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----Good morning .

this morning we are going to work with a reading passage but we will start it after
relaxing a bit , you may sit back . Mean while I am going to put on some music and then I am going to
read something and act it out for you .And then I am going to turn the music off and read it again but this
time without acting it out , and at that point I would like you to listen and see if you can recall any thing
out of it and understand it . It will be great fun and easy to understand . Alright !So now we are going to
begin .You may take a deep breath in this nice pleasant atmosphere .Inhale and exhale good.. breath
in again .. and exhale. You will like this music , I am sure , its mine favorite too.

----Well I am going to pretend to use these two chairs are my bed , so we dont need to go anywhere
else , This is my bed and I am Rida . I am going to start reading it now.


----Ok now I am going to read it again , remember without music or actions ?Alright !and I would likie to see
sif can kind of bring in images back and all that I acted out and see how much you understand .

---- SIGH ..


Now I am going to give you a copy of this text .Plz stand up . and we will read it out together and see if
we can help ourselves remember all the vocabulary and words. Lets try and act it out together .The idea
is every time you say some thing and if you can act it out in action it will help you remember it better . So
stand at a bit distance from each other so u r not poking others .

---ready ??

---read and act

Wow , great good !you are very smart ?

Have nt u noticed ? smile

---Ok now lets work a lil bity on pronunciation

---read chart paper vocab with class

--tiptoed --stretcheddwhas the difference ? d and t sound .these sounds d n t are of very
interesting aspects in eng pronunciation .

--read words with class

--You can now tk envelopes kept right infront of u , 2 cards , tk one in each hand , d in right and t in
Raise card with the stressed sound for the word that I will read aloud .
--Ok now we will see if we can identify the past tenses of the verbs
--pair work , 1 read , 1 act
----Volunteer to act out the text that will be read aloud together

bring any querry back tomorrow
just before bed time go through the hand oiyt and see if you can remember the actions for the words in the
text .


Begin with greeting

Share the plan with class [ sound polite and considerate]
Put on music [ relaxation exercise]
First concert [ read out , intoning with music , act it out , use props , ask students to sit back and
relax ]
Second concert [ read without music and actions, ask students to recall images of your actions ,as
many as they can remember ]
Distribute hand outs
Ask class to stand up , read and act out together
Give them compliments
Pronunciation practice [ use cards from envelope and chart paper ]
Past tense practice [ use ball]
Pair read and act out
Invite volunteer to act out the text , that the class will read aloud .
Announce homework

Rida woke up early in the morning the sun was pouring through her
apartment window .She stretched lazily and placed her feet on the floor one
by one. Rising from the bed she tiptoed through the boxes , which lay
everywhere and put a kettle onto boil. Waiting , she glanced over all her
possessions , grateful she had the whole day before her. She scooped some
instant coffee into a cup and pour in the now boiling water . Stirring coffee
she tried to decide where to begin . She took a quick sip of hot coffee and
searched out her box of books and placed them neatly on the book shelf
.She then lifted her bag and put it on the table , she unzipped it and took
out her files and then kept them carefully in a chest of drawers. In another
box she found the photo frame of her childhood picture with her mother.
She hung it on the wall. She then sighed and then look at the calendar
.Tomorrow , her room-mate will come. But for now Rida had a house of her
own .



---chest of drawers


Paragraph 1: The sun never sets in the USA. Night life in its broadest
sense is a huge part of what makes USA lively .Nightlife in the USA
varies greatly , depending on where you are , but as long as you are
not in rural area , you will always find that there are fun things going
on , especially on the weekend. There will always be the sports bar
playing the biggest sporting events, the bars you can sit in and have
conversation , the lounges with a more class feel and sometimes the
loudest clubs for dancing too.

Paragraph 2: All Americans make most of their weekends. Las Vegas is

known for its never ending entertainment filled parties and night life.
There are huge casinos . Each casino has a different theme .Even , bars
are open 24/7 , there is dance , music , gambling , drinking and much
more going on all day long and particularly at night.

Paragraph 3: The restaurants here cater to all tastes from Thai ,

Japanese and Chinese to number of other cuisines. There are also
various other means of entertainment , like : comedy stage shows , talent
hunt shows and concerts , which keep people buzzing round the clock.
Paragraph 4:Precisely, America caters a huge variety of entertainment to
suit the taste of its people .

Paragraph 1:Life is thrilling , when one visit a world of wonder at

Magic Kingdom Park , where castles and flying elephants exist ,
where everyone who is young at heart enjoys and all the dreams
come true.

Paragraph 2:Be ready to sing along to the classic anthem of world

peace during a delightful musical boat tour .From a colorful dock, climb
aboard a cozy boat and set sail along the Seven Seaways Waterway on a
10-minute journey. Travel to all 7 continents and, by journeys end, see
for yourself that it truly is a small world after all.

Paragraph 3:The excited Mickey Mouse is in his rehearsal room, ready

to meet his biggest fans. You can discover here props and posters from
Mickeys magical career in the theater and maybe even spot a
disappearing dove or a rabbit coming out of a hat. The greatest magic of
all happens when you get a hug from Mickey Mouse himself.

Classroom Fears
Classroom Management
Last modified on 11 May, 2013 2:25 PM

As with a lot of pre-service and graduate teachers I think one of the main areas of concern is
classroom management. How will I deal with disruptive children in my classroom? How will I attend to
all the childrens needs? These fears are why I chose this unit, to learn more so that I can gain
knowledge to better deal with these concerns.

As with many fears in our lives, the fears I have in regard to students in my classroom stem from a
place of ignorance; of the unknown; of a lack of knowledge; of not having experienced that culture,
language or specific behaviour before.

As shown through the many inspirational quotes found on the internet the way through our fears is
through knowledge, by replacing negativity (fear) with curiosity (knowledge) we can hopefully reach
understanding and empathy. Difference or other then becomes something to embrace rather than
something to fear.


Some fears to face...

Last modified on 25 April, 2013 12:11 PM


Fear of treating boys and girls differently, of maintaining stereotypes of our culture and modelling
gender bias.


Fear of favouring the easy students, the children that are able to do the work.
Fear of not having the time or knowing the most effective ways to help high need students.

Cultural differences

Fear of offending. This is definitely an area of fear for me through my ignorance and lack of exposure
to other cultures. Having grown up and attended a school that was very homogenous, I have very little
real-life understanding of different cultures.

First language

Fear of not having a clue! I would have concerns as to how to construct my teaching to ensure I was
providing for a student for whom English is not a first language.


Fear of judging the cover not the book. I think we are all guilty of judging people from their outward
appearance. Again stereotypes come into play as we judge the child with the snake tail haircut as
being a bogun and instantly label them and perhaps place them in the bad category or not academic.
As Marzano et al. (2006, p.87) describe, we often react to people from the perspective of our past

Economic background

Fear of making assumptions. Along with the concerns of catering for low socioeconomic students I
think my prejudices here lie in the rich and the privileged. My working class upbringing has
embedded attitudes, towards people that seemingly have it easy in terms of material wealth. So my
fear would be that I prejudge these children and that I assume because they have wealthy parents
that they have it easy and should have no problems within the classroom.


What do I do?
Last modified on 25 April, 2013 12:12 PM

I think the student I am most worried about, would be one with extreme behavioural issues, that I
found confronting, and/or dangerous to other students. My fears revolve around helplessness; of not
knowing what to do to help that child; of the strategies to employ to calm them; to communicate with
them; and ways to enable them to participate, feel safe and belong to the class.

Know your students

Last modified on 11 May, 2013 2:16 PM

It all gets down to getting to know the students, of not presuming and clumping them into stereotypes
or preconceived ideas based on previous experiences. Cooper and Iles (2010, p.93) state, 'a complex
process of professional learning and reflective practice' is required to provide inclusive classrooms and
schools. As microcosms of society, schools are an opportunity to model societal values such as
inclusivity and acceptance. As we discussed with our group motto: of treating everyone with respect
and allowing students to have a voice and place.

Through educating myself about whatever differences I encounter in students I can gain deeper
insights into their culture, background, family life, and personal needs. This in turn will inform my
teaching practice so that I can model through my own actions the value of diversity, 'strengthening
classroom interactions and interconnections, and offering greater learning opportunities for all needs to
be developed' (Cooper & Iles 2010, p.93).

The steps in facing my fears in regard to students

Last modified on 25 April, 2013 12:22 PM


What is the presumed difference or lack of understanding?

What are the causes of my thinking?
Accepting it as a normal human reaction to think that way
Knowing such thoughts do not come from a place of truth but from stereotypes, assumptions
and prejudices formed from previous discourses surrounding and influencing me.


Be curious, ask questions, and discover more

What is the reality to you now and the individual in front of you?
Find common ground and share yourself
Through understanding comes empathy

Embrace Difference

Knowledge brings the power to share understanding with students

Utilise and celebrate each students uniqueness within the class
Help each student find their strengths and sense of belonging
Line up words , horizontally , particularlyfrom left to right
Subconscious support to conscious goal, coming over the logical barrier
mAtches , dynamites , birthday cake s , verbs
interrogative wordssubject . auxiliaries, verbs

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