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Quick Start Guide (TTCEarthmover)

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Tabla de Contenidos
Total Tyre Control Mvil App 4
Qu puedo hacer con el TTC Mvil ? 4
Cmo funciona con TTCEarthmover? 4
TTC Mvil Setup 5
Configuraciones de TTC Mvil 5
Cargar al Mvil Dispositivo 6
TTC Mvil App Setup 7
TTCMvil Base de Datos 9
TTC Mvil App Secciones 10
TTC Mvil Actividades 12
Mantenimiento Programado 12
Auditora de los Neumticos 12
TTC Mvil Consultas 14
TTCMvil - Procesar los Datos 15
Auditora de los Neumticos Los 16
Elementos de Mantenimiento 17

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -3 -

Total Tyre Control Mvil

Total Tyre Control Mobile App

TTC mvil se ha ha reconstruido para aprovechar las tecnologas mviles
avanzada actualmente. Ha sido diseado para trabajar en Apple IOS y
Android, incluyendo telfonos inteligentes, tabletas y iPads.
TTC Mobile has been redeveloped to take advantage of today's advanced mobile technology. It has been
designed to work on Apple ios and Android devices including smart phones, tablets and iPads.

Qu puedo hacer con el TTC Mvil ?

What can I do with TTC Mobile?

n Auditoras de Vehculo. Vehicle audits.

n Grabacin de Mantenimiento Requerido. Required maintenance recording.
n Bsqueda Completo del Vehculo y Neumaticos/Aros. Full vehicle and tyre/rim search.
n Mostrar reportes grficos. Display graphical reports.

Cmo funciona con TTC Earthmover? How does it work with TTC Earthmover?
Su base de datos se carga en la nube (Could) (almacenamiento no esta local) y luego
cargado hacia abajo a su dispositivo mvil. Una vez que haya completado las auditoras o
tareas en el dispositivo mvil, los datos se transfieren de nuevo a la nube y luego
descargado a TTC Earthmover, listo para su procesamiento.
Your database is uploaded to the Cloud (non-local storage) and then down-loaded on to your mobile device. Once you
have completed audits or tasks on your mobile device, the data is transferred back to the Cloud and then down-loaded
into TTCEarthmover, ready for processing.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -4 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mvil Setup TTC Mobile Setup

Se requiere configuracin para ayudarle a TTC mvile comunicar con la nube y,
posteriormente, con su dispositivo mvil.
Some setup is required to help TTCMobile communicate with the Cloud and subsequently with your mobile

Configuracin para TTC Mvile

Completa los elementos resaltados a continuacin. Necesitar esta
informacin para configurar su dispositivo mvil.
Complete the highlighted items below. You will need this information when setting up your mobile device.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -5 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Cargar al Mvil Dispositivo Upload to Mobile Device

n Seleccione los elementos que desea que transferir a su dispositivo y

haga clic en Iniciar carga para iniciar el proceso.
Select the items you would like transferred to your device and click Start Upload to begin the

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -6 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mvil App Setup TTC Mobile App Setup

Al iniciar el TTC mvil por primera vez, ser recibido por una pantalla de
When you launch the TTCMobile for the first time, you will be greeted by a Getting Started screen.

Paso 1
Pulse TTC Earthmover para
continuar con el siguiente paso.
Press TTC Earthmover to continue to the next

Paso 2

Ingrese la direccin del correo electrnico

y la contrasea que utiliz para cargar la
base de datos a travs de TTC Mobile en
TTC Earthmover.

Prensa Login.

Enter the email address and password you used to upload

your database through TTCMobile in

Press Login.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -7 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Paso 3
Seleccione el servidor que cargar su
base de datos. Una vez que confirmada
su acceso, usted ser capaz de
descargar su base de datos como se ve
en la pgina siguiente
Select the Server you uploaded your database to. Once
your access is confirmed, you will be able to download
your database as seen on the next page

Para obtener ms informacin,

pulse el smbolo.
For more information, press the symbol.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -8 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mvil Base de Datos TTC Mobile Database

La descarga de la base de datos
Si hay datos para descargar, aparecer el indicador de la base de datos de
descargas. Pulse Descargar para transferir los datos a su dispositivo. Una vez
completo, el nombre del sitio aparece y ya est listo para ir! Si ha descargado las
bases de datos de ms de un sitio, tendr que seleccionar el que desea trabajar.
Downloading the database
If there is data to download, the database download indicator will appear. Press Download to transfer
the data to your device. Once complete, the site name will appear and you are ready to go! If you have
downloaded databases for more than one site, you will need to select the one you wish to work with.

Carga de la base de datos

Una vez que sus artculos auditoras y mantenimiento son completa, pulse
Cargar para transferir las grabaciones de nuevo a la nube.
Uploading the database
Once your audits and maintenance items are complete, press Upload to trans-fer your recordings back
to the Cloud.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -9 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mvil App Secciones TTC Mobile App Sections

TTC Mobile features an easy to navigate menu system. Have a browse

through the following screen descriptions to learn more about the TTCMobile

Esta es la pantalla que se ve al abrir por

primera vez de TTC Mvil. Encontrar el
nmero de versin de la aplicacin aqu.
El hogar es tambin el lugar donde est el
This is the screen you see when first open-ing TTC
Mobile. You will find the version number of the app
here. Home is also where the heart is.

La pantalla de Actividades es donde est

toda la accin. Grabar y revisar las
auditoras de vehculos y elementos de

The Activities screen is where all the action is. Record and
review vehicle audits and maintenance items.

Buscar y navegar por las aplicaciones, los

vehculos, neumticos y aros y profundizar
en para obtener informacin detallada.

Search and browse applications, vehicles, tyres

and rims and drill down for detailed information.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -10 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Con ms informes para venir, la

informacin grfica en su neumtico de
accin ser a su alcance.
With more reports to come, graphical
information on your tyre stock will be at your

Esta pantalla es donde se dicta el flujo de

trfico de la base de datos. Descargar y
cargar de aqu, elegir los datos sitio que le
gustara trabajar con y si es necesario,
introduzca una contrasea. Tambin
puede ver un resumen del contenido de la
base de datos.

This screen is where you dictate the traffic flow of the

database. You download and upload from here, choose
the site data you would like to work with and if required,
enter a password. You can also view a summary of the
database content.

La pantalla Configuracin contiene

informacin de su cuenta e indica qu
servidor contiene sus datos de TTC.

The Settings screen contains your account

information and indicates which server con-tains
your TTCdata.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -11 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mvil Actividades TTC Mobile Activities

Mantenimiento Programado Scheduled Maintenance

artculos de registros encontrados durante las auditoras e inspecciones y

establecer prioridades para ayudar en la planificacin del mantenimiento.
Record items found during audits and inspections and set priorities to assist with maintenance

To add an item
n Press the + icon at the bottom of the screen.
n Set the date of the inspection.
n Select the vehicle.
n Select the tyre/rim that requires attention.
n Choose a Priority.
n Press the Comments field to type your own comment or select from the
predefined list.
n Repeat for next tyre/rim or press Save.

NOTE: The Predefined comment list can be cutomised in TTC.

Tyre Audit
Record vehicle clock readings, temperatures, pressures and treads. You can
also note or schedule any required maintenance items.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -12 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

To add an audit
n Press the + icon at the bottom of the screen.
n Select the date of the audit.
n Select the vehicle.
n Change the Odometer and Clock readings.
n Select Hot or Cold to indicate pressure reading temp.
n Press the position/tyre ID you are currently auditing.
n Press each row to add or adjust pressures, temperature and treads.

Audit option
You can add comments and include them in the scheduled maintenance list.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -13 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTC Mobile Enquries

Browse your fleet details by application, vehicle or the tyre and rim list. For a
filtered search on tyres and rims, choose Find Stock.

Dig deeper
Once you find the tyre/rim you are looking for, you can drill down for detailed
information and select from the Action list.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -14 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

TTCMobile - Process the Data

You will need to download your audits and maintenance items before they can
be processed.

Step 1
Click on the folder icon
to view available down-

Step 2
Click to download avail-
able Audit and Main-
tenance items.

Step 3
Click the available
records to view the
download data.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -15 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Tyre Audits

If further information becomes available after the audit and download, adjust-
ments can be made to clock and odometer readings, tread readings, date of
inspection, pressure readings, comments and maintenance priorities.

Click Accept to add the valid audits to the tyre history records. Rims will
receive the hours and distance data. Maintenance items will added to Sched-
uled Maintenace (found under Data Entry in Total Tyre Control.

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -16 -

Total Tyre Control Mobile

Maintenance Items

The priority and comments can be edited. Clicking Accept will add all valid
items to Scheduled Maintenace (found under Data Entry in Total Tyre Con-

KLINGE Group, Australia 2015 -17 -

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