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Both David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley in their book, The Great Commission to

Worship: Biblical Principles for Worshiped Based Evangelism can only improve our

commitment to the Great Commission. The beginning chapters leave us with the critical

relationship between worship and evangelism. Current church practices have differing

opinions on how these two subjects should entwine which has made worship, evangelism

and the Great Commission a difficult task, the writers state that, worship is a lifestyle of

walking in submission to God and walking with God1 pg.8 23. There also appears to be

a misunderstanding in the church between these two concepts which have not been

properly identified until now. The authors take apart the idea of worshiping and

evangelism as separate entities, their wiritings state , As with with a number of other

biblical constructs, evangelism and worship share a symbiotic relationship, one does not

rightly exist without the other2.(pg. 2) The authors stay focused in the third chapter on

obedience to our Lord, they structure themes such as places for worship, such as solitude

to build that relational bond with Jesus. In theory the whole part of evangelism is

through our personal relation with Jesus.

The writes state, be totally committed is visible that the authors are passionate about

boldness when it comes to sharing our convictions surrounding Jesus. the writers state,

true evangelism must always embrace the whole being in both words and deeds. 1 22

While reading this book I speficially recall what a difficult time I had in my

spiritual life to spend alone devotional time with Jesus. I recall seeking guidance and

discussing this issue with my Pastor. I volunteer with the chaplain at a hospital and

frequently we visit the dying. This is where I want to spend my time, there is where I

feel Jesus wants me to be with the end of life care patients. I want to do, it is in my

heart, understanding this I could not accept that I could not stay focused on Jesus. My

pastor encouraged me very simply by saying,Jesus has sent you a personal invitation.

He further assisted me in training my soul he stated that evangelizing is not a gift and I

should look at this as a commandment!

For this I am eternally grateful, this is why this book resonates some targeted

areas,I had difficulty with for many years. My pastor and I had many conversations for a

space that is for solitude. He also made me feel very comfortable in acknolweging that

the disciples had difficulties with this as well. I needed to understand how to articulate

myself to Jesus and to have Him want me. I began by asking Him to show me how to to

pray. I spent many hours along with my intentions. I could never accomplish by goal

by sitting with the dying if I cannot personally have a relationship with Jesus.

I often enjoy reading from Luke 5:16 and I prepare myself for my time and that is

my spiritual growth and development with Jesus. I marvel with Him and all of His
accomplishment and what He has done for us all. My fluctuation with attention has

greatly improved and I can soley give Jesus what He deserves.


I do not actually have a question but the statement I have is that the boundries

between evangelism and worship should be interwoven. This is something that seemed

out of the ordinary. But we do just as the authors state, Great Commission Worshippers

are missional on two levels, (1) they take the gospel to the nations,(2) great Commission

Worshippers reach out to the needs, feed the hungry, care for the sick, embrace the

marginalized, take in orphas, love widown and accept the unwanted.64

Initially these concepts seemed as though they should remain separate.

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