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Referncias Aula 6

Gesto de Projetos

Prof. Dr. Daniel Capaldo Amaral

BRENNER, L.A.; KOEHLER, D.J.; TVERSKY, A. On the evaluation of one-sided evidence.

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, v.9, p.59-70, 1996.
CARVALHO, M.M.; RABECHINI, R. Construindo competncias para gerenciar projetos.
So Paulo: Atlas, 2005.
__________________________________. Fundamentos em gesto de projetos. So Paulo: Atlas, 2011.
GOLDRATT, E.M. Corrente crtica. So Paulo: Nobel, 2009.
GRENNING, James. Planning poker. Renaissance Software Consulting, 2002.
HAGAFORS, R.; BREHMER, B. Does having to justify one's decisions change the nature of
the decision process? Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, v. 31, p.223-32,
HOEST, M.; WOHLIN, C. An experimental study of individual subjective effort estimations
and combinations of the estimates. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on
Software Engineering, p.332-9, 1998.
JRGENSEN, M. A review of studies on expert estimation of software development effort.
Journal of Systems and Software, v.70(12), p.37-60, 2004.
JRGENSEN, M.; MOLKKEN, K. Combination of software development effort prediction
intervals: why, when and how? 14th IEEE Conference on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering, 2002.
KERZNER, H. Gesto de projetos: as melhores prticas. Porto Alegre: Bookman, 2.ed., 2005.
PAULA FILHO, W.P. Engenharia de software: fundamentos, mtodos e padres. Rio de
Janeiro: LTC, 2001.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE. Um guia do conjunto de conhecimentos em
Gerenciamento de Projetos (Guia PMBoK). 5.ed. Four Campus Boulevard: PMI, 2013.
ROZENFELD et al. Gerenciamento o desenvolvimento de produtos: uma abordagem por
processos. So Paulo: Saraiva, 2006.
VARGAS, R. Manual prtico do plano de projeto. Rio de Janeiro: Brasport, 2005.
VERZUH, E. MBA compacto: gesto de projetos. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, 2000.

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