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1.-The first conditional

La oracion que va con IF La otra oracin
Simple Present Futuro con will/ wont
If I go You will come with me
If I dont go You wont go either
If he likes He will repit
If she doesnt like She wont do it again
If I (to study), I (to pass) the exams.
If the sun (to shine), we (to walk) into town.
If he (to have) a temperature, he (to see) the doctor.
If my friends (to come), I (to be) very happy.
If she (to earn) a lot of money, she (to fly) to New York.
If we (to travel) to London, we (to visit) the museums.
If you (to wear) sandals, you (to slip) on the rocks.
If Rita (to forget) her homework, the teacher (to give)
her a low mark.
If they (to go) to the disco, they (to listen) to loud music.
If you (to wait) a minute, I (to ask) my parents.
2.-The second conditional
La oracion que va con IF La otra oracin
Simple Past Would/ wouldnt + verbo entre parentesis
If he arrived on time He wouldnt have problems
If he went (2 columna) He would like it
If he didnt arrive/ go He would be happy
had w ould sail
1. If we (have) a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas.
2. If he (have) more time, he (learn) karate.
3. If they (tell) their father, he (be) very angry.
4. She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a green
5. If I (live) on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day.
6. We (help) you if we (know) how.
7. My brother (buy) a sports car if he (have) the money.
8. If I (feel) better, I (go) to the cinema with you.
9. If you (go) by bike more often, you (be / not) so flabby.
10. She (not / talk) to you if she (be) mad at you
3.-Adverbs of time
Before after once as soon as unless

By the time the moment when

4.-the zero conditional
Se usa para hablar de hechos que son siempre ciertos
If you dont study, you fail = Si no estudias, suspendes
Se forma con las dos oraciones en Presente Simple
If it (rain)..rains.too much, the river(flow)..flows

If you (not write) soon, I (be)worried

If he (give up).his studies, he (not success)..

Unless you (care)..well plants, they (die).

Los primero que tienes que tener en cuenta es, que si no te sabes los verbos irregulares,
este examen lo tienes suspenso porque en la 2 condicional ya has visto que los verbos
van en pasado y si son irregulares, son la 2 columna.
Para esta condicional los verbos van en participio, eso quiere decir que acaban en ed si
son regulares pero, si son irregulares, son la tercera columna.
La oracion que va con IF La otra oracin
Past Perfect Would/ wouldnt + have (siempre,
aunque sea 3 persona del singular)+
If he had arrived on time verbo en participio
If he had gone (3 columna) He wouldnt have got problems
He would have been happy
1. If you (study) for the test, you (pass) it.
2. If you (ask) me, I (help) you.
3. If we (go) to the cinema, we (see) my friend Jacob.
4. If you (speak) English, she (understand) .
5. If they (listen) to me, we (be) home earlier.
6. I (write) you a postcard if I (have) your address.
7. If I (not / break) my leg, I (take part) in the contest.
8. If it (not/ start) to rain, we (walk) to the museum.
9. We (swim) in the sea if there (not / be) so many sharks
10.If she (take) the bus, she (not / arrive) on time.
1.-The first conditional
1) If I ___ _________ (not/be) busy, I __ ____ (come) with you.

2) If it __________________ (rain), we __________________ (stay) at home.

3) I ____________________ (call) you if I ___________________ (have) time.

4) If she ___________________ (not/study) hard, she ____________________

(not/pass) the test.
5) If the weather ___________________ (be) nice, we ___________________ (go) to
the beach.
6) You ______________________ (get) fat if you ___________________ (not/stop)
eating so much.
7) If I ______________________ (see) John, I ______________________ (tell) him
about the party.
8) Mum _______________________ (be) very angry if I ____________________
(not/tidy) my room.
9) If we _______________________ (not/leave) now, we _____________________
(miss) the bus.
10) You ________________________ (not/go) to the party if you _________________
(not/do) your homework.
2.-The second conditional
1) You ____ _____________ (feel) better if you ____ (take) an aspirin.

2) If they ________________ (come) with us, we _______________(have) a great time.

3) If it __________________(rain), I ____________________ (stay) at home.

4) _____________________ (you / post) this letter for me if you _________________

(not / be ) too busy?

5) You __________________________ (apologise) if it ____________ (be) your fault.

6) If David ___________________ (invite) Janice, I _________________ (not / go) to

his party.
7) If you __________________(not / know) the answer, __________ (ask) Mr Walters.

8) Jack ____________________ (move) to Scotland if he ________________ (find) a

good job there.
9) If the pain ________________________ (not / stop), I _____________________
(see) a doctor.
10) What ___________________ (you / tell) Andrew if he _____________________
(ask) you?
1) If I ____________________ (hear) the weather forecast, I ___________________
(take) an umbrella with me.

2) If you ___________________ (come) to the party last night, you ________________

(meet) James.
3) If I __________________________ (listen) to her, this ________________________
(not / happen).
4) If I ___________________ (know) you were at home, I _______________________
(call) you.
5) What ___________________ (you / do) if he ______________________ (not / lend)
you his car?
6) If you _________________ (not / be) so rude, she __________________ ( not / get)
so upset.
7) If Raymond ___________________ (not / miss) the bus, he ____________________
( not / be) late for work.
8) If someone ___________________tell) me that there was no milk in the house, I

________________ (go) to the supermarket.

9) She ___________________ (not / refuse) if you _______________________ (ask)

her nicely.
10) _____________________ (you / come) with us if we ______________________
(tell) you about the concert?
1) If I ____had______ (have) lots of money, I would sail round the world. 2__

2) If my sister _____________________ (see) this puppy, she will love it. ____

3) If I ________________________ (pack) the suitcases myself, I wouldnt have left

my swimsuit. ____

4) We _______________________________ (can / sit) in the garden if the weather

were nicer. ____

5) _________________________________ (Fred / be) bored if you had taken him to

the opera? ____

6) I ____________________________ (wait) for you outside the cinema if I arrive

early. ____

7) Val and Cherie would move if they ____________________ (can / find) a better
house. ____

8) I ________________________________ (tell) him my name if he had asked. ____

9) If the children want to go to the zoo, _____________________ (Dad /take) them?

10) If the job ___________________________ (be) interesting, would you work for
this company? ____

11) They wouldnt have believed him if he ____________________________ (tell)

them the truth. ____

12) She would be upset if her best friend ______________________ (not / come) to her

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