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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Static Array Dynamic Array

Dim arr(0 To 5) As Long Dim arr() As Long

Dim arr As Variant

See Declare above ReDim arr(0 To 5)As Variant

Dynamic Only ReDim Preserve arr(0 To 6)

arr(1) = 22 arr(1) = 22

total = arr(1) total = arr(1)

LBound(arr) LBound(arr)

Ubound(arr) Ubound(arr)

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Static Array Dynamic Array

For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr) For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)

Next i Next i

Or Or
For i = LBound(arr,1) To For i = LBound(arr,1) To UBound(arr,1)

UBound(arr,1) Next i

Next i

For i = LBound(arr,1) To For i = LBound(arr,1) To UBound(arr,1)

UBound(arr,1) For j = LBound(arr,2) To UBound(arr,2)

For j = LBound(arr,2) To Next j

UBound(arr,2) Next i

Next j

Next i

Dim item As Variant Dim item As Variant

For Each item In arr For Each item In arr
Next item Next item

Sub MySub(ByRef arr() As Sub MySub(ByRef arr() As String)


Function GetArray() As Function GetArray() As Long()

Long() Dim arr() As Long
Dim arr(0 To 5) As GetArray = arr
Long End Function
GetArray = arr
End Function

Dynamic only Dim arr() As Long

Arr = GetArray()

Erase arr Erase arr

*Resets all values to *Deletes array

Dynamic only Dim arr As Variant

arr =

Dim sName As String Dim sName As String

sName = Join(arr, ":") sName = Join(arr, ":")

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Static Array Dynamic Array

Dynamic only Dim arr As Variant

arr = Array("John", "Hazel",

Dynamic only Dim arr As Variant

arr = Range("A1:D2")

Same as Dynamic but array Dim arr As Variant

must be two dimensional Range("A5:D6") = arr

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

' Can only store 1 value at a time

Dim Student1 As Integer
Student1 = 55

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Public Sub StudentMarks()

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

' Declare variable for each student

Dim Student1 As Integer
Dim Student2 As Integer
Dim Student3 As Integer
Dim Student4 As Integer
Dim Student5 As Integer

' Read student marks from cell

Student1 = .Range("C2").Offset(1)
Student2 = .Range("C2").Offset(2)
Student3 = .Range("C2").Offset(3)
Student4 = .Range("C2").Offset(4)
Student5 = .Range("C2").Offset(5)

' Print student marks

Debug.Print "Students Marks"
Debug.Print Student1
Debug.Print Student2
Debug.Print Student3
Debug.Print Student4
Debug.Print Student5

End With

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Public Sub StudentMarksArr()

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

' Declare an array to hold marks for 5 students

Dim Students(1 To 5) As Integer

' Read student marks from cells C3:C7 into array

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 5
Students(i) = .Range("C2").Offset(i)
Next i

' Print student marks from the array

Debug.Print "Students Marks"
For i = LBound(Students) To UBound(Students)
Debug.Print Students(i)
Next i

End With

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

' Variable
Dim Student As Integer
Dim Country As String

' Array
Dim Students(1 To 3) As Integer
Dim Countries(1 To 3) As String

' assign value to variable

Student1 = .Cells(1, 1)

' assign value to first item in array

Students(1) = .Cells(1, 1)

' Print variable value

Debug.Print Student1

' Print value of first student in array

Debug.Print Students(1)

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Public Sub DecArrayStatic()

' Create array with locations 0,1,2,3

Dim arrMarks1(0 To 3) As Long

' Defaults as 0 to 3 i.e. locations 0,1,2,3

Dim arrMarks2(3) As Long

' Create array with locations 1,2,3,4,5

Dim arrMarks1(1 To 5) As Long

' Create array with locations 2,3,4 ' This is rarely used
Dim arrMarks3(2 To 4) As Long

End Sub

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Public Sub DecArrayDynamic()

' Declare dynamic array

Dim arrMarks() As Long

' Set the size of the array when you are ready
ReDim arrMarks(0 To 5)

End Sub

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Public Sub AssignValue()

' Declare array with locations 0,1,2,3

Dim arrMarks(0 To 3) As Long

' Set the value of position 0

arrMarks(0) = 5

' Set the value of position 3

arrMarks(3) = 46

' This is an error as there is no location 4

arrMarks(4) = 99

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Dim arr1 As Variant

arr1 = Array("Orange", "Peach","Pear")

Dim arr2 As Variant

arr2 = Array(5, 6, 7, 8, 12)

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Dim s As String
s = "Red,Yellow,Green,Blue"

Dim arr() As String

arr = Split(s, ",")

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Public Sub ArrayLoops()

' Declare array

Dim arrMarks(0 To 5) As Long

' Fill the array with random numbers

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
arrMarks(i) = 5 * Rnd
Next i

' Print out the values in the array

Debug.Print "Location", "Value"
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
Debug.Print i, arrMarks(i)
Next i

End Sub

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For Each mark In arrMarks

' Will not change the array value
mark = 5 * Rnd
Next mark

Dim mark As Variant

For Each mark In arrMarks
Debug.Print mark
Next mark

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Public Sub EraseStatic()

' Declare array

Dim arrMarks(0 To 3) As Long

' Fill the array with random numbers

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
arrMarks(i) = 5 * Rnd
Next i


Erase arrMarks

' Print out the values - there are all now zero
Debug.Print "Location", "Value"
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
Debug.Print i, arrMarks(i)
Next i

End Sub

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Public Sub EraseDynamic()

' Declare array

Dim arrMarks() As Long
ReDim arrMarks(0 To 3)

' Fill the array with random numbers

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
arrMarks(i) = 5 * Rnd
Next i

' arrMarks is now deallocated. No locations exist.

Erase arrMarks

End Sub

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Sub UsingRedim()

Dim arr() As String

' Set array to be slots 0 to 2

ReDim arr(0 To 2)
arr(0) = "Apple"

' Array with apple is now deleted

ReDim arr(0 To 3)

End Sub

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Sub UsingRedimPreserve()

Dim arr() As String

' Set array to be slots 0 to 1

ReDim arr(0 To 2)
arr(0) = "Apple"
arr(1) = "Orange"
arr(2) = "Pear"

' Resize and keep original contents

ReDim Preserve arr(0 To 5)

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Sub QuickSort(arr As Variant, first As Long, last As Long)

Dim vCentreVal As Variant, vTemp As Variant

Dim lTempLow As Long

Dim lTempHi As Long
lTempLow = first
lTempHi = last

vCentreVal = arr((first + last) \ 2)

Do While lTempLow <= lTempHi

Do While arr(lTempLow) < vCentreVal And lTempLow < last

lTempLow = lTempLow + 1

Do While vCentreVal < arr(lTempHi) And lTempHi > first

lTempHi = lTempHi - 1

If lTempLow <= lTempHi Then

' Swap values

vTemp = arr(lTempLow)

arr(lTempLow) = arr(lTempHi)
arr(lTempHi) = vTemp

' Move to next positions

lTempLow = lTempLow + 1
lTempHi = lTempHi - 1

End If


If first < lTempHi Then QuickSort arr, first, lTempHi

If lTempLow < last Then QuickSort arr, lTempLow, last

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End Sub

Sub TestSort()

' Create temp array

Dim arr() As Variant
arr = Array("Banana", "Melon", "Peach", "Plum", "Apple")

' Sort array

QuickSort arr, LBound(arr), UBound(arr)

' Print arr to Immediate Window(Ctrl + G)

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
Debug.Print arr(i)
Next i

End Sub

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' Passes array to a Function

Public Sub PassToProc()
Dim arr(0 To 5) As String
' Pass the array to function
UseArray arr
End Sub

Public Function UseArray(ByRef arr() As String)

' Use array
Debug.Print UBound(arr)
End Function

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Public Sub TestArray()

' Declare dynamic array - not allocated

Dim arr() As String
' Return new array
arr = GetArray

End Sub

Public Function GetArray() As String()

' Create and allocate new array

Dim arr(0 To 5) As String
' Return array
GetArray = arr

End Function

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Dim ArrayMarks(0 To 2,0 To 3) As Long

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Public Sub TwoDimArray()

' Declare a two dimensional array

Dim arrMarks(0 To 3, 0 To 2) As String

' Fill the array with text made up of i and j values

Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
For j = LBound(arrMarks, 2) To UBound(arrMarks, 2)
arrMarks(i, j) = CStr(i) & ":" & CStr(j)
Next j
Next i

' Print the values in the array to the Immediate Window

Debug.Print "i", "j", "Value"
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
For j = LBound(arrMarks, 2) To UBound(arrMarks, 2)
Debug.Print i, j, arrMarks(i, j)
Next j
Next i

End Sub

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' Using For loop needs two loops

Debug.Print "i", "j", "Value"
For i = LBound(arrMarks) To UBound(arrMarks)
For j = LBound(arrMarks, 2) To UBound(arrMarks, 2)
Debug.Print i, j, arrMarks(i, j)
Next j
Next i

' Using For Each requires only one loop

Debug.Print "Value"
Dim mark As Variant
For Each mark In arrMarks
Debug.Print mark
Next mark

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Public Sub ReadToArray()

' Declare dynamic array

Dim StudentMarks As Variant

' Read values into array from first row

StudentMarks = Range("A1:Z1").Value

' Write the values back to the third row

Range("A3:Z3").Value = StudentMarks

End Sub

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Public Sub ReadAndDisplay()

' Get Range

Dim rg As Range
Set rg = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C3:E6")

' Create dynamic array

Dim StudentMarks As Variant

' Read values into array from sheet1

StudentMarks = rg.Value

' Print the array values

Debug.Print "i", "j", "Value"
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = LBound(StudentMarks) To UBound(StudentMarks)
For j = LBound(StudentMarks, 2) To UBound(StudentMarks, 2)
Debug.Print i, j, StudentMarks(i, j)
Next j
Next i

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Public Sub ReadToArray()

' Read values into array from first row

Dim StudentMarks As Variant
StudentMarks = Range("A1:Z20000").Value

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(StudentMarks) To UBound(StudentMarks)
' Update marks here
StudentMarks(i, 1) = StudentMarks(i, 1) * 2
Next i

' Write the new values back to the worksheet

Range("A1:Z20000").Value = StudentMarks

End Sub

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Sub UsingCellsToUpdate()

Dim c As Variant
For Each c In Range("A1:Z20000")
c.Value = ' Update values here
Next c

End Sub

' Assigning - this is faster

Range("A1:A10").Value = Range("B1:B10").Value

' Copy Paste - this is slower

Range("B1:B1").Copy Destination:=Range("A1:A10")

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Sub JaggedArray()

' Declare main array

Dim Class() As Variant
' Declare sub arrays
Dim Students1() As String
Dim Students2() As String
Dim Students3() As String

ReDim Class(0 To 2)
' Set the different sizes
ReDim Students1(0 To 15)
ReDim Students2(0 To 6)
ReDim Students3(0 To 12)

Class(0) = Students1
Class(1) = Students2
Class(2) = Students3

' Put row and column number into array

Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = LBound(Class) To UBound(Class)
For j = LBound(Class(i)) To UBound(Class(i))
Class(i)(j) = CStr(i) & ":" & CStr(j)
Next j
Next i

' Print out to worksheet called "Sheet1"

For i = LBound(Class) To UBound(Class)
For j = LBound(Class(i)) To UBound(Class(i))
Sheet1.Cells(i + 1, j + 2) = Class(i)(j)
Next j
Next i

End Sub

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Sub Test()
' Call the Display function with a range argument
Display ActiveSheet.Range("A1:D1")
End Sub

Sub Display(rg As Range)

End Sub

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Dim Translate(1 To 2) As Variant

Translate(1) = Array("Dog", "Perro")

Translate(2) = Array("Cat", "Cato")

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Dim arr As Variant

' Range range values to array
arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:A10000")

Dim i As Long, j As Long

' Change values in array
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
arr(i, 1) = Left(arr(i, 1), 10)
Next i

' Writte array values to range

Sheet1.Range("A1:A10000") = arr

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Dim numbers As Variant

numbers = Array(1, 2, 4, 5)

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Sheet2.Range("a1:f20")
With Sheet2
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.SumIf(rg, "John"
End With

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Dim c As Variant
For Each c In Sheet1.Range("A1:A10")
' DOES NOT change the value
c = 6
' CHANGES the value
c.Value = 6
Next c

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Sub SortArray()

Dim arr As Variant, val As Variant

arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:A20").Value

Dim i As Long, j As Long

For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
If arr(i, 1) > arr(j, 1) Then
val = arr(i, 1)
arr(i, 1) = arr(j, 1)
arr(j, 1) = val
End If
Next j
Next i

Sheet1.Range("D1:D20").Value = arr

End Sub

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Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Sheet1.Range("A1:E5")

Dim rgLine As Range

' Calculate columns
For Each rgLine In rg.Columns
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.Sum(rgLine)

' Calculate rows

For Each rgLine In rg.Rows
Debug.Print WorksheetFunction.Sum(rgLine)

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Sub MakeBold()

Dim dict As Object

Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"
dict("A") = 1

Dim sItem As String, i As Long

' Go through sheet
For i = 1 To 100
sItem = Sheet1.Range("A" & i)
' Check exists in a dictionary
If dict.Exists(sItem) Then
Sheet1.Range("A" & i).Font.Bold =
End If

End Sub

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Dim arr As Variant

arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:F2")

Dim arr2 As Variant

arr2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(arr)

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Dim rg As Range
Set rg = Sheet1.Range("D5:e9").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVi

Dim mainarr As Variant, arr As Variant

' Go through the range areas

For Each rgCur In rg.Areas
' Put current area in array
arr = rgCur.Value
' Merge array to new array
mainarr = MergeArrays(mainarr, arr)

Function MargeArrays(mainarr As varaiant, arr

' create merge array code here
End Function

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Dim bBigger As Boolean

bBigger = True

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
If x(i) >= y Then
bBigger = False
Exit For
End If
Next i

Debug.Print "Is y bigger? :" & bBigger

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Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 5

Sheet1.Range("B" & i).Characters(Start:=3,

Next i

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Sub Compare()

' Get workbook

Dim wk1 As Workbook, wk2 As Workbook
Set wk1 = Workbooks.Open("c:\docs\book1.xlsx"
Set wk2 = Workbooks.Open("c:\docs\book2.xlsx"

' get worksheet

Dim sh1 As Worksheet, sh2 As Worksheet
Set sh1 = wk1.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set sh2 = wk1.Worksheets("Sheet1")

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 100
' Compare cells
If sh1.Range("A" & i) = sh2.Range("A" & i)
' add code here to write value to details
End If

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

Sub CountNumbers()

' Create dictionary

Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary"

' Read values to array - quicker to read through

Dim arr As Variant
arr = Sheet1.Range("A1:A30000")

' Read through the array

Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
' Add current number to dictionary
dict(arr(i, 1)) = dict(arr(i, 1)) + 1
Next i

' Print results to Immediate

PrintDictionary dict

End Sub

' Print the Dictionary to the Immediate Window

Sub PrintDictionary(dict As Object)

Dim key As Variant

For Each key In dict
Debug.Print key, dict(key)

End Sub

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The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

102 of 107 6/12/17, 1:12 PM

The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

103 of 107 6/12/17, 1:12 PM

The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

104 of 107 6/12/17, 1:12 PM

The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

105 of 107 6/12/17, 1:12 PM

The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

106 of 107 6/12/17, 1:12 PM

The Complete Guide to Using Arrays in Excel VBA - Excel Macro Mastery

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