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Perhaps someday, American power

will have eroded to the point where

the United States has no choice but
to accept those risks and retrench as
fundamentally as Mearsheimer and
Walt suggest. But until then, U.S.
officials should resist the siren song
of offshore balancing. Assistant Editor
HAL BRANDS is Henry A. Kissinger Distin-
guished Professor of Global Aairs at Johns Foreign Affairs is looking for
Hopkins Universitys School of Advanced
International Studies.
Assistant Editors to join our
editorial team.
PETER FEAVER is Professor of Political
Science and Public Policy at Duke University.
The Assistant Editor position
is a full-time paid job offering
exceptional training in serious
Mearsheimer and Walt Reply journalism. Previous Assistant

Editors have included recent
n The Case for Offshore Balancing,
graduates from undergraduate and
we argue that if a potential hegemon
masters programs. Candidates
emerges in Europe, Northeast Asia,
should have a serious interest in
or the Persian Gulf, Washington should
international relations, a flair for
commit resources to preserve a favorable
writing, and a facility with the
balance of power and, if necessary, fight
English language.
to defend it. If no potential hegemon is
present, however, the United States should
Assistant Editors work for one year,
remain offshore and let regional powers
starting in July or August.
uphold the balance.
Hal Brands and Peter Feaver reject
For more information about how
this recommendation and contend that
to apply for the 201718 Assistant
the United States should continue its
Editor position, please visit:
failed pursuit of its existing grand strat-
egy, liberal hegemony. But they repeat-
edly misrepresent our argument and
offer a dubious account of the relevant
historyunwittingly underscoring the Applications will be due
superiority of offshore balancing. February 6, 2017.
Brands and Feaver begin by claiming
that we want the United States to remain
offshore in Europe, Asia, and the Gulf,
intervening in those regions only after
war has broken out and a hegemon is
about to win. This assertion allows them
to accuse us of wanting to roll back

Mearsheimer and Walt and Their Critics

current U.S. alliances in all three areas and serious enemies at all. No matter what
to suggest that had U.S. policymakers the world looks like, the recommendation
adopted our approach in the late 1940s, is always the same: the United States
there would have been no nato, no should try to run it. But as the past 25
strategy of containment, and no Cold years have shown again and again, this
War victory. approach leads to costly quagmires and
This predictable attempt to make us repeated foreign policy failures.
sound like isolationists is wrong. In our Indeed, it is telling that Brands and
article, we make it clear that the United Feaver never say what U.S. interests are
States should deploy forces onshore before or attempt to specify priorities among
war breaks out if the regional powers them. Instead, they justify the deploy-
cannot check a rising hegemon, and we ment of U.S. forces almost everywhere by
describe the United States Cold War assuming that doing so guarantees peace.
alliances as a clear-cut example of this Again, Brands and Feaver are mistaken.
policy. Moreover, we recommend the They suggest that the United States could
continued deployment of U.S. forces have prevented World War II had it
in Asia to counter any future Chinese committed troops to Europe before the
attempt to dominate that region. Con- conflict started. But Europe was a sim-
trary to what Brands and Feaver say, mering cauldron of great-power rivalry in
Washingtons alliances and force pos- the interwar period, and in all likelihood,
tures during the Cold War and in Asia even an enormous U.S. military presence
today are wholly consistent with off- there would not have calmed the conti-
shore balancing. nent. Its hard to believe that U.S. troops
In effect, Brands and Feaver portray would have proved sufficient to deter
U.S. policy in much of the first half of Hitler or put an end to the suspicions
the twentieth century as textbook offshore between Berlin and Moscow. Moreover,
balancing but claim that Cold War committing a large army to Europe would
containment represented the reverse have ensured that the United States was
of that policy. Not so: the United States involved in the bloodbath of World War
followed the core logic of offshore balanc- II from the beginning. From an American
ing from 1900 to 1990 and embraced perspective, it was better to enter that
liberal hegemony only after the Soviet conflict as late as possible and let others
Union collapsed. bear the brunt of the fighting.
Under offshore balancing, the United Events since 1945 provide abundant
States exploits its favorable location and evidence that a large U.S. military pres-
calibrates its overseas commitments ence does not always ensure peace. Such
according to what is happening in key a presence in East Asia failed to keep the
regions. Under liberal hegemony, by United States out of two bloody wars
contrast, those factors hardly matter. there during the Cold War (Korea and
The United States is supposed to deploy Vietnam), and despite the tens of thou-
forces around the globe under any and sands of troops in the region today, few
all circumstances, whether it faces a single would deny that there is a serious possibil-
peer competitor, a complex multipolar ity of military clashes between China and
world of contending great powers, or no the United States over the East China and

170 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Should America Retrench?

South China Seas, Taiwan, or the Korean everywhere and U.S. intervention
Peninsula. Nor did a major U.S. military guarantees peace, as they maintain, then
presence in Europe prevent the Balkan it should have intervened to prevent
wars in the 1990s or the current war in every Arab-Israeli war, all three Indo-
Ukraine, which could escalate into a Pakistani wars, the Iran-Iraq War, the
broader conflict involving the United First and Second Congo Wars, and so on.
States. And in the Middle East, repeated By their logic, Washington should keep
U.S. military engagement since the end expanding its overseas military presence
of the Cold War has not kept the region until the entire world is at peace.
from becoming engulfed in warsand Lastly, Brands and Feaver write that
in fact caused many of those wars. offshore balancing makes the United
This is no accident, because pursuing States more dependent on morally
liberal hegemony, as Brands and Feaver bankrupt regimes, insisting further that
advocate, not only fails to guarantee Americans expect their allies to abide
peace around the world; it also leads to by minimum humanitarian standards.
foolish wars. The belief that the United History shows otherwise. The United
States should be committed all over the States allied with Joseph Stalin in World
world produced the Vietnam War, a clear War II and tacitly with Mao Zedong in
departure from offshore balancing. That the 1970sboth of whom murdered
same thinking lay behind the disastrous millions of their own citizens. Washing-
2003 invasion of Iraqwhich Feaver ton has also propped up numerous Latin
supported and we opposedas well as American dictators, today backs a military
the failed U.S. interventions in Afghani- regime in Egypt and a harsh theocracy
stan and Libya. The United States has in Saudi Arabia, and continues to turn a
also interfered in Somalia, Sudan, Syria, blind eye to, if not support, Israels brutal
and Yemen, among other places, with treatment of the Palestinians.
little to show for it. Brands and Feaver International politics is a dangerous
trivialize these costly failures as a few business, and moral tradeoffs are some-
undeniable setbacks, but they were in times necessary. By committing U.S.
fact an inevitable consequence of the power more selectively, however, offshore
misguided attempt to garrison the world balancing requires such compromises only
and spread democracy by force. when the United States faces imminent
Brands and Feaver also reject off- threats to its vital interests. By encourag-
shore balancing by saying that although ing the U.S. military to get involved
the right moment for intervening can everywhere, Brands and Feavers approach
sometimes be seen in hindsight, identify- often forces Washington to rely on
ing it in real time, amid enormous dubious allies in far-flung regions. Once
uncertainty, is far harder. But deciding committed to defending them, of course,
whether and when to intervene is much it has little leverage over their behavior.
easier under our strategy, since offshore Given liberal hegemonys many flaws,
balancers, unlike liberal hegemonists it is no wonder U.S. foreign policy has
such as Brands and Feaver, provide clear failed so often in recent years. One
criteria to inform that decision. But if does wonder, however, why Brands
the United States has vital interests and Feaver continue to defend it.

November/December 2016 171

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