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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Developing Utilities in Assembly Language

by Deborah L. Cooper
Go Wordware Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 155622429x Pub Date: 06/01/94
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Chapter 1
Walk into any bookstore that features computer programming books for the IBM PC, in particular those related to
assembly language programming, and youll be sadly disappointed. Certainly, you can find several volumes that
describe the various components of the 8086-8088 instruction set and how they are used. You will also surely find a
plethora of books devoted to descriptions of the hundreds of DOS and BIOS function calls built into the PCs
operating system. However, you will find few, if any, books that will show you how to develop a program from
This book is called Developing Utilities in Assembly Language, which exactly describes its theme. The key word
here is developing. By studying the source code listings for the programs contained in this book and following the
detailed explanations of how the programs were constructed, you will learn a great deal about assembly language
programming on the PCthings that the other books neglect to cover.
This book describes many useful programming techniques you can master and use when creating your own
programs. You will learn how to design programs from start to finish. To this end, it is hoped that this book will
spark your imagination, creativity and productivity. Therefore, dont just give the book a once-over read. Study
each section and the techniques and discussion presented. Think about how to undertake some of the challenges
presented under Projects. Take the time to modify the source code files, add new features to the programs, or
create entirely new programs from the ideas presented. The more time you take to play and learn, the more
productive and rewarding will be your programming hobby or career.
It is assumed that you are familiar with using DOS and BIOS function calls and have a good working knowledge of
the PCs instruction set. You may, however, find it useful to have handy a good reference book or two that contains
this information. Although this book is not a beginners guide to learning assembly language, it will nevertheless be
useful to people at all skill levels of assembly language programming, since no other book can show you how to
develop programs from start to finish using the PCs resources.
The utilities presented in this book can and should be used as a stepping-stone. That is, you can modify and enhance
these programs to add more features, to optimize them or to use as starting points for other utilities.

How This Book Is Organized

Each section of this book discusses the development and theories used to create a working program. To this end,
the sections are presented in a uniform manner that is easy to follow. Each section contains the following:
a description of the programs purpose and instructions on how to use it
a list of the DOS and BIOS function calls used in the program
a very detailed explanation of how the program was developed along with special techniques used
a short summary of what is covered in this section
one or more sources to consult for additional information
the actual ASM source code listing for the program itself
Because of the books organization, it is not imperative that you start reading from page one. To explain, the
programs contained in the first half of this book are all regular DOS utilities; the programs contained in the second
half are TSR utilities. You may skip around to those sections that you are most interested in right now and then go
back to the others later on. If youre a beginner, you will most likely start reading from the beginning of the book
and progress to the end, learning about new methods and techniques as your expertise expands and grows.
Each section describes one complete assembly language program. To this end, all the information is together in one
section. This makes it far easier to learn as you follow along.

What You Will Need with This Book

All the programs in this book were developed with Turbo Assembler 2.0. Even if you dont use this particular
assembler package, the programs can be assembled without any modifications to the source code with another
assembler package such as the Microsoft Macro Assembler.
You should have the following equipment configuration (minimum) to use the programs presented:
IBM PC, XT, AT, or compatible
640K random access memory (RAM)
at least one floppy or hard disk (hard disk recommended)
a monochrome or color video display
a dot matrix printer
DOS 3.3 or greater

Creating the Programs

Each program listing should be typed into your text editor and saved as an ASCII file. Then, compile the program
with the following command sequence:
TASM filename;
TLINK filename;
EXE2BIN filename
Note that each program is compiled into a COM-style program. This makes the final version of the utility smaller,
taking up less disk space, and makes the program quicker to load by the operating system.

Program Disk Available

You might want to save yourself a lot of time typing, since the source code for all eight utilities presented in this book
is quite long. A diskette containing the source code for all eight programs is packaged with this book.

Comments and Suggestions

I would like to hear your comments, suggestions for improvements or corrections about any aspect of this book.
You may contact meat the address below. All letters will be answered.
Deborah L. Cooper
19901 - 55A Avenue
Langley, B.C.
V3A 3X4

Overview of Programs
This section briefly describes the utilities presented in this book. From this list, you can see that many different types
of programs can be written in assembly language.
These types of programs include DOS utilities, TSR (terminate and stay resident) utilities and special add-
onprograms to be used with applications such as WordPerfect. Each section explains how the program was
created in assembly language, including special techniques used, as well as enhancements you can attempt on your
Here are the programs:
An add-on utility for WordPerfect that displays the description for macro files. The resulting list can be
directed to the screen, the printer, or to a newly created WordPerfect document file.
Renames subdirectories. This operation can normally be done only with the DOS SHELL program.
Quickly finds any file on a floppy or hard disk. This program is a prime example of recursive programming
Prevents a user from accidentally rebooting the computer system by disabling the keystroke combination
A utility that intercepts DOSs file delete function and places the to-be-deleted file in a special GARBAGE
directory. Demonstrates how DOS functions can be manipulated.
Disables the DOS FORMAT command. It provides an example of using undocumented DOS function calls
and further shows how to add new DOS commands or modify existing ones.
From the DOS command line, this utility produces normal characters, regardless of whether the CapsLock
key is engaged or not.
Displays a highlight bar across the screen where the cursor is located. This program is useful on laptop and
notebook computers, as well as standard desktop machines, where you cannot easily see the cursor.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Developing Utilities in Assembly Language

by Deborah L. Cooper
Go Wordware Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 155622429x Pub Date: 06/01/94
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Chapter 4
Use FILEFIND to quickly find any file on a floppy or hard disk. This program is a prime example of recursive
programming techniques.
The techniques involved in recursive programming are the main emphasis of this chapter. However, you will also
learn how to change from one directory to another and to change the current disk to a new default drive. Along the
way, a number of very interesting concepts are discussed. These include converting the case of characters,
formatting filenames into fully qualified pathnames, and preserving memory for a file of records instead of creating a
disk file.
Both MACLIST and DIRNAME used DOS functions to retrieve files from the directory, but FILEFIND goes one
step further to demonstrate travelling up and down the directory tree as it searches for a file.

Finding Those Hidden Files

When hard disks for the IBM PC were first introduced years ago, everyone was amazed at how much data could
be stored on them. But they soon realized the hard disk also presented a few problems. One of these problems is
solved with FILEFIND.
FILEFIND will methodically search an entire hard disk in an attempt to find out where a particular file is stored.
When it locates a file, it displays the full pathname of the directory where the file was found.
To programmers, FILEFIND is not only a useful utility to add to ones repertoire, but its also a prime example of
the recursive programming technique.

Functions Used in FILEFIND.ASM

Int 10h, AX=02h Clear screen
Int 10h, AH=0Eh Display byte
Int 21h, AH=09h Display string
Int 21h, AH=0Eh Set drive
Int 21h, AH=19h Get current drive
Int 21h, AH=1Ah Set disk transfer address
Int 21h, AH=30h Get DOS version
Int 21h, AH=3Bh Set current directory
Int 21h, AH=47h Get current directory
Int 21h, AH=4Ch Terminate process with return
Int 21h, AH=4Eh Find first matching file
Int 21h, AH=4Fh Find next matching file


To use FILEFIND, type the programs name and a file specification at the DOS prompt. When you press the
ENTER key, FILEFIND will methodically search the entire disk for the files that match your search specification.
When a matching file is found, the files name and the directory it was found in will be displayed on the screen.
The following are a few examples of executing FILEFIND.
Will locate all files stored on the disk in Drive A.
Will locate all files stored in all directories on Drive C that start with D as the first letter of the filename and
DOC as the filename extension.

Recursive Programming
FILEFIND is an excellent example of recursive programming. Recursive routines perform the same task an almost
infinite number of times. The routine ends only when a special condition is met. In the case of FILEFIND, the
routine would exit to DOS only when it has searched every directory, including nested subdirectories, and the files
contained in these directories, for the target file(s).
How does FILEFIND do this? It first searches for subdirectories, starting from the root directory. If FILEFIND
finds a subdirectory, that subdirectory then becomes the current working directory. If yet another subdirectory is
found within this directory, FILEFIND makes that the new default directory. If this subdirectory does not contain
another directory, then FILEFIND searches the current directory for the target file(s). When it has finished its search
for the target file(s), it goes back to the previous subdirectory it found. This new directory is then searched to see if
it also contains subdirectories. This routine continues until FILEFIND is unable to find any more subdirectories. This
is what the term recursive means. The routine ends when only a certain condition is met; in this case, FILEFIND
cannot find any more directories to search through for the target file(s).
FILEFIND uses the Find First Matching File and Find Next Matching File functions (4Eh and 4Fh, respectively) to
retrieve the name of every file stored on the disk. A complete discussion of these two function calls can be found in
Chapter 1. However, its worth repeating here that you must remember to use Function 1Ah of Int 21h to set the
DTA to a buffer in memory reserved as an I/O buffer before initiating a search call.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Developing Utilities in Assembly Language

by Deborah L. Cooper
Go Wordware Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 155622429x Pub Date: 06/01/94
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Like many other DOS utilities and TSR programs, FILEFIND expects to find a parameter (in this case a filename)
on the command line when the program is executed. However, the filename may come in several formats. For
example, the program could be started like these examples below:

or any other number of combinations.
As you may have already guessed, a very important amount of time and code will be dedicated to decoding the
command line parameters before any disk searching is started by FILEFIND. You will see this, and many other
routines, that are devoted simply to parsing command line parameters, saving certain system characteristics like the
current video page and mode or the current directory. All of this needs to be done in preparation of a task that will
temporarily change these conditions or settings when a program is executed.
Therefore, the first thing that must be done shortly after FILEFIND is executed is to parse the command line. This
actually starts at the label BEGIN1.
begin1: mov ah,19h ;get current drive function
int 21h ;call dos
mov drive,al ;store for exit routine

Function 19h of Int 21h, Get Current Disk, returns a number representing the current default disk drive in the AL
register. This number is set to zero for Drive A, 1 for Drive B, etc. Other DOS functions use drive codes beginning
with 1 (i.e., 1=A, 2=B, and so on). Drive code zero is often used to specify the current default disk.
To continue, the drive code is saved to the variable DRIVE. Later on in the program, this drive code will be used to
make certain that FILEFIND exits back to DOS at the original default drive and directory.
The next step FILEFIND does is to find out if a parameter was specified on the command line at execution time. DI
is set to the address of the first byte of the command line which holds a count of the number of characters, if any,
typed on the command line. To read this information, we use the code fragment:
mov di,82h ;point to command line
cmp byte ptr [di-2],0 ;any parameters entered?
je nope ;no, then exit to DOS
jmp parse ;yes, continue

Here the compare instruction (CMP) is used to determine what the count value is. If the value at address 80h is 0,
then no parameters were specified at runtime, and the program branches to the label NOPE, which simply displays
an error message to the user and returns control to the operating system.
On the other hand, if the value at address 80h is non-zero, then the program continues execution at the label
The code starting at the label PARSE determines if a disk drive is part of the parameter passed to the program.
Here is the code that reads the command line parameter, byte by byte, to form a string in a way that FILEFIND can
make use of:
parse: mov di,83h ;is this byte a
cmp byte ptr [di],':' ;colon?
je colon ;yes, continue
default: mov si,offset curdir ;point to destination buffer
mov ah,47h ;get directory name function
mov dl,0 ;for default drive
int 21h ;call dos
mov si,82h ;point SI to start of line
jmp sdir1 ;and continue
colon: mov si,82h ;point to drive letter
mov al,[si] ;move drive letter to AL
and al,5fh ;convert to uppercase
mov bx,offset root ;point to prefix
mov [bx],al ;store drive letter there
sub al,'A' ;convert drive to number
mov drive2,al ;save for later
mov ah,0eh ;select new drive function
mov dl,al ;switch it to DL
int 21h ;call dos

The above codes job is to produce a pathname based on whether or not a drive and directory was specified on the
command line. This information is used to save the current drive and directory to a buffer called CURDIR. Then
when FILEFIND has completed its work, the pathname and default drive stored in the variable DRIVE will be used
to return to DOS at this particular location on the computer system. This is a good programming practice. All
programs should exit back to DOS with everything the way it was prior to the program doing its own work.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Developing Utilities in Assembly Language

by Deborah L. Cooper
Go Wordware Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 155622429x Pub Date: 06/01/94
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Please Select Because FILEFINDs purpose is to locate a file or group of files anywhere on the disk, we know that both a drive
and pathname, in addition to a filename, could be in the command line buffer. Therefore, if we compare the second
byte (at offset 83h of the PSP) to the colon (:) character, we will know whether or not a drive letter was specified.
If a drive letter was not specified, then the program skips through to the label DEFAULT.
default: mov si,offset curdir ;point to destination buffer
mov ah,47h ;get directory name function
mov dl,0 ;for default drive
int 21h ;all dos
mov si,82h ;point SI to start of line
jmp sdir1 ;and continue

DOS Function 47h is used to obtain and save the name of the current directory. Function 47h accepts two
parameters: DS:SI holds the address of the I/O buffer where the directory name will be written after the call
executes, and the DL register will hold the number of the drive to be used, where 0 specifies the default, 1=A, and
so on. If the Carry Flag is clear, then Function 47h was successful and the buffer pointed to by DS:SI will contain
the pathname. However, if the Carry Flag is set, then Function 47h will exit with an error code in the AX register.
The only possible error condition is that an improper drive code was specified.
The pathname returned in the specified buffer by Function 47h is terminated with a zero byte. However, this
pathname does not include the drive letter, colon and backslash characters. In addition, if the current directory is the
root directory, then Function 47h inserts only a 00h byte as the pathname.
Since Function 47h doesnt return a fully qualified pathname complete with the drive letter, colon, backslash and
pathname, FILEFIND must reconstruct the ASCIIZ string into a more useable form. The section of code starting at
the label COLON does this work.
colon: mov si,82h ;point to drive letter
mov al,[si] ;move drive letter to AL
and al,5fh ;convert to uppercase
mov bx,offset root ;point to prefix
mov [bx],al ;store drive letter there
sub al,'A' ;convert drive to number
mov drive2,al ;save for later
mov ah,0eh ;select new drive function
mov dl,al ;switch it do DL
int 21h ;call dos

To format the pathname in the correct form, the drive letter is first retrieved from the command line and converted to
uppercase. Next, the drive letter is changed to a drive number by subtracting the ASCII A character, which
translates to 65d, from AL; this is saved in the variable DRIVE2 for later use. The last step in this section of the
program is to log on to the designated drive where FILEFIND is to do its work.
Function 0Eh of Int 21h is used to tell DOS to set a new disk drive as the default drive. The function expects the
drive code to be in DL before the call is issued.
Once the original drive and directory have been temporarily saved in memory and a new drive possibly selected, the
next step is to get the filename, which could conceivably be a wildcard specification, and save it to the buffer
FILEB. As you can see from the code fragment below, the file specification stored in FILEB is also converted to an
ASCIIZ string in preparation for the Find File function calls. The filename is copied directly from the DOS command
line using the instructions LODSB and STOSB.
mov si,84h ;DOS command line buffer
sdir1: mov di,offset fileb ;destination
mov cx,12d ;maximum 12 bytes
get1: lodsb ;get byte from SI
cmp al,0dh ;is it carriage return?
je get2 ;yes, quit routine then
stosb ;no, store the byte
loop get1 ;until its copied out
get2: mov al,0 ;get a terminating zero byte
stosb ;and store it

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Developing Utilities in Assembly Language

by Deborah L. Cooper
Go Wordware Publishing, Inc.
ISBN: 155622429x Pub Date: 06/01/94
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Please Select Searching in All the Right Places

At this point in the program, a number of tasks have been done. The original disk drive and pathname have been
saved so that when FILEFIND exits back to DOS, the system can be restored to its original state. In addition, the
name of the file or group of files to be searched for has been copied from the DOS command line to the buffer
FILEB. Its now time to begin the process of methodically looking through every directory on the designated disk
for the target file(s).
To begin with, the Disk Transfer Address is set to FILEFINDs own buffer called DTA. This DTA buffer will hold
the information returned by the Find File functions for each individual file it finds. The information includes the name
of the file that was just found as well as other information needed by DOS so it can continue searching for other
matching files.
Since FILEFIND makes extensive use of the Find First Matching File and Find Next Matching File functions, the
next step is to set the DTA to its own buffer. All subsequent I/O done through FILEFIND will be directed to this
new DTA.

Searching for Files

The actual file search routine starts at the label RFILE1. DX holds the address of the target file(s) to be looked for
and the Find First Matching File function is called. At this point, only normal files, not directory files, are being
searched for. If Function 4Eh does not find a file, the Carry Flag is set and the program branches to the label
mov dx,offset dta ;point to temporary DTA buffer
mov ah,1ah ;set new disk transfer area
int 21h ;call dos
rfile1: mov dx,offset fileb ;go find first file in dir
mov ah,4eh ;find first matching function
mov cx,0 ;normal file attributes only
int 21h ;call dos
jc rfile10 ;go if no file found

On the other hand, if Function 4Eh did find a file that matches the name of the target file(s), the program continues
executing at the label RFILE2, as shown below.
rfile2: mov bx,offset dta ;point to DTA buffer
add bx,30d ;move up to filename
mov cx,12d ;display 12-byte filename
rfile3: mov al,[bx] ;get one byte
cmp al,0 ;end of filename reached?
je rfile4 ;yes, so continue
mov ah,0eh ;display byte function
int 10h ;call bios
inc bx ;bump pointer
loop rfile3 ;until filename displayed
rfile4: mov dx,offset msg5 ;ROOT directory
mov ah,09h ;display string function
int 21h ;call dos

This code fragment displays the filename just found by the Find File service, along with the name of the directory it
was found in, which is the root directory. Notice that BX is loaded with the address of the current Disk Transfer
Address and this pointer is incremented by 30 bytes. This makes BX point to the first byte of the filename within the
DTA buffer. A simple loop using Function 0Eh of Int 10h, retrieves each byte of the filename and displays it on the
screen. Each DOS filename can be up to 12 bytes in length. If the filename is less than 12 characters long, the loop
procedure will abort itself when it encounters a zero byte in AL. The Find File functions terminate each filename with
a zero byte, i.e., the filename is actually an ASCIIZ string.
The final step is to display the name of the directory where this file was found. Since FILEFIND processes all
entries from the root directory to start with and then proceeds on from there to any and all possible subdirectories, it
knows that this is the root directory. Therefore, MSG5 is displayed along with this filename.
The code starting at the label RFILE5 continues searching for the target file(s) using the Find Next Matching File
function. If another file is found, the program loops back to the routine that displays the filename. If no more
matching files are found, however, the program branches to the label RFILE10.

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