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US009; 771009282 2) United States Patent (10) Patent No: US 9,710,092 B2 Han et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 18, 2017 (64) BIOMETRIC INITIATED COMMUNICATION 66) References Cited (1) Applicant: Apple Ine, Cupertino, CA (US) US. PATENT DOCUMENTS (72) Inventions: Byron B. Han, Cupein, CA (US) 6323946 BL 112001 Weseman a Craig A. Mareiniak, San Jose, CA Soran BL ave) Ween {US} don A: Weight, Son Franca, ae CAMS) € “) (93) Assignee: Apple Ine., Cupertino, CA (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (4) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, theterm ofthis EP eiehat Son patents extended asted under 35 ‘Contino TSC. 1840) by 835 days Ay eee OTHER PUBLICATIONS Inraionnl Seach Report and Wien Opinion data Ot. 24, (22) Filed: Man 15,2013 Prior Publication Data S 201410002388 AI Jan. 2, 2014 Related US. Application Data Ricardo L Osorio (74) Attomes, Agent, or Firm — Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP. Primary Bvaminer (60). Provisional application No, 61666,769, fled on Jun. (57) ABSTRACT 39,2012 A device has touch processing module that process touch Serwen inp o determine ifthe manne in whieh the inp (1) mc, ters ented indicates that the wsrinlends for excttion of Gusr insss 01301) 2 patcular command, Tn one embediment, the odie may Gon 0st (2006.01) acquire fingerprint data fom the wser's inp and analyze the oss 1725 (2006.01) data 6 determine ifthe input was entered with a particular ows 167 (2006.01) finger or finger sequence, In anther embodiment, te mod US.¢l. le may also acquire Gning data fom te user's enty ofa CPC. GO6F 10414 2013.01); GU6E 70488 pray of inputs and analyze the ting data to determine (GOIs.01), Hogar 1/72541 (201301), OSM 1/67 2013.01), HOAM 2250/22 (2013.01), ifthe touch sreen input was entred witha particular timing ‘or eadence. In sill another embodiment, the module may (58) Fleld of Classitication Search also acquire force data from the user's entry ofa plurality of CPC... GOSF 3/0414; GOP 2203/08104; GO6P touch seren inputs and analyze the foree data to determine 22004105: GO6P ‘M0488 to determine if the touch screen input was entered with a spe 349/156, 173, 174; 178/801-1807, particular force 178119.01-19.05 ‘See application file for complete search history. Cd dl

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