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U N I V E R S I T Y o f C A L I F O R N I A

Volume 24, Number 4
Published by the UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BOTANICAL GARDEN at Berkeley Fall 1999

Venturing to Venezuela, Part 2

In February of this year a group of intrepid travelers were underneath their roosting tree, as several hundred
ventured to Venezuela, on a Garden-sponsored tour, to proud and pompous males decried each other’s brilliance.
explore various ecosystems unique to that country. The group Then still higher we climbed. The forest thinned, and
was led by David Brunner, Horticulture Manager. Here is changed. Podocarpus replaced Cecropia. Rose and Erica
his account of the trip, the first part of which appeared in the relatives replaced Heliconia and tree ferns. We were
Summer Newsletter. coming into the paramo—the Andes equatorial alpine
zone. At an elevation of nearly 12,000 feet, we stayed in a
From the strange world of the tepuis, we were certain
restored 17th century Franciscan monastery to explore this
that nothing else would compare. But the Andes awaited
unique tropical habitat. The paramo is found above the
with their own beautiful secrets. We flew into Merida, a
cloud forests, in fact above many of the clouds. The skies
modern city in a deep valley between two great arms of the
are bright blue and the days are warm, but the thin air
northern Andes, each rising steeply into equatorial snow
holds no heat and the nights are frigid. Winter descends
and ice at 16,000 feet. But we weren’t to stay long in the
city. Soon we were on our way up the flanks of these great
Flowers of Espeletia schultzii, one of the “frailejones.” (Photos by
mountains into the misty cloud forests that clothe their David Brunner)
shoulders in capes of green. We stayed the night in a
century-old coffee plantation. Mossy red-tiled roofs and
whitewashed walls nestled amid Tillandsia festooned figs.
The following days we explored these moisture laden
forests. Giant pinwheel leaves of Cecropia, white as snow
beneath, and flaming orange boughs of Erythrina defined
the canopy ceiling. Below in the humid semi-shade, tree
ferns stretched long necks 10 meters to the sun, and
Heliconia or Aphelandra blooms rent the darkness with
explosions of color. In the trees themselves, color
abounded. Orchids, banks of purple Sobralia, swags of
orange Oncidium, glowing spirals of Epidendrum, and
illuminated lilac Cattleya were not to be outdone by the
chocolate and crimson of Episcia or the lilac and carmine
of Vriesia.
At every turn the dense, moist, green curtain was
spangled with color—some that moved! Giant iridescent
blue morpho and elegant red and black heliconiid butter-
flies moved on slow-motion wings. Just at dawn, after
scrambling down a steep, root-entangled slope, we paused
in the hush beneath a particular tree. Then, as pale azure
replaced the indigo above, a cacophony of cries rang out.
A noise like a thousand crows in a quarrel. But the birds
that were uttering these cries! The Andean Cock-of-the-
Rock, a shocking orange fellow with a breast of jet. We
2 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

every evening with frost, ice and occasional snow. Summer filled the sky with yellow spikes and Coryanthes filled the
returns each midday when the sun, in unfiltered intensity, air with exquisite perfume.
blazes above. Plants here have to adapt to our yearly The llanos are not, however, ruled by plants; they are
extremes in each and every day. The results are fantastic ruled by birds, a swirling, dizzying kaleidoscope of birds.
shapes and colors. Elaphoglossum ferns cloak their fronds in Thousands of birds, tens of thousands of birds, millions of
bronze and silver mirrored scales, and their strange cousin birds! Spoonbills and ibises of scarlet, storks and egrets of
Jamesonia unfurls fronds like chenille in white and rust white, herons of blue, kingfishers of green. Hawks by the
and gray. Odd, twisted trees of Polylepis shed long ribbons squadron, ducks by the fleet. If that were not enough,
of red bark from branches holding Fuchsia, Passiflora and the water is teeming too. Fire-bellied piranha swim in the
Bomarea in full flower. shallows, while giant, seemingly lazy crocodiles bask on
Strangest of all, the undisputed monarch of the paramo the shore. Always nearby, the squat yet somehow stately
(though the Andean Condor, a mere speck in the sky capybara, largest of all the rodents, bathes in the shallows.
above, might disagree) is Espeletia, the Frailejon. These Herds of these pig-sized beasts rove from water hole to
odd plants, like giant velvet cabbages on a pedestal, are as water hole, grazing on the abundant grass, as they raise
numerous as the soldiers of an invading army cresting the their young and avoid their principle predator, the
ridge. Marching silently up the rocky precipices toward anaconda! We ventured out onto these unfriendly waters
the permafrost, they embody the paramo as the saguaro to see the wildlife and see it we did, all of it up close!
embodies the desert. In flower, these solemn soldiers put Returning to Caracas and the troubles of everyday life
on a jaunty hat of yellow and show their true nature as (an airline strike!), each of us knew we had experienced the
overgrown daisies. Wonders of adaptation, Espeletia trip of a lifetime. From the bizarre and pristine world of
conserve heat through the cold night in their thick stem Kukenan to the sizzling abundance of the llanos, we had
and leaves. They even produce antifreeze to protect the touched the pulse of the planet and felt it surging. We will
growing bud, but filter the too-intense daylight through not forget.
dense crystalline hairs. —David Brunner
Leaving the paramo on a frosty dawn, we descended
and descended and descended by Andean valleys to the
great plain of the llanos in the valley of the Orinoco River. One of the many waterfalls that cascade through the Andean cloud
We lost 10,000 feet of elevation and gained 60 degrees in
temperature. The broad plain that stretches between the
Andes and the highlands of the Gran Savana is as flat and
rich a land as our Great Plains. Here the climate is hot and
dry or hot and wet. The season of mud and the season of
dust. We arrived at the end of one and the start of the
other, so we got some of both. The forest is tall and semi-
deciduous, many of the trees going leafless to conserve
water. But along the many, big, slow meandering rivers
the galleries are evergreen and ever-blooming. Vochysia

Bob Clark and Nora Smirga at 11,000 feet in the paramo.

Fall 1999 3

I have a photograph of my father that I enjoy very It is surprisingly difficult to find answers to these
much. It’s fun to ask people where they think it was taken. questions. A variety of avenues has been pursued. Pollen
He looks very dapper in his jaunty fisherman’s cap and records from cores of pond bottoms. Anthropological
tweedy jacket. The folded umbrella in his hand is damp interviews with Indians. Archaeological digs. The spotty
and limp; it clearly has been raining, although not just accounts of early explorers. I have even heard of attempts
now. The surroundings are preternaturally green. to reconstruct pre-contact landscapes by soaking mission
Saturated emerald hillsides obscured by swirling mists; adobes in water to dissolve out the fibrous plant material
droplet dotted grass blades in the foreground. that was used to give them structural strength.
Everyone guesses Ireland. Neither my father nor I has In desert regions, dissections of pack rat nests can be
ever been to Ireland, I triumphantly inform my surprised amazingly revealing. Each mode of inquiry reveals a small
friends. This picture was taken in Los Angeles; in the Santa part of the animal; perhaps a piece of the tail, a leg, the
Monica mountains, which are within the city limits! trunk. Is it a snake? A tree? Who knows? Like the blind
Anyone who has spent time in California knows that men feeling the elephant, we won’t begin to understand
away from our irrigated lawns and orchards, there are two the whole picture until the information from all these
seasons: the green and the brown. And when it is green, it diverse sources is examined in concert. This is where the
is very, very green. Has it always been this way? Garden comes in.
Today, this signature character of the western Califor- At the Garden we are in the planning stages for an
nia landscape is largely due to the quickening of exotic exciting new initiative. We will soon begin renovations to
grasses to winter rains. How did the landscape appear transmute the former Canyon Chemical Facility into a
before these grasses spread like wildfire before the wind? Center for the Study of Plant Conservation. One of the
This is not an idle question of romantic botanists. goals of plant conservation is to conserve plant diversity
Ecological restoration, the scientific restoration or recon- within natural communities. Today, there is much debate
struction of natural habitats, is a growing field that needs about what constitutes a natural community in California.
answers to this and similar questions. For example, did the An important role of the Center will be to facilitate
earlier ecosystem show the dramatic swings in function multi-disciplinary inquiry into the natural communities in
that characterize current grasslands? Were these landscapes California today and in the recent past.
self-maintained, or did they reflect the activities of the —Dr. Ellen Simms
large human population supported by this rich land?
If the latter, then how can we replicate these ecological

Research in the Garden

The Garden Botanical Garden Using an Automatic Camera System,”
continues to offer their report details some of the fauna entering the Garden
many opportunities under the fence at night. Using a “Wildlife Pro Camera
for research to both System” over three 14-day sample periods, they detected
faculty and students. 60 animal incursions into the Garden through a hole in
Mary Jane Grady the cyclone fence.
and Reginald H. Their project sought to distinguish between the
Barrett of the number of incidences occurring when the site was baited
Department of and the number when it was unbaited. Our most common
Environmental visitor was a little gray fox, obviously attracted more
Science and during the one baited period. What cannot be quantified
Management have of course, are the number of animals deterred by that fox!
recently reported on an interesting research project they Two trespassers (red fox, Vulpes vulpes, and feral cat, Felis
have undertaken at the Garden. Entitled, “The Effect of catus) proved especially interesting, since they are non-
Using Bait on Detections of Wildlife Entering the UC native species, known to be detrimental to native wildlife.
4 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

Dr. Raabe’s column this issue (page 8) has a note about
The annual national meeting of the American plants that attract hummingbirds, and we just cannot miss
Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta was held the opportunity to point out that a great number of these
in Vancouver, British Columbia in late June. David plant species, especially the salvias and penstemons, can be
Brunner, Holly Forbes, Jennifer White, and Janet found in the Mexican and Central American Area of the
Williams attended. Discussions of international collecting Garden. All are in glorious flower during the Fall and
expeditions and the sharing of plant materials, in respect surrounded by a darting
of the 1992 Convention on Biodiversity, were highlights multitude of humming-
of the meeting. birds and dancing
butterflies! Come in and
Horticulturist Lawrence Lee has reduced his time to have a look; you may also
80% to launch a private nursery business. Horticulture find one of these attrac-
Manager David Brunner has taken over responsibility for tant plants in the Garden
the New World Desert collection. Shop to take home.
Examples of these can
A mountain lion was sighted on Centennial Drive in be seen all around the
the vicinity of the Garden on July 3. The following new masonry staircase in
suggestions are from the California Department of Fish the photograph, left. The
and Game: Do not hike alone. Keep children close to you. steps, which imitate the
Do not approach a lion. Do not run from a lion. Do not style of the original stone
crouch down or bend over. Do all you can to appear stairs in the New World
larger. Fight back if attacked. More details are available on Desert section of the
the mountain lion alert signs in the Garden and on the Garden, were recently
adjacent fire trail. (Photo by Janet Williams) completed by horticultur-
ist Eric Schultz. The
New Plants Program Coordinator Martin Grantham more naturalistic stone stairs are part of a Garden program
resigned in June. He is now managing the teaching green- to replace the old railway tie stairs—which not only wore
houses at San Francisco State University. Martin made out more quickly but were environmentally unsound
significant contributions to the Garden in several positions because the ties were soaked in creosote, which pollutes
since 1989, including horticulturist responsibilities at various the soil. A new masonry staircase has been installed in the
times for the Mexican and Central American Area, New Zealand section over the last few months and another
Australasian Area, Xerophytic Ferns and African Hill. is soon to be installed in the Asian section.
We wish him the best of success in his future endeavors.

Farewell and good wishes to Kandle Fraser who served as

our administrative assistant; she has left to pursue graduate San Francisco Flower and Landscape
studies at the Art Institute of Chicago. We welcome Michael Garden Show, 2000
Rimar, her replacement on the administration team; he is
also an enthusiastic Garden member. Following the critical success of our vignette
display, “The Surrealist’s Landscape—Specimens
from our Extraordinary Palette,” in the San Francisco
What Makes the Garden Grow?
Flower and Landscape Garden Show in March of this
We welcome all of our members in the Supporters and
year, we have been invited to participate in the main
above Membership groups to attend a special Behind the
floor competition next year. Currently, we are
Scenes Tour and reception to be held in the Garden’s
engaged in planning all aspects of our display and
Corporate Yard on October 21. Featuring small group
wanted to let you all know how excited we are to be
tours of nearby, normally nonpublic greenhouses and
the first nonprofit organization ever invited to
propagating areas led by our expert horticultural staff, this
compete in this main part of the show. If you are
event will also have a self-guided tour of the Corporate
interested in helping to sponsor our entry, or would
Yard with plenty of fascinating Garden facts and folklore.
like to volunteer to help with construction of the
(For example, “ What are you doing with all of those
actual exhibit, then please call Horticulture Manager,
rocks?” and ”Why is it called the Gorilla Cage?”) We will
David Brunner, at 510-642-9856.
be mailing invitations with all of the details shortly.
Fall 1999 5

EDUCATION AT Counselors Tell All about Day Camp

THE GARDEN Every summer since 1990, the Garden has offered a
summer day camp called “Green Stuff.” Since that first
summer, when some twenty children enjoyed two
The Garden Supports Gardening Programs one-week sessions, our program has burgeoned. This year,
in Local Schools the Garden saw 52 Green Stuff campers in five one-week
As reported in the last Newsletter, the limited number of sessions. In addition, we collaborated with the Lawrence
spaces for the Spring School Garden Conference filled up Hall of Science in two sessions, during which 24 children
quickly, and an additional 35 individuals were turned away. devoted their mornings to plants and their afternoons to
This offered clear evidence of how eager local teachers are animals. In another collaboration with Golden Bear
for the support of the UC Botanical Garden in developing Recreation, 50 more campers spent their mornings on
gardening programs in their schools. Consequently, we sports, and their afternoons in the peaceful atmosphere of
have scheduled our second School Garden Conference for the Garden.
Saturday, November 20. Counselors Wendy Park and Neil Hedgecock were
The Garden’s education program supports schools in delighted to see how creative kids can get. Every group is
many ways as they struggle to establish and maintain gardens different, but all the children love the tie-dye activity. The
at their sites. In addition to developing curriculum that older children particularly enjoy the Bio-Accumulation
integrates teachers’ goals with the State of California Science Game and the Food Web Game which draw their atten-
Curriculum Framework for both elementary and secondary tion to what eats what, as well as to the consequences of
grade levels, the Garden’s education staff has conducted using pesticides. The realization of the damage that
teacher training sessions and then supported schools when pollution in the environment can do seems to shock the
they take the first step in establishing their gardens. We have children, and they immediately come up with solutions,
been able, for instance, to send Cal undergraduates out to like “Make cars extinct!”
schools, where they assist teachers and students in planting Both Wendy and Neil love showing the children
seedlings, then go on to teach students a variety of horticul- around the Garden, especially inside the greenhouses.
tural skills. The Garden has also provided California native Wendy likes snack time, when she can relate what the
plants for three schools developing native plant gardens. campers are eating to the plant world, and Neil enjoys
Another school is interested in personalizing its garden by revealing that plants don’t get their food from the soil, as
growing plants from each student’s native country. For this most people think, but that they make their food using the
project, the Garden is providing salvias from Mexico and the sun! They have had a great summer at camp, too, because
United States, as well as from seven countries in Central and “The kids are already so bright and enthusiastic about
South America. science and learning more! That makes it fun!”
In providing support for our partner schools, we have
discovered that flexibility is the name of the game. Different
schools, faculty, and school gardens need different types of
support. The Education program at the Garden thus tailors
support according to the needs of a particular school. While
this requires the juggling of many issues, each school garden
becomes a product of its own staff, students, and volun-
teers—as such, a vital, vibrant, and beautiful resource of the
school itself. While our support helps each school garden
program thrive, it also ensures that the program will maintain
itself, becoming self-sufficient, so that these gardens will play
an integral part in children’s schooling for years to come.
Please share information about the Fall 1999 School
Garden Conference with anyone who might be interested in
attending. If you, or someone you know, would like to have
an application for the conference, please contact Jennifer
White at the Garden (510-495-2805). Happy campers at the Garden proudly display their fine tie-dye work.
—Jennifer Meux White (Photo by Janet Williams)
6 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

“Some people dream of worthy accomplishments while

Supporting the Garden Through the Garden Shop
We’ve all A few volunteers even bring their artistic talents to the
visited the Garden Garden Shop: Pat Smith makes earrings, and Wendy
Shop, but did you Draper makes sachets. Jean Nunnally collects and presses
know it is entirely flowers, which she transforms into colorful greeting cards.
staffed by volun- And two of Janean Jaklevic’s photographs of the Garden
teers—twenty- have been made into refrigerator magnets.
eight in all? Make a visit to the Garden Shop a part of every visit to
These volunteers the Garden! You’ll be able to meet one of the Shop’s
work one shift a twenty-eight volunteers: Elly Bade, Joan Bricker, Ann
week or every Brown, Helene Conant, Fran Costa, Kathleen Donovan,
other week, and Wendy Draper, Marilyn Fulrath, Lee Hafter, Kate
many also volun- Heckman, Elizabeth Hook, Janean Jaklevic, Dawn
teer as docents Keremitsis, Susa Kessler, LaVerne Leach, Nancy Markell,
and propagators. Tanya Muschietti, Jean Nunnally, Ellen Peterson, Kay
Well-traveled and Riddell, Jenny Schaffell, Pat Smith, Emmy Sortor,
from different Thomas Steppe, Ruth Ungar, Elizabeth Waterman,
walks of life, the Patricia Wolf, and Pam Woy. Not only that! You’ll be
Nancy Markell (right) enjoys Junko Shop volunteers able to browse recently published books, to peruse the
Uchimaya’s demonstration of the
intricacies of the Japanese tea ceremony
not only help latest gift selections, and to stand amazed at the variety of
one afternoon in the Shop. (Photo by visitors select a rare and unusual plants offered for sale on the Garden
Candice Schott) book or a gift or Shop’s Plant Deck.
a plant, they also
answer a bevy of questions about Garden history, Garden
programs, and the subtleties of plant care.
Elly Bade is the longest serving Shop Volunteer. Since
the summer of 1987, she has been buying the Shop’s
Hats Off To Margaret Mitchell !!
books for both adults and children—no easy task when 25 Years Of Service To The Garden
shelf space is limited. Elly’s philosophy is to offer an
extensive range of books about plants and gardening to
At a festive Docent Luncheon
our visitors. The curious child, the novice gardener, the
on September 21, Margaret
horticultural enthusiast and even the learned botanist will
Mitchell will be honored
each find books of interest in our Garden Shop. Recently,
as the most long-serving
Nancy Markell joined Elly, and the two now collaborate
volunteer still on active service
in bringing this esteemed book selection to the Garden
in the Garden. The Docents
were the first volunteer group
Many Garden visitors express surprise at the Shop’s
organized in the Garden, and
unique array of gifts—made possible through the efforts of
Margaret is the only docent
our gift-buyers: Emmy Sortor, Lee Hafter, Janean Jaklevic
remaining active from the first
and Pat Smith. With their distinct, but always selective,
docent training class, which
tastes, they are expert at finding unusual T-shirts, aprons,
graduated in 1974. She served as Chairperson of the group
ceramic pots, toys, and botanically-inspired greeting cards.
in 1977-78, and actively promotes the Garden wherever
Whether you fancy a beautifully designed bug pin from
she goes. Of course, she continues to lead tours. (Her
Yipes!, a one-of-a-kind wooden bowl made by John
favorite assignment is with the Biology 1B students!)
Doyen, or a fragrant soap or salve from Bonny Doon
Thank you, Margaret, for your enthusiasm and grace.
Farms, come to the Garden Shop. And if you’re simply
We hope you’ll be with us for another 25 years!
hungry, Helene Conant makes sure the Shop stocks your
favorite snack!
Fall 1999 7

others stay awake and DO them!” —Unknown

Meet the Program Committee

Many readers of this Newsletter may not realize that
most of the Garden’s informative lectures, dynamic Plants of the Tahoe Basin,
workshops, and exciting travel adventures happen as a Flowering Plants, Trees, and
result of the efforts of the volunteer Program Committee. Ferns, by Michael Graf.
Organized informally two decades ago, when the Garden University of California Press,
had no full time Program staff, the Program Committee in collaboration with the
took on the task of broadening our public educational California Native Plant Society,
offerings beyond the scope of docent-led tours. Over the Berkeley, CA, 1999. 15 line
years, they have presented horticultural symposia, lectures illustrations, color photographs,
by cutting-edge natural scientists and gardening gurus, and plant keys are included. 300
book signings by popular plant specialists, workshops by pages. Paper $19.95, Cloth
talented nature-crafters, and travel adventures to gardens $40.00.
throughout the world.
The Program Committee includes volunteers from the
various volunteer groups throughout the Garden. Chair- Conifers of California, by
person Diane Kothe has engaged in nearly every volunteer Ronald M. Lanner with color
activity possible at the Garden. Claude Babcock, Alison illustrations by Eugene O.
Mills, and Gayle Roberts are Docents. Lee Anderson and Murman. Cachuma Press, Santa
Lizzie Kaska are Propagators, Pat Smith and Emmy Sortor Barbara, CA, 1999. Color
are active in the Garden Shop. Some Committee mem- photos and range maps are
bers, like Janet Ruyle, make the Program Committee itself included. Paper $24.95, Cloth
their primary Garden activity. Janet Williams, Nancy $36.95.
Swearengen and Margie Richardson are staff Program
Committee members.
All told, the Program Committee gathers enthusiastic,
energetic and creative folks who like to find ways to share, AND DON’T MISS THIS—
with as many people as possible, their excitement about On Sunday, November 7
the plant world in general and the Botanical Garden in at 2 p.m.
particular. If you have ideas for programs, or if you would Ronald Lanner will be in the
like to be a member of this up-beat group, please let us Garden for a signing of
know! Conifers of California
—Elly Bade

Garden Wishlist
Thanks so much to those of you who responded to the wishlist in our last Newsletter.
For the new staff breakroom we received a refrigerator from Carol and Howard Kirk and a toaster oven from Gene
Rochlin and Anne Middleton. Margaret O’Connor and Larry Korb donated a washing machine for the horticultural
staff to use. We really appreciate these donations and thank you all very much indeed! We also thank Mr. D. Meredith
who kindly offered us his pick-up—which we were unfortunately unable to accept due to university policy regarding
in-kind gifts of vehicles (turns out we are only able to accept vehicles under six years of age or which have traveled less
than 60,000 miles).
We still have a wishlist though!
• a clothes dryer • contributions toward a thermal transfer label printer for
• a pick-up truck propagation (this costs around $4,000 and we already have
• a microwave had $1,000 of that donated towards the cost of this item)

If you are able to help us out with any of these we would love to hear from you! Call Janet Williams in the
Development Office at 510-643-2937.
8 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley

Apple growers in California’s southern Joaquin Valley

THE DOCTOR SAYS are removing thousands of Fuji apple trees. Although
crunchy and sweet, they aren’t red like those from the
Recent information about the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia northwest, or those grown farther north in the valley, or
nobilis) is that the government of New South Wales has those grown at higher elevations in the south. The reason
granted rights of commercial propagation to a private is that it doesn’t get cold enough at night to build up
nursery working in cooperation with the Queensland anthocyanins, the red pigments in apples. Western Fruit
Department of Primary Industry. The first plants should Grower 119 (5): 24A-24B.
be ready in 2005. A word of warning is given that the trees
can reach 120' and they tend to sucker. Plant Talk 17:18. Using gamma radiation, a researcher on grasses treated
a cultivar of Bermuda grass, and selected mutant plants
In an article in Plants and Gardens 14 (1): 6-7 is a that were very short. The new cultivar outperforms its
discussion of hummingbird attractants. Flowers that are predecessor when used as a putting green mowed at
red and tubular-shaped are important as are orange and heights of 1/8 inch or less. It is being tested, not only for
pink flowers of that type. Plants listed for the Pacific Coast how well it responds when used as a putting green but also
include Penstemon species, Zauschneria species, Justicia how it responds to wear and tear. Agricultural Research 46
californica, Justicia spicigera, Fouquierea splendens and (5):13.
Salvia greggii. Also listed are Lobelia cardinalis, Aquilegia —Dr. Robert Raabe
canadensis, Lonicera sempervirens and Campsis radicans.

The common quince, Cydonia oblonga, is not grown A Sneak Preview...

commonly because of its tough, tart flesh. In southern
Russia, new quince cultivars have been bred that are
tender and sweet. One of the new hybrids ‘Aromatnaya’
Garden supporters,
produces one pound fruits that have a faint pineapple odor
Mary and Richard
and taste. National Gardening 22 (1): 29.
Schroter, have
generously made
The waters in the water lily pools at the Missouri
possible the pur-
Botanical Garden are black. This results from the addition
chase of a Kasuga-
of potassium permanganate being used to inhibit the
style lantern,
growth of algae. The chemical is not an algicide but
pictured here,
absorbs sunlight and prevents the algae from getting the
which will be
necessary light. It doesn’t hurt the leaves of plants on or
installed soon.
above the water, and because of the dark color, heat is
Carved from
absorbed, favoring the growth and flowering of the water
granite, this seven
lilies. Bull. Missouri Botanical Garden July-August 1997:6.
foot, 150 year-old
lantern comes from
Interesting work in Pennsylvania has to do with
the mountains
chilling requirements of produce. Most things that
southwest of
continue to ripen after harvest should not be chilled, such
Tokyo. Its hexago-
as tomatoes, pears, melons (except watermelon), bananas,
nal firebox features
mangoes, and papayas. Potatoes should be kept dark and
three motifs, a deer,
cool but not in a refrigerator. Cucumbers should be
a cloud, and a
refrigerated. Winter squash should be cooled only after
mountain. This
cooking and melons after being cut. Some produce may
venerable lantern
produce odors. Green pepper odor will be picked up by
will be dedicated to
many fruits, but ripened peppers have very little odor.
(Photo by Elaine Sedlack) Haruko Obata, a
Apple odor is taken up by cabbage, carrots, figs, onions,
beloved teacher of
meat, eggs and dairy products. Odor from onions can
Ikebana, the art of
affect apples, celery, potatoes and pears. Green or bunch-
Japanese flower-arranging. Once installed, the lantern will
ing onions can affect corn, figs, greens and mushrooms.
complement both the smaller lantern already beside the
Pear odor is absorbed by cabbage, carrots, celery, onions
Japanese Pool and the Japanese-style wooden gate, recently
and potatoes. Potato odor can affect apples and pears.
dedicated to both Haruko Obata and her husband
Citrus odor is picked up by meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Professor Chiura Obata.
Pennsylvania State Agriculture Fall/Winter 98-99: 2, 3.
Fall 1999 9
Ms. Nancy Davidson
New Members
Affiliated Nurseries The Garden welcomes the
Ms. Linda Davis
Mark and Diana Davis
following new members: Tracy Dean
The Garden is pleased to present the Ms. Cynthia Debrunner
following nurseries offering a 10% discount Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ablin Mr. Al Del Simone
John Alexander and M. Roman Ms. Licia Demeo
on plant materials to
Mr. David Allswang Mr. Ernest Denicke
UC Botanical Garden members Ms. Virginia Denison
Ms. Judith Alper
(remember to present your Ms. Patty Dennis
Michael and Melanie Andersen
membership card at time of purchase): Brian Anderson and Leda Schulak Mr. David Devoe
Ms. Elaine Anderson Ms. Barbara Dezonia
Alan and Helen Appleford Mr. Harry Dixon, Jr.
Copacabana Nursery Mr. Mark Dolev
Mr. David Arnold
234 Hall Drive, Orinda Dr. Diana Arsham Wakako Domoto
510-254-2302 Ms. Susan Baker Ms. Diane Dunkman
Iris and Bob Baker Norma and Arthur Dunlop
Mr. Robert Balfour Mr. Richard Duran
The Dry Garden Ms. Gloria Edson
Ms. Sharon Kay Bany
6556 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley Ezra Barany and Beth Reisberg Ms. Julie Ellis
510-547-3564 Ms. Susan Barnard Mr. Gary Faber
Ms. Lisa Barsoti Frances and Norman Farley
Mr. Jason Bass Irmgard Feldon
East Bay Nursery Mr. James Ferguson
Mr. Steve Batchelder, Tree Care
2332 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley Ms. Mariece Batey Ms. Alison Ferguson
510-845-6490 Mr. Randall Bean Gary and Leigh Firestone
Ms. Barbara Beard Hue Yong and Patrick Flaherty
Mr. Richard Beaubien Ms. Polly Fleischer
Grand Lake Ace Garden Center Ms. Kate Frankel
Ms. Ellin Beer
4001 Grand Avenue, Oakland Ms. Nancy Bellati Ms. Krisa Fredrickson
510-652-9143 Ms. Ruby Bergman Dr. Stephen Friedkin
Mr. Murray Bilmes Ms. Beth Friedman
Ms. Meredith Binsacca Raphael Friedman and Sara Grunstein
Magic Gardens Mr. Philip Gaddis
Ms. Barbara Blalock
729 Heinz Avenue, Berkeley Ms. Anne Bleecker-Corcos Mr. Joseph Galvan
510-644-1992 Ms. Mollie Blue Mr. Al Garren
Ms. Mary Blume Ms. Ruth Geary
Ms. Barbara Borowiak Ms. Catherine Gedney
Smith & Hawken Hans and Lily Gerson
Ms. Margaret Bowman
1330 10th Street, Berkeley Mr. Michael Bowman Ms. Sara Goolsby
510-527-1076 Mr. George Boyd Alison Gopnik and George Lewinski
Ms. Barbara Bradley Ms. Alice Gore
Ms. Anne Brown Mr. John Gravell
Thornhill Nursery Ms. Lisa Graves
Mr. David Bruce
6250 Thornhill Drive, Oakland Ms. Barbara Brunner Mr. Jordan Greenberg
510-339-1311 Erin Burry and Terrence Tanner Lawrence and Helen Grossman
Ms. Sarah Caligari Mr. Jordon Gudebski
Ms. Donnis Camp Ms. Maya Guilmard
Westbrae Nursery Ms. Debra Gumina
Ms. Jean Carmichael
1271 Gilman Street, Berkeley Ms. Marilyn Carr Mr. Michael Gutierez
510-526-7606 J. Carter Ms. Margaret Gwinn
Ms. Geraldine Casale Margaret and George Haldeman
Mr. Robert Case Ms. Gigi Hall
Yabusaki’s Dwight Way Nursery Mr. Ian Halliwell
Ms. Gale Chapman
1001 Dwight Way, Berkeley Ms. Sally Chapman Mr. Robert Halsey
510-845-6261 Ms. Helen Chetin Flora and Stanley Hanks
Sidney Choate Ms. Shirley Harmon
Ms. Lisa Chu Ann Harvey and Francesca Cunningham
Ms. Susan Ciriclio Mr. Jerry Hashimoto

The Garden Shop Ms. Karen Clayton

Mr. Tom Cloney
Ms. Shoshana Haulley
Lorraine and Frank Hauser
Ms. Marcia Cloutier Joan and Sam Hay
Dr. J. Frederick Conrad, Jr. Susan Heckly and Thomas Howard
Plants, Books & Gifts Mrs. Lisa Cooperman Mr. Gunder Hefta
Ms. Lorraine Corden Mr. Thomas Hendricks
Ms. Frances Herb
Open Every Day of the Week Mr. Harry Cornbleet
John and Janet Hertzer
Ms. Patricia Corrigan
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mr. Michael Craib Dr. Robert Hicks
Ms. Kathleen Craig, Craig Design Associates Mrs. Martha Hill Smith
Ms. Ella Hirst
Members receive
Creative Magic Gardens Nursery, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Cross Hoe and Hope Garden Club
Mr. Bruce Holt
10% discount Mr. Susanna D’Arcy
Mr. Robert Dagley Mr. Steven Hopkinson
Gift Certificates Available Mr. Derek Daniels Billie Hopper
Roger and Jenny Howe
Ms. Joellen Davidson
10 University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley
Ms. Sandra Hrdlicka Mr. Robert Ng Ms. Jean Swanson
Ms. Lizz Hund Ms. Moira Nichols Ms. Barbara Szudy
Doan-Trang Huynh Ms. Carol Noble Ms. Beverly Takata
Jody Hymes and Robin Wise Ms. Mary Weber Novak Ms. Nancy Teshima
Ms. Gail Jara Ms. Lynn O’Hara Ms. Janice Thomas
Ms. Diana Jew Ms. Eileen Odegaard Mr. Larry Thompson
Ms. Jamie Johnson Ms. Nanci Ontko Ms. Melanie Thompson
Ms. Carolyn Johnson Mr. James Paresi Mr. Stan Tish
Robert and Constance Jolly Ms. Elizabeth Parr Ms. Amy Titherington
Mr. Charles Jones Christina Pence and Richard Smith Marie Travers and John Perry
Mr. Douglas Jones Ms. Diane Pennington Mr. Donald Trueblood
Mrs. James Jones Grace and Roland Perkins Ms. Dawn Uribe
Mrs. Ethel Kalin Ms. Diane Plank Barbara and Milton Vail
Ms. Sharon Karol Carlos Plaza and Isabelle Picazo-Plaza, Mr. Joseph Valdez, Green Acres Gardening,
Miss Patricia Kazmierowski CFO Color Spot Nurseries, Inc. Landscaping & Maintenance
Mrs. Riquetta Keller Francesca and Joan Porto Carl and Loretta Vanderveen
Ms. Patricia Kelley Ms. Mathilde Prado Ms. Dianne Velasco
Ms. Meg Kellogg Ms. Sandra Price Inta Vodopols and David Jones
Ms. Lynn Kidd Susan Price and Daniel Smith Gerald and Kaymarie Jacobson Wheeler
Mrs. William Kieferdorf Ms. Rita Pumilia Mr. Fred Whitefield
Mrs. Marilyn Kinney Ms. Alice Raikes Ms. Marian Whitehead
Ms. Ann Kirkpatrick Rick and Iris Ratovsky W. E. Wickliffe
Ms. Mary Klabunde Mr. William Raymond Mr. James Wilson
Mr. Jack Klein Ms. Barbara Raymond Ms. Mei Wong
Lincoln and Jean Koch Mr. Robert Reese Ms. Linda Woods
Patricia and James Kohnen Marion and Selwyn Rehfeld Doug and Darci Worth
Ms. Lisa Kramer Linda Reiff and Richard Ward Mr. Arthur Wu
Ms. Irene Kuffel Mr. Francisco Rico Jessie Yasaki
Edward Kumai and Keigo Uda Ms. Elizabeth Rintoul Ms. Ellen Young
Ms. Deborah Kunst Ms. Rebecca Rivera Dr. Sheila Zarb-Harper
Mr. John Lambert Ms. Irene Roberts Ms. Alanna Zuppann
Mr. William Lange Ms. Barbara Rock Ms. Linda Zwerdling
Ms. Mary Larson Mr. David Rodgers
Ms. Nancy Larson Ms. Anita Roselius
Ms. Bridgit Lawley Ms. Carol Ross
Ms. Sarah Lawrence Ms. Sharon Ross
Ms. Susanne Lea Harry and Dorothy Rubin Grateful Thanks
Ms. Nancy Leahong Ms. Donna Rund The Garden wishes to thank these
Mr. Howard Lederer Mr. Edward Rustvold
Ms. Maria Lee Ms. Maria Sabatini members who have made a substantial
Ms. Carol Lee Marino Sandoval gift over and above membership:
Ms. Sandra Leich Jane and Roy Sandstrom
Ms. Marianne Lempres Mr. Paul Santens
Ms. Judith Alper
Dr. Edna Leonard Donald Sarason and Mary Jennings
Rita and Richard Atkinson
Mr. Len Leschander Mrs. Diana Sasser
Ms. Shannon Baker
Mr. John Linnett Ms. Kate Satz
Ms. Anne Bleecker-Corcos
J. Richard and Wendy Lombardi Ms. Christine Scanlon
Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll
Ms. Dawn Loretz Ms. Roxy Schaefer
Ms. Sally Chapman
Ms. Sharyn Loshakoff Ms. Sharon Scharm
William and Dorothy Clemens
Jerry and Joan Lubenow Philip Schild and Shirley Dichek Schild
Terry and Zeo Coddington
Ms. Barbara Lubicz Ms. Jackie Schliesser
Dr. J. Frederick Conrad, Jr.
Robert and Lynn Lundstrom Mr. Anders Schmidt
Creative Magic Gardens Nursery, Inc.
Gerald and Corrine Lynch Mr. Richard Schneider
Ms. Patricia Cross
Ms. Theresa Lyngso Mrs. Concetta Schroepfer
Mr. Robert Dagley
Dr. Eugene Majerowicz Ms. Deborah Sears
Ms. Virginia Denison
Ms. Patricia Malango Ms. Emily Seidel
Mr. Richard Duran
Ms. Roberta Maloney Ms. Gladys Sessler
Inger Fair
Mila Mangold Irwin and Annette Shapiro
Hue Yong and Patrick Flaherty
Samrina and Mylon Marshall Mr. Jon Shastid
Ms. Kathryn Gjeltema
Mr. Erik Marshall Mr. Gerald Shelton
Lawrence and Helen Grossman
Betty Martin and Sally Hartley Ms. Yvonne Shotwell
Elizabeth Helmholz and A. Carl Hemholz,
Ms. Toni Martin Mr. Samuel Headley Shouse
Laird Norton Family Fund
Barbara and John McNeal Ms. Joan Sieber
Dr. Robert Hicks
Mrs. James McWilliams Mr. Paul Silberstein
Hoe and Hope Garden Club
Ronald and Paula Meader Ms. Deanna Silvestri
Preston B. and Maurine Hotchkis
Dale and Dorothy Mecham Ms. Miriam Singer
Mrs. James Jones
Manny and Ayesha Medina Christine and William Sinn
Susan and Henry Kahn
Ms. Laurie Merryman Ms. Andrea Sohn
Ms. Sharon Karol
Ms. Elisa Mikiten Ms. Gail Soldavini
Diane Kothe and Frank Dobson
Ms. Karen Miller Ms. Sara Stenger
Mr. John Lambert
Ms. Joan Moretz-Homberg Mr. Moshe Sternberg
Mr. William Lange
Ms. Joyce Morton Mr. Phil Stob
Ms. Maria Lee
Mrs. Linda Moyer Ms. Carol Stone
Robert and Caroline Lichtenstein
Mr. Jon Nagy Susan and Bruce Strangeland
Robert and Lynn Lundstrom
Ms. Jane Newhard Ms. Tomiye Sumner
Fall 1999 11

The Newsletter is published by the University

of California Botanical Garden with support
Ms. Barbara Lyss
Barbara and John McNeal
In Honor from memberships. Articles may be reprinted
Grace and Roland Perkins The Garden offers appreciation with credit to the authors and the
Carlos Plaza and Isabelle Picazo-Plaza, UC Botanical Garden.
and thanks for gifts in honor of:
CFO Color Spot Nurseries, Inc.
Susan Price and Daniel Smith
Jim and Ruth Reynolds Donn and Eileen Trousdale from Garden Staff
James Ringland and Karen Ivy Elizabeth and Steward Hook
Debbie Sanderson and Michael O’Hare Dr. Ellen Simms, Garden Director
Philip Schild and Shirley Dichek Schild
Mr. Richard Schneider Administration
Mary and Richard Schroter In Memory Elaine Meckenstock, Business Manager
Mr. Samuel Headley Shouse The Garden offers appreciation Oldriska Balouskova, Visitor Services
Ms. Tomiye Sumner
and thanks for gifts in memory of: Attendant
Mr. Larry Thompson
Mr. Joseph Valdez, Green Acres Gardening,
Gerald Ford, Lead Building Maintenance
Landscaping & Maintenance Margaret Richardson, Tour &
Charles Derleth from
Ms. Elizabeth Waterman Ms. Edith Herget
Rentals Coordinator
David and Susan Wirshup Elly Platou from Michael Rimar, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Mei Wong Eric and Lorel Kay Candice Schott, Business Operations Supervisor
Ms. Ellen Young Ms. Peggy Klenz Marilyn Setterfield, Visitor Services Attendant
Mildred and Morton Marcus Nancy Swearengen, Volunteer Services
Ms. Donna Stoddart Coordinator
In Appreciation Gardner Von der Leith from Janet Williams, Marketing &
Elizabeth and Steward Hook Development Officer
The Garden offers appreciation and Jeanne Watkins from
thanks to these donors for their Mr. Douglas Watkins Curation
generous contributions: Holly Forbes, Curator
Barbara Keller, Curatorial Assistant
Gifts In Kind Dr. Robert Ornduff, Faculty Curator
Carl and Margo Anderson
Ms. Elizabeth Boyd The Garden offers appreciation Education
Mrs. Elinor Freitag
Hillside Gardeners of Montclair and thanks for gifts in kind: Dr. Jennifer White, Associate Director
Rebecca and Brian Newcomer
for Education
Ms. Elizabeth Pretzer Ms. Susan Hall
Mrs. Dee Pruyn Dr. Robert Ornduff Horticulture
Ms. Lyric Rillera Carol and Howard Kirk David Brunner, Horticulture Manager
Mr. Sheldon Rothblatt Gene Rochlin and Anne Middleton Chris Carmichael, Horticulturist
Waimea Arboretum Margaret O’Connor and Larry Korb Daria Curtis, Horticulturist
John Domzalski, Propagator
Judith Finn, Horticulturist
Special Thanks Planning a Gift Peter Klement, Horticulturist
Lawrence Lee, Horticulturist
The Garden would like to honor and to the Garden? Jerry Parsons, Horticulturist
thank those supporters making Dr. Robert Raabe, Garden Pathologist
substantial donations: If you are interested in including Roger Raiche, Horticulturist
the Botanical Garden in your will, Eric Schulz, Horticulturist
Mr. Robert Apte Elaine Sedlack, Horticulturist
please let us know if you need any
Ms. Barbara Brunner
Bob Clark and Raul Zumba help with regard to the precise Newsletter
El Cerrito Garden Club language to be used. If you would Janet Williams, Editor
Mr. Philip Gaddis Academic Arts, Production
like information about donating
Mrs. Elizabeth Hammond
Ms. Elizabeth Hook appreciated securities or establish-
Ms. Carolyn Johnson ing a charitable remainder trust, we The Garden Shop 510/642-3343
Mr. Len Leschander Entrance Kiosk 643-2755
Robert and Caroline Lichtenstein
can forward this information to you,
Administration 642-0849
Ms. Marjorie Maher your attorney or financial advisor. Director’s Office 643-8999
Ms. Hildegard Paxson
Mary and Richard Schroter
Education 495-2805
Ms. Nora Smiriga Please contact either Development 643-2937
Barbara and Milton Vail Janet Williams in the Tours/Rentals 642-3352
Jane and Nelson Weller Development Office at the Plant Collections 643-8040
Volunteers 643-1924
Garden 510-643-2937, Fax 642-5045
or call the University Office of
Planned Giving on the central E-mail:
campus at 510-642-6300. Web Site:
Sunday, September 26, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bring your sick plants to see Dr. Robert Raabe, UC Plant
Fabulous selections for your garden from our vast collection! Pathologist and Dr. Nick Mills, UC Entomologist for free
diagnosis and prescription.
EVERYTHING YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW First Saturday of every month 9 a.m. - noon
In this three-part series, UCBG horticulturist Jerry Parsons, an ART IN THE GARDEN
accomplished floral arranger, will answer all your questions. Karen LeGault, whose work has been exhibited locally and
Wednesday evenings, 6 - 8 p.m. internationally, welcomes beginners as well as accomplished artists.
September 8: The Basics 9 sessions, beginning September 21
September 15: Finding Inspiration in the Botanical Garden Wednesday afternoons, 2 - 4:30 p.m.
September 22: Building Your Own Members $125, non-members $150
Members $15 per individual class, $40 for the series
Non-members $20 per individual class, $55 for the series CONIFERS OF CALIFORNIA
Ron Lanner, author of the new Conifers of California, will share
FOODS OF THE AMERICAS some of the more interesting facts about our local conifers. Of
Don’t miss this extraordinary self-guided exhibit which showcases course his book will be available, and he’ll be pleased to sign it!
crops that originated in the Americas. Sunday, November 7, 2 p.m.
September 26 - October 17, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Free with Garden admission
Free with Garden admission
Special school presentations weekday mornings, Monday - Friday. NOTED AND LESS KNOWN GARDENS IN LOS ANGELES
Call Margaret Richardson for reservations and information, phone This Garden-sponsored tour will visit the lush UCLA campus
510-642-3352. gardens: the Mildred Mathias Botanical Garden, the Sculpture
Garden and the Hannah Carter Japanese Garden. Not far away is
GRAND TOUR EN ESPAÑOL the fabulous new Getty Museum, with its intriguing garden.
Celebrating the opening of Foods of the Americas, world traveler, Add to that La Canada’s Descanso Gardens and the San Marino
Argentine native and avid Garden volunteer Lee Anderson will lead complex of the Huntington Library...and there’s lots to see and
a tour of the Garden in Spanish. do! This exciting trip will be escorted by Roger Raiche, UCBG
September 25, 2 p.m. horticulturist. Please call for information and a detailed itinerary.
Free with Garden admission. Call for reservations and information. November 9-10
Members only: $350 (not including air fare)
A three-part series highlighting healing medicines from the exotic COMING EVENTS - Mark Your Calendar
rainforest to our own back yards, presented by Constance Grauds,
R.Ph., a specialist in natural medicines. She teaches natural FAMILY HOLIDAY FLORAL CRAFTS PROJECTS
medicines, jungle medicine and shamanism around the world and Sunday, December 5, 1- 4 p.m.
is the author of a soon-to-be-published book Pills, Shamans and
Sunday, October 24, 1 p.m.: Jungle Medicine Monday, December 6, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Sunday, October 31, 1 p.m.: Western and Chinese Herbs Wednesday, December 8, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 6, 1 p.m.: Integrative Medicine
Members $10 per session, or $25 for the series HOLIDAY PLANT SALE, Saturday, December 4, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Non-members $15 per session, or $40 for the series
In September 2000, the Garden will sponsor a rail trip through
muskeg and taiga from Winnipeg to Churchill, Manitoba, on the
shores of Hudson Bay. Churchill attracts the largest accessible
congregation of polar bears in the world! Join us for this
once-in-a-lifetime spectacle!

For information about any of these events call Nancy Swearengen 510-643-1924
University of California Botanical Garden Forwarding and Address Correction Requested
Nonprofit Org.
200 Centennial Drive, #5045
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Berkeley, California 94720-5045
University of California

Plants are for sale at The Garden Shop all year ❀ 510-642-3343

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