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There are several ways to create lines in Dynamo.

Lines can then be used by Revit to create

geometry. In the node Library, under Geometry, expand Line. There are several Create nodes
available to create lines. ByBestFitThroughPoints allows you to input a scatter plot of
points. Dynamo then creates a line based on the best approximate fit through the
points. ByStartPointDirectionLength allows you to create a line by inputting the start point and
length. The direction is then controlled by a vector. ByStartPointEndPoint allows you to create a line
through two points, while ByTangency allows you to create a line tangent to a curve. This exercise
already has four points that were created as the vertices of a square. You can use those points to
create lines. Click ByStartPointEndPoint to place the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint node in the
workspace. This node simply needs a start point and an end point to create a line. Connect one of
the point nodes to the startPoint input and another to the endPoint input. When you do, a line is
created. You can place additional line nodes to create more lines, or you can use lists to input
multiple points into the line node. This allows you to create multiple lines with a single line
node. Remove the connectors from the line node. To create a list of start points and a list of end
points, use the List.Create node. In the node Library, expand Core > List. Then click List.Create
twice to place two List.Create nodes. You will need a list of start points and a list of end points. Add
three more inputs to each List.Create node so that each one has a total of four inputs. Next, connect
the Point outputs from the point nodes to the inputs of the first List.Create node. Start by connecting
the top Point.ByCoordinates output to the item0 input, and then connect the remaining point nodes,
moving down in order. Once all the point nodes are connected to the first List.Create node, a list is
created.Next, connect the Point outputs to the other List.Create node, but this time, start by
connecting the second Point.ByCoordinates output to the item0 input. Then move down in order as
before. Lastly, connect the first Point.ByCoordinates output to the item3 input. And finally, connect
the outputs from the List.Create nodes to the inputs of the Line.ByStartPointEndPoint node. Once
you do, four lines are created. When using lists, you must pay special attention to the order of the
points in the list. The reason is because the lists are read starting at item0 and move down in
order. If the lists were exactly the same, then a line could not be created because the start and end
points would be the same. Additionally, if the indexes were off by two, the lines would create an X
instead of a square. Just remember to pay attention to the order of the points in the list. In summary,
there are multiple options to create lines, and if you use lists, you can create several lines with a
single line node.

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