Está en la página 1de 11

Add the numbers together for the Agregue los nmeros juntos para

total..mp3 el total..mp3
Are you certain about this.mp3 Ests seguro de esto.mp3
Boys and girls will be housed Los nios y las nias sern alojados
separately during the trip.mp3 por separado durante el viaje.mp3
Can you form a mental picture.mp3 Puedes formar una imagen
Can you move your arm.mp3 Puedes mover tu brazo.mp3
Can you picture the scene of the Puedes imaginar la escena del
accident.mp3 accidente.mp3
Charity work really interests me.mp3 El trabajo de la caridad realmente me
Children develop quickly.mp3 Los nios se desarrollan
Did you see the show last night.mp3 Viste el show de la noche
Do not ask him for money.mp3 No le pidas dinero.mp3
Do you care about anything.mp3 Te importa lo que sea.mp3
Do you follow national politics.mp3 Sigues la poltica nacional.mp3
Dogs have a great sense of Los perros tienen un gran sentido del
smell.mp3 olor.mp3
Don't confuse the matter.mp3 No confundas la materia.mp3
Either way is fine with me..mp3 De cualquier manera est bien
Everything is out of focus in this Todo est fuera de foco en esta
picture..mp3 imagen..mp3
First, heat the oil.mp3 En primer lugar, calentar el
Focus your minds on what is really Enfoque sus mentes en lo que es
important..mp3 realmente importante..mp3
Give her a turn..mp3 Darle un turno..mp3
Give it another try.mp3 Dale otro intento.mp3
Going to the beach was good Ir a la playa era muy divertido.mp3
Gravity is a strong force.mp3 La gravedad es una fuerza fuerte.mp3
Happiness never lasts..mp3 La felicidad nunca dura.mp3
Having a baby is a big change in my Tener un beb es un gran cambio en
life.mp3 mi vida.mp3
He always had a great interest in Siempre tuvo un gran inters en la
music.mp3 msica.mp3
He clearly stated his reasons for Declar claramente sus razones para
leaving..mp3 dejar ...
He declined my offer.mp3 l rechaz mi oferta.mp3
He did it without their Lo hizo sin su conocimiento.mp3
He easily topped the world record l fcilmente super el rcord mundial
for speed skating.mp3 de patinaje de velocidad.mp3
He employs personal guards.mp3 l emplea guardias personales.mp3
He felt an emotional high after Se sinti emocionado despus del
skydiving.mp3 paracaidismo.mp3
He gets sometimes angry at Se pone a veces enojado consigo
himself..mp3 mismo.mp3
He guided me in my studies..mp3 l me gui en mis estudios..mp3
He had a firm hold on her arm..mp3 Tena un agarre firme en su
He has a pet bird.mp3 l tiene un pjaro del animal
He has an amazing ability.mp3 l tiene una habilidad increble.mp3
He has direct access to the Tiene acceso directo al edificio.mp3
He has free software on his Tiene software libre en su
computer.mp3 computadora.mp3
He has no love life..mp3 l no tiene vida de amor.mp3
He is a medical professional..mp3 l es un profesional mdico.mp3
He is always changing his mind..mp3 Siempre est cambiando de
He is always on the Internet.mp3 Siempre est en Internet.mp3
He is certain there is no danger.mp3 Est seguro de que no hay
He is sporting a new mustache..mp3 l est luciendo un nuevo bigote.mp3
He laughed hard at the joke.mp3 Se ri mucho de la broma.mp3
He left a key with his parents..mp3 Dej una llave con sus padres.mp3
He likes to buy online.mp3 Le gusta comprar en lnea.mp3
He made several risky Hizo varias inversiones de riesgo.mp3
He missed the point.mp3 Se perdi el punto.mp3
He needs some basic things for Necesita algunas cosas bsicas para
school.mp3 la escuela.mp3
He needs to have a complete Necesita tener un fsico completo para
physical to play football..mp3 jugar al ftbol ..mp3
He put his hat on his head..mp3 Se puso el sombrero en la
He says mean words to his l dice palabras malas a su
brother..mp3 hermano.mp3
He says things quietly.mp3 l dice cosas tranquilamente.mp3
He seems to understand Parece entender Ingls..mp3
He showed his true nature..mp3 l mostr su verdadera
He still has some baby fat.mp3 Todava tiene algo de beb fat.mp3
He takes good care of his car..mp3 Cuida bien de su coche..mp3
He tried to light the camp fire.mp3 l intent encender el fuego del
He typed the report on the El escribi el informe en el
computer..mp3 ordenador ..mp3
He understands the basic idea of the Entiende la idea bsica del plan.
He wants to take power from Quiere tomar el poder de mi..mp3
He was leaning against the Estaba apoyado contra la pared.mp3
He went off on his own..mp3 Se fue por su cuenta.mp3
He's a crime boss..mp3 l es el jefe de un crimen..mp3
He's checking the house for Est revisando la casa de los
mice..mp3 ratones .mp3
Here is my business card..mp3 Aqu est mi tarjeta de visita.mp3
Here is my home.mp3 Aqu est mi casa.mp3
His skill is far superior to mine..mp3 Su habilidad es muy superior a la
His suggestions seem very Sus sugerencias parecen muy
sound..mp3 slidas.mp3
His temperature increased Su temperatura aument
dramatically.mp3 dramticamente.mp3
How can we access the data.mp3 Cmo podemos acceder a los
How do we increase the value of our Cmo podemos aumentar el valor de
home.mp3 nuestro hogar.mp3
I absolutely love your new car..mp3 Me encanta tu nuevo coche ..mp3
I already have plans tonight.mp3 Ya tengo planes esta noche.mp3
I am able to go with you..mp3 Soy capaz de ir contigo..mp3
I am quite sure about this..mp3 Estoy bastante seguro de esto..mp3
I am so tired today..mp3 Estoy tan cansado hoy..mp3
I am studying economics in Estoy estudiando economa en la
college.mp3 universidad.mp3
I can't read your mind.mp3 No puedo leer tu mente.mp3
I can't remember the joke.mp3 No puedo recordar la broma.mp3
I can't wait until tonight.mp3 No puedo esperar hasta esta
I don't quite enjoy musicals..mp3 No me gustan los musicales.mp3
I finished the reading in three Termin la lectura en tres horas.mp3
I found current literature on natural Encontr literatura actual sobre
history at the library.mp3 historia natural en la biblioteca.mp3
I got a paper cut.mp3 Tengo un corte de papel.mp3
I got a professional opinion.mp3 Tengo una opinin profesional.mp3
I had a lot of physical pain after the Tuve mucho dolor fsico despus del
accident.mp3 accidente.mp3
I have the least amount of work Tengo la menor cantidad de trabajo
among my co-workers.mp3 entre mis compaeros de trabajo.mp3
I just sensed something was Acabo de sentir que algo estaba
wrong..mp3 mal..mp3
I keep my personal beliefs to Mantengo mis creencias personales
myself.mp3 conmigo mismo.mp3
I know her by name.mp3 La conozco por su nombre.mp3
I like everything about her..mp3 Me gusta todo sobre ella..mp3
I listen to the radio at work.mp3 Escucho la radio en el trabajo.mp3
I love my mom's home cooking.mp3 Me encanta la casa de mi madre.mp3
I met her current boyfriend.mp3 Yo conoc a su actual novio.mp3
I need a better understanding of Necesito una mejor comprensin de lo
what is going on.mp3 que est pasando.mp3
I need an immediate answer..mp3 Necesito una respuesta
I need to access my computer.mp3 Necesito acceder a mi
I need to clean the oven.mp3 Necesito limpiar el horno.mp3
I need to decide whether I'm going Necesito decidir si voy a ir a la
to college or not..mp3 universidad o no..mp3
I need to hear the song again.mp3 Necesito escuchar la cancin de
I never considered moving an Nunca pens en mover una
option.mp3 opcin.mp3
I never practice at home..mp3 Nunca practico en casa..mp3
I never think about death..mp3 Nunca pienso en la muerte.mp3
I rather enjoy the original.mp3 Prefiero disfrutar de la original.mp3
I really care about what you Realmente me importa lo que
think..mp3 piensas ..mp3
I really need to get some real Realmente necesito conseguir algo de
food.mp3 comida real.
I researched the biography.mp3 Yo investigue la biografa.mp3
I think I'm going to stay home.mp3 Creo que me voy a quedar en
I truly value our friendship..mp3 Realmente valoramos nuestra
I use the same method as my Yo uso el mismo mtodo que mi
mother..mp3 madre ..mp3
I value freedom.mp3 Yo valoro la libertad.mp3
I want to keep my nails short..mp3 Quiero mantener mis uas
I want to play an instrument.mp3 Quiero tocar un instrumento.mp3
I want to simply relax.mp3 Quiero relajarte simplemente.mp3
I wanted a blue jacket, but bought a Quera una chaqueta azul, pero
green one instead.mp3 compr una verde en vez.mp3
I was able to correctly answer the Pude responder correctamente a las
test questions.mp3 preguntas de la prueba.mp3
I was really tired from all of the physical Yo estaba muy cansado de toda la
activity.mp3 actividad fsica.mp3
I went to school in Florida.mp3 Fui a la escuela en Florida.mp3
I will see you later.mp3 Te ver ms tarde.mp3
I will see you next time..mp3 Te ver la prxima vez..mp3
I would like two pieces of cake.mp3 Me gustara dos piezas de pastel.mp3
I would risk everything for you.mp3 Me arriesgara todo por ti.mp3
I'm having problems with my left Estoy teniendo problemas con mi ojo
eye.mp3 izquierdo.mp3
If you turn to your left, you will see Si usted da vuelta a su izquierda,
their house..mp3 usted ver su casa ... .mp3
If you want help, please ask Si quieres ayuda, pregntale a
nicely.mp3 nicely.mp3
It didn't seem possible.mp3 No pareca posible.mp3
It is becoming a major industry.mp3 Se est convirtiendo en una gran
It is light outside.mp3 Es luz fuera.mp3
It seems to matter to you.mp3 Parece importarle.mp3
It seems very likely that he will Parece muy probable que renuncie
resign soon.mp3 pronto.mp3
It was located above sea level.mp3 Estaba ubicado sobre el nivel del
It will only take a second.mp3 Slo tomar un segundo.mp3
It's time to board the plane.mp3 Es hora de subir al avin.mp3
James is a single parent..mp3 James es un padre soltero.mp3
John's first language is Spanish.mp3 La primera lengua de John es
Keep your list simple..mp3 Mantenga su lista simple..mp3
Let me go.mp3 Let me go.mp3
Let's go to the market.mp3 Vamos al mercado.mp3
Let's have a picnic under the Vamos a hacer un picnic bajo el
tree.mp3 rbol.mp3
Let's keep trying to help them..mp3 Sigamos intentando ayudarles..mp3
Let's play games until the party Vamos a jugar hasta que comience la
starts..mp3 fiesta.mp3
Let's talk later.mp3 Vamos a hablar ms tarde.mp3
List all of the ingredients in Enumera todos los ingredientes en el
order.mp3 orden.mp3
Make sure you choose carefully..mp3 Asegrese de elegir
Make yourself useful and help me Hazte til y aydame con esto ..mp3
with this..mp3
My body is too fat.mp3 Mi cuerpo es demasiado gordo.mp3
My child means everything to Mi hijo significa todo para m.mp3
My daughter made a picture.mp3 Mi hija hizo una foto.mp3
My dog is always happy..mp3 Mi perro es siempre feliz.mp3
Our house has a single garage..mp3 Nuestra casa tiene un solo
Our research showed positive Nuestra investigacin mostr
results.mp3 resultados positivos.mp3
Our team is playing an away game Nuestro equipo est jugando un
this weekend.mp3 partido visitante este fin de
People can't find jobs in this bad La gente no puede encontrar trabajos
econom.mp3 en esta mala economa.mp3
Please call me back.mp3 Por favor, llmame de nuevo.mp3
Please control your anger.mp3 Por favor, controle su ira.mp3
Please form a line here..mp3 Por favor, forme una lnea aqu..mp3
Please put your things away..mp3 Por favor, ponga sus cosas lejos.
Please remove everything off the Por favor, quita todo del piso.mp3
Please set the table..mp3 Por favor, establezca la tabla..mp3
Please stay here.mp3 Por favor, qudate aqu.mp3
Put your name at the top of the Pon tu nombre en la parte superior de
page.mp3 la pgina.mp3
Say either yes or no.mp3 Diga s o no.mp3
School is getting hard..mp3 La escuela se est poniendo
Several of the guests left early.mp3 Varios de los invitados salieron
She feels bad about being late.mp3 Ella se siente mal por ser tarde.mp3
She forced a smile.mp3 Ella forz una sonrisa.mp3
She has a problem about spending Ella tiene un problema con gastar
too much money.mp3 mucho dinero.mp3
She has a select group of friend.mp3 Ella tiene un selecto grupo de
She is a problem child.mp3 Ella es un nio problema.mp3
She is a writer of popular science Ella es una escritora de la ciencia
books.mp3 popular books.mp3
She is always kind to me.mp3 Ella es siempre amable conmigo.mp3
She is in power again.mp3 Ella est en el poder de nuevo.mp3
She is less able to do it alone..mp3 Ella es menos capaz de hacerlo
She is off this whole week.mp3 Ella esta fuera de esta semana.mp3
She is set to leave in the Ella est listo para salir en la maana.
morning..mp3 .mp3
She is trying to develop her Ella est tratando de desarrollar su
ability..mp3 capacidad ..mp3
She likes all kinds of sports.mp3 Ella le gusta todo tipo de
She lined the shelf with potted Ella aline el estante con flores en
flowers.mp3 maceta.mp3
She made a long shopping list..mp3 Ella hizo una larga lista de
She needs more practice..mp3 Ella necesita ms prctica .mp3
She ordered him out of the Ella le orden salir de la habitacin.
She plays lots of sports.mp3 Ella juega muchos deportes.mp3
She quickly created a game to pass Rpidamente cre un juego para
the time..mp3 pasar el tiempo.mp3
She showed her answers to her Ella mostr sus respuestas a su
classmate.mp3 compaera de clase.mp3
She stayed in school until she was Ella se qued en la escuela hasta que
eighteen..mp3 tena dieciocho aos.
She tried to erase the past..mp3 Ella intent borrar el pasado ... .mp3
She voted against the new law..mp3 Ella vot en contra de la nueva
She was in a terrible state after the Ella estaba en un estado terrible
accident.mp3 despus del accidente.mp3
She was named after her Ella fue nombrada despus de su
mother.mp3 madre.mp3
She works for a successful Ella trabaja para una empresa
company..mp3 exitosa..mp3
She's a major celebrity..mp3 Ella es una gran celebridad..mp3
Shoes come in various colors.mp3 Los zapatos vienen en varios
Some laws are not strict Algunas leyes no son lo
enough.mp3 suficientemente estrictas.mp3
Someone ate my sandwich!.mp3 Alguien se comi mi sndwich !.
Someone likes you.mp3 Alguien te quiere.mp3
Sometimes, I just want to be A veces, solo quiero estar solo..mp3
Stop talking to yourself..mp3 Deja de hablarte a ti mismo..mp3
That company dominates the Esa empresa domina los medios de
media.mp3 comunicacin.mp3
That is a great idea.mp3 Esa es una gran idea.mp3
That is a significant amount of Esa es una cantidad significativa de
money..mp3 dinero..mp3
That is my least favorite Ese es mi favorito menos favorito.mp3
That was a good buy.mp3 Eso fue una buena compra.mp3
That was an easy test.mp3 Eso fue una prueba fcil.mp3
That's a hard trade to learn.mp3 Eso es un duro intercambio para
That's what John said to me..mp3 Eso es lo que John me dijo..mp3
The ball is in play.mp3 La bola est en juego.mp3
The boat has safety controls.mp3 El barco tiene control de
The boy is extremely scared of the El chico est muy asustado de la
dark.mp3 oscuridad.mp3
The bright light hurt my eyes.mp3 La luz brillante da mis ojos.mp3
The cars range in price.mp3 La gama de coches en el precio.mp3
The company is trying to market a La empresa est tratando de
new product..mp3 comercializar un nuevo producto..mp3
The flowers grow well in rich Las flores crecen bien en un suelo
soil..mp3 rico..mp3
The fly is trapped in the spider La mosca est atrapada en la araa
web.mp3 web.mp3
The game came to a sudden El juego lleg a un final repentino.mp3
The instructions were poorly Las instrucciones estaban mal
worded.mp3 redactadas.mp3
The later edition of the software is La ltima edicin del software es
better.mp3 mejor.mp3
The lawyer needs to carefully word El abogado tiene que escribir
the question..mp3 cuidadosamente la pregunta ..mp3
The little child is lost.mp3 El nio pequeo est perdido.mp3
The move surprised everyone.mp3 El movimiento sorprendi a
The movie was based on a true La pelcula se bas en una historia
story..mp3 real ..mp3
The museum artifacts are well Los artefactos del museo estn bien
guarded.mp3 guardados.mp3
The new theory is not La nueva teora no es creble.mp3
The next thing I knew, I was waking Lo siguiente que supe, me estaba
up..mp3 despertando..mp3
The plumber is here to fix the broken El fontanero est aqu para arreglar el
water main.mp3 agua roto main.mp3
The rain eventually ended.mp3 La lluvia finalmente termin.mp3
The river has a fast current.mp3 El ro tiene una corriente rpida.mp3
The rumors are actually true about Los rumores son realmente verdad
her.mp3 sobre ella.mp3
The sign was too low, so the truck La seal era demasiado baja, por lo
could not go under.mp3 que el camin no poda ir bajo.mp3
The situation is difficult.mp3 La situacin es difcil.mp3
The soup kitchen provides free La sopa de cocina ofrece servicio
service.mp3 gratuito.mp3
The university has an excellent La universidad tiene una excelente
library..mp3 biblioteca ..mp3
The waiter took our order.mp3 El camarero tom nuestra orden.mp3
The war lasted a long time.mp3 La guerra dur mucho tiempo.mp3
The weather here is generally El clima aqu es generalmente
mild.mp3 suave.mp3
The weather is so hot.mp3 El clima es tan caliente.mp3
The witch put a spell on her.mp3 La bruja puso un hechizo en ella.mp3
Their house is a far distance from Su casa est muy lejos de aqu.mp3
There are broad definitions for that Hay definiciones amplias para esa
word.mp3 palabra.mp3
There are many historical accounts Hay muchos relatos histricos de ese
of that event.mp3 evento.mp3
There is no known cure for the No hay cura conocida para la
disease.mp3 enfermedad.mp3
There is one particular thing you Hay una cosa en particular que debes
should know.mp3 saber.mp3
There is one potential problem Hay un problema potencial aqu.mp3
They are grouped by size..mp3 Estn agrupados por tamao..mp3
They can provide a good living.mp3 Pueden proporcionar una buena
They expect a gradual Esperan un desarrollo gradual.mp3
They found mice within the Ellos encontraron ratones dentro de
walls.mp3 las paredes.mp3
They have a lovely house..mp3 Ellos tienen una casa
They have common interests.mp3 Tienen intereses comunes.mp3
They have nothing to offer..mp3 No tienen nada que ofrecer..mp3
They live on the top floor.mp3 Ellos viven en el piso superior.mp3
They met under bad terms.mp3 Se encontraron con malos
They moved far away..mp3 Se alejaron lejos ... .mp3
They only want qualified Slo quieren personas
individuals..mp3 calificadas..mp3
They stand united against drunk Estn unidos contra la conduccin
driving..mp3 borracha..mp3
They trade stamps with each Se intercambian sellos entre s..mp3
They watch television.mp3 Ellos ven la televisin.mp3
They will go to the party Ellos van a la fiesta juntos.mp3
This amount is for our rent.mp3 Esta cantidad es para nuestro
This building houses prisoners..mp3 Este edificio alberga prisioneros.mp3
This computer course is useful.mp3 Este curso de computadora es
This hat is priced high..mp3 Este sombrero tiene un precio
This is his adopted home.mp3 Esta es su casa adoptiva.mp3
This is quality work..mp3 Esto es trabajo de calidad..mp3
This is rather absurd..mp3 Esto es bastante absurdo ... .mp3
This job requires a different skill Este trabajo requiere un conjunto de
set.mp3 habilidades diferentes.mp3
This kid is full of potential.mp3 Este chico est lleno de potencial.mp3
This news is incredibly big.mp3 Esta noticia es increblemente
This past year has been El ao pasado ha sido difcil ...
This room has a high capacity.mp3 Esta habitacin tiene una alta
This shirt is the wrong size..mp3 Esta camisa es el tamao
This story seems real.mp3 Esta historia parece real.mp3
Today is very cold..mp3 Hoy es muy frio .mp3
Tonight is a very special night.mp3 Esta noche es una noche muy
Training for that job is intense.mp3 La formacin para ese trabajo es
Turn to page five.mp3 Gira a la pgina cinco.mp3
Use this as a guide for your Use esto como una gua para su
decision..mp3 decisin.mp3
We are leaving from here..mp3 Nos vamos de aqu..mp3
We calculated the risk.mp3 Calculamos el riesgo.mp3
We cut vegetables on the cutting Cortamos verduras en la tabla de
board.mp3 cortar.mp3
We do not test on animals..mp3 No probamos en animales..mp3
We had to pay a fine.mp3 Tuvimos que pagar una multa.mp3
We have several houses..mp3 Tenemos varias casas..mp3
We live a large community.mp3 Vivimos una gran comunidad.mp3
We live in a rural area..mp3 Vivimos en una zona rural..mp3
We make safety products.mp3 Hacemos productos de seguridad.mp3
We need to consider all of the Tenemos que considerar todos los
important facts..mp3 hechos importantes ..mp3
We need to focus on the issue at Necesitamos enfocarnos en el tema
hand..mp3 que nos ocupa.mp3
We need to help out more including Necesitamos ayudar ms incluyendo a
myself.mp3 m mismo.mp3
We need to keep the temperature Necesitamos mantener la
between 40 and 50 degrees.mp3 temperatura entre 40 y 50
We never compromise on Nunca comprometen la calidad.mp3
We played a fun game..mp3 Jugamos un juego divertido ..mp3
We regularly service our car every Regularmente servimos nuestro coche
six month.mp3 cada seis meses.mp3
We walked along the beach.mp3 Caminamos por la playa.mp3
We want to create a new Queremos crear una nueva
society..mp3 sociedad..mp3
We're missing the key Estamos perdiendo el ingrediente
ingredient.mp3 clave.mp3
What a fat cat..mp3 Lo que un gato gordo..mp3
What do you have to say about Que tienes que decir sobre esto.mp3
What is the hourly pay.mp3 Qu es el pago por hora.mp3
What is the main difference between Cul es la principal diferencia entre
us.mp3 nosotros.mp3
What is your blood type.mp3 Cul es tu tipo de sangre.mp3
You have a phone call..mp3 Tienes una llamada telefnica..mp3
You have control of your Tienes control de tus acciones.mp3
You have to find happiness from Tienes que encontrar la felicidad
within.mp3 desde dentro.mp3
You need to mind your own Usted necesita ocuparse de su propio
business.mp3 negocio.
You should never point that at Nunca debes apuntar eso a nadie.mp3
You're more than welcome to come Eres ms que bienvenido a venir.mp3
Your answer was actually right.mp3 Tu respuesta fue realmente
Your car needs periodic checks.mp3 Tu coche necesita revisiones
Your feelings are very natural..mp3 Tus sentimientos son muy

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