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ESTUDIO TERMINOLGICO DE Artful wellness: Attending chamber music concert reduces pain and increases mood and energy

for older adults

Trmino Definicin en diccionario monolinge Definicin en Definicin en diccionario especializado de Ejemplos en
diccionario ingls- acuerdo al contexto del texto especfico la fuente
Artful wellness. Artful: Artful: En el contexto del artculo, la terapia a travs Artful
Este trmino adj. adj. del arte se refiere de forma especfica a wellness:
puede 1. Exhibiting art or skill. 1. Astuto, taimado, musicoterapia, por lo tanto, se incluye el Attending
interpretarse 2. Skillful in accomplishing a purpose, ladino. concepto aqu. chamber
como art therapy especially by the use of cunning or 2. Ingenioso . Adicionalmente, en la versin final de la music concert
(esta es la craft. Wellness: traduccin, se eligi el trmino terapia a reduces pain
1 6
definicin 3. Artificial . s. Bienestar, sanidad . travs de la msica, que es equivalente a and increases
completa del Wellness: Art therapy: musicoterapia. mood and
trmino que se n. s. Forma de psicoterapia Music therapy: energy for
coloca luego de 1. The quality or state of being healthy, que utiliza las artes n. Therapy that incorporates the use of older adults
las definiciones esp. as the result of deliberate effort; plsticas como medio de musical expression, creation, or listening as (Ttulo).
individuales de health. recuperar o mejorar la part of psychological treatment or physical
artful y wellness). 2. An approach to health care that salud mental y el rehabilitation8.
emphasizes preventing illness and bienestar emocional y Musicoterapia:
prolonging life, as opposed to social. Se trata de un tipo s. Uso de la msica y/o sus elementos (sonido,
emphasizing treating diseases2. de psicoterapia integrada ritmo, meloda, armona) realizado por un
Art theraphy: en el concepto genrico musicoterapeuta calificado con un paciente o
n. Psychotherapy that incorporates the de terapia artstica, ya grupo, en un proceso creado para facilitar,
production of visual art, such as painting que utiliza una de las promover la comunicacin, las relaciones, el
or sculpture, in order to understand and diferentes disciplinas aprendizaje, el movimiento, la expresin, la
express one's feelings3. organizacin y otros objetivos teraputicos

1 artful. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
2 wellness. (n.d.) Random House Kernerman Websters College Dictionary. (2010). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
3 art therapy. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 7 2017 from

5 artful. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 7 2017 from

6 wellness. (n.d.) English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary. (2006). Retrieved June 7 2017 from

8 music therapy. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
n. Using the spontaneous creation of art as artsticas para llevarse a relevantes, para as satisfacer las necesidades
a means of self-expression in order to cabo7. fsicas, emocionales, mentales, sociales y
improve emotional well-being. Individuals cognitivas9.
are encouraged by a therapist to express
their feelings through collage-making,
drawing, modeling, painting, or sculpting 4.
Older adults. n. s. Para evitar usar un trmino tan extenso como The purpose
Este es el trmino 1. A person past middle age, perhaps 1. Adultos mayores. personas de 55 aos en adelante, se opt por of this study
especfico que se (but not necessarily) elderly10. 2. Personas mayores11. emplear pacientes de 55 aos en adelante. De was to
emplea en 2. Old age refers to ages nearing or 3. Persona mayor (sana esta forma, cuando ya comienza a repetirse el examine the
ciencias sociales. surpassing the life expectancy of o enferma) trmino a lo largo del abstract, entonces experience of
De acuerdo a la human beings, and is thus the end of autnoma: incluye a simplemente se usa pacientes. providing
metodologa del the human life cycle.Terms and las personas Adicionalmente, como trmino especializado professional
documento, los euphemisms for old people include, mayores de 65 aos, se encontr lo siguiente: Old age is a social chamber
adultos mayores a old people (worldwide usage), seniors sanas y afectas de construct rather than a definite biological music to
los que el trmino (American usage), senior citizens enfermedades stage, and the chronological age denoted as cognitively
se refiere, (British and American usage), older (agudas o crnicas) "old age" varies culturally and historically. intact and
corresponde a adults (in the social sciences), the no potencialmente Esto reafirma la eleccin de la palabra cognitively
adultos con elderly, and elders (in many incapacitantes12. paciente: es necesario evitar cualquier impaired older
edades que culturesincluding the cultures of ambigedad teniendo en cuenta las posibles adults in .
sobrepasan los 55 aboriginal people). diferencias culturales.

4 art therapy. (n.d.) Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group. (2008). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
7 Arteterapia. (2017, 3 de marzo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 21:08, junio 7, 2017 desde
9 Musicoterapia. (2017, 25 de mayo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 21:19, junio 7, 2017 desde
10 older adult. (n.d.) Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. (2015). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
11 older adult. (n. d.) Diccionario Linguee. (2017). Retrieved June 7 2017 from
12 Tercera edad. (2017, 13 de mayo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 23:56, junio 7, 2017 desde
Cognitively Cognitively: Cognitive: En el contexto especfico del documento, el The purpose
intact/impaired. adv. adj. dficit cognitivo, es un trmino muy amplio of this study
A pesar que en el Of, characterized by, involving, or relating 1. rel. al conocimiento; que puede tratarse como una discapacidad was to
texto se to cognition. In a cognitive manner13. 2. rel. al proceso general asociada a cualquier barrera para el examine the
identifican ambos Intact: mental de proceso cognitivo19. experience of
trminos de forma adj. comprensin16. Cognitive impairment: providing
independiente, la 1. Remaining sound, entire, or uninjured; Intact: n. The loss of intellectual function, i.e., of professional
definicin puede not impaired in any way. adj. thinking effectively. It may occur briefly after chamber
englobarlos a 2. Having all physical parts, especially: Intacto17. drug overdose or alcohol use, during sepsis, or music to
ambos, ya que al a. Having the hymen unbroken. Impaired: after severe head injury. Permanent cognitive cognitively
hablar de intact b. Not castrated14. adj. impairment may occur in older adults. intact and
versus impaired, Impaired: impedido-a, baldado-a; Approximately half of the population over 85 cognitively
se hace referencia adj. desmejorado-a, show permanently impaired thinking when impaired
a la presencia o 1. Diminished, damaged, or weakened: debilitado-a18. tested with standard assessment tools. older adults in
ausencia de la an impaired sense of smell. Como puede observarse, a pesar que el .
condicin. 2. Functioning poorly or incompetently: trmino puede aplicarse a diversos tipos de
a driver so tired as to be impaired. condiciones, se hace un nfasis especial en la
3. Having a physical or mental disability. poblacin de la tercera edad20.
n. (used with a pl. verb)
1. People who have a physical or mental
disability considered as a group15.
Long-term care Care: Care: Long-term care (LTC): older
centre v. Close attention, as in doing something v. It is a variety of services which help meet both adults in
well or avoiding harm21. the medical and non-medical needs of people various long-

13 cognitively. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
intact. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
15 impaired. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
16 cognitive. (n.d.) English-Spanish Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
17 intact. (n.d.) English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary. (2006). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
18 impaired. (n.d.) English-Spanish Medical Dictionary. (2012). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
19 Dficit cognitivo. (2017, 10 de mayo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 21:58, junio 13, 2017 desde
20 Cognitive Impairment. (n.d.) Medical Dictionary. (2009). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
21 care. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
Centre: Preocupacin, inquietud, with a chronic illness or disability who cannot term care and
n. cuidado, atencin23. care for themselves for long periods. Long community
A place at which some specified activity is Centre: term care is focused on individualized and settings.
concentrated22. s. coordinated services that promote
Centro, especialmente de independence, maximize patients quality of
salud24. life, and meet patients needs over a period of
Engagement Engagement: Engagement: En el contexto especfico del documento, estos older
Enjoyment n. s. cuatro trminos no hacen referencia a su adults
Special moments 1. The action of engaging or the state of Compromiso30. posible significado en espaol (a pesar que experienced:
with others being engaged26. Enjoyment: muestran relacin y cercana), sino a la engagement,
Connection and 2. A commitment, as for a performance s. experiencia de los pacientes luego de las enjoyment,
meaning by an entertainer. Placer, posesin, presentaciones, por lo que los autores toman and special
Enjoyment: disfrute31. estas palabras para dotarlas de significados moments with
n. Connection: mucho ms puntuales. Por lo tanto, se analiz others; and
1. The act or state of enjoying. s. el texto con mayor nfasis y se llegaron a las connection
2. Use or possession of something Relacin, conexin, definiciones que estn en la traduccin final. and meaning
beneficial or pleasurable. enlace, empalme32. Estas son, respectivamente: were
3. Something that gives pleasure27. Meaning: fostered.
Connection: s.
n. Significado, acepcin,
1. The act or state of connecting; unin. propsito33.

22 centre. (n.d.) Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014). Retrieved June 13 2017
23 care. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
centre. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
25 Long-term care. (2017, May 25). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 22:33, June 13, 2017, from

26 engagement. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
27 enjoyment. (n.d.) American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
30 engagement. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
31 enjoyment. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
32 connection. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
33 meaning. (n.d.) Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition. (2005). Retrieved June 13 2017 from
2. Something that connects, joins, or
relates; link or bond.
3. A relationship or association28.
1. The sense or significance of a word,
sentence, symbol, etc; import;
semantic or lexical content.
2. The purpose underlying or intended
by speech, action, etc.
3. The inner, symbolic, or true
interpretation, value, or message 29.

28 connection. (n.d.) Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014). Retrieved June 13
2017 from
29 meaning. (n.d.) Collins English Dictionary Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014). Retrieved June 13

2017 from

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