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An Approach Using Numerical Methods

Toby Jonathan Reichelt


May 2017

1 Introduction

The Greek letter denotes the ratio between a circles circumference and diameter. Its value is approximately

3.14159 . . ., and it is an irrational number. It has first been approximated by Archimedes who inscribed a

regular hexagon inside a circle and then circumscribing another regular hexagon outside that circle. The

circumferences and diameters of the hexagons obtained a rough approximation of .

Another method used to approximate would be to use the Gregory-Leibniz series

1 1 1 1
1 + + ...
4 3 5 7 9

which would approximate to two decimal places when the first 300 terms were evaluated. Similarly, the
Nilakantha Series
4 4 4
3+ + + ...
234 456 678

converges more quickly to , giving it the upper-hand over the Gregory-Leibniz series.

The investigation of this text is to find a decent approximation to employing numerical methods where

analytical methods fail. We first investigate using integrals which, when evaluated, approximate . Then

we move onto infinite series and observe their behaviour as more terms are considered.

2 Integral Methods

A integral is simply one which approximates with good accuracy. Here we will investigate two integrals,

one using an analytical method and the other using numerical methods.

The first result we demonstrate is the integral

x4 (1 x)4
I= 2
dx = . (1)
0 1+x 7

x4 (1 x)4
Theorem 1. The curve y = is nonnegative on the interval [0, 1].
1 + x2
x4 (1 x)4
Proof. We prove by contradiction. Suppose that < 0 for 0 6 x 6 1. Then x4 (1 x)4 < 0, hence
1 + x2
either x4 < 0 (a) or (1 x)4 < 0 (b). Clearly case (a) is not true unless x C.

Investigating (b) more thoroughly shows that (1 x) < 0 hence x > 1, which contradicts our original

assertion that 0 6 x 6 1. Therefore, the integrand is nonnegative on the interval [0, 1].

Now that we have established that integrand is nonnegative on that interval, it follows that is strictly
less than .
It is easy to prove (1). Decomposing the integrand into partial fractions gives us

x4 (1 x)4 4
= x6 4x5 + 5x4 4x2 + 4
1 + x2 1 + x2

and integrating gives us

Z 1
4 1 2 4
x6 4x5 + 5x4 4x2 + 4 dx = + 1 + 4 4
0 1 + x2 7 3 3 4

from which (1) immediately follows.

Since now we have established that < we can use (1) to establish the error bounds on this approx-

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