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8 march evening medicine mostly recalled by MUDASSIR BANGESH, helped by members

1. pseudomembran colitis..... clostridium dificile

2. alpha 2 agonist in ICU for sedation 1-Clonidine 2-phentoline 3-Prazosin 4-Phenoxybenzamine5-
3. Ureteric Bud as a part of 1-mesonephric 2-paramesonephric3-Pronephric- 4-Colaca
4. Coccygeal Ligament start at??? L1
5. C.Diphtheria what is true?? 1-Spore forming2-produce Exotoxin3-Penicilline Resistant
6. A man from Sibi Balochistan with fever Lymadenopathy,etc----Kalazar
7. Clavulanic Acid is used with Penicillin to 1-it inhibit B-lactame2-Decrease penicilline Resistance
8. Cimitinde ----Inhibit hepatic metabolism
9. Drug that Increase LES tone--- Metoclopramide
10. Ondasetron M/A was asked---Is 5HT3 antagonist
11. Color Blinded Man..Which structure absent??? 1-Rods 2-Cons
12. Vitamin A deficiency first sigh---CPSP demoQx---Night blindness
13. Thiamine cause----- Peripheral Nueropathy
14. TGs highest in---CHylomicrone
15. Siatica Case Root values were asked---- 1- L4L5 (Ans) 2-S4S5
16. Irreversilbe step in Glycolysis---- Glucose to Fructose6phosphate
17. Regarding S3----- Rapid ventricular filling
18. Also a Qx about S4 cant recall option
19. A case of typical Turner
20. A case of Klinfilter
21. Partial mole genotype was asked----69XXy
22. Extra-Ocular muscle are controlled by which Loop----1-Orbital loop 2-Association loop 3- Oculomotor loop
23. Nerve supplying lower teeth chin mandible ---- inf alveolar
24. Retromandibular Vein is formed by----
25. IntraCranial and Extracranial veins are joined by-- Emissary vein
26. Lupus typical scenario---- Investigation was asked Anti-dsDNA (ANA was not in option)
27. Women suffer malar Rash while watching Cricket match etc. scenario of SLE Complication was asked----
28. a 50 year Old man with ONLY arthritis from last 5 year.other lab investigation were Normal-----Ans Anti-
29. A 30 year Multi-gravida suffere miscarriage at 12 week GA..Regime was asked-----1-Uterine Evacuation
Alone 2- Uterine Evacuation+FFP+Packed RBS
30. A Man has to undergo teeth extraction aslo was using Warfarin. which test to be doen--------------------
31. Bleeding time and aPPT prolong and PT normal---------vWD
32. Another case of vWD only BT prolong was given-----vWD
33. -How Aspirin protect in Coronary disease--- Inhibit Cyclooxigenase
34. SA node situation was asked-------- Sulcus Termialis
35. thrombocytopenia in children due to acute viral infection.... pool ing of plat in spleen..antibodies against
36. parasitic infection in child causes/ ...ans eosinophilia
37. APC in Gastric Musa--------------------M Cells
38. -Hight Ph in--------------Pancreatic juice/Gastic Juice/Sliva/Gall bladder secretion
39. Esophagus epithelium was asked (cpsp demo)----upper 1/3 Sq.
40. Esophagus narrowast at----------Cricopharyngus
41. endoCervix with Sq.epithelium-------------------Metaplasia
42. Bening Tumar--------------Warthin tumor
43. Chacteristic feature of Malignancy------------Invasion
44. Another Qx of Malignancy i think histopathological character was asked-----------Pleomorphism (Ans) /Inc
N:C Ration (Metz and Invasion was not in option)
45. Alleles are------------------------Non indentical gene on same Locus????
46. True About Nucleus------------------Eucromatan is Transcibly actibve and form RNA like dat????
47. Most radiosensitive tunor----------------Bone/Cartilage/Lymph node
48. In long bones from Secondry centre of Ossification what form----------Epiphyseal Plate
49. Insulin is blocked by------------Beta Blocker
50. Mediators of Pain in Acute Inflamation------Bradykinin+PGs (Ans)
51. A lady cant Addct and Medially Rotate Arm---Teres Major/Teres Minor/infrascapularis
52. Child with Infection need Vensection. structure damage------------Sephenous Nerve
53. A man with Bp 200/100mg and glucose level 180mg/dl-----Linispril
54. Digoxin is DOC-----Atrial Fibrillation
55. A scenario with P wave was replased with some irregualr wave and Irregualar R-R--------------Atrial
FIbriallation (i did) other Option were Flutter/Ventricualar Fib
56. A Lady with Hb 6, MCV 36, MHCH 29 and fl 79 , HbA2 and HBA values were given-------------------Iron
deficiency Anemia???
57. Point Mutation--------------------Sickle Cell Anemia
58. In ECG HR is 120/min ....Correct was r-r interval of 0.5sec
59. A lady with mild fatigue since 2 yr. Hb 11.8 fl 104 other values were normal AST 80 ALT 85----------Hepatitis
C infection (i did)
60. A man with itching and janduce Direct bilirubin was Raised----Typical case of ExtraHepatic jauindace
61. Mechacnoreceptors of Warm-------????
62. Cunatus and Gracilis damage----------------Asterognosia
63. Center of itching----- Cant recall option
64. A lady with 6 week German measles------------Cataract
65. Mother case birth to a child with catarct. what infection she had during pregnancy---------------Rubella
66. WBC adhesion molecule--------------FLA-1
67. A Qx with Renal Transplat----------------- if Both donor and recipient with CMV antibodies positive should not
be done transplantation
68. Norepinephrine is released at------------------- Presynaptic adrenal medulla???
69. Strenght to Wound--------------Type 3 collagen
70. Elastic cartilage at-----------------Epiglotis???
71. Reticular connective is presendt in---------------Tonsils/Dermis/Salivry
72. Vitamin A---- Retinoic acid act as Vitamin A
73. -Man with eating lot of Pizz and no physical activity-----Metamorphosis of Liver
74. -A man was died and biopsy was done everything was normal except Cocaine ant its metabolite in blood-----
-----Myfibril disarray (not confirm)
75. Diastolic murmur and weak radial pulse----Aortic Regurgitation
76. Paraneoplastic syndrome----Small cell Carcinoma of Lung
77. Postmenupausal lady----Inc FSH and LH
78. Glucocorticoides does-------------Deamination of Amino Acid/Dec fatty acid in blood/Inc protein anabolism
79. Exopthalmus is due to-----------Inc T3T4/ Inc TSI/Inc Thyroglobulin
80. A man with chest pain of 4-6 hour duration-----------CPK-MB
81. Apoptosis is by-------------Initiation of capsases
82. Undecended testis cause-----Malignancy (i did)/Impotence
83. Thyroxine cause increase in-------------Gluconegenesis
84. Malignancy in GIT is caused by which micro-organism----H.pylori
85. Which drug is Inducer------------Phenobarbitone
86. Which drug is inhibitor-----------Ketoconazol
87. Benzodiazepine cause--------------Dependence
88. Thiazide diurectic----- Hypokalemia
89. Osmotic drugs acts on------------------PCT
90. -Max Glucose and amino acid are reabsorbed in---------PCT
91. Resection of ileum more than 100cm---------Dec absorption of bile salt
92. Supply of MIDgut-------------Root value were asked????
93. Massteric fascia is derived from-----------Pretracheal/Prevertebral/Cervical/
94. Patient with Tremor,Gait disturbnce, Neuron affected in-----------Basal ganglia
95. Posterior Inf Cerebellar art damage, blood supply of which part will be affected----- Dorsolateral of medulla (i
96. Aphasia in which lobe-------Temporal
97. Structure embaded in tempral lobe------------insula
98. In summer in a fasting man concentrated urine is due to-------------Sweeting/Secretion of ADH
99. In severe dehydration----------- ECF will be low/ICF will be low/Whole body fluid will be low
100. A person with 2 liter blood loss take 2 L plain water---Inc ICF VOl
101. Plasma osmolarity is decresed by-----------Isotonic/Hypertonic/albumin
102. A boy with protein greater than 3.6g with proteinuria and Edma--------------Dec colloid osmotic pressure
103. Sensation in Periphry------------ Some pass thru Reticular formation other bypass/ All has to pass thru
104. About Neutrophil------------Active phagocyte in blood
105. ESR decrease---------------inc Globlin in plasma/Dec Albumin?dec Fibrinigen
106. Oxygen is releasing from Oxyhemoglobin is decrease by-----Dec Temperature
107. Clinical casue of Cyanosis-------------Dec Oxygen in Blood/Dec Hb content in blood
108. A person working in smoker and working in Construction, bilateral diagphragmatic lung lesion on CXR -----
109. In Bronchoscopy which part of Brochus will be seen first---------Upper part of right Lower
110. Person lying on his back, aspire a foreign body will lodge in---------Apical portion of Lower lobe
111. Virus done damage----------Altering Protein synthesis
112. 2*2 or four value are represnted by----Chi-square chart
113. Case of Disease Vs Non-Disease---Case Control
114. Four basic pillar of medical ethics----Autonomy, justice,Benefecince,Non-mal
115. Inc blood to muscle-----------Local metabolite
116. Regarding Sigmoid Colon---- Continue as rectum at S5/Is in front of pelvic brim
117. In female Neck of bladder is -----Above urogenital diagphram
118. -Left renal vein is in front of----- Aorta??
119. Natural killer cell---- Kill virus without prior sensitization
120. Structure loop around arch of Aorta------Left Recurrent Larngeal
121. Cause of Left Ventricular failure----Aortic valve disease (i did)/Mitral stenosis/Cor pulmunale/Pulmonary
valve disease
122. which of the following act via cAMP
123. In ausculation 3rd intercostal space Left to sternam----Aortic A2
124. Hormone work thru cAMP----Glucagon
125. A patient with COPD and PO2 55, HCO3 26 PCO2 49 and PH 7.3-------------Type 2 respiratory system with
uncompansated Respiratory acidosis
126. Value of FEV1/FEC-------------0.8
127. In asthmatic patient what test will be less-----------FEV1
128. A man with symptoms of Cushing disease---------Adrenal adenoma
129. Best Indicator of Renal Clearance----------Inulin
130. Both GFR and RPF will be increase----Dilation of Afferent arteriol
131. In some children Pedial artery in congenitally missing, which artery supply dorsum then---- Superficial
Branch of Peroneal Artery???
132. -A Children got blow to Epicondyl of Elbow and Loss sensation in small finger---- options were regarding
ligaments of elbow joint
133. A disease in which Antibodies to Post synaptic ACh receptors---- Mysthenia Gravis
134. A person got blow and pupil reduced in size cant even dilate in dark---- Lseion to sympathetic trunk
135. Severe Transfusion Reaction A+ to O+
136. Atonic Bladder Lesion will ---- Loss of Parasympathetic (i did)/Loss of Sympathetic etc
137. One Qx about Volantry Contraction------------- Alpha motor will be activated/Gamma will be activated/Both
138. Vitamin required for fatty acid synthesis and something other Repeated Qx--------Biotin
139. -Per minute perfusion of Brain-------
140. Type of fibers in Preganglionic Autonomic fiber--------
141. -Needle pass thru mid Axillary line, structure not damage----Internal intercostal muscle (i did) Other option
were Levator costrum/External intercostal muscle/innermost intercostal muscle
142. -Which structure pass thru Aortic hiatus---- Azygus Vein
143. Type of Cartilage in Articular surface of joint----???
144. Farmer with linear Lesion---------Cutaneous Larva Migrans
145. Somite---------- origin?
146. Intestinal Motality is by------------- Ca influx/Na influx etc???
147. In cardiac Muscle Pleatue is due to--------------Influx of Na/Influx of Cl/influx of Ca ???
148. Na/K pump act by------------ Pump K against gradient/ throw 3k for 2Na/ when Intracelluar Na/when Ca
149. Chromatid align of equatorial plane---- Metaphase/Prophase/prometaphase/Telophase
150. One Qx was about Which has telomerase---------- Germ cell??
151. Regarding Alveli---- Surfactant aviod collapse of alveli (i did)/ Surfactant is produce by Type1/Dec
152. Mean Arterial Pressure is --------- diastolic+1/3 pulse pressure (i did)
153. Patient with Diabetic Ketoacidosis died-----Mycormycosis
154. Gastric HCL from Parietal cell is needed for---- Pepsinogen to pepsin (i did)/ Intrinsic factor Activation
155. - Most drugs are metabolized in --------------Liver
156. Death due to C.botilinum---------Paralysis of Respiratory Muscle
157. Hyperuracemia by tb drugs. Pyrazinamide
158. - Hemorragic Infarct in--------------Lungs (I did)/
159. Test For Typhoid in 6 days---Blood culture
160. -Osmosis true is
Energy dependent/osmolalty depends upon number of solute
161. If Core temperature of Body fall, Body Response----Sheviering/Vasodilation/Ant hypothamalus stimulate
162. Which drug cause HypOglycemia most Rapidly----NPH (i did) other Options
Glibenclamide/Metformin/Insulin Lente
163. 41% hematocrit is mass of RBC,WBC and platelet (i did)
164. -spread of malignant tumor to other tissue......e ..cadherin,,,
165. regarding cervical rib compress brachial plexus and subclavin
166. one long scenario was regarding female patient blurred vision etc case of MS i guess. ans was
demyelination of axons
167. node of ranvier... mylien lack
168. Tubercillin skin test sy related bhi aik mcq tha ...... prsn was either taking immunosuppresnt or hiv ....... ans
was immune defficiency ...... aisi koi bcq the i thnk
169. One question was regarding "which of the followings support immune system.... " compliment system???
170. the most common cause of global blindness. Ans was Chlamydia
171. Amylodosis in plasma cell
A) light chain
B) B2 macroglobulinemia
172. Autoregulatory range of BP in brain
173. Damage to the lumbr vertebra will lead to
1)damge to spinal cord
2)sympathetic system
3)conus medularis
174. Cause of atheroma
2)type 2 persnlty
3)cholsteatoma 4) diastolic HTN
175. Male,smoker, working in tyre factory, painless hematuria, cause is tobacco smoking
176. Ganglion at c7 vertebra is >>> sympathetic ganglion???

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