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18 eros he Hermpstend 1850 ‘Shimon Waronker, 0. Superintendent of Schools (516) 434-4000 xt 2010, Fax: ($16) 292-0933 Rodney Gimore, E40. Associate Superintendent ‘or Human Resources (616) 234-4000 et 02 Fc (516) 5640356 Regina Armstrong -Ausocate Superiotendent for Elementary Cuicuum sd intraction| (516) 434-4000 et 031 Fx (516) 2820933 James lak ‘Associate Superintendent for Secondary Curiutum snd instruction (516) 434-000 6 2018 Fx (516) 292.0833 Deborah Datong ‘Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services (616) 434-4000 et. 151 (516) 438-2000 6 2061 fc 16) 2923135 June 2, 2017 Dear Hempstead Facully and Families: Elective June 2, 2017, the Hempstead Board of Eucaton has granted me the positon of Superintendent of Schools. The board made ils decision based on my credentials and experience, ed and tured around one of most challenging schoo in New York Cty. ve also led a group of fie schoos through the New American Ite, Inc. a notor-poft dedicated to creating an innovative educational mode! across the county. Ive .gamered two felowships and a doctorate: a Cahn Fellowship at Columbia Univesiy’s Teachers Colege, and both a Presidential Felowship and a Doctorate at Harvaré Universi. ve even been honored by the French Gavernmert with a Knighthood, However, my greatest ancamplishment is asing sx chidren with my wonderful wile, | want o thank Dr. Atba-Weza for his dedicated service to ou chien and our ‘community. Weal wish him wel (Our community faces many challenges that we need to meet head on wih a stong missin. The mission tat have close to my heat is as folows: To empower learners and inspite leaders lo make this a better world I beleve tha llof us are learners, wether we are chidren or aduls, and we al have he capaci to insite. ‘so believe hat we ae all here fo make this a better wo kinder, more compassionate word, fled with oy and success. ve by one nul tha expect everyone lo follow: do whaleve will make your parents proud; and carly, donot do what wll ot make them proud, Sounds lke an easy ‘expectation, but we know itis not In the coming weeks, lok forward to meeting with you and working together othe benefit of our students. Ecucationaly yous, Gi EAD, ‘Superintendent of Schools Wal © File ees F550 Shimon Waronker, £80. ‘Superintendent of Schools (16434-4000 Ext. 4010 Fax: (516) 292-0933, Rodney Gitmore, E40. ‘Asseciate Superintendent foruman Resources (61) 434-4000 Bt 021 Foe 516) 5600356 Aegina Artrons Asserate Superintendent for Eementary Curriculum Sand instruction (51) 438-2006 051 Foe (516) 2929033 James car ‘ssorite Superintendent for secondary Curso ‘nd nsroction (616) 4344000 6. 2014 Fac (516) 292.0933 Deborah Delong -Asitant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Serves (644) 434-4000 be. «251 oe (16) 292-7692 edoseph Interim Asst. Superintendent Tor Business & Operations (616) 434-4000 Bt 2061 nc ($16) 2923115 2 dejunio de 2017 Eshmados Protesores y Familias de las Escuelas de Hempstead ‘A pati dl 2de junio del 2017, Ia Junta de Educacién de Hempstead mea ‘concedi elcarga de Superintendent de las Escuelas. La junta fomé su decision bassndose en mis credenciales y experienc. Dirigiy vansiormé una de ls escuelas mis desafianles de la ciudad de Nuova York “También he digo un grupo de cinco escuelas a través dela compafia New ‘American Iniatv, In. ;una organzacin sin fines de luo devicada a crear un ‘modelo educaivoinnovador en todo el pais. He oblenido dos beces yun dctorado: una bece Cain en el Coleg de Mesos de a Universidad de Columbia, y una Beca Pesidencial y un Doctorado en la Universidad de Harvard. Incuso he sido honrado porel Gobierno francés con un tila de cabalro. Sin embargo, mi mayor logo es cre @ mis ses hjos con mi meravilosa esposa Quiero agratecer al Or. Aba:Weza por su deicado servicio a nvestros nos ya ‘westra comunidad, Todos e deseamos lo mejor ‘Nuestra comunidad se enfrenla a muchos desafios que tenemos que ententaios ‘con una misin fuerte. Lamisén que tengo cerca de mi corazén es la squint: ara dar fuerza als estudiantes e nspirar alos lideres para hacer de est un ‘mundo mejo:* Cre cue tds nosotros somos aprenices, ya sea que seams nis o dul, y todos tenemos la capacdad para insprar_ También creo que dos estamos aq para hacer de este un mundo mejor, un mundo mas bondaxoso y mas compasvo, leno de alegia y éxito, \o por una regia que espero que indos sigan: naz cualquier cosa que haga sent @ {us padres oullosos; yun corti, no hagas lo que no les har sense orgullosos. ‘Suena como ura expecativa fc, peo sabemas que na es. Enlas prxinas semanas, espero reunime con ustedes y aba unos para el bbenefico denuestos estudiantes, Educatvamente suyo, Given Warner, EAD. Superntendente de las Escuelas Weal Archivo

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