar (1989) as suitable
for a complex system. Figure 1. MeanSD heart rate responses for 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 small-sided games

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156

4v4 covered in utility movements in
4 v 4 (14068m) compared to 8 v 8
8v8 matches (10751m).
The technical requirements of
the game were evaluated by ex-
% Total time

60 amining the total number of ball

contacts. Reducing the number of
players in the game signicantly
increased the number of individual
ball contacts per game from 137
20 in 8 v 8 to 3612 in 4 v 4 (P<0.05;
see Figure 4).
<50% 50-60% 60-70% 70-85% >85%
Discussion and
Heart Rate Zones (% of HRmax) The aim of the present study
was to compare the physiological
Figure 2. MeanSD percentage time in each specific heart rate zone for 4 v 4 load and technical requirements
and 8 v 8 games
during 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games in
elite youth soccer. Few studies
have comprehensively evaluat-
ed heart rate responses alongside
Utility 8v8
work-rate analysis in youth soccer
despite the value of such data in as-
4v4 sisting coaches to develop suitable
Activity Category

practice-sessions for elite young

players. Our results demonstrate
that, within the limits of our ex-
perimental training protocols, the
Yog number of players does not seem
to alter the heart rate responses ob-
served within small-sided games.
Walk The manipulation of the number of
players within a team does, how-
ever, seem to have a small impact
0 100 200 300 400 500 on the work-rate proles observed.
Total Distance Covered (m)
Importantly, the number of play-
ers included signicantly affects
Figure 3. MeanSD work rate profiles for 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games. * significant the technical requirements placed
difference between conditions (P<0.05) on the players. This may indicate
that careful organisation of prac-
tice is crucial if the technical de-
velopment of players is a specic
focus in training sessions.
50 The meanSD heart rate re-
sponses to the 4 v 4 and 8 v 8
games were similar in the current
Ball Contacts

investigation. This is in contrast to
30 the data published by Rampinini
et al. (2007) for adult players and
20 Platt, Horn, Williams, & Reilly,
(2001) for youth soccer players.
10 Direct comparisons between the
studies that have examined small-
sided games may, however, be dif-
8v8 4v4
cult as the specic parameters
Figure 4. Mean D ball contacts for 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games. * significant difference used to control the training stimu-
between conditions (P<0.05) lus (e.g. instructions, rules, pitch

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156

size, etc.) vary widely. These factors are also likely utility movements in 4 v 4 games. This is similar to
to inuence the physiological responses (Bangsbo, the ndings of Grant, Williams, Dodd, & Johnson
1998) and hence confound a clear understanding of (1999). Such changes may be a consequence of the
the impact of player number on the physiological different tactical requirements placed on the indi-
stress associated with small-sided games. vidual players when the number of players is al-
It is clear that this type of training, irrespec- tered. The 8 v 8 games restricted individual players
tive of the number of players, presents a signicant to specic defensive, mideld and attacking posi-
stress to the cardiovascular system. The mean heart tional roles. The 4 v 4 games, in comparision, uti-
rate during the 4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games equated to ap- lised a much more uid playing pattern in which
proximately 83 % and 79% of HR max. Close exami- all the players were required to complete both de-
nation of Figure 2 illustrates that both game formats fensive and attacking actions. This may place ad-
result in heart rates in excess of 85% of HR max for ditional requirements on players, especially in re-
durations in excess of a quarter of the playing time. lation to defensive actions that may necessitate a
This stimulus would seem suitable for the develop- greater amount of backward and sideways move-
ment of aerobic tness in these populations if the ments. Additional analysis of these formations, us-
guidelines advocated by Hoff (2005) for adult play- ing a more detailed technical analysis in combina-
ers are relevant to this specic population. tion with individuals work-rate proles, may sup-
The work-rate proles observed in both game port these ideas in future research.
formats seem to be similar in pattern to those ob- The inclusion of match-specic activities such
served in adult elite 11-a-side match-play (Rienzi, as passing, heading, tackling, etc. in small-sided
Drust, Reilly, Carter, & Martin, 2000; Reilly & games will make the training stimulus more spe-
Thomas, 1976). Low intensity activities, such as cic to the demands of the sport (Rampinini et al.,
2007) and hence increase the efciency of training.
walking and jogging, accounted for approximate-
The evaluation of the technical demands of different
ly 68% and 75% of the total distance covered for
small-sided games is therefore an important consid-
4 v 4 and 8 v 8 games respectively. High intensity
eration of such drills even though few studies have
activity was performed less frequently in both types
attempted to investigate such data. The technical
of games (between 10 and 19%). This would sug-
requirements of the two styles of games were evalu-
gest that such small-sided games are predominantly
ated by obtaining simple frequency counts relating
aerobic in nature with small amounts of anaerobic
to the number of ball contacts for each player dur-
energy provision used to support the intense exer- ing the 10-minute game duration. This data clearly
cise periods. illustrated that the technical requirements placed
The work-rate proles of players obtained in on players during 4 v 4 match-play were greatly
this investigation also indicates a similar physio- increased compared to those observed during 8 v 8
logical load between the 4 v 4 and the 8 v 8 games. match-play. This would suggest that the number of
No signicant differences were observed in either players should be carefully considered by coaches
the total distance covered or the distance covered by in their organisation of practice if the technical de-
walking and jogging between games. Close analy- velopment of players is important.
sis of the data indicates that a greater distance was In conclusion, our data indicate that small-
covered by sprinting in the 4 v 4 games than the sided games impose substantial physiological de-
8 v 8 games though this difference did not reach mands on young players irrespective of the number
statistical signicance. Such trends have also been of players involved in the game These physiologi-
observed by Platt et al. (2001). This may suggest cal demands were not, within the limits of our ex-
that the requirement to perform high intensity ef- perimental training protocols, dependent on the
forts is increased when player number is reduced. number of players involved in the game. This ob-
Additional research may be required to clarify these servation is in direct contrast to more technically
observations. related actions that are signicantly inuenced by
Utility movements are frequently used by play- player number. This would suggest that activities
ers when defending against individual opponents that include small numbers of players can deliver a
or when returning to strategic positions with a re- more effective multi-component training stimulus
quirement to view all of the elements of the game. while maintaining the same degree of cardiovascu-
Signicantly greater distances were observed in the lar strain as a large group activity.

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156

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Submitted: August 31, 2007

Accepted: November 5, 2007

Correspondence to:
Barry Drust, PhD
Research Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences
Liverpool John Moores University
Henry Cotton Campus, 15-21 Webster Street,
Liverpool, L3 2 ET, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)151 231 4027
Fax: +44 (0)151 231 4353

Jones, S. and Drust, B.: PHYSIOLOGICAL AND TECHNICAL DEMANDS ... Kinesiology 39(2007) 2:150-156




Uvod otk/min; 8 v 8, 168 6 otk/min). I vrijednosti ukupno

Igranje sportske igre na igralitu manjemu od prijeene udaljenosti u obje utakmice, procijenjene
propisanoga pravilima igre vrlo je ekonomian tre- izraunavanjem duljine koraka u raznim vrstama
nani sadraj s aspekta vremena jer je to dobra pri- kretanja, bile su sline (4 v 4, 778 160 m; 8 v 8,
lika za tehniki, taktiki i fiziki razvoj igraa. Pro- 693 103; p>0,05). Ukupne udaljenosti prevaljene
mjene u strukturi trenane jedinice imaju odreene hodanjem, trkaranjem i sprintanjem nisu se razli-
posljedice u vidu fizikih i tehnikih zahtjeva koji se kovale bez obzira na broj igaa u igri. Znaajne ra-
postavljaju pred igrae. Utjecaj takovih promjena do zlike su dobivene za pomona kretanja (unatrag i
sada se jo nije sustavno istraivao, osobito ne u bono) (p<0,05) kojima su prevaljene vee udalje-
radu s djecom. Cilj je ovoga istraivanja procijeniti nosti u igri 4 protiv 4 (140 68 m) nego u igri 8 protiv
fizioloke i tehnike zahtjeve koje pred mlade kva- 8 (107 51 m). Meutim, kada su se te udaljenosti
litetne nogometae postavlja igranje malog nogo- izrazile kao postotak ukupno prevaljenih udaljeno-
meta 4 protiv 4 i 8 protiv 8. sti, dobiveni su vrlo slini akcijski profili svih igraa
za svaku utakmicu. Naime, igrai su, u postotku ti-
Metode jekom utakmice, hodali, trkarali, sprintali ili izvodili
pomone kretnje 24 %, 44%, 19% i 13 % u igri 4
Osam kvalitetnih mladih igraa iz Akademije no- protiv 4 te 27%, 48%, 10% i 15 % u igri 8 protiv 8.
gometne premijer lige (aritmetika sredina stan- Tehniki zahtjevi, predstavljeni aritmetikom sredi-
dardna devijacija: dob 7 1 godina, tjelesna visina nom i standardnom devijacijom broja dodira s lo-
1,3 0,2 m, tjelesna masa 25,3 3,8 kg, trenano ptom, ovisili su o broju igraa u utakmici. Smanje-
iskustvo 2 1 godina) odigralo je dvije malonoge- nje broja igraa znaajno (p<0,05) poveava broj
metne utakmice 4 protiv 4 i 8 protiv 8. Svaka utakmi- pojedinanih dodira s loptom po utakmici s 13 7
ca trajala je 10 minuta. Fizioloke reakcije svakog u igri 8 protiv 8 na 36 12 u igri 4 protiv 4.
ispitanika na zahtjeve igre praene su monitorom Podaci dobiveni u ovom istraivanju ukazuju na
srane frekvencije (Polar Electro, Kempele, Finska). to da igranje na manjem igralitu s manjim brojem
Svaki je igra i snimljen tijekom utakmica video ka- igraa predstavlja fizioloki dosta zahtjevnu akti-
merom (Sony CCDTRV218, Japan), kako bi se ka- vnost za mlade igrae. ini se, meutim, da broj
snije mogao nainiti radni profil svakog ispitanika. igraa u utakmici nije presudna determinanta tih
Kasnije su snimljene vrpce analizirane pomou ru- fiziolokih zahtjeva kada se radi o mladim igrai-
nog notacijskog sustava u kojemu su se biljeile i ma ispitivane dobi. Taj nalaz je u suprotnosti s te-
tehnike akcije i kretanje igraa po terenu. hnikim zahtjevima na koje broj igraa u igri zna-
tno utjee. Dobiveni rezultati upuuju na zakljuak
Rezultati, rasprava i zakljuak da aktivnosti koje ukljuuju manji broj igraa mogu
Aritmetike sredine i standardne devijacije sr- predstavljati uinkovitiji multikomponentni trenani
ane frekvencije nisu se statistiki znaajno razli- podraaj, zadravajui podjednaku razinu kardio-
kovale u igri 4 protiv 4 i 8 protiv 8 (4 v 4, 175 10 vaskularnoga optereenja (stresa).


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