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Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318

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Comparing physicochemical properties of banana pulp and peel ours

prepared from green and ripe fruits
Abbas F.M. Alkarkhi a, Saifullah bin Ramli b, Yeoh Shin Yong b, Azhar Mat Easa b,
School of Industrial Technology, Environmental Technology Division, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
School of Industrial Technology, Food Technology Division, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Banana pulp and peel our prepared from green and ripe Cavendish banana were assessed for physico-
Received 13 October 2008 chemical properties such as pH, total soluble solids (TSS), water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding
Received in revised form 22 February 2011 capacity (OHC) at 40, 60 and 80 C, colour values L, a and b, back extrusion force (BEF) and viscosity.
Accepted 22 April 2011
Data obtained were analysed by MANOVA, discriminant analysis and cluster analysis. All statistical anal-
Available online 4 May 2011
yses showed that physicochemical properties of our prepared from pulp and peel, and green and ripe
banana were different from each other. TSS, WHC40, WHC60 and BEF can be used to discriminate
between peel and pulp our, whilst TSS and viscosity can be used to discriminate between our prepared
Cavendish banana
Physicochemical properties
from green and ripe banana.
Banana pulp our 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Banana peel our
Cluster analysis
Discriminant analysis

1. Introduction such as cakes (Yomeni, Njoukam, & Tchango Tchango, 2004) and
extruded products (Gamlath, 2008). Being able to differentiate be-
Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in tropical and sub- tween banana our prepared from different stages of ripeness
tropical regions. New economical strategy to increase utilisation of could help food processors to control the quality of food incorpo-
banana includes the production of banana our when the fruit is rated with banana our.
unripe, and to incorporate the our into various innovative prod- As the fruits of the banana trees are consumed at green, average
ucts such as slowly digestible cookies (Aparicio-Saguilan et al., ripe and ripe stages (Emaga, Andrianaivo, Wathelet, Tchango, &
2007), high-bre bread (Juarez-Garcia, Agama-Acevedo, Sayago- Paquot, 2007), the amount of fruit waste from the peels is expected
Ayerdi, Rodriguez-Ambriz, & Bello-Perez, 2006) and edible lms to increase with the development of processing industries that
(Rungsinee & Natcharee, 2007). The clear advantage presented by utilise the green and ripe banana. Like its pulp our counterpart,
green banana our includes a high total starch (73.4%), resistant banana peel our can potentially offer new products with stand-
starch (17.5%) and dietary bre content (14.5%) (Juarez-Garcia ardised compositions for various industrial and domestic uses
et al., 2006). Due to the high content of these functional ingredi- (Emaga et al., 2007). The peel of banana that represents about
ents, regular consumption of green banana our can be expected 40% of the total weight of fresh banana (Tchobanoglous, Theisen,
to confer benecial health benets for humans (Rodriguez-Ambriz, & Vigil, 1993) has been underutilised. Various studies have been
Islas-Hernndez, Agama-Acevedo, Tovar, & Bello-Prez, 2008). On conducted to investigate banana peel, and this include the produc-
the other hand, ripe banana our that is less known banana prod- tion of banana peel our (Ranzani, Sturion, & Bicudo, 1996), the
uct, may offer high sugar content to dishes requiring sweetness. effects of ripeness stage on the dietary bre components and pec-
Other than health and sensory reasons, the stages of ripeness are tin of banana peels (Emaga, Robert, Ronkart, Wathelet, & Paquot,
also important for technical aspect of processing. Banana pulp our 2008) and the chemical composition of banana peel, as inuenced
prepared using fruits at different stages of ripening has been by the maturation stage and varieties of banana (Emaga et al.,
shown to behave differently during manufacture of food products 2007).
The potential applications of banana pulp and peel our depend
on their chemical composition (Emaga et al., 2007; Rodriguez-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 4 6533888x2222; fax: +60 4 6573678. Ambriz et al., 2008), as well as physicochemical and functional
E-mail address: (A.M. Easa). properties. However, once the fruit is processed into our, identi-

0308-8146/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318 313

cation of the parts and stages of ripeness of banana used for our Viscosity was determined as described by Fagbemi (1999). Flour
preparation becomes a challenge. As far as we know, no study was dispersed in water at 8% (w/v) concentration using a magnetic
has been conducted to compare physicochemical properties of ba- stirrer (1000 rpm) and heated from 30 to 95 C in a shaking water-
nana our prepared from pulp or peel of green and ripe banana. bath (memmert, Gmbh-Germany) and kept at this temperature for
One study that compared the antioxidant compounds in banana 20 min. The slurry obtained was stirred constantly and cooled at
peel and pulp extracts found that the content of antioxidant com- room temperature. The viscosity was measured using a Vibro
pounds was higher in the peel than in the pulp (Someya, Yoshiki, & Viscometer (SV-10, A & D Japan).
Okubo, 2002) implying a potentially higher value of the peel in
terms of antioxidant content. Perhaps in the future it may be pos- 2.3. Water- (WHC) and oil-holding capacity (OHC)
sible for technologist to mix and match the pulp and peel our in
order to achieve technofunctional properties without sacricing Twenty-ve millilitres of distilled water or commercial olive oil
the aesthetic values of their products. This development can spur were added to 1 g of dry sample, stirred and incubated at 40, 60 or
the utilisation of banana peel as innovative ingredients in various 80 C for 1 h. Tubes were centrifuged at 3000g for 20 min, the
food and nutraceutical products thus increases the possibility of supernatant was decanted, and the tubes were allowed to drain
banana peel in addition to banana pulp to be processed into our. for 10 min at a 45 angle. The residue was weighed and WHC
The physicochemical properties of the our are expected to vary and OHC calculated as g water or oil per g dry sample, respectively
with stage of ripeness as it is known that the composition of (Rodriguez-Ambriz et al., 2008).
banana changes dramatically during ripening. It seems worthwhile
to study the physicochemical data of banana our and devise
2.4. Colour
methods to discriminate banana pulp and peel our based on its
physicochemical data. Statistical techniques that can be applied
The instrumental measurement of our colour was carried out
to perform this task include MANOVA, cluster analysis and
with a Colorimeter Minolta CM-3500d (Minolta, Spectrophotome-
discriminant analysis (Markus, Elena, Jacinto, & Carlos, 2002;
ter, USA) and the results were expressed in accordance with the
Ricardo, Pablo, Elena, Jacinto, & Carlos, 2003; Surez, Rodrlguez,
CIELAB system with reference to illuminant D65 and a visual angle
& Romero, 2007). Therefore the objective of this study was (i) to
of 10. The measurements were performed through a 6.4-mm-
compare selected physicochemical properties of pulp and peel
diameter diaphragm with an optical glass, placing the our directly
our prepared from green and ripe Cavendish banana, (ii) to use
on the glass. The parameters determined were L (L = 0 [black] and
the data to discriminate between the ours, and (iii) to single out
L = 100 [white]), a (a = greenness and +a = redness) and b
most appropriate physicochemical methods that differentiate the
(b = blueness and +b = yellowness).

2.5. Back extrusion force of slurry

2. Material and methods
A TA-XTplus Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems, Godal-
ming, UK) was used to evaluate the texture of the our slurry
2.1. Preparation of banana peel our
(8% w/v). Back ward extrusion tests were conducted with the disc
diameter 45 mm, setting the probe travel distance at 30 mm. Both
Cavendish (Musa acuminate L., cv cavendshii) banana, was
tests were performed with a test speed of 2 mm/s, a trigger force of
purchased from 12 markets around Penang, Malaysia. A total of
5 g, and force in compression mode. Forcetime curves were
222302 green (stage 1 of ripening: all green) and ripe (stage 6
recorded at a crosshead speed of 5 mm/s and recording speed
of ripening: yellow with green tip) banana of each stage of ripeness
was 5 mm/s to enable evaluation of back extrusion force (BEF) of
were obtained from each market. The fruits were washed and
the slurry.
separated into pulp and peel. The pulps were cut into transverse
slices of about 2 mm thickness. To reduce enzymic browning, pulp
slices and peels were then dipped in 0.5% (w/v) citric acid solution 2.6. Statistical analysis
for 10 min, drained and dried in oven (AFOS Mini Kiln, at 60 C
overnight). The dried pulp slices and peels were ground in a Retsch 2.6.1. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)
Mill Laboratory (Retsch AS200) to pass through 60 and 40 mesh Multivariate analysis of variance is used where several
screen to obtain banana pulp and peel our, respectively. The yield dependent variables (p) are measured on each sampling unit
of our was calculated by dividing the amount of our produced by instead of one variable. The objective of MANOVA is to com-
the amount of fresh banana used, and the results were converted to pare the mean vectors of k groups for signicant difference.
g/kg (g of our/kg of banana). Four types of our produced were Equality of the mean vectors implies that the k means are
ripe Cavendish pulp (R-pulp), ripe Cavendish peel (R-peel), green equal for each variable, and if two means differ for just one
Cavendish pulp (G-pulp) and green Cavendish peel (G-peel). All variable then we conclude that the mean vectors of the k
ours were stored in airtight plastic packs in cold storage groups are different.
(15 2 C) for further analyses.
2.6.2. Discriminant analysis
Discriminant analysis is a multivariate technique used for two
2.2. pH, TSS and viscosity purposes, the rst purpose is description of group separation in
which linear functions of the several variables (discriminant
The pH of the our was measured using a Coming pH metre, functions (DFs)) are used to describe or elucidate the differences
model 10. Flour suspension (8% (w/v)) was stirred for 5 min, between two or more groups and identifying the relative contribu-
allowed to stand for 30 min, ltered and the pH of ltrate mea- tion of all variable to separation of the groups. Second aspect is
sured (Suntharalingam & Ravindran, 1993). Total soluble solids prediction or allocation of observations to group in which linear
(TSS) in the same our slurries were measured using an Atago or quadratic functions of the variable (classication functions
refractometer (Atago PAL-1, Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) (Salvador, Sanz, (CFs)) are used to assign an observation to one of the groups (Alvin,
& Fiszman, 2007). 2002; Richard & Dean, 2002).
314 A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318

2.6.3. Cluster analysis In principle, this could cause less sweetness to be perceived in
Cluster analysis (CA) is a multivariate technique, whose primary R-peel our which in turn could inuence consumer acceptance.
purpose is to classify the objects of the system into categories or This suggestion however, needs further testing. Three types of
clusters based on their similarities, and the objective is to nd an soluble sugars, i.e. sucrose, glucose and fructose that have been
optimal grouping for which the observations or objects within each detected in banana peel (Emaga et al., 2007) may represent the
cluster are similar, but the clusters are dissimilar to each other. TSS of peel our.
Hierarchical clustering is the most common approach in which The mean L value ranged between 37.6 and 74.2. This indicates
clusters are formed sequentially. The most similar objects are rst a substantial colour difference existed between the pulp and peel
grouped, and these initial groups are merged according to their our. From visual observation this difference was obvious, i.e. the
similarities. Eventually as the similarity decreases all subgroups peel our was a lot darker than the pulp. Major change in colour
are fused into a single cluster. CA was applied to heavy metals in took place during drying of the peel that yielded dark brown
sediment data using a single linkage method. In the single linkage powder, particularly in the ripe samples. As banana peel contains
method, the distances or similarities between two clusters A and B glucose, fructose and protein (Emaga et al., 2007), an extend of
is dened as the minimum distance between a point in A and a the Maillard reaction could had occurred, while certain enzymes
point in B: such as polyphenol oxidase may be present in banana peel that
could contribute a certain degree of enzymatic browning (Thipay-
DA; B minfdyi ; yj for yi in A and yj in Bg 1 arat, 2007). This later explanation seems acceptable since the
enzymatic browning of banana is well known problem.
where dyi ; yj is the Euclidean distance in (1).
During ripening of banana, the esh colour changes from the
At each step the distance is found for every pair of clusters and
typical opaque white of a product with a high starch content to
the two clusters with smallest distance (largest similarity) are
a very soft yellow as the yellowing of the skin intensies (Salva-
merged. After two clusters are merged the procedure is repeated
dor et al., 2007). In fresh banana, the colour changes of peel during
for the next step: the distances between all pairs of clusters are cal-
storage as a result of ripening has been observed as a loss of green-
culated again, and the pair with minimum distance is merged into
ness, and increase in reddish and yellowness tones (Salvador et al.,
a single cluster. The result of a hierarchical clustering procedure
2007) which correspond to increase in the a and b values (Chen &
can be displayed graphically using a tree diagram, also known as
Ramaswamy, 2002) that took place as a result of the breakdown of
a dendrogram, which shows all the steps in the hierarchical proce-
the chlorophyll in the peel. a value of the ripe our was marginally
dure (Alvin, 2002; Richard & Dean, 2002).
higher than the green, meanwhile b value of the ripe our was
lower than the green that does not reect the actual colour charac-
3. Result and discussion teristics of green and ripe banana pulp and peel. Inconsistency in b
value might have been attributed to the excessive browning occur-
3.1. General descriptive statistics ring in the peel during drying, and to some extend the presence of
dark spots scattering about the our and interfere with colour
The average length and diameter of Cavendish banana used for analyses. No study could be found on the effect of drying on
the study were 18.0 and 6.0 cm, respectively, and the average banana peel, but quality of banana paste as inuenced by vacuum
weight per fruit was 174 g. Banana peel our produced was brown- dehydration has been studied by Thipayarat (2007). It was found
ish in colour and green pulp our was creamy pale-yellow in that banana paste dehydrated with vacuum dehydration had
colour, whilst ripe pulp our was light brown in colour. All our darker colour (lower L value) and more intense yellow colour
had visible dark spots scattering about the our samples, and (higher b value) that was hypothesised to be due to condensation
presented banana avour. The average yield of G-peel, R-peel, and to moisture loss, enzymatic and non-enzymatic browning
G-pulp and R-pulp ours were 38.5, 48.6, 159.6 and 118.5 g/kg of (Thipayarat, 2007).
fresh banana fruit, respectively. It is evident that pulp yielded more Mean WHC of all our samples increased with temperature, and
our than the peel, and green pulp yielded the highest amount of ranged between 1.4 and 8.2 g/g dry sample. These values are lower
our compared to others. than those reported in mango dietary bre (12 and 15 g water/g
Table 1 summarises descriptive statistics including the mean, dry sample) and mango peel dietary bre (11 g/g) (Larrauri, Ruper-
standard deviation, maximum and minimum values for all physi- ez, Borroto, & Saura-Calixto, 1996), but were comparable with
cochemical properties of our. The spread around the mean value bre-rich unripe banana our (2.5 g/g) (Rodriguez-Ambriz et al.,
(Standard deviation (Std)) was small and random in all samples, 2008). The mean WHC at all temperatures tested were the highest
indicating consistency of samples. The mean pH of our ranged in R-peel our (6.18.2 g/g dry sample), and was the lowest in
between 4.80 to 5.47 and R-peel our showed the highest pH R-pulp our (1.44.7 g/g dry sample). WHC could be related to
whilst G-peel our showed the lowest. the physical state of starch (Waliszewski, Aparicio, Bello, & Mon-
The mean TSS ranged between 1.22 to 4.26 Brix with the order; roy, 2003), dietary bre and protein in the our. According to
R-pulp > R-peel > G-peel > G-pulp. TSS indicates soluble solid con- Rodriguez-Ambriz et al. (2008) amylose has the capacity to effec-
tent of our, and high TSS has been associated with high sucrose tively bind water molecules, yielding a higher WHC. However since
content in banana pulp (Bugaud, Chillet, Beaute, & Dubois, 2006). starch was low in ripe banana peel (Emaga et al., 2007), the high
It has been reported that the average starch content drops from WHC noted in R-peel could be attributed to the dietary bres
70% to 80% in the pre-climacteric period to less than 1% at the and protein. The increase in WHC at 80 C in all our samples
end of the climacteric period, while sugars, mainly sucrose, was due partly to protein denaturation, solution properties of
accumulate to more than 10% of the fresh weight of the fruit dietary bre such as hemicelluloses and pectin polysaccharides
(Zhang, Whistler, BeMiller, & Hamaker, 2005). The lower TSS of (Zhang et al., 2005) and to a smaller extend to the gelatinisation
green banana our is acceptable since it is known that amylase, of starch in the our that absorbs water into starch granules with
glycosidase, phosphorylase, sucrose synthase and invertase can concomitant swelling (Rodriguez-Ambriz et al., 2008).
act in the degradation of starch and the formation and accumula- Another functional property of banana our is oil holding
tion of soluble sugars (Emaga et al., 2007; Terra, Garcia, & Lajolo, capacity (OHC). In general the mean OHC of almost all samples
1983). Since TSS of R-pulp was higher than R-peel, it can be increased with temperature, and ranged between 0.50 and
concluded that R-pulp had higher sugar content than R-peel our. 1.30 g/g dry sample. These values are lower than that reported in
A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318 315

Table 1
Descriptive statistics for selected physicochemical properties of banana our.

Parameter Green (G-peel) Ripe (R-peel)

c d
Min Max Mean Std Min Max Meanc Std
(a) Cavendish peel our
pH 4.30 5.33 4.80 0.42 4.86 5.69 5.47 0.24
TSS (Brix) 1.53 1.90 1.73 0.12 3.20 3.63 3.46 0.14
L value 34.83 48.73 40.88 4.46 32.43 41.08 37.62 3.07
a value 3.79 6.42 5.20 0.78 4.77 6.34 5.55 0.39
b value 21.01 27.07 23.27 1.94 11.02 14.01 12.47 0.88
WHC40a 4.14 5.20 4.91 0.36 5.39 6.55 6.10 0.33
WHC60a 4.81 5.85 5.23 0.33 5.59 6.72 6.34 0.33
WHC80a 5.15 6.50 5.88 0.34 6.65 9.26 8.19 0.68
OHC40b 0.69 0.85 0.76 0.04 0.78 1.06 0.93 0.08
OHC60b 0.68 0.80 0.76 0.03 0.92 1.05 0.98 0.04
OHC80b 0.95 1.17 1.03 0.06 1.07 1.39 1.28 0.08
Viscosity (mPa s) 46.73 60.07 54.24 4.38 66.80 83.90 76.47 5.56
BEF (N) 32.70 40.91 37.29 2.53 35.94 63.24 50.68 8.73
(b) Cavendish pulp our
Green (G-pulp) Ripe (R-pulp)
pH 4.37 5.65 5.06 0.52 4.76 5.60 5.13 0.29
TSS (Brix) 1.03 1.43 1.22 0.12 3.77 4.57 4.26 0.24
L value 64.37 79.25 74.18 4.62 67.12 74.86 70.85 2.53
a value 1.57 3.67 2.53 0.78 2.42 5.07 3.22 0.80
b value 14.69 21.69 17.36 2.32 11.51 20.23 14.15 2.59
WHC40a 3.72 4.08 3.94 0.12 1.08 1.69 1.37 0.18
WHC60a 5.37 5.99 5.66 0.17 1.56 1.88 1.71 0.10
WHC80a 6.03 6.53 6.31 0.17 3.99 5.03 4.67 0.41
OHC40b 0.64 0.91 0.80 0.09 0.69 0.87 0.79 0.05
OHC60b 0.42 0.64 0.50 0.07 0.73 0.87 0.82 0.04
OHC80b 0.71 0.97 0.85 0.06 0.94 1.15 1.05 0.07
Viscosity (mPa s) 35.07 47.47 40.94 3.65 84.13 91.67 87.88 2.18
BEF (N)e 0.54 0.81 0.67 0.07 1.97 2.72 2.32 0.20
Water holding capacity (g water/g dry sample).
Oil holding capacity (g oil/g dry sample).
n = 12.
Standard deviation.
Back extrusion force.

Table 2 bre-rich banana powder that could hold 2.2 g oil/g dry sample
Multivariate test (MANOVA) for four different groups (G-peel, R-peel, G-pulp, and R-
(Rodriguez-Ambriz et al., 2008), but are similar to that of mango
dietary bre with OHC in the range 1.01.5 g oil/g ((Larrauri
Effect Test Value F Sig. et al., 1996). Other products tested for OHC by other researchers in-
Group Pillais trace 2.94 123.48 <0.0001 clude mango peel dietary bre (4 g oil/g), (Larrauri et al., 1996)
Wilks Lambda 0.00 225.58 <0.0001 and citrus peel bre (2.355.09 g oil/g) (Chau & Huang, 2003).
Hotellings Trace 393.79 309.65 <0.0001
OHC relates to the hydrophilic character of starches present in
Roys largest root 215.94 564.75 <0.0001
the our (Rodriguez-Ambriz et al., 2008) that is present in high
quantity in green our (Rodriguez-Ambriz et al., 2008; Zhang
et al., 2005), and in lesser quantity in ripe our.
Mean viscosity ranged between 41.0 and 87.9 mPa s, and the
Table 3
Wilks Lambda for testing DFs. mean BEF ranged between 0.67 and 50.7 N. The order of viscosity
and BEF was similar; R-pulp > R-peel > G-peel > G-pulp. The func-
Test of function(s) Wilks Lambda P-value
tionality of starch is largely related to its gelatinisation and pasting
1 through 3 0.000 <0.0001 characteristics. When our sample was heated in water, starch
2 through 3 0.000 <0.0001 granules swell at their gelatinisation temperature, and when amy-
3 0.051 <0.0001
lose leaches out of the granules and swell, viscosity and textural

Table 4
The results of classication for discriminant analysis of the four groups.a

Group % Correct Predicted Group Membership

Cavendish Green Peel Cavendish Green pulp Cavendish Ripe Peel Cavendish Ripe pulp
Cavendish Green Peel 100 12 0 0 0
Cavendish Green pulp 100 0 12 0 0
Cavendish Ripe Peel 100 0 0 12 0
Cavendish Ripe pulp 100 0 0 0 12
100.0% of original grouped cases correctly classied.
316 A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318

changes result. In green our, starch gelatinisation may contribute low in ripe banana peel (Emaga et al., 2007), the viscosity and
to a certain extend to viscosity and texture. Since starch content is texture of ripe our could have been attributed mostly by

(a) 25.00


Scores of the second discriminant


5.00 Green Peel

Ripe Peel
Green Pulp
0.00 Ripe Pulp
-20.00 -15.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00




Scores of the first discriminant function

(b) 6.00
Scores of the third discriminant function



Green Peel
0.00 Ripe Peel
-20.00 -15.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 Green Pulp
Ripe Pulp




Scores of the first discriminant function

Scores of the scores of the third discriminant




Green Peel
0.00 Ripe Peel
-20.00 -15.00 -10.00 -5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 Green Pulp
Ripe Pulp




Scores of the second discriminant

Fig. 1. The scores of discriminant functions for (a) rst and second (b) rst and third, and (c) second and third, discriminant functions.
A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318 317

hemicelluloses and pectin polysaccharides. This explanation is Z 1 0:15pH 0:82TSS  0:64L  0:06a 0:30b
acceptable since banana peel contain a vast quantity of dietary - 0:54WHC40 0:70WHC60  0:04WHC80
bre, mainly hemicelluloses and pectin polysaccharides (Emaga
et al., 2007; Zhang et al., 2005). The total dietary bre content of 0:47OHC40 0:14OHC60 0:40OHC80
banana peel can be as high as 50% (based on dry basis) (Emaga 0:16Viscosity 0:64Texture 2
et al., 2007), while the hemicelluloses of banana peel constitute
20% of peel, and have solution properties (Zhang et al., 2005).
Hemicelluloses of banana peel may even be further developed into 
Z 2 0:06pH 0:61TSS  0:15L 0:15a  0:04b
gums or hydrocolloids (Zhang et al., 2005). The exceptionally high
 0:31WHC40  0:43WHC60  0:22WHC80
viscosity of ripe our was also attributed to its high sugar content
as indicated by TSS, and protein contents since protein has been 0:12OHC40 0:31OHC60 0:24OHC80
shown to increase with increasing ripeness of banana cultivars 0:64Viscosity  0:12Texture 3
(Yomeni et al., 2004). The differences in these functionalities may
have implications in products incorporated with banana ours.
Choice of our to be used in product development will be based 
Z 3 0:47pH 0:27TSS 0:96L 0:87a  0:86b
on these properties. For instance, our prepared from ripe banana
peel or pulp will be suitable for products requiring sugars, viscosity  0:25WHC40 0:67WHC60 0:18WHC80
and texture. These results also indicated the potentials of Caven- 0:14OHC40 0:12OHC60  0:31OHC80
dish banana peel our, together with banana pulp our to be
 0:10Viscosity  0:03Texture 4
exploited as food ingredients.
TSS, L values, WHC40, WHC60 and texture (BEF) exhibited
strong contribution in discriminating the four our groups and ac-
3.2. Multivariate analysis count for most of the expected variations in physicochemical prop-
erties (Eq. (2)). Eq. (2) explains 54.8% of the variation between
The results of MANOVA for physicochemical parameters are groups, while Eq. (3) explains only 40.5% of the variation, and this
shown in Table 2. According to these results, the physicochemical amount belongs mainly to the contribution of TSS and viscosity,
properties in all groups (G-peel, R-peel, G-pulp and R-pulp) exhib- whilst other parameters showed less contribution in explaining
ited a strong signicant difference in terms of selected parameters the variation between the groups. L, a, b values and WHC60
(P < 0.0001). These results indicate that ours prepared from peel exhibited strong contribution in discriminating the groups and ac-
and pulp, using green and ripe banana are different based on count for 4.7% of the variation. It can also be seen that OHC40,
physicochemical properties. Variation in physicochemical proper- OHC60, OHC80 and WHC80 did not show a strong contribution
ties was evaluated through DA. Three DFs were found to discrimi- in all equations (Eqs. (2)(4)).
nate the four groups of our (Eqs. (2)(4)). Wilks Lambda test for The classication matrix for variety of banana (Table 4) showed
validity of each discriminant function showed that DFs are statisti- that 100% of the cases were correctly classied to their respective
cally signicant (Table 3). Furthermore 100% of the total variance groups. The results of classication also showed that signicant
between the four groups was explained by three DFs. The relative differences existed between groups of banana our, which are ex-
contribution for each parameter in each DF is given below: pressed by in term of one DF (Eq. (2)).

Fig. 2. Dendrogram showing clustering of sampling sites based on physicochemical properties of banana peel and pulp ours produced using two different stage of ripeness.
318 A.F.M. Alkarkhi et al. / Food Chemistry 129 (2011) 312318

Relationship between the scores of DFs and the samples studied References
is depicted in Fig. 1a. Horizontal axis corresponded to the scores of
the rst DF, whilst the vertical axis corresponded to the second DF. Alvin, C. R. (2002). Methods of multivariate analysis. USA: John Wiley & Sons. INC..
Aparicio-Saguilan, A., Sayago-Ayerdi, S. G., Vargas-Torres, A., Juscelino, T., Ascencio-
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only one sample in each group will be sufcient to represent the Prez, L. A. (2008). Characterization of a ber-rich powder prepared by
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4. Conclusion
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na our prepared from pulp and peel, and green and ripe fruits of Suntharalingam, S., & Ravindran, G. (1993). Physical and biochemical properties of
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Yomeni, M. O., Njoukam, J., & Tchango Tchango, J. (2004). Inuence of the stage of
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The authors gratefully acknowledge the nancial assistance physicochemical characteristics of processed products. Journal of the Science of
Food and Agriculture, 84(9), 10691077.
from Universiti Sains Malaysia and the research facilities by Dean
Zhang, P., Whistler, R. L., BeMiller, J. N., & Hamaker, B. R. (2005). Banana starch:
of the School of Industrial Technology, USM, Penang. USM short production, physicochemical properties and digestibility a review.
term grant (304/PTEKIND/638098) is acknowledged. Carbohydrate Polymers, 59, 443458.

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