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Amphibian Declines: Judging

Stability, Persistence, and

Susceptibility of Populations to
Local and Global Extinctions
Department of Zoology
3029 Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvalli.~ OR 97331 U.S.A.

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
1120 Life Sciences Building
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A.

Department of Integrative Biology
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720, U.SA.

Abstract: Extinctions are normal biological p h e n o m e n a Declinaci6n de anlibios: Juzgando estabilidad, persistencia y
Both mass extinctions in geological time and local extinc- susceptibilidad de las poblaciones alas extinciones
tions in ecological time are well documented, but rates o f globales
extinction have increased in recent years--especially in vet.
tebrateg including amphibians--as illustrated by recent re.
ports o f their population declines and range reductions We Resumen: Las extinciones son un f e n 6 m e n o biol6gico nor-
suggest that long-term population data are necessary f o r rig- real Extinciones en masa en una escaia temporal geol6gica
orously evaluating the significance o f the amphibian de- y e x t i n c i o n e s locales en u n a escala t e m p o r a l ecol6-
cliruet Due to the physiological constraint~ relatively low gica~ estdn bien documentadag pero en aflos recientes las
mobility, and site fidelity o f amphibian& we suggest that tasas de extnci6n ban incrementado, especialmente en ver-
many amphibian populations may be unable to recolonize tebrado~ incluyendo a los anflbios tal comb ha sido ejem.
areas after local extinction plificado en reportes recientes sobre ia declinaci6n de su
poblaci6n y la reducci6n de st, drea de distribuci6rt No-
sotros sugerimos que datos pobiacionales a largo p i a z o son
necesarios para evaluar rtgurosamente ia signiflcancia de la
decllnaci6n en anfibiog Nosotros sugerimos que muchas de
ias poblaciones de anflbios son incapaces de recolonizar
dreas despuds de extinciones locales debido a ias restrtc-
Paper submitted June 1, 1992; revised manuscript accepted Septem- clones fisiol6gicag ia reiativamente baja movilidad y ia
ber 17, 1993. filopatrla de los anfibtos


Cotlaegvaglotl lilololgy, Pages 6 0 - 7 1

Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
B/agsW./neta/. Amph/bian/k,dines 61

Introduction Wake 1990; Phillips 1990; W y m a n 1990; Wake 1991;

specific examples are provided in Table 1). In some
Mass extinctions of species in geological time and local cases, unusual mortality has b e e n d o c u m e n t e d ( s e e
extinctions in ecological time are natural o c c u r r e n c e s Blaustein & Olson 1991; Blaustein et al. 1994 and ref-
(see Andrewartha & Birch 1954; Blaustein 1981; Raup erences therein). Habitat destruction is undoubtedly
& Sepkoski 1982; C o n n e r & Sousa 1983; Stanley 1985; the major cause for amphibian losses, but other hypoth-
Jablonski 1986; Wilson 1988; Terborgh 1989; McNeely esized causes for these declines include chemical pol-
et al. 1990; Ehrlich & Wilson 1991). Even simple shifts lution, acid precipitation, increased ultraviolet radia-
in distribution can p r o d u c e local population extinction tion, i n t r o d u c t i o n o f e x o t i c s p e c i e s , p a t h o g e n s ,
( C o n n e r & Sousa 1983; Davis 1986). Rates of extinction harvesting by humans, and natural population fluctua-
of plants and animals have accelerated in recent times, tions (Blaustein & Wake 1990; Phillips 1990; W y m a n
however, in m a n y cases because of h u m a n interference 1990; Pechmann et al. 1991; Blaustein et al. 1994).
that has destroyed or fragmented suitable habitat (Sim- Amphibians are integral c o m p o n e n t s of m a n y ecosys-
berloff 1986; Wilson 1988; McNeely et al. 1990). Nu- tems, and they may constitute the highest fraction of
merous threatened species exist in all vertebrate classes vertebrate biomass in some ecosystems (see Burton &
(see McNeely et al. 1990). Likens 1975). Through their contribution to trophic dy-
As part of the overall "hiodiversity crisis," recent re- namics in a variety of communities, a world-wide de-
ports suggest that m a n y species within the class Am- cline in amphibians could have an important impact on
phibia are undergoing population decline, range reduc- other organisms. Adult amphibians are important carni-
tion, and even extinction (see reviews by Blaustein & vores in many systems and p r e y species in others (Por-

Table 1. Some studies of amphibians whose populations were continuously monitored (at least once per year) for at least four years. 1

Species o f Study Population Trend References
Bufo bufo 24 Years declining Semb-Johannson (1989)
Common Toad
Bufo canorus 12 Years declining Kagarise Sherman and Morton (1993)
Yosemite Toad
Bufo calamita 9 Years declining Banks and Beebee (1987); see also
Natterjack Toad Beebee et al. (1990)
Bufo periglenes 4 Years declining 2 Crumpet al. (1992)
Golden Toad
Rana pipiens 10 Years extinction of Corn and Fogleman (1984)
Leopard Frog six populations
Rana sylvatica 7 Years fluctuating Berven (1990)
Wood Frog
Pseudacris ornata 12 Years fuctuating Pechmann et al. (1991)
Ornate Chorus Frog
Eleutherudactylus coqui 4 Years increasing 3 Woolbright (1991)
The Coqui (frog)
Plethodon j o r d a n i 5 Years stable Hairston (1983)
Red-Checked Salamander
Plethodon glutinosus 5 Years stable Hairston (1983)
Slimy Salamander
Plethodon cinereus 14 Years stable Jaeger (1980)
Red-Backed Salamander
Plethodon shenandoah 14 Years declining Jaeger (1980)
Shenandoah Salamander
A m b y s t o m a opacum 12 Years fluctuating Pechmann et al. (1991)
Marbled Salamander
A m b y s t o m a talpoideum 12 Years fluctuating Pechmann et al. (1991)
Mole Salamander
A m b y s t o m a tigrinum 12 Years fluctuating Pechmann et al. (1991)
Tiger Salamander
A m b y s t o m a macu/atum 5 Years fluctuating Husting (1965)
Spotted Salamander
t The populaVlon trend statements are based on the conclusions of the author~
2 See text for detailg
3 This is probably only a temporary increase in numbem According to Woolbright (1991), adults of this species increased fourfold immediately
after hurricane Hugo (1989) due to an increase in retreat sites and decrease in invertebrate predatom

Volume8, No. 1, March 1994
62 Amphib~nDeclines Blauste~ et a.

ter 1972); larval amphibians can be important herbi- populations or entire species. Erring in the opposite di-
vores (Dickman 1968; Seale 1980; Morin et aL 1990) as rection, by mistakenly concluding that a global decline
well as p r e y (Duellman & Trueb 1986) in aquatic hab- is occurring w h e n populations are simply exhibiting
itats. normal ranges of fluctuation, will waste resources and
For several species, range reductions over ecological political capital. It boils down to the issue of h o w w e
time have been documented, but local population de- should balance the risk of lost credibility, which might
clines leading to extinctions are less evident. Given that seriously compromise future conservation efforts in this
local extinctions or declines are c o m m o n features of and other arenas, against the cost of failing to respond to
matW apparently undisturbed animal and plant popula- a serious environmental crisis.
tions, w e must ask w h e t h e r many recent reports of am- Only if rigorous sampling studies and ongoing assess-
phibian population declines are cause for alarm, and, ments of the hypothesis of decline (incotlx)rating ex-
more fundamentally, w h e t h e r it is true that the magni- periments) p r o c e e d simultaneously, can the decision to
tude of amphibian population declines or the frequency intervene be made on solid scientific grounds. A case for
of population extinctions has significantly increased in intervention will be all the more convincing if observed
recent years. At present, this question is difficult to an- demographic changes can be linked to specific human-
swer because there are few long-term data on the pop- induced alterations of the habitat. Efforts to halt the
ulation dynamics of amphibians to serve as a baseline for declines and restore populations and their habitat to
comparison (Connell & Sousa 1983; Hairston 1987; see their former condition can then be undertaken. In the
discussion below). Thus, there are at least two interpre- remainder of this paper, w e critically discuss the evi-
tations of the recent observations: ( 1 ) the p h e n o m e n o n dence for a global decline of amphibians in light of what
is real; long-term census data, if available, would reveal is known about natural fluctuation in their densities.
that many of the reported declines and extinctions are
indeed unprecedented in ecological time; ( 2 ) the prob-
lem has been exaggerated because much of what is What Should Be Monitored?
known about amphibian population dynamics comes
from relatively brief studies or anecdotal accounts. Such Efforts to conserve threatened species or to evaluate the
studies rarely span more than a few years and may result need for such intervention are more c o n c e r n e d with the
in a misleading picture of the level of variability that persistence of populations--that density remains safely
occurs in the density of natural populations. Even those above z e r o - - t h a n their s t a b i l i t y b h o w narrowly the
records that span as m u c h as one population turnover density fluctuates in time about some point equilibrium
may underestimate natural variation (Connell & Sousa or cyclic path; see Holling ( 1 9 7 3 ) and Connell and
1983; Williamson 1987; Pimm & Redfearn 1988; McAr- Sousa ( 1 9 8 3 ) for reviews of these concepts. In fact, un-
die 1989; McArdle et al. 1990) because they fail to de- ambiguous judgments concerning the stability of popu-
tect infrequent, large fluctuations in density. The im- lations can be exceedingly difficult to make (Connell &
pression from short-term data sets is that large declines Sousa 1983). Further, the relationship between varia-
are "abnormal." As a result, biologists may simply not tion in numbers and the likelihood of extinction is far
appreciate h o w commonly local extinctions occur in from straightforward (Schoener & Spiller 1992). The
undisturbed amphibian populations. If longer records of traditional and intuitive expectation has been that m o r e
amphibian population dynamics existed, they might re- variable populations will be more prone to extinction.
veal that there is nothing unusual about these observed When, however, temporal variability in numbers in-
declines; amphibian populations may simply exhibit the creases with mean population density (as is often true),
same variety of dynamics as any other species. it may be inversely rather than positively correlated
How then, in the absence of fully conclusive data, with the chance of extinction ( S c h o e n e r & Spiller
should w e respond to the increasing number of largely 1992).
qualitative or anecdotal accounts of amphibian decline? To predict with some degree of confidence the prob-
It is essential that rigorous census studies of a represen- ability that a given population will persist, one must
tative sample of amphibian populations be initiated obtain sufficient demographic information to project
worldwide as a means of assessing the directions, mag- the future trajectory of population growth and, in par-
nitudes, and agents of change in numbers. But h o w ticular, a population's capacity to increase from low
m u c h information is n e e d e d before one can decide numbers. Since age/stage distributions, schedules of na-
w h e t h e r special efforts should be undertaken to protect tality and mortality, and rates of migration are seldom
or restore declining populations? Adopting the conser- stable in natural populations, accurate projections can
vative approach of withholding intervention until ex- be made only on a "real-time" basis, from year to year,
tinction rates are conclusively demonstrated to be un- much the way that fisheries are managed. An additional
usually high might result in an unacceptable loss of consideration is the spatial scale at which demographic

C o n s e r v ~ o n Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
Bhustein et al. Amphibl~ Dedines 63

information is collected and population changes are The few available long-term studies of amphibian pop-
projected, because the probability of persistence will ulations have d o c u m e n t e d a variety of dynamics (Table
likely increase with the extent of the habitat being con- 1). Instances of sharp declines in numbers and of pos-
sldered (Murdoch 1979; Cotmeli & Sousa 1983). Pop- sible extinctions have been the most widely publicized
ulatiom especially metapopulations encompassing in- (see Barinaga 1990; Blaustein & Wake 1990; phillips
t e r d e p e n d e n t patches of o c c u p i e d and u n o c c u p i e d 1990; Tangley 1990). Two such cases, involving rather
habitat----must be monitored and managed o n the land- unique species, the gastric brooding frog and the golden
scape scale, with distinct demographic measurements toad, have received m u c h attentiorL The gastric brood-
being collected from all significant phases of the habitat ing frog (Rheobatrachus stlus ) was discovered in 1973
mosaic, aquatic and terrestrial. This is particularly cru- in relatively undistributed areas of the Conondale and
cial for amphibian species w h o s e life histories include Blackall Ranges about 160 km north of Brisbane, Aus-
both aquatic and terrestrial stages. tralia (Liem 1973; Fanning et al. 1982). This species
could have unlocked many of the mysteries of physiol-
ogy and digestion because of its habit of swallowing and
Long-Term Studies of AmphibianPopulations brooding its y o u n g in its stomach (Tyler & Carter
1981). Its decline began in the late 1970s, and the spe-
In their review, Conneli and Sousa ( 1 9 8 3 ) failed to find cies has not been found in nature since 1979 (Tyler &
any published records of amphibian populations that Davies 1985). The fact that this species was only re-
spanned one or more turnovers of the m e m b e r individ- cently discovered suggests that it may have always been
uals. A decade later, long-term studies of amphibian pop- rare and/or had a highly localiTed and tittle-explored
ulations remain u n c o m m o n (see Table 1). Olson et al. geographic distribution. While this species does seem to
( 1 9 8 6 ) reviewed 20 published studies of 13 species of have gone extinct, it is not unusual for some species to
anurans for which size-dependent mating patterns w e r e go undetected for a number of years.
studied in m o r e than one aggregation. These studies The golden toad (Bufo periglenes) is a sexually di-
w e r e c o n d u c t e d for less than one year to five years (X" morphic species endemic to Costa Rica (Crump et al.
= 1.95 - 0.26 SE years; a study conducted over less 1992). Males are brilliant orange and females are
than one year was considered a one-year study). None brightly mottled. Each year from the early 1970s
of these studies lasted for more than one turnover of the through 1987, the toads emerged from underground to
sampled population. This lack of long-term data is sur- breed in the spring ( C r u m p e t al. 1992). In 1987, more
prising because anuran amphibians are model verte- than 1500 individuals w e r e observed by Crump (Crump
brates for studying complex life cycles, aquatic commu- et al. 1992), but recruitment was nearly zero. From
nity structure, and mating patterns in the field (as 1988 to 1990, only 11 adult toads w e r e found (Crump
reviewed by Wilbur 1980; Duellman & Trueb 1986). et al. 1992). While it appears that golden toad numbers
Clearly, a c o n c e r t e d effort should be made to initiate had drastically dwindled, it is also possible that adult B.
long-term monitoring programs for a broad array of am- periglenes are estivating below ground in response to
phibian species, populations, habitats, and geographic unfavorable weather conditions, and they may emerge
regions. With such long-term records, one could evalu- w h e n conditions b e c o m e more favorable for breeding
ate ( 1 ) which species have, on average, more variable ( C r u m p e t al. 1992). Some species in the same family as
populations per turnover; ( 2 ) the average probability of B. periglenes can live more than 30 years (Duellman &
local extinction per turnover; ( 3 ) if local populations Trueb 1986), and many toad species within the same
recover from extinction; h o w long on average recovery genus can live for more than 10 years (Bowler 1977).
takes; and ( 4 ) the spatial scale of local extinctions. All of Thus, golden toad populations are probably able to per-
these comparative statements require a c o m m o n rela- sist through several years of p o o r recruitment. Like the
tive time scale, such as a population turnover, so that gastric brooding frog, the golden toad was only recently
differences in longevity of individuals do not confound discovered (Savage 1966), so its population dynamics
the comparisons. are also poorly understood.
Without such long-term data, w e cannot unambigu- Declaring either the golden toad or the gastric brood-
ously state that amphibian populations are suffering un- ing frog extinct should obviously be done with caution.
usual declines. The absence of information, however, is In both cases, there is no concrete evidence that the
not license to remain indifferent to the potential crisis. observed declines are atypical nor is the cause of the
Among the examples of long-term studies discussed be- declines known. Because there are no long-term data,
low are several that have demonstrated recent rapid, w e cannot reject the possibility that, under natural con-
and sometimes w~despread, declines or extinctions of ditions, these species often undergo large fluctuations in
amphibian populations. There is a sufficient number of numbers.
such cases to warrant investigation of potential links to Semb-Johansson's ( 1 9 8 9 ) study of c o m m o n toads (B.
human-caused environmental degradation. bufo) on islands off the Norwegian coast is one of the

Cotmervation Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
64 AmphibianDeclines Bk~ et al.

best examples of a long-term population study of an 1990), but it has b e c o m e extremely rare in the western
amphibian. Toads w e r e monitored from 1966 to 1989; portion of its range (Nussbaum et al. 1983; Stebbins
their numbers declined dramatically from 1966 to 1975 1985; McAllister & Leonard 1990, 1991 ). Populations of
and remain low. The trend of declining numbers sug- prettosa are exceptionally rare west of the Cascade
gests population instability, but this species can live for Mountains in Washington, and they have not been found
36 years (Goin et al. 1978). As with the golden toad, the west of the Cascade Mountains in Oregon for at least 23
populations may be undergoing natural fluctuations in years (Nussbaum et al. 1983; McAIlister & Leonard
number; years with strong recruitment often may be 1990, 1991). One specimen, tentatively identified as R
followed by years of p o o r reproduction during which pret/osa~ was found near Olympia, Washington, in 1990
the population declines. With a year or two of successful (K. R. McAIiister and B. Leonard, personal communica-
r e p r o d u c t i o n by older individuals, the populations tion). No other specimen has been found at that site
could rapidly rebound from their current low. (K. R. McAIlister and B. Leonard, personal communica-
Corn and Fogleman's ( 1 9 8 4 ) study of leopard frogs tion). Thus, this species has been missing from about
(Rana pipiens) in Colorado is an excellent, if rare, ex- one third of its range since the mid-1970s.
ample of a relatively long-term study documenting ex- Based on historical accounts, museum records, and
tinction of an amphibian across a number of sites. In this intensive searches at 16 sites, Fellers and Drost ( 1 9 9 3 )
study, six populations o f ~ pipiens were examined for concluded that populations of Cascades frog (Rana cas-
10 years ( 1 9 7 3 - 1 9 8 2 ) . Reproductive failure was seen in cadae) in northern California have exhibited a precipi-
1973 at one site, and by 1981 no ~ pipiens w e r e seen tous decline for more than 15 years. Long-term disap-
at any site; the species was absent from the area at the pearances and declines have been reported for several
end of the study. Because Ranapipiens older than four other species (Table 1 ).
or five years are rare (Leclair & Castanet 1987), these Range reduction information, sometimes in conjunc-
populations w e r e followed for almost two turnovers. tion with demographic data, has resulted in many spe-
The question remains, h o w unusual are such extinctions cies being placed on regional threatened lists. For ex-
o f R pipiens populations? ample, 15% of the amphibian species in the western
Berven's ( 1 9 9 0 ) seven-year study of w o o d frogs United States are listed as candidates for threatened spe-
(Rana sylvattca) shows that their populations turn over cies status (Walls et al. 1992). The Pacific Northwest is
about every two to three years. The adult w o o d frog of special concern because 54% of the native Oregon
populations in Berven's study show erratic interannual amphibian species are listed as sensitive, 46% in Wash-
fluctuations largely due to variation in juvenile recruit- ington state are listed in the special c o n c e r n category,
ment. Declines in adult w o o d frog populations were and 29% are listed as threatened in Idaho (Walls et al.
followed by sharp increases in one pond and relatively 1992).
low but stable numbers in another. On the other hand, some amphibian populations mon-
There are some amphibian species whose populations itored during the last two decades have persisted with
have been studied long enough to allow a convincing relatively little fluctuation in numbers. According to
argument that recently observed declines in their num- Hairston (1987), the longest population study of any
bers are unusual. Our knowledge of the declines for terrestrial salamander species is that of Plethodon jor.
many of these species is primarily based on range re- dani in North Carolina (Hairston 1983). Two sets of
duction information rather than on demographic data data, one covering five years ( 1 9 7 3 - 1 9 7 7 ) and the
per se. Thus, it is clear that certain populations of am- other covering eight years ( 1 9 7 4 - 1 9 8 1 ) , w e r e col-
phibians have disappeared from portions of their histor- lected. Sympatric populations ofP. glutlnosus w e r e also
ical ranges (without concomitant shifts in their ranges) monitored for five years. The numbers of salamanders
and have failed to reestablish at such sites for periods per plot fluctuated little over time, and the age structure
longer than their estimated maximum life span. For ex- appeared stable. Hairston (1987:40) concluded that the
ample, until the mid-1970s the red-legged frog (Rana Plethodon populations w e r e "remarkably stable and
aurora) was extremely abundant in the Willamette Val- demonstrate that assumptions of equilibrium popula-
ley of Oregon, a relatively large valley (160 km by 60 tions in those species appear to be justified." As Hairston
kin) b o u n d e d by the Coastal and Cascade Mountain points out, however, this study did not span a turnover
ranges (Nussbaum et al. 1983; Blaustein & Wake 1990). time (approximately 15 years) of the salamander pop.
Rana aurora is n o w extremely rare, and breeding pop- ulations. Given their relatively long mean generation
ulations have not been observed for at least 20 years in time and high survival rates (9.8 years mean generation
the Willamette Valley (17, M. Storm, personal communi- time and 0.81 survival per year for P. jordang. Hairston
cation; Blaustein & Wake 1990). 1983), the apparent stability in their numbers may sim-
The western spotted frog (Rana pretiosa) was abun- ply reflect the persistence of long-lived individuals.
dant throughout Washington and Oregon until the mid- Jaeger ( 1 9 8 0 ) monitored P. ctnereus and P. shenan.
1970s (Nussbaum et al. 1983; McAllister & Leonard doah for 14 years. Populations ofP. cinereus have b e e n

Conservation Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
Blaustein et st. Amphibian Oedines 65

remarkably stable over that time, whereas P shenan- each year. It is theoretically possible for a population to
d o a h populations have declined to near extinction, recover its earlier strength (measured in terms of num-
probably due to competition with P. c/nereus (Jaeger bers of breeding adults, or effective population size)
1970, 1980). w h e n it has been reduced to only a few ~tdults. But it is
pechmann et al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) monitored populations of likely that a population that consists only of a remnant of
three species of aquatic salamanders and one species of very old individuals following a period of unsuccessful
frog in an ephemeral p o n d in the southeastern U.S. for breeding seasons is in danger of extinction (see below).
12 years ( 1 9 7 9 - 1 9 9 0 ) . Although the populations of In making judgments and management decisions in such
these species fluctuated, there was no evidence of a circumstances, use c o u l d b e made of survivorship
drastic decline in any them. Population monitoring of at curves based on the proportion of individuals metamor-
least one of the salamander species (Ambystoma tal- phosing In a given year that survive to succeeding years.
poideum) spanned m o r e than one population turnover. What is required for making judgments about the like-
Clearly, not all amphibian populations have suffered dra- lihood of survival of a local population of frogs is suffi-
matic declines in numbers in recent times. Detailed cient information on turnover and patterns of survivor-
study of such cases is central to any comprehensive ship for c o n s e r v a t i o n biologists to k n o w that the
investigation of the hypothesis that a global amphibian population may be in severe trouble. In making judg-
decline is occurring. ments about the likelihood of persistence of a local pop-
ulation, attention must b e given to the age distribution
of the population, as well as to the potential capacity of
MonitoringAmphibianPopulations and the population to rebound quickly, by either recruit-
Assessing Extinctions ment or immigration. If a population has been recruiting
poorly for several years and there is no immediate or
We suggest that the best m e t h o d for assessing amphib- obvious explanation, there may be cause for c o n c e r n
ian populations is to mark and release as many individ- even in the absence of long-term data.
uals as possible (see Gill 1978a~ 1978b; see Krebs 1989
for a discussion of this technique). This can be done
relatively easily in populations of amphibians that are NonequilibriumDynamics and Metapopulations
explosive breeders and use the same discrete body of
water from year to year (see review in Olson et al. The extinction of a rare or endangered species or local
1986). For example, in many explosively breeding population may occur through a variety of mechanisms,
anurans, presumably most if not all adults aggregate con- including habitat destruction or fragmentation ( I a n d e
spicuously in breeding masses for a relatively short time 1987) or natural stochastic processes (Allee et al. 1949;
(see reviews by Wells 1977; Olson et al. 1986). Individ- Andrewartha & Birch 1954). Natural fluctuations and
uals can be captured, marked, and released unharmed. sporadic extinction and colonization of local popula-
By marking adults, accurate estimates of adult popula- tions is the essence of the nonequilibrium view of com-
tion sizes can be made and trends in population fluctu- munity dynamics (see Hutchinson 1951; Andrewartha
ations can be assessed. If all the adults of a particular & Birch 1954; Connell 1978; Sousa 1979; Strong 1983;
species are missing from their natural breeding site for a Chesson 1986; Davis 1986; Murdoch 1991).
specified period of time (such as one turnover), w e Associated with the nonequilibrium viewpoint is the
would consider the population to be extinct. concept of the metapopulation (Levins 1969, 1970),
For some species, it is impossible to mark all the which examines the population dynamics of a single
adults of a population. For example, it may be difficult to species across a collection of spatially separated subpop-
monitor adults of species that do not breed explosively, ulations (Lande 1987; Hanski 1991; Hanski & Gilpin
those that b r e e d while hidden in vegetation, nonaggre- 1991; see also Allee et al. 1949:328). A metapopulation
gating species, or those not confined to a particular is a set of geographically discrete local populations oc-
breeding lake or pond. If capturing and marking adults is cupying suitable habitats (Levins 1969, 1970). If the
not practical, then it is difficult to determine if a popu- extinction rate for a given local population exceeds the
lation is in decline. This is an open demographic and colonization rate, that population will b e c o m e extinct
statistical question that will b e difficult to model in gen- (see discussions in Andrewartha & Birch 1954; Lande
eral because of the highly variable life-history character- 1987; Hanski & Gilpin 1991). Extinction is not inherent
istics of amphibians. to the concept of the metapopulation; it is one popula-
When amphibians fail to appear at known breeding tion dynamic p h e n o m e n o n that is potentially influenced
sites and no proximal explanation (such as a dry p o n d ) by spatial subdivision. While local extinctions can oc-
is available, it may be a matter of concern for conserva- cur, populations can persist regionally.
tion biologists. This is a special problem for many spe- For most species, it seems evident that immigration
cies of amphibians that b r e e d for only a short period and colonization rates decrease with increased patch

Conservation Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
66 AmphibianDeclines ~ et M.

isolation (Harrison 1989; Sjogren 1988, 1991; Harrison tablishment might take 1~. ~.0 years. Lehmkuhl and Rug-
& Quinn 1989). It is more likely that a smaller number giero (1991) compiled a list of species associated with
of immigrants can successfully "rescue" an extant pop- late successional Douglas Fir forests in the Pacific North-
ulation than colonize a new area (see Ebenhard 1991; west and modeled the risk for each species of local ex-
Sjogren 1991 and references therein). Moreover, in- tinction from habitat loss or fragmentation. This model
creased patch isolation has been correlated with de- was based on the frequency of occurrence, abundance,
creased fitness in those individuals inhabiting isolated body size, and vagility of the species. Twelve (80%) of
patches (see Fahrig & Merriam 1985). Thus, the rescue the 15 amphibian species listed by Lehmkuhl and Rug-
effect is important for population persistence and has giero ( 1991 ) were considered to be of moderately high
important conservation implications (see Ray et al. to high risk of extinction ff their habitats were to be-
1991; Sjogren 1991). Although dispersal bet w een come fragmented.
patches and recolonization of vacant patches have been The population processes and patch dynamics of am-
generally regarded as stochastic processes, the coloni- phibians may vary regionally. For example, certain areas
zation process may be more deterministic, especially if of the southeastern U.S. have extremely diverse and
dispersers are attracted to areas where conspecifics re- abundant amphibian fauna, with relatively dense popu-
side (Smith & Peacock 1990; Ray et al. 1991). Further- lations and continuous suitable habitat (Wake 1991). If
more, the genetic composition of conspecifics in a patch populations go extinct locally in these regions, it seems
may influence the behavior of a dispersing individual. likely that the probability of recovery will be high. In
Members of many species are positively attracted to re- other localities, such as in certain mountainous regions
lated individuals (Blaustein et al. 1987), and they may of western North America, many species live in habitats
be attracted to areas where there are kin. that are localized or fragmented, and opportunities for
The breeding sites of many amphibians (such as recolonization may be much lower.
ponds, lakes, streams) may be subdivided into local pop-
ulations. Populations of many amphibian species seem
to display nonequilibrium dynamics, with periodic ex-
Constraints on Amphibian Recolonization
tinctions, recolonizations, and patchy spatial arrange- Following Local Extinction
ments (for example, see Dueilman & Trueb 1986; spe- In many regions, recolonization of sites vacated due to
cific examples are provided by Gill 1978~ Corn & extinction of a local population may be difticult for am-
Fogleman 1984; Sjogren 1988, 1991; Berven 1990). phibians because of (1) physiological constraints, (2 )
Sjogren (1991) suggests that the extinction of certain
the tendency of many amphibians to move relatively
amphibian populations is analogous to extinction pat-
short distances, and (3) because many amphibian spe-
terns associated with severe habitat fragmentation when cies show extreme site fidelity.
local populations become extinct and recolonization
does not readily occur due to unsuitable habitat be-
tween extant and extinct groups. This, he says, may ex-
Physiological Constraints
plain the sudden disappearance of amphibians from rel- Although amphibians are found in a wide array of hab-
atively undisturbed habitats. Indeed, this may explain itats, including some that are unsuitable to endotherms
the decline in numbers of several species of anurans (Pough 1980; Dueilman & Trueb 1986), they are often
found in relatively undisturbed areas of the Pacific limited to areas where there is sufficient moisture f o r
Northwest (Blaustein & Wake 1990). reproduction and survival (see Jaeger 1970, 1990; Du-
In many areas of western North America, amphibian ellman & Trueb 1986; Pough et al. 1989; Sinsch 1990).
habitat has become altered and fragmented. Anthropo- In general, amphibians--especially the more terrestrial
genie habitat alteration may hamper recolonization. For species---are found in patches of suitable habitat sur-
example, Bradford's ( 1991 ) study of the mountain yel- rounded by conditions that are relatively harsh to them.
low-legged frog (Rana m u s c o s a ) shows that it has be- The glandular thin skin of amphibians lacks covering
come extinct at many high elevation sites in the Sierra (such as mammalian hair or bird feathers) and is per-
Nevada of California. Recolonization may never occur meable to water (Duellman & Trueb 1986). Therefore,
because streams connecting extant populations of evaporative water loss may become a serious problem
muscosa are inhabited by introduced fish that eat larvae for individuals moving from one area to another (Sinsch
of ~ m u s c o s a (Bradford 1991 ). 1990). Furthermore, because amphibians are ecto-
The tailed frog (Ascaphus truei) is extremely philo- therms, they spend a great deal of time undergoing be-
pattie (Daugherty & Sheldon 1982), and much of its havioral thermoregulation to avoid extremely high or
habitat in the Pacific Northwest has been logged, with extremely low temperatures (review in Duellman &
detrimental affects on its disjunct population structure Trueb 1986; Sinsch 1990). The demands of water bal-
(Corn & Bury 1989). Corn and Bury (1989) estimated ance and thermoregulation may limit the movements of
that ifA truet were extirpated from certain areas, re-es- amphibians. Movements may occur only during a nar-

O3nservaUon Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
et ~!. Ampl~bl~ ~ 67

row range o f environmental conditions and are often trate that they are able to home relatively long distances
limited to relatively short periods during the annual ac- if they are displaced. For example, although the h o m e
tivity period (Sinsch 1990). range for Desmognathus ochrophaeus was estimated to
be less than 1 m 2 by Holomuzki (1982), individuals that
Movement Patterns w e r e displaced more than 30 m returned to their orig-
inal site. Similarly, Kleeberger and Werner ( 1 9 8 2 ) noted
Amphibians generally move smaller distances than do
a 90% return rate ofPlethodon ctnereus displaced 30 m
other small-bodied tetrapods (Sinsch 1990). Small mam-
from the center of their h o m e ranges. Newts (Tarlcha
mals, birds, and reptiles may move great distances dur-
r/vu/ar/s) that w e r e displaced 8 km returned to their
ing migrations and generally seem to move longer dis-
home area within one year (Twitty et al. 1967). Of 83
tances than amphibians on a daily basis (Cockrum 1962;
treefrogs (H. regilla) displaced about 274 m, 77% re-
Orr 1970, 1982; Southern 1979; Welty & Baptista
turned to their site within a month (Jameson 1957).
1988). Home-range sizes of terrestrial small mammals
Numerous nonexperimental mark and release studies
including small-bodied rodents are often several hect-
illustrate that many amphibian species show extreme
ares in size (Cockrum 1962; Southern 1979; Vaughan
site fidelity (see discussions in Duellman & Trueb 1986;
1986). Reptiles may be extremely mobile. Snakes may
Sinsch 1990; specific e x a m p l e s are p r o v i d e d by
move hundreds of meters in several days (see Stickel &
Brattstrom 1962; Gill 1978b; Breden 1987; Carpenter &
Cope 1947) or several kilometers within a few months
Gillingham 1987; Berven & Grudzien 1990).
(Porter 1972). Snake h o m e ranges are often several
Thus, due to relatively short distances traveled, site
hectares in size (Porter 1972). Desert tortoises (Go-
fidelity, and physiological constraints, amphibians may
pherus agassizi) may have h o m e ranges comprising
not readily recolonize locally extirpated populations.
dozens of hectares ( O r r 1982). Lizards may have h o m e
For example, O'Hara and Blaustein (unpublished data)
ranges comprising thousands of square meters (Stamps
have monitored R cascadae in the central Cascade
Mountains of Oregon since the mid-1970s. Adults and
Although certain amphibian species may move a few
larvae of R cascadae disappeared at one site in July
thousand meters toward their summer h o m e ranges
1977. The species was missing at that particular site
during the spring migration (Sinsch 1990), in general
until 1989, w h e n eggs w e r e laid and tadpoles emerged.
amphibians move significantly smaller distances than do
Recolonization did not occur for 12 years despite the
many other tetrapods. Semlitsch ( 1 9 8 1 ) tracked mole
presence of a population o f R cascadae only 2 km from
salamanders (Ambystoma talpoideum) in their sum-
the site.
mer h o m e ranges and found that their centers of activity
w e r e b e t w e e n 0.02 and 0.21 m 2. K l e e b e r g e r and
Werner ( 1 9 8 2 ) tagged Plethodon ctnereus with a radio. Conclusions
active isotope and estimated that their daily average
The proposition that amphibian populations are under-
movement was 0.43 m; their h o m e ranges were about
going a world-wide decline in numbers is somewhat
12.97 m 2 for males and 24.34 m 2 for females. Similarly
weakened by the absence of long-term information on
tagged Desmognathus salamanders showed an average
"typical" or "natural" patterns of numerical fluctuation
h o m e range of only O. 1-3.6 m 2 (Ashton 1975). Even the
generally more mobile anurans do not move great dis- in such populations. Such baseline information is essen-
tial to an objective evaluation of the hypothesis of global
tances. For example, Jameson ( 1 9 5 6 ) estimated that Pa-
amphibian decline. Nonetheless, a n u m b e r of the avail-
cific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) disperse less than 200 m.
able long-term records strongly indicate unusual de-
Hyla cadavertna studied by Harris ( 1 9 7 5 ) moved an
clines or local disappearances of some species. In such
average distance of only 3 m per day. Common toads
cases, finks to environmental degradation should be in-
(Bufo bufo) may move as much as 5 0 - 1 0 0 m per day
(Sinsch 1990). Male yellow-bellied toads (Bombina
We strongly r e c o m m e n d initiation of long-term mon-
vartegata) m a y move 63.8 m during a breeding season,
itoring programs in conjunction with experimental tests
whereas females may move only 20 m (Beshkov &Jame-
of the hypothetical causes of decline on a wide variety
son 1980). The h o m e ranges for poison dart frogs (Den-
of amphibian species. If possible, such studies should
drobatespumilio) in Costa Rica were 2.26 m 2 to 15.11
m 2 (Donnelly 1989). span at least one complete turnover of the monitored
population. W h e n e v e r possible, all adult individuals
should be marked and released so that longevity and
Site FideLityand Homing
survivorship can be accurately estimated. Recognizing
Like other vertebrates ( see G r e e n w o o d 1980), amphib- that many amphibians live within metapopulations,
ians of m a n y species display e x t r e m e site fidelity these estimates should be made at more than one loca-
(Shields 1982; Duellman & Trueb 1986; Sinsch 1990). tion for a particular species so that erroneous conclu-
Field experiments of numerous amphibian species illus- sions are not drawn regarding the overall population

C.onserv~on Biology
Volume 8, No. 1, March 1994
68 AmphibianDeclines Bia~ et al.

status. Due to ( 1 ) physiological constraints that, in most Beshkov, V.A., and D.L Jameson. 1980. Movement and abun-
cases, limit amphibians to moist habitats, ( 2 ) relatively dance of the yellow-bellied toad Bombtna varfegatat Journal
low m o v e m e n t patterns, and ( 3 ) site fidelity, we argue of Herpetology 36:365-370.
that w h e n local amphibian populations b e c o m e extinct
Blaustein, A. IL 1981. Population fluctuations and extinctions
they may be less likely to recolonize than other tetra-
of small rodents in coastal southern California. Oecologla
pods. 48:71--78.

Blanstein, A. 1L, and D. H. Olson. 1991. Declining amphibians.

Acknowledgments Science 253:1467.

We thank Russell Lande, Martha Crump, Bruce Menge, Blaustein, A. 1L, and D.B. Wake. 1990. Declining amphibian
Frank A. Pitelka, T. Beebee, Susan Walls, and several populations: A global phenomenon? Trends in Ecology & Evo-
anonymous reviewers for critically reviewing our paper. lution 5:203-204.
The comments of the editors, David Ehrenfeld, and Gary
Mefie were most helpful. We also thank Arne Semb- Blaustein, A. 1L, M. Bekoff, and T.J. Daniels. 1987. Kin recog-
nition in vertebrates (excluding primates): Empirical evi-
Johannson for his notes on the ecology of Bufo bufo.
dence. Pages 287-331 in D.J.C. Fletcher and C. D. Michener,
Additional aid was provided by Jim Vial, Loralei Saylor, editors. Kin recognition in animals. John Wiley and Sons, Lon-
Dennis Carson, Vic Marswell, and Peter Warne. Financial don, England.
support for the writing of this paper and for conducting
research on amphibian populations was kindly provided Blaustein, A. IL, D. G. Hokit, R. IC O'Hara, and 1LA. Holt. 1994.
to A. IL Blanstein by the National Geographic Society, Pathogenic fungus contributes to amphibian losses in the Pa-
cific Northwest. Biological Conservation. In press.
the U.S. Forest Service, and the National Science Foun-
dation (BSR-9024880).
Bowler, J. IC 1977. Longevity of reptiles and amphibians in
North American Collections. Herpetological Circular 6:1-32.
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Volume8, No. 1, March 1994

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