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‘ireto metas Bx INGLES: DICCIONARIO PARA INGENIEROS-ENGINEERS' DICTIONARY Por Louw A, Rose UICION ACTORZADA FoR Joun Winey & Sons, Inc,, New Yous Primera edicién: marzo de 1955 me pen stan fmaro de 1956; junio de 1958; agosto de 1958, julio oe i a a Se rovien nee s, O62: Septiembre de 1963; julio de 1964, agosto de 1865; ie 1986; marzo de a abril de 1969; diciembre de 1969; | ‘mayo de 1971 " Decimonovens. impresién, noviembre de 1972, PREFACIO ‘Cuando los originales del Bayinzerd’ Dictionary quedron lists en 1943, la segunda guerra mundial estaba en au spogeo 3 esto lev a In cago editors y al ‘lor a eanvenie de que el ibro no debiaexceder de unas eustraclntascineuenta Pgina, Alin material dob cor relirudo y aunque el iro resultante trataba Aelenidamente de ingenierla civil, no pude eontener muchas términos usados en ‘obras ramus dels ingenera Poco tiempo después de m1 pubicacdn yo me retré del trabajo activo de lngenierisy desde entonees he tenido ampli oportunidades para dederme ala compilaoidn de un diesionario ms extonso, Hl material que debié ser retrado se ha agregado ahora y se ha estudindo une gran eantided de material auevo, Te eoasultade con muchos amigos dela América Latina yen ead vile he trata conmigo publiaciones tésnicas de diversas elses como fuente de términos eapailes. Constentemente he esoudrifado las revistes de ingenieria y los [ibaa nuevos publizadas en ambos idioma. “Bl eampo de acién sigue sendo la ingenierta las referencins recventes o la duimiea la goslgia ols metalurgin no igoiean que estas malaria estén totale ‘mente abareadas on catelibro. Cada una decllssnesesitarfa un volumen aparte, Tos términos incildon de estas u ots mataras son aquelloe regulsrmente requeridas en untrabyjo o estudio de ingenerfs, Tyualeitero oe segudo on i eleeion de algunos poeos términes de fanzns, soguros y tansportes, ‘Al ampliar I obra mis principales propésitos ban sda los siguientes: Abarear In ingenieriaeléeirien y meedniea en manera mucho més amplia. ‘La mio que no se mencioné para nada en la primers edisién ha retibido euida~ doso estudio. Se han incluido términos importantes de I talevision, ‘Poner al dfa todos los ramos de la ingenieria civil, Se ha dudo especial atencin ‘1a mecénica de los suelos, In fotogrametria y al proyecto y construesién de eropuertos. Tnclui lo términos mis importantas correspandionter a minera, arquitectura aval, explotacién foresta, industria azuearera y eampos petroifeoe. ‘Una nuova adicidn es la indicacién de género de los substantivos en espaiil. El chjeto de un diccionario téenieo es proporsionar informacién que no ae ceocuentra en otra parte. Se supone que ol diceionaria de Webstor inchuye todas yy onda wna de las palabras dol idioma inglés, ai lar més eriees, pero no brea, Jag frages que figuran en glosurios oftciules de las soriedades de Ingenieria, ‘Muchas de lus palabras de este libro se encuentran también en los mejores iccionasios generules inglés-espafol, Bulls ge encuentra en cualquiera de cellos, guulmente que thread, pero no buttress thread. Aguja y también infernal se encuentran, pero no apuje infernal. La mayoria de mis esfuerzos se han A PREFACIO cconcentrado en el registro de signifiendos o eq puedon expresarse con una sola palabra. ‘Le nomenclature de piezas de maquinavia requlere un coustante uso de ten riterio. Cade fabricante tiene su propia lista de pietas para enda méquina yy alguns méquinas constau de tantas que legan al milla. Les partes principales de una méquina deben enumerarse y con cllas, fuera de les términos como cojinete, leva, tornllo, resorte, rodiio y vélvula, deben identifearse eon un ‘ombre la gram mayoria de ls piezes compouentes, A peser de alxunos consejos udversos recibidos, yo ere todavia. que las ingation » lo loge) m Py Pr ry a Ibe r deg a 1g ting u Toco eaotive Re We beeation int m meter) H fmachy maskiery He fas masonry a ath mathemtics ® Fh Philippines BR Puerto Rico. 8 Spain U_ Uruguay US United States Vo Venezuela mechanical matallurgy mile ining mineralogy, exyatal- logrsphy smotor meteorology machine tole terial ‘aval architecture autical navigation ice pining paving plumbing Detroloum piling photogrammetry reposition painting pump port works quarts) radio road vet forint refrigeration refractories railroad ‘wel stbabla babs man Argnatine umber (embed) ‘thet my Mania bem. ‘Saco (ar) abacus ei) washtrough, bude: (eee epi Seo "pacls (8) een, aero, downarade, ajar m (nin) Es), toot boy, ta easeer. caja, to lower, let downto fall, desta. ‘se down, alow, under. 2 lanes ear, 19 buoy to plo baaeous; aula ‘iu, fo take beanies. ‘pander, to reer ‘basieg my, fe anything fons Fie or cramer Ge)(C)(PR) site tare, storey tan, esecctn (ea, debris cons, quo (auto), sry. arbets, Ceuul) 16 las, sap; (xb) to sore, vara m @), clump, camp, anchor: ira rng. baron (out), to bart dock bring aongde, aryulamtents ft), oping actully to wath, ily sbargullerse, to Duet, ware. aratear, "0 form ule; sbarmncarse, t2 “ans to plane walero tronghacs (Gait) to bation; to stow Care), ce, to feral, sp eimient m, aupply,furishing, Eu, wer supp ee eombuatte ecg. bastecimiatas, abestos me: muppion, abasto de agua, water supp. ‘Satenador m (NM), wooden mou be, desending elle (Es, dala, gly, gutter 2 my lowering (os) diemssombling: (bldg) Aiatiten; (cone) sump: aut) leeway: (meois) dleawumblyy teardown: Duster aks (pwn(AD dewrdown rt lower to mack down, semzamblo; to ‘mots, ease (al) to take low to biter, ake dog. socom Atbseedaria(m) ge enter tenc for lellering. Abecedare pare turer, marking stag, ‘eda mai, bir peti abolt (explesive). Terence lateral (ima), lateral chromatic sberaton, —ctomilies Taagtadint (fa), lonetudinal ‘hromatie aberration. a8 cme lea) com. te ested eptartal bore 3 boquilago <= de rerangbded,chrorntinsberation, ‘bert fa opening aperare: open entry ‘ethan mountaie: cove smal aye hlepe (elie, spare gu Sesgeasién Ul), motring passage, ola als al), 100. onan libre, er pan, ot —Hisnen, white fir, white spruce, Deve Doula fr, Sagan pik, red fe, —nasro, buck eprce; blac hertock rob, a fs, Dough fe, Greson pine, rd sbetunar 0 oat or impregnate with pts, ‘bey mjcarands (and uber tropa bande oot sbfarcio mote, abtarad, ary. oy (rine) varopstod, motled (oH). fbsagrar, fo Ri ‘bist et, altel, ‘blsla, 20 teva chamfe, Shimane ter asp aa Ge aby ‘sal, abysinal. 7 jercg a ‘sme mea, ass Seer ot (da, ae “ne Cetus, eaones. often to temper forte; able ‘ure, to wften, become on ladecer to aotcn, a (ae, abi. “vutersun;bstmouthed. Ure de tabea (eal) tube expander, ‘boctrdar, to splay; to countersink te sour: Aboclandor rr, farer, fang tol sete tober ical, fabs expander ‘bocin, to far, fare with bellmouth. tot. tot bolt, co dant ‘bomber to crown, arch, camber: abombaree, to buckles to ‘wae bulge (ed) to mae sbonede,nbosnda 2, cubselber, estore, eon- "umes flats eurrnt) Ge) commer son, f erie: fae) to credit boncré mm (cos). ote, " ferulazr rr) commutation, ‘oguileda, ballmostied abogullae 4 boul, to ply, rine m thordo m, fouling of two veal, sbordar (a6ut), to raako a port: to berth at ese ffl contin en % 0 eps: sor: es) Sat: int a a9 —sinten (oe) teak tam. te tle, rll lamp Corns (le) train lat (eu), pring shacks, — ftlcavest(torno}, hendetose damp, Ste car (1) al bnew ep ompretite, placheock sntacto (a), contort jaw, eI coraza (oa, arn asp. ela exctntie (ew), acess erap. gseducar (0), guurdrall nce, Hlncar (at), div lamp, emu (li), ground slap. de poeslenn (i), prea lest, fe tapuraté, copa champ. Se (rie in 6 Ele (Ea), sad slap. se tikes, driing som; (te) od men, mire able able clipe har caso, pipe sons (A) howe band, fms menctere, howe land or camp Se leis Gordy wen Erma idee dost chump, sleet Goo}, ‘Unie clamp. (onde aderaisidor, let inelator. Seca, cn Abrobeechas tm Gn, tralian, Gradebutder, ‘Balen, sbrehoro 2 (et, reamer, hole opener sbretrechas a fer), Wall sbretbos met} pins emage; (oO tate ‘pander, ae rls ole sage, rena, to water (hors) to wet down a wall before wtucalns (pu) to poe, breveredaem fe), tse ida (m) do last Cat), tr spreader, t/t) halen lay shrge my protection, cover windbeecs harbor, (la dt or a re hen, unlosk Unf, (at) ref, iden rock, carro onzado m (in)(M), namo applied to sever aliferen ores of copper sbearonutaf (ge), ateweite, ‘bacon F Gat, ‘ttola, abslute (al ween, ‘Brorednte mst eadero (Ey) sching cexipal; soner sorbed mr aheorbadoef,sborber, ‘brorbedor de cheque, shee secre sbsocbencinf,sbuorption’ abeorbanay; absorpe TE_Tten,epaclssbwerpivetades. sbserbeate m, minorbats © absorbent, abeorpe absorber to aber; (cham) to ose, bterbibie, absorbable. betrelbmete m, sbeorptomter. Batol fi nado o aemimate Gi), eatin fs, seabadoraf ishing machine ishing ial, Servi (ey, ane anor Set abinsanta (a), subse planer ‘esbadora-plonadore (cn, taming tr, [cabatoEaih (ll ena), ste (:) (Ca, pls; to all wp a door scald (C)CPA OD), nase aypled to var us tron yee ecoreusticniuaber scslabratad, "ceblelad ope), haw ak; ese) ropni orisontal caspanide, bellmoitied, bell-shaped. cera, oar ly campus, to camp: to bald a exnp, Scan mf, Woot Indl eonsrationtinbes. eanalide corogsid, ted grooved, reas ‘sranaldor my, chnaneling machine’ groovers ab ‘eta. scsulidare ehaoaog mick, guering machine; (¢) eres r stamina acl) Stes) fo oe, Sins ute to sean ers Hate i comila, scantlade my slit; a eheep, cata acento) ‘capac: (om), to monopolize, corer, contra, seartatit, poveabioy aking (ound Aearrendorm (ty cure Beoeyeambed by tho terdo, worm. | nearee, ta fh trngper, oat camry, ecavey, vate. ‘searea‘, hug, eartage,trmamprtaton, wel, brome, to become woreata, Sesto, ovedaal fit, aluylm; reer troneporatons aril nesonanan —ivioriace gp, Suvostac di = ies, ating Fralick, Taro otra cad by astren, bod lend “eral cet: (nim fost oe eerie Mat, ih sacar, gine one sSeriom GEN, seta, hang, arto, tracked, cation ee icra m,n brn cob vesting {cttlje meal rsteac upper sora cel So Ss eee AEE SS emcee pate so Bie. tact spptenn res — GEESE ae unmet See een See eet Shane eee tn a Sere Sty eee SE oe Cerin Seer. Serer fe comprasion tub), eompression fitnc, de eondveto (ale). condut tings ‘Stree abierta (ib), longemoep Biting, de dark Attinge or rons, in (oe). {auto eandid equipment, ab), Sop ft Ble (ab), bea Ae feborde{tub), baled or banded Sete =4e secion complete (ind), fallow fringe fetes heen trend foes Ste trao, athe teachers Bio tings (ub) union Hinge e),tracke nec Ste voladery basting necetsries, —Ateratios (Gab, dense Beane. estriado (en fend fn ts nbol de boes de pane (pot), Chretnas ‘wee Setngs — pars able elo staclanents or Being or Ee lot ns lb, dp fletnes, (eu), lng Bttngssaderoint Spyies peri, bal-pater bandral tings, secidentadoy’ op) ill, broken; (Sp)(ANCA) Injured in am acct ‘accidental (na) isis), esidental, {teigontem, nesidan sccientes ‘goldcieoe, geologic strstural pro. scidnia topeerfenso del teen, lle and ae ailing three Sngeeting, ‘snes shards of tock rie, common ask, so priveginda, preferred ok, Scioto, devon aststed, yeratol Spr, seatdiven, Sttehicaments motardiven, ovens belidavan 5 enareeaje,gariviven, talents my operon, diva, ito, hand eperaton, bande, bls de. or endoos, hin dre, See Ei She erm in mf ice ‘al ‘showing shes, ‘ech cid, lbeato, as shed abe (Garloraders). elie oer ‘cule moll, labseation, seete,t'o, iesie fete mo ties, insulating of Sintenedaienanthetseo a bret rua allel bul esas (pat) bole or drying ol Stombastle, tel or furmue si SEB ay code fe tembrado,iunasting ol, kerosene, Ste Geutry af of stil slur ele, rai or whale ot Sie mite fete tba, kerosone, ce ‘ter (uit), canes tor ta), east stole, rape orcas a fe en 8 Batecn ard ol ae ( tne da (a) prio ants (Ee), nbanting ol ftmpaste (Es), ek —raleniso, facie, rueaniod 0 ‘eaten fells cles ol eu Sitesi, eget eae fesereinf mearatin. xsl (ie) random aoelaration. wot By tach es) om) am se apa scolerater of cexans cting, Aen (ast), band thotta, ‘celerantem (qu), eeelrate, Seslert, to socaate seelerigrafom, ecclerozrph (eurthgoaa). stelerograma my neesoronram. [clerometrom: eecekrometer. lalegmder,inograting seslerometer —repistrar,rsordng neslromater, ‘egndra, to vena, sedate, scant. cestucla (a, nosantution. ‘eentundorm (ru); ecsantastor seepllndars, wood ahaviogs, cuttings, toraings, ils ta pen, Gry, nl to br pte (i, fm (re, agent. crate intone eal Pe) Book Served, orcs eal frei igi Stereo mort oes, zln cas aoqader mignon workin, sk ger, fetta it de scequan odie ‘Eegaero'm Gris cal tender, ditshensnte ‘seo Se atone, carte es SM cob, copper boning ste hogar ation, openthonrth eae. =H musa, shangaaces seo Su algueh ntl see Betstmer, Bemamer tee, = temeatads, ccssbardened or ser sil sshatioerome, esualccurne ees esi, eat sical tei de cet, euciblacat ae, Sie hare bere, coin tol ig sly wae Ingots te Tochos billet or new-leh Stentegadey expanded nae! Gol) due, mit or sft or low-carbon stl, 2) ‘Range atech —enpavoando, blue reel, ‘cerrado, rad el. hanganétic, mangoes tel, Ntdlfso, medlue er iedlon-earbon ete Teed cates, ia tee. pass Scorn, ning oto aitraliey. eiado,etustiel whopes, ole sal nom. —splde, beheepend ees, relaninado, reoled seat. = toniisuers, salle sect, Stemess- arin, open-heart soc Sy erate in, Ss, an Tart Ritorend tek. before my chraium ste. ‘ceroniqae my, aickl eee. [terrofa, to bolt door ts)(C) to bolt, Aeetldehidn mat), catldasye ‘stato m, acatte. Shntais tats acetate, = cote, eure or copper asotats ae ite attain, aipn-napthglening ‘octate tt ante o de ura, uranyl eotate, cto, acti Hldlee, acetylenic leno m, eevee ‘estlre de cobre, copper or cuprousacoiyEde. seetina f cctin, Scetol nytt, octyl earn ‘txt; setae, diet haione, erat, to grind, pulverian elo (alls, ‘ciel J, neen oro, alii, asa nests a rca or orthoboris cathe caret acl, shen = setbsales, cmbonie ne” Aorntdies e alarecinic, bydroeHeris or ‘riatio sed, as camindor,battory ci = Hesio,carbate ae, phenol. hititie, odie aod, hydrogen lode, 2 pet), age at alrticrocétes © rouse, nitrahy- recone ae, sau lft, lpr nad ol of wi, anes snails asd, tannin, ula, to eeidulatn, (pt) lo edie, 7 scope uo, assuad exit, atria, back asin ceaditat, rid astauth, frente, forvard asimuth. ‘clst,acastis Coptic). ‘ha conetraation mbar, i acelimatan, fellate esta} fi, somite (gyronane), : ‘co.m (V)e a eonserstin lame, {o Teng; to shore, brace: to square tp et stay etme sendledots (a), Jegulng mackie. ‘colle, vo beod to a sngl acediree, to ‘ect, cof 0 athlon, ‘iolehadoy spate, apron, bear; @ (ca) scale to eshion; to ny (ops), Stolehoaet, co eusbon. code eater alking tot, ‘eal, to calle ith oak fcombar, to mar, bucks caret, (pew) (a) ta branch. tnedor mans), conde te te, wator cotter or eonitone. te tenes tds) lodee svdiioner, Se fade pot, td cane ode fabos 5 Moen Ga, epray-type conditioner, — tnterzso unitaro (as), unit condone, sconticonassento m,conditioniog, Sesntisonar, to somition to rps, overhaul sen f rad cornin Scepado, ellowed cut, cupped, cup-shaped sepa, fp cup hallow ou a) fo baer aa scimit m, simu, scope’ (bate of ede tnibers scopla,to sar, stk, con m,lorea, (yd) pondags, ite Gerace (a), mnrcharg ators, es es beens (hid), Sank aco, ert, deat storage, ata se (id), ennaerrationatoregs, ‘cond m, (A) Hels (0) tow of bergen aiectamente, dirst-connecied, ese euping coupe Saetalte (it, enon coenling ‘colada f, coupling, ola, connection. ‘omits ping ey ot, ennee Hon: (A) sates (arp) aesotplement —a bayonet bayoonteouplng, Sater ft joe Seatens (a), link coupling. espactivo (ra), capsctiva ce eactrostato teeta, erieal or opr eapling, aon sible couplings ‘coupling. cin, ecpansiog Jaa ae dae es et 2 cote. i Se cto dante eur Ste paca chtch on of cow can te Kereta (ab) Havre jlne te mangatto, cave counting. — at etcstn (rm), coke covpting Ge esstacin(), veisance opting, =e rsen (tub, seroed or trend Jit = tes Gtaleanen (et), tap thread jak = ae Sais, cons or Sale couping Weal (ey weak or Looe eopling Testa, elteh or jaw souplng T scroaiagncicn medi elute, St cteendn (le), aesndo oonnetian, co (ke) ln oat coping Siew orca tree of fetched ea or loae eoupling, (A), fa dive. pul, inp cousin, Ina trv sung, optimum or ete! cou er ingen (rl impadane soupig. he etna cae apace coun. reeled iter), nara! wpe on. sive (2) rsttve creates coping ‘ulverel, universal eine, ls tol an pat: oak wp. ‘Sle (A, teste (Gh cone epee etnias, iomenataans SE ee, Ee a sears, to band, Aeonlarae 10 gel oat of pla, ‘eortllada, ribbed. ‘eolacin elevation or ineasion mazlad on m ‘hot boundary are or monet (0) ration. sotamfento m, etting Yourdary menuinents; ‘imansonlne: (Mf) showlder of aro, scot, fo mark elevations, dimension; (urs) to ‘has eu, abe oman, scott, lodge striking base, serecaniaf,acrechalanto m (golfer), acre crendorm, exedtor, ‘etopi my arene ferepulgada feareack, fen to aren, at la (6 sane #0 Te, ‘rome, nohrematie scrometr mn, oleomster, arometer. ‘cia, memovandu of action sgood by parties cag ints of a meeting, ‘etnies atin ‘cna (qui), potinium, {cine m, etiam. ‘inedletec eo, actisoaectea, Setinnelacteiad J. acisonestrct, ‘teaaféien, netinoohoni, [etineprali fr aetinograi. ftcunogrto i, setaogranh. ‘elinegrama m, aotinosram, ‘Renal, acts f (ina), aetinalta (emph tl 7 sedncogi J, utinlogy. ‘tcinometriefnetinomstey, ‘tanamttrieo,aetisometie Setintmete m, asisomoter, chamicealet (i), Actinroyentaes, Aeiable i) nctivabe, fevndorm (ulm), acivate, promote. selva, to sotivat. ‘ctv, asnta: 2 (chem) active, Schrevteste, working eoptl qui ase, viable, good wil dar m, actuator etaate m (Es), etustr, ae ant die Sri Seiapal m (pet, 2 scuatnotor 9 (Es), haul ram, cuarela ° saute f, watercolor, wath drain. eaten, suet fetndaje m (ap, lanling onthe water, Sttedueto m equeduct, cond, Suma; water ‘teen, wterwark, ise ting ftueognes (geo), onussgreoes erde, toy oot wt lal Ke ‘eaeede megeomentFesiton, dare. fever, ‘cuidere'm, aexicuse /, aguciule Geomeor | adapnr 1080 sn seagate feuluge /amifuge (eécbrdrolog). sSuunclon neue goo) aceon, Acumulaar in Gnec seurnlatr: fe) ate ‘ge Eniory ores) eure Hig lace, ead elo ote aid de (a, wave adapter. Sie vai Gal ene el eleatsdo (5), thinner, lating bata sdetgtar, to make thir: to taper, sive: to i hy battery folten “(water to thin pats ta cut te baie envedd, lowngrvity Iyttes Bask tape te tlerroenguel,hiekoivoa or Blzon at fy shor, peep. ge batten sr Homerton ca tmparada (ley pated haters, fetaate, Tati batters. ica same secamlton, 19 tee, nb, sss hydepmwrti asc | Sat aus Plants, Panth battery, seater, to tort Scarmlngoriote' m (3), battery-maintananen | adestellade, loothog ‘rel sag sat cay ator, tlmbermen, shore, eye sare book, key} to jam; (0 tmp. (les seaere ta Jas a, to Bt outs geal ere fe, desing (bt ste) {tdeudar (Cot), to dei berencin atheion, bond, reat, adhesive rie edbere, coher, Aegtangui, acrtaneld ‘cheflaner, tg bevel, shame, epay, sre aderive, febata, to fate Achledor males. Stade pt) sa socket, ae sotnaa, colar drinars fceacuea fp unmatorng, baling, rain. chaste uray, ball ox, dei sehitonade (nin) (2h), doping. Schigur (4)(Ch, 0 Suge, boske, fehiquem, unwatoring, baling cainng {cholate intl, sees war that Pe ft schololee (a Meo run aff escon wate schotolera {rit}, ditch to collect excus | — de tractor, trycor sauigeent schurade f (ab1(80),hateing. Achurar((3), to hate, tude A yalrem, ad Ysloremn (Cato place a ote, amelie plagiodasegranite orm, (eech) ir) adapter: (p) ton (G0), antenna adapter or iin pte de (ub) Ring: transition piece, | — pare twhera (pot, easing aden, ‘a. timbering, brasleg, sharing; (80) cus inl Uberag. ‘Sinberory ebonlng. Adentelas to tooth; (Esa) ta form bonding “nach dreaee; buss planer, drew, rectly sanesionftdbeson, Bondy (v) foetiag. om, a tig, attachment, acesary “ua pnt one (Ca ers =e musta tore}, erincig sneer cadens, chain otlachmentt te tubers (Cal, pipe Extn saiura va, oldie; (eee) sean agent: @ ati rt agents tg oper ee ‘Sato svar We eotrc ‘Siete le “etna sss, ea — ste omer rn of eet, oat pan Spake tren ‘etateader ry aan “Pei, sant nage, ies toatloe ates, SE ibe ance ect fe tinino,ntte, “Seal Gar ra sda stn ie tte, See atte a, ion aden. sect (a) electrode sdaace, eto uy desing Glee). ote‘ etn, rod Sonirstoy wberoad iti fpf) alan oer eld few boda vert, ‘cbs ntve cg” Seo bn renin: cable cmpoxnd. Ean, (Cl) con pour of be nal (7) ‘ar tie, ssl Si ge. Stators a ee a, See eee SEEN Spe EEO i eae He Seta Sater ‘diss (el), to tei, git dsrbedar (oa), ecrbers sdaobeat ‘asorbants testes tor ‘aorta, adsorption, ‘douse fcuslombowe, ‘Goats, to eatar in the eustonboute; to pay “iy; to pat in ba SERUM, to sofen (ata cr wat), Mirecrién/sdvection, vee avestive. ‘dyaerat (nat, adjnent, contiguous. stern sertion, ines, ord drt erator, e bata de conus, cokotay seater, im nos sorta ea oe eons, ceeds o ap seroplana ‘ono mpl, mutisee serata. fomiente descendent, downdraft germ ferecoma nso ‘oat ptt 0, wintsven oot ‘neni? lise (4), bend, eso daa, ‘Sistpesew (ab epen erect (0) for er, collagen, wrophotoranmetsi. ‘ttt geeky by mr phe cee {Eerometorm, aeromotar (60) wsdl, ‘eroaala aviation pul, seronielcin (8, serial leveling. ‘ttopano my airplane, aeropoligonacita, seroplignoaci f (oa), eval traversing, ropojeccia (ma), soroprjecion ropreyestor m (ha), aeroprofetan. Aeropuerto m, apart Sedsanero irpert of entry. Se conte, sontrl apart, te cela, feder airport, crorttea,seronti, 0m Gea (Ming. ‘anit Gel), spbanie’ asic, ephasi ‘Aftanr to cu off riveted, ‘ferry, fo bind with ren slau: to grannies to ‘hthoe, moor? wersaree (mah to eee, frees 1 in eat to bond Gomstares), ‘lade. sharponr, atlas, (0 star a.8 vine (he), machinedreaod, ‘tein (no barebea del shorpeace, ‘iledor (de brocan, tt rind, tes fo sharon, whee 6a m, sharpening sane, ‘Sinitbs alendon;falsiag;retog, ‘indo main (orcs). ‘sader (ed) fisher: curse, star, to Sih; to retin fo regulate, est, ‘stalixd (Guim), lini = seicnte, cistron iy, ey et a Se ‘irmadero m (Ch), sus hors, Toad eirfassg, pavement; (¥)read- ‘ol sera io male fast: (s) to comme: to sot a Tose, sa "fork: loos onsen up, sar ‘foranientem,outerap; (cone) (A) bleting, ‘600m, ill, ran afes. fladorm celking re, caling chisel; eaten, Stata (ea), to oa ‘Monde alondarse (a6), to sink, Bora at tape use a gente BESO EE ernie ree (ae, ce BE si EE wie een. ead ies a Satan = else C5, nila wi =a sieht 8, mening we Sacer Benen aE ee a ot agett (1) cwren-atr ggg ne —Por velocidad de sal (hid), ‘tdnraocity wd ele Ee ent, tn sae sorraty to lino, abeatha; a) to ta (nb) to forming, sata, tgsing (a) ware at fap aly), steal F (miney apatite, gant, sae saae oa), age. ee oie ie ec, te, nucle, aszenntade (a) grooved. acacraoleas/ (Cc), malay catcher, nil ren, ‘gneradee hale rip bs Dy ianaie Gebres ‘rll. 22 este ov), tao erin. =a pista, pial ee Ste puerta, door pull door pal Fm, hati ripe) baer Ca) age Tiel Goer fy gripes. Se teas ey}, tension handle Gor tape), te tubo (et), uibing eater searrador hide gray ‘Rearadurstenteam Go), io tones, steer, rr api eta as), to ei, foun, dra bn aneatabes m (pc), sig eacher cate m, (ral (nac sp. carota (, to eho, ‘genta () de eatocncones, empleyment agen, ‘der exchange, aulajes (9, beewage gent vis (00), reader, nipervisor, = espedider, forcing ng SS re rrr rere oes Rese agente 2 gus Rete, atmaopharie agen. tlie chemo ogeat TRIMEDE (gum, roduc eating agent, ‘altar mopar ia coals Semele sats tar to agate, aur. klomencta , seglomeration, sdotorado m, God telomere; coal bxigust at ae en cg ma itnaste ms, cementing atari (ec) binder ‘sbsnar, "fo" nazltinta, 10 cesant, Eels ‘pliaare, to cake, ania ri), dain, ftajom, © Phlippine ler. iar (i), ta Jam se ties, atau of metals, ‘sot fe ee, a, eas sgradeiéa Jeol, egerdation. ‘prams, fo mask with arn ngs, to mak ‘sgrendahoyes m (pt), roamer, bole exlarses, serenade Gone) (d) gral teresa Toad sail (p09, sdnsstre es peo (Co), pondered admire, om Sereno m, anion many uloend feaier to ne leamieato my (Go) Jointing: (i) chesking stetams, to crack Cn) ta cack ‘pellet to fasion ihe haces meta m,arroyor, wry, em tose ‘saiinesmur and suv, sister wan giéc0mo m.aaeltval erginer,egrowort, seruratdor (fe), docoolate, foe oreo sitspucin , rouping banking; (a) gangiag. arrope, to gu, an Sree oa to bre, aw o untreated water, Sbitads, wt pate, Sri) Ge, copter water, = sehaaia Geol, connate erl aten, —eariente ranting ar doving water water: diatitaton nyse I EPU Fa or tnlered water ard aoe de mtmentetea fea, feed wat seca tnewae =e casters ustry water, te cones ow), cobeiva water, ae eae aie wae 48 complements (oa, make-up water, is consoidectea (mn, wer of competion, de cousttulsn (qin), water ot canatation, de elatoracin, proces water (cons) ny ‘rst, ge enitneue (4, (wn) wath water, ee =H ees ovis « Tava (Elio), wash voter. fe seria (8), well water Sent ee SAR te) evet water Spethedn wn or can ae fie Grund ore as tate Peeedad Beh nO ron EES stone, nse cround vate Tinie tae ed a thee anon rks tes pert nen, herd oreo wate Ee ene wat ea eel rage wt use ata, pelt ear ga Bit a ade sata tein tin atng oe oc Wala; dome iia, ae itrohydrodhlorie woid. EEE SE ec, itr Beetles eh leet wna ‘illsac Gon seed ace Eiht ter inte ba ram Bho sibel ted Naat vane bite sited, pred erund wae, Ftd todd) nce raed sibling ade (A, atehed aroma = wists Go, bosom or gs weer Serie lp ae = ted fe, vw toe Spe nue ae Eee coet eee mane Ere ee RE erin eam dines SE Bo ee Sei ret oe ee, TE See, i ro Ay vate a open, © 18 Industeat or trade ara, tre ao ta salen Moone oF lometic mwa es eeptadas, parte sownes, es (A) sound water napa, ssbece (PI, () headers = frogadero (al ask water de rtrorsi (FR), tal water (powerhouse), aes, iow watt, esl (Po) nag, Aecalen, seh coneay era dure, instil eaten somo Se ‘Gel, Seven wa fea ain or slat Mele: meteoric lst ow water BEE vag, domes or hots aera nntvats, rial 2 (ect), refurenoted rote ‘ocsciatan, how or donmatis ——slhis tater, india weston = seridea savage terdas cares owe sewage, Stoners (A arise ter fiependidag sueronded water. tet (ground orwell water, —venteter (idl nino, savas / Gana ie Aguacero m, hates shove, downpour, eloude "brat Fado (id), dsign storm, sured rane ‘a iguachinne (i), to anturte (2). ‘gunde {vote station Mao’ (pt) kalorsine; (Ci) watering tea sguadero my mater faton- eat malt, war carn dace m, cont fo Dante te, tideraca tidal wes; hrdrae borg (Chita teary shower (Al) wel OB, rateing trough (i) sara, arualolalm (AC), tog ata. aguallia (Ps), shalow water Stualivia aia water vasa, washbai yuaniove fies eth 6 aaa, seater to rot esppart re) to buck wp ‘agwasiatios m (jet) pipe beak. ‘aguante m (nes, onduanee, iret Fatale, han excuranee fsgvatén my, iydoue acter, ‘agu,to Water, dui; aise, to be drowned pyle, turpentine subetoate ‘gusta (Be), pel: swam. Suatero m (A), ata eat mata erie, ‘gunz fp, Aguatorre ator ve, fy, uhm, an Argentine handmoods ‘tuezalim. rainy bog rl sauce m (her), sharpening, eee ad shorog timber ‘Soom, Jiby tase acm; Cf) at hip ot valay: (4) diagonal oriental in = de arf, crams boom; derrick boom, =e faa shove booms, eh, heart or jubo rstre, draging ie: avitch points (hv) neeto (eiep) brad, Tahiti mal, “Gas shore. reader: (is) Bites, acral frog erally wire). He" apieaer, surveyors Markiog pin, cede 09.8), th vc Ee Gilmore ty Cannes noo 4 inclisen, dipping nocd te manomete, hand ors prise gage, Eureen, sre ste, etins comp, aeticén, ours) tally ba, arrow; (zs) rustenng in as mrad ale ae Vest fb), View bee, Saceouetadore (@), eral Ste, tosidendne, toring pi fenceotn, imseads, anes nes, fiesta, en bouncing in, = feteraat lugs fathers wedge aad sina, pire mectr sentar proc —frtadora Glanimet) tracing pont see ol ig ta Steere (etn peat a cnet sanapante (3), fasage Stairs i ected teh, Sendra kd — seals (i) node bene ‘gual m (Ca), hol ins wl el by fom ol ce spujereadara panel del, boring machin. evens o bare, dil, perforce; agnlerencee, 1 farm a pipe (eatth don) to for et cestee U8, te, ‘mantel (oll, tank, ete: not ‘bed for street manhole) at yeenGey gross ole Sas absentia its Srasant,thoueh hie = Hlte, pt ol er mea org bl, ‘a, bi SEeedee vimoaae ‘Sbssador, dil sharpoee, ite lise, pene tarpon. genom) eporas, Dl pint SEA ie sharpen, why pe to dress serrate, tort, ‘er ee oi lin Bi in 2 nomen crane), to ea gorse Shere, nonoating,fenvirfhan water, ‘hteto,jtmerged drowned; nck coabusion fi embeded. shegnor m (ato, nce ‘hepato mberg, drown, fod (erbareon: {i eon aap, tt abr fen) fo a. stoma ode i sok a, ‘beads dap ene spare m rang Poe itch, ‘Sore teas ‘orale ferke, da hallow ext, ‘sector (a) etibea (ee), metal Scor pan. ‘hvecamiento ny cavity, el, Poon Shunde ne (CW Wotan! ioe rubber: oveed, sdoaad my Toner, (dy) deat, Taterde hen), bust taper, losstadinl Hore, Mens taper sjustador ‘wet oroeesintlae a Barely macho, cevi-andapinabe HE titgn lt appends ier, pare Boras er-balt ot levis neater ties veto, giyatran neler. prensa en eee, deeproves ular = feedionedor,metion inner femora oe ae. the aloe op-ype testator Sales, tedagrn insur, Wal ewalatar ‘abe slnuiento m, insulation; elation; (A) water. ‘roofing sistem isting material, ieuant. ee aah, eutnbis nmaaton hont, erdrubber ition, Ste penguin, prchment fas “sar to Inala late. fem, tale Bat rok jralar, to etplay by the dy. ‘stable, adja ‘jotted, ph ee a le ao adhe, te baderols, ransom operator. sjustador — de batienta (ar), top-bead aden, Se “Gnvaoyes neike parser ras ‘parc, aS rere ut ronaer or Uehtener otter, i ventot Sainte comment cdf, ‘sce ing sate (0 schins Sesto, ast, make tra; (eur) to bale shen algae to Bt ino, hate siustem,ndfntnent, Sting, meting: neh) "Et: (©) piecowort, sail entrac. a mipe gee tapping, Se iitete itr Joe St see, diving SE preeba de vapor, steam Se, used Let or fore or pressor devo erzdo mateno, edu Tores Be tee, Tose or tne ee aerate eight Bh por Strachan abn Bs, precio ne 8” ‘lgur, sb or wrlging or tanking oF ‘pet or working Ee, juste, (rach) Benen utero m (Ca, stall contractor: plecoworker, ‘fasten (Be), teh Be, ab costede (nui), loneide, SE pine an or uo ag (nc: nae beam) edo Gopal; aa of tinge, leaf of folding door el eraain ing al (om) Ste see (Ha, ad tak. abandon aban ners tlahaadite, manguablede, ‘lsbe my, (curt) bucks (Lot) eat, vanes (a) he ste 9. de satibldor ert), wise etna, una Binds ibeatae ovary {deo woring wind (7 crown mangunes), ‘Sanat, fo iundate, svaimp, ocd; alagerse “eat, to eae ‘atagesar (Ch, fo fndate, Bead, ‘lassen to dite alambre ‘do case, ch tl, Ste tubes, pie a ve al, See saci, facia etl. —esimepradar (pe), cracking sil, = ttinafaee (bo, storie tl. Sestuadae (00) (0, sweetening st, tesslterndor (pet), expecting sl, Saiseonaee, bore alle pare redentnela (Get) eran a ‘lamlquro m, (pat) timsny (©) dle, Sra mba et, play ‘lambrado'm, wring wire nes; wiro fence Ste toten'y abo, nob and tae wing, = tesiny fstoonwirog = ticbiero, expome or spon wring. —— Se ptie €eintopee (le), weber lane o enc, beh wir, ‘tbre copped rr. eared, lve ts, ‘lala fas mie Stebte, spperclad wie, wlcacion (ald), balding wire, Se entra (le), naan wie. =e eopnas, barbed wire, 4s wad (le), gua ae gromd vite, te See ie, ground wire "isis (wlh, brldge wo (nth expla) “Tete, ee er wires Fe “Uedety nize solr welding wie, so, tare Wie thle see or annealed ia, Senterca tale) ale wie eintstde GAG), bated ro, Stepinece (Bs, barked wie, tin, colder wir, ‘nto wir sacs (olf), eture wie; apace — peventoe (oe), Se wire, Hist Gls), pot wir. 16 rear m (A, nail asa ‘actress. wire meting, ‘tama m (ed (2), ire rod, ‘ante J Galse) lant, Asem, eaves (Cal) deal Aargadern f, lengthening “bor for compass; lengthening bur for ri (ttn) "slope, acgunient, loggaion, espntion, Faas lima elongsion Ee to {Mbatal py, sower, dain: (C) sewage, ee ln, rle emer, ial swe tants 6 te tervcn, Bowe mre, vervee ‘cunection —sitdre, mas sewer pier tor sower. ent biteas ta do mason work. ‘bard, (de) (Cs) a he: (ee sbacrde / ud wal: doy ete wi ‘Moreadin'm dc, rnall arta Gem ‘Mbeyedds, te cot with whe lon ‘bayalde my, white eed, TMintrashdo, reagsiad, mineral orange, Te aloe, we and colutti, rotary dk foedes- (sh, proportioning fader. Tae enlaes (od) oder. Tae kona, mechanical stoke. te marie cored, traveling rate eoker, ae peut (ins), nvsmetering doves. fazed (eli), network eer. ae raced sapere, overfead stokes. sieht, reciprocating fede pesado weighing ar weigh feeder, Eta core fener ‘timentar, to here to Tod Suan m (ne), ood oe ‘tiger, to mark boundatio SUnderar (AC), 19 mare boundaries Siena alignment. abana, ine nal grade, line aod vel. ‘star (a) de Wem, Ueloopor, cn (pa), ey fon, ct fod (hore). 8 aimaine tenn, to lth; to lon sta (eat ‘iviadero mm, eollivay, wastewny; aluiosway; ‘weep ble, ee agua sobrant (al, slora overiow. lak ecdse, (@ foodvay! (oe) orm ovor ‘Bo er eae ue, open pty 0 ante). ee fo, ier, socom Tek Hens Gy neo sear some, ‘ler m. gvpoun ‘joreradom (V,ecateh coat of imo sad md ‘lore, so pater to asoote 2 Lda) tie ey em (2): Cob) Seg, cre ets ere ead ale tind o de cetsta (st), itiee web, Seema (yard we Tee adeno, fated pla ee ee, oo) bom eater. Se ensayo, est or campo cre, See neh web ote ra Strose, (on) Beer ete. lope ty slid nob, plato web, stones m versa, Wireboue, siren: —aennan aad rcbe, tea, ester, tank. ‘aimaresndor sinacensje =, hares. Mie denbordnsiesto Gud, valley abrags. 8 eobreceren i), surchares storage, manque slrengae (Cl), pats, harap rai be). Eerste rion ditch, nnd, Sotste ‘rear fe) satu atch: (Cl) cures tank, ‘Hendrie joe coal Rne gravel: (ps) c0- “domes of fine tones sal. simeasen'e (a), egloseate of Inge ston, ‘Tine mare svedels(e) starcviodine. ‘ale / carp) tenon. Benen evar and pet ‘amccede 7 a, wie eta eeation rats, arse, sempine ba a, baller bloc, ‘) lt Hoc, ‘Gimahadilas defen, brake bloske us de rcetbn, feng) tition blocks, 9m (el, poding. joked, 1 cushion Stoked, fot vous iss emer ae gie, water eshion. ‘moore, el mmo. 78, tls eatioker ‘pene (a allogeae, deiratve, ojemient (ree), sen, bearing ost, Sax mses fale) ‘pene moo! house, ‘fa eo tes ular to aloe elena, to dt tiger ar, pie, i arada,oulbea tar aetna ta fr ta, euskouso coal ta. ‘ar Borge de coq, ca-oven ta ae ey al tar oak pie a, Stock ta Sanden, pit tt fe pete tar ptroloum pte, ee Kees pon tr Snort phat ‘thnk ar “ tarpauiay application of tar stein arson meson. nn aeting sissy ent i tht cot wth tie nanan wal leg dey Milner toe), S eultieet de,high-geared, w altpariante lade) ph ein, easbn, de, hightast (aug ra 'a crt ofad high ear th. taras (), high duty, solatitoad, de, hives (gaeotine). sae ue wort im thorte), bekige wall, fro brian. TA RNGES gieteda notoinzarmetes ab letter e induce Sos, indvter ae ee indactor sate, revolving el eter slrermndorraaeiar (2), arstor tenet ‘en sxerendorvolante, yw! alternaor. ‘dteroanca / (cls}(A), altereation,aternanco. Sleenee ine jutas, to bral o topo nts ‘evaatvo, (ls) iternatings tex rebroeting, ‘tena, tomating: ltraate, ‘eenogecerador (Es), liornaingeureat |. starnatingcurent jos, broken or uneven ground. my altigraph Cah patos fom, sll penihouso, bulbod (A) ‘call udsition of top of wommary bl ‘ig: )(Cod are ume 7 altimetry, running levels, 1990 ‘copied survey imatrom, altimctr- Ste aprtensor, curving altimeter asrador, rcording amet, lier, “platens, tabla cs ste my hoi: al elvetion: (goo), hanging (bi) oer. story, upper Moor tie “amen. sendin, high dtr. {Bros m (A), Bert Boor abo the ground, oparante my, loudspeaker. Aeiroudeneader,enpnetorloudspaker fe centr sé movineandtr ee —alttaleo, moving or dynamic lout socal —citccomendce, magnaticarmature Ioud- ‘pau stopariante —eteetottco, condaoser or dlectrstatie Toudspeaer. seosano ysl i, ssn eration alitade, bik; Qa) ad ‘at dapth stage sina (hi), dynamic head, east H8), euton head: action ae eae (hd), ead. Se daseareso'de mpusién (bm), decharge fad earance beh, is), beige of i ttle bend. ‘Seiten Gt), hydeels grade, He, verte! ‘deuraneo, ane Init, hand- oo ecboars (en), matecantie height, irométrien (hid), iororatrs hea, Spl Ct) terns depth ‘adm, avast, mows, sambrido m, liitng;« lighted; teeaad with a eb de eas, ess tbe Hedin, Sere ele Test, featon lighting. Stetejato indict Uphiog, Fp femndiect,ssmindine hung stumbrar, to light, umints; fo treat. with lt: to anergs (growed alee slumb my, alum, Sertnlea, chrome ahi = fe amotio amines am, irs ts (Vleet, otis, pote alu, potas aula sete slumber alunite ace, ‘Suite, containing lu ‘idan soma, staminin oxde, (et) dlaliom sluminate, ideo (pu), Sadia shuns, spettiee i, ealelum aluminate, ‘watsen alu Ateniafer, containing alumioum, elas ‘unit , aluminum, slunitum, ulate / (rine, shite (aiuminas sue hat), sinestermie Ge), lunizotermy, ale stuntitdraieo,eiminotiermi, Ed samara lund m (9), dunce, lita (nin), sli, sla roek, sutiaaloionay aller fries, allivil dopa, alluvium; food of lt; (A) food, lundation. stuvonatiento m (3). alton ub, ‘tionarjo (4). alaval Aveo m, bed ofa sve, channel, eotado (3), honeyeombed. ‘ee rey Isai (ty) Baskboer, leaf of ‘Rbstrrap ent; (h78)(p) sop los Bp) 5 “abiere waseulnte (id), eutgnatis astbaaa,ehuter wel, hingedtet mite, ‘rai vale staacaros'm, cat lltng davies, Santache automobile azada jG) elation; fs of w ing. enema, ood savaioae alesis (8p) eupersractre (Stado ide elevation. Stelastero, rons oration, scons, tectional elevation, tere rar elation, Sieruvin Gsi tpet ‘lider m Gos. attr, sant, io ro fvel to atten; (et to plane ssn mM), leveing, ara, AMegador (Es), ra hook, poker ‘koalas, to compass; to mek sl ‘teri, amacrine) smchunbiada (PRICE, tongued aod grooved, Seachetr, to chep with & machete ‘tbadrine, to couple iain, ‘sitet (nfo grounds (hw) tomas. ‘mtiatdcr m (ais), man who antes buckot at ep ofthat femainay to oper, slack lf; (min) to lnd tho usket of er, staat meer, cing ot. ‘nulenae J rst) Ge), aralean. sulgemader (eel) stalgsmnses smtlgtser, Lo amalgamate, senile (7), to top, pol, ul mate, opping it topping er peaking ton, agerar (0), ty ete ek 88, ool, emupmect, cut. smacajo m lendig on the water (Caplan), ‘surat 20 land on the Waters striae eres bene ystor. Ste eg, tae vaio (plement. 88 moaitn (ine) ello earth or cebar, sssren fl, sings ourag: (Ca) (M) el ‘a, $e REE (epg a, Se tate (asa painter Se pope Kn, porn fst, sarc sl ferndien) (G0, mone dn ‘tradee mos pat ot eth. Bane m whan a) ring Erato ye, ey, af o Ther oa) tsar wn sens Fr ot ‘re mln fling reo, oor Tha Gah on bral mone. —amee marta, fs Sea Seeds) BTA mone ‘sear Lo mia ora ade (AD; 0 pug, sms to potty. ‘fel m, aratol (explana) sesbert amber feaplsio). bit m, ey contour faibulate, tnvoling (lorie, walking (dag 0. boundary momurments; ta firrow, ‘rar (), 1 oop, porate ‘tunntta masala worker. ‘tia my arr, Amn, riba, amon, ‘aibiino,eaxtbie, amor, amibeide me smactiede: ‘leronm (ul), eg ‘ida ato (hom) snide, ‘nlglalede © (gro), sine, ‘lass js), amylase all m (quia), amsi com rin ed Praminedimetioaion (ps), peninedinatlyte wriliae, ‘mmo m, owner; employer; muperntanden, fore eegitudindend-toed grinding. no eal ga psa, irags pnd. rine reas, bit grinder pigs, shai rinder (Lt). ey Hocratand grader Ste fms, cocer type sender, = himede, wot maine Tet Puma, ctterer grades, ols, to eit, Ne Fearn nts teh to wadeow, [rf anerphou, smorguscién£dealeing: absorbing: (meet) (Glo) dung, — sces (ie, erat damping. te las ercidas(), od conte, periies (ti) periodic damping, undes- somping. smordgvator ry (mech) sbeeabaorber, dampen, cholo dew en sg ata) mae; (le) ders Cast) Suber; (cher) bat se tsps, sparc arretes, te ehoqe, shook absorber: bumper, te ete evar sion, Ca) ling ‘mle bay. ene) exh oad, exhaust do, soundprot ‘seotizunr, a eushian, danden sens fd 0 absarb tabeela} (bom) to hao amorizectén america, ‘ire, coor! te ream: to refund. SERS cert ee ‘npare, to protect: eg) to hele armless: (rin) esata condone for working clu, aripltaf empaita (eal. ‘Sperm (Ea) apes. Smper-etsira (Es) amperetur, fpernje m, amperie, sear, hare rato Chatter), ttesvo, wre! ataperes ‘perlinetesm, nmmeter, ainperemate, eateo (E)herwie anmater™ = de abrarnceray stamp ammeter =e Aetace midge, malsrangs ammoter, sll poset a, =e eapuacia’e de to ealiite, cxpansion or hots or thera ser fe enperinetro — Sinesemétvio, dyaamemeter ammatar. isdisade, indicating amencter. Spare table, avitchboard-typs ammeter, hepireder,Secaaing ammeter. Tinie, olormal sneer tormonaete. emote, thermocouple ammeter. ‘perm amber ST ftermcotel,laternutonalaopere, ‘anperio-bora , emperehocr. epee pam anporefoot. ‘toplas, oealarae, amply, extend, ‘tmpltan (a), arity, fappliteacisnf, (eles) ermpiintin, gan; (o- ‘hs) mosnifeation,amplibestion. rain ele unphieatin, ncn (grt), dvnamis metaecton. TBagreasese en cascode, emcade any —wmpertadorn G2), earior amplieation, scene ogni, Coe nai. 5 raattm-tbe aril. Margy 66) Gy oanrAtAD, 2, ‘BC, ©) ampli je sudetrecuraia (a), nodorequeney or fe explain (1), scanner ampli, 1 bandpass ample, for inverse eau sper, ean ieee sealed (a), pustall amples, Spree 2), prompt Ti teatmenado, feedback ampior, Setefe a) vale amie, mdor (es, buferasplier Ino Gata en, Seeia tie, ales se of the pela bter, bulb, ampoule; (A) lap bab esi rot bal ‘snvelops, eurndn (es, aoe ofthe ehl plating. ‘Soutale, 1 Walt bad into 8 wall ‘tourer (2), to embod i a wal 2 anchivo sansbergta (nes), annabere, ick bloom. ‘enables Ge), an ancarade Gina ay (ase). sara ‘Ehaeroginzo (ad), enserogeni. sous Gn asap ‘tala me Gen), anllta, Shalcine analetaf (anor, eaalsine,ooaete, Shaledte Geo) ails asl ‘omprebacib, chock analysis Borgede (set, odie ana. Sects, eectoanairas, Tfnttedate, prommate esas guadeal, gravinosie nual, sean mf, aoa ‘alee, enalytion, tslsadbe mm, analyst; (ect) anclyaer (r=) sualyzet; (6) seanoer. trmdeicor (a), eeronia enue, ee diners (rs) sation none, ik msi rae mre (fo), nose aalyzr Tae ter (er, du ecm. enna aca Ge) tose, ‘Salona Gh dee pines, dab anleey. ‘tntloge manage. ‘Sage mpl ‘onreajedd de oetfo Qa), meth! ergs, ‘eel, (ant) aoe) anchor. tetas gatos evil anchor, as taempann stream anc. ie Spier, tio anor, Ste hate, serow anchor (or gw). ie la (, enterespen tis espn, sous anchor, Soandere anchorage, anchoring ound ‘tela tm eashoragsy auchoriey mochorege nm beonaa flee eave, bes ‘Enconsjem (PED, lier. sear J anchor sbeamae m, nachorag, ‘heorae, to ‘eorera chor shop. ravers m anher mar ‘Enchica mam Argeatine bardwood, ancto cease at EES anes ‘clr stall, room, arta ae Snduaeds fasion traveling deve, trove anander m, ooewal [Undador me feotwal (A) motor secotes. ‘tndalucta (nr, anda, ie crema (8). rimmindor ms senold bullet, sagnbaie, Siotcajes, balding lace. ‘tndamisr, fo sell adnan, pnd: 059 fevewrke cated, bnokst sel. aban ocd travel, trveng ma = cilante, angle extol. Tie Gay eatald on outlookers tod pack ta wal bows Nore scald, Ste mal Sependida‘evioging of hangog wef, rigger srfod andana fro, ina in, ‘idaho fou}, weil “care aul whips ell fry Tegan), iva platform sila departure patforin. featberde;trnmfer plauor. sera, sujet to ination, fatima padze,laue tobe overdowed:nenlating. ‘ei 0 eben, don, fundate: pu) to owns aneqazse, (a bs footed; ta aa; to tome wateroaged. snetecvicn, entre emofrice, anerouraphi, mézrao. my suemograph, recording a, nemovnetr, wind gala, Atemomidetes, enema ‘nemoateta rs, menor, wed ease. hndieaton inleatngancnemotet — regina, recording anemones, “nenemetdgrsfom waeioonntrogmpll, recon Soe itl oe, anenertori ma, anemosore ice) mses Aerobie, onrabiods. 2 sngulo aneraige ma, enero PP itimdtnico, alivudo anaraide barometer Ste severe, sarveving ener atu oe, penn feo m (il), ndlidon to bling, el, wing. fafbl m © Gp), amphibian, Saffol m (rune), borablenda, anpiole Sasbllin, empiitale SEaibefets,contaiaing smehiboa, ‘nfbelin/ (ood, amphibolite. oli Gel berbende et, nals (200 cane. ‘gles, ange tar, fo aura, contact. ‘narow, clover ‘Sgoxtore fea bas, naerown, gore; throat Bejan aren: Edema, fngraf, cove, atl bay ‘Shgeuoen mea), angstrom, fenguene fos) (Ea), w aver oe, le, nanehing waa ‘ngular m, Gp)(C)OPe) stad angle, angle tens ‘ny Told atgel ape anu harps), —cital channel iron, He (6) ee eno, ad tron, a ‘eat fs a 4S tela, sn fsa (a) Sot ange — de lo (mh), too! ang o Lae Mean hace of eno fare aie of tens togulo * Goode tote nace duende), halts wag eet tetera ot sl, soca ot cen, ange ofc cline trl (at), sderako angle Se joes (nb) (4) ail ane equde (a), wile of arial, se slasee (op, seule of eds, obstrvtion rat, ae ants (i, bevel or eroove angle 4 sae (beat ane as sake de eelleve Gb) allt ene fees al ett (es), anf shor= gee (mao lg hae ana 2 Femmicas sag a isn, =e rebel) ange of wee: anelo of depariare; (econ) — PEE Een cee, sce le — de vista (me), sonle of view or of eoverage. Shenae serge Tees Sees Spi contrat Sa era, hour ase ies (gle with equal ees, itu indlled magi. bia angle (gt den, —peslsico 02(¥), defetion ange, Fete, reht aaa, A ceates, adjacent angle. teres llernate anges. Seine), ends, snl, ony ‘Steeis seal a Slee ty, anegve m (Mf), Ioundation, ending. ea fsa, lia ng. ‘telat farm snes or Noops, {ley hop alr i, rzaders (ab), amp rng. tadar Qu, of ne. Sciaa Ged erowih sing, Stelter (ay lip or collector ving, = tonector (arp) ring connector. ‘iba (md), ep ne. le ler isu (Em), Into rng. retest (aed) gromt Hage te Ebel, piston or packing ng. ie nape, wae, pc nk 2 lng ng, st cae ie tar a Soiree de, ating” el ng. Se rete Gat) trial se LUT (catb\ epee Hae, decgattin, wanting rg. a argc ae ee See cia es cS on feta Scaiaeea Selon SEE SE EE ce ee ae Sao ee Ce eS oan, onan niga aks ‘hisanrc,aeometie ‘hisuopo,caloropte ice), anol,asodal today, o andi, ‘oda (oa) ana, Siecterder Ga) (), aeearating ano peri, spt anode foto —setenede, halding erode ‘rotees, opti masgu) aeliag,anepelina fea lace fpomaltf noinaly (al soee), soartta (ner, anertbie (pu). ‘ortninf (gel), anorthosite ‘Ecuador m, reorder, note boaber fate, fo tao notes ‘tata (a, aotron, Attagonist, "entice (wes), rnctve, antoge ect ssttaa 00, astra to a a. Sieh Rg rca by, nto: (abd — atanrenit , ok ‘etoadeten spe a ‘Sigal rar SH (Ein dock i tween cian my efroca toa dy dec Sehr ea ‘Shctpl yes pre al rey. ecstatic ‘clon’ tee the Boor woe. fnteoeall front part of robo. Sntegrada f(x) lower ed of unehiog way, fatebogge moat = ei rl dani anon. Hererage, wave op Bovarsge antenna, ES nt uray tatdey laid anton Ssatpentadore, alc eve. i abaaic, fot antenna arg ogp eaten, 2 fas melpns, nltband antonsa at GE), nam antenna, sveriog antenna Flaster, aie a ase dante ane tenn. —atteelant, antenna array, beatn or cite: ‘onal antenna — Sreeionlteaazadsor, di ahbote enters, thle, neti sean. anticongelador —tantesma, phantom or dutiny antanaa, Stet Cy damm anton = fiaiots, rolarschoum entanna, Indiendoen de eset (op), direction inde, nrg, tongswire or harmonic antenna. = nite, muldlenined antenna, aguas ¢ somes, ombrols satonaa, tombe, damndantonne = tintnirad, used antenna. fanteaae entongeda, stacked array, tteajam,telesops (rant or eve), Stetcontmnico 0 de imagen iavertige 9 de ‘ocala sisple, astrontaes!telessopa, Ge verted imeas. Wistador (la) telescope finder. —seleecie 0 de inset cea, erecting or = te foc exterior, external focusing tlexcepe is even etnies Cie) sntparg = ()(E5, pap pit for aatsan ssteret (B),upstes color. «tatbor, aichdrser outa reworks above aver pee, soto dl upstream har ssteoio m, prliney udp, 02 (Ch, overhang 8 roo, eave, ‘ttt oreo Scene apn Enletlendecednnontltaning aie Sire uateretdor andagatador (ra), none iaibee,noewarping ad Sndacano asl Stinnett, ananophline (moon, Saran nating iiereos (led) none, ‘abot G3)" so Bla {nteapetva (le), antcanacitivs, Snteatatendorm fala) aneabet ietodom (want, nner Stslstco (nat) susan Ssotctn! m (sol) stile ania, te ome, enisnoran, arte uti. cosa, emanate —fembedo,svetued ann ‘tiie fea actin [tntelerem (qui, ano. ‘enapansancoualn, ‘nticombunttte m, any Srecxtinguishing chemi ‘al sntcondensacibn, anticoadensation, ateongeaar m, dices, aston, | snticongelante scenglante,antiroes, Seoosmedén, noc, stcorosia, usesesiting, antcarsiva, non= anterior (li), antishort, fied, astiuenl. sdenice (a), antstlle, tafe / (lle, antiphasa,oppesta phass, Sodfectacite (ae), ctinunting. tntirieto, atiration, genie (ab), nates, ‘genom Gab, igen {tpt (eat), nonepinnlog, Entgaipetes (rg), antizneck- ‘aku (Gna), aniialaten. Satherrambroie,rtrssting, ‘Sealers (hh aatent, mata sstaslucto (li), ating. ‘stlerera, lrvansdatroging. ‘ttdopeiss my antdogarihe ‘gntgesic (A) sommes ted sctineayatmentd, ntmenatom, antnoaate, {ndings cy antinony, aatinonic, {dieters containing antimony. itinene m,natinooy. Tezeiel (ine), Wemontte, arenicl aa dimes (eine), yleatiat, white antimony. Se (rdsen, abate, gay antcnony. Rares explore anoay, je tatimony, kemesilaora ‘atinetiow,aatinonis, ‘dimontr (nina) nttonlt,eibit, ‘time m (ulm), ansfmonie. ‘Etinonturom, maine ‘Slisrssuante, Solon or nationale compounds f@ provenisg seule formntoe: (pi) ast Teating to m Ga, antinode. oe sete oust eatin oon. ‘toidnat,antretrust-rosting, antoxiden, ‘alice otinalaria. ‘ugar paral, ‘tnpnalls 6, stipaal ‘eur (ol), antiparetc, ‘atures, goss, ‘andpatinadorm, nti devia, % sperato antlrico (0), Sresesnng, ‘ntivabo (A, ania gl). ‘tieacblde le), antun ‘leita f nari, naive copper sulphate tore welding torch plumber torch. Stropet, blowiare. tartare, eating teh. teins letsce foo ae torch Iodhruttoun, containing enthracita, ‘audedor (ni) de enera ling pool, any device att Salas he tery ing wate, ‘SSuectdorm (le), anouncitor Snoncln, to adverts, “Snelo my, ennouneeient; advarioment feledns (abs ‘pucigondor(n} de reo (sD, aro pair ‘pagahrasns (os), Hvewodl erage. Spngactisps m, spark etingalsber of aresse, pnfude a ie, olsind (ie). ‘apalacado,eliptiea (sh); (CoD paced, palnear, to py, move with aleve. ‘paleedora/ (0), power oval ‘pales to shovel ‘pamate m,n Vonemslen Feber, {panele, sande m (2), rigation dtd; Damn, ‘pasta (a), to til, sree. spastasar, to food, nandain. fparadera J fo), dat to of th garbonrd teal. Ne diszibucon (ie), evitebges, Ste tanto, cone achanin. “| ae Regarded eatety dove, sparato Ea cportacia dns ating natin” restieuidar (fms), restitution machine, Seeder (it, frtring mache finer tsp eck, ightaning doi, ‘aati stata, aetna gat soe who I oat the wes Hie) Seer, surker. scl toy ts (60 t nine en El (an to oa (be) to rola sacl ok a a hin Bos tn ‘ite Gad) bond (us) lying St pak xd See tea inate wa, manibras Ga), drew works, ‘alnete,eaptais pulley blocks (oe line at rein wb, din elds en sag puto gu tact Tah cine! a sere ‘bond. 42 Tle (me) 0, valve gene, Serene dieratiat hott chain Block, serie tad, beraghone bond Snel Ged, eanh bond. inate y"eruede (ad, lock-and-rass or ‘wossand-tglh bond. —plntone, five-part tne. feazor, take-up a toason tack ‘partadero Gn) ding). ‘le for passing: cant) wide epot where Donte may to ae, in lng tron, ‘pactadem, (nis) er separation; (8) smelting; ocieea bor ‘pacar my are pier: emaler ‘partamiento (meridian, mardi distance, ‘sparta to sort, aoparata, easy; () to side= ‘ck partcrayos m, Hehting arecier spat rie, patito. Go) to vader: ‘eftonar ta fornia all nasi a camps, ‘to m, 8 ourvey: timberng, shoring; exting ‘ea (AD undertaning ‘apendor my hesoigh oreman; (ris) lore Eeape. pera, 10 repale wagons, Ste pattas de etrnero,sbecelet or tarping alls. stds (ca), tuning aod lvaling ae pe sea ror, Rice aerae tinue cae de Fra, snap! or ‘tamping roller, = — a eEEEE (hover fat. Si de ee Sate ln, sate fre rt ot soleil, to work tow tmplate (as) to start to eons ens (ei appa, pnlicer, to place. aaah gaat, ply bo, “o cols, axiom im ordeals plamb no; « plumb, spacraaten,spochromatia Gans). Sfomertmette m Gov), apemecomoter. Spoped (alu), down by the era. Spor J Gee, operate. Spoerendorm (Ch, lodge, el trlkny hme Sportaciba 7. Chg) iow, anol: (x) wold ‘etal ti a one operation, sportadero a Sebo sporadere anchorage i 9 port jores (at) o ares pore, ‘porte (id). coro, atom. sporcado (et) (A. rigidly framed (columas and ‘ennesting bees oF tr) por to make an ope tapos, to allnee or Pde Semen (YEN sympa stored m ut) Yeeros Shaya, to sopport; apoyase es, to abut seat, ‘te files (gt), rallers expension bearing. ‘ont (CA) oes op eae) teas suredadia /, wpprtsl, vakintos: etinate; (Gag) ale ean See die rar ts ‘presto, out, equipment: (pt) priaing. pete (nt), fama pring — pare corre, bit dreatnge ‘pete, ih, low spac [preadar m,tgbtenee Bite comedera,Spper, fe tuerens (Ci), aut runner or setter, ‘pretty, fo ghtan, tnt (ore) Gb) to er 1 erimp (sting exp). retatube my Momezel, peboack, tia m (ain), presare, feet, oaring, tuberin. —tetonidetrco,hydrelarse development, srrovisosaniests (m) de agus, wetor opr ‘trovsouar, to furnish, supply ‘sorexiads j, approninaton;epproash, {hreximade 6, approxima, ‘Spuntador my tmeteoper; nate keeps, recorder spustadora f (coh), peinting took. ‘untalaiento m,"iorag, timbeing, trench, ‘racing fuleoworke ‘putas, to take notes to sketch; to pont; Goat) ‘pute rough siete; memorandun, net punto m (a), wenn shimmine. ‘thurs, to pul; to fash to hurry. ‘Rustam, Aquastat (radeear. sverige), hart. sumbena fe), aban, ‘abla /(), seas, = sesearindor (fe), texin plow, ballet plow, ins, gan view. taltaneve, mowplor, fsrnptaney, ecogueto tm, Veooruclan lumber cao; » West Indian hacd00d, ‘ranean, trl duster, schadule of custome dete, — teorul it of eonear fan, ‘eunelaj, washer, gaeats bore, era ip wader, Co elotad washer, loro de torurided lock washer, = fitness Sluice, ates waste Shervada, ribbed eur ees washer, Sparta pit washer, Se Oe tone ‘rua 7 (ee, spider, Yoke, ero ‘rans, to aor, ersich sar, plow, ‘Sateaia fre South Ameriens pine ‘laut ra Sout Amrican asnood. trader, kblzo my ablentor. bla m, aratretionsarbitogs, lobia, to arta ‘cool my tee; ast zsehy) aft, wo: msn- te bows de fozs (pe), Costas tee, Geuembrague,elutdeshilter or chtehe fhroweat chat al diferencia ute, ive ose, ae searing Hat, Ste distribacin, caehar Ste exeéntieas (Cenc, Sie putes, airing ale ae teva, emma undo (aut propeller shat ‘eeavlo (Ha), eouatersialt, sgcondary hale Ee ven mana tenasmisi¢n, divine shalt, ute) peopel Terre — HHetnesee, big re, eaquoia:rowood. tebe yar eo hoa par or tre tog diving hate or aos east, Spend, ots stat = epbor dvng oh, (ate) propeller scblarto plant tec: to st a mat, tonsa arbors fat, Le fying button outlits ating from. = heresy, toolbox, ‘rea fate, aren of ar ‘read, conti elevator bush, sce my maple {en 0 acta, ee mone sreéum (Es), cure arouid aster aa sella clay = biti, udaed aay. erate, buat els yt =e Peseta (MN, clay pad. = detsloradorn, Hinson say: Sanderecida (cay sane. = sehuiate, oh srt 7) cla tone, ‘elloteaan (gn sgilbarenacn, ilccre (en slesrou lo, rc, ans zi fat arch teed do ata (fgg arch area telade, Bat ere, lado, elptfea!erch, soe, nse ache ona, terhinasd are Toleriog arch. fabio, canstan-angle arch de eanasts (M), thrsonantred ache te costo plone, womens or full cated Ee eaten cantos, four-ceatered arch ie eelinecon {iat dant ar, a Sevens levi ar {Gs proper anh, suck: plate. = — a Sinn a. Ee mie pe, emo lb ete ean flamer onstentradas rch = 4 sardine, rowione bck) eek, = te tegmento,ceanontal arty te tera, tse fame, wine nil, three wich ie tes enti, trerentntd ale tester eh, Uda ae SS eneviney sew are —Henrsano's vealed, ecemenia arch, terete 0, Topanga (a) arebaek, ask, ‘multine ae aa)s ied seh espaol tah —sinore fli atogtag re, terete int Fas ae Sleetsca o zreael.thressntord arc, Stniraelsd, teeiged arc Inverted arch, Dune exon, oni rea 20 te eaentamients (ep, warming-up es. ae aaa oem einen — a estarimionio Gl) (Cob, drainage aces, feared Taandacin, foodod ere; od plan. ee retneia Grae ik Rieneeseride (ep, runoree aren. SBiarreadis, blow sand. toned, aulelsand, as ate, in an fideo movediag, quitasnd. nd pects, si aod Frade (pl), pr o* produelng sand, ree earn and refrain fie or rlractory wand, os, ekshot cand. eee lama rm [Senador', annor; candboo; ovo) rand dome: ‘i ssadblat oats, reondara (2), sand spreader sone, al ws depact of sand, saad pit o bars (M) vcd dana. scenarto d ‘tener Gu), sandblat outst, ‘Riimewn, hydrometer, areometr, (tsps {Eele ma Cuban hardwo. ‘gales f(s), geooving eam, «= scgamatéa m, mp of marr. ‘tame / (doc, cre. {rpeateo, cgeatal; vera Steatce, rete, trpettfef sontailng ever, ergentiforous ek "verbennng. scgenlno, saan voy. ‘pene J nrpenls Gaver or), trremtoo,ezgntous. citi j dr som Invginta, arairona f (winer), arayrite, arxyrote, seme argon Chine) aortire, preere Se (ade) ae. SE Se ea eck Shuey won estan Soe mae ; eee Ge) meg onto feadand, goed somes. = Retsh coe ecmeete saabnc roma). SES ihe water en Senta water hammer == iii Pra ram; watar hommes. SRS edge sag epee; ea Sean tine ede eStea da fe a, brent dg eee de ane pone 46 encosatr, pein, intersection of groined soc aiatten(), ater dv ae ‘eiatce (0), hi, ot iatreaton of grained eres; sites j arthiete, fntmten times, ‘Satmseeto m, silting machine famade f,orection, sem S079. rat. fillesp, rue, exambled elnfores ‘Routing, (ous) tenforeemen Torta fis) (2) menetre Burr Burt tus. eee hae (ease), compreson rvinferee —eoatagoebrasto (ct, hog Smo, araadura _— crue (con), two-way renforcoment Eee y enor, bowstring tr. EE Sites soo cus, Ee Gee pendetas, queen post tres, ee eee, TEE a ome, mol tinforenmont; mesh enferement, — ae jatueres, ir-comnertd trom, Jeaselsn, pot Faden oiling tru Megane (0), hacks fe, ee margents eatV), Chet ten lee ile icenor, eBvouah ers, pero aeek tus Sita eee, arbre lee eee (ean) tal rinfoeemant Seem ‘ana (P). pony tras. Howe, Howe ts. ‘Peuavani, Pesan or Plt tras ee iar or Wren tn War en gr. Warren, Waren siedor or tras trfonlar ‘ Warren do dobte ftersece 5 double te ngule toas Be ple ts, deubleitereton ‘madera assembling shop. ‘tomaje m, areca, anambly; (A) framework ‘raat Lonsunbl, ee Lae; corer; to semariom, cabinet ie eriadeeats (le), eulout bos. Ses dituen, plan He te heramients, tcl exbint, srmanin ramowarly alton, frame, huss: ‘hot aytan of rides) conse rin= ‘ercement raha A eianaaseo (on), away fame, Sacro, te) trate Faro, cravtr fre, Ste susteatacon,eibwerl, eb. st dain (en), rudder fee, pce eerrosho (3), huctra fame, Spare trons to), aang wel ‘ema eyebol: stan testi, shuluerevebol. ‘ecnigo m orate), haere 't0 my hosp, rg out te i. again gr, boom bend Ste wee, tural uoop. Ae hase pla (ast, Hat-baov. Se cae ation, hollow rin. a ‘empequeitdo packing ring. ronal oe eo, bali race besa, aller cues, —mieeacele (ute) (4), compe rng TS raseador scraper ri regalador do aceite (out), oll-ontrol rag, ‘peo cant hook grape ‘rpovs de pe, cmbing kon eimbera sipersf barley, basen iam (pel, scar je erealaclon 7 deeprendimlento, roaing ‘nd sreulatng soem 18 iispao, tip open. Si deeatajedor,rteasing sree. peseavasraes, valve wpe, a pro anu (sh aro to bavey & chip; arquenese op, tog. erqueg ni areiigy mensiroment of a vessel feng of vu (oom) at site, oss tonnare, Feri regutae toons, tora ete ‘arqieris /, sora of nrghos, rood, ‘raultecto avila. Seiya, naval aries alaait,landeeape srehitoet. itectnen, arietarel, srohitecire eagtan ve) ee alle. cle m, lw brsmi plle, nerds J. statin. ‘Sendo? my puller grabber, son Start (is warang compensnort ‘Geo Shing oak ——1 Gotins pshpiton starter, mao, eal stare Sonate, esa de aes hoa tartar ene ae pastes de exrey fence post pln. ae Foes eer as rete 1), armature starr srrancadoe por ines, inertia vate, seancaenasajes gb ule. raseacocerpis ‘Eraneayerae mpi pale, sencaploes m, pie pllr or otratar sanca, fo tari ta pul, nm to oot ext; to ‘spring (re); (in) co ming, ances m () roe, pe. seuncasonias dl extractor, ssraneaabls Us), plan pl Smnentae6o strap pallor franetabos m, pe ple, Subs extractor ‘zanque’m, (ancl) sarin: beetaing flake {aon pring iw (rcs te) Ina Gs) ‘croout; Gain) breung toed asa} ning, ipsiag- dain, ersce canton ton mala, 2 (on) oll sting. Preto o rea), pret Jad Tebeee i) thera ade Uraraderm (Ch, lraing or fsiching machina, er feel ie ek demi ae \svassera (a, aidig o suing trl ‘Stantnere Q) Se oneat Qi oe da ‘Sci tea ev nn Oy) hr wash ont i ery ewe Sons thr chem) to eaten 06 fo cid, ral, tre, Save santas my pe Pu, rane m haul, hauling caring, ageing, Ses di mi Sap oa ole ie pla ant ee ec ‘bie pion dag. (eed bn ‘Erase, supcadel utter in wszeam, eit, sri mre fred, ld, refs eauceway. Tamera nde bute bare rea, ‘erebltdr im de areas (ep, avoruce adjuster scree, cay. temlinare, eed vil fern whe {trendador mason = ‘Seedameats fee. ‘Senda, to meas Stents, Tr, easaboler, ‘estachiopes ep eters srevaiemns my fo erste, ee a a, £0 lower to lack af; (ab) to pay ty araan tobe ota = site ad, store, oven’: upeti, el teen spate Stee my rot foes shimadere m, bert at docs larry tip, ‘Stimadite wy weineat dads imtjem,igherae: (PL) ning platiorm fe, place agua; (aaa) to doc, bar, ‘rio my, cortan Wall: pty wal stvasranietsm (et) bac SSeestncinbres © costcnges, wvay bracing Content, nod basing ee peel (te), portal ning, 2 arteaciog esas de cntnennién (ot, cotne braccg. sariotar, fo brace, ay, J, wei of 5 bj measare varying from porte aml fate), to es, dump; to weate, ‘rola, rlling. solid ex deriacion (6), shunt-mound salad en ste (ae), arise ound. scolds (oad) take ‘sete li, wing, Sather, sas windlie = fampeasader, compensating winding, Ste etnsgue, uarting indie. te everday chord ar aboriteh or fram loonie winding, deine Ste mictin emning ving ts ter’ dram ving = Sieneuat inghch windiog, Sistas, aematoro winding, Moe, ded winding, Senile re ior wag ferulter, epaatog winding, tral to rl win ‘soma, fo buat dull sro f, chattel of a small etn, gully, real scroyad, calle ‘royo, bool, saa, crek: anal valley, gly, ‘de; puter ERENE Got, ootqomnt ream, en i er ing fara ceregnic, web. est) beeing erases gated, aie ‘srumbraents"m, (sur)(ane) Bowing; (eeol bane m, (orion) (ces scrunbe eure m (C1), rt, strumbruss (Ch tort svenal my shnyard, dockyasd; savy” yard rama srseniafom, arora, erent, stele, nseniea, tec, ite arn, arses tiosd, — sito fein), ati palin, nap. ed rsa, resis, ‘rvtfor, areas! ‘rsenliom,arsalee stseiato mana, lersenopinia (rier do arfnic), asenopyrto do, Tighting fstires, fctelcis salaries, lambing sures tesa sett f trough, tray, lunar, mortar tub; (Co) ‘ror al (Cal, store basin or = de emarigacisn (id) (Ca, tine nook = ie cite, ren pan, Se deapisactéas de espumes (2), kine ‘ming or scum touch. gelavedo (oa), ut trou ie ebowe Groves enh, i Sad (ph ah, ie ve a cnc pas Sei los) ding tat, —otedante (nin), cre, ‘Setang mete ld naan, mecha Wie bento base worker bahia, ‘onan i (Pe) conan af arene water. rerio atsin. teen mb, mortar bos; pal; (nis) wash Se 7 Sicincea 7, Jelat nce eto, Kove . earls, eordon joint, ae sree (A), univer joint, fren 9 de rte, ball-andsockst ol, Satria vival ote vere anion, ‘sticind,jonted etousted, tan pasadares pin-connete ‘rials, to hinges aiuto ont Aiicemertoanailled wotEman; maker, fille arte, Erich fm aves, appliance, stiero Gt) (2), baler, powderana, srtscin 2 tn) de po ‘524, hal afl (M) chil, ie eos (ous) Sebestforme (miner), sbestlora. aibestina 7 (pnt), Aabertin (redamrk), ‘abesae, mule of asbeston abet: ssbestom, asbestos, testehobadoy (it) asbestos blanket te ore ssountain eal tn satin aabesten ton ‘uboste-cambray turazado (als) avbstowrar- nied eambee sczessin ree righ aceon, ‘scento m, See! promotion. Teult Gn) dnd re ‘Socentorm,eavatar te teetesdel levator, 8s Stee frit lover te tatos, drums savator te tae, taationsype levator = Blunts, plunger slavatore in sagas, grits lever. sceasorirs mj, levator operat, C8 anything Incunecont edhe sepurado the sare "fata. eachor insure, ef cntea incendie roundel, bie (hi) stdin, edo m (anteb(AN running, stato seelade de cat (mas, face bed, Seetadorm, stonaason hel et) pe, de avin hepsig hike alls valve gine ‘tment toate) (8) (am on vibracin (cone), vibratory slumpe Simul eon stander dans, sett) fase) 1 enter sd = {0 ed) fo hoo: ae) A) Saran seo (m) bu, wret cloning. ‘teertdero m,n sare they, vowel, ha diemionten tie il, Easeverttbe, portabia siya, Bt tobe sawed nto ber, red Por carn, nant, cige gan ing tating serrate, il wor oo 5 Be) saw aserredar f, rover so. Ste bande tad enw, band ai, de banda ‘ara repata, band sw, See canteo, sone ae Se ete es ft call tom jertadure saving a a cut f elie adviser ‘mpl pve ‘sll re, aphaing. ‘ater, (2am (Ad) eel cutback, lal or ol sepa ie eutbacks oa (CH), high-penteation 8 core Fda, raiding sap Sie carado leat, sowecurng ep te petstes, petolsum pha te toes, roe aap deat apa, = fume (enh), ne espa, inslnc, bower mphale lake supa oak sah ternative sib, (ie) Pooeng, sat; (oo) sump: ele (usasioa); Ca. seulement, setilings ate (net) entry: (A) dade of 3 Ibe. te daszamtento (reg, siting bnrog. = i ssmasion Ge), rol orexaaton far de Rosine), eration set ‘ssyueotrical, unsyreanetrical. eter berone (ae armor, ‘sineraleme m, eahronisa, tintoatsar Ga) fo dotine, asotots f(a), asymptote. elle Sey sors: (49) nen ‘inom, cnrpanter hore shore, sires jection, dra ee paleo, dust ecu, inks, forced dra = termal tatarel date ‘seyret m,etion pipe raft tube; exhmarar; anion an eben, sowdunt elooten, satakuday —epoteo, vacuum loaner, dust exhausts ‘esa to mice drew asquitio (gel) asi ute ples) hn hak; (me) bode. as Sao la), bal ae Setpemmees fey ee bor, mare de, wall bo thst.

ux =. usb (ul, specaly igs, sa at ie ee See ee ar eres (un) aig: rt) Nea Japs (Ge) Tad, pei ao (mec, hand fw saul (aie), argu itl, se rene enero tan lfre toting, Sse i dst fr), aim lea ueendido (es novancing the ein, rape nw) esis oe chad ee Gi pid © Gemma settle Gab) fal, per arovedods vy fod Ese fn etn Flees 0), eevee ea eo (ia) eadng ad bene, en, ont trek aa lock freartage avanndn () de anda fli), wave font, svaazador m, eer vances, to advance; (mech) to fod; (en) to ‘tive out, fade te pt es, (0 ten anda y eaetiado (i. «on and i ta eatin, Bt out; to Baence, advance ‘mone Io ion miei, ‘arto, ssaplune, bydeoplan, fi te lap tao ipo, oat, ‘vised m, indiator wang non; alas (Gp) hinton = 4e beso nivel fet, etm ene. =e inceadia, See alarm sail (rine), xii, ‘Sonoita Ul), axonametre, ‘Syseatuite m, © Alcioun las, ‘yada, taper aattanc ‘7ul men Argeine wood (camihar). (30), nei 40 aia see of waodng he = peti eo) enh tee. ce = pare erin, poaunats et” feadonar, xsdatear spade scan men). rdf ‘urbe m, feasts dish tar ‘turbettfcubslery irrigation dich, ‘tareda rod hase {lmat m aout eunide, eure’ asimuth. ‘uadrtule (toa), gre tut, Sete aa ith Sait esi ‘Boal (Ch tbl (wal) wih ie Snovectabie,wvalebe exe, ses, white ar reised mar. rose) cones aus a, brown rugs = edocte, reds on lnvert suaars el tied o nme Stesbisade (6), central sug. ‘Suaeve mua worier sogarhoue fore an; Sugar tecknelogit roc, hoe pls ruth mp show as Spina ode sberey pur or ship eae eaters ade S2e Srmcieent at), romeelonke te romeieno! (ay, romopbena a Se Momodat (dod, omy! Sseamaaare, (Ch) to rast: (bs) (ES to decay, tala anure bi copper or, bite : ‘Suter my custodian of a diversion am ors ‘eon inate, buna fina (water mai). ean) (4), Hang. [bor (nut), pot lnrboard ‘acteriiogam, beoterslogs, bactcionttc, boterioate, esi m (0, lf, ce pl Tchndora J (Sy rondpatshing machina ‘eke rs sidole?pothale (Cm. ‘Bleed (me ro (a), eld ates aches, to patch rou. ‘choo m (oy patliog, ing rat, Begg mtr ul) nave fo —dsamicids (9), low detaton. reeves, tow Hequensy. ey, lw ede (re) Bidets insent Nore: Aremorede:downepest; (@) ert laa) laddorway cores =e inmaaleas (pb), waste ey wll tack, slid (6), nade, dowaopoct. ida fometimes ew ar de, ovo ‘tack; einndpipe. ry SCT aaa tome See eat atnen eae! ae Sass werk ‘pound mibjot to overowing. bio wean Bar, eho Bajo ty ned bar abou (eu) loose, {ors lows tay bel: pr unde, alr “eth, low heat of taaale, de, Jow-otane (rating). ‘bajo m, ground door Delonge (ute), undereve, Towiesde Ste commprobacén (eo) tral blanc, aed eal tei catgese (dae), exvgse balance talence de in nears (a), pron balance, Ge Eaton Con) at bane, aneandor (1) arainio(atte),harmonie bale Sancenr, (echo (le)at) to balance; bal rare, to rack, ol, wobbIS. baksasto wo bubnlng? omllation, rocking, ‘ringing; (eau rong. ‘susencin m wering bea, balaneo team; bes ‘ley handle; recs ara; beara of sag —clingeatador, east pom, pn rake Te tempo gy (8), ning ever, taeabie (pt) puédar arm Daieaclaee dela trojuta (on), gimbal, Balsninero me (A), oprator tf an oocentiow Sets s,s: I) Tania Cb), analy eel balane. Tnomedee (na) ote sale, Inducin (la) Indvtien blanc, stator, platform sel Ss Freclge tlie! balance, ee Fesonte o de tet, spring belenoe, [te fran, torsion balance, Dateneabalde my weighing Bucket aust, fo balls. Dalaster Dallas it, Satate m; lla; ond nctal; (U) conelamerate ed for road alli. batasar Ct, to bal, 2 ala lege for vious gut yeld- Mg trest and somatones wie to mean pestis ees 5 wu ate era; border of tech i inser mbt” C2) ito’ col, Sales Galeony (MD (Pe stl ut ar pation, (sed dvtickplatorm, baeaseo (pat), owkey boas, dutrlk plel- ‘alconerte” f, bnloony construction; tale sw tmateador UD, drag sreper, Neelaste, damp or sontrastor’s bucket, S eargador (re), tp ender, emery deta tuck; das aeraper, {Gi levator backat Se estreceéa, mine bucks, ae harmigss (A), coneote bucket, te smatabrn (ee, ohendling bucket, ae pose (cee) ats basket. ‘aldoea f. foor tis, paving le. de techur (A), fot te Tae vidrede mate, mati-glaaed or dull-glarad ‘de — pret doy fort Deldosade r,t paving Deldoees, to loy Bone tse, Daldosa my fooe Page lati (Cal) a br 2020 x 4c, ‘alee 0, bal nrg. ae res, roller bearing. Selec Oe Beta Baliner mall ball (arng) Bale G3, measre of abort 0.09 acre, sr sareey pole mar, beacon Us lint Beacon, te teereuniento (op), approach Beacon, tinier or, Soary marke. Balter, to buoy: to mark wth baoeon Salon my, (1b) Halloon ballon te. alse "pel, pond; rae: alo, cokwaod: (8) a Siltemer Geol). dbo Gleam, 2ONGe Cooudh, Canada bls, Datsear, to val! to fer. Stee ata: (Ci fo 9m arena Sette eG) backrte, poo, Sales, Laminated spring sate aco odo medi pina, seniliptin! three-quarter eliptien ering, sy etiea! sprig ‘aabeest, to sway, webbin, (auto) shimmy. Sesaen eva amin, wotg, ta) banking: broker ‘aneedaf, bene: (rasa) Beara, eolpiot, sate}: thoes) (A). easing as) ‘anal barn, Bond, terrace; sandlunk Dbancerrota f benkeuptsy. Babeasa/ Gulne’ hey beooh, Gena athe bo (fa) Dans (ese) strturn: (ary) "gene Eons beat; maud bur Tove Te Exnepectadonn (A), conveyer bucket, Sescavedse (A), casing bueket. ground. eae Sa Se a tae SER ae is ae cali, bank of ve, eter Gwhenche Ste ave eave bank =e het, os, = iaterestores (oon PR), mitebyaed. rigelaciee, douinghoare Ee atve vy, Benes wack ae tes td as tock, ray #010, Welding di or tabla, Se titer 9 de wate, neem, —rotecao, morezng bane ‘nda fb, ‘band; (CA) sendow task; iron tire; (4) alt course; ede of sips (2) =e ia ee ites at csc, Sandee, to evay, weave, eelat; (Ch) to per 0, eoretotte, dp pon, bales Ga), Sable ty ibe pe) 4, (5) awh tng; (ig) (A) trae co basco ‘beaguens, to lvl; to bonchs (CoD CV) to xen "aie pry) to bak (arlene ‘oanqusomlveling craig, Tenens » bench; (Gmy} benkngs (CD (V) exeavalion, Sete ittareo (0), borow Bik inageels form eidowall; beta, shoulder of ‘rua banuetta bangalla} de aterae (ND, savback. Sangalo m (to), eric, ay ele, Snoatingf ber toulder; (4) wal footing, ‘rogues 7 (A) pak ex asim (A) adap, ada re (A), mara, wot land, aio sapaivalpped, eepal-eoated, ni, leat info on, bathe bathtub; bathroom; conting Ging oe. —sctgeln,resing bath, elt, cil bth Aiene 0 de lva 0 ‘ath sndaecotor (tna, herenlny ath, = Histor (ine) Eng bat Marte Gb), water bat doubt bole, a eee = és bodes, hold boa, secndera, shower Dare Ur uni of preci Darnoda 7, tarasdndo m, beratdaje m, baraadal ‘ruling, hnadeat, talutenday bansters ‘branding, ring; slebourd of wanes (P3) sal ae sade, hipone? gun taladroy bur ated i j aarow epeaine i = wails weep ‘ole; ye CA) ete opin bacbet jf esing; (0) ealalag erving; (ust) ralat nop Dasbela ct). to eos saa, Sache Geacp), beveled end of Uisber for ‘ain: metieicite wen fn cae serene a (ou) Bae. a alana (4), pivoted trceom, ‘pezeteroy ll tener 7 tarcnpuerte/,eximen of agraviag dosh, eszson sate 7 bascdatsic, buryenntris, brcentro m, bnrveentr. avo we (tn), barium. staf baryta, eel my winds, i ‘arta f (ner, burl, barytes, barytine. je oss, spraying varnish 7 teerar maine, apr or cxtevorverish, attr, alts barometer tarsal, eeraid barometer. Se merece, mortal tromote. —tedistnsor sororing barometer ermine mtorr, mech burteopiam, barseape, burotenmdgeta m, baroiharmaeraph. [atotermdametie m, baretheroerp [Bagueae, transport by bowty Ufo [rguero boatman, ferro, lighters, ‘arguts my, balls lector pare ni, ot be ia ern iaeosatn ie et aio, nly. ‘cob oar id he, a ‘ara —euetoede-gano hur), goosenesk bs, wrek in bar ae dines (10), ning ban, ae eee eet arch ba Sas Saat th aon, se eet mpc), sat tas, Se eta, drawban, Ste bride Go) epte tar, ancl ba, Shplte ie cette) atin tary web nome, Te cemaxos, (eg) connecting Fo pan: {sk} consstion ar —4e contntnsin (pe), counerbrace, coun. tend ge erredere, 0) valve tom, Se cert creo to shorting ber Ee cromalles rsh bah, ae sata (rot), woe bar Se etek te), Tele or rite ar head re oe temeetn (te) (C, bus ae Tie Smergencis (1), pe be (et rata as, oars, ourb Bary “tdci fle), armature lar vans (ri ad il Sie et iar, reine (all I bas, Dureenoquty (atta) ter bar Se para el, grae bay Se pereusts (pa), inkor bar =a ‘ng bar (ea) ee remelgte, coving ar is Seapcesion hangar. 8 fara Case) fre bas, Se Fhe (0) wb aber ea at ertoredare (pi), sakor ada, chanrol a cee ee, SEecene ene Hien os peace Sees SI Ree CS ELST oe a ~ tama bara, tmkboee warhous, ed SSG Meare toe = ie madera (Ch, mcr Bd, meyer retin my break 7 btegasel Gn, bulear ta. arefem dgbarrage verso dam, [rly (Cb, tion f= waco. Seranion fc SETIEEY/ GP'S; gore, ravine (A) svar tans ()(0) dewasrata nj (3), domarod, dowel "a faa a or Hots lt rg oreo Sie ser SEG ec le coves aretha SEES Er mere, Se a San Spe lated eee Penne cos aa scant retin, pod auger or Ge Contador, stononater orp dil, Se ara tnioe del, aver bi enteo, cath tora, ete Ga), Bat ik 8 barrens WATTLE She pe we a dierent i Shoes pose data Got wodding bt Fempeperinen tenant breaker, balk Rianéale, fae dls terar suas” he dt eae ak Strrendor my dl runner auger, d ‘barrenadosa j, drill. _ in del renner Dameate Q)'de tee tilt, ‘ire del able rol Ca ed rel = gshado (ve, sed hoo, Ge ati Gs, bios als at fateenado, grout oe, Sie seincar, sting hoe. fata (wth 00, ed a ‘arenas tbo (A,r Hoes tort (in), out is ie estore inn, ace Ee te roa, bribe detects nin), oe fr elarlag i pesieto (tn), i Bes Se inca ua ie inuladares (vl), ibe hoes. barrer 8 acres, to nveep (to seaveng. 7 Tavera f fonee, bazar, () eres att day’ pit (hs) diversion dao. —esletara (a), bug er sack toon. eeereten (i) aiding wate eeattuege, Seabee, bre slop. ‘beat (0), hinged aad countervelghted rostng gate, able (a), eublo guard. ie ela (ay tall tae, essa (9), sorting boom. Stews (8) (AD, det baie. ia (cn), arora. ‘te (ey siner oF fonder or glanciog els (7), fo sre rego may nse lay lt; oud ereta J crowbar; bullpen; all bar (ra) la, pinch ba, ar (AY, pine br. iy ballpoint (eb, bulge pont dee ae ta, uw ba ‘eaguindors (Ei), ber for lenening role — paatdecaben, Slaw er ‘SRompeders, i of «paring breaker, bal Fa erat (VD, del tek erreten, 40 bar, work with a ber, Barretero'm, minor, dil ranaer faa min; man ‘vo works witha ba. retin, basty ezowbar; (Cel) miner’ pe. ‘wend ‘ere te (ey) enanp, Dare ful bal ‘erally bare tnsine of bout 20 gl. de Hota, tamblng bree. ‘ecallada fe eapacity oft bare. ‘m,elemps pew dort Lae de Tera, cam camp. ‘asl fin), someantrtes metals copper mined ior ‘barso'm (chad), dicot, ward, querer; wub- wa. ‘bar my mad, chy, st; edge; extbeswars; le; (bet) asthe, ley ple Sine Cie) todos. tosid, tore ‘otte, burnt clay. Sieibarreny, all sledge Saeere Gi), digested sade. asad eet, gicaod say or tren cote, retraces (Cl. ro clay. Darras actinades (des), ntivated shade, bareoso, made, lave ay. ‘rete, hea bur ate bar; rang: (A) door felt (r)(C) aga bars a) Enfed bar etch batten. Dazeolla, batten of atch; hatch bart (> E E Hire, basalt eas, vitrobacal, hyelobuslt Boanltotde,bstioid,basaltom. aeatents m, ba; podvtaly (8) footing, fous ‘a bvcult J Sesser Eisele (SIA wl Star ‘cutee ca Sra Dns per rose (nin) tiple: os doing dre , ba Descetom, besine. bein, feito: Saxn, beteeabe (ai), wonkla Setter roto 4 ino uae eset eal eat wot emia: to eect ss cane tm eligi, tne ree as pratt atenmadet Gentes ae =e a Sena lee Bac cep Se aoa sealord aes Derlltgn J, pola, round timber, spar, Soe na Serr : hb a, etn, betasaltl (gum), totonapithol, betae6a m fu, btaton,rheerens [betoners (Ch), concrte itr eet Sti uainaders/ (en) (),btaminoasdsrbtor ‘sida, biting, pith, () nce, Sudtca ode Jaen, sopra bebinar to coat ith pte () te staea, Bie a) purenne: CH) aan Boat of coe: | ahh Eo bous, acer (ob Dprsaer beta, aul: Sp) mortar hos, | asae GOOD. ate mo) ima ss wrest, | bias (ENUAYC, Wn ‘ea Ene ses) iz aun | Ree eh mone Gol feat) ng Tt | Beale ati buuguras cat), ml ar baaamer aa ‘beste m, fame pute wll tok elt (Gam) bran, forth, id) aprons. (et) “atop on Eiiset m tationetar ‘ead (eh, Bau Ses st nino), cf nel) byaas, Uto) beynes gaze (cil level). — becat m ora che de ext, tn a tannovs eoride. ae erie, nares hieele erraive ‘ublmt, Uctacava, Bienacnv, double-concave, eonesyor italy bent, DBioavero, boonves, double convex, istomte'm (qui) lncomolo, 1 Dités mC), bitoae lbera my boat ook, Beasioan (i, Beusiton. HG, bidet m (ob, bide. Beacham (ci) boro, tsi, to dimeasinal, ldirecionat eo ein NESTS ERs, ne Md met pe EE Sal SE SS Se edie ee =Serare EEO ene (ml eat, Seen Coe ee Sa tisices ia tl TEL, ae oh as Sl C+ tk, cee ay Diteears, Yo fore branch, Digoraetafneall ene ane tak, te esata (i, erasing sake, tet naka Bijdguara fs Guban hardwood, ‘nbergets m (e),camentar's hore, teal (leet, ilar if a), be eto, let ia, iabulote mit, etrot iuepole; pump Joa. brett mbm Binet, bimocli, Dbimirse is) ene ter tee moter bpotor Braedo (a) (ra) nade. Binesie Gat), binomial oretd to b-ziaton, Eecei/ ) biraon. otis, bedlter oculacin f(s), Biodoeeulaton, ‘Blogente (a), Docent baksie bien Hoty aoe ole, bilo Biosrecpitacén biopecipitation, Bloguates J, bother Biogenic, biodomioas orredetle (ln) oreduton, bloc (as, bas, anes ‘Sota tier Be sc , BESto mui, dine aida m cai Sattdele carbon cide, Dipl (nat, outa prime 2"). ihm (Be}(AG), earpantars beac, ae I ol Direetingula, Broeanine, Direeingeneta J (a): Lsssingease, DBiretsingente, brcringents Honiade otinge: biseara, hinge, bt hinge, Eitan sal eine ines ct hing. = Sen Torney rising ing, show hing, ‘de balis, balla door batt fe eds, tsetton hinge, fe uel, oprah te tr uacho, widethrow hings, Sit ‘hamfsr; (Ibe) wane, ali Gra): Bove! soe ‘hasferiag too ely, 1 bore, cham Mamta , bismulbinte native bam ul ‘hide io 2 ate, bmat blend (nen, sem ‘uta (de ay sod suit, biscpae” sutore me, dss afta), Sietumarte, mooring bit, ‘ath towing port Dien, suv. ae remota, tm ida m, bits doublethend chook, iv ondeo, ring bt, es remeley towing ttt, one my i facut, otk (CA) comer ais, bute Btomdstc, bss, [itemen (0) ih, bitumen. ‘itansfero, contining bine, Biwninoc, bicemisoos biuvia uni J (e),Bituvia(eedamark), Elalenla 7, hivaloore, ales Gul), bvalos, Drie ewelane (hgh), “ ‘lancom, war Bah; Mak form} a who. SAMi atone, antimony white (ogre), ‘ndimony toside. at bar Gelpment), baryts hit, baci ae Wisse (ofemeate), biemath white ee ene Gpementa, abt wie. as Chine, China o ino we, ie Spada, wilting Spnian wite, ek po hia Tend, as pee wing. ‘ands ot land softness langues, fo whitewash; to Bene astoper Bleek tease (Aj form applied to all ar and soph produc, end f (ne) anda pbaleite, restnifere, reenoeit,cadfuin Wend, Searmen i, bornblnd ade inde yar; lng (p) Sat i, = ststence, magnene sre ors {Gis itarloring armor. ot ih rain local m (Es) nba Boa m, Boek. Mterguader, canon Block, a tatador, eae bleak S emparadar (at), blsk comparator = te barrens, born bloc. Tae baer a, daly ok Se casas (Pa) ty Me, Mock of houses, Se Sides, eptndar black ae evar, nally bloc, wood brick, Se Gaol fn, tending bok, ie eseatan (a), Tarn Bloc. ae Stamper Ge), wage boc ae ates Geo, fate Bok, Sie aie ele fase bis, ie pepe (pb, evn bie, tarapn, tame Fel sh rors ak esl (ch, dey Block ra (0) EB fe eral, pli uring th taberamlent (ah), tel block ar tock ll neat} (MH) to cho tio) a biek oa 8 oes = Ce), oe. thiols o denne (6) abolte Hocking. Tog ‘

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