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MWU. IDWAUM AU U) . rmilIU, illiM'.






h toilb Vfrmission Btttattr,




AT the time 1884] hen 11 li- Monograph was commenced, the successful application oi the
system of cool treatment to Orchids accustomed to a modrate temperature in their native
haunt- gave a fresh impulse t<> the cultivation of thai charming tribe of plants. By it- means, what
might almost be regarded as a new Orchid-world, teeming with interest and beauty, was suddenly
brought within our reach. A fresh Bold was opened t<> the enterprise of collectors, the spirits
of cultivators revived, and the hopes of botanists mounted high. Foremost among the spoils
that we sought to secure, stood the various members of the genus ODONTOQLOSSUM, which from
the days of Humboldt* and Lexar/a, was known to abound in Species pre-eminent for the
loveliness and delicacy of their flowers but which hnd hitherto mocked the utmost efforts of OUT
most skilful growers. For although (thanks to the labours of Warczewitz and Lobb) the Horti-
cultural Society and Messrs. Veitch had more than once received large consignments of Orchids
among which were many Odontoglosmfrom the mountain ranges of New (reliada and
Peru, they had invariably succumbed under the stilling atmosphere to which, in common with
the denizens of India, Guiana, or Madagascar, they were remorselessly consigned. Here and
there, indeed, an accidental success was achieved in a greenhouse, but the hint was turned to no
account, and as a rulenotwithstanding the repeated warnings and remonstrances of Mr. Skinner,
Warczewitz, and othersfor thirty years we persisted in the incredible folly of growing "cool"
Orchids in "hot" stoves; so deeply rooted in the minds ofhorticulturist was the original prejudice !
But it yielded at last, and no sooner had a few lungesconstructed and managed on the cool-
culture systemmade it clear that the Orchids of temperate regions ere prepared to submit to
the skill of the cultivator, than B general raid was made upon the more accessible countries in
which they ere known to aboundmore especially certain districts in Mexico and Ne
Grenada. To the latter country, collectors were simultaneously sent off by the Horticultural
Society, who despatched Mr. Weir; by Mr. Linden, of Brussels; and by Messrs. Low, of the
Clapton Nursery; and all these rival envoys, much to their own mortification and chagrin,
found themselves -ailing for the same d< stination in the some steamer on the same errand !
It was no that the idea occurred to me of devoting a work of adequate dimensions to the
illustration of the particular genus, which from the dried specimens in our herbaria, the plates
in Peteatorea, the figures of Humboldt, and the descriptions of travellers as evidently destined
to bold the first place among all the numerous company <>t cool Orchids ; and thus began the

Themrationcithe traveller's jam remind mof theo1 ! :. he luidme win:. I lir.t rintodBarim,
m u
" 1 f*K all the itorc of Or turing
hit memorable wanderings am !. i N, Grenada and IVru. Here, U said, the greatest tor* of Ur.iuUu Orchid
WM to tx- found, and are now 1>K'L .ilite the troth of hi remark.
,i M graph. I had expected that after the work of importation bad fairly com-
menced t only mold the species described by Undfej und Reichenbach be eerily obtained,
but that alun iil, iban a multitude of others entirely nee to icienco would bmw M be received
In this respect, however, the resolta have scarcely oome op i.. expectations ; ehsouinatanee that
s partie u> \' Bocoanted for by the difficulty attendant on importation.: but bien is owing,
I grieve l<i say, ilia lui gr. .Her degree In the untimely deaths,.!' thoM zealous collectors, Bowman
and Peana, bo, when in the very heart of tin- cool Orchid regions of Ecuador and Para,
mecumbed under the pn their ard - labours. In Mexico, from which much nov.llv
as expected, little bus been added to tli< Dumber of OdentOjfiotsa previously known, and
the same may be said of Costa Rica, notwithstanding the vigorous exertions of Mr. Bndnea.
But in these countries it a evident thai the .'inns is not so fully developed as in the
mountain ranges oi N. (.r.n i.l.i, Quito, and Peru, from the latter country little
indeed has yet been received, although tl astern slopes of its Andean ohain are probably
richer in species of unknown or rmunported Orchids than any other portion of the globe. But
we must await further improvements in the navigation of the affinants of the mighty Amazon,
beton we ran hope t<> receive any lar.- instalment of these moch-oovetod treasures.
A combination of the various causes retened t. above, bj limiting the choice o materials,
has seriously delayed the publication of this work, hieb 1 had hoped WOOld by this time have
reckoned at least a dozen parts. But as there seems to be no immediate prospect of tin s.-
hindrance- (.. more rapid progrOSB being taken out of the wav, and as the sand- of mv lit- are fast
running out, I have thought it bst m the interests of my subscriben, ta make the present
Dumber the last. The six parts now published ill. however, form a volume of convenient size,
and one which may, as I trust, serve to show how rich N.-w Grenada is in th.- members of this
glorious geOUS. Whal wealth of (tdonUnjltma I'eru may possess, 1 must leave some future
botanist to unfold. He will have a pleasant task, and will probably have doubled the roll of
the genus as now known, before his work is done.
During the prognes of this Monograph a curious incident has OCCURed, Inch may
deserve a brief notice. When the publication was commenced, the introduction of two particular
plantsmore perhaps than of any others known i, orchidists was earnestly desired by growers,
these two being the Odontaglwssttm oritpVM of Lindley, and the CuU&nwhu undula of Lexana,
'1 he I'niding, or rather the re-finding of the formerso miignilicoiit were the specimens in the
Limllcyau Herbarium as declared lo be worth a king's ransom ; while for the latter
described as a native of Oaxaoamore than one collector had scoured that province in vain.
Strange to tag, '/><// vfy our gratpt the o. ritpum being nom- other than
inv 0. Alexandra, while as explained under Plate \'111.- the Cilitliticina proves to
be identical with the long previously introduced Odmteffhsnm ottmmum of Lindley.
W h.ther all the botanical pnssnn that can l>c brought to hear apon our cultivators ma suffice

i .1 Orehidi fron, Ute .Menor ui Stallt America, ban IIHT to be carnnl moi UM A Ir, rh.-t
wte u >fton faUl to the, or to be coarrje.] bj J laitl *T*S* *>"' ** K*1 rircr, bere Ibr heal is crriler Uun Hrrtl
nnutitntiuuoftro d. h. t.. .-an I .. luve ban Unt, incluxliii^. 1 aro virn- to Mt, one 01 I..
crgoa of (M*kyL*mm ,., ii liwbriiUcI,'. \,,mjk ., i,k.|, ,tlll n,,
to convert 0. Alexandra- into 0. erispum, <>r change 0. citromum into 0. pendulum, is an
extremely doubtful question, so strong is the hold thai the erroneous names have already secured
on the public mind. In the parallel case of We//in//toni(i, thai popular Coniferthough now
almost universal!; admitted to be a Sequoiaremains \VrIlin;jtonia still, and seems likely to do
so for all lime to come.
The range of the genus Odontofflossum, u- may be gathered from the descriptions attached
to the various Plates, i- of a peculiar character, being at once restricted and extensive. It is
restricted, for it never leaves the Andes, and it is extensive, for it is bund in all parts of that
vast mountain-chain, from the confines of Florida t<> the frontiers of Chili. As vet no species lias
ever been nut with at a lower elevation than 2600 feet above the-ca-level, nor, with the exception
of O. Iiatfilabium, has any Udontof/los.<um been known to descend so low;the most usual
altitude being -fiOlX) feet, though a higher point is often reached. lake the humming-birds
which frequent the same mountains, and vie with them in beauty, nearly all the Odontof/fo&w are
exceedingly local, anil in this wav two of the most beautiful species, <.//., 0 vexillarium and 0.
Itoezlii, eluded discovery for many years, even in a region supposed to be well explored by collectors.
As to the botanical limits of the genus, I must needs confess that they are exceedingly
difficult to fix. It is as true now as when Professor l.indlev lirsl made the observation to me, that
"The more we build up the partition vails between Odonloglowum, Oncidium, ^c, the more tin-
species break them down." Certainly no one at lirsl sight would suppose Odontogtoxtum
rarinifcrion iras anything but an Oneidm, nor Onrldium macrantkum other than an Odonto-
glossum. Indeed, I must own to a suspicion that ultimately both these genera, together with
Mil/i/ni/i, MeSOSptftiditm, AtpOSia, and possibly one or tWO Others, may < e to be regarded
merely as stii-genera. Bui this difficult question is safest left in Professor Reichenbach'a far
abler hands. Al the same time, it is not to be denied thai there is such a peculiar look about
the OdontimlosSff, that even a non-scieniilic observer has seldom any difficulty in at once
referring most of the species to their true position.
< ne other matter remains to which I must very briefly advert. Mr. Darwin's fascinating
work on the " fertilization'' of Orchids has led many persons to suppose that this beautiful tribe
lends an exceptional amount of support to the theory with which that ingenious writer's name is
so prominently associated, but there could scarcely he a greater mistake. Not only is the theory
in question utterly rejected by Profesor Reichenbach, ihv Jodie princeps of living orehidists,
but the greater our knowledge of tie order, the loss countenance does it seem to yield to the
Darwinian view. We have now become perfectly well acquainted with all the generarwe
might almost say with all the speciesthat belong to particular countries, hut it is in these
that the limits of variation between the different forms are most distinctly definedj in tl
too, the great principle of unity in diversity is -t conspicuous- the genera holding aloof from
each other, and even the species keeping themselves distinct, although the Orchid mark is un-
mistakeably stamped upon all alike. Mr. Gonld has remarked, in hi- great work on the
" Droekilida," that the Darwinian theorj derives no support from tlum, and the same UUYj be
safely affirmed ofOrchids, whichwe are now speaking of America- are the humming-birds' con-
stant associates. Neither, while we contemplate the marvellous and inexhaustible variety of form
Ikkapi r i,n...l^ia|r...J. UTOitl'^,'4ltr*m*'
I haro (mu rontnnulT Uli r<M, tta.i~ OrebiiWoorcfa I roi''''
Wi thin* of >~lrnUv. uni lun now k~ foond lo-U *' * **"
t.,.... io ton, UK hark tW ptiignx u. iW rarttort 11| Ulli "f ' P""1
I il..- IllOTL hor..r. th problrm h kanl > "*"- " "*' *hCT
fl,mrr!o~ H.I.I. ran,. I*!"- im^nua. kMM - roal, "" ** ""
m t., I- -m-Ttr romanci. kad nood f. W bai aron.ulai f. I- ""l'"" "''
OTiliiatia o r ne : rida iko m. ..r Orrhid. a |~4n..nod mil ike limo dr.w
km MM, ho a, U. I* rthrd p th.- mil ..flhrlr hn-V. '* rkannod k> "
nur<rll...r. nur ako.lanjHiqam*mma. Itow**
ko ...1,1 ban i.- km anndw. in uVir m .fui, II' tari.., niir.-- h born
Milled: Wir ike rilor-in IK.' I.rva.l lor f I'Mud.|.maiM O** >-> np-
ran onlv rial, ill. UkJ INaJat. 11.... <II. I^rd. km ...I me tad lhiw..*h Tfcj "r.,
iJ I ill rrjoirr ni girnuj iKaiik. for lin o|-rii. af 1k liand."

I. II.

|a*J *. UN

i I >. Mbalonm. IG. O. las.

. " i 1 O. ltitwpurpur.-mil
3. O. phabcn|m. ii i

I. 0. Inslcnvii I. O. Alexandra).
B. U. Pewatofci.
SO. O. maculattuu.
0. O. pendal
21. O. llalli!
7 0. luMtilubium.
Si. 0. rowum.
8. O. grande,
'.t. 0, na-viiim.
-I I. l>. Kramrr.
10. o.
11. 0. liindlcjaiiiihi.
'i', <> asgintatum.
1. O. j;lurioum.
13. (Fig. 1.) O. Wamerianuin. .'7. 0 eoranarimn,

.] O. .'..'II 29. O. bUndum.

[ I i > Ali v.i.]ra- 9. O. rciillarinin.

I... <> l.i.hrnhrimi. 30. 0. Roetlii.





ntatan I'Ut.- to O. lutco-purpurum Plat* 17

0. ramotittiiKKm, l.tmll. O. tftlrii; Balemim.
O. raiialum, RM. fil.
o l!i t.nciuc 18
Cfrtofiilrni Bittotirinr, Mranm. 0. nueolatoiu iv

O. Mandara SO O. lucviom. 9

O. caruierum ,.10 O. ni'buhMnm. ... I

O. cordatuiii 'i 0L penduhu ... o

O. coronariaiii ...... . C O. eilrvmum. Limit.
I . ;i prudutn. La L/aer,
0. ,T.|in l'btc ll. U
0 t!r*atlrir, lliitrunm. . . . .. 5
o. mua, /M.//. O. phalanopib S
0 (loriona II O, lrlrli.-uli. Iniii ... ,,15

O. grande s O. liorzlii
O. Ilnllii , .'1 " ...... ii
O. luutilaliiuiu . 7 O. ftdlatum .... ..13

0 Ui ..yii ,. -I O. triuiii|ilanf . . . 3
O. Kramiri ... M ' i M SUnoeri . . . i
0 bm .......... 11; i iriam
1 < Lfault j urna . O. Warnrratiuni |:

l'i.ATi: I.



0. (LSUCOOLOSSUH, Lini/l.t pscudobnlbis ovntis comprcssis 2-3-phyllis, foliia oblongia ocutis

bosi conduplicntis pednculo rndicnli erecto (pice) tante 3-7-floro brovioribus, bractea
scario.sis amplexicnulibua ovario duplo broriorbuS sepalis petalisque latiorbus nicmbrn-
nacis oblonga uiidulutis apiculis recurvis, Inln-lli ungue cucuDato carnoso, Inmollis duabus
erects dentbusque tot idem uxtic, limbo orate unto dentato subpuJbesoente, columna
ptera clongot. (Until, (uiliimlum inutatix.)
OOOCTOGI/X&CM SEW'tost;, Und Fot. Oreh.
ODOKIOOUMOII MAXUUBB, Lmafr i limUtg), IBueIrathu Bertieolt iisvu ,- WO
Habitat n MiAii-, propc Oasasa iSarmintU, Oakett, etc), eireUtr SOO0/>.

l'MiIfiniI.r.s 2 la 3 iuehft long, i*Wi, Otate, temtwhiil compressed, 2- or '.\-leiret. Lruvi.s 2 W 3 nt the apex
of lie psrt'dobtifb, oblottg, nenie, thorlce lima Ike BoiHa tehieh, ri.-iufl from Ote tone /' th< pteHdoiuitt, In beut
doKii ni In upper er/eeitiilj by lie freight <if j'fwi 3 lu 7 large tout hiiitlioate li!i<-rs outg hilf the
length of li nary, embracing fhajhrnx r-ebm. SKFALS 1} wehe* long, 1'I.MI> much vider than (he "it, and
like ihm /' v./ /,,,, toted ni tee margin, mid a lillle recurrid nl l!,e end, which in shirpty pointed i
ijti'h eepai and petaU nee nf dear IWHIFI tern while, clouded fa the name impli tj bj) '' iriifiim/u aftpoti or
blntrhen of a rriid'b-broKit colour, tchich i,!> ud !> ne.irtg hilf Unie length, lar of the lame leitnre >td colour <M
the r/vtt*, tntly that the beuten hiotche* are bronil, i\ and that there M n patch of yi/loir mi the etnie ; il* Upper
an i$ if tin mat jbrm, acute, utith the margin tergmueh torn/ it* fle*hg tlixl it bonded, or gathered inte 2
erect date, tcilh n mir of teeth attacked M front, Coi.i us re.-j loan, destitute of wings.

It was ;it Munich, in the year 1835, that I 8! became acquainted with this line Oduutoglosimm having, thrODgll
the kindness of iWessor Von Martin, been allowed to examine the ricli collection of dried qwcbmeni thai Don D
Carwinaki had then recently brought home with him from Mexico. Two jrean afterwards living phmtl W cut to ne
from Onxara, which happening to arrive in the midst of that remarkably severe winter 1S37-8S, I naturally expected
WOnld have hem destroyed on their way ; so far, however, frm lina befog tlie case, they appeared to have sustained little
or no injury from the odd, and on bang placed in a stove they soon began to push both root- and leaves. AU went ell
so long as the temperature of the house did not exceed 70 , but when the winter had passed SWBJ and they hail to face
the intense heat at which the Orchid-houses of that period were ordinarily maintained, the} then nuclei/ lost than vigour
and before a tmlvanonth bad passed vara all gone, victimslike a multitude of other invaluable plantu> our then
ignorance of the conditions under which alone the Orchids of coot countries could IK- expected to thrive !
I Mil uut aware that this plant ever flowered in Una country until within the las) year or two, certainly no ligure
of it be. ever been published in an] English botaaiool periodical; I have, however, found in a Franca work (the
Itl*tratio Eorticeie), under tlie name of O. maxtore, what i- obviooslj the ame na the plant represcnloil in the
Elate. 1 ahonld ntVtelf have probably fallen in-.o the une mistake as l'iolW^.r l.emain), had I not enjoyed the
opportunitywhich he unfortunately had notof exanttning the original ancdrocni in I>r. I.iinllej's herhariuia. and
hah that able botanist drew up hb description (in the I'vliu Orthidaeea) of the two species. O. uaiillnre,
I. I-MIW, .I.

, II MM k AII. fr il -
Umlk,: inrimtmm ito *-"f- .-H-I- Kmtol.
I ,. |l trrbato. TW i

iM>rwii>uM. -k.tiii-ifii"1r'"~*"",'"~i-'"""""

to--,,-.-, h... .to ._-.-. Tvif-^-^.w-^'-~tt-*-*^'-

A.M- rflWft
. J -MM,-- IV, -.- MM*...- -* I - - I -
.u_i-- iv,MM..---.- ..^y^^>r-"i>1'";-
I, ,11 r|.ai,|l-i>,..J~->iT'-i^'<-*,lp-'''
MM MM Il l (MM. M M M WA M MM * MM MM.* , I I '.
M.1II ,.,l,.|MlM>M.MMlM.M lt li < " I' I 1 L "

M*M MJ. y.ttj III I I.MMM*!,

MMllMlM Il Ml MM M* M

ML MR * tW In. Mi Ml I
l'i.Ali: Il



0. (LBCOGLOSSM, Lmdl.) pseudobulbis ovato-oblongia oncipitbus compressa guttulatis

1 2-pbyils, Iblii* oblong acumiatis capo raultinoro simpUci ve! subpanicnlato multo
brcviorbus, braoteis membmnocoia cyrabiformibns acominatis vario J-plo brevioribus,
jietulis gepalisquc Bubquolibus late-ovots aoumiaatis, lobelli onguo bilamellato limbo
cordato moculato acumato unduJnto, column aus ovatia deflexjs.
I - , vol 1819, pp. Ti'S. ja.
I] in ti ATBuu, pi i" Sania Catalina <U- toa Alt*, r>-iiiMH>/r, ttftmar.

Ill-X ItlI'IION.
hEtruoiM't.iK 3 ar imeAe* fanyeyawnty a wwfei mae&att '. ' i -v **JI ' Ufo *(.">, awya pomdend vilh
|ji:.kvi;s iili/tuiif, broad, tiud tiff, > their
eiltrmUie*, much starter Mm M- cope. & M "nrlimr* tfnjhlly auirl.-./, '
A///. ./ /real 11 /.< 80 iiiirxetiljy KUttd l'lniVKiis. Baal is (./'</ </ , Ijoal-rhojird, I
Hi of tin- ovary. Sceau tu i \'\,
of a greni rolar . ' .. ','',,- anal*. I,ir broad mtd $pn t-tioptd, acuminate, and
al i' .' si . I/J aVkft va vAI jtniuil < f heHmu
rfyparaUcli '. CoiXItx/umMevMovat
''' 'i.iift.

Tiii- i a robust aiMl stately plant, nearly allied to ft Btetanienti to which al one lime I>r. tiindley was disposed to
rrfer il, bul far larger ind handsomer in all its parK Il- broad [I-'IHI.IIHIIM which become covered in their KCODd
year with a n altitude of nun] reddish dob, ii- vide tcpak and petal, tin- i - li|i. mu its genera] resemblance
to Xfygpetahm Maeliiii ill, however, wJBcieiitl) di anguish it Being found i ;i higher elevation than ft Bietomtnta,
it rcauwi - tu i kepi mure eu.d, and as it afecta lurk an<l et banks in its. native wilds, it is better to place it in a north
lure it cm lie nmrr readily protected from the Mm. Treated in this way it grewi luxuriantly and dowers
abundantly at Knypcnley, whence the specimen figured the Plato iras domed, lu Qowering set to vary, fur
into bloom, nhoul London November is the non usual month,
ft ' was Die latest discover] of my in ' Irland Mr. Skinner (after whom ii was named !>;.
IV. i, mu who, though now settled in I meh devoted to bit favourite Iribe as when, whi
iteonaln, he as vent to delight u t by the multitude of new and beautiful planta that be was
ntty dispatching aerees the main.
D:~M. nos ! Side view of lip and column majnifitJ.

l'l.AIK ill.



0. (LXUCOOLOSSVM, mil.) pscudobulbis ovots obtuso anciptbus 1 2-pbyllis, fbls lineoribus

ucutssimia racemia In- va trifloria spitbomieifl longioribus, M-jmlis obloDgo-ligulntis acut,
pendis latorbus obovatis obtusis; luld-lli nmpli pandurnti cmargiiiati bilameUigeri disco
rdutino, columna) lis Ekbbieviats mcmbnuutceis.

<>, Nr.iixiN.rM rii.\i H-M-, IMh.fii. ; Stemm* Voaptandla, ii. 278 Pnce, Umden <i /.''.'/' i. 11
Mii.HiMV M LCIII IAA, //./.

Habitai in N. GBAMIM, prop Aspasco, "It. MM 00 ft, Sddtm,

Tr.-rrtlrinl. flmunuimiBg nearly tsto actos long, ovate, footing ese, < wore frejwtatg In, narren linear, tery
l.i LYES, less limit a foot long, and ttumllg irit/irn;! ol tin- ettremiliet. lUcEUS uut/Jiitr/, thorler titan lie
hed with it Jew tmoil aaUe Bmon, and y large and hondeme
tre of ti it, Sii'U.s ohlong, skarp-poinled, about M inch hnu).
pRau broader than the epate, oblase. LB : -shaped, tu front portion deeply emargimtte, aproad out nearly
at,eery br b portions MI and with two i i upright lameUet on its tehetg diei;
the Up ha* two large irregular pa^e^rit >, rith toncentrie lince of the tame colour
on its hirer portion, i'ilh n sma paid of get/ota on either side tin- itthmun {i.e. point <fjunction between the Upper
and tower ditisas of the lip). l'"n us short, with hianbranon wings ! led.

Till* mu-i ehamdng Odonliylotsm* was Jiitoorcreil in tin- year 1850 bj M- Si-lilim at itni lima engaged in exploring
the higher regions of New Ghnnada in tin service of M. Linden i" whose wcll-know-n horticultural establishment at
l- in' had the h m m of hitrodacing it. Tin- apeeks -as seen in flower for tin- liiv. time in the .war 1856 when ii
t4 at 60H1 IMiibition- both .a [tie C ntinent and in London and, a- maj roadijy lie conceived,
attracted universal admiration. Since thai i., its I..!, blossoms bars been rarehjr produced, owing no doubt ;
- been mperfectry understood. It has however, I believe, bloomed occasionally in the collection of
the Lord Chancellor el Ireland, and mure recently that of K. M'Morland. Esq., of Ilavcrstock Hill, with whom it
thrive amazingly, and to whose kindness 1 am indebted for the opportunst) of figuring it. In it.-. native country it is
found in n mild climat -round.or upon rocks ht moisl and si id) -ii itinn.i, and by imp!)' imitating these
conditions Mr. M'Morland cultivates it with the most perfect success. Hi- planta : : kept in pots, with living moss on
the surface, and ilieir base resting in pans of water the evaporation from which cannot hfl tobe high!] beneficial.
The temperature of the house in arbieh they OJO ron is that of an ordinary greenhouse, but the air U alunys humid,
Slid water is fret nseuuenee of the open potting, it can pass as fatly away. The planta Mem to
IS year round, though their pnqcratid principal llonerino-.-cie.oii i- in .May and dime.
entirely distinct froi.i Bl | tht gcnusyct in cultivation, hut it 9 allii d to I - ill fin plant
delected bj W nrszca "> in t teta Bien, and called in hon r 0. Wartiewieiii by I'roli.-.-M Reiehenbaeh.

Dnsscnosm, l ; ml 2 F t view of lip nifiri

Pi .m: IV.



O. (EuoDONTOQMisauu, .hull.) pseudobulbis ovatis comprcssia diphyllis, loins corioccis

oblongo^nsifonaibus Bubundtdotis apice recurvis raocrao 5-10-floro erecto rioulo bre-
vioribus, Bcpalis pottdisque oblongis subsequalibtia undulatis infimis connotis, IUIK-H
ongusto olni\:to retuso l>asi nuriculnto, <IM' crista apce bilob dilotatfi utrinque in
medio dente refracto ctuct, columna: nlis ncuryis cirruotis. {Lbutt. Fol. Orch.)
Osatura muuxi, Berter in Bot. llj. isio. Ulte. '.\. Batanan, OrcJud Mi r, ,i (hut. ft 21 Vm Beutle, Hen dn
1848, /. 82,
Habitai in Mi M >. Sariert OAXSCA, laUXgtti S MOO/ft


l'si.t iM>iti LUS owto, tlighllg fnrrored, mmprtMttl, Ina ring ~ leathery, twori-tbaptd, tharp pointed LEAVES, fAiVA are
/< M/ u/oo/ fan/, OJlrf lite tht re*l of Ike plant of a glaticnu line. SCATS upright, longer than lue met, bearing
from j to 10 Accra, t>*>o\tly /'<"w 2 /u :t MSHM M diameter, but rouir/iule* cotuiderohlf mere. BRACTS /-.
uo/ n MMA fay, occurring at interred MM r (AM (aeawefMM, and fitting tightly lo r& to.
and PBUH n'-'rly taml, ohioug, tweed, lie tut lateral MM attached at their bate, of a pa h^green tint,
enured throughout (heir entire length by broad bandit of 'reddM-biwra, MTTW, >' WZfc iocf, f;/*
,-A/ jrll<nr colour, bordered by a be!' !,,, on t- diet are a group of Attendes, mounliug tu teeth on
either 'ide, and Htilh rieft ealtu u front. Coi.iMN-ttixtis bent inteard*, and resembling in form (he antenna of au

Thi* Odautoglottum vu originally introduced bom Mexbo by the bte Mr. Barker, of Birmingham, after whose
gardener it was owned l>y I'r. Lindlcy. It Hovered with Mr. Barker somewhere aboul tito year IM', when a Bg ox was pr
pared for tho *Orchiikicia' of Mexico und Guatemala,' hut I hiul not then ilic iip|Nirtiinity of examining tin* plant, nur
indeed did 1 ever actually sec it in Dover until tin? autunm of last ye ir (1883>) vhen 1 happened to meet with the
specimen from whieli the Uluitaelion is derived, growing and blooming vigorouslv in the eoHeetion of Dr. Can, >(
Lj?erpooL The qwdn had, in foct, virbutfr disarrpenred from collection during an interrcamum of twenty years, and
ii- rcappoaianoc i entirely due to the adoption of the rational system of cool treatment now happily prevailing, and
under which it may be cultivated with the greatest case.
In habit 0. nrlrayi i quite udistinguiahablo from O. grande ; and although it flowon re far inferior in In1
ipeoics, tin". 1 bianco to them in their col btgandg raj arrangement.
The Btrneturc H however entirely different, fur while 0. uraude In no bristle-like appenda^ to it column, and
fore blouga to the section of die gcoin which has been colled KiXTflOoixesi <i uj Dr. Lindlev, the proecnea in
I ition are cleariy presonl in the can.- of O. buleayi, Ihenbt under the preceding
H, to which the title of KtoMisuK.i/r-,! M hu been giren by tito same authority. The limo and mode of I m
l.rciit in the two plant, for while in O. gronde llie llou er-eajn's a|i| U iy with the li
ne usually in pcrfcolion in .Inly, tl of O. betetui an- not d until long alter the pSOudobulba lmu I. i u
matured, nor do they expand then blot it until ble in the autumn.
A. a tf. . k -d k. ..c. <- - / * " ""* *~ "' ""* "* ""*
IW , U. .-. .1, I. tl-HUI* *. * **"* "* -*
^H.^.!..!.^--.!.-^*-.--!-*--**""* *- -*-
Cat** Uu. ko. M, a* I ~1, fa. W" b- * V- ** *-M -"" * "~

- - ,*, -r~- to tb OTM rf . --*. *>- "I O-Ws *" -- ~ . r -*

riiniiM,! ad. .U^ a a~.toa*to, .,!* to ill. W*W" "'*'***,cnl.JU>fl.4ll.nll"Ai<,-*. . % J*al I. ata
I -W-1, hi Mm Dr. CM; ka II a I An. Pa 0K*I1-WJ. J aVWj -pato I*
(M-k^UM ,1> ,***>, k. I%-- rt, to Jl torft to~-to 14
. P,-I <W' *- - u **"> ""*- "- * '""' ~ 0reM 1
- " " *"
kMajal ka. IW na* J nan rto at nand il 7. ito jn.

ln-n>-l IV !. 1 liiaai: tat lilil

I'l V I I \



O. (IsAM'iinM, l/uitll.' pscudobulbis ovntis hevigotia ncbukwia tlipbyllis, foliis loratis plants basi
ongostaitis ponicidfl ampia erects multflori :>-pl<> brcvioribus, l,;:<'tis minuta, floribiia
membronnceis, sepulis ovoto*oblongis npiculata Icviter undulatis, pctalia confornibus
latiorbus, labcUo cuspidate subpnndurata basi denticulato, crista kuncttis laterolibua
ilistmitilms csurrilagineis laceria lincis duubua divcrgentibus pice denticulatis intcrjcctis,
columnse brcvis nls brevibus euncatis laceria, {.mil. 'I. Orch., quibusdam mutat.)
M liWnm'Sehct0rtUiaaoH$Phab,2i
M !>..!..i vi -, tnhaehjK, in lAomra, '.".'. i
Mobil M N . i IA, l'rovneo of Pamplona, at tb height of from 8000 to MOO I

lSi.ifnOJBDl it from - to of an oeaie form, gtottg, and mottled with dark) trinen, vmallv bearing 2 luratr
l,i M - from 0 inehettoo /'
liil/ upright hranehed r.wn i .-.JiflftOi:
PVOWBBS of a peculiarly deiicate texture. BBAI nalt, SKUI. ogate^ohte de, ettghtlg waved at the
edge*, an inch l<t;t, white with tfreeht if -iiihin,-. PETIS rimilur in />/> and tewtare /< tit tepoJ, hut I
and more mrled at tkr edge, I' the pan H wte. Lu iaeUnme tojiddle-thape, pointed, M n-ith Ihr point neu Ne
when looked at in /rout ; lowardk the hate are two thori upright tnberetet that pat*forward into plat '
taeh other, and toothed io front. Oneitl re two leeudo^ei, '. and, // >
a bfiuilifitl , treaked ril/t red. The ret Iff 16* tip it white, with the
of rrimmu, t/> i Homier and du ' Cow Kl
witktkorl ' led at the edget.

ThL- lovely plant was discovered in the year 1S17 by MM. Fiuuk and Bchlim wtl m I n a botanical mii<>ii to New
Granada, in the service of M. Linden. According to it disoorcxers, ii is nol unfrequently met vita in the provine. - \ I
Pamplona end Oeana, a) an above the sea-level of about 3000 feet, inhabiting the oak II resta which when
the climate is mild -clothe the entern slopes of l lilleta.
II. I'mealorei flowered itli M. Linden fur ll ue III 1S." 1. mil attracted, as Well it might, urn.
admiration. Nothing indeed, een in the beautiful family to which it bolo pass the delicacy of ii- hloas
with tbrir charming mixture of rose and white, relieved by B few decp-Crimfon -tain scattered irregularly over the lip. It
habit too i- good, ind i i.ii.-l-. nenele of Bowers neD-proportioiied to the sute of the bulbs and leaves. It bio
abundantly in the sprii son continue ii I ka in perfection. Wo need not wonder that a
plant with such rare combination of good qualiti hate been selected bj M. Linden to do honour to
m the hn<- M. I'I --..< !. ai't.-r whom he named it, and in whose smnpte I ea*) it formt
Grat plate.
Although i owing to the difficulty of importing it .dive, is till exceeding]] rare in this eounbj
abend . the principal collections, especially in those of Mr. Ruck r, M . Basset, Mr D
M. !*.-,.< lll., m. M..Uit. nidilUM-i M4 ai wili
... (1(4 Mil M Ml ko;, Vr FifcV. ** . ,r. I - o,* .ni.. J *k Mr I
IW tlaM> | min. ki W Imll. H^l M j nl
,w _ j a it> <a>r *i<i lu
Itulr. H^ft iMmrima^ IHN htm fndasnl.
TV luim ij.mlil far <4W <M ill l>-r *> 1W I > ill n>l O. <W. *< Ml -
< a ) rf IW fia
i,_-t-~,. i i.. ~mM



F &


I'..AI.: VI.



O. (THYMKN'II M) pscudobulbia subrotund compresas Isevibus diphyllis, loins oblongo-ligulatis

obtusis Rtcemo pndulo multifloro paulo brevioribus, sepalisoblongisobtuspetiilisquecon-
Ibrmibus subsequniibus, labeUo unguicukto ronifbrau lmsi excavuto marginibus ddlosis,
clinaudrii n\\- latendibus subtruncotis dorsnlique rotundato denticulatis.
Ol.oM:..,,.--< M ,. III H, fnd 11:1. foy 1842, .Vw.tiS; ISI.1,/. 3; F..I. 'In-ti. H. Ml; llVrr, - *.',' Or, MfaeMUl Plinto,
I 28 Id re..l<o;l. f I
yam* ram i.\./.- ' lerartt,0rdk.Sfar.2; Setthenoaeh, fil., Baspfamffic, i. l">. in.
Habitat H MEXICO, h ros, Kara w*f, /<"<<*!.

I'MI I.I.I.Iun tmUrtd t'yethcr, 2 I" i inch'-' ' _.;. ( apressed, orate or almml round, nmnolh and glossy, i-''
l,i;vvi:s ti Mflta '" ./;.../ loup, I. guale, obtno; rnlhrr thorttr than the raceme. I! HI MI i**viiig
ni an nrrtt/ ttage from the goung growth, ptndnbut, many^ftoieered, rat c'y branched, /"<_/. > than the batet. BETAU
I'I:TALS tiatffor form, pure white, or in orne varieties of at faut blush or rote-coUmr, frequeatlg tpriniled
teiih minute red d'il", oblong, obi*?, bout un inch long. Lie ungaicitlole, lidaey-nhaprd, r
edges turned up) along it* bate, on e-liii/i there i* a patch of feUamt, irit/i a fer bright dot in the /tuition where a
crest (here entirely vesting) is usually placed} the colour of the dist of tie tip eerie* in different prime*, being
sometime* entirely irhite and sometime! lipped vith faint ro*col,r or ilerp-erimson. Cou MS rith upper and
fox, ,>'/ of rhirh are I I on He tact ining rounded and the others truncated.

Beily in the present century, two SpaniardLa Uwe and Lamia bj namesettled at the Mexican (own of
lolid, m the fertile province <>f Mechonean. They wet both attached lo botany, bul lite younger of the two,
LeMlXi, a- MI attracted by the beauty <>f the mnm-mus Orchids of the district that tu these he devoted himself with an
ardour that mild have ih.uc honour even to the Lindli ;. and Keichenbachs of our own day. As the result of his
labour- a little 'irk 'Orahidianrai I Ipusouluin ' be modestly styled itpresently made it< appearance, wherein about
fifty species, all at thai time neu to menee, were described with remarkable accuracy and MIL Among ihe number
there a~ a |ilant,Ciilthiuziua lenduU lie i ,i 1 t.. be of surpassing loveliness and to form an undoubtedly
ni a genos the distinctive characters of which were minutely given, As (me went on and the rage for Orchids di'vi-lo|*d
ii-elf in Burope, a keen desire ma naturally fell bj cultivators to add so line a plan! to their li-t--. but although many
coDectan visited Valladolid and laid hands ppoB nearly <n 11Jt other deniable Orchids described by Lexorea, still notliim;
f the fi7/i/.-/, and mi the emer of the latisi immher of l>r. l.indieyV ' I'olia Orehidiu-ea ' its name inn;, be
found in the list of genera " unknown to the author." About the some time I H ; wda letter to the ' Gardeners'
Chronicle' iiryinK some adventurous traveller to take -lii]. for New Spain, mainly with the object of instituting another
ICareh for the I thai had hitherto eluded our gnsp, Vet all this while Ciiif/ouziioi pendilla n;is
. | 1 indeed had been an established favourite for nptrords of twenty years! Hut if so, it may well be
Dsked, hem came it to pass that it was never raeognind? For a full reply to this very natural inquiry I must refer
the reader u. a i ms article in ' Bonplandia' (Johrg, iil Ka 15, 10), by the yonnga Reiehenbaeh, lo whom
it o. a A. u Ua _bd. r. k...i v. ad r' - -~- ^
rf Lrura - Mr .In Ika. U. CX .kin. M ... J I'll)'-*

jiwic u.^ ^ i .1. ,HI^. iu. ii brit-iJH*. -!-"< *'

Iktf *. pb ta .kfck ta har -"ta. I lk. in/ Ita .-> " > tatdnm Cl /
IW km Irmr-Mnw .fcirk w* rtrvt^ .M

km. IW n_lI n ilr lVk. al kkk taw part ta- H. lUrtW. m*- m Ik ta. Ml.
ate tar Il ta L. tait. ta~. .bt. U . , h-. -J pro. |J~ rf ta km/ tmpJMJ
"- H, -J JW. Il ,ta4i tarn W n. ta pu.
Itanir~l PMMlf briM^aM : >-I. - -t im- a*jM

m ill km,, h n
.** a <.! in .,i AatW MMtbNpM.h aJ .Uli I * > -

l'un: VII.



O. (IsANTitifM, Limit.) pseudobulbis ovatia oompresais 1-2-plivllU, foliis oblongia cornccis,

panicuke csaltatie rands picatas, bracteis cymbiforuiibus acununotis ovario nsquoJibus,
M-|mls pctnlisquc ncar-Innccolots ocuminatia unaulatisi lobcllo apicc subrotundo-ovato
acuto Imsi auriculis acutia laoceolatia porrcctia aucto, lamcllia 5 elcvatis, columnas alia
obsolete uodulotis, margine versus lisn membranceo diltate.
ODOS : HI ' !- ajuuBM, Ualtf, Outbid, Ham a.a -t : Hooter, Bol, '.' ' 1272; Pnettorta, I. 11.
Habitai in Nov. GMSAM: TI -nu, in iho | arinco *( IHuaphnn, at UN elevation "i '-' ta i. April, linden . cm the wed from
Siiitii Manlia to the Sierra Niviulu, I'unlir ; OeaBa, January, S S S a !. 9 D "/- Btnnt.

r>i:tmim un eomfrtuei, omUe, 8 to C tctica lung, bearing 1 or 2 oblong, leathery LHATRS,NO< W than a third the
.'ft <>f tit tetpt. Di u i - '''.' ;. ', senmtMto, tonal in teoptk ! thr orarg. Scare rara1 robn*t, from 2 to n
// high, panirlrd, hearing from 2<i /> Km ,',*/"./.. Sri'U.s </</ l'i.i VJ> 1. fo 2 ieebc* long, Hneor4ane
arittninate, tlighllg iriired <tl Ihr margin, of a mle-greeu, barred a-ilh nnmerout Hurt of dark-red or purple. Lie
hidlrri-thojrcd. purple \ii th. Ita, but lehite in itt (ion, fhirb it of t TOHnito*otatt form, pointed al Iht
esteraitg ; il* em! e<iti*i*ft of 2 enter and 2 interior plutt, Ihr hitler ntrelehing forrard begond Ihr former,
rith a linear-oral ealloiity in the centre. C01.IMX Upending tit it* batt on titter -ide into a.t infered membrane.

A- tlii- stalely Oionloglottmn a met with tl a pooh lova elevation than any of ill congeners, it is wnstitoUonnU;
less impatient of heat, und hat therefore been able to accommodate it-elf ti> artificial condition under vvliich otilen of
1- race in former years lime pined ami dicil. lint alllionji in tome |wrt> of So Granada it di-scrnd- a- Inn- n-
2.'i(MI bot) il- innre frequent rango is 2000 fed higher up lite mountains, and it i- in such laaliona iliui ii attnil -
ii- gfoaleal luxuriance and beauty. Boue imported pecbnOM thai I mi fortunate enough to ne kart year (1864)
at the Clapton N'nr-cry, whither they liad been - at by Mr. Blunt, hail flocr-*tcius half an inch thick and fully
C fed high. These M gathered at an elevation of at least HHNt (bel abare the sea-level and, as they arrived in
excellent oondhjon and have been Bllenaively ih-lribulcd, I have little dniiht we -hall ere IDIV.' see cultivated spceitnen-
that may vie vvit'i tlie wild our- in itaturC and magnificence. Il- IhiHfriiig svasin i- the -|iiiiif,' ..r early - nuiiirr.
I figure vva- taken in May last from a plant in Mr. Itmker'- collodion vvlnr.' 1 i- L'niwn at the cooU-l end of
the Cattleyn-lHMUc.

1 > 01 1 I. Knilil vi" ..flip nul mini., - .,tttt/ttif,,l



i ~fm
I'.vii: VIII



0. (XANTHOOLOSSUM) paeudobulb ovatis csomprcss dipbyllis, fbliis ooriaoeia oblongo

ensifbrmibus scopo rimplci brevoribus, polis Inaccolatis Interalibus convexa fhleatia
petoUsque obloagis obtusiusculis latioribus subnndulotis, labello subrotundo Itnsi auriculato
M-|>!ilis plus duplo breviore, <li>ci crista npiee truncntfi bitubercidnt utrinque in medio
deute colloque onctl, columna: tomentosa: ouriculis rotundatis eouvexis incurrs.

Onoento \xi>r, Urndl fo IM. Rey. IM.ifhc M Baleman, Orrhiil, Mar. t. H ; afomtt.Jnii.Qmi.i.IS!.
Habitat in GnMmtsu, SUtaitr, Mu I

l'si:i iKjiii LBS romprewd, broadly oral'-, 1 W '' focht lang, tearing I or M Mff 2 le,ttltrrg, ot/long-tmiform
[nUVBS, irliieh, n wtM M /Ac JUOufoilfMw, Sow o/ntge mure or let /' poleylotltinu MM*. Suit />/< /Ac foiy/A
</ /Af /'are*, i-S-forered. HKACTS theathiug, acute, half the length of lie otarg. Fi.iur.its n-cjr A'/yr, i'ji MM*
rarieti'*! incite or more from the tip . ' ; :!<. BaltaM foaawfoit, the tUtrtll o> htite.
V\ m evta {Am /A.- quoi, ,/, //x-,. /jest, a/ ,/rA peUtm eewnr, marked trilh forg tktp^fowmtm baud and
itotihe, oUong, tomwhal oblate al their eitreniitie, mi tlighthj tented at the margin. Lir no' A<r#* '*< fesytf o/
M tepah, uearlg round, trhitith, ttith a fete erimsoa taina neir the en ni. fttirh i* <>f rich o-nuge-yet/or, marled teith
ietjhorapg swear, and it rated on the dit of Ihr lip ; it eonilt /' 2 targe Inmole prtCtUtt fo front, teith 8 Or I
utir// Av/A at it late ; Y<i anrietet turn their edge doten until theg meet under the dirl f the tip, aud there grow
together. < VJI.VMV itUBItg, teilh >t rounded, incurred, ainrer anriete on either ide.

Mr. Skinner ma the fortunate discoverer uf this noble OthiUogltuaui which to th il iy remain unsurpassed, cien
among all the line additions that have of late yean been made to t' genus. Mr. Bkanncf found it in a ' barranca" (or
dark ravine) in the eoTRMH of the city <>f Guatemala, and so closely hail it lain concealed thai even his quiet eve failed
rt it until long after he li it, exhausted tl t of all la Ik I It was
with in other localities, hnl marinhly in i limte of which the ordinary range of temperature lay between ' ' -"'I ~< '".
ami in situations when it was secure '>i* abundan! taotUnc and constan! shade. In these pecaliaiitioa of its natural
habitat the conditions lb] cultivation are clearly pointed rat- MI, strange lo say, they were unheeded for
twenty year, daring which the plants in our Orebjd-housci were always in a feobk and aieklj stale, rarely producing more
than tn or three limiers on a scape, while the innottod pjieeimens shnvetl that at least double thai iiiiinlwr H
|ir..|H.T quota. Ni, howetrer, the ease diferent, br with n mild temptrnture and moderate -limle they arc fnmd to be
1 with the most perfect ease and to grow with a rigour that could never hare been exceeded in then native wilds.
In |>r.Kif of n- we need only turn to thi waieh ia copied from a Iwautiful photograph kindly sent to me hy
Jeahua Saunah I ind which reprsenta a specimen of 0. grande as it appeared hen flowering in hia collection
nt Clifton. As a forth.-. ' i ease with whi it mo] be grown I ma mention thai nadar the Bare of
Major t'lnrkc it has been induced to bhwm in the open air during the summer month. Ibis, hosrorer, must ourj
he looked upon as an interesting experiment and is act n-< intended for imitation.
0. ft ' \nL'e.-t. when the ter this it odd
i albo* w M. lir. YoA.: I [ . ukm ft kwfcnar f <W> ""J '' . ""* > ""
m* Ml Kfift-ln, mi **,!, kid h*w pn

l> i n -I f >k < ~l. <

-i-i li. ir -i . i - -'"i* * ' .> V-.-4

^M4-H| C*fci^i^.i|rfl il Ifa-HtoM^-niWiiiw,'fc*w

.f-l.>.<.iJU.I | U,.^M^.|I | ,,|t >>>

* . ? M-
; .r," it
rte Mgr
I'l.v.i: IX.

0 DO NTO< I -OSS U M N VIUM, Undi*.


O. (KCOIIOXTOCI.OSSUM) pscudobulbis o\tis oomprcssis, lulus tenuibus lanoeolotis basi nngustatis

-i-Mpii raoemoso vcl siibpaniculato mukiflara mitante Bubiccnialibus vel longioribus, scpalis
|K-!alH|in- BDgUStb ovnto-lniimilatis artlliiiiiatis umlulatis, lal)ello Subconformi pubescente
vix hastate, crista dentibus '2 grossis l vel subtrilobis pubesoentbus, colimuuc rirrbis
subulntis patulis.
OOMtTO MI u, Unite) i.t l'ortunt FU>WB <nl,. i. /. 18; Hurr in farm, S ''I : ftaMtoW, /. 18 Uaritrr Arfad
OnrniVW*. I'lault, I. 7 ; /.' fall >nhfit. in tuuptamlitt. n. '278.
Ilahitat in VBOBVIU, /'.( ami SBMUR 721), in 111- province of Traxillo, neu s. Lano uni la Pela, I (ert Nnw
Ounan*, in th<' province of Pamplona, llowerino in \iiKu<ii. SOOO (cet, Umita 11 16}


PsEl IKJBI LBS w/>, '. fimrrh'it blnnlly ribbed, bearing I or 2 mtrroK-oblong LEAVES, tapering at lie tote,
lout equal in length At Or wire feei/ncn tig siortee titan lie maag-oteered f/otrer-scnpe. FLOW lilts arranged on a
aiding ,- ttiottailf u mairie in formet!), pare triite, cited ercrgrhrre trili riri crimson or broten.
BHACTS xtrg short, srate-tike. BtUIS and 1'ur u.s nra'e, liaear-hnceolale, acuminate, spreading equally, much
traced, front 1} to ft MUM Vorteilet) i r i\ inches luto/. shorter fian lie fetal, bttt nearly of lit,-
form and colour, e.rcrpt Hat Here it a ge'lute cre*t trili a large crimson btulri in ils front ; at In bate lie edge* of
lie date etatp lie column, TEI.TII of lie rre*t gel/on-, mall, di*tinet, trith 2 or 3 equal blunt lobe to each,
dornte. On i >i v it"-ne, narrowed to the bate, teili a mir of avl-sbaped ears near lie summit, belote lie antker-ied.

Tliis brilliant Odoatoglovinm wait first discovered by (far lute Sir Kobcrt Schomburgk, and having brx'ii iliipped
with bis other collection* from Dcmerara, In- l.n< I i snppo^'d tu lu a native of the latter colony. I am, bowever,
satisfied, beyond tbc circumstance alluded to, there Li not the slightest reason for Kguding it as a Dcmerara
plant, for DO other collector lias OTO found it tlure, nor would ils utisthution endure so hot a climate. As Sir
Robert, in his memorable expedition into the interior of Guiana (1885-87), reached an elevation of 7(00 feet, on
the fourth parallel of latitude, and among the s.iniheru affluent of the Orinoco, I have little doiilii that it MI- in
lui- ri..'.mi that he disi overol 0. ci>a, along with Marill/iria ebrnea, Dinthonea intbrleata, and other treasures that
have never ycl found their way to us in a living state.*
0. nariuui and its varieties appear to be extensively distributed, having been met with in many localities, both
in Venezuela and New Cm.nada, always, however, at a very considerable deration, and bcnco the neein

' I copr Sir IWhrrt' dcicriptiori of the locality in which these plasta tit found, in the hope that mi collector njajr he induced to it M
intcrating a region 'The DnH^mta wa met with on the high mou-iuin chain between the itty.uiih "'I 't -s-tl> matUlaa and tbc fourth
parallel ot* latitude, at ancletli. . .1 '' TOI!"I ., I it tl tIt-.- mfcltnL ilw uuilail o< thoe clevatiot. arc thkkljr caieml with topfv-U->
the ahite colour of which corivev* the U|ipOsiti'.in that the ground t* eoicrcd with now. The thermometer stood frequently in the morning at BJ* I'.,
win li. eouiicctnl with the now-nhitc Liehen, powerf'illy rrtninileil nof a winter lmiiej|a I1 ... with Rn-y lottnuu hrnnche,
oald hate aw^tcd to make the picture coiuplctr, if nwinrrou thrkitlat**, i^iignintly w I ' . , hail not clothed llieti. Iftdced, it Iba
ttetki'tatt* nl'mc that parc tlic vegetation a tropic! (icft. ... We disrmrrcd the Starillafit nrar Mount Mnn TV1 >.. Oftk.i
(at Uta Uta > ilnlil <r*ic Hr. IterWa dkrtir.

dt*-) rf --*.- .w.,. fc. .u. . fci - r * "* ** "*"' ** *** '"""* *"
_!_ Un -fc-M .Uk U ft ^ rf 1W*. b Ik . f-fert-r fcr*. fa-. ~*
il ikonlr b. *** * Mr.
I 1.1.11 I Tli ff| - '**- Tr5-'
I'i.vii: X.



< >. (XANTDOOLOSSUU pacudobulbis oblongia L-2-phyllis, l'olis loratia scnpo poniculoto l>rv-
rioribus, gepnlis pctalisquc oblongia ncutittaculis lmsi subctuicotis dono carina crass nucta
pcrgamencs, InbcUo membranceo ncwli ligulato dimidio onteror sbito o laminoni re-
nitoniiciii (li'iitii'ulaluin medio mtico iipiculatum extenso, Inuicllis rhombeis evtnirsiiiu b-
quadridentatis aupinie utrinqne in ligulA Inhclli basilari, raphi utriusque lamellio corinnt
luiti'orsiim in tifs digitos excarrente, columna' olongntfti lis elongatis crennbita hjalinia
ticriorilms 2 utrinqno nlitusiitis, emaaoribiia column ris maiginntfi. {Ueic/ib. fil. in Ilot.
Zeitung, 1852, jo. (:S..
KIH'M.H.!."'i i Aiii\ilTi:ru. Limit. r'J 'A.'A
LUbilat iti Ammen i iMiiiij, ittirhnW*.

l'sKt'Dom'i.iM :l or i uchr hay. Moni/, ntiftoth, bearing 2 breadith, far/<6<vy, karp-pomtt'd l.i .'. i -. Scvri; Imujer lian
tkr /f. ,..''.i "ili eijfsag favurAes. Buen (rit , \orf. Sar-AU tad Praia 1 neh loug, .
OUtdt, lil of a pur/li*k-rt>Kn IMtb, ilUliuclly htded it tlir huk. \,w ftttomhk-B&t, imite, llifittatf at it*
tuai i*t ttddaup cAaagity itlo < /.. m /Aits, lekirk i n/iimi-ttr / front, tod nt ii* tut adjoiat ike erttt,
rkick roa'ul* of 2 Herir'*/ iro'tr't,; irregsiortg tocthtd, rkoitthoij Met oa ritker tide, ttitk 1 fiat/er-liiy ,n<.
cc*f> ia front. COI.LMV elongated, tritk IraaCJMrewt rreaalatf tr'mg; tu aalier-krd rarrtly margianl.

For lile o|i|Kirtuiiity of Ajrurimr thi* pretty <hliut<i.jU>am I am indebted to tie kinJncss of tlie Bishop of Win-
chester, in wIlOM cnlle.tiun at Fnrnhain Ca-tle it flowered profusely in Xovember last. A fortnight afterwards I !iNo
received pcdiaaaa from Mr. Backer, bul tlie (lowers of his witty were scarcely so bright in their coloiiriiii? as those of
the Bishop's plant.
0. eariaiferaat, although now liurureil for the first time, appears to have IHVII introduced several years ago to <" man
collections, anil from some of these it ha-, no ilonht, found its nay to England. It is a native of Central America, here
ii probably air.ri- :i high deration, ai ii succeed perfectly under cool treatment, both at rWnlium Castle and ut Wert
Hill, [ta flowers continue in perfection for many necks.

I iis-wno.I. Front view of rip and colamn; '.'. Sido vUm of ditto: mtv/m/fr-l.
I'i.v..: XI.



0. BCODONTOOLOSSDM, Llinll.) pseudobulbis oYoto-oblongis compresos diphylbs, loins lanceo-

liitis subcoriaceis nontis scopo rncemoso n 1111 - : r. 12)floro \\ brevioribus, sepalis pctnlisquc
Lincari-lanccolatis acumnnts subqunlibus, tabello augusto ungtiiculato bstate utroque
lotera ongnlato in disco bifolcigero l>:isi |HT corinom um columna connoto. Columna
tomentosa, auriculis erectis angustia ncummats.
OtmetoaumcM I.IM.IJI wi-\ H Btmpt, i. 09; RMnari \- /. i Tl.- IKW/w*, Amtal

OnonoaLoasm mMnamnm, Umii.jii, (*<. ilk. Kil<. S

ILili-ml in I'AMIP.SV (m wf\m SMM ft.. /."./.: Onu"., WO0 u. v',', (iiiir {arm* .., I }trayeinr:
BomOi, [I

nvKMM una atout : iaeAe In,!, vtate-ekhag, miM/trrwJ, --lrarnl, $ometimtt > Utile foiled, I.I ina
fruta */,u loajaot long, y, tharf-fomled, iUcra rotier ' ilir faire*,
half-u-ilo: t'i ti il:enjb'lfir*. I!l:\<rs. . tiloai out-lhird Ihr IrmjlU if ti i pBtAM
unir/y n/mtl, <i,i itch <, ...</. i'.>/. Itnear-laaeeolate, anuaiuali; iif n pelleitM-greea, ritli aje t'if/r rtntaat
Motete, Ihr arrangement tjftriek tarit ia Hfferrul *pt-c!men*. \,iv liorler th\< ihr petal, .
iattete, ''/"'.,..' tAe lateral laie Jarming tan ibmt m t, rith
tito large apgM tligillf-earted iot /.', oftfo dial*, / ti taat lite lip i titled m
aiti ihr colima afler tir Jatiioa .</' ihr IHfefo/nfM ; il coloar i mumllg aalt gritar r j/ctl"r*k-rhilr vi/A
tara ehettaat tanda, OoiitMX ihnrag, Jnrnhed ear Ihr MHIHUI vilh ! MFimw creel upright te

Tl.i- n.H ! ilii- plant, eaoeiatcd ai it i- irilli the awrj .,r tl dialinguiahcd Iwtaaiil who lina favtclj poned
frimi araoog Ha, il to:n i nivlunchalr reflections. M.mni iii.loc<l I inni, tho lew
had beca my steady Wend foi tiw-aml-iliirty JTCSHL and In whose loboaaj among the members of aijr larourite tribe,
I have bean enabled in tollo n pursuit (haf In norar ceased ta be n joy and solace aoid ill the carei sod rich
or life!
a ladleaamm ! -.r Rciclicnbocli, in boaonf of the gitat Oidiidi nantie MINI
now to Hmi- falU-n ujKtn hfaaeelf. Ii - daedj allied to tin- O. tfMtadraidei ( Quraboldl sod Kimili, I'mm which
ado I Dr. Loadle] lilcd tu disliaguh i. but if tin ekmctcH nf the two specie, : ed ia ti"- ' Sema,1 ;
1.1 IK- i lobt tin' German rVcdeaj i HI., ri'.-lii in teparatiag them.
S<.\<T.I1 tr.nrll.T-, including Srl.liiii, Wagcacr, Wamewicz, ami Weir, appear to han ami iili the pli
|.-.ili-i-, t a great demlioa, heace it tout of eounie be chuaed amoag
ii of Orchid;. It In flowered in I till.,, - ., Lirli it a n'lit In il;, i; /.ulous
eoUcctef Mr. Wear, and ah in die collection ( Mr. Raeker, when Mr. Paoli iiuuk hi. ilrawiiu; in il, tpriog of
lost pai IMS)

|lii >- - I. lip mi.I .!..i. II

i ,| i mm t iuc iviuuUtilr > tk. u Dr. Uxllrjr, tir WMtlwm Otmtra w Sfetln .I.J il,, fWta OrtUm
hu I. In' ai. m* JsbncH In o -!i.| t. r, . ilk Ira-li iW ~ -.'id In In, arnra, ami aliick nil] owliDUi II
fu* all "ITII
-- .<j<** it ^.ffiici>_---^A<a..


(). (KronoxTooi.ossiM, Limit.) poeudobulbis ovntis oonfertia dJphyllis, foliis luto-bmceolnt

iicutis scapo volido paniculoto multifloro brovioribus, aepalis pctnlisque oblongo-ligulota
actuninntis steUntis, 1U1H-I1<> n basi cordata ligulato acnminato, basin versus utrinquo
angulato, octcrum bine llin<* dcntctato, callo deprcsso quadrilobulo mine quadridentato
ante l>i>n, colnmnfi claratS pice atrinque crrho setacco moli nfrae unidcntato.
OommouM u, JUfcrantaajK Stapl IL78; Uem hi Oanhurf Chrmiete (Sew llanta a. 8W. 1805), et i* H'alpert,

h N. GftaXUM Bold - MM |i.. Sfttliia ; OcoBo, 000 p., Voomirt Bogoof, '/',;,

ix itllTlnN.

Pi DDOBirua irUttted, growing clotelg together, 3 or I uehe* hng, boning lo a dart colour tri eld. I.nn-
'. acnlr, nhortrr than Ihr nlnnl murh-branrhed mimy-iHcrml miirlc. FuwnM etetedingfy Variable
in tat wd/brm and retour; Ihr r/ample lu Ihr Plaie reprenruling one o/ Ihr laryrst earirtiet, ami Ihr cignelte vue
of Ihr Imtl. l'nuallg Ihei/ arr about 2 iuehe* acroju, o a pale iwhrini "r irreuith-jelloK, bloti-hrd, or mmetimrt
mmulrly tpotled, Uli darl-chr,l.ui. SSMU <"'</ EBttU marin tBttl, (aamdatr, orille fue narrower tha in Ihr
figure), nlighllg rarrtl. lignlate. mooth (not eritpj at Ihr margin, rrrg mach attenuated iu front, hnl li,,;rl-
kap-d at ihr lur, tnr-onl* eliirh il ' lArnptlg rarinatr, and farni'hrd i'ilh 2 frght forgt n\orf i
( ioLI >IN drate, witi hairy circki an either i<le near Un OMV, am! a mlitarg loolh near II" middle.

Tail remarkable Odoutoglauum ros" CUT uWnicnd in N> fininaila 1 Schlin and Wagoner, in whote
herbaria its stalely liuuiy-flowctcd panicle fanned < -trikinir a feature tluit Professor Rcichcnbarh iliil mit ln-tnic la
giro the plant the name tit otmotnm an epithet triuch now thai wo bars the |ihmt ainongal na in a Bring ilali
may perhaps bo ihntiirht to bt somewhat hcuiml ils merit-. Il DOUl indeed 1*0 admitted that the fictii 11 ' which
arc of a faint yellowttll'grecii, scarcely n-ili/i- ilic cx|K-c(.-iti<ui- which the rich colour ami profr-imi . in the
dried specimens had ven- naturally rawed. Nor an- all the rawUea of equal merit, some being notch m.-illir ami ]ler
than otben.
Tin- -|vi--- lie*' iui|>i>rtc<l in largo onaotiea, both by Mi~r. II. LOT an<l Co., of Ctaplon, and by duo
Horticultural S,M-n-tr. wiio received it in " n Mr. Weir, by uhom it wa galltcred in K ncigbboilritood ol
Bogot, It DOWOB froorr, and at all MOJOtU of the year; nor docs it appear to care <> nnuli H irmn of ill cougi
for a few dcgnM more or le>- of heal or old. I bcKcTO ii I u already bloomed in alneal over] eoUeotion of n It
I the spikes, as was of course t<> he expected, me u jncl far from canal lo the wild apoenncno.' Thu

ll mttf l* ell, OBW *>r all, to it It.i! o Ike U i(nia tlut haw not hero IraiR ic|irleit, aol ** h<t> tlierrfore no liad lina
lo acquire llmr lull ,trfiigh. IM' numlier and arrancrinent <<r fl<irr. in llu- tann- u taken from native pfaiinillia litre nt arr iili!.!r. tl
ananqloira I,. -ild" lamlanl ever rraennl in rnllivalion, bol il niiirei m|iiii,ll> necede<l.
J.. km I m,a Nin"W tot u**l I , ,1,1.1 m>w kk.

di I lb 1W.. >ktt -km if'"" ** ""* " '

n. k te a IM . (Aitfu. -* ' I-" k*j-U --

-I i.ri_..^., __!..... - !.. .. r--.

**s5 It-.iK i<;:iji, .1
l'l.ATK XIII. II'.. 1


O. i I.iMciiiii.dssi M, hindi.) pseudobulbis siibclougati compressis monophyllis, t'ols mem-

brniMocia oblongis in pctiolum cnimlic-nlatuin aogustatis acopo - (i-l!<>ro brevioribua,
bracteis nocialibus aciuninntis, sepalis linear-lonceolnt acut, petaba Intorbus undulatts,
lnbclli fallo cimento ovato, nntoc abrupte trilobo, llis lateralibus angtdatis, lobo medio
fbrepato bicruri, longiori, Interbus cnll a liasi versus apicetn involutis, lamina cordato-
triangula obtusa, mnrgiue minute crspnll crenulnt, columon grocili davatA ptera.
NM . tteiehntharl f,l ,,j l,'," /. .i SUM /' ' Zeit. 1864, 29T idem k Oardeneri drome!*, I8UJ,
,V, ... //,./.. . fl i,
llahiMt in Ml \l i'I.

Pixiiom i. a-* rather lour I, al S . vd (raw/A LEAVES, one oinoch ptendoisH, lea (i
*//fj( laag, MeahrttmiH*, otarjhpaU melted petiole. Baiera aimai a urh lon,
carite, rerg,-, S< \ii !,//, r llum lh- batet, "fly /> y flam 2 to
.-.'/'-,'-./'.-. /'-. . of a tplhm of tit fellow crett on tir
tip and aje brown WeteAet m tie tore,- faff of e rpala "ml (Itouyi in a In* degree) of the petal' alen.
Sirius c-lhcr MrfOW, obtovg, acute. l'l.ui.s broader than the trpalt and raced at the margin, l.if rilh a
beart-ehoped ccraalate dale (occafiaaallu auffand irilh ir row tint;, ami a gritle i-loied ratlua at it* tote, Ihr
fiant tor/io of tthieh '< laager than the lateral one* (fhieh are turned nirarJ from the bate vpWardJ, and plil
into tiro diteegeut mrmli r. < 'm i MS alnui r, l hatte, tringle**.

IbJi pretty speck ma Oral described b* Professai I i, boni material- derived From tlir- collection of
Mi. Wanwr, of BroomQdd, in comptiment to nom In- rnunod it. It nlto flowered with tin- lato Mr. Canty, of
Liverpool, who kindly sent me the tnceJmuui nom which the fi'.-un- ma preparad, bol il weresmaller and lew rich
in then colouring than those of Mr. Warner.
v. ivo no predaa formation H t.I UM locality where O. WaratHemm grau* wild, bot tl-.rn/ can IK- BO doobt
that it comes from me port "f .Mexico, nhenoc lire ham other ipocica, e.g. O. ltoH, O. F.breal/ergii, and 0. Kehilotum,
t.. .ill ..r which i' :- n.-:irlvallied, I- Honren m Uji bier atitiiiiin uni Hinter months, bol like most nf the other
menben of it section [Leucoa ..f g ddicatc habit, and requires to be ver;- runiiilly handled. It se.
prefer a moderate heat and perhnjM a lightly drier atmosphere ihan that-in irbJeh la- Neo Granada and I''
OdontOglosn evidently delight ; the COmpOSl or material-i in which the N .1- mf, -1 1.1 ...'t DO nCOOUnt I" allowed to
bei i.- loddcn.

Dun - i I i|i IIKI .!.mu (maowjfitd),arc J Ditto, area sutcnan.

I*..VI-I. XIII. Fia. 2.


O. (LEVCOOLOSSUU, Liiul/.) pseudobnlbis ovalibus compresas, lils solitars lonccolntis rccurvi,

scapis iTiviis 1 '2-ilori^ brevioribus, liniclcis ovnr triquetri medium non attiugcntibus,
s*'|mls petnlisquc rp<|un1ilniK lincaribus ocuminatia bcrbaoeis, lubc-llo rbomboideo sub-
rotiuulu rrosse ilcntnto II|>|K'IUICC unguis tntncat quadrdeotatfi pice libera.
ODOKTI BUM 'i -ii:ii-\i!M. Hull a BW. tty, 1841, '//.. Sn; n.l. Orth. w. 18.
Onooni / ;;.' I il. in Aun St, Vat Ju. ISIS.
Habitat i (r.vrr-M.M.. Sltneri MIM. .!!/,'.,., ; \M:\..I ., FKmarwte.


l'si.i mini ins oral, cvmpmtcd, about an ittci l"u.i, alot-y, btarittg /olitary lanceolate manchal recurred I.mvcs,
rlt'eh are thorttr than Ihe uprii/hl \-{rarely 2-)./WV.-(/ SOANS. V-v.u H H' uni/ m mg M Ihe ihrcc-ciirucred
Otar;/. Si;i'Ai> ami l'i.m.s .y"', .'.'.. i'e, if a tliill tdirr-preea, ril/t n fee- faint ffUMttru flrealn of
broten on their inner *<!: LIP rhile, rhoiuboidal, ttbrohtnd, icith ih ! it* </;%. or clair,
hnlfnr. truncate, free, antl dicided ai iuji alo tico, or rather alo four lohe*, the tico foremntl ./ which retembl
leelh. (.' v 'lend,;-, rim/lcM.

Then- is nit air of mainlitesa about tlii little Odoutogtomim which, insignificant Utotlgn il be, i spread orer a
mitgC of territory far mure exteDHTO than b occupied by any other member of the grim*; fir it ha been found in
M | Hart r, in Qontemaln (un the Volean del Fuego) by Bkuoer, and in Veraguas by Wanzcwicil
At KmjKT-lcv. where tllO liguru WU taken, 1 IM I - Ibmer- freely in the winter ami >|iring, and I managed
(in a cool bonse) without the alighted diffioully,

DrwM"Tiox.1. Column mod lip iitnyitj^crf), UTH ifdcvrey; 1!. Ditto, ditto, in front.




O. (IKANTIIII M, l.imll.) pseudobnlbis ovntis comprcssis 1- wl 2-phyllis, raccmo siroplici

iimltitliirn fols subtequnli, bracteis minoribus coehleatia nontis, floribus mcmbranaccta
pedicellis itN|tiniilil)its, s<-|mlis pctalis|iie wrpios subqualibus (intentant pctolis multo
lutioribus), Bcpnlis lnnccnlatis aciiiiiinati* |H'tlis ovntolnnccolntis acutis nilduJnto-UlCCria,
hilii'llo broviore unguiculnto (bnufi dmsrsissimii. nnnc sopolis conlbnni nunc siil>|niiluri-
orini, pice emurginato (>-|IIIN imicronc adject) margine tiiuliilato ittcjjro vel s'rpins
dentate acuto pice recurvo, disco maculato, crista ghnplici bilnuicllat. Columna aretiatu
clavutn, nlala, alis laccris.
OI.AC.I/K-HI AinivLtj, ;//,; (^, . . .
OiMonocuMn H BU MK. RfuhtnlachJH
Habitat in Ko. GiuxAiM.propc PI ehn, 7-8000 i>. War, Waal.

./ Bpiphfi. RnUMOVUN smooth, slightly compressai, sometime Iroadly orate. M Mxatmaih (apermg, 2 to ''> tucket
long, ami bearing 1 or 2 linear tanctohU-pamttd LITES, fhich are from a fer wtha to afoot long, ami frequently
of rather lu character i a reddish HHI in atn sometimes met teith both >.' ' ' >'.T/'.... I! uivis
i simple, aiont Ihr length ofmmetimr* I the livre; and carrying from tteo or three to a th<:rn
Or more large meabraaous and leantifnt tunmt, rhirh xarg crceedinglg both it toe,firm, and colouring. Vsitnl'g
theg are front S to 3 inches in diameter, and about eyual to the pedicels. Hit vers about hilf an i.irh hag, pninletl,
filing eh to the item. Si:i'\i.s lanceolate acuminate, t'hite or rosy-tehile, rith sometimes one or more broten or
purple pote on each. PETALS utnattgthough uot invariablywider than the pale, awl rt&mMing them in form
and eolomr, hat destitute of spots ; loth in the regain ami priait the edges are usutlly more or let* curled or traced. recurred at the apes, exc-edingiy rariahte in ils outline; in some examples almost eraelly resembling the ttpah
in other* taking more or less a panduriform shape fm trhieh one the ap-x. instru if pointed, i road, enarg
with a point or muera); the edges too, irft>Vji are sometimes entire, are much more fre<ne:itlg jigged or toothed : the
Inert uuguis, or elate, is longitudinal/y callte: and tehere I rrpami, into the disi, ends in tiro straight pointai ami
dieerging teeth, trhieh. Hie the elate, are ye!lo\r, the rest of the lip being tehile, rith or rilhout spots of the same
character as those fonnd in the sepal ; there are it fete red or broten lines trhieh radiate or spread ont lite a fan on
either side of the teeth composing the crest, lut theg do not, as in O. FISVATOUKI, form a detached\fl'ap. GIUMX

short, arched, club-shaped, irilh broad truncate wings that are more or lets jagged or fringed.

This moat charming Odouloglossnm vas discovcnJ in lsii:l by Mr. Weir, ut im elevation of from 700O !
[bat, in the gloomy foresta that clothe the slopes of the lofty mountain-ranges at the rear of the City of Santa V <!<
Bogot. Al tin- wild rpooimeos >'t' the How that he sent home to the Horticultural Society indicated not onlj i
DM ipa i.--, bal MM B surpa-?in;,' beauty, I did nol hesitate tit ones to dcdicoil H lo UM illnsbiOIH I'riiin N BMI
naaie it will henceforth bear. Since the fir "mi "f the plant appeared in tl>o 'Gardeners' Chronicle' i
living pkntl have boon recetad both by the Bora] Horticultural Society nol by Mc-srs. lliiijh Ijow and Co., of I
several of which have bloomed and, even in their first feeble attempts to flower, have more than jtt'tilir.l I!M ri
cA|ctations fomted of the [ilant which, as it gathers strength, cannot fail to become an established favourite Hi nil
h r i "> "- T~. ' i * >' r1-1 "" "-' -r>-|J-WJ twi Pr<~n~wwi.
Il In r il lui I II fc* ataarb aal t Ma InaI Vf* taW . a; haa I
4tmW. la a.t. . lu <.ri la twlai Ikaa.i fclwn (ata. k> hit. bar < ~~ U
ni rtaW... kr f. Il* ofa~l. -I ..i. Sa Ma. barata, >. aaai alma-lav tararla Inwaw

haxwa ^ lia |fal Mt Im ail . a J Maart U M. U Ml. Ml. R.lrt. Ht. I;. aal
Mr. rain \ la al arma ai K.!7crJn. koaaila tanaaaa Ut. an alkt ht. vit a
liitiliPiH. tautlnl aj lit lip al atak U Un , naa,lm I IM ~Tlka * Ib alba ta! a* Ib
kl., a .. tk, aanM MM. T- Ib lataiarl .U. bkaja la. tartan par. kr Ml. lUIa aal Mr.
laatat. Ib Wat, f Ut. . a tararla lawfc la. aWt .1 ta Ib Orjal a. . anara, IVtt. Mt. Ilmai'.
Mat ..a) ta atatilj b -oui m ab ta-tlal taarli M la-t". mi at ta lab la abri dal b

aal tbaMn bal. aaaalrMrr ( Ib rallia <4 a lana,

danlnt.k<bi. rawaialK|<uU..ra,ra<t>t ,irj .< krta -J ratal-t Il b bh . tk a
aal raaf aaak. aal raai at-araO) b rajoutai ilk lb ma* . < arar, raaiaj a U U Ina]
ami rkt altert aat abara ta arta.

-i UM alaMUlaakaii. ; IHM!.-.*.



* 3*
l'i.ATi: XV.



O. (lsANTiiiiM. Lindi.) pseudobulbia oblongia aggregate diphylUs N\ sulcotis, foliis oblongo-

lauoeolotia ncutis scapo maculato luxe paniculate .l-plo bievioribus, braeteis brevibus
membrannccis, gepulia petalisque tmbccqualibiu oblongo-laneeolatis apicidutis, InbcUo
oblongo basi cordato opioe obtuauto lobulato, eolio tmido atrinque ante basin, carina
u-<iiiiil in m liti-i.

OiKisi . i Ui i. HISIII.'MII. ,17. I* /.'...i/.' iii, .Ml: fata II. I: 'I.V.'; H'..< \i. fur. f>.
hmdiir in lih'rfr //iW/,\/,' 213.! ii> Mi ' '.7*/

A r/iij/ifi'-. Psm otmm B '/. ttightijfmn i to t rcAe* long, ctttttnd together. Launa '.' < e*rh
ptem/'ibM, thiitititi ami leathery, eil >,/.i/, atout gfitt /"y, mwli rhortcr than the ywr. Si 1AM
upright or Bedang, from i fitt I < fard Mg, mftlled, Immly paaieted, hurray from 10 to taautae* .rot'ih'y
OjIoi-ert. liii.K-Is /ri-, *A"i7, oml uieiairaHout.fttiay elme to Ihr 'Ir*. tMM and l'i.i .t.> Htarlj) tqvai, ptbuf
laneeatttt, opictlalt, ' rid dort fnirp(Uh-iroitn. Ittt purple in rome
rurietiet, in other vhite, Kit/t a i . '. - /.. iped lotil if per/Je on it'di*t.'' 'ii/hlty lohnt
at Ihr ape, *ouieirhot hrart-nhaprd "I the hare, where there in ' eallotily M either 'ale, mal o doaile carina.
OoMDIX rery 'liyhtly m

Tliis prellj anadea i- fell figured in Tea hew it ataled t<> ho a native of Mexico, whence ii M
introduced bj M. [ande f Bnneck I ralablialunenl thai I derived the plan! thai U reprenated on
Iho niluT -i'l''. md \slitill flowered ti ECnypccaky i:t May lael i IS|1 >i. It apiM-ar to IK- tm oaaily managed, requiring
tin- same temperature and treatment na 0, law, to which it ii nearly allied, and which firm- tin- aubjoel of t"}< (bUowing
Plate It - aha rerj closely rdati d to 0. imriVwJhS; and I In not feel certain lhal the tiro n nUji ham
in bo united, it present, however, o few planta und oiiat in Ute collections of Ibis coui In unteriali
newssuv for an alinait ibcoining.
The ipecilie name ma given by Professor Brncoeabach in honour "' U. !! i. Ii nlnim. of Bcrfin, taboM collection
of OrvhiiU ami other planta ha long been eckbmti I.

I)IK-.I -I I. >- I,-, j...,,,.i^ni),.f|i5. .m I . ; 1 I -i-.i.t .. <.




O. (ISAXTIIMM) pscudobulbis Bubeompressis sulcatis tliphylli, loins oblongo-ensiformibus

obtuse neuiis Hjiicv obliqtiis, M-npis multitlons lircvioribus, Boribus laxe racemoso-poni-
fulaiis. liracii-is brovibus membranaccis, scpolia petalisquo oblongo-lincoribus acutia plas,
Iain-Hi limbo panduriformi apicvilato tmgu la-vi obsoletissime bidentmto, colunuifo alis apice
nituiulaiis crisps basi planis. Limit.
OMROOUM M tur. EMI M Bot. %. (1841). f. J!>: /.. h\J. OrA . t.
Il.ii.imt in QUATI HAU, .vi.'

lux liiniov
Psr.rnonn.ns ffun l U> iitrhet lung, otate, itubcumpreved, furrowed, MHN LUTH (nrord-ehaped, oblnire, or
ol.luArly-aenle, tometiuten tlighlly oblique at Iheir ejlrrutilie, a foot or more long, thorler than the many-Jliufrred
Jtotter-ntenit. PliOWBa Ui JUU lonfrly brauehed, i to 3 Jett long, rather dnuiping, bearing from 20 to (usmet'imi-l
100 FljOWKIis. liuiT* from half a nek In au net long, nharp-poiated, flipping tightly held of the tea. BSMU
and IVTALI nearly equal, otdung-tiaear, aente, plane at the edges, tttuatly about an iurn lung, light green, tranttertrly
banded irilh bmitu. I,ir leith addle-thaped, apira/ate limb double:/ buel on it nnguit or flair, white, thonging ialo
purple at It bate, there it in tometimtn eery oltenrely bidenlale. WJONM '/COLDMN eriup al he ettget, plane at
Iht bate.

Tliif is not one of the most nit rar live pecies, but it lately injMBmetl tho profusencs uitli uhiili fa Unwcrs an
1 :iml th.-ir plcnaaai amina, rill tenm it a place in DMst rollivtmti. It is common in Guatemala, wliaw Mr.
Skinner ork'innlly diworamd il, anil it pn.halilv e\liii<U a* far a Mexico, hen- Ihn n. irl\ Died apwin (O. Iteieheu-
heintii), liifiirvd in (he preceding I'l.itc. i- bond. \M it a mili iml with al a ,'n il flcintin i, it must be treated as a very
"coal " Orchid, andar which rfalmt it uill lotmn abvndanttjr in the spring month*. Tlic chief danger to lie gnardi l
a.-ain-t i* that of it- OXbauating wit -like ninny specie of f'halrruopninliy over-much flavoring, anil tn prevent liich
it i of awne onlj aacoanj t.. braali >ir une nf ] v:i|<-.

H Iftom.I Up. wn in fr>inl; 2. IJ|> ami ri.liiiiin. ell wie,: mugaijSfl.


Pi.nt. XVII


<). (Kl'oiMi\T(i(il.<iM Ml psiMulolmlliis ovufis sulicoinprc^is cliplivllis, lolii* i-nsiloriniliiiN ran-

ini> mult tlori-i iiiitiuitibiis NUIMI'I|UUIIHIS, brncteis orntia nontis iquBiniefonxiibua, podiccllis
internodiis quantibus, sepulis pctaliaquc nibaequolibus oblongo-lonceolittis acamtnntis,
lulirlli brcviter iiii^inciilati Interibua plaids, limbo subpondurUbrmi notice lnoero*serrulato)
<-rist a<l lmsi ultidigitatn, ciiliiiiiuu' pettdk triplo brovjoria TO nrcuntte alis multifidia

OMWiwuMami uiii.-ri!.ni IM. Unit Ont /... 0Mkfl.T,

Ownrioi | i>ni_ \,i,- l;\;t.. . :.n;.|
QDOMM umoM aman, Butane I tren, i.siii. .W Huff, a, 38!
Habitai in \. OIAXADA, prop QabwHa, alt WOO p., lnd/a pr]- Bull tv de Uogou. #Wr. if.


tmnoanam about '! OF l wehet ton*/, evmchal eompreteed, orate, i-lcaml. luMvtn tirord-thaped, ekarp-powted, a
foot or met Iniiy, about the tame length at the inaan.oyeecd nrtddin,/ liiri.vut. BB-MTS orate, acute, cut/,
PamOBU ei/nalling in length the average tpacet betieeea the YUPKSMS. BBTALB Had hull nearly efaat, tUtWff
lanreolatr (Ihr priai */ nngairnlatej, aei'OtiaaU, of a rich cho<v>i'te-rntni intuir, WM edge and lip if a
grcraih-ycllor. rilh a reey hurl claie,fddle-ehaped, al te tde-ed/et plane, h rentre-lobe miaule/y
aid apiealate, eri.'h a multitude of ager-like prorette fraryiag H diffrent iadiridaaltj teated on Ihr eider, and teith
their brinlbe ail more or let* ineliuiag fotWOrOW. The upper portion of the lip it hite. Kith a irme bate, r-hieh
again ie bandril teith tckite beneath tit a . I ofbrittle, ithieh are of a rich golden-yelline, (Vu.rMN" only imr-lhird
the length of the priait, tlighlly arched, "ilh lacerated, hairy King nearly concealing the anther.

Tin' ridaMtodl which the MOB* <>f lhi- ipeOHJS lias bad to undergo within the last three year- are full of inslnictioi
both to IxHntii! am) the public. It was first described by Lindlcy fniii ild apeciaWBI gathered bj Linden in tin- tieigh-
bouihood Of Quimba. Mr. Weir was the next to meet with it, mid ho uccccded in sending U> the Horticultural S
sercral living plants that bad been obtained bunt 101) niil& t" the- south of Bouilli. Ile il-.i vit M *|iotiieii- in
admirable condition Inch, not agreeing nith Liadh>'- it sarintwBi and being profusely Euaiahed both at the base f the
lip and in the n]>c.\ of the Column with lang lirislle-likc appendages, led to my colling it 0, hytrU [i. e. the Porcupine
OoVnilogloasum). \l-r-. I on also received die plant, through their oaHectoi Mr. Iiluut, from the auno locality at that
lure Weir met with it. and one of their plant prodaced DowePJ rhioll initiier agreeing with I.indb;'-> O. Inleu-
parpare*!* nor with my 0. hylrirreccivtil fr.tu l'r <--,r Kcirlienbueb lite name of 0. ntdialma, Suh.r<iimtl\
iniiiij r]Hrinirn* flowered, ii" two "f wbieli "erv ilike, tliuugh they all maintained a ort of distant mblanco
t., O. /tea-purpurrnm i> vhid I il M bhnaelfvai the tit^t to |ioinl ontthen-can imf be aodouli' i
tliey an ill vurieties.
The liinin- i laiton fmni a plant tluit lloum-.! in Mr. Day' OoUeclioB in the autumn of 1SIJ5, tlie lowCTJ of liieli
ere ii- the iw of those of a phial thai flowered with me,but -till larger varieties bare since appeared iu the
: Bgarl I Wool rorth Bailer.
.an aa1< |
dal Irr Ib. XX. I a-a a all lk- -IV.. I

bata i,iian.. lau aa> ilaa. Ha alta la* M Helada H

aaj) i||l ill a m .alj Ik ta ja

IHIIMWW I IWiaa .41, aV -~A^

l'i.ATi: XVI11

(VAK1KIY WITH LEAFS 1 l.owili.sll \l> .

<). (LKTJCOOLOSSUU) pseudobulbisobloiigiscomprcsais 2 3-phyllis, ibliia cnsifornribus undulnt

patoutibiu scapo raoemoso duplo brovioribus, bracte herbceo Innecoluti acuminacia
ovario duplo brevioribns, scpalis petnlisque subrcqunlibiia Lineori-laneeohitni macalntis,
IHIH-I ungne bflamelhto limbo cordato netumnato nndtdato, columnas ili* transverse
nbloups integral.
CYSTOCIIIUM Hi .'VrA. ihr. el (a f
KraoitnuM imeM M it'll, .(/"</-1 ms
Habitat in Gnansiu, Sriitwr, rire t-TOOO pod, alt.

l'-r.fuoBttLB* ollaag, 3 In 0 uchet long, mmrr-hat compre*!, hearts/ 2 er "> LBSVBS, mlici ara neord-thaptj, arose?
opt, much nh'irtrr Ham Ihr upright purple win; \er.. The tiller, in Us normal rale, / unlranched, and
detliliilf of lemt, lut in Ihr -.-7e./ in lie Ville luit Humeront tranche, and U le'fy at the erlremilie:
liiui n hrrlfieenM, hutolafe, acuminate, mil hilf Hi.' I,aglh <if the nrarg. Bmil '" ' PTAM early ei/ual, linear-
/aurelate, lighl-grren tailed, or landed filh Innen. Im leith a hila ' I heart-shaped, nruiuiuale
Until, reared at Ihe margin. In mutt rauet Ihe Up it while ue nearly *.>, in cithern it hat mare or lent of a roty or
purpVuh tint. Ow.rVN-wiNos twmtTUif oblong, entire.

Tlic Plate represent a remarkable state of Ihn BOW well-known plant, which I hurt oWned only in tl- collection
of Mr. Aiuinall Tamer, of I'endlcbiiry lion', near Mnnrle-ii r. In iu normal or ordinary enndiiinn O. fi- '
produce -ia Ihe inter months BoWOMlema, bnl in .Mr. Turner's plant (lie teins are branched, ami,
hat is till more extraordinary, an' leafy at tliiir ' Nor Toa thi peculiaril] COH&Acd to It growth "f D
v>n, for it has already reappeared a' foam in aocceaaion ! It prodii .though
it can hardly be said to add to the beauty of the plant.
O. lUelonienv. so Called after Lad; Hot !, Hi t i, in Del the earliest xpeeie of this popular gCJHU
tl at ever reached England eine, It abo (aimed a portion of the tir-t lxx of Orchid tbat I over recorred from
Quatemala, whence Ihe} ere teal to ma ia 1885 by my invaluable friend Qeorge Das Skinner, now (If
-uddenly ami imoipectodljnumbered with the ih-ad!
Tlii- i-< nut the place for a memoir of that generous and enthusiastic spirit: let it malea to state that Mr.Skinner
was on hi' v. mala for a final riait, when he ana attacked bjf yclli.u-lVur early in February last OB the
P i. and carried off after three days" illness! He a- collecting planla on the Saturday before hi.
death, ami nn the Wednesday be was a corpse! He wa in hi- Wtd u ir, and had he but been (rmittc.1 to retara to
England, would have crowed the Allant exactly forty times! He was Ihe rhacoTerer ..f O. grande and O. Pro-
Stiuiieri, ahead] Geared in this work, and ol :ii letal fifty Othet Onh'u!-, adadiag; the wril-knnwn Lyrarlc Siinnrri
perhaps the i loi tad panojar of it- trille.

h. tertoss.1. Lip and tars; -' Dtaoditni

-Wir J
1'i.vrt; XIX


(WHITE, on wnirs VARIETY).

Of this charming Odontoglossum. which I hud 0,0 honour t.. dedicate to the Prirjeoaa of Wales. 11,. r.
appear to be innumerable varieties. Of these tamelike the one retired at Plate XIV.have crimson apota, other?,
again an- spotted wit'a blown, while a thin! Motionlike the one represented in the latehave flowers of the purest
white, relieved only ''.v "" mh
oMe crcst
nf ",l! np> An oxcellenl example of the IntUs variety waa sent to me
nearly two year, ego by Mr. li r,i..|' Aehrille, Piirlrickhill, near Glasgow, and EMU t'nii Mr. Pitch's drawing was
obtained. Sime then, nlluT specimens of the same kind have lx-cn rontinimiraled to me, especially by Mr. Wcntworth
Huiler. Mr. Jones, of Wlmllcv Hange, ruar Manchester, Mr. Boll, and Mr. Pawson of Mi idow 11 ink. The last was
an aduiiruble specimen bearing as it did on a curved stalk about a dam perfect DoffCIS, all of which faced the Mini
way, so as to form a Mil of natural tiara exactly suited to n huIVs head and whichespecially rilen urn on dark
haircould nut fail to produce a uuijt beautiful effect.
This varii ty Ua-- nl-o fluttered at tin' lUvul Garden*, Kcw, a fact that U not a little creditable to Mr. Kiniili".
(the Curator') energy ami skill, he being compelled to grant Ilk Oicbidl in houses Uni arc cry ill adapted to men a
purpOK. Surely tlic Q immMenl of lia wealthy country might afford to devote a few hundred pouuils to the
constru -lion of house* in which these must popuhir and marvellous plant might he worthily grown!
As the first ipechnona of the ttktle variety of 0. AlmnJrit were OoDoctod by Mr. W'cir, it is only filling thai ad
name should be associated with it, i -t a- the name of his rival Mr. IHunt has been connected with the rarid)
distiegunhed by its crimson spots, liants of both frequently acquire a reddish tint both in their bull and leave,
a tint which, wherever it OCCUR, is a sure criterion by which 0. J/eximdra may be distinguished from other
Odontoglossa that closely resemble it in habit.
O. Alexandra proves to be a slow grower, and to requin- the coolest compartment of the Peruvian house. If
tilts condition be attended to, it gives no trouble whatever, and produces its exceedingly durable flowers very freely
Dr. Triana met with it on the trunks of very large IHM W itli dense foliage, ten leagues from Bogot, mid also ai Pacho.

Dessenos*.I. lip and column, seen iu friwit ; 2. Dfilla, aeon aMemrra! magnified.


. (XANTHOOLOSSOM) pwudobulbis oblongis compresna monopbyllis, (bliia oblongis uervosia

acntiusculis, mociuis Mili]H'ii(lulis iiiultitloris Invvioribus, bracteia inmeularibua herbaceis
ovario brovioribuB, M'|HIIS Uneori-lmiocolata acunainDt diacoloribus, H/tnli* oblongis un
dulatis aciiiniimtis, IIIIH-IIO cordata neuminata rabcronoto, appendice ungir bivnlvi con
cava coculeari npico libera bdentat per medium nrgttt" serrulntA, columna |>ubescente
Bubapterft. Liiull.
ODcnrroauMiM HMVLATVX, hte, Orc SI,*. S, i. lu ll..,. isiu, . M-, /W><uw. /. :*-. Umtt. fU. Ont
Habitai in MEXICO, lama, Unter, Karmiiuti.

DE -itimox.
I'" U01H Harrow, oiloilf, mue eomprefteJ.froiH 2 lo i iucif* ioMjf, 1-learnl. I.r.vvi- hrm-tolalr-Mwi;i, Htrtott,
mort or leu thorp-painted, tiorter tiau the otttr-teaprt. limns Lmt-tiaped, acuminate, tie hirer uurir shorter
than lie upper otttt. early M long at tie mart. Il KM HtfSdtrty, tometimet pemlnlont. '> tu lirtmrtd, atari
afoot hny. ftuOWBH rartablr in ti:e and colour, teilen it imetiutet a briyhliti at other time* ou/y a rttakk-
yellor, t/mltrd vith bror.i. SaOMHi irofu inside, liaear-laureolole, acuminate. PaUtf rather ritte, tihlotiy, traced,
aenmiaate. I.ip htart+hoftd, acuminate, nlo/illy crrsate, fith a ttro-cle proem forming a pair of that teeth at
the upper raj of the eh*. CoiXHX paleteen!, dtale, irinylett.

Thfa plant is x.iuiiiun in many \wi* of Mexico, i^juviallj un llu' Irapieaii mountains in the niigblnnilliood ol
Yalbulolid, ben it was originally discovered ami ikwcribcd IJI. Loam, that earliosl "f Orchid-devotee I li rw ofco
one of tl' carlwft sixties f the extensive genus t<> which it bdongs that over produced .lower* in England, The
nslit .if introducing it Wloii^- to tin- bato Mr. Barker, ol Birmingham, with whom it bloomed about tin; yen lso'.>,
but it -HUI disippcared, like nearly the whole of tin- invaluable collect ion of Mexican OrehiiLi that 1 remember bavini;
seen in the muni ^|il!tnli<l condition, -Inirtly after their arrival, in hii Ion-i. fifteen yean uftcmanl- it TO PC-
introduced lit M- l.inilcn, from whose establishment the figure in ' l'etcatoreu' was obtained, but it seem lo have again
net lest. Lag) spring (1866) I hail the pleasure of seeing the specie in the best hienltb in Mr. IKn>-..i-
rich ami idiiiirably-iiinnaned collection it aleado lialik near Glasgow, and from liin plant, which llnwervd in April,
Mr. Flick's drawing as prepared. I also received specimen* abuit the -ame time from Mr. Turner. Still inure
recently. Mir>. Hugh Low and Co. have im|>rted it in large i|uaiititie- and evrellent condition, and man) good
variolas bam alraady appealed, Ibou^h none that I ban ; saon am <> fine or so riildy coloured as that of Mr.
Dewaon. (m- that i- non Dowering u KnypenVo} i^ dull dlowish-gieen.
lu its natirc cuunlry it aOWtai m March, liieli i almat the time of it- Boweiing ah u-. A- t.. in itiucnt it
will naturally be found IUIOT at home in Ibe Mexican houae, '.ihcrc a cool am! Mnapaiatmh; dn atmosphere shoal
be maintained, than in the Pesaran boose, which altouk) be Htilad to the species that are accustomi'd to a damper and -
not unfrcqucntlytill cooler climate. I bam an doubl that this distinction ill be found of mach practical utility, for
although "cool treatment" a- opposed to "ana'" mark- a ray important divi-iuii still, just as among " wrm " planta
it is neecssarjF lo aeparalo the li.-i Indian Aetidcs t i tin Biuilhui Cauleya., v, among "<!" plant- it ill bo
-IWMb>-va MTIw WaMhttal la M>u rJ"* ,. . lar a a, ilaMa
~H. |Aal. lOW TlUiaaaOW JUraaa. J ia* I laaaafaa. a. a* M wiU U M. UliaW
nn Mia ..II W -~.| lo a> laaaaaiM. II < I J *U tkrUu dan -* " *
rfr.a.^1 Akrab raknaa ka llul O. Haaa a>l O. > k> a w. lian m Ib
aaa kaar. la Ibaak kV a -aW" faau lir bai -r - * A*, lo". U
a. aal ai 3 W a aa a aa <.!. a. a ;t - .l-uartlj a<


O. (EuODONTOGLOSSDM, Lim//: ptHradobnlbis ovatis, nncipitibns l-2-phyllis, foliis ennfonnibtu

in basin angastiitis, racemo muJtiAoro ram sub-paniculnto), sopalis polalisquc ovalo-
laneoolatia unguculas lobello oblongo neuminato lacero, crista basco lamollat mullUblo,
columna' alis dente snperiore nmtato.
ODOTOOUUWM HAU.II. Lina, in Sot.Stf. mtl. laoi.ri raba Oreikt.t /MWUhril X.TOA, i. r.:t ; Welpen Asedm, >i. p, -.'-
Habitat n l'rRr (weitem declivity <if Pidan I . Uttwrf. Valley ! IAML, at elevation of 8000 ft., W //-.''. X.IITMH il
fineta of I'-IIIII.IMIU, BfiOO ft,. Huh.

PsEtrooBUlM ovate, 2 > 1 fachet long, compressed, imaged hearing generally one, occasionally tiro, lanceolate
LE.VVI, H foot or mutt 1'iui). lt.K-KMB 1011111/1 \0-'2ttioweved, oeeastonallff though ror>!i branched, 2 I
3 feet long. SEPAL and I'ETALS nearly equal, ooateJanceolate, eteetdmgljf vagmctaU, frota a steh lo
[in tante tariotee) no inch and a ludf or .'or irith large, often dry dork, ilotehl I of
jiurjdi.'/i-roirii. I.ip ir/iiti. tritt, n f ir i /, pots, oilonff-aemntate, fagged at <!.< edgt t, vh largt and
hattdeomt yeUow Caaor, tun listing of a mult tod- id"flattened hUtharp-poifiedtoeth,poinling -id- wage i-d
downvards. ir/i//'. winged, tin wlgt broken Ado teeth or rirrhi.of tehieh the up
much tin largest

Tlii tine Odontofflotmm aaoneof tbooadieal known though one of the latest to rcaeb us alive. Ii .
now (1873) plentiful enough, ami Conns most attractive object in ow spring Orchid show* Ibero aro many
varieties dlfflfing greatly in Ui rise and marking of tin ir flowers, l>ut nil maintaining the ungnkulnto sopis
and ptala Mili liiitlv distingniah it fromO. hUeo^napureuai (PI 17), t<> which it is indeed verj m orlv allied.
0. J/o/lti i>. abundant in N< u Granada and Pom, bul i seldom mot with at a lower devotion than 8000 feet,
beneeit is quite at borne in the coolest part of tl 1 Orchid-house," in which it grows and flowers very
friilv indeed.
In the woodcut, s Militare HIIWCT of a larger variety ol the species i* represented, natural rise




(. pseudobulbis ovotis ancipititms 1-nlivlli-, toVa oblongo-laneeolnts ruoomo gracili

duplo brevioribm, bncteia ovatis concavfa subaDgnlalis pediodlia dupl brevioribus, sepalis
petalisque lanceolatis, Inbello trflobo bosi bilamoUoio: l"l>is lateralibus nurds rotondalbi
intermedio obciuwato ocuto, columna elongate npice ali* .'I inombranaocis ntegs
Hilft I.

I t --.M tool u, AHK Itrmllnm Plant Ifartny, |, 51. It-irirttnrifl. i darin,, Ciro. April 'JO, ISS7. ia Pal, BucUcttt, NiiflmnU tip hw Jaula*, Ihr/my.

PU i rnOBtTtsa OMsCt, /ir> nl;/nt. much ).rr,.tit, darh-eoUntrttl, ' I; hen iw/,r< long, m frying /.'/'
solitary oblottff-ianeeolab fas/. LBAVBS pny ihorp-pointed ltmart<tii<i;lnti, not half Ihr length of On
s!.ii,,- nodding graotfol mosttg Etacsma Buai n seats, stighg angular,mveh .\ln,rtir than
II- PEDICKUL SITIS and I'm tu .t/!y ttntat, kmceotai, aeuntinaU, Untar, two-third of an inch long,
1 ,1 tunal ifnl laight rout, njoitr. LIP //></ MHU fasjjsM at tht jirlnts, palt v-hiti-h MMt, thftt-tohtd,
tamtUatt at (ib bast, tideJohti raundtd, my tvtall, intermtdiatt loht iharp-pointtd, obcuneate.
C111.CMS tUtndinff foraard, rotmdtd, protidn! <t it* ni mlh Hint ninnbrauous wings.

A charming Little speck long known iy the specimens in tltoLlndleyan Herbarium. It aintroduced
though in viTt limit-! '|ii iiiliti* -. I>> tin- M.-v -. I Vu khoUSO wml years ago,since which linn- il 1 : - nlu.-iv*
continued acarea. In Lindley'a Herbarium the raccmoa aro about the length of tii.<.' represented in the
flguri bul in 0 epecfanon exhibited In 187S by Mr- Linden the pssudobolfaa, leaves, and rao met m re nearly
twice na large and u lang iu Uioso n the Flat, Ihe precise treatment thai it affect* tins net yet been
distinctly ascertained, but there can be no doubl that, being s denisen "f high places on the mountain ranges
in Peru, i< prefers the cold! bouse

l'un Will.


<> XANTHOOLOSSUM, .hull. pseudobulbis vjitis I S-pbyUis folin Into lanccolnlia acnti, bnsi
attenuatis, racem bifloro, braeteis triangularibus ovario pudicclluto I .V brovioribus,
sepah* oblongo-ncul bon bono au mis. pelaba sobicqaalibuH latioribus, magia acumi-
iiiiis, utrinque bine Ulinc lobulntis, tabello angniculnto bari biflci, ntrinqno bieolloso
lamin pandnrat apicatat, columna) alia rhombcis ascemlcnbug margine externo
OMNrtMMMSBN rainn, RticintaeiJU. II '. ; 9Di ,'f ', p. 831 /. i , ' l
II! in X GSEXABA, ir.irM.rt.-i-!. IV'M ', Ur.y<r.

I' i DOODUM ovate, terg lmilarlotio* of o. llallii, ': tout tarp-pointed Lmvewt afoot
or more long. RACBKE W;/ if! If l,haty a gvrd or 2ft long, reuher drooping, B
Iriang i 0 turn - .'. <rOr than //,.. ovarg. SEPIS I . /'. 2 inch** ' I -./1/,.-
bate, PUTAIU about the eatne tintt the estate, but broader and men oei ometmeo ditertelg lobed
..n either tide like tht tepale, nearig covered >ri>i, nth ehettnut Uotehet M " bright ptllow growtd,
tf/piV- ifdU deep rtddith Uetehtt at apex,thorter than, petal ruhirate, partiaUg eonnat
//,. column,toothed at tht edges, bicarutti ,r | ' with Caen son tinge/two teti of I
u.ih. .JI.II'I.II.J about one-third of it* own length. Canaux hite,half tin length of the lip.furniehed
eilh ujirighl rh; ;/.' tin fly* <>( vliir/i art indented.

Tins is a very fiaa apodca indeed, although il scarcely realises the expectations axcitcd by the figure in
peteatorea, whether as rr^anU i lie individual Ulossoma or their colour, In the bean flowers the
prnvatting lone is a bright yellow, which .. fou to the rich brown <<r chestnut marking with which
i ilt and priai aro profusely coveted, and which, though toa leaser degree, cover alao the lip. Butin
y. . '..,./ ti- lip is represented as white, and aa i earing at it-i upper extremity a rich blotch of bright purple
which affords a boentifljl contrae) t" the yellow and brown tint* of (lie other parta of tin- flower.
Probabh tl- ligure referred to may have been prepared from dried specimens and hence the mistake n-1.. tin-
r. Inuring.
There aiv mam varietceof thla species, somool the boat of winch wereexhibitcd by Mr. Uarahnllof Enfictd
at a meeting ..f tin- Royal Horticultural Society aa early aa April. IM>.
o. triumphant does >i"t appear to IT m plentiful in its native habtela >s 0, Hall
and ntanj -.thir N. Grenada kinds that now swarm In mir eolloetiona I lie ranj ol elevation within
which it grows Is nearij dontJenl with that ! 0 llallii, henee ti"' same treatmenl is mitable to both, !i i>
cnailj grown and flower Ircdy


i ami ...r..',w-
Pi vu XXIV.

KKAMHlis ont ) S TOG LOSS L"M.

o. psoudobnlbis suborbitmlaribnsvaldo cocnprossis ancipilibu9 L-pbyllis, Foliis oblongoJanocolntis,

capis u8oondcnlibu8 \r] sub-pendolu Miis bvevtoribus pauci-(2 B) Mori-, gopalb potnlisquc
oblongia acutis Hibwqnalibns, Inbelli tingue --calloso lamina subrpiadrnU 2-lob jiallicl--
rooeo-violnceu plog bssi utrnque ramilunnri nllm ureo el purpureo maclala.
QDOBIOO DM KuatM, /.-W.irj fi r GfJ, Giran. 1863, p. V9 Fbrtt U K lf-.,, it K-l.
Habitat inCmiA-lili v

ovoua nearltf round, flattened, tgtd, l-ieawd LKAVBS oblong-lanceolai, U$$ than a foot lang, by
nboutan inch vide, longer than ih> s. \n> whicA bear from S lo 6/lower. PKBDSOUM will ihr ;.;,n/
... | ahatf iachet long. Fiowinsom ? eos and Imlf in*hr- ,, diameter. SssrAl&antl
1'l.TAM snUijwil oblong seilte, j"i!< ''' Centre with broad ictiitr margin-*. I \ird /
an inch teidttfttck hott, broad, deepjg hollowed in front in'tli lir.i rrri caliif limb tahawadrate, ftw-
hbedattn <tpar,anglm rounded, tti basallaierallobttrmall,reflexed,pale tioUt-rtd mil* two oon/lnen
.- iiittanar irliiir patehee <ii the bat, '' 'i- > pf irltiiii i* a amcentrie nddirovn band, and a fete */"<f.v of
i/,' tami colour on a golden yellow ground. Oounra /<.'. UticU, wko . er appendage*.
(lliHikiT. I.e.)

TliU tliMii^li not a striking i-- v.i\ distinct plant. Il is native of Coata-Rica, whore it sceau o.
I' plentiful enough though it long eluded detection. It was first exhibited In 1808 by Mr. Veitch ni one "f
the shows at s. Kensington, but appeared almost snultancouatr in the collection of Mr. Day,by li
on a careful drawing was prepared, Like other Qoeta-Rbui planta, tbough not requiring a high
temperature, it IN scarcely content itli the small amount "f heat llrat s non allotted t" the great majority
of i Orchids. Its proper place would be in the sfexican Souse, It i a Iree bloomer.
Witt. If i fcl
PLATE \\\.


O, I i ODONTOGLOSKI M ]>-<iulolnill>i> MIIIIHIN <'4.ii\|)re*sia monophyliis, l>lii> loto-ohlongis plani*

iritiis Kopo squamis carinntb raginnU) broviorilras, raeemo mplci vol paniculate bntctew
navicoJaribus acaminatia membranocois, ovario multo breviorilynS| sepelio petaliaojue lincari-
lanceolntio ncnminatiasimis, lobeUo cordato ocuminassimo integerrfano, appendice unguis
iriiosa pice liiloli basj UtrnnUC dente imico meta, columna pulu-M-nit- clvala H)l>
Osoxioeii mm tu saura, /.-'.'.'- i: t it... . I88, wh DO , Ka si astfVM ' r ' CMu ' l 100 r>.< .' I/,..MI I I;
Qarit+ora, KOS, 9S8 Pemtorm. Lit.
Habitat iu UlXICOi Barter, liiinmu, IIfi*Q, *>"

Pamnwonua oblong, wry much Masara***! and !/-.'/ snssji r //,. tyut, lj to > iaehu tap. LUTH /!
{rarely if, < i >te)M ""'A f, <flhuU< mtil htiiaiUy-'Muh;/'"'' thorter than th, *cajie, S, m rmrf RACEME
'/,-./ BJ faftrsafa irithlony kttl-tkaped mrmhranaeioti* BAcrs./r tr or many/otecred, timjtle or {more
rarely) hroncheil, /rom one to ttco/rtt >>i.'/h. SKPAI.S anrf 1'ETAIA urfy f/w/, liutar-lanc, olote, atn m- !/
acuminate, an inch or more long, greenish-yellow richly Notched with broten. Lrp shorter than the .r/W.
haart-*ha]>ft. with r-ry ouoiinate slightly recurvedajtat, white irith -lark- brown ijiott awl a purplith
MsOsd calla* at the tm<e COLUMN /tttfteteonl. clttb-t/uijeeel, almost tcinglea*.

Though scarcely to I* classed among the more attractive species. 0. eorttalum is occasionally seen al
Shows with bransbiut cap 5 bet high and flowCIS much more richly coloured than those in the Plato. It is
bond both in Mexico and Onatouala (whsneo planta en nal bo me by my lamented friend Skhmei . bat
always at Wgh oleratioBa.
It flowers in tl.- early sommor vHboat any special treatment, except that it - perhaps r.> impi Ui nl
of water than some of its congeners.






O. (IsANTiiUMl pseudobuUna ovnto-oblongis compressis, foliis longis lato-lnnccolalis ercctis

acota punicala ramosa olat brevioribna, braeleia coxinatia acntit ovario multo broviorbna,
sepulta |H'lalisi|iH- gubnxpialibrjB imiliilatis uii";iiicululi>, tabello ovato-laneeolato aciiiiiinato
refiexoi edstn lamellis latarnUbtu mambranaceta irilidis, digiti* antorioribas majoribus,
callo obtuso iiitcrposito, columna ptera.
HAMM MOI mn a, Ai.//, i AW. H.y nt I. 198, Folio. Oiriid., 48; RtU./l.; H'at/xr's Atmln. ri. p. 841.
Habitat iu Pute, (alt SOW) il.) //o//, llnrlterj. I.t.d...

A very fielt l;i plant. Psr.rniorn-t.iis orate-oblong comjHresscd, 2 or 3 inche* long, 1 (or ? 2) hand. LEAVES ont
to and a Im! f ft i i l-tnti,linetir-liinrtt,,',,i, neute, short:* than thr upright branching :iy:g many /lowered
pAXlOUB, BttACia ketlol, acute, much shorter thon Ihr orai*. SKI'ALS und PETALS nearly equal,
ungiiirtiltitt, acuminate, uudulatt.d, while with beautiful purple spot* on their lover portions. LIP white,
or nearly to, shorter than the relate, mat lanttolate, the apex acuminate and exceedingly rtcurred,
hatig tit it* side* tieo membranous lamella; dirided into thrif unc/uat part', those in front the larger
and projecting forvotd* ike horn* or finger* with a blunt callus lying /tteten them. COLUMN not half
tin length of the lip, and destitute of wings.

This is ii very distinct specie*, as remarkable among Odonloglossa with its white and purple flower, as
j. Oto idiom incufvitm, with blossom* of similar hue, among the innumerable members of that still more
extensive gema. Although originally discovered l>y Colonel Hall more than a quarter of a century ago, no
genuine plant>there have l*.*cn iinnoatoni in plentyeem to have reached Europe alive before the year
1871, win H it nus introduced by M. Linden; by whom also, in the following spring, flowering specimen
were exhibited at South Kensington and universally admired. According to Lindley. tho species is nearly
allied to his O. ramosissimum, from which, indeed, he nt one time failed to distinguish it. M. Linden's plant,
which i faithfully rendered in Mr. Fitch's drawing, doc* not exactly answer to the descriptions in the
Folia Orchidaiva either cf 0 omjuttatam or O. ramosnimum, but is apparently a connecting link between
the two. whence 1 toft the probability that twth the above supposed species will eventually be fourni to !
OOC and the same.
The plant U still exceedingly scarce, and as it is indistinguishable in habit from many other Odonloglossa
derived from the same rich country (Peru), I Would warn cultivators against purchasing any specimens that
have not actually proved themselves to be true It belongs to the cooler sections of its race, and must be
treated accordingly.

Itff Wh /ri/rrrri
I'l.VTK XXVll.


<>. 1 RTMKKIUH) ruizornote caulcscenle, pseudobulbis brunncis ondibns compress is monophyUis,

foliis rigidis coricea basi coaolicalntia ocut raoemo mnllifloro dense racemoso sub-
eequalibos vel longioribus, broten linearibas canalicuJalis vario triplo brevkribas, sepolis
petalisqrjo aabrottmdta anguiculat plas margine crisps, labello longe coneato retaso basi
nrieulis iinidcntatis stibfakatis obtnsis subtils in unam connutis aculo, inter auriculas
taberculis daobas boc didymo ill inferiore simpliri ; ilinaiidrio gabsemio lobis rotanditis
OIK>XTOCU>CI> cuiosuurM. Litutl. folia. OrtitJ. ; Linar, Pestnlorta, t 7.
lUlitat in H. OuMDil.^npJ LA Uaj, Vtatftam, (alt. (DIM) ft.,) Scifi.


.1 stout and rigid dont. PREI'DOBI'LIM ociil, nanprested, 3 or murr iiir/iii long, ,( a broumish hue, dar,,! at
interred* on a stiff caulescent UBIZOME. LEAVES "" on raeh ptetidoonlb, leath-rg. tharp-pointod,
channelled near lite base, a fui or mora long, eipuil to <r longer tAtin the flower-scape*. BRACTS linear
rhiiuvilt'il, only one third the length of the orary. KACKMES about a foot high, upright, bearing from a
dozen to twentyJlouvrs in a dense mas*. SBI'AU aiul PETAI* pial, indirotund, ungniculate, smooth, vrith
their margins crisp nr ettrUd, about an inch long, uf a rieh reddish coppery broten on t/a ujijter surface,
shining ax if ting hod bem tamUktd, ytH&rith tmdtrneaik. Vtv yettate, rthm, about romi length .> tla
jutai*, ubnrate, rotiiid-d at apu varroind and tctdgi-'hajitd at the base, rhi r. (Al ijw arrange
ffunutket into tiro narrow blunt fabatt horns which ate united on tla ndernde. CREST consisting of
three processes. COIA'MS 'lightly <itreed xcith two truncatt rounded iringt.

This specie lias been long known, but it was low in making it appearance, and slow likewise in flowering
after il had reached us. During t'lc l-t-t four years both Messrs. Veitch and M. Linden have succeeded in
iuiiKortiii-i it alive, but it lias ouly produced flowers in two or three instances ; the finer) Specimens I li-'v
Been heilig those exhibited by Lord Londesliorough .luring tlie ]iresent spring (1874). Even in its mdive
country it seems to bo a shy flovvcrer. As it is never met with lower than "OilO feet on the mountains .f
Pamplona, it of courso rcimiivs 0 < 1er treatment than many of its congener* which affect a lower !. vd.
UM shining surface of the sepals Bud petals is very remarkable, and has the appearance Of being due to I COBl
<.f the beet varnish. Another apedes, 0. h,<,-iflim, round In lofty ntonnteJna in Pore, Is dosery allied to this,
if deed, which 1 greatly b.ul.t. il be anything more than a very high-level variety of it


I f ^


O. (Kuor>oxTor.i.o.sstiM) pseudobulb oratis ! 2-phyUis, foliis linearMawieoktia wmtis racemia

rni.liiilnris sub.Tiiuali1.uv, sepalis iHtalisi.iie luin-ato-lanceia acimiiinitis ; lobsUi unguc
buamoUotcs lamellu oblong ancc obtouaognlis, lamina ab tingue cunoato vdntino
amplalo ovat acuminate, crispida, oornubu9 brovibns geminis note lamella*, antepositis
faleibns gemirs, lamore parvo nterjeclo; cirrfa column basi augulata bifiau setaoeis.
OlK.NMrn.os M UXBH, RM p i. Gardners Oronieir, p. 13-l (1S71
Habita in Ocx\, H/tut, oes/.

PLANT UAOU a ./n across, in a compact ma*.
I'^KI IHM ri ILS otate, *omor/f il compressed, atout an inch lona. t'uring 1 (forain ] mitrte Uinecolate LEAVK*
/ afoul (/.. ..,)!(/ /...,,/,'// ,, (fa tUndtr tuddeng manjf-fiautti ! RAOKHEB. 77' FIOWEBB,</ lamea f/"w an
/rom J to luvhe <>r mort) crowded together on toe NMM I-. au utpanded <i( (Ae MUM CMC, a/ MMA <I
Arasant honey-like smell. SEPALS nml PETAL nearly equal, less Man an incA /on;/, lanceolate, aenminah.
of a creamy while sprinkled orer with numerous crimton dot*. LIP about the same length as the sepals,
and of t h but destitute of pote except at the apex, thi rtion hearing a large crimson
mark nearly in the form of tin Itlter \V ; //..: lip's bom it formed of twopttratltl I'luul lam-'In- 00/ of
which spring* th-% main limb which is broadly otate, curled and Jugged at the edge* mul recurved ami
acuminate at its extremity } at '/.< point of junction with the ttnguis or elate occur two horned flcale
processes, between which a ..malt tumour it interposed, at foot of which .ir. tteo .tort and limit horns.
COLUMN short, bifid, angular with Ilute or four straggling eirrhi or filaments -1. cither sitie.

This pretty little Odontoglossttm comes from Ocafin, whore it was first discovered by Mr. Low's collector
many vcar* ago. Al that time none of the plante reached England ulive, but 80BW dried spodnufflti fourni
their way to ProCasMi Roiehoobacb, enabled thi gnat 1 Ionian Orcbidist tu name and deeeribo the .-inries ;
which turns out to be nearly allied to O. neteium. It ha* been met with by M. Koezl aud other collector!.. Imt
ii still a nire plant, aa It ooogUfcution b apt to miceomb andar a loogjounei by na and land. The apcebnana
from which Mr. Kit-! prepare! his drawing, flowered in the spring of 1671, in the collection of the Royal
Horticultural Society . the plants having Iwcii purehaaod at one of Stewns" siles, among a miscellaneous
lot" of ihiubtftd things. The npeoin il a free-Mow orer, and send out an agreeable honey-like odour, but in
point of licnuty is scarcely a rival for 0. nercium. It seems to require rather re heal than the latter specie
which is on, of the eeoleal ol eeol I iroalds.





0. (PIIAI VNUISIDIA) pseudobulbis ovato-oUongui oompnssis 1-2-pbvllis ; fJiw pedolbua

subgUuccaccnbua carinada lanceolatis ncutis pedumulis grucilibus 2-fi-fluris sub-
teqnalibos; bnctais triangulis minuit* : flocOnu moximis roseo suflbsis ; sepalis oblongo-
Ugulatis apictdalis ; peUlis cooJTonnibus vel paulo latioribtis mbacatn rol obttuis; Inbclln
mximo flobellato orbicular! IH'IUIH., in luiguem brevem bastatnm contracto, carin qnims
nbruptis in hasi i columna bievissiin cxalat,
ODOXTOM .IMI M < UUJUUVK, ReU./l. is GarJ. Obw. ISO?, 901 ; OU. IS72, p. 87, esm Xjto; l7S. p, UO, H4, nm Xfb, 8SS;
Hooter * Hol, M,v. , 60.17; llliutratws llorlimle, 1S7:1, 1\ in X. (iKUAOA, ItotmoM, tt'alu, Hen/, On/trio.


Pa I i t^EVUiS flattened, ovate-oblong, an inch or inch and a half long, bearing one or two keeled sharp-ended
/mi'-'"<!' LBX?SI from M> im lies <> afoot l"ng. l<y an inch or more wide, with aglaucous tint, csjKcially
on theft upptr tttrfact. Saun tUnthr, nodding, about the tame length a* the leaves, two to six-flowered. at interval by small triangular BRACTS. FvowrMt/tat, t/te largest in tin- geuus, tinted nuire or lest
deeply with oeely roue. SEPALS and PKTALS somewhat variable in their relative forms, in most cues nearly
the same +ize. ttmg tt olovatt opietUatt it tVA long, the former nearly white, the latter
of the same km M lh !/> Lwgenerally of a rich rosy tint, rjjMinding from a narrow sagittate claw
inte a finud and ample, 2-loltcd disk; more than ibmble the rite of the petals, with five dwarf calli
and some yellow streaks at it* base. COLUMN r< ry short with rarely a tract of wings.

This is the handsomest of known Odontoglosta. In the year 1867 Mr. Low showed me a solitary flower,
which luid been sent to him by bil coll dor (Bowman, I believe), hut a discreet silence was observed as to the
li x-ality whore the prodigy had I en found, nor, alas, did living plants ever make their way to the Clapton Nursery.
Subsenncntlv the specie* was met with by Walliswhen collecting tor Mr. Lindenand later till by Hoc/1 ;
but although in each caso a large number of specimens were (tacked up and despatched to Europe, they either
died on the passage, or sliortly after their arrival. Indeed, cultivators were almost beginning to despair, when,
early in the spring of last year ( I.N"3). the rival was announce! of a small cargo of the beauteous novelty in
most excellent condition at the establishment of Messrs. Veitch; to whom it luul Iven forwarded by
Mr. IlYnrv Chesterton. Once safe in the Chelsea collection, it did not put the patience of Orchid-growers to
auv severe "rain, ft witbhl little more than three months of it* arrival vigorous flower-spikes were produced,
and th.-plant itself exhibitedboth in Reg ' I I'ark and at South Kensingtonto the envy mid admiration of
all beholders. It W""* to be verj' easy to mauuge, and produces Is llowcr-scnpce wiUi the utmost profusion.
Liko all its congeners, it must be relegated to the cool Orchid-house, though probably it ill be found to prefer

the warmest and.

Prole--.or Keiclicnkieh has written several articles in the Gardeners' Chronicle about tins plant, u otic of
which he deplores, and .. ' justly, the wanton waste and havoc committed by collectors; who. instead ol
l-i U ain ralWr IV by atia.ln.1.. m* ' t Hiaali.
f ajara h*. IW WM. ar U4M u ) il in taajr Tary
laaMitad halUL oclo-ink tlw Iba Waatt (Mr anal). O In au* aun. iW lugar ib.
aWlMW aTil* pnwunil < lu way.
TW oaVvl la coalol M a nlaaiaianh af a il ajachaia of ft a*Waa>. Ub la Xcw Ornada, in

I'l 1TB \W.


<>, Pu MjgNOPSiDi \ affine o. vexillorio, pseudobulbis ovalo-oblongis nncipitibus eomprcssis

1-2-phyllis, fulijs Lincn-ligulatis inferna strialis pedanculia 1-8-florig longioribus ;
sepalis oblongo-ligulat oeuus, petalis sublatoiibua : labeDo a baa angosta eagittal
cunalo UabcUato obtuse bUobo ; curiis ternis in n ban : proposita lamella transversa
seil eallis parvis ^eiiiiiiis ; columna ptera.

ODOXTOOIOSSUJI BOEZUI, RM. ft. Xn\a Ortkiiaea, ii. ; ifr Cari. Cira,, p. 130, (m Xfh) 1873.
Holitat in . Urn**, /,:/. liatUow i Cent. re., p. 131. (1873).

.1 compact dont, f which Ihr PsBODOBOUM are vtate-oUoug. 1-2 iWi. Ung and much compressed; these btar
one or two bright green linear mut'- l.invi-, utnA an remarkable /<> Hair parallel sir coltsnine in
numberon the under ade. and art from *ii te Un mchts ton;/, and about \ inch wide. The SCAPKS
or I'I:III \< i.K- are thorttt than the leaces. awl btar /nan one to three (je/"i/di/ inoeii large and beautiful
flowers, whieh with th- '/option / HUH markings al the base of the. petal'and on the lip are nf snowy
whiteness. SKIM I.* nblongligulat, pointed at //, '/teemitg. fully an ineh long. FlUU rather wider than
the stjiah and with a rieh crimson blotrh at their LIP wedge-shaped, expanding from a narrow
sagittate base into a broeid two-lo' d did,: an inch and a half wide, while with tome bright fellow marking.'
near the foot and in the region of the CitExi ; the latter being formest by Uirte slightly raised " carinen'' or
ridges near the base on either side, trarerstd ly two moderate sized ealtiplaeed in front. CoLl'MS wingless.

This is n most charming Odontoglossum, allied to the preceding and to O. phalnopsis, but perfectly
distinct from cither. Its bright greeu narro lemastreaked like those of Saccolabimn Jllumei.&t once
_>iish the plant, even when OUt of flower, from its fascinating rival O. ceiilluriom ; which always bears a
glaucous li il which lias larger and broader foliage, and produces double the number of flowers on a
sea|ie. Tho first rumours that reached us of the plant led to a suspicion that it might, after all, be only a
variety of 0. eczillurittm, but these unworthy fears were at once dispelled by the flowering of the plant itself at
Mr. Bull's nursery in thu curly part of las) September, when Mr. Filch prepared his drawing, and Professor
Itcichcnbiich obtained materials for the description which ap|icarul in the Gardeners' Chronicle of September
27, 1*S7;. The Professor baa abo giren, in hil Xtnia, a characteristic representation of the wild plant eon-
tructcd from thu specimens supplie! to him by its fortunate discoverer, Mr. Hoezl ; in whose honour the Special
Is very pin|Kily named. !' is a native of New Grenada, and, like O. ceiillarinm, appeara to be exceedingly
rare: we must not, therefore, murmur if the precise localityOf which the knowledge is a fortune in itself
should lie for awhile withheld. Hut there would have IHXU HO barm in telling us the approximate elevation ..i
the native habitat, as the same is always important as a clue to culturo ; especially in the <-.i>e of plants with
a limited lange. In 'his butanes l apprehend that imth 0. fifteen?and O. ptxiliarium are not found a!
hieb level and that, therefor though happily entitled to rank among "cool" rchids-tbcy must be places!
in the warmer division of the "cool" Orchid-house.
* "tea. llora au. far parpan af aiaatariaa I oaarijr alitai OaWaafaaaa. ti. a /aMMaa
aarfO. >>ir)iai waai, dUy Ijra aaaia Iran U nia naai^ ifnaarnala) aat, cfaaal; laaraala aaak atkar h
UbMaalr tUi iw i*a*|ban. V lb lattat fain mark da- aaataar arl(aa-aa* tVa loan. r. nry aliftnai.
Taa apiknufO arrnaaaaaa ,it an a aan f OrA.1 inouu af U naanaa of la. - Lily of the Valla;.'
<** aafcrtananir lari ban . partan* aida laaaa of O falMUha I I an a dr*rna rjraoral a adoar.
ana nrr oalika laal of Caaanaa aaVoaaa, lia; art. aaa-aoaar. nfjr-dwau aad braali/al aad an Haal
iar.lorr.1 darir 11- atour raoMLv 1'inlai llnaai iliiiwalaliiwllii I In fa tan ajan I amaaa aaal II aal
deanwdUhnaaaaUMadladpnrilarhnaaila, YM aa lu IgUadaeUoa aaan . ad tot; laanafa I aad
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