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Gayana 72(1):

72(1), 102-112,
2008 2008 Review ISSN 0717-652X





Julin Monge-Njera

Biologa Tropical, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2060 San Jos, Costa Rica;,


Ecological biogeography studies the factors that define the spatial distribution of species in the present time. This review
summarises recent contributions on ecological biogeography. Most recent articles report environmental factors such as
temperature, humidity and salinity as key elements in the ecological biogeography of many species (followed by other
organisms and genetic characteristics). Molecular data indicate that some unexplainable ranges are artifacts caused by
taxonomic misidentification (several species erroneously classified as a single species). Island biogeography theory is
often adequate for conservation management, and the new neutral model of ecological biogeography does not fit all
species on which it has been tested. Global warming leads to range expansions, dispersal events, and new invasions. Until
now, most experimental work has been done on temperate ecosystems. In the 21st century, tropical biogeographers
should do landmark contributions by doing field, laboratory and simulation experiments about species ranges and
community biogeography.

KEYWORDS: Review, ecological biogeography, temperate versus tropical, global warming.


La biogeografa ecolgica estudia los factores que definen la actual distribucin espacial de los organismos. Esta revisin
resume los aportes ms recientes en ese campo. La mayora de los artculos recientes informan que factores ambientales
como temperatura, humedad y salinidad son elementos clave en la biogeografa ecolgica de muchas especies (seguidos de
interacciones con otros organismos, y caractersticas genticas). La biologa molecular est develando que algunas
distribuciones incomprensibles son en realidad el resultado de identificaciones taxonmicas incorrectas en que varias
especies eran consideradas una sola especie. La teora de biogeografa de islas a menudo es aplicable a la conservacin,
pero el nuevo modelo neutralista de biogeografa ecolgica no calza con algunos de los organismos a los cuales se ha
aplicado. El calentamiento planetario probablemente producir ampliaciones de mbito, dispersiones y nuevas invasiones.
Hasta ahora, la mayora del trabajo experimental en este campo se ha hecho en ecosistemas templados, por lo que en el
siglo XXI, la biogeografa tropical debe hacer contribuciones significativas mediante simulaciones y experimentos de
campo y de laboratorio, sobre los mbitos de distribucin geogrfica y la biogeografa de comunidades.

PALABRAS CLAVES: Revisin, biogeografa ecolgica, templada versus tropical, calentamiento global.

Ecological biogeography: M ONJE-NJERA , J.

INTRODUCTION that clearly correlates with bacterial distribution on

soils worldwide is pH (Fierer & Jackson 2006). The
BIOGEOGRAPHY STUDIES THE GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION idea that bacteria show no biogeographic patterns
OF ORGANISMS has been rejected on the basis of soil bacteria
Some of the key questions that this branch of biology distribution in Mxico, where, furthermore, the number
attempts to answer are: How did organisms reach of individuals per species can be graphically described
their current habitats? Why do not they expand their by a hollow curve, just like in vertebrate communities
current ranges? Why does an ecosystem have a (Noguez et al. 2005).
particular number of species? Strains from decaying wood in Veracruz, Mxico, have
Historical biogeography addresses the first question: evolved substrate selectivity: in this case, the direct
past causes of organismic distribution, and was ecological limitation to their spatial distribution is the
reviewed in a previous Gayana article (Monge-Njera availability of proper substrates (Pinzn-Picaseno &
1999). The other branch, ecological biogeography, Ruiz-Rodrguez 2004).
studies the factors that define the spatial distribution The abiotic factors that define the ecological
of species in the present time. These factors are biogeography of plants on land, have been shown to
mainly ecological, and include other organisms and be climate in the case in the vegetation of the Tibetan
genetic characteristics (biotic factors) as well as Plateau (Chen et al. 2005) and the Australian
environmental factors such as temperature, humidity Euphorbiaceae (Hunter 2005); and soil characteristics
and salinity (abiotic factors). An important recent for the grassland communities of Europe (Dengler
contribution quantified the role of historical versus 2005) and the Aizoaceae stone plants of South
ecological biogeographic factors: in Mediterranean Africa (Ellis et al. 2006). Two important biotic factors
rivers, 21% of the distribution of caddisflies is are dispersal and predation. Dispersal ability explains
explained by ecological factors, 3% by historical the ranges and abundance of forest plants in Panam
processes, 0.3% by both factors, and the rest is (Chust et al. 2006) and of rice (Oryza) in Southeast
unaccounted for (Bonada et al. 2005). Asia and New Guinea (Vaughan et al. 2005). The
Recent general papers on biogeography deal with presence of grazers defines the spatial distribution of
the need for complementary ecological and historical grassland species (Tallowinet al. 2005), and herbivory
approaches (Wiens & Donoghue 2004, Biswas & by deer defines the metapopulation ecology of plants
Pawar 2006); a general review with emphasis on the on the Florida Keys (Barrett & Stiling 2006).
Chinese biota (Chen & Song 2005); the interface Invertebrate distribution can be explained by a
between taxonomy and biogeography (Williams & combination of abiotic and biotic factors. In some
Reid 2005), and history (Lyells view: Bueno- groups, like subterranean crustaceans, temperature
Hernndez & Llorente-Bousquets 2006). is an overriding factor (Issartel et al. 2005). In others,
This review summarises recent contributions on single biotic factors explain most of their distribution,
ecological biogeography, considering the application for example, the chemical exclusions of other parasites
of island biogeography theory to ecology and in Rickettsiaceae (Kocan et al. 2004), predation in soil
conservation, and the application of the new neutral mites (Ruf & Beck 2005) and phylogenetic constraints
model of ecological biogeography. in New Zealand land snails (Barker 2005). Finally, for
most species, a larger combination of factors explains
EC O L O G I C A L FA C TO R S T H AT E X P L A I N ORGANIC their ecological biogeography (e.g. Vargas et al. 2004).
DISTRIBUTION ON LAND There are several recent contributions about abiotic
Until recently, deep ignorance of the number of factors defining vertebrate ranges. Moisture and
bacterial species in any single place has prevented temperature define the ranges of Plethodontidae
work on the ecological biogeography of bacterial (lungless) salamanders (Marshall & Camp 2006),
communities. The cause of this limitation is that the and also defined the ranges of Saurischian and
methods developed in the 19th century, and still in use Ornithopod dinosaurs in East Asia (Matsukawa &
today, only allow identification of bacteria that can be Lockley 2006). Other key abiotic factors are water, for
cultured, and there are no culture methods for most the lizard Uma inornata in California (Chen et al. 2006);
species. New genetic techniques, however, have longitude, for birds in the North American riparian
begun to overcome such limitations, and it is now habitats (Skagen et al. 2005); light, for Tropical forest
known, for example, that the only ecological variable birds in Panam (Berg et al. 2006), and temperature

Gayana 72(1), 2008

for Madagascan lemurs (Lehman et al. 2006). Like in of California (Cintra-Buenrostro et al. 2005) and
other groups, overriding biotic factors are less tintinnids in the Mediterranean (Krsinic & Grbec
frequently cited, but examples include birds (wood 2006). In the case of Indian Ocean Holothuroids,
warblers in North America) and dwarf chameleons in ranges correlate with dispersal ability (Samyn &
South Africa, whose spatial distribution is clearly Tallon 2005), and in South African ascidians, the
defined by vegetation (Kelly & Hutto 2005, Tolley et correlation is with sociality (Primo & Vzquez 2004).
al. 2006). In contrast with the above examples, no abiotic or
biotic factors have been found to explain the
EC O L O G I C A L FA C TO R S T H AT E X P L A I N ORGANIC ecological biogeography of hydrothermal vent
DISTRIBUTION IN AQUATIC HABITATS communities in the Pacific (Govenar et al. 2005).
In freshwater ecosystems, water level and tempe-
rature often affect organismic distributions. The EXAMPLES OF GEOGRAPHIC RANGES RECONSIDERED AFTER
recent increase in temperature has allowed MOLECULAR ANALYSIS
nonindigenous and invasive water plants to expand Molecular techniques are now frequently used to
their ranges in Sweden (Larson 2006). In Mediterranean understand the ecological biogeography of all groups
rivers, 21% of the distribution of caddisflies is of organisms, and have shown that taxonomic
explained by a combination of ecological factors misidentification originated some cases of
(Bonada et al. 2005). Wetland bird distribution in unexplainable distributional ranges, for example in
Canad is strongly defined by the water level Alopiinae snails, whose distribution fits genetics, not
(Desgranges et al. 2006), and temperature draws the morphology (De Weerd et al. 2004). Unexplainable
limits for the range of Trachemys scripta turtles bird ranges also proved to result from misclassification
(Willette et al. 2005). of convergent taxa in woodpeckers (Moore et al. 2006)
The sea is probably the biome where the ecological and Accipitridae hawks (Do Amaral et al. 2006).
biogeography of organisms has been more intensively Examples of novel genetic results include the finding
studied. Maybe the reason is that, in comparison with that mycorrhizal fungi are not the host generalist,
forests and other terrestrial ecosystems, the ocean is species-poor group that was previously believed
a physically simpler medium. Abiotic factors known (Fitter 2005) and the discovery of the strong host
to define organismic regions in the ocean are specialization of plant pathogenic fungi in North
temperature, substrate, currents, light and nutrients, America (Johnson et al. 2005).
among others. For example, temperature explains the Genetics also show that the range recoveries of some
distribution of fish larvae in Jalisco, Mexico (Navarro- groups, such as the red oaks of the USA, are endangered
Rodrguez et al. 2004); Archaeobacteria in North because recent populations growing on old pasture
America and Crimea (Knittel et al. 2005); seabirds in lands have low genetic diversity (Gerwein & Kesseli
the Pacific (Smith & Hyrenbach 2003); sea stars in the 2006). A similar problem affects damselflies in England
Gulf of California (Cintra-Buenrostro et al. 2005); (Watts et al. 2005), shrews in Tanzania (Stanley &
dinoflagellates cysts in the Artic (Matthiessen et al. Olson 2005) and prong horn antelopes in the USA
2005); coccolithophores worldwide (Baumann et al. (Stephen et al. 2005). In contrast, the ravens of the
2005) and red tide precursor organisms in the Pacific world appear to be one species with a climate-defined
(Sierra-Beltrn et al. 2004). biogeography and large genetic variation (Omland et
Substrate characteristics define the distribution of al. 2006).
gastropods in Britain (Grahame et al. 2006); Barriers are the defining element of ecological
polychaetes in Canada (Quijon & Snelgrove 2005); biogeography, and recent genetic work shows that
echinoderms in Colombia (Neira & Cantera 2005) and barriers can be ethological in the case of the Artic
chondricthyan fish in Britain (Ellis et al. 2005). charr (Adams et al. 2006) and the Mallorcan midwife
Japanese ostracods match ocean currents in their toad (Kraaijeveld-Smit et al. 2006), but also climatic
distribution (Ogoh & Ohmiya 2005), and the same is (for marmots in the USA, Floyd et al. 2005) or
true for sponges worldwide (Woerheide et al. 2005), topographic (for North American salamanders, Liu
and for bacterioplankton and nutrients in the Baltic et al. 2006).
Sea (Sipura et al. 2005). Genetics are also applied to understand the
An important biotic factor is food, for sea-birds in distribution of freshwater organisms. Physical barriers
Beringia (Piatt & Springer 2003), sea-stars in the Gulf affect Thioalkalivibrio bacteria worldwide (Foti et

Ecological biogeography: M ONJE-NJERA , J.

al. 2006), and several fish species: the bass in the 2005); forest and sedge land in Australia (Driscoll
USA (Cooke & Philipp 2006), sardines in Brazil (Paiva 2005); Pinus populations in China (Chianget al. 2006);
et al. 2006), the Atlantic Salmon in Russia (Primmer et land snails in Greece and New Zealand (Barker 2005,
al. 2006) and Australian Leiopotherapon fish (Bostock Triantis et al. 2005); dung beetles in Namibia (Sole et
et al. 2006). On the other hand, a gene pool analysis al. 2005); fish in Hungarian streams (Eros & Grossman
of brown trout found that introduced individuals, 2005); seabirds in Australia (Priddel et al. 2006); birds
which had a particular genetic constitution, failed to of prey, in the Mediterranean and Macaronesian
significantly establish in lake Tinnsjo, Norway, even Archipelagos (Donazar et al. 2005); birds in Britain
though the lake is within the range of the species and Ireland (Russell et al. 2006), and Howler Monkeys
(Heggenes et al. 2006). In the Japanese and Korean in Venezuela (Feeley & Terborgh 2006). By contrast,
sections of its range, the bluegill sunfish population the model could not explain the island biogeography
is characterized by a much reduced genetic variability of Australasian land snails, possibly because it
that may represent a bottleneck effect (Kawamura et neglects in situ speciation (Cameron et al. 2005), and
al. 2006). In the case of the Pearly Mussel in the USA, forest-savanna mosaics in Africa (Hovestadt et al.
no isolation by distance has been found (Grobler et 2005).
al. 2006). General recent developments in island biogeography
On marine ecosystems, genetics have shown that refer to the z index, curvilinear pattern, life history
ranges can be defined by both abiotic and biotic and leaf lifespan. Low z values correlate with high
barriers. Abiotic barriers were identified in English colonization ability; a multi-species metapopulation
snails, for which a cliff acts as the barrier (Grahame et model indicated that the relationship of z with
al. 2006), and for Pacific snails (Meyer et al. 2005). important parameters can be predicted only if either
Mussels in the Indian Ridge and the Atlantic Ridge the dispersal ability or the power of establishment is
are limited spatially by endosymbiosis (McKiness & known (Hovestadt & Poethke 2005). He et al. (2005)
Cavanaugh 2005); and again, as in vertebrates, strange presented a new model for local-regional species
ranges may also represent taxonomical richness in ecological islands that does not require
misidentifications, for example in Atlantic amphipods species interactions to produce the curvilinear pattern.
(Kelly et al. 2006). In other cases, traditionally Using island biogeography theory, they found that a
recognized barriers such as the East Pacific Barrier high extinction rate produces a curvilinear pattern of
and the Bahamas barrier do not significantly impair local-region relationships, while a high colonization
gene flow for some fish species (Robertsonet al. 2004, rate produces a linear pattern. Equilibrium models need
Taylor & Hellberg 2006). to consider life history traits, because one island can
be in equilibrium and have barriers for one organism,
ISLAND BIOGEOGRAPHY but not for others (Shepherd & Brantley 2005). Finally,
One aspect of ecological biogeography, island it has been stated that better biogeography models
biogeography, received much attention at the end of for vegetation should include leaf lifespan (Zhang &
the 20th century, first on theoretical grounds, then on Luo 2004).
its potential application to the problem of
conservation of organisms in islands of protected ISLAND BIOGEOGRAPHY AND CONSERVATION
nature in an anthropologically changed world. Island biogeography is often applied in conservation
The MacArthur and Wilson model of island for hypothesis testing, finding ways for wildlife-
biogeography (MacArthur & Wilson 1967) was based human coexistence, and prediction.
on common sense principles: islands that are big and A long term (40 years) study in Japan found that
close to species sources should have more species, biodiversity in islands of habitat in a matrix of non-
and diversity results from the equilibrium of species habitat can be summarized with the phi-coefficient,
addition and extinction. Maybe for that reason, most which has the advantage, over other indices, that it
recent literature reports that such principles hold for can be combined with the Chi-square test to
real islands. Examples include bacteria and shrubs in statistically test hypotheses (Yasuda et al. 2005).
Spain (Maestre & Cortina 2005, Reche et al. 2005); Regarding coexistence, urban water reservoirs can
diatoms in Antarctica (Van de Vijver et al. 2005); conserve the bulk of tropical molluscan biota in
vascular plants in North America (McMaster 2005); Southeast Asia, especially when the pH is near 7.3
calcareous grasslands in Belgium (Bisteau & Mahy and the habitat includes rocks (Clements et al. 2006).

Gayana 72(1), 2008

Ecologically managed agri-environments (agri- epidemiological theory (e.g. parasite transmission

environment schemes) help the biota adapt to increases with host density) (Poulin 2004).
climate change, and slow the spread of alien and Plants can also be considered islands to be reached
invasive species (Donald & Evans 2006). Similarly, a by herbivores, but only herbivores that can
limited extraction of trees from African evergreen recognize a host whilst in flight, align on patches of
forests benefits understorey bird diversity and has vegetation according to island biogeography models
little effect on canopy birds (Holbech 2005). A (Bukovinszky et al. 2005).
theoretical framework is now available to apply island
biogeography models to temporary wetlands and THE NEUTRAL THEORY OF ECOLOGICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY
their biota under anthropogenic stress (Angeler & The neutral model of ecological biogeography is an
Alvarez-Cobelas 2005) outstanding and controversial point of 21st century
The island biogeography model predicts 80% of biogeography. It was presented in book length by
butterfly fish biodiversity in 48 islands of the Western Hubbell (2001).
and central Pacific (Kulbicki et al. 2005), while The neutral model is a good null hypothesis to explain
regional heterogeneity and compositional turnover fires in natural habitats, which are basically stochastic
can predict the number of protected areas necessary processes. Real data show that topography, fuel, and
to protect mammals in Canadian ecoregions (Wiersma other factors, affect natural fires (McKenzie et al.
& Urban 2005). However, the model failed when patch 2006). The model also predicts genetic diversity in
size and isolation were used to predict understorey the annual plant complex Mercurialis annua, in
plant restoration success in a highly fragmented which monoecy predominates over other reproductive
riparian landscape of California (Holl & Crone 2004). options when colonization is frequent (Obbard et al.
The impact of species introductions is also studied 2006). A neutral model was also used to develop a
by island biogeography. The introduction of Artic formula for the joint likelihood of observing a given
foxes for fur production in the Aleutian and Kurile species abundance dataset in a local community with
islands greatly decreased the population of dispersal limitation (Etienne 2005).
Whiskered Auklets from the 1700s to 1900s. Foxes The model has failed to predict community structure in
began to be eradicated after 1948, and these birds many cases. These include aquatic invertebrates in rock
have now recovered (Williams et al. 2003). Island pools monitored over a 13-year period (Fuller et al.
biogeography can also be successfully combined 2005); Indo-Pacific coral communities (Domelas et al.
with molecular analysis and conservation, as when 2006); experimental grassland communities (Harpole &
DNA analysis showed that Asian badgers are closely Tilman 2006), herbaceous plants on serpentine soil
related to the endangered population in Crete Island, (Harrison et al. 2006), perennial grass and shrubs in a
so that they can be used for a reintroduction program semiarid habitat (Armas & Pugnaire 2005), shifting
(Marmi et al. 2006). mosaic habitats (Wimberly 2006) and dispersal-limited
Hosts can also be considered islands, colonized by communities (Etienne & Alonso 2005).
parasites. For example, protozoans use two zones of Nevertheless, both neutral and non-neutral expla-
an octopus digestive tract and develop different life nations fit data for marine diatoms (Pueyo 2006),
history strategies in each (Ibez et al. 2005). some trees in tropical forests (Volkov et al. 2005),
Mexican freshwater fish parasites conform to the rotifers (Beres et al. 2005), and stream invertebrates
historical and ecological biogeography of their hosts, (Thompson & Townsend 2006). Gravel et al. (2006)
both taxonomically and biogeographically (Prez- believe that traditional and neutral models are
Ponce de Len & Choudhury 2005). Parasites of five extremes of a continuum: when niche and competitive
Goby Fish species from the Baltic sea studied by a exclusion are important, non neutral theory applies.
combination of island biogeography theory, and the When immigration plays an important role in the
theory of screens, show that colonization by community, there is stochastic species exclusion and
parasites has three types of distance to the island- the neutral model applies.
hosts: genetic, phylogenetic and ecological (Zander
2005). The composition of parasitic species in fish and THE FUTURE OF ECOLOGICAL BIOGEOGRAPHY : GLOBAL
mammalian hosts, suggests that parasitisation follows WARMING AND CONSERVATION
predictions from the island biogeography model (e.g. Global warming and its effects on organisms is a key
larger hosts have more parasite species) and from subject at the time of writing this review. Climatic

Ecological biogeography: M ONJE-NJERA , J.

change is a constant of the planets history, and the BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Recibido: 13.08.07
Aceptado: 15.04.08


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