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Alejandro Cuatucuamba, Luz Mara Tobar

Universidad Tcnica del Norte, Carrera de Ingeniera en Mecatrnica
Av 17 de Julio 5-21, Ibarra, Ecuador

In addition, it will be complemented with an
Materials and methods for the acquisition of interface that let you choose which type of muscle is to
electromyographic signals electronic cards made by train, as the person with your training progress hand
students at the Technical University of the North will have more precise movements to achieve full
"UTN" for interpreting signals the LabVIEW software mobility. This allows faster functional rehabilitation
(National Instruments) that is capable of movements process of the muscles based on intensive and
used are used to 3D virtual hand, is a system it can be repetitive exercises recommended by the therapist.
installed on any PC that has Windows.
The coach of muscles benefit people with disabilities
Preliminary Results and discussion: The coach has of upper limb and facilitate the speedy recovery of the
been tested with two people, a person with functionality of muscles, since the person can make
amputation of left upper limb and a person without training more often it does not need to move to a
this disability, for the two cases for the two cases grip rehabilitation center or therapist and thanks to visual
and clamp the hand controlled movement to the once feedback that represent the movements on the
muscle. computer.

Conclusions: This trainer has been developed to assess With the construction of myoelectric coach the
the condition of muscles and perform prior learning quality of life of people aimed at achieving Objective 3
before using a prosthesis. The group contained low of the National Plan for Good Living is improved. Which
and simplicity of the system allows training at home, states that "Improving the quality of life of the
facilitating and short-term training period. population is a broad challenge that demands the
consolidation of the achievements of the last six and a
half years, by strengthening inter-sectoral policies and
KEYWORDS: consolidate the National System of Inclusion and Social
Equity ". (Senplades, 2013).
Coach, electromyographic signals, virtual hand, 3D
model, GUI, level of muscle contraction. This research aims to develop a graphical interface
that models 3D hand, be able to interpret the
electromyographic signals (EMG) acquired from arm
INTRODUCTION muscles and perform hand movements such as
gripping, clamp and supination.
The construction of the myoelectric trained is aimed
at preparing the muscles of the arms as an aid to a MATERIAL AND METHOD
previous use of prosthetics for people who have lost in
an accident your arm or hand. Electronic materials that make up the coach signals
The coach will consist of an electronic device for
transmitting data to a computer and a graphical acquisition card myoelectric signals.
interface where you can see the range of movement of Electronic card for data transmission
the hand according to each muscle is to train. (communication).
interpretation system myoelectric signals.
Acquisition card myoelectric signals
Electromyographic signals
Card by a student "UTN" was used for the acquisition
of signals. Which has the following stages: stage of At this stage two graphs are displayed, the first is the
"pre-amplification" filtering the signal and a surround actual reading of the signal input to the system and the
stage (transformation of positive voltages). second is the processed signal with which it works
because it is more stable.
Card of data transmission
Selection muscle and hand movement
Card transmission has a microcontroller, which is
responsible for the conversion of the analog signal to At this stage it represents the muscle training and
digital voltage ranges from 0V to 5V acquisition card, can choose the movement to be performed.
then is sent via USB port to PC card drive is designed to Furthermore, the contraction level display. The
provide voltages from 0 to 5V, because EMG signals interface also has the option to save the EMG signal
are bipolar. data in Excel format, in Figure 2 is described as written
Interpretation of myoelectric signals

It has the following stages:

Initial settings

At this stage, the user selects the serial port "COM"

for which you want to receive data through the
interpretation system, the signal minimum and
maximum input is displayed, it is important because
this value is dependent for reference voltages, it
should be stressed that the EMG signals are not
constant so the reference voltages vary in each patient,
in Figure 1 a model of this stage with the different
fields mentioned above is presented.

Figure 2: Selecting the muscle in training.

Three-dimensional simulation of hand.

In the graphical interface, the model of a 3D hand

movements simulating (grip, clip and supination) is
observed, see Figure 3. The movement is as follows: as
the level of muscle electromyographic signal, the
execution of movement, greater signal generating
better movement progresses.

Figure 1: Initial Settings

Matlab code index finger.
Figure 3: 3D simulation of hand.

Kinematic equations. L1=21.8; //longitud del metacarpo

L2=14.1 // longitud del medial
L3=8.6 // longitud del distal
The movement of the hand model is based on
t1=0:((pi/2)/20):(pi/2) // rango de movimientos
kinematic equations corresponding to each finger.
del dedo
Index finger kinematic equation: the equations t3=0:((pi/2)/20):(pi/2)
according to anthropomorphic hand model (Victor px=L1*cos(t1)+L2*cos(t1+t2)+L3*cos(t2+t1+t3)
Martinez, 2006). //ecuacin del dedo

Kinematic equation thumb:

Equations in the node A2= (X2, Y2):

Node A= (X, Y):
-X=L1.Cos (1)+L2.Cos (1+2)+ L3.Cos (1+2+ Node A= (X, Y):
3)+ L4.Cos (1+2+ 3+ 4) -X=L1.Cos (1) + L2.Cos (1+2)+ L3.Cos (1+2+ 3)
-Y=L1.Sen (1) + L2.Sen (1+2)+ L3.Sen (1+2+ -Y=L1.Sen (1) + L2.Sen (1+2)+ L3.Sen (1+2+ 3)
3)+ L4.Sen (1+2+ 3+ 4) Trajectory thumb:
Path index finger.
Figure 5: Signal muscle Biceps.

Code Matlab: The point of electrode placement is very important

to acquire a good sign for each person is different
t1=0:((pi/2)/20):(pi/4) To have a broader and deeper study of this research
t2=0:((pi/2)/20):(pi/4) topic coach suggested try more disabled people to
px=L1*cos(t1)+L2*cos(t1+t2) check the functionality of the GUI, the influence of
py=L1*sin(t1)+L2*sin(t1+t2) amputation in obtaining electromyographic signal and
plot(px,py) variability in different patients.


As preliminary results should be mentioned that for With tests the level of performance the coach was
performance validation tests were conducted coach in verified, it concludes with the first subject several
two subjects keeping the same protocol, the first drawbacks due to low muscle definition and little
person with a congenital amputation below the elbow muscle strength were presented. With the second
and the second is a person without amputation. subject, tests were more successful, because muscle is
always in physical activity.
For the first person it is difficult to read a large sign
as arm muscles have not been in constant activity, An interface (HMI) user friendly, which provides
losing strength and having a range of small signal. Tests many facilities designed to patient. For example: the
were performed on two different muscles such as the main parameters that are important to choose the best
deltoid and biceps, deltoid to have more possible training is configured from the same interface.
electromyographic signal, as can be seen measuring
ranges in the following Figure 4. To discretize the signal, the coach work more
efficiently; in the signal that has a lot of noise and
coach showed some abnormalities when training was

3D hand model designed it in Solidworks due to

advanced design tools that has the software and
subsequently imported into LabVIEW, once imported
the model engine was added to each joint or joint to
give movements.

Each joint movements are based on kinematic

Figure 4: Signal deltoid muscle.
equations according to the geometry of the hand.
The second person having no muscles amputation is
better defined which provides a greater signal range.
The second test biceps muscle, as it turned out that he BIBLIOGRAPHY
is more powerful signal, Figure 5 shows these ranges.
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