Está en la página 1de 86


The lytecaster System

Rellector Trim 0ptions

Frame-ln Kit 0ptions

lncandescent Downlighting

Low Voltage Downlighting......................................................................38

Energy Smarto Downlighting


Putting lytecaster t0 Work...................................---^.---..............76

Accent Lighting Perforrnance Data

Lytecaster was developed to answer the need lor a

Ilexible system of high perfomance residential and light

commercial downlights that inslall easily and plovide

a complete range 0l lighting ellects.

A conprehensive range ol tixtules has been

designed lor general and ambient lightinq, wallwashing,

highlighting a work and precious obiecls, and providing

proper light lor a variety oltasks. Carelully designed to

complement any decor, Lytecaster downlights can be

etlectively combined with track, decorative lighting and

controls Io achieve a totally integrated lighting design.

Residing inconspicuously in the ceiling, Lytecaster downlights

draw attention to the distinctive leatures oI the space while

remaining virtually hidden themselves.

Combining innovative design, superior perlormance

and long-lasting value, Lytecaster downlights are lhe

perfect way to bring a space to lile through the magic oI

recessed lighling.
The Lytecaster System

Belore Lytecaster, choices in downlights were

limited to commercially based products that were over-

designed l0r most homes 0r poor perlorming "white cans."

That all changed when Lightolier developed Lytecaster. The

combination ol a separaie Frame-ln Kit and Rellector Trim

system not only provided high quality downlighting, it also

permitted dillerent price/pedormance levels in order to meet

a wide range ol budgets, Whether high performance or

economical units, all types ol Lytecaster relleciors utilize the

same basic trame-ln Kits, This "designed-in" flexibility

allows Lytecaster to provide quality downlighting at a very

alfordable cost.

i}.r,:,:, f
The Lytecaster System

A versatile 3-patt system

Each Lytecaster downlight consists ol two

separately ordered c0mp0nents: the trame-ln Kit and

Rellector Trim.

Frame{n Kit
The Frame-ln Kit mounts in the ceiling and

includes all electrical c0nnections. Frame-ln Kits are

available to suit a wide range ol light sources, aperture

sizes and ceiling conditions.

Reflector Trim
The Bellector Trim snaps into the Frame-ln

Kit and provides different lighting elfects by carelully

directing and controlling the light. Utilizing inter

changeable rellectors, Lytecaster downlights can

provide general/ambient lighting, wall washing,lask

liqhtinq and accent liqhtinq lrom one inteqrated svstem,

Alltogether, there are over 1000 lighting options

available to meet the most demanding applications,


Lytegems are an optional Lytecaster

accessory that attach to selected Rellector Trims.

They create expressive downlighting by combining

lunctional illumination with deco.ative styling.

Making your selection General Lighting
Provides overall illuminatlon
ln order to make specilying Lytecaster downlights a simple 1-2-3 process, this
and defines a space. Good
catal0g is organized by light source, lighting ellect and aperture size. To make
qenera lightlng should be
your selection,lirst determine the light source: incandescent, low voltage,
evenly distributed and free
compact lluorescent or HlD, Then. choose the lighting eflect general. accent
irom glare
or wall washing. Next, selectthe aperture size:}'/;: 5" ot 6'h': The chart below
summarizes the categories of rellectol trims and direct$ you to the pages where
more detailed intormation may be lound,

Low Voltage
Energy Smart {CFL or HID)

Basic While

Provides hlghest lg ht out- Versatile, low brightlless Provides we l-shie ded Aluminum matte black Basic b!dget downliglrt
p!t, deep y regressed lamp downlight c ombines a per lighting White cross batfle m n rn zes br ght features Perma White
e lrnlnates glare. ture cone and Anobrite" blade smoothes the beam iess; dual soc ket setting reflector
alumlnum pper ref ectot
Lr lor sca opjree ighting. accomodates dlfferent
lamp types

!s 56

Perlormance PAR Adiustable Becessed Adiustable Batfled Eyeball MR16 M816 MiniSwivel
Recessed Adiustable

Cost-effective a ternative to Provides nconspicuous Provides accent lightlf g Prov des hlgh impact Versat e, unlqLrely sty ed
low vo tage. Provldes high accent lighting for on horizontal or vertical accent light ng in a var [/]F16 ow voltage accent
impact accent ghting. horizontal and vert cal surfaces Step B affle ety of f n shes "Hot ght provides Lrp to 35'
Feat!res "hot aiming." surfaces. Cholce reduces glaTe. aimlng allows i xt!re to verlica adjustment.
of Batf es or Cones b adj!sted while on.
to reduce glare and
match appearan ce of
open downlights.
Lytecaster Reflector Trims

Accent Lighting Washing
Provides dramatic interest Provides a smooth, even field

in a space by drawing atten- of light overthe length and

tion to selected objects and breadth is an ideal

surfaces. lt istypically wayto enhance the sense of

achieved with adjustable spaciousness in a room. Wall
downiights whose beams washing can also be used to
can be carefully aimed. highlight aft and selected

Sloped Ceiling

Shaliow Slope:A low br ght-

ness, well'shielded down-
ight Jor sloped c eilings from
Sma lpinhole aperture
con ceals the lig ht
lor an unobtrusive ook.
Fresnel Lenslite: Focuses
I ght ffective y.

White Difluser Regres

Lexano Shower

Economica and dLrrab

dropped diffusers.
and T units sLrltab e for
Glass Shower

Attractive g ass dome

lights provide even
illum nation while
14" -30'l3t12.tt1I. lnne r matte black shleld sed d ffuser conceals showers, spas and wet completely con cealin g

Steep Slope:A ow bright- red!ces are. Faceplate am p.

locations. the light source. Suitab e

ness. wel shielded down snaps in and outfcr easy for showers, spas and
Suitab e for cooklng areas,
re am pinq.

iight for sloped c eilings from exter or soffits and wet
3A'- 45' 11 112-121121 .

pe 30 ps60 6 %"

MR16 Pinhole/Slol


S ot aperture con c ea ls For maxlrn!m accent Particular y well sulted lor Anobrite' dual'ref ector Basic budget dowi ig ht
light source, but perm ts lighting f exibiity and a lighting small oblects wirh optics provide high inten Jeatures Perma White
wlde adl!stment nf er contemporary styled long throws of v rtua ly s tt smooth wash of light
firatte bLack slr ield look. Adj!sts 0" f !sh to glare free lght up to ce ng llre.
reduces g are. Snap out 70'f! y extended.
facep ate.

!s62 5"
rs62 6%"
Lytecaster Frame-ln Kits

Making your selection

lylecaster leatures a F]ameln Kit {FlK}lor virtually every popular

light source and expected installation condition, Dependinq upon

the installation, a FIK may be chosen belole or after a Rellector

Trim selecti0n has been made. Compatibility with Lytecaster

Rellector Trims may be determined by relerencing the orderinq

inlormation adlacent to each rellector throughoul this catalog.

Collectively, Frame-ln Kits are categorized by liqht source and

may be located on the Iollowing pages:

ps ra lncandescent
ps ao Low Voltage
ps as Compact Fluorescent/HID

ilr ., :tt .:.:l:1:



For superior color rendering, quiet dimming

and economical mainlenance, nolhing compares to

incandescent lighting. Lytecaster's wide selection o{

retlector trims and Frame-ln Kit options allows the designer

great llexibility in achieving all the beauty and drama

incandescent lighting can deliver.

The color renderinq of incandescent sources

ranges all the way trom the warm tones oI conventional

A-lamps to the b.illiant light ol tungsten halogen. Down-

lights with A-lamps produce smooth, soft-edged beams with

minimal glare that are excellent for general lighting in

virtually any application. Lytecastert precise optics and

high quality rellector linishes naximize the output ol these

economical sources for the greatest possible efficiency.

T N G Units leaturing rellectorized lamps, such as PAF

and BR lamps, are a good choice lor accent lighting and

wall washing, or wherever highly controlled beams and

long lamp life are desired. The longer lile ol PAR and BB

lamps also nake them a good choice lor locations that are

difficult to access. Small-scale halogen PAB lamps such as

the PARl6 and PAR20 produce crisp, white light that is very

similar in effect 10 Iow voltage lighting. Lytecaster downlighls

designed around these light sources are an excellent way to

achieve the look and {eel ol low voltage accent lighting

without the cost or complexity ol translormers.

Framc-In IGts

lytecaster's unmatched selection, performance and llexibility make

it the lirst choice lor the most demanding residential and light com-
mercial lighting applications. Lytecaster FIK'S ofler all installation Standard Non-lc 2002P1 1002P1 1102P1
options: lC, Non-lC, AirSeal@ lC and Deep lG. Performance PAR Non-lc 2000P1 1000P1 1100P1 1700P1

. Compalible with all Lytecastel incandescenl Relleclor Trims and

Bemodeler Nonlc 2003R 10038 11038
6 %" low voltage trims.
. Deliver the highest wattages and greatest adiustability in both lC oeep lC 1100DlClM
and Non-lC installations, Deep Airseal lC ll00DAlCl\,l
. Provide deeply recessed lamps with the best cut-ofl and glare control.

;Fl ,r"

Accommodates ceilings up to 1" Non C remodeler rinqs accommo- lC houslng designed to otfer a f! I Deep C and Deep A;rSeal lCoffer
thick. May a so be installed (except date existinq ceilings up to 2' th ck. range of ighting perfomance n fuly the best recessed lghting for new
2002P1) ln exlsting ceilngs or areas Pre-installed rnounting straps secure insLrlated ce ing appllcat ons !p to construction ins!lated ceiings up to

with restricted plenLrm access Jrom flanged rlng without too s and w th l" thick. Accepts a wide cholce of I thlck. nsta ed appearance pre-
below the cei lng. out damaqlnq plaster or gypsurn ref ector trims and amps to 100W cise y matches L)'tecaster Non- C

ceiings. J!iction box allows direct F! ly gasketed AirSea lC housings Frame n K ts. Deep AirSea lC m ni
Note: 1002P1 and 1102P1 avai ab e
"daisv cha n" w rinq to other fix- minlnr ze a r eakage for comp lance m zes air leakage for comp lance

for Chlcaoo Plen! rn - c0nsultfactory. turs. Too Jree cab e clamps a ow with WSEC. Wt WSEC
f ast, convenient lnstallation.

2000tc r000lc r100lc rl00DtcM

2000Atc r000AtcM t100AlcM r1000AtcM
Arsea AiAeal Anseal Ailseal

Cutour(A)3r, 5, 6'," 3]7;,51/i''6]li,' a'1rc"

wdth (w) 1 ,tr" t 1,"
tength ([) 9N, 9'n" 11 ,t" 9\/; r5l t5tn 15

Depth* (D) 5l' 6Y".t'l: s'l:'.11X" 511" 6.1" 7

lyt' 5$/$" 1118" 9 "4


Pedormance PAB Nof lC

I is speciflcaly d esiq ned

,..4 , ]. fnr rrsc wlrh Pprfnrnran.P

- PAR Recessed Adjust-
i-.. a ble reflector trirns (pag e

34). Accommodates c eil

ings Lrp to l Th ck.

20{0Pl t000Pl 1100P1 ttooPt

:- (A) 6131;',

(L) s7," 11y; 11,/u"
ei (D) 51, 6r'' 61,

u * Non lC fixture depth equals installed depth af contpatible reflectar trints. IC flxture depth land Peiamance PAR
Non-lC) is depth of housing.

Lightolie/$ new Lytetning Convedible lC/NonJC Frame-in .Airseal@ ready - easily convert to WSEC requitements
Kits are specilically designed for quick, convenient installa- with AS300 accessory gasket kit.
tion in residenlial applications, ollering good per{olmance
and value.
. Lytetning cowertible housings may be used in both insu-
lated alld non-insulated ceilings.
. Acconmodate a wide selection ol the most commonly
specilied Lytecastea Rellector Trims.
. SwivelocllM pivoting bar ends allow convenient wiring
below the ceiling and last installation.

lnnovative SwivelockrM pivotiflg ba.

ends allow last convenient installa-
tion with wiring belowthe ceilirg.

convenible lC/Non-lC for new con Remode er mav be used in exist no insu at
struction cellings up to 3" thlck. ed or non insu ated ceil ngs up to 2" thlck.
Alrsea o ready use AS300 Gasket Junctlon box on f ex for easier mountinq in
Klt for com pliance with WSEC air restricted app icatlons. AirSeal ready, use
eakage requirernents Pivoting AS300 Gasket Kir lor complia nce with
Ctrt bar-ends, pre lnsta ed mountino WSEC air leakaoe requirements.
scTews, and too Jree cable c amps
tor fast, convenient installat on.

5',/ t'^i'
1lri t3'k
tL' 7y;



Ceneral Lighting

3 %" Open & Pinhole

c,npleb These miniatule 3yi'downlights are an ideal solution lo, tight

,ffio, spaces and hard"to-light areas such as low ceilings, niches, bed-
ftdnp k rooms, corridors and similar environments. Use A 0r R lamps l0r
*["',:,i,1r, tott-"lg"l "fill" lighting and PAR lamps tor focal downlighting 0I
"ulh wall otazi.I.s.
. Aperture Cones produce excellent light 0utput and come in a
variety ol linishes.
. Durable Step Baflle provides good light output with increased
glare control.
. Pinhole oflers maximum glare controland an inconspicuous look.

The Pinhole's small apeiure

allaws unohttusive lighting in
both rcsidential and light
c on ne rc i a I a p pl i c atio n s.

A19 R20 PA[16 PAn20

Aperture (lone 2002P1 .. .. .. N0n-C . .. 75W

..40W.. 75W 50W

20038 . .. .. .. .. .. Non'C Existing .60W. 75W 75W 50W

2008 .... Btushed Gald
2000tc* .. .. .. .. .tc 50w. 5sw ..s0w
2010 Brushed Cleat
2012.. Speculat Gald
2013 .. Speculat Cleat
20138K .. Speculat Black
2013WH . .. I'latte Whtte

Ar9 n20 PAR16 PAn20

Step Bafllc 1 l;T=

II li I tl
2003R .
Non lC
Non-lC Ex st ng
40w .. 75W. .75W
60w . 75W. 75W ..50W

2005 ...MafteBlack L.rLl lr

2005wH. Mafte Whtft
'r l+'\ rnnorc* c 50w 55W 50W

419 PAR16 PAB2O

Pinhole 2002P1 .. .. Non C .. 40W 50w 55W .50W

'O 2011 .... .Mafte Whle

2003R Non C Exislinq . 40W

Faceplate 5',t

' Far Airseal lC arder 200AA|C

2l 6', 3 48 3
I t0 9', 5l 3

q trr 4 42
4 02 55

.4 n>-'

8 6 x1 3 4l 4

6 21 t6 I4

3 52 3
I 4',

2 25 21 -t

Nate:See page 76 t'oreffectol Mlafte White Baffle on

Alanp penornance data.
Ceneral Lighting

5" Open Black Baltle vs. >

While Bafle
conptete Pedectly scaled tor residenlial ceiling heights up to nine leet,
these downlights are available in a choice ol linishes to match Lytecaster black Step
tnne t! vinually any interi0r design. A selection ol general lighting perfor
Baffles wik sharply
detailed steps and nafte
,"fi#?," rrn.. oprions is available to meet a variety 0f needs and budgets. black finish assure a
-{llilfl . ou"p Nrak@ rellector provides rhe highest light output with
confoftable, glarc-frce
apefture that keeps
aftention facused
extremely low glare and is ideally suited lor inexpensive A-lamps.
on the space.
. Aperture Cones provide more light than black balfle downlights
yet leature very low bdghtness.
\lecastet natte white
Step Baffles blend inta
. Die-cast aluminum Step Baflle and Basic Baffle ofler excellent
the ceiling when the
lights are off and soften
glare control in two levels ol price and performance. shadows when the
lights are on.

5' .Non'lc
Deep Alzakrt .Non lC Exstng .. .100W
1045 .. .. Speculat Gald .c..
1046 . .. Speculat Cleat 1'l C/Non lC
. C/Non.lC Exst ng ..


) AlS BB3O


Aperture Cone 1002P1. .. .. .. Non.l0. .. .. 75W . 75W ..75W*

10038.. .. .. .. Non.lcExsting. ..75W B5W .75W*
1008 Btushed Gald
1010 .. .. Brushed Cleat
f r000tc* .. tc .. .. .. .40w 75w i5w

6t ,/ ,\ Lytelning ..
10041C lc/Non C 40W 65W 50W
1012 .Speculat Gald 1004lCB rytelning lc/Non C E{stng 40W 65W .50W
1013 . .Speculat Cleat
10138K . . SpeculatBlack
101?M/H .. ..Mafte Whte
Step Baffle
1005. .. Matte Black
1005],/H . Mafte Whlte

t 419 BB3O PAR3O

Basic Ba{Ile Non C .60W

. Non-C Exisling . 60W 85W AM-
1076 Black lc ....40w 65W.AW
1076WH Whrte
'i+ ..
lc/Non- C.
lc/Non-C Existng
.. ..
60w sow

Spun Bafflc
1001 l atte Black
10041C lyterring
1004llg \telniry
CiNon lC. .. .. 75W
.l0iNon lC Exsting . 75W

1001WH .. . l,lafte Whlte

' ForAi8eal lC ordet lAA1A|CA|.

"" PA Ahnp requires nediun base socket extendet 11968)unless usins a tons neck PAB30.
Iyterning:Unless ather.xise nated,waftages shown are far lC apphcatians
D:See conpatible Flklatdepth page t4/15.

f1 8
10 30
t9 B

4 t0 !


Note:See /5 t'atelltctDlMaft.j whne Beflle ar

A lantp penamance data
Ceneral Lighting

5" Basic White Rellector, Pinhole & Enclosed

complev Basic white reflectol provides good light outpnl l0r tighr budgets. .Cratere Dome leatures an altlactive acid-etched outer surface
Pinhole provides maximum shielding 0lthe light source with local- with a sandblasted inner surface providing maximnm light output
"ffio, ized light output. An excellent choice for discrcet task lighting. with an elegant look.
T{:l .
Renedortin Basic 0palex, Cratere Dome and 0pal Dome ale lully enclosed and Opal Done is created ol Ttiplex 0pal glass to provide even illumi-
-##l*i"rii nati0n while completely concealing the light source.
tuut r" u"aptive rubber gasket that seals out dirt and moistule.
Suitable for closets, showers, spas and wet locations.
. Basic 0palex oflers a durable Dropped lexan@ ditfuser

5" PAB3O

Basic White
l0i1 .Pemawhite ..50w


..Non lC .. .. ..60W 50w ..50w*

.D Pinhole ..Non-lc Ex st ng ..60W 50w 50w*
1ll1 .. .. .MafteWhite

5" 1002Pl
Basic Opalcx- 1003R .
Dropped 10001c.

Cratere Dome
1024 . Ctaterc Glass 6.,1

J Ar9

Opal Disk l0mP1 .. ... .. .. .. .. .Non'lc . ... .. ...75W

10008 .. .. .. .. .. .. .Non'lc st ng 75W )
* 1021 . .. .. . jpaiGlass r000tc*.. .. .. .. .. .. .c ...

. 40w
-l . C No .lC.. ..
llMlllqtetning ,10W

lw]lll@'nkg .. . C No .lC E),:.lq aol4

* Fat Aifeal lCotder t000AlCM.
lytetning : Unless atherwise noted, waftases shawn arc ' ' PARj\ lanp ?qu' ps nedtrn bdsp ia \q Fv1-hoet 11968 ) Lnl-.r L.inq o tonq recL paNA
I Far Non tC appldhons Dnty.

,l 76
34 30



General Lighting

6 %" Open & Cross Blade

conrpiee This selection ol 6'//' open downlights pl0vide suPerior perlormance . Gross Blade lealures an aluminum louver that shields the light
lor general lighling applications lequiring gleatel lumen outprt' source and provides a soft. scallop-lree beam. Excellent l0r corri-
. dors 0r lightins kitchen cabinets.
created 0lthe highest quality aluminum, Deep Alzak@ rellectors
leatule a specular, miI10r-like linish that plovides 40% more light
ffiffi mnltacf,Aaffle downlights, superior cut-oll, and the best glare control

. Aperture Cone downlights utilize an Anobliteo aluminum upper

Lytecasters 9',1' Deep lC >
lellector lor excellent performance. These versatile downlights are acconnodates high
peiornance Deep AIzak
25% mo.e ellicient lhan basic black ballles, 0ffer bettet glare con-
reflectots. The well con-
trol, and are available in a wide choice ol linishes. cealed light source provides
the best quality of genercl
downlighting lron an rt l.
insulated ceiling.

1102P1 . .. .. Non-LC .
100w .150w
Deep ,Alzakit 1103R .. Non-lo txlsting ...100w..t50w
1145 .S!r!/ar 6rld 110001CM.. .. .. .. .. .Deep !C 100w
1145 .Specu/,rr t/ear

6,'/', .. ..

I 250W* l50W
Deep Alzak'i' .Non.l0 Exstlng 250W* 150W
1149 Speculat Black
1150 .. Speculat Gald
1151 .. .. Speculat Cleat

6%', A19 BN3O PAR3O

.Non-lc ..l00W
Shallorc Alzak'' I
.. Non- st ng l00W
l ltt C Ex

1143 .Speculat Gald . lc .. .. ..

1144 . .Sperulat Cleat / 100w
.. DeeplC .. .. .. l00W
I . l0/Non C .. .. 75W B5W 75W
l . .lc/Non CExisting. .75W ..85w 75W

6%. A19 P BR4O PAR38

1102P1 Non C .. .. .. l00W . 150W .l50W 150W

Aperture (lonc 1103R .. .. .. Non C Existing .. .100W l50W l50W 150W
1108 Btushed Gold 1100tc*. .. lc . .. 75w 100w l00w
1110 Btushed Clear ll000lcM' . .. DeeplC. .. .. .75W 100W 100W
1112 SpecuiarGoid lllAll Lflerning lf \oa-C .. oow' . 05\4 A\
1113 ..SpecularUear IIM\CB LyE ning .ll \o '. C L srnq o0W' o5\1, 7rW
11138K Specuiat Black
1113Vt11 .. l\/late whtte


6%', .. .. .. .. .. ..

Iiilrl". il,,r r
ll02P1 N0n-1C.. .150W

Cnrss Rlade 1lmn .. 100W ..


* l

-t ffiw 'u*
11041C .. ..
Mniag . CiNon lC .. 40W 50W

11041CP, Wfuing .. C/Non.lC Ex st ng .. 40W . 50W

t Far Aideal IC arder tt11AICM, for Deep Airseat IC otdet tl]aDAlCl"4
othetuise noted,waftages shawn arc
t* Alsa PAR38 t50W Caol Bean
I atq 52w with tlt3BK.

Speculat Clear Alzak@

blends well with spaces
that feature stainless steel
and sinil

t 08

J' 89 75
0 40 33
s t9 .t')1,

! 28 I 15 4
t0' t5 l3
o 80 69

8', |!
l0 04

5t -l

l tl
General Lighting

6 %" Ba{IIe & Basic Slep Bafile

This selection ol Step Baflles, Basic Ballles and Basic White Two position socket Anobite upper
acconnodates diffeF reflectot maxinizes A-
Belleciors provides high quality downlighting with lhree entlanptypes. lamp output. 25% nore
perlornance choices. eflicientthan Basic
Balfle downlights.
. Step Batlle utilizes an Anobrile@ upper ]ellectol for excellent light
output and a stepped aluminum baflle lor excellent glare cofltrol.
. Basic Ballle leatules a Pema White upper lellector and a pheno"
lic ballle to reduce glate.
.Basic White Retlectors leature a low brightness sPlay and alu-
milum Perma White painted rellectorthat ]esist sclaiches and
corrosion; an excellent choice lol budgel'c0nscious appliGations. Step Baffle
fot low glare.

Step Baffle -I ll02P1 .. .. .. .........Non
C .. .. . 100W. 150W .. 150W ' 150W

tl03n. ................NonlCExlsting . 100W 150W . . . 150W 150W

1100tc* ..... . IC ..60w.. . . 100w 100w
. . .
. ..
. . . . .Matte Black

.Matte White ,1. , 1100D|CM* ... ... ... .. ...Deep C .. .. ... .. 60W
lllnfill htelning .. ... ...IC/Non lC. .. .. . . 40W .
. 100W .100W
. i5w 65W . 75W

W lii fulCnLyttTog .... . ... lc/Non lC Existng 40W . . r5w 65W' 75W

Basic Baffle
1116 . . . . .Black
. . .

.. .. .. ..tvrire
. . . .

1176?8 ... .. Black Balfle

alg 8R30 PAm0

6%', !l02Pt. .. .. .. ...NonlC.. .. AW. 85W 75W*
Basic Baffle 11038. .. ... .. .. .Non C Existing 75W. 85W 75W*
Itoolc*.. .. .. .. ... ..c.. .85w 7sw
llmDlCM.... ... ... ..Deeplc B5W . 75W*
l1rAl1 h,tetling . .. .. lC/Non'lC. .. .. .
. . 85W. 75W
flOtrcn 4hlrtos . .. ... .l0/Non lC Existns .. ... .. 85W .75W


6%', 1102P1 .. .. .. ... .. .Non-lc. .75W. B5W ..AW.
Basic White t103R .. . ... .. ..Non'lc Exstlng .. .iSW 85W 75W*
Reflector fl00tc*. .. .. . . .. lc . .. . 85W. ..75W
111nM1 .. PernaWhite llmDlCM'.... .. .. .. .Deeplc 85W 75W*
11o4lc Mning . .. .. c No- rc .. 85W 75W
1l]14rcn Mniry C \or1c t' n'g . 85W 75W

Basic White
I Reflector )
-l 1111.. ... ..Perna White

n. qtetning:
* Far Aideal ICardet lluAlCM,lat Deep Ai6eal lC orderllaaDAlCM
Unless othervvise nated, wafrages shown are
** PARi| tanp rcqunes nediunhase socket extendet 11968)unless usins a lang neck PAR30

Basic Baflle

Perna Whhe uppet

Se_lect Slep Baftle
lshown)t'ot the hest
light output, glarc
rcflector tot good light co ntrola nd d ura bi lily.

output. No light leaks. Choose Basic Balfle

fot good peiomance
on a tight budget. ,O

t0 1 8' 39 6'

31 3l 82 67 t09 96
16 t4 t6 6', 37 30

l0 g5

4l 32 84 68 4 105 94



53 74 69

I 1 t3 15

3l 58 46 4 80 09
4 lu

I 40 6

97 76
Note: See page /6 fat effectDf Mafte Whhe Batfle an 6', 43 34

A lanp penornance data

General Lighting

6 %" Sloped Ceiling

&mpieb These leflectols provide glale-free genelal downlighting lor both
steep and shallow sloped ceilings. Each lellectol utilizes a single
Flanetn insulated ceiling Frame-ln Kil lor all slopes. Each downlight
,"[!,o[,0,,, l" turrt u6 7," round opening that preciselv matches other 5 l4"
- ordPrddr' downliohts in shaoe and linish.
. Shallow Slope rellector is designed lor ceilings sloped lrom
14'- 30' {14, -'h pitch}.
. Steep Slope rellector should be used for ceilings llom 30' - 45"
{'1, - ",,{'pitch).
. Step Batlles feature grooves cut Pa.allel t0 the llo0] to match the
appearance of slandard balfles.
.Uses standard lC frame-in Kit. Design allows larnp to be more
deeply recessed than othel sloped ceiling downlights (even 0n the
up-slope side)to achieve very low glare.
. Unique design rninimizes happed light allowing 75W PAR30 lamp-
ing 1o equal the oulput ol lixtures using llllW PAB38 lanps.

Shallow Sbgr: .75W.


t\ L4'(%)-30'(/)
1131 .. .BlackStep Ballle
1131VtlH .White Step Baffle

1131tL SpecularCleat
1131G0 Speculat Gald
11318K .. Speculat Black

Stccp Slope:
30.(1' -45'('7,,)
1133 .. .BlackStep Baffle
1133WH .White SIep Eaffle
1l33BK ..
.. .Speculatcleat
. . Specuhtcold
Speculat Black
-l )
Far Airseal lC arder 11AqA|CM.
Step baffle/apenure cane nust be rcnaved t'or relanping at rse 1968 socket
ertender with PAR30 to relanp wnhout rcnoving baffle/cane
D:See canpatible FlKfor depth-page 14.

Fe, f;-lr abo!! flry-

tn' (
1t llt
t6 8

36 4

l0 {

34 4

For tuluhiple Units, space fixture nafunher apaftlfat a given nounting height
and lightlevel)than the bean dianetet pnvided.
General Lighting

6 %" Enclosed Fresnel lenslhe

r,'rplete These lully enclosed wet location downlights are an excellent
choice lor closets, kilchens and showers. lenses clean easily -
"ffir, exsellent lor rse in dirt plone areas'
Reilecro.a;n . The Basic opaler is available in a choice of Flush or Dropped

#I"'Ef,i wisleanting durable texano diflusem. Each spreads the light

evenly t0 provide soft, unilorm illumination and leatures convenient,
twistoll re-lamping.

I lll
\r$ J--J-?y!.4,
. 6 7i' Lenslite is available in two velsions, a tlesnel Lens and
fhe Frcsnel Lenslhe
White Dilfuser The Fresnel Lens olfers the mosl concentlated lighl rcdiects the lightfrcn
output lrom a lensed downlighq the White Diffusel completely econon!cal A-lanps to
ptuvide concentrated
hides the light sorlce. low b tiq htness li ghti ng.

63/i' 1102P1. .. .. .. .... .Non-lc.. .. .. .. .75W
Basic Opalex - 11038 . .. .. .. .. Non.lcExstlng. .. .75W
Dropped t100lc* .. .. .. .. .. c .. .. .. .. . . ..40w
1178SH ....... lxan 1100D|CM* .. . . ... ..Deep C. .. .. .. ...40W
11041CWniry . .. .. ... C/Non lC . .. .. .. 40W*
1104lCR l$elnins LC/Non lC Ex stng. .. 40w.*

Basic Opalex II -
11141C ..
.. ...lC/NonlC ... ..
Mni\g .. .. 40W

ll$l\Bwning .. ... .. lC/NonlCExislng.. .. 40W

ll78D( Lexan


Basic Opalex -
11115H .. .. .. ...Lexan

1102P1 ... . . ... .. .. .. .. ..l00W
.. Non C
Fresnel Lcnslite ll03n.. .. .. .. .. .. Non-lc Existing .. .. l00W
lto0tc*. ... ... .lc .. .. .. ..60w
'i/ ll00DlCM*. .. . .Deep lC .. .. .. .. 60W

.- 6%" ll02P1.. .. .. . . .. ... .Non-lc .. .. t00w
White Diffuser llBn... .. . . .. ... .. .N0n'lC Exstjng .. .r00w
Lenslite I
1l00lc* ... .. ... .. . c.. .. . .60w )
1128 White Dit'fuset
/ 110001CM. .. ... .. .. ..Deep C .. .. .. 60w

Iytetning:Unless athewise noted, waftages shown are LF * Ai6eallC order

Fot Aideal ICarder llAAAICM, for Deep 1|A1DA|CM
D:See conqatible FlKfat depth page15. "* Fot NanJC applications only.

I t9'

21 t9







Gencral Lighting

6 %" Enclosed Cralere Dome Safely wie

tompleie These elegant dropped glass ditlusers provide high quality ambient during rclanping.

.ffi, lighting and are suitable lor showels, spas and other wet localiors.

W::; . 0pal Oisk leatures a Triplex 0pal glass ditfuser {two layers ol
fiete.rol /,n
clear glass surr0unding an opal layell that provides widesplead,
even ittuminarion.
. 0pal D0me leatrres Ttiplex opal glass molded into a soft dome shape.
. Cratere Dome uses textuled Cratere glass {acid-etched outer sul-
lace with sandhlasted inner surlace) and provides maximum light
output with a distinclive look. Etched glass

. Designed lot easy maintenance, each domed dilluser twists 0ll high output with
a distinctive look.
easily and remains suspended lor convenient Ie-lampitg.

Lytecastet glass dif'

fu se ts l.lvi st-off e a si ly
and swing dawn on a
concealed wite fot
easy, safe reJanping.

6r" 1102P1 .... .Non lC

Opal Disk 11038 .Non lC Exsllnq .. .. 100W
1121 .. .. jpal Glass 11001c- .. .c .. .60w
11000'CM* .. .. .. .. .Deep C .. ..60W
l1lalC Wng . .. C/Non.lC . .. .. .. 40W

11'l4lCP, .. C/Non.lC st ng 40W Ex

6 i.' 1102P1.. .. .. .. . . nW


UPal D,n,,"
1134 .. jpalGlass
ot'l [Tl\ 11038.. .. .. .. Exstlnq
1100tc- .. .. .. c .. . 40w


110001CM* .. .. .. .. ..Deep C .. . 40W

lyternins . .. ..
11041C C/Non-lC . .. 60W..
11E4|CRWning .. lo/Non- . .60W**
C Ex st ng

t \- I ..:;''

6%" 1102P1 .. .. .. .. . Non-C . .. .100W


(lratorc I)orne ll03R.... .. .. Non-C Existing 100W

1124 Craterc Glass fl00tc.. .. .. .. lc .. .. .60w
llmDlcl'r*. .. .. .. DeeplC .60W

lltAll 4,tefning .. .. .. lo/Non C .. .. ..40W

11041C8 4,tetning .. C/Non-lC Exsting. 40W


*'" ForAi8eat IC odet ltA1A|CL4, far Deep Ai$eat lC ordet tt11DA|CM.

For Non lC applications only.
Ltaetning: Unless atheMse noted, wattages shawn are tor tC applicanons.

These enclosed qpal Disk

provi d e d itf u s e,
d own Iig hts
unifom lighting for this ele-
vatot while also adding a
decarative elenent.

Wall Washing

5' & 6"/" Wall Washers

c,mple@ These rellectors ptovide high quality wall washing tol resider ial
and light commercial envitonments. Designed t0 emphasize the Ano htite@ rcfle ctot n axi-
,,;,#; vertical plane, they are an excellent way to make small rooms nizes AJanp output.

neflecturftin aPqeat m0te Spaclous.

-!,{#ijf,i! ,
$"peufile wall washer provides a hish intersity, smooth wash
0I light up t0 the ceiling line. Dual reflector optics assure elleclive
outpfi with economical lighl sources while the aluminum slep
ballle reduces glare.
. Basic Walllffasher leatures a Pema White lelleclor witt an "eye-
lid" apertule lhat gives an even wash ol light up to tfte ceiling line"
Prccis[on aluninun step
Available in a whire finish orwilh black or while phenolic baffles. baffle rcduces glare.

Ar9 Bm0
1002P1 ... ... ... ... ... Noi-lc .. ... ... . .80W. .65W
Step Baffle ... ... ... ... ... ... Non lC Existinq .. ..60W.
=4 WalI Washer
1003R 85W

1ts5 . . . . . . .Mal1e Black

Step Bat'fle
Its5Mr'H ... . .Matte White
Step Eallle

t .. ... .Non-lo .. .. ... ...60W
lm2H. ... ... ....
Basic Wall l{)(Bn.. .. ... .. ... .Non-lc Exlsting .. ...60W

tt rm0tcr ............ ... ... ... .. ...40w

1085 ... .. ...Perna White fi/c{;rc rtblnins ... ... ... ..l0/Non lC. .. . ...40Wt
ll$llnl+blning. .... .. ..lciNon-lc Existinq .. 40Wt

A13 lA 8m0 BR4{r

.. ... ... .s0W

,'T 63/4"
Step Baffle
Wall Washer
.Non-lc. .. ... ... .100W. ...150W
.Non-lc Existing . .. ..100W. ...150W.. ... .. ..150W
.DeeplC . ... ... ... .60W ... ... ... .60W

1135 . . . .
. . . .Malte Black
SteP Baffle

1135WH .. ...Malte WhiE

Slep Batlle

Basic Wall
]x / ffi\
ll85 ...Perna While


Basic Baffle )
I Wall Washer
lltf' . ... ... BlackBaffle
llffiWH . .. .White Baffle

lftelniry Untets ohe,wisq noted, shawn dre



Eyelid wall washe6 blend

easily into the ceiling with
open downlights and prcvide
s na oth s c a I I a p "f re e I ig htin g
an ve!7ical suiaces,


fi'zn L
3'I 8830
d,'d d 3 tlr
1 1 t6 11 1 7g 2t 29 19 l9 T9

2 18 t8 r8 l3 l3 T
t4 t4
et tl
F6' E6'
E9 X$

d '' d d '. l
z tl
l0 t0
Ee ,4 nt,

E 1'
150W 15{'W
2 t3'.!

I) r!

r'r "r!
z 5l {,1 t t 30 30 30 22 19 22
41 42 41 ?30 21 15 21

E4 22 2A E4 24 Z5 24 18 10
3t 21 28 21 l1 l1 3t 7n 2A ?A 14 14
!n 21 2A t3 t3 F6 16 t5 11 tl
21 16

B7 t7 l4 l7 1? 12 12

EB 14 12 l4 t0 ;8 t0 10 10
Et l0 l0 l0 59

a, '' r'r I
,' ll
I 39 36 39
35 35 23 25 73

3t t6 t8 t6 13 t2 t3
E6' il tl


:4 -l
Accent Lighting

3"/o",5u,6"Au & 7X" Recessed Accent Perlormame PAR Adjusfinent yoke

Recessed Adiustalle B5'tik)
canptete Designed lot high impact accent lighting, $is selection ol rellectot
trirns can be calelully aimed t0 deliver liglrt exactly where it is needed.
"ffi,, . Perlomance PAfl Becessed Adiusables provide a cost-ellective
freneda! alle'natiue t0 low voltage accent lighting. Deeply recessed lamps
!#ii"iiii anl aninner cut-off shield assure minimum apefiure blightness.
. More economical Recessed Adlustables oller inconspicuous
accent lighting lot horizontal and vertical sudaces and can be
easily coordinated wilh Slep Ballle and Apeltule Corc downlighh.
. The 7U" Pedomance PAR Adiustable utilizes the PAR38 lamp to
I nterior c ut-off sh i e Id
provide powerlul, deeply recessed accent lighting in retail and
prcvents view into Deeply recessed lanp lot
commercial applications. lixture fton below superior glarc contol.


.7sw... ..75W .. .50W
Performance 55W .. ..50W
PAR Reccssed
...Mafte Black Bat'fle
White Bafrle
ZfiACL . .. Specular Cleat VenlcalTlt 35'
2t29GD . . . .Speculat Gald
Z0ABK.. .Speculat Black
NIgl,l/H . ... Mafte White


tmPt . .Non-lC. ..75W ... .50W .. ..75W

,tt I Perf<rrmance ... .
PAR Recessed
rl ,12 ,t
tomtc*' IC 75W .50W ..50W

I t.Y,(,/
D \
ltB VzaZ. U )
. ...Matte Black Balfle
l0ujV,lA Matte White Baffle l_|:t
lwCL... .Specular tleat
102AG0 .. ..Speculat Gold Verticallllt35"
finBK .Speculat Black
. . (30"W/rc,Arclr)


. ... ... ...75W ...50W ...75W
,6t I Performance
PAR Recessed
llnfl . . .Speculat|leat
llTGD . ...Speculat Goid

Verticallllt 35"

7k ....... ..

I lri Performance
PAR Recessed
lmCL .. .Speculat1leat

I lmGD ... .Speculat Gold

* Fat Airseal IC order2000AIC.
VcrioalTt 35" * Fot Ai6eal lC order 1A00A|CM.
I Fot Ai$eal IC order ttqqAlCM,far Deep Anseat tC ordet ttqaDAlCM.
Note:Fat accentlighting perfornance data see pages 78-81.
D:See conpatible FIK fot depth-page 14.


l0{BP1... ... ............ ...N0n1C............ ... 7sW... 50W .....75W
Recessed lmn ... ... ............ .N0n1C Existiflg ... ...75W ....50W.....75W
. .

Adjustable l()mtc* . ... ... .... ... .. ... ... ..........75w.....50w .....75w

MWH Mafte Whte

..Matle Black Ba{fle

lwBK .. ...Speculat
..Speculat Gold
Venicalllt 35"
lW . . . . . . . . .Speculat Cleat B0"W/PAB30)

63/1" BR3I| PAM8 BB4{I

llmH ... ... ........ .... .Non-|C.... ..... .... .85W ....150W . ..150W
ll03B. ... ... ........ .... .Non lC txist]nq.........85W ....150W ...150W
Adjustable llmDlcMt .... . .... .... .Deep lC . . . . . . . . . ......85W . ...90W
1121 ... .Malie Black Baffle
112TWH Mafte White Baffle
11218K . . . . .Speculat Black .-.r lD-
113ts...... ..SpeculatGold Verticalllt 30"

1148 . . .. .Speculat Cleat

. . .

1131..... . ..Etushed Gold

1141 . . . .Btushed Cleat
. . .

I |'
A.ljo"trbl" rffi .-f ,-z--tr
........ ............. N0n-1C... ...... ......75W....30W
ll038..... ......... ........ Non-lc Existing ...... 85W.....s0W
flmtcl .

72" | .... .......... ...... ...75w... .90w
11n.. . .Matte Black Bat'fle llmDlcMt ... .... ........ .Deep lC. ...... ...... 75W.....90W
llmllll Matte White Baffle
112ABK .....Speculat Black
11NCL ... ...Speculat Cleat Venicalllit30"
11?3,G0 .. ....Speculat Gold

Accent Lighting

3"/n",5" &6%" ltccent

Step Ealtle Eyeball
colrplere Ttis series 0l versalile line voftage Eyeball units blend easily
into the ceiting and provide highly adiustable accent lighting.
9l"t! Since they ale not lecessed, Eyeballs feature a greatel degree
n##or"i" ol aOiustnent lhan recessed accent lighrs - up to 40' vertically.

separarei. r Basic Eyeball provides economical accenl lighting lor

horizontal surlaces.
. P0wer Eyeball utilizes either PARfl) or PAR38 lanps io match
similar-sized 0pen Balfle downlights and provide long, powerful
throws ol light lrom higher ceilings.
. Step Ballle Eyeball is designed to provide ellective low
btightness accent lighting.

Aluninun step baffle

and deeply recessed 0 ne-p ie c e Eyebal! ptovid es
Ianp rcduce glarc. up to 40o verticalflt


Step Baffle
2W .. .. ... ... ..Eyeba\|
mmH ........... ...........Non lC.............. 75W.....50W.....i5W
zmrc* .........|c....................55w.....50w.....50w

Elack Balfle
\WN,IH . .. ... ..Eyeba Veidcallllt 35"

wwhite Bat'fle


t -ffi
Step Baffle
1w .... ...... .Eyeball 'i' zd\
Mglack Baffle
.. ... ... ..Eyeball
wwhle Baffle
1082 . .Basic Whle Eyeball Verticalllt40"

Step Baffle
Eyeball ,LM
I ](J\L
4< 11n .. .. ... ...Eyebal

llan'llj. ......

I wwhite Baffle
-l * For Ai6eal lC odet 2000AlC.
# F Aideel lC n lct loqAAlCM
t Fot Ai.seal lC jrder 1100A|CM.
ll PAB30lanp tequies nediun base sacket ertender (1968) unless using lang neck PAfrn
Note: Fot accentlighting peiornance data see pages /8-81.
D: See conpanble FIK depth on page 14.
IfleTitg:Unless othewise noted,wattages shown are for IC applications.

'(< -.

a) PAR3O

Power Eyeball ..... ...Non-lC .. .. ... ..nW

...... ..Non-lc Eristing ... .i5W
1MJ .. ... .. .. Eyeball . ...... .tc ...... .. ... 75w
Mglack Baffle

,<t nt'
... ... . lC .. .. ...
( ,-------\', Power Eyeball

.. .. .. ...

llmn , .l\0- lC L\ sr "q .. 50W
llmlc .. .. .. .. rt' .. .. .. ..150W

wMhite Bat'fle VertcalTlt 30'

63a" PAR3O BB3O

ll02P1 .. ... ... ... . . ... Non-lc ... ... ... ... 75wtt .85W
llmn \on-C tuisriq . 75wll. B5W
1100tct .. .. .. . C .. ... .. .75wll .g\w
llMllt Wing ... ... ... .. C/Non"lC .. .. .. .75wit . B5W
lllAlln Lytelning .. . .lc/Non-C Existing .. .75wtl .. 85W

VertcalTlt 40'

i'lr I
WN t
!1 D
,'Y,,qd. ir

il t' l*.:

& I T
Low Voltage

There's no better way to create high-impact accent

lighting Ior homes, retail stores and other spaces than with

low voltaqe halogen downlightirg. By bringing out lom,

color and texture in the obiects being liqhted, low voltage

lighting draws the viewer in and adds excitement to the


Lylecaster low voltaqe downlights teature MRl6

and PAR36lamps that provide highly locused beams thal

are particularly well suited for accent lighting. These low

voltage incandescent sources are also 50% brighter and

last twice as long as normal lilamert lamps.

MRl6 lamps olfer a unique punch and sparkle

which is ideal for highlighting small oblects such as

artwo*, glass and lableware. The MR16 lamp leatures

a powerful ce ral beam surrounded by a less intense

"corona." The PAB36lamp plovides a well-controlled,

glare-lree beam.

Lytecaster lowvoltage downlights are designed to

provide a wide range ol adiustment" iilanyleature "hot

aiming" so the beam can be tilted and lotated while the

Iixture is oll. Adding dimming controls allows the intensity

olthe beam to be adiusted to the desired effect. Lytecaslel

also provides a complete seleclion ol color lillers and

accessories to lint and shape the light as desired,

Frarne-In T(its

Lytecaster Low Voltage Frame-in Kits offer a choice of installation

options and performance levels lor high impact accent lighting.
Standard [,4R16 Non-l0 20001V 10001V 1102P]
.2000LV se.ies leatures the smallest apeiure size (3%")lol the most
Standard Non-lC IBT)* 2000LVNT 1000LVNT
dlamatic applications and widesl selection ol trim and linish options.
Remodeler l\.4816 Non lC 2000LVR 1000LVR 1103R
. 5" 1000LV series provides higher wattages and greater adiustability
Slandard t\4R16 lC 1000lCV ttoolcT
for more demanding ploiects.
Airseal IMR16 lC 2000A|CV toOOnlCnt** ttoontCltt
6 %" 1100 series util:ze rellector trims with integlal t.ansfo.mers that
I\,4R16 Conversion Kit l920lV
provide the highest wattage and most adiustability.
* Bemote Transfatner.
. Replaceable lamp socket and "Hot Aiming"are standard. " Bea,rires t920Ll/ MBI6 Cottvcts'on ha 1oto"' sepatatetv)
I hctudnq Dppp tC t1100D|CM dnd I l11DA|CM'

T- .i,-+
Standard new construction N,4816 Non-lC Remodeler f0r use in existing For use in new constructlon where fixture

Frame-ln Kits for use ln ceilings up t0 ceilings up to 2" thick. Pre-insta led wil be in direct c0ntact with thermal insu-
1" thick. 0utboard mounted magnetic m0unting straps secure flanged ring ati0n. Transformer is m0unied inslde
transformer ensures c0ol, quiet 0pera without tools and with0ut damagjng h0using f0r easy access.20004lCV features
tion and easy ac cess above the c e ilin g. plaster or gypsum ceilings. AirSeal" gasketing f0r c0mpliance with
ldealf0r general residential and light WSEC and NN/lEC requiTements.
commerclal low voltaqe applicatlons.

2000w 2000wNT 1000w 1000w1'17

MBl6Remote MFl6 Remore
T.arsfnrmcr Translomer

out {A) 3"1{ 3'l; 5k slu" 51,"

Width (Wl t . 1 1l
Lensth (L) 1lyi 9"A" 11% 9% 15 yi
oepth'{D) 5 b'i

MBI6 Remote Transformer

LVNT Frame-ln Kits may be installed in Converts a previously installed 101
new ceilings up to 1 'thick. Lightolier series ife v0 tage L!'tecaster Staf
Remote Transformers 8608 (75W) and Rern0deler or lnsulated Ceiling Fn

K' ro acrepi l000lV series lowro

8609 (225W) are fused and suitab e for , ,
recessed installation. qal Berlecto T ns. Vdx:mlr wadaqt
" 42W *,rh insu
(ils ano 20 50.

i wlth non insulated kits. lnstal s $r1

Jr the need for hard wirlng.


-l 1920[V

cLrtn,,r(At ---
\ Non-lC fixture depth equals tnstalled depth af widrh (w)
canpoLtbla telPr!ot 1tin,s. lC h\lLrP dPplh is Lenglh (L) 13 yi
Low Voltage

Lytecaster low voltage downlights leature a valiety oI lighting Lytecaster low voltaqe downlights may be dimmed for added
accessories designed lor spec:alized lighting applications. accent lighting inpact. Lightolier oflers many Controls options
. traming Plojecto, accessory features adiuslable shuttel lor low voltage ,ixtures, including 0nSet, Mulliset, Scerist and
blades that dramatically lrane artwork. Brilliance controls and dimmers (these are designated by the
. $utfix "VA" 01 "LV" lollowing the catalog number). For additional
Color tillers and lenses tint and $hape the light bean creat-
details on Lightolier's entire line ol dimming conlrol systems
ing special effects.
contact Lightoliel Controls Division at 1-800-526-2731.
. Replacemenl sockets inchde the 1975TAL lor conversion to
GE Tuln & Lock lamps.

lllumination on Vertical PIane

Shutter blades set for maximum beam coverage-

D slance (D) 24" 48" 60" 7?" 84" 96"

A minq Anqle (Al 30'45" 60" 30" 45" 60' 30" 45" 60" 30"45'60" 30" 45" 60' 30'45" 60" 30'45'60"
Wrdth {Wl 2' 18" 22 20" 30" 3t' 29', 42'. 48'. 3T', 54" 62" 54" 78" 88" 63" 90" 101"

Lenqth (L) 16' 22" 44" 21" 31" 10" 39" 51" 97" 50" 66" 123" 61',8f i50" 12', 95', 116'. 84" 110" 202"

Distance {C) 13" 22" 33' 20'33" 50" 26" 44" 66" 33" 55" 83" 39" 66" 99" 46'77', 116" 52" 88', 132',

51]WMR]6FLEXN 376183 52 130 66 ?0 65 34 i1 39207 26 145 18 10 3 14 12
Attaches to 75W I\,1RI6 PL EYC 680 332 95 234119 37 lll 61 20 10 37 17 47 258 33 18 6 25 13 4

10621V Elbow. Lenqth {L)t0the pointlhat FC drops to l0% of maximum.

(page 44)
lllumanation on Vertical Plane
Unit aimed 0' from vertical, shutter blades set for maximum beam coverage.

Dislance 1D) 4 5', 6', 1 8 9', 10 1t 12'

S des lS) 20" 26', 32" 38" 4{ 50" 56" 63" 69"
5llw M8I6 FI FXN i08 64 42 30 22 17 14 1l I
75W IIRl6 FL EYC 195 115 75 53 40 31 )4 20 11

. :1. rszsg
aqe 20-


Color Filters 1975tAL 19758

7551 Blue Color Filter 7555 Light Blue Color Filre. For GETurn and 20001V
For Series For Series 1000tV
7553 Lavender Color Filier 7554 Light Green Color Filter Lock Lamps. and
F.ame-ln Kits Frame'ln (its and
7552 Red Coior Filter 7556 Amber Color Filter l052LV Trim. Trims 1152, 1161.

Spec;alty and Filtels

7550 Prismatic Spread Lens distributes llght symmetrically. I
7557 Beam Elonqatorfor asymmetrical licht distribution- -l
7558 Beam Smoother softens light beam and reduces striations.

7566 UV Filter blocks UV radiation, .educes phoiochemical degradation.

" Beplaccs glass sheld provided wqh ltyrurc.

Accent Lighting

3 %" Accent
These miniature low v0ltage accent Iights leatule the versatile
MRl6 light s0urce l0 dramalically highlight paintings, artwork
and other obiects while carelully blending inlo the ceiling.
r M816 Becessed Adiustable provides high impact accent lighdng
in a valiety 0l aperture firishes. "H0t aimitg" allows the lixtu.e
to be adiusted while on.
. Apefture cone
Elegantly-styled MR16 Mini Swivels sit llush with tle ceiling
available in I dilfercnt
and ale offered in both sqrare ard round models.
. MRl6 Eyeballprovides highly adiustable accent lighting and
leatures a convenient snap-out eyeballlor easy re-lamping.
. Mfil6 Slot and Pinhole provide the smallest available apeltule
with an inner rnatte black shield that absolbs slray light.
New GE Turn and Lock MBl6 capability available by ordering 1975TAL
conversion socket with each Mnl6 downlight. "Hot aining" featurc
a llows p osil o ni n g while
fixture is powercd.

{e Recessetl
2005 . .Mafte BkckBat'fle
2m0w.. .. ...
.. .
. .
. .Non'lc
... ... ... .. .20-50W
..Non'lc Existing... ... ..20-50W
Airsea lC .. ... .. ..20-35W.1

2l05w1 \4ate White Bat'fle

n08 . .. ..BrushedGold
nfi . .. ..Brushed Cleat
2012 .. .. Speculat Gald
2013 .. ...Speculat Cleat Veirlcalllt 35"

20138N .. .Specular Black

2013]i]r'H .. Mattewhite


Mini Srivel 20mU .. ... ... .. ... ..NonlC... ... ... ... .20 50W
2000w8 .. .. .. .. .. ..Non-lcExstng. .... 20'50W
llourtd 20mAlCV ... ...Ai6ea C.. ...20-35WT
2004BWH .. .. .. While
2004BBK .. .. .. Biack
2004BPB .. .Pol,sfred

20001V .. ... .. .. ... Non-lc ... ... .. ... ..20-50W
, N{ini Swivel- 2000LVR. ..... . . ... .Non-lcExlsting... ... ..20-50W
!qtlar' 2000AICV ... .. .. ..Airsea lC ... .. ......20'35Wt
2004SWH .. .. .. Wrlte
2004sBK ... .. .. B/rck
2004SPB .. .. .Porsied

' Cansuh factory for 50W lC.

t 50W nan-dichraic M816.
Note:Far accentlighting penornance data see pages 78' 81.
Accent Lighting Low Voltage

2000w... ... ... .... ... ... Non-lc... ... ........ ..20-50W
MR 16 Eveball
2000wR.. ... ... .... ... ... Non-lc E.xisting .... .....20-50W
zWlU ... ... .Maftewhite
20mAEV ... .... ... ........AirseallC.. ... ... ....20-35W
zMtN PolishPd Brass

oI Lffi
Vertica llt 45"

'4 n>'

zmu... ... .... .... .... ...Non-lC.. ......... ... ..20-50W
2m0UR. ... ... ... ... ...Non-lcExisting ... .. ...2o50W
ZmAICV Anseallc 20-35W


Venicallllt 15'

Slot lfR
M ...... .Slot Apen E ,1, J\^[
Malte Whne Faceplate

Slot dinensions: 1',1' x 2%
Vert callllt 35'
Accent Lighting

5" & 6%" Accent MRl6 Elhow

This selection ol low v0ltage accent lights is designed to pfovide

increased power and punch to highlight wall art and 0biects llorn
greater distances. suspends
elbow during
. Larger size 6%" Iixtures plovide lhe most adiustment and higher Set screw locks naintsnance.
wattage while the smallet 5" Becessed Adiustable and Pinhole elbow in place.

ofler more inconspicu0us styling.

. M816 Elbow plovides the highest range of adlustment;70" Convenient
maximum when fully extended llom veltical. rcplaceable
socket simplilies
. 6%" PAi36 Recessed Adjustable leatutes a dual output trans- naintenance.

tormer lor 12v or 5.5v lamps. PAB36lixtures are particularly well-

suitsd lor accenting small oblects with long throws of light.

New GEtun and Lock MR|6 capability available by ordeing 1975TAL

conve5ion socketwith each MB|6 downlight.
Durable cast
aluninun elbow frcning Projector
adjusts 70" lron veftical. accessory hage 411.

1@*' Recessed
Adjustable TEil 1000w
1000wn ..
. ..

u'" Kr;A--*) 1000'cv* ..
IMSL\ ...... .Mafte Black
lffF'VlfiLU ...MafteWhite
Venicallllt 35"
1056LU . . . .Speculat Black
llfrLY . . . . .Speculat Gold

164LU . ... .Speculat Clear

5" Mn16
l()mu............. ......Non-lc. ... ... ......4265W
.D Pinhole
1052LU ... .. ...Pinhale
r,ffi l0mun.. ... . .. ... ... .Non-lc Exlsting .... ...42-65W
tmtcv' . ...

Malte White Faceplate

Venica T r 35'

MR16 Elbow
a@ lm0l. .....
lmwn ... ... . . ... ...
10mtcv'. ..... ...
. .....N0n-lC... ... .. .......4265W
...Non-lcExisting .. ...42-65W

0 Tffi /'o
u.*,rrW' ' Fat Aideal IC atder 1000A|CM and t920LV MR16 Conversion Kit.
" Fat AnSEal IC order 11q1AICM. Fat Deep Aideal IC order ll1ADAICM.
I ,aw non-dichtoic A'lR16.
tt 50W non dichroic MRl6wih nCoAlCMng2\LV
Note:Fat accentliahtino pelornance data see pages 78 - 81.
low Voltage

P.' f

6yi' MRI6
Recessed 1lnn .... ... ... ... ........N0n1C . ... ....... ... ..42-50W
Adjustable lltsn . ... ... ... ............NonloExlsting ...... .....42'50W
1161 .. ..Mafte Black Balfle
mtc*.. ... ............
llmDrcMs... ... ........ ...DeeplC. ... ........ ...4250W
'l161WH Matte White Bat'fle

a4 nt'

6% MRI6
11f2H ... .... ... ... .... ... .Non'lc ... ... ... .... ... ..42'i5W
.D Pinhole 11tsR . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... ... .Non lC Existing . . . . . . . . . .42 75W
1152 ... .. ... .. Pinhale llmDlCM* .. ... ... .... ... .. . .. ... ...
Matte White Faceplate
.Deep lC .35W
L Lfesens,

Venica Ir45'

63/4" lzv PAR36 5.5v PAn36

llmH... ... ... ... . . . . . ....... ... ..25-50W .....25W
. . . . .Non'lc . . . . .
PAR36 Recessed lltsn ... ....... .... . . .Non'lc Existing . ..........20'50W......25W
. . . . .
Adjustable 00tc* . ... ... ... ... .... .tc ... ... .... ... ... .... ..20 50w . . . . . .25w
: 1155 . . .Mafte Black Baffle llmI)lCM*'. ... . . .........Deep|C . ... . ..... .....20-50W. ...25W
115tt H Mafiewhitc Bafilc
1163 . . ... . .Speculat Gold
- ll ... .Specular Clear I
VenicalTlt 35" -l
t: i;:il
:, l:l

>') .''.::
-:_ _- rl


& a-+
. l
w@ !

:q. 4i
Energy Smart

Lightolier is dedicated to providing Energy Smart

lighting. 0ur lixtures don't iust utilize the most efficient light

sources, they are carelully designed around them to plovide

the highest light output while rnaintaining good shielding for

confortable, glare-lree installations.

Compact Fluorescent
Today's compact lluorescent sources, such as the

new triple tube lamps. consume up to 70% less energy than

comparable incandescent lixtures and last up to thirteen

o times as long. Teamed with slate-ol-the-ad electronic

G N G ,i\, ballasts, they provide high output with fast, llicker-lree starts,

long lamp lile, and excellent color rendition. lightolier
.#F compact lluorescent downlights can either correspond

to walm incandescent sources, ideal lor residential

applications, or match cooler lluorescent lighting, good lor

where generous daylight is present.

High lntensity Discharge (HlD) light sources pro'
-.1 vide high output, long lile, and the g.eatest possible energy

efliciency. These characteristics make them a prime

consideration lor many commercial applications. Metal halide

is best suited for interior applications as it provides better

color rendering than high pressure sodium, HID downlights

should be used lor ceilings ovel h,velve teet whete a strong

punch ol light is required. For ceilings over 20leet, consider

metal halide PAR lamps, which provide an even stronger

throw of lighl-
-F ramr:-In I(its

Lytecaster Enelgy Smart downlights are well suited to a

variety ot residential and light commercial applications.
. Standard Non-l0 Triple Tube FIK's are available in both Tube
Slandard Non-lc Triple 1 llooFTseries

26 & 32W, and are compatible with high performance Airseal Tube
lC Triple 1 1100A|CMFI
Standard Non-lc Ouad Tube I 1002F Se.ies l102FSeries
Deep Alzak Bellectors and Step Baflle Wall Washers.
Standard lC 0uad Tube I 1100lCF
. 1l{XIAICMFT combines CFL technology with a ftrlly Standard Non-]C ouad Tube 2 li02D Series
gasketed housing lor maximum etficiency. Emergency Non-lo Ouad T0be 2 l102Tl\,41
.Standard Non-lC ouad Tube downlights are available in Remodeler Non-lc ouad Tube 1 l002FHlF 1102FH1R

both 5" & 6 %" aperlures and in 1 or 2-light contigurations. Remodeler Non-lc 0uad Tube 2 ll02DHlF

The 1100FT series delivers high light 0utput The 1l00AlCNIFT combines the energv Frame ln Kit for 13W quad tube lamps.
from either 26 or 32 watt CFL lamps in non- etficiency 0f CFL with a fully gasketed Acc0mm0dates ceilings up to l" thick, includ-
insulated ceiling applications. l\4ay be AirSeal lC housing. Dual rated 26/32W ing existing (except 1002FH2) 0r inaccessible
installed in new or existing ceilings t0 1" NPF electronic ballast. areas. l\4a gnetic ballast.
thick. Electronic ballast.
l100F26Tt {120v HPF) llmf,,2Tl i120v HPF) ll00A|CMFT{120v NPF} l002Fl {120v NPF) 1l02fl (120v NPF}
11mn6T2 (277v HPF) llfl)Etm {277v HPt) 1002Ft11 (120v HPF) llmFHl{120v HPF)
1002FH2 (277v HPF) 1r02t{2\271u HPtl
Cul0lll (A) 6 nli 6 "t;'
widlh {w) 1'l
tenqth (tl 12151;' 12,,/;', 11" 12k
6" 10 X" 6', 10 X" 6 %" 7
3l;' 6"-ta'/i'

lnput Power
Watts Amps lnput Power
1102T26t1 TotalWatts Amps
00F26T2 lnpul Power 1002F1 |02F1 175


1100F32I2 I
r00Atc[4Ft 28132
.380t.42A 1002FH2 I102FH2
t5 5

-l I\4inirnum staiting temperatLre for IVJlnimum sta.ting tempe.ature f or Minimrm starting tempecture for
26/32W Triple Tube is 5" F. 26/32W Tr ple Tube is 5' F. 13W ouad Tube is 32" F.

Nate: F Series FrameJn Khs available far Chicago

Nan lC fixture depth is depth ol deepest conpatihle reflectortrin. lC finure depth is depth af housing. Plenun, please consult factary.
Energy SmarP

Triple Tube CFL

Today's more compact Triple Tube sources leaturing
amalgam technology maintain consistent operation ovel
a wider range ol ambient temperatules - ideallor high
light oulput, enclosed downlights and lC applications.


0ne 13W quad tube Frame'ln Kit provides Frame-ln Kit for tvuo 13W quad tube lamps. Energy-efficient Remodelers that tackle
erergy ell c ent d0wnlight:ng n ceili^gs Accommodates ceilings up t0 l" thick, installations in existing ceilings up to 2"
where fixtures will be in direct contact with nclLding exisling or inaccessible a,eas. thick. Use D series for maximum reflec-
thermal insulation. Magnetlc ballast. Sinqle magnetic ballast powers both lamps. tor trim selecti0n. l\4agnetic ballast.
Consult factorv i0r switching options.
1l02Dl (120v NPF) I Lr. 1 Lt. 2 Lt.
1l02DHl (120v HPF) l1Uollll (120v HPF) t002FHtR fl02tHtR lt02DHrn
1l02DH2 (2iiv HPF) ll02Dlr2 (277v HPF) HPF)
(120v (120v HPF) (120v HPF)

5,/6' 6 Culout (A)

Widrh {W)

15% 117;', 13% 13 1%

61,4" 6'10%" 6"-10l 8".10 k' 6".10 %'

Ernerqency 0ption Battery _,,,**".-

Pack provides 90-minute
d- I \
back-up. One lamp is , lq _ . \lt
irun-aredat6odo .$f;:lt-'
rn t al outout dunno I
operaton.Contain: f.$/
nvefter/batterv charqer V
and maintenance-fTee Ni Cad battery. Test
switch and indicator light are provided with
24" of flex. l\,4ay be rernote rnounted.

Input Power
Total Watts Amps

I102DHl lnput Power

lnput Power 1r02DH2 Total Watts Amps

Total Watts Amps 11020[,11 1002F11R 15.5 .14

Oll 1100tcF 15.5

[4]nlm!m startinq tefirperature lor

14 1102DN42


nimum starting temperature

r r02FH1R 15.5

[,4ininLm sta rting temperature

13W nlad TLrhe is 32" F lor 13W ouad Tube is 32' F for 13W Ouad Tube ls 32" F

Note: D Series Frane-ln Kits available far

C h i c a go Plenun, pl ea se co n su lt f a ctory.
-t"rame-ln IGts

Low Profile Compact Fluorescent

Low Prolile downlights are designed for restricted plenum . & 26W FlKt available with enelgy-saving HPt electronic
applications and are available with a broad range ol open and ballasts lor either 2-pin or 4-pin CFL lamps. 26W FIK's ofler the
enclosed rellector options. Also slitable lor wall installations highest lumen package 0l any Lytecaster CFL downlight.
wilh selected rellectors (see pp" 64-67 tor all Low Prolile
Bellectol Trims).
. 13W Twin Tube Non-lC FIK's are available in new construction. Low Profile Non-lc TwinTube 2 1102T Series

existing ceiling, and emergency back-up conligurations featuring

Low Profile EmerqencyTwin Tube 2 1l02TM1
1102T13' T18
either magnetic or electronic ballasts. Low Profile Non-lc olad Tube 2 & T26 Series
Low Profile Remodeler Twin Tube 2 1102'IH1R

\ l'),

ii x.-
'ii -
":: -, . ,. .i

Low Profile Frame-ln Kitfortwo l3WTwin Low Profi e Frame-ln Kit for h/ro lBW Energy-etficient 13W Twin Tube Remodelers
or 26W 0uad T!be iamps. Shallow 31" tack e installations in plenums as sha low
ref ector trim) permits insta lation in shal- depth (with ref ector trim) permits
low plenums. For use with Low Protile instal ati0n in shallow plenums. F0r use [/]aqnetic ba last.
reflector trims only. with Low Profile reflector trims 0nly.

M.gnetic Electronic Mag. (13W) Elec. (18W)*' EIec. (26W)**

{l3W} (l3W) Emergency (120v HPF) l'l0ZIt8Tl 1102T26T1
't102T1 HPtl 110211812 11t2'126T2
{120v NPF) 1211v
{120v HPr} 1102Tflt tto2Tt3Tt 1102IMt (120v HPF) l102Tt8tl 1102n6t1 (l20v HPF) ll02THlR
i27iv HPf) 11M1H2 1t02r13j2 11M1M2 (277v HPF) 1102T18F2 ll02nit2
Cut Out (A)

width {w) 6',l 8"

Length (L) tB li
3"4 3K
++ T suffix denotes 2 pin
Emergency 0ption Battery Pack provides 90 lanp, F suffix denotes
mlnute back up. 0ne lamp is illuminated at 60%
init a output durinq operation. Contains
inverter'bane'y , ha gp d dd rainte ar' e-aee
Ni-Cad battery. Test switch and indicator ight are
prov ded w th 24" of f ex. N,4ay be remote mo!nted.

lnput Power
lnpul Power TotalWatts Amps
ToialWatts Amps 1102Tt8Tl
1102T1 3s .600 I102Tt8T2
1102TH1 32 .284 1102T18F1

1102TH2 32 .160 1102T18F2

I t02Tl3T1 2s .205 1102T26T1

1102T13T2 2s .09s 110212612 46 lnput Power


1t02lM2 48 r
UIln fir!nr startifg temperature for 13W



Mlnirium sta.tir! temperature for


lvllnimum stairing temperature


Tw n Tube is 32' F 10' F We ec balast) l8/26W Ouad Tube is 0'F. for l3W 0 Lrad Trrhe is 32' F

* Nan IC fixture depth is depth af deepest canpatible

rcflectar trin.
Energy Smart'

Conversion Kits IIID Sources

Conversion Kits converl previously inslalled Lytecastel HID downlights are the ideal choice where
Lytecaslel incandescent downlights lo com- energy conservation and l0w naintenance costs are prime considerations.
pact tluorescent tor Energy Smart perlormance. Two sources are available: Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium {HPS}.
. Compatible with 1000 series {t type only} and . Metal Halide is the solrce ol choice tor interior applications. due to its
1100 Series Reflector Trims. efficiency and color rendering capabilities.
. HPS oflers the highest elliciency and longest lite, often making il the
rnost econonical source. lts color, howevel, is not desilable lor most interi0r

Lytecaster HID downlights consi$t ol

three individual components: Frame-ln
Kit Ballast Assembly and Reflector Trim.
0lder each separately.
. Convenient Frame and Ballast '-q
Assembly offer exceptional flexibility.
. Lightvveight frame construction
191oFH1 for use with one 13W 0uad Tube.
simplif ies installation.
1910D H1 uses h/vo 13W 0uad Tube lamps.
C0mpatible with 1000 series type 0nly) and(F .Heavier ballast can be selected later and
1100 series reflector trims. lvlagnetic balLast. easily mounted after ceilinq is closed in.

e I t-t. 2 tt.

(120v HPF) l9l0fH1 t910DH't

61%i' Cut out {A)

13% widlh (w)

4" tr%

I tgtoDHl *idth i" 6',t'. Ballast Assembly/Splice Box

. 120/277v Dual-tap ballast. lnteqral
splice box permits simple replacement.
.0uick Connector provides plug-in
wiring and snap-on attachment.
. Heavy gauge steel ballast plate for
effective heat dissipation.

Ballasl Assemblios t'l02HF Ffame-ln Kit

Catalog llumber

.",' i
--:Flf ri
e{ 'lf:--ii*! . . .'.: ",
i ,.h.,:-j
lnpul Power [,1HM100,MPl\4100. ]00W

Amps High Pressure Sodium

t910FHt t5 5

f,"r 19100H1 31 .28

It I
N4 n mum slarlinq temperature
* MHM for EDlT lanps,
for l3W 0uad Tube is 32" F MPMfat PAffiS lamps.

Notes: Minimun Stafting Tenperatwes fot HID lanps is -20" E

AII HID ballasts are dual 120/2nv. Fot Auxiliary 0ption, Fusing, and Glass Guard,
General Lighthrg

5" Open
fo,"pieb Featuring one 13W ouad Tube [amp, these 5" downlights a]e
designed to provide general lighting f01 low ambient .esidential
"ffi,, and lighl commercial applications.
Pertert'.ni'n .
Simple and economical, these downlights are well-suited
-i'#!!iiii tor otriee corridors and back oflices where lalge amounts
ol light are not needed.
. A complete selecti0n of rellector trims ale available. Simply
compale lhe photometlics t0lind those best suited lo y0u1 need.

I x 0uad/1002tSe es
Deep Alzak@
llAi . .. ..SpecularGold 9',

1l'46 .. ..SpeculatCleat

r \ Aperture Cone T-MN I x ouad / 1002F Series

1N8 .. ... .Btushed Gold

.. .. Btushed Cleat ,i \e

1012 .. .. SpecularGald
1013 .. .. Speculat Cleat
10138K .. Speculat Black
fi13w4 ...Maftewhite

' Step Baffle
\N5 .. ... ..Mafte Black l5
1N5WH .. ..Mafte White 6. m 9',

14 10 12

G- 1x ouad/1002tSeries

1016 .. ..
..Mafte Black
1016WH ..Mafte White

Basic White
lxouad'loo2Fseries /c
1011 .. .. ..PemaWhite ,l ffi v t4

23 11
Energy Smarto
Compact Fluorescent

S" Enclosed
These one-lamp enclosed downlights are designed l0r wst
locations in both residential and c0mmercial environments.
. Economical l3W ouad Tube lamp puts out as much light
as a tl0W incandescent lamp while delivering mllch
greater elliciency.
Energy Snart CFL
. ldealfor closets, bathrooms, showers and similar sowces are idealfor

applications where an enclosed downlight is needed.
Meets Title 24 criteria and similar legislative mandates.
use with Lytecasrcr
enclosed downlights

1 x 0uad / l002tSeries
Basic Opalex
1ll8 .. .. ... ..Lexan

1 x ouad / l002fSeries
Cratere f)orne
o) 1024 .. .Cnterc6lass

t6 1l

<l )lt

-t ffi
1x 0uad /1002F Seris
Opal Disk
1021 .. .. .. .ApalGlass

|.: -.
I 7,'

Item N0. Ceiling Watts Volts / PF Ballast Type

1002F Series:1 tamp 0uad Tube (Gyo3-2/2-Pin Basel

1002F1 Non'lc 13W 120V / NPF l\raqnetic

fr 1002FH1

1002FH2 13W





1002FH1R Non lC Existing i3W 1 2OV / HPF l\4agnetic

Nate: See page /6for effect of Mate Whte Baffle on CFL t910FH1 Cnnvcrsioa 13W I 2OV / H PF [,4agnetic
lanp penamance data.
General Lighting

6"1" Open
compieb tor applications demanding higher ligtt 0utput these Energy
,ffi* SnatP 6"li' open downlights oller all the perlormance required in
ceilings up to lzleet.
nefl . ehoose Lom one and two-li ght 13W ouad Tube u0its or one-light
26W or 32W Triple Tube units.
. Triple Tube lamps provide a poweiful, conpact soulce that deliv-
ers superior energy ellicicncy and a better distribution ol light. They
also pr0duce better lume[ output over a wider range of ambient
temperatules lhan ouad Tube lamps.
. oeep Alzak@ provides the highesl output and best lamp sbielding.
Aperture Cones and Cross Blade oller imploved glare cortrol.

I xTriple/IlmFTSe es*
Deep Alzako

I x ouad / 1102FSe es*
1145 .. SpeculatGald 2x 0uad / 11020 Se es
8', t8 It
1146 . . .Specular Clear I

32 4', t3 58

L 9' wfth AW TTT

Shallow Alzak@ I xTriple/1100FISedes
I x 0uad/ll02F Se es
1143 ...Speculat Gaid 2x 0uad/llm[) Series
1144 ..SpecufuAeat I t0 t9'

4 66 5l
0 19 t5

l xT ple/llmRSe es
(,/ Aperture Cone
11$ .. ... ..Etushed Gold
1110 . ... .Etushed Cleat l-^ffi 1x ouad/1l02FSe es
2r ouad/11020 Series t3 8

I /-\
t0' 17
1112 . .. .SpecularGald
111X.......Specular Cleat
11138K . . . .Specular Black
1113wH...MafteWhite 60 46

L 7111"" wnh 32W TTT


Cross RIade 1 x Triple/ ll00FT Series*t
1x ouad/llmFSe es
1132 . . . . . . . . . . . . .White
2 x 0uad / ll@D Se es
1132A .. . Satin Aiuninun

t0' l4

23 t8 45 34

{ ' Natconpatible with lC Frane ln Kits.

t Use 26W lanp in upper socket cup positian only.
Energy Smart@
Compact Fluorescent

Item No, Ceiling Watts Volrs / pF Baltast Type

1100FT Series: I Lamp Triple Tube {cx24q-3 / 4-Pin Base)

I 9',

1100F26T1 Non-lc 26W l20V/ HPF Elecronrc

1100F26T2 277V / HPF Eleckonic

1100F32T1 120V I HPF Electronic

6', 3l

1100F32T2 277V I HPF Electronic

ll0oAlCMFI Airseal-lc 26,32W

o) 1102FSeries:1 tamp 0uadTube (cX23-2l2-Pin Base)
120V / NPF Electronic

1102F1 Non-lc l3W l20V / NPF Magnetic

1102FH1 13W 12()V / HPF l\4aqnetic

'at t'>
fi02FH2 13W 277V I HPF l\4agnetic

1100tcF 13W 12OV / HPF lvlagnetic

1102FHl R Non-lc Existinq 13W 12OV / HPF Magnetic

l910FHi Conversion 13W 120V/ HPF lMaqnetic :

11020 Series:2 Lamp ouad Tube {GX23-2 / 2-Pin Base)
I 26
'I 102D 1 Non-lc 13W 120V / NPF l\4aqnetic

1102DH1 Non-lC 12{)V / HPF i\,4agnetic

t;;t ;
1r020H2 277V / APF l\4agnetic

1102DH1R Non-lc Existing 13W 12OV / HPF lvlagnetic

|02DMl Emergency 13W 120V I HPF Magnetic

1102DtVI2 Emergency 13W 2J7V I HPF lvlagnetic

l910DH1 Conversion l3W I2OV / HPF Magnetic

Ol 4', 5l
Gcneral Lighring

6%" Basic Open Step Balfle 2-position socket

cup acc0nn0-
This selection ol open downlights is ideall0r budget conscious dates vatious
lanp tlpes.
applications that require higher lumen outpllt. Designed around the
latest Triple and ouad Tube lamps, these downlights are ideally
suited lor use in both residential and light commercial applications.
.6y." Step Balfle features a precision die-cast aluminum baflle and
an Anobrite@ alrminum upper retlectorthat ollers good light output
wilh superiol glare control.
. Basic Baflle offers good glare control and perfomance, and olters
an economical alternative in budgetsensitive applications'
. Basic While Rellectors leatules a non-yellowing, Pema White
linish and a low brightness splay-

6%" l rTdple/ll00Ff Series

Basic White I x (luad / 1102t Series
Reflector 2x ouad / 11020 Series
1111 ... Pernawhite

1110M1 .. .Pena Whle I x Triple / 1100FTSeies

I x 0uad /1102F Series
2x 0uad /ll02D Se es

Step Baffle
1105 Mafteqlack
,l^. A \
2xouad 1102D Series
t0 8',

llXiWH ... . .Mafte Whte
I/ tl LL_\
: 26

L 7'"/"" with 32W m

6%" r
1xTiple / ll00FT Se es
Basic Baffle 1 x 0uad / 1102t Series
1116 .. .. .Mafte Biack 2x (luad / 1102D Selies

1116WH .. .Malle While

11lgul .. . .Matte Black TFR I xTdple/1100tTSe es

1113WH .. .Mafte White
,1" liiA I x 0uad/ 1102F Series
2x 0uad / ll02D Series

4 t3
Energy Smart@
Compact Fluorescent

Conpa ct fluaresce nt
down I ig hts p rovid e a n p le
glarcJree light lor rcsi-
dential applications with
substantialeneryy sav-
ings vs. incandescent

Item No. Ceiling Watts Volrs / PF Ballast Type

tl00FT Series: 1 tamp Triple Tube {cX24q-3 / 4-Pin Base)

1100F26T1 Non-lc 26W l20V / HPF EJectronic

I100F26T2 N on'lC 26W 277V I HPF Electronic

1100F32T1 Non-lC 32W ]2OV / HPF Electronic

1r00F32T2 Non'lC 32W 271V I HPt E ectronic

o) llooAICMFI Airseal,lc 26,32W

1102FSeries: I

l-amp 0uadTube (G)O3-2l2-Pin Base)

/ NPF Eiectronlc

1102F1 N on-lC 13W l20V / NPF l\4agnetic

1t02FHl Non-lC 13W 120V I HPF l\,4agnetic

1102FH2 Non-lC 13W

277V I HPF [,4agnetic

1100tcF 13W I2OV / NPF Magnetic

I ll 9
1102FH1R Non-lC Existinq 13W 12OV / HPF lMaqnetic

191oFHl B Conversion 13W ]2OV / HPF v a qnetc

34 I l02D Series: 2 Lamp ouad Tube (cX23-2 / 2-Pin Base) L'tesens,
see page /3.

I102D1 Non-lC 13W I2OV/ NPF lvlaqnetic

11020H1 Non-lC 13W 12OV / HPF l\,4a gnetic

1102DH2 Non-lC 13W 211U I HPF Maqnetic

1102DH18 Non'lC Existinq 13W ]2OV / HPF i\,4agnetic

1102D tVI1 Emerqency 13W 1zOV/ HPF l\,4aonetic

6', t0
I102DM2 Emergency l3W 217V I HPF Magnetic

191t)DH1F Conversion 13W 12OV / HPF lvlagnetic

o) n

t6 Note See page /6 for eflect of Mafte Whle Bat'fte

on CFL lanp penornance data.
6 %" Enelosed Torsion spings hold
lens linly in place.
co'plete These enclosed d0wnlights bring lighl to lood seflice aleas, wet
locations and o$er spaces where exposed light sources are
tune tn prohibited 0r not desired. They are also an excellent s0lution l0I
*#rlifrn dirt-vone aleas where a completely shielded light source is needed.
;'Jljijif| , tru"nut tens plovides the rnost concentrated light output while
the While Difluser completely hides the light soulce.
. Basic Opalex is available with a choice ol twist-olf Flush and
Dropped Lexan@ dillusers lor durability and easy re-lamping.
Fresnellens prcvides
the tightest bean
alianetet hon an
enclosed downlight

6%" I xTtiple/1l00FTSeries
Basic Opalex - I x ouad i ll02F Series
Droppt:d 2x ouad /ll02D Series I

1178SH . Lexan


6'/', 1 xTriple/ 1100FtSeries

Basir: Opalex -

1x 0uad/ll02FSe es
-!'lush 2r ouad/1102D Se es
1177SH .. .. .. .lera,

6,'/', 1 xTriplei l100Fl Series*
Fresnel Lenslitc 1x 0uad/1102tSe es
1126 .. .. FresnelLens 2x ouad/11020 Se es I t3

31 28
6', t6 12

6%" I xTriple/ ll00FISeries'

White Dil{irser
lln ,l,rm 1x 0uad/ll02tSeies
2x 0uad/11020 Se es 8

Whitc Diffuset t0

-l t8 l3

* Use 26W lanp in upper sacket cup pasjtion anly.

Energy Smart@
Compact Fluorescent

Enc losed d otlnl ig hts a re

ideally suited Iot use in
utilily arcas where con-
cealnent af the light source
and easy cleaning are

Iteft No. Ceililq Watts Vohs/ pF Ballast Type

ll00FT Series: 1 tamp Triple Tube (cX24q 3 / 4-pin Base)

I100F26T1 Non-lC 26W 12DV IHPF Elecrronic

1i00F26T2 Non-lC 277V / HPF Electronic

1100F32T1 12()V / HPF Electronic

1100F32:t2 277V I HPF Electronic

l]00A|CMFT Alrseal-lc 26,32W

o) 1102F Series: 1 Lamp ouad Tube {cXZ3-2 /
t20V/ NpF

2-pin Base)

1102F1 Non-lc l3W 120V / NPF l\,,lagnertc

1102FH1 12OV / HPF l\4agnetic

11A2FH) Non lC 277V I HPt [/lagnetic

1100tcF 12OV / HPF I\4aonetic

I102FH1F Non,lc Ex;stlng 13W ] 2OV / HPF Magnetic

1S10FH1 Conversion 13W j20V / HpF l\.4agnetic

11020 Series: 2 Lamp 0uad Tube (G)(23-2 / 2-pin Base)

110201 Non-lc 13W 120V / NPt l\,4agnetic

11020H1 Non lC t3w ]2OV / HPF Magnetic

1102DH2 211V /HPF i\,4agnetic

ll02DHlB Non-lC Existing 13W ]2OV / HPF Maqnetic

1t 02Dt\,11 Emergency l3W 12OV / HPF Magnetic

1r02DM2 Emergency 13W 277V I HPF Magnetic

1g10DHl Conversion 13W 12OV / HPF l\ragnetic

o) J.
I Goreral Liglrtirte

6 %" Enclosed
These encl0sed Energy Sman@ downlights accomnodate
32W Triple Tube lamps lor higher lumen output. Designed loi
high-end residences, these wet locati0n downlights leatule a
clean, sophisticated look.
. Thick 0pal glass and heavily elched Cratere glass deliver supelior
dilfusion and elegant styling. For added convenience, each leatures
a lwistotf diflrser that remains suspended while re-lamping.
. Meets all ttle 24 requirements and makes an excellent choice
lor showers, closets. spas, kitchens and lood service areas.

When used with tripletube lanps

in the II11A|CMFT Aiseal lC HK.
Lyte c a ste t e n cl ased d own Ii g hts
ofler tlle most output and hiqhest
overcll energy efficiency of any
enclosed CFL fixture available.

6%', I x Triple / 1100FT Series

Opal Disk ! x 0uad /ll02F Series
1121 . ... ... ..0pa1Glass 2x ouad /11020 Series I

6%" I xT ple/1100tTSe es
Opal Domtr I x ouad / 1102t Series
1134 ......qpalGiass 2 x 0uad / 11020 Series z4
t0 Jl


6%" l rTipleill00Ff Series

Cratere Dome 1x ouad/1l02FSeries
1124 CratEre Glass
2x ouad/11020 Se es I 6 t5

-l 30 27
Energy Smart@
Compact Fluorescent

o opal DisMl00AICMFT tlK


Fully gasketed Ai$eal Ano b rite@ rcf le ctot n axinize s

lCrated housing prc- Tiple Tube output.
vents lass of heated

through fixture.


Dualwattage ballast
ac@nnodates both
26W and 32W triple Cased 0paldifluset AirSeal gasket seals hous-
tube lanps. (on salety bale).
ing tight against ceiling.

Item No. Ceiling Watts Volfs / pF BallastType

l100FT Series: 1 Lamp Triple Tube (cx24q-3/4-Pin Ease)

I 11
t0' 1100F26T1 Non-lc 26W t20V / HPF F.ectronic

o), 1100F26I2 Non'lc 26W 277V IHPF Electronic

1100F32T1 Non-lC I2OV/ HPF Electronic

1100F32T2 211v I HPF Electronic

1100AlCl\4FT Airseal-lc 26,32W 120V / NPF Electronic

1102F Series:1 tamp ouad Tube (G)O3"2/2-Pin Base)

1102F1 Non-lc i3W I20V / NPF Magnetic

1102FHl 13W 12OV / HPF iragnetic

1102FH2 13W 277V I UPF lvlagnetic

1100lcF 12OV / HPF lira gnetic

1102FH1R Non'lC Existinq 13W 120U I HPF l\4agnetic

1910FH1 Conversion i3W 120V I HPF lMaqnetic

11020 Series: 2 tamp ouad Tuhe (GX23-2l 2-Pin Base)

1102D1 Non'lc l3W 120V / NPF lMaqnetic

i 1020H1 120V / HPF Magnetic

1102DH2 Non'lC 277V I HPF Magnetic

1i020H1R Non-lC Existing 13W ]2OV / HPF Magnetic

o) 1102DM1


]2OV / HPF I\4agnetic
0 1 217U I HPF Maqnetic

19100H1 Conversion 13W I2OV / HPF Magnetic

5 & 63/r' Wall Washers
tytecaster 5" Ct[Wall Washers leature one 13W ouad Tube lamp
and are ideally sized for ceilings 9leet and under. These wall
washers can be used to enhance the sense 0l spaeiousness in
neflectutftin smaller rooms.
.6%" Wall Washels provide more output for commercial
environments with higher ceilings such as hotel lobbies,
corporate olfices, letail settings and similar spaces.
. Accomm0dating the 32W Triple Tube lamp in bolh Ai6eal@ lC
and ltlon-lc housings, Ballled WallWashe]s provide superior long- White Step Balfle Wall Washers
term energy elficiency. conbine with Pinhole downlighE
to ptoduce functional, dnnatic
lighting in llis dining arca.

Stel tsafflt.
VaIl' Washer -ffi 1x 0uad/l0{I2FSe es
lr '?t t]t

' ,ql1
z ll
1035 .. .. ..I|afte Black -3

Step Ballle
10i,5\4H .. .Ma11e White F6' 3

Step Ballle
!$ I

Rasic Wall
1x 0uad / 1002F Series

1085 .. .. PernaWhite

D ii:n-*e'.T;,
I xTriple/ l100Ff Series*

1135 .. .. ..Mafte Elack

'i / ll \
Step Baffle

1135W1 . .Mafte White

Step Eaflle L 9N" in Lppet sacket

Basic Wall 1 x T ple/llmFT Se es

Washcr 1 x ouad/1102FSeries

1185 PFrnawhitc 2 x 0uad / 11020 Series

6 t/,'
Basic Wall I xTriple/1100FTSe es
I x 0uad/ 1102F Series
-l Washer 2x ouad / ll02D Series
1186 .. ... .Pema White
Black Balfle
1!86WH . .. Pernawhite
wryhite Baffle
' Not canpatible with lC Frcne-ln Kits.
Energy Smarto
Compact Fluorescent

Item No. Ceiling Watts Volts / PF Ballast Type

1002F Series: I Lamp 0

.amp 0uad (GX, 2 / 2-Pin
Tubee {cX23 Pin Base)

1002F1 N on-lC r3w 120V / NPF l\,4a g netic

Non-lC 13W ]2()V / HPF l\,4a9 n etic

r002FH2 Non'lC 13W 271U I HPF Magneiic

1002FH1R Non-lC Existing 13W 120V / HPF l\,4a9 netic

19tOFHl Conversion 13W ]2OV / HPF l\,4agnetic

llem No. Ceiling Watts Volts / PF Ballast Type

l'l00FT Seriesr 1 tamp Triple Tube (GX24q-3 / 4-Pin Base)

1100F26T1 Non lC 26W 120V / HPF Eiectronic

1100F26r) Non-lC 211V IHPF Electronic

I t00F32Tl 32W I2OV / HPF Electronic

1100F32T2 N on-lC 211V I HPF ecirnnlc


l looAlCMFT Airseal lC 26, 32W t20V / NpF Etectronic

1102F Series: I Lamp 0uad Tube (cX23-2 / 2-Pin Base)

1102F1 Non lC 13W 120V / NPF Magnetic

1102FH1 Non lC r3w l20V / HPF l\,4agnet c

1102FH2 Non lC 2t1V I HPF l\l a gnetic

1100tcF 13W ] 2OV / HPF lvlaqnetic far turti:
ll02FHlF Ex sr nq l3W 12OV/ HPF Maqnetic

1910FH1 Conversron l3W 120V / HPF l\4 a gnetic

ll02D Series: 2 Lamp ouad Tube (cX23-2 / 2-Pin Base)

1r02D1 Non'lc 13W 120V / NPF Magnetlc

11020H1 Non lC 13W l20V / HPF lVIa g netrc

11A20H2 Non-lC 211V I HPF l\,4agn etic

1102DHl R Non-lC Existin! 13W l20V / HPF Maqnetic

11020tvtl Ernergency 13W 12OV/ HPF IMaqnetic

1102DN,42 Emerency 13W 277V I HPF l\4agnetic

on HPF
1910DH 1 Convers 13W 120V I l\,4a9 n etic

General Liglrring

6%" Low Proffle

The 1102T series C0mpacl tluolescent F]ame-ln Kits otfet the
widest selecti0n 0l lamp and ballast options in the shallowest
recessed design available.
KE and
. Features an extensive selection ol high pedolmance open
relleclor trims and enclosed, wet location diflusers to plovide
s0lutions lo the most demanding lighting challenges.
. Choose lrom 13W Twin Tube or 18W and 26W 0uad Tuhe lixtules
At 3%' in depk, Lytecastet >
equipped with llicket-lree, energy-ellicient electlonic ballasts.*
con p a ct fluoresc e nt d own -
lights delivet high petor
nance in residential and
connercial applica ans
* Magnetic ballastalso available in 13W. wik linited plenun access.

2 x 13Twin /ll02T Series

ei Low Profile
2x l8ouad/1102T18 Series
2x 25ouad/1102T26Se es
"-) Alzak@ Cone
11131G0 ...Specuiat Gald
1113lCL ...Speculat Cleat
1113IBK . SpecularBlack

2x l3Twin. 1102TSe es
6%', I Lt I 2xl80uad ll02Tl8series
Low Profile ',* [ 2 x 26 0uad.l1o2T26series 1t
Step Baffle ll::L
1105T .ll|alle Black

2x 18 ouad /1102T18 Series
6%" 2x 26 ouad /ll02n6 Series
Low Profile I l4 I I l5 I
Cross Blade 12

42 52
6', t9

2 x 13 Twin / 11ofi Series

6%" 2x 18 0uad /1102T18 Series TT

lt:r t3'
2x26 0uad / llmT26 Series 11 21
Low Profile I
zz 22
22 16 t4 t6
- Sten Baffle
'Wa[ .:{
-l n11 11 ||l
washer 11
I !0
-l 11351 .....MatteBiack
Step Bafrle
1135IWE .. Mafte White
Slep Baffle
Energy Smart@
Compact Fluorescent



llem No. Ceilirg Wafls Vohs/ PF Ballast Type

1102T Series:2 Lamp Twin Tube*

I t02Tl Non lC l3W 2 PLn 120V / NPF l\4a gnetic

1102TH1 Non-lc 13W-2 Pin 120V IHPF Magnetic

11A21H2 Non-l0 13W-2 P n 211U IHPF [,4agnetic

1102T13T1 Non-lc 13W-2 Pin l20V/ HPF Electronic

tt 1t02Tt3T2

1102THl R
Non- C
Non-lC Existing

Pin 277v IHPF

E ectronic

I\,4agn etic

1102T|VI1 Emerqency l3W-2 Pin 120V / HPF Magnetic

1102T1\,42 Emergency 13W-2 P n 2t1V I HPF I\,4a9 netic

.t lt>
1102T18 Series:2 Lamp ouad Tube*
See back
.Dvct fhr
1102Tr 8T1 Non lC l8W-2 Pin ]2OVl HPF Electronic d rijirt;\
1102T18T2 Non-lc lBW-2Pn 277V IHPF Electronic

1102T18F] Non-lc lBW'4 Pin 120V / HPF Electronic

1102118F2 Non-lc 18W-4 Pin 277V I HPF Electronic

ll02T26 Series:2 Lamp 0uad Tube*

1r02T26T1 Non lC 26W 2 Prf 1 2OV / HPF E ectronic

110212612 Non lC 26W-2 Pin 277U IHPF Electronic

1102r26F1 Non C 26W-4 Prn l20Vi HPF Elctronic

1142r26t2 Non lC 26W-4 Pin 221V I HPF Electronic

13W 2 Pin GX23 2
lBW-2 Pin G24,!,-2

t1 1BW-4 Pin
26W-2 Pin
26W-4 P n
(lener:rl L

The ultra-shallow 3 % " depth 0f the 1102T sedes allows it lo be used Under sprinkler lines.
where other GFLfixlures wonttit - inside shallow plenums, under
sprinkler lines, beneath HVAC ducB and between 2 x d steel studs.

Low Profile , I 2x 13 Twin/ll02TSe es

2x l8 ouad/ 1102T10 Se es
Fresnel Lenslite
2x 26 0uad/ 1102T26 Se es t0
11261* .. ..FresneiLens


Low Profile 2x 13 Twin/ll02TSeries
x l8 ouad / 1102T18 Series
White Diffuser 2

2 x 26 ouad / 110fi26 Sedes & t3' 8',

11281* .. .. ..White l0

ll 30

Low Profile 2x l3Twin/1102TSeries
x l8 ouad / 1102T18 Series
Basic Opalex 2

2 x 26 0uad / 1102T26 Series

1178L .. .. .. ..Lexan

ior,Profil" Ii.F \.

En.losed ,' -rt-


t' Diflu'er
11141 . . .Bkck Step Balfle
2 x 18 0uad i 1102T18 Series


* 1114TUIH White Step Balfle

-l 1114ltL . . .Speculat Cieat
1114lBK ..SpeculatBiack
1114IGD . . SpeculatGald

Note:See page 76 fat elfectof lrlafte White Batfle an

* 1126T and llUT suirable fat v/allnount installatlan. lanp peiornance data
Energy Smart@
Gompact Fluorescent


Beneath HVAC ducts. lnside shallow plenums.

Item No. Ceiling Watts Volts/ PF Ballasr Type

1102T Series:2 l-amp Twin Tube*

1102:t1 Non'lc 13W-2 Pin 120V / NPF Magnetic

1102TH1 Non-lc l3W-2 Pin 120V IHPF IVlaqnetic

1102TH2 Non lC 13W 2 Pln 271U IHPF Magnetic

1102113T1 Non lC 13W-2 Pii 120V / HPF Electronic

tn 1102T13T2 Non lC
1102TH1R Non-lC Existinq l3W'2
l3W 2 Pin

120V/ HPF
lHPf Electronic


1102TM1 Emeroencv 13W-2 Pin 120V/ HPF l\,4agnetic

I102T1\.42 Emerqencv 13W-2 Pin 211V / HPF IVla gnetic

'.[ il,
1102T18 Series:2 Lamp 0uad Tube*

1102T18T1 Non-lc 18W-2 Pin 1 2OV / HPF Electronic

1102T18T2 Non-lc 1BW-2 Pin 277V lH?F Electronic

1102T18Fl Non lC l8W 4 Pin 120V/HPF Electronic

1102118F2 Non'lc lBW4 Pin 217v I HPF Electronic

t0 32 1102T26 Series:2 Lamp ouad Tube*

I102T26T1 Non-l0 26W-2 Pin l20V/ HPF Electronic

43 110?r2|,r2 Non-lc 26W-2 Pin 211V I HPF Eleotronin

1102r26F1 Non-lc 26W-4 Pin 120V / HPF Electronic

1102126F2 Non-lc 26W'4 Pin 221U IHPF Eiectronic

*[amp Ease
13W-2 P;n GX23-2

lBW 2 Pin G24d-2
18W-4 Pin G24q-2
26W'2 Pii G24d-3 -l
26W'4 Pin G24q-3
Cenr:r'al Liehting

6%" High Intensity Discharge (HID)

canptev lytecaster Hlo oownlights leatule quick, llexihle installati0n.
,,ffif,r, low maintenance and high performance lrom today's highly
Franeln elficient metal halide and high plessure sodium sources.
Y,it Balasl
Assenbt| Step Ballle
Deep Alzak@ Rellector
8"111"-111 teatures precision-litted aluminum Step Balfle for excellenl
Maximun etficiency and glare controltrom deeply regressed
.iiiffi" lamp. Reflector is treated t0 be UV resistant and non-lading. glare c0ntrol. Anobrite@ aluminum upper rellector.

Alzak@ Cone Fresnel Lenslite

Versatile s0ecular Alzak Cone is treated t0 be ultravi0let Fresnel lens, regressed in white bezel, controls brightness.
resistant aid non-fading. Anobriteo aluminum upper leflector An0brite@ alurninum reflector provides high rellectivity.

I High Pressure Sodiun I Melal Halide {open fixlure typel

tD17 E017 E17 B1l

6U" 1102HF/NonlC ..
.tVHtVis I,l,r!'
D, , 1, -Alzal< " tvHM100 ,|ri\"r'
R e{l eltor HPStlts0. .. .. 50w .50w..50w
HPSI 70 70W ..70W ..70W
1146HR SpecularClear

6l' 1102HF/Non1C MPll4i0.. ll$r


I)eep Alzahl [,1P114100 i0cr'.1

Reflcctor HPSI\4TO 7OW

1149HR. .Specl//ar8lrck I

1151HR .. SpecularClear

PAR38 817 E17 FO17

6tltt 1102HF,

t, 5 {1zal' " U,tn. I-m

'r /#+\
1113H8 SpetLlat Ctedt

50w 50w .50w

Il I

PAN38 B1i E17 EO17 PAB38


.9 Step Bafflt:
1105Hn .. Mate Black
1102Ht/ Non-lC

50w 50w

6'l' [,lHll,li5 ..
817 E17 ED17
Fresncl HPSM5o . ..50W 50W 50W
-l Lenslite I HPS['|70 . . /0W 70W 70W
1126H4 . .FtesnelLens I "/,

'Use antv lvietalHalide lanps narked 0penFlxt rcType'

IE Allather MetalHalide lanps are nat abie to scrcwlnto

sacketcup. Consuh lanp nanLlacturc6 for selectic'n
Energy Smarto

64 6


,tl I 9',

<t Jt>

107 8',

t0' 58


Lyte g ems

These elegant Lytecaster accessolies create

visually expressive downlighting by combining lunctional

illumination with decorative design. The elfect is unique:

the light is smooth, the light source is well hidden, and the

decorative elements ate elegantly scaled and beautilully

detailed. Lytegems add a gentle brightness to the ceiling,

drawing the eye up and enhancing the sense oI spaciousness.

Surface brighlness is also well balanced, with no hot spots.

Lytegems can be specified in many diverse

applicatiorls. ln residences,lhey are particularly well suited

to hallways,loyers and kitchens. Their ability to dress up a

space with discrete points ol light also makes them ideal Io1

restaulanls, cales. retail stores and other spaces that require

a strong visual identity. Used in combination with a wide

selection ol Lytecaster incandescent, low voltage and Enetgy

Smart'compact lluorescent and HID downlights, Lytegems

give the lighting designel the lreedom to create the most

elegant and expressive downlighting possible-

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1400ct
.. . .. .. .. .. ..
.t300G! 1400GD

,,/ \_: r
-5 I

Beveled Class
ClearElched .1304 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1404

CobatBiue. .. ..1305. .. .. .. .. .. ..1405

ll-8,/ .:

Clear .. .. .1310 .. .. .. .. .. . ..1410

4?'l :rt
f r', l FgrE-

Glass Collal
CleatEtched ..

I ?

l-8/ l

Tieled Ring
Maftewhne . ..


l1 SpecularAzak cones are spunwth a pTominent

overLap return trim. The extra cone depth provldes
Lytegems attach to standald Lytecaster downlights, providing
complete llexibility 0I installati0n and a wide choice ol light

exce eft q are control. The trinr deta is stronq, bul sources. You can even upgrade an exislinq downlight, il it is
not overpowering and works well w th wood, rnetal compatible, A complete Lytegem downlight consists of three
or textured ce ngs Cones replace the baffles n the componenls, each oI which is ordered separately.

A thick, do!ble lapered rinq of glass floats elegantly oif

the ceiling. Well sulted for use n rnu tiples. Choose frcm
c ear g ass that has bsen etched or str k ng so id coba t b ue.


Stacked glass composition with rfractive nner edges

creates a sh mmerlng elfect. Style matched to Liqhlolier
ce ng, wa I and pendant Scalinl fixtLrres. Works best
wlth haloq en liqlrt soLrrces.

)l $:1


Etched glass wraps around a black die-cast rnounting

collar and qlows solt V A simp e des qn that works
especla y well I m! tiples. N,4inlrnLrm extension from
the celling and distortion of the light beam.

Lytegems are compatible with those Rellector Trims lhat have

removable cones or batfle$ and with most Lytecaster Frame-ln
Kits. All rellectors listed with this symbol !!= can be used
with Lytegems. The Specular Clear and Satin Clear Cones will
give the best etlect because they deliver ihe most light. other
linishes mav be used as desired. See matrix below for
Concentric meta r ngs stand on three posls for a classic conpatibility.
louvered effect. A stronq e ement that does not tlre
easily. Subtle matte wh te f n sh.

Compatibility Matrix
Compalible Compatible
Frame-ln Kits

1300 All 2000 Series

Serieg FIK's Except lC.

1400 1005-1013WH All 1000 Series

) I A sophlstlcated design F oaiinq meta disk

ho ds an etched g ass inner co ar and provides


FlKs Except lC.

All 1 100 Series

a direct/indirect L ghting effect Disk may be Series 1155,1161 FlKs Except lC.
f e d palnted.
AS300 1997 Conversion faceplates for Lltecaster l\,4R16 low
voltaqe Pinhole reflectors (1000 and 1100
Converrs L!,retnina 1 1041C, 1 104lCR, For lse with 20038, 1003R & I10:F
me lf Kts Series). [/atte White finish.
10041C and l004lCR Frame'ln Kits to Fra

comply with Washingtof State Energy

Code and National l\,4odel Energy Code 1452 For 1052lV Pinhole
air leakaqe requirements.
1552 For 1152 Pinhole

1956 't 965 1955

ALI 1100 Series Frame n Kits lexcepl ll02HFl Adjustable bracket accessory attaches t0 For lfstalLalion n ex sl n!l ce lngs. Box of 100
standard mount n!l bars have nte0ralT bar mounting bar for mountinq to ceiling runner For Ser es 2000, 1000, 1100 (except Bas c
tab Posilion notched area of mouft n!l bEr on Holes in mounting bar allow adjustrnent of ref ectors, Deep and Sha ow Alzak rei ectors).
top bar and ock by bendif!t lab nder-
oJ T height from 1 l" to 2 !' above finished ceil-
neath T bar bead. [/louft rg bars perm]L frame ing. Set of 4 brackets.
lo lro o. oro.] og o o hoL/ 2A tat t-
lo orhp - rp tfi s ."- d d 'or ll


20 mo!niing bar extefders. SeI of 2 For

2000, 1000 Ser es


Stafdard lcngth (13 )firo!nting bars. Sel

oJ 4 For 2000, 1000 Ser es (Excepl lC).

13 rep acemeft bars Sct of 4 For Seri-"s
-t 1100 afd C Frane- n Kits. For Series 2000, 1000, 1100,
,! Frame'ln Kits and 20001V and 2000lVR
Frame ln Kits (not compatble with
'Nat la( use h,ith Ly,tetnitg Frante ln Kts Fluorescent,lC and Hl0 Frame-ln Kits).


Rep acement cones lor Ll,lecaster reflectors
(not for use with Bas c rellectors, Deep
Eyeba s and Sha ow Alzak reilectors,
[4atte Black Step Bal{le
Comp. Bell.
2000 Series
2000 Series
Spe c L] ar
Spec! ar G old
BK Spec! ar Black
Clea r

P nho -"s and S ots) To order f nishes olher 1450 I\4atte Black Step Bafflc 1000 Serles BA Brushed A um n!m
than l,4atte B ack Step Baffle, add fiflsh 1450 Ct, GD, BK, BA, BG, WH, WHB 1000 Serles BG Brushed Go d
desiqfations after cata oll
desigfations n!fiber(for
oq n!fiber (for 1550
1550 [4 ate BlackStep
Matle tsaille
Black Step Batfle 11nlSeres
S-"rles wH
WH atte wlr
N,4 Wh te e l350CL for Specu ar Clear, 2000 1550 CL, GD, BK, BA, BG, WH, WHB ll00Seres WHB l\4atte White Baff e

*_ r-.
I , _.

'|' 1

)0 \ jjl

[,40!fting r]fg ho ds reilector snug lo ce r954 Fits all Frame-ln Kits except Non-lC
ing. Can be !sed with Slafdard Frame ln For 1100 Series Beflector Trims (except Bemodelers. Full 7/8" deep. lnstalled after
Klts where ce ngs are up to 2 thic(. r 170-1199)- 0.0. B %.
mounting frame, before plastering ceiling
1967A 11100 Series) 1959 Series 2000

19678 i1000 Series) 1957 1960 Series I000

1967C 12000 Ser es) '1961 Series 1100

For Series 1000 Feflector Trims - 0.D. 7'.


Far 1000 lC Ser es, l l00 lC and 2000

A CV Ser es Frame ln Kits on y

For 50W and 75W PAB30 lamps on y.

Limited compat bllity (see indiv d!a
Supplies 120v fifrure from a277vbftnch
circuit (20 amp. minimumi. Can be used
ref ector trim data). for multiple fixiures (notto exceed 300W
maximum load).
fhefoll|wing guidelines prcvidevaluable infamation an the effective use af Lt\ecastet
General Lighting
Asimp e ayoutoldown ghtslo ows live basic steps: Spacing llatio
1 Deterrnlnthe leve ofillumination, in footcandles, depending on the usage ofthe To find the maxirnum spac ng of lixiures lor even liqht ng, rnu t p ythe Spacing Ratio

space lSectonA) (S.R.)bVthelxturehe0htabovetheworkpane.

Selectthe liglrtsource based on etf c ency,lamp liie, c0l0r and dlmming ability. Be flt3
sure to consider Enerqy Smartl 0ng-lile c0mpacti u0rescentand HID sources. I x 13 0rad Tuh

Selecltlre downlighl, based on lghtsource, sze and finish Given 1113 BeflectorTrlms with one 13W ouad Tube amp mounted in a sma
r0omwith an 8 hiqh white ceilinq and liqhtwalls.
llse LightL0ss Factors (Section Elto assure adequate ma nta ned f00tcandles.
{Mainta ned Footcand es = lnil a tootcand es x LLF) Find The spacing 0flixtures l0r 25 to 30 iootcandles (nltial).

Determ ne do,,!n ghtspacngtrornthechaftinSectlonC When the layoutis S0lution See f,4ultipLe Unils chan.These lixtures, mounted 0n 4 centers,wi
pre-deterrnlned bythe space, use footcandle chanslo I nd the lighting leve When prcvide 28 footcand es ata work plane height0f30.The Spac ng Fatio of

maximum spac ng isdesircd {in a ha way,for example)usethe Spaclng Fatio 1.0 a lows these fixtures t0 be rnounted up to 5.5 apaft {1x {8 2.5lland
(Section D)to assure even iqht no. still provide even lighting.

Recommended General Lighting Levels
{lvl n rnum, [,4aintained) Downlighting from a Single Unit
High 1over 50footcand es) Kitchens F00tcandle (FC)values are nitlalandareatlhecenlerofthebeam,30 ab0vethefloor
Reslaurants lqu ck-servlcel The Beam Diameter st0 the pointthatthe candlepower dropsto 50% of maximum.

Medium i30-50lootcandles) Lobbies r005 isw BB30 FL

Restaurants {leisure)
Becreation Areas Height Foot- Beam

B 13 6

Elevaiors I
10 1
i::i:'_ ''
Stairs 12 4 11
Restaurants (lntimate)
Light Loss Factors F
Lghtlosslactors compensate lor dirt accumu ati0n and lamp depreciation.
I\llainta ned Footcand es = nitial F0otcandles x L ght L0ss tactorlLLF) Footcandle Conversion for Downlights
Lamp wattages given ior each incandescent ref ectortrlm are the maxrnuml0rthe amp
Fixturc Lann Tvpe Mainlenance Conditions
type specified.To conveft lghtinq data for a lower\rvaltage amp olthe sarne type,
muliiplyihe footcand e va ues bythe ratio 0fthe umens ofthe hvo lamps Notebeam
Enclosed A,Trlple, .60
dianele sp"!r g r"tro {S.Rloo aor c\anqe
Down ghts 0uad &Tw n Tube
Given Lighting Data for ll05 reflectortrim wrth a 150W BR40 FL amp.
0pen PAR,Bfl,I/R, .70
Find Thefootcand e leve for 90W BR40 FL arnp.
Do\rvn ghts
A, Trlple, 0uad &
Twin Tube
Sohtion Dividethe umens 0f the 90W BB40 FL 11100) bythe lumens oithe l50W
BB40 FL (1525){1100 dlvided by 1525 = 0 7}. Then, rnu tlplythe footcand e
Good = Clean area, ntenance and group re amping. values ofthe f xture data bV 0 7
Medium = L4edlum d fty area, regularma ntenance andspotrelamping Finish Footcandle Mullip liers lor A-lamp and Flu0rescenl [)ala*
Poor = Dirty area, poor maintenance and sp0t relamp ng.
BeJlector I i\]latte White I Specu ar I Wh te
C C edr/Gold Cone Mu r plers lBlarlBdfipi\rl!1pprs

General Lighting from Multiple Units

Footcandlevaluesareinta andaverageandareataworkplaneheight0l30"ab0ve
thefloor They are sh0wn l0r vai0uslixture spacings ln a large r0om (30 x 50 )and a
footcandles shawn wik Speculat Cane untts are far Clear and Gald t'inishes)
smal roorn lS x l2 ), both wth cei ing heights of S to 12 Roon linishes are lypical:
with Step at Basic Balfle units arc far Black Baffles. Multipllets above arc againsl
white ceiling 180% refl.), liqht walk (50% ref.), and dark floor (20% refl.).
those footca n d le va I u e s.
11131 x l3W 0uad Tube

Centerto Footcand es

I Cntr. Spac ng Large Small

-I Hoom Room

6 16 l3 S.B.=1.6
8 97
Lyteca ste r

Dl Accent Lighting
LJse lndvdua lxtures n sma areasorforcreatngfoca poo sof 9ht iSectlon

Forthe bestvewinq 0fp ctures andthree d mens ona 0blecls, 0cate accent ghts so
Lamp Data
Buib Rated

Lumens Raied L1e


Gerreral Service lncandescent Lamps

thattheir beams are a med30"from \lertica Three dimens 0na 0blects stand 0ut best
A19 455 1500
when cross- ghted lSect 0n ijlfrom tno accenl ghts
', 6ow AI9 B?O 1000
S ze the beam t01he objectlslbeing highlighted and uminatethemtothreetmesthe 7sw Ar9 1190 750
qeneral evel. T0 gauge beam spread and ntenslty, see data on pages 78 8i t00w Ar9 1750 750

150W A2r 2850 750

Proj ector (PAR) I'Ialogen Lamps
Acccnt Lighting/Rearn (lentcr T,ocation
60w PAR16 650 2000

75W PAR]6 900 2000

The chans 0calethe distance {C) to ihe cenler 0flhe light beam forvari0Llsm0untng 35W PAR20 400 2500

distances lDl and for almlIq anq es 30" and 45" from verlica 30" fr0m vert]calis the 50w PAR20 530 2500
prelerTed a m nq anq e for lqhtin0 p ctures on a wali. 35W PAR30 450 2500

Exampe Whenanacrenl ghl slocaled3 from a,r!a andamed30"from\ledca 50w PAR30 600 2s00

the center olthe ight beam w be aboLn 5 down lrom lhe celing. 7OW PAB3O l TOO 2500

45W PAF3B 520 2500

60w PAB38 900 2500

gOW PAR3B 14OO 2500

1i](1W HIR PAR38 2070 3000

120W PAR38 r900 3000

250W PAR38 3600 4200

Low Voltage Projector Lamps

[,4R16 lsee paqes ?8-811
PAR36 {See paqesiB-81)

)t lleflector (BR) Lamps

& E5W BR30 715 2000

i5w 0R30 a 2000

85W BR3O 925 2000

30 Aiming Angle 75W BB4O a 2000

90w BB4{ 1100 2000

Distance 1D) 1600 2000
120W BB4O

150W BR4O 2000

Compact Fluorescent Lamps

I irj l3W Twin Tube2-Pin 900 10,000
l r3w 0uad Tube 2-Pln
860 10,000

- r8W ouadlube 2-P n 1250 10,000


lBW 0uad Tube4-Pin 1250 10,000


26W ouad lube 2-Pin 1800 10,000


26W 0uad Tube 4'Pin 1800 10,000

45'Aiminq Anqle 20w Trlpie Tube 4Pin 1800 10,000

Distafce (D)
32W Tr ple Tube 4-Pin 2400 10,000

Metal Halide Lamps (Open l'Lrture Type)

32W E17/[4ed. 2500 10,000

ED17/l\4ed. 15,000
() 70\-{/

100w ED17/l!led. 7300 15,000

70w PAR38/liled. 3500 8,500

100w PAR38/N4ed. 5500 8,500
Jhe shape 0fabulbis ndlcated byone or m0re letterssuch asA, R, PAR, etc.The size is
given by a numberwhich expresssthe diarneterln eighths. Thus, a BH40 bulb ls olthe BR
shape,40 eighths {40/8lor 5' rn diameler Lamp dala shown isrypical. Contactlamp
manufacturer lor specl{ic data.
(FC)is inita foohand es at center of beam.
Bearn ength (L) and beam width {Wlare to
wherethe candepoweris reducedl0 50% 0f
center beam candlepower
CBCP s center beam cand epower. i1
lC)is distance t0 the center 0fthe bearn

Lamp data shown s typ ca, and is based on bare larnp

ph0t0metrics C0ntact lamp manufacturers foT avail
ab ty and performance.


7', 167 0.9 2 3.5 256 I0 05


10' 02
13', 49
16', :t2
1 0
g', 52 06 tt
12 6.9 37 24
15', 81 24 23
3', 5.2', 114 tt
4 6.v 64 20
4 87 41 25
0 60' 8t t.5
8', 80', 45 2.0
l0' 100' 2s 2.5
5', 29 94 15 3 30 t4l 1.4 1o',
A **
8', 56 18', 18 7 40 48 2t', 1.8', 3', 5.2 50 2 8 1.4 5 50 5t 2.3', 16',
3ooo 10' 36 23 23 952 2921 24 4', 6.v 28 38 18 1 10 26 3.2 23
NSP (ESX) ]3. 12 25 27 21 11', 64 19 34 29', 5', 87 18 47 23', 9 90', 16 47 29
2 131 ]5', 212 95 20 11 220463421
20w Mnt0 525 4000 J582222
4 33 29 29
3', 17 38 30
4 23 21 41
2 35 16 9.1
3 5.2 7 t4.5
3 30', 2t 50', 31',
4 40', t2 67 41
FL(BAB) 40' 5 21 36', 36 5 29 14 51 4.2 4', 69 4 193 53', t 50' 7 84 51
6', 3 5', t57 I 7', t.5

M8i6 I r* 4ooo
t0 87
t3 5t
21 2.1
?7 2.7
9 52
12', 69
25 2.2
34', 2.9',
3 5.2
4', 6.v
68 3.t 17',
121 2.6 13 6 60', 85 26',
8 80', 48 34',
NSP {FBB) 12" 16 34 34', 3.4 15 81 25 42 3.6 s', 6.7
44 4.3 2l', 10 r00' 31 43' 30'
6 108 2 t' 5', 29 r0r 24', 2.0', 2 3.5
122 3.1 14 3 3.0', 153 22',
35W N,1nl0 A ** 4ooo
10 39
28 28

1 40
g', 52
33 25
43 37',
54 47 21',
3 52
30 02 2.8',
4', 09
5 50', 55 36',
1 10 28 51
2Q' 12 21 42 4.2 11 64 21 52 4.5 20 78 3.5',
5', 87 I So', 17 66', 45',
--T---6---Ti---TT --T fi fis 3 o'---li- r' 17 r00 4.8'-"i:i- 3 30', 63
35W MR16 r600
6', 44 4 4 4.4
a 25 58', 5.8
5 25 42 51 4.2
1 40 21 11 5.8
2', 3 5 50 9.7
3 5.2 22 14.5
4.0', 35
5.0' 23
3 t',
40' 10 r5 13 13 9 52', t3 91', 7.6 4', 6.9 13 193 5.8', 6 60', t6 101', 62',

8 205 1.3 7 40 r74 r 5', r.3

t2 91 1.9
t6 5t 2.5
20 33 31
13 15 54 ZT 2.4
r0 58', 85 21', 1.8
16 92', 33 34', 2.v
4', 6.9 r02 2.6
5', 8.7 66 3.2
6', r0.4 45 38 rg',
1 1.0 95 22 16
9 9.0', 57 28', 20',
II lt.0' 38 35', 24',

4 150 19 3 17', 173 20 11 ]', 1.7 300 23 10',

L 2400 4000 6672929
8 38 38
3 8'
5 29', 02 33', 2.8 2', 3 5 75 46 lg',
7 40', 32 46', 3 9 3', 5 2 33 7.0',
3 3.0 94 3 t', 20',
4 4.0 53 4 t',
5 5.0 34 5 t', 34', 2.9',

NFL(EYSI 1A 24 48
4.8 9 52', t9 59', 5.0 4', 09 lS 9.3', 3.6', 6 60 24 6r', 41',
8 159 2A 2A 7', 40', t35 23', 2.0 3', 5.2 142 31 15 5', 5.0 144 25 17
12 11 29 29 r0 58', 66 33', 2.8 4', 6.9 80 41 20 7 7.A 14 35 24
]4" 'o,ro
16', 40 38', 3 9 t3', 7 5', 39 43', 3.7 5', 8.7 51 51 21
?n 76 49', 49', t5 92', 28 53', 4.5 6', 104 35 62 29 11', 110 30 55 3.8
g', 90 45 45 3 t
6 94 29', 29 t 29', 88 t?-f?- --i'--T3-id6 4i' r v --3'--o 3? 3l' 2r--
50w Nlnr 0 10 34 48', 48',
46', 39
59', 50
3 5.2 41 10 25 5', 5.0', 48 5.1',
4', 0.9 27 93 3.0 1 1.A 25 1.1 4.8

NFL {EXZ) 12 24 58', 58', 11 64', 18 1? 61 5', 87 t7 116 48', g', 9.0 t5 9.2', 6.1',

--?' 116 29' 23 3 t7', t34 30', 2.5 3 30 73 50', 31',

6', 51 44 t 29 48 5.r', 4.2 2', 3.5 58 9T 4 4A 41 6.1
50w [,4n]6 A r85o 4ooo 44
8', 29 5.8', 58', 7 40', 25 7 t', 5.9 3', 5.2 26 145 4.4 5 5 0 26 8.4',
Z.S 4.1
FtlEXN) 40' t0 t9 7.3 13 9 52', r5 91', 76 4', 6.9 14 r93', 5 8 0' 6 0 18 t01' 6.2',

3 17 83 46', 30 1 1.7 144 223 21

50w N1810 50 4000
3 128 3.r', 31',
7 23 13 13
t 29', 30 7.6', 00 2 3.5 36 445 42
7 4.0 15 r07 84 3', 5.2 16 608', 0Z
2 2.A 102 5.1 2.9
3', 3.0 45 8.6 4.4
4', 4.0 25 .4', 5.9
9 14 94', 94', 9 52', 9 137', 108 4', 6.9 9 891', 83', 5', 50', l5 143', 74
8 188 20', 20', --T 4a 1ss n zs --r--tt' rd-.r r5-- --'--in---na-- 2i 24

r0 5.r 78 3.3 28', 4', 09 94 41', 2.0 1 70 87 3.5

12 83 29', 29',
16 47 39', 39',
2Q 3A 4g', 49', __T__
13 7.5 40 4.3 37', 5', 8.7 60 51', 2t 9 90', 52 4.5',
6 1a.4 42 62 2.9 11 110' 35 5.5' 3.8
10 92' 30 5.3 45' --t--r--i--i:---::E-

", ,8
.6136 z.7 z.T tE___n|_-ji
f'" /\arr 3.1 3t 7 4.0', 65 4.2 3.6 3 52 68 62 2.7 --lT 5 5 0 69 4.7 3.1
75W [48]6 /\ 4900 4000 t0 4q 9 5.2 39 5.4', 4.6 4 69', 38 83', 3 5 7', 7 0 35 6.5', 4.4',
NFt lEYJ) 25' 12 34 53', 53', t 87 25 104', 44 g', 9.0 21 8.4 5.6
| 6.4', 26 0.6', 5.6 --l---;-;u
------i i- t"t
75W [4816 A 2roo 4ooo
4.6', 46',
6.r' 6 r'
t 2.v 55 5.4', -4.4 2 35', 66 ll0', 31 "4 4A 46 1.2 4.3
7 4.0 28 7.5 6.2 3 52', 29 16 t 46 5', 5-;---::---::- 0 30 9.0 5.4
-l FL(EYC) 14 J1 11 9 52 17 51 60 4 69', 16 220 61 6', 6.0 21 10.8 6.5
lo .BcP T'1 ro rc r w-o c Fc l- w DCFCTW DCFCI-W

s8', 1r'4
164 l-l'
t.t 15
It / 4.0' 139 l 8' 1 6 3 5.2 146 24 12' 5 50' 148 1.9' 14'
50w lMRl6
10,500 3500
1? 13 23 23
16, 4t 3.1 31,
10 5.8' 68 2.6 2.2
13, 7.5 40 3.3 2.9
r|j 69 82 32' 15
5' 87' 53 40' Ly
1 70 16 21 19'
9 9.0' 46 3.5' 2.5
NSP 11" 20', 26 39 3.9 16' 9.2 27 4.1 3.6 0 104', 36 48', 23 ]]', 110', 31 43', 30
F- n-n---n --5' ,-5'---t---n--,0 --T-ai---'di--Z rs -.' 3r-r riErs-i3-
8', 4-1 3.5', 3.5 1 4.n', 4A 4.2 3.6 3 5.2 42 62 21 5 5.0', 42 47 3.1
r'#'u A t* 35oo 10' 30 4.4 4.4 9 5.2 24 5.4 4.A { 69 23 83', 3.t 1 l.A', 22 6.5 4.4
g', 9.0', 13 8.4', 50',
NFL 25' 12', 21 5.3 5.3 11 6.4', 16 00', 5.6', t 87 15 104 4.4
L 119 ?! 29 3 1.1', 137 3.0 25 ]', 1.7 238 4.8 1.5', 3', 3.0 75 5.0', 3,1',
0' 53 4.4 44 5 2.9', 49 5.1 4.2 2', 2.5 59 9.7 2.9 4', 4.A 42 6.1 4.1
reoo 35oo 8', 30
10 19
5.8', 58',
1.3', 1.3
1 4.0', 25 1.1 5.9 3', 4.0 26 14.5 4.4',
5 5.2', 15 g.( 1.6 4', 5.2 15 19.3 5.8',
5 5.0 27
6', 6.0 19
0 Z

A r0----6b---.i7- 0s --i'--i5'- 304 0.5'--i:E- -l--t5 r4---o7 0-.i- J oi-'--a!--Tt-- ot

15', 133 0.7 0.8', 12 6.9', 135 0.7', 0.7 6 10.4 104 1.0' 0.6' 9 90', 131 08', 0i'
,ut *rr-ruouut I 30,000 20 15 0.v 1.0' 16 9.2' 70 0.s' 1.0 8' 13.9 59 1.4 08', 12 12.A 74 1.0 A9l',
2.5'X3" 25 48 1.1 3', 2A 15 49 1.2 1.2 --j---;.----i---
1 10' 17 3 38 1.7 1.0', 15 16.0' 47 I 3', 1
--7---6----n n t, /-;---j; ;---;:
A 3 18 3.1', 3.1', - 3 1.7', 12 4.6', 3.6 3', 3.0', 6 86', 4.4', 2
3.5 5 445 42
4 10 4.2 4.2 4 2.3 0 6.1', 4.8 4', 4.0', 4 114 5.9', 4', 6.9', 2 3 5.2 668 62
I 891 83
5 6 5.2 5.2 5 2.9 4 7.6', 6.0 --i-- 5', 5.0', 2 143 1.4',
t0-. r-50-- o.s---nl- --!--- ---l5l J J.--ir-

.l: bl r6---i1---ii --3---ti---ti6-rn- .j ,"

15', ]]r r.3 1.3 12 6.9', 113 1.4', 1.2 6', 10.4 87 2.1', 1.0', g', 9.0 109 1.6', l.l'
35W PAF36 |t ,u,ro 4ooo
20' 63 1.7 1.7 16 9.2 63 19', 1.6 8', 13.8 49 2.a 1.4 12', 12.A 61 2.1 1.5
VNSP 25 4A 2.2 2.2 --T---15 20 11.5 41 2.3 2.A 10', 173', 31 3.5', 1.7 ]t 15.0 39 2.6', LS',
---l6r---ll----ii- ---j-- I r,. l,, r.i--=-
,1 rd,i---:----:- ,'-r- ,-;---i.1- :j
10' 80 1.4 1.4 9 52', 64 1.7 1.t 3', 5.2', lll 17' 0.8 0' 60' 7s i.7' 1.2'
** ,r*ffioronr"t li 13', 47 1.8', r.8 12 0.9 36 2.2 1.9 4', 6.9', 63 23', 1.1 8', 8.0', 44 2.2 1.6
NSP $ 16', 31 2.2 2.2 15', 8.1 23 2.8 2.4 t 8.7 40 2.8', 14 10 10.0' 28 2.6 2.4
ai\ 3 100 r-6' r5' 3 11 65 21 1.9 1 11 113 2.7 11 2 2.0 8A n 15
t 36 ?1 2.1', 5 2s 23 37 3.1 2 35 28 5.5 2.1 3 3.0', 35 3.1 2.3
:lw c,qniirunroceru) / \ 7 18 3.8', 3.8', 1 4.0' 12 51 4.3 3 52', 13 L2 32 4 4.0', 20 4.0', 3.0
WFL 30' 9 11 48', 4.8', 9 5.2 1 6.6', 5.6', 4 6.9', 7 lo.v 4.3 t 50' 13 5.8', 3.8
a 6.---6----.i:i'--- --5'--2,--.-!i-- i:3= ,---'6'--.]nd_1 .9' 0-5- --3, 3J-'--l]-1 .{ .u- 1

I 8', 55 1.8', r 8', 1 40 46 21 1.9 3 5.2 49 2.8 1.4 5 5.0', 49 23 16

10' 35 2.3 2.3', 9 52 28 27 2.4 4', 6.S', 27 3.8 18', 1 1.t 25 3.2 2.3
/ I
36w PAB36 tHAL0cEN)
NSP ]3' 12 24 2J 2.1', ]l', 64', 19 3.4', 29', --t--"65'5 8.1 18 4.7 2.3 9 9.0 15 4.2 2.9',

,:l -iT'-400 0-3'--E- --8'-15-106 0-i--ls 3-n---i7-n7 --6r--6n' 3-i3--.j-i./

tt 178 r.3' 13', 12', 6.9', 180 1.4', 1.2', 0 10.4' 139 2.1 10 g', 9.0 175 ]6', ].l',
row c,qn=m unroetru) il 40,000 20 100 1.7' 1.7', 10 S.2', l0l 1.9' 1.6 8 13.s' 78 2.8 4', 12', 13.0 98 21', 1.5

VNSP (GE) 5' 25 64 2.2 2.2', 20 11.5', 65 23 2A 10 17.3 50 3.5 17', 15', 15.0 63 2.6', 19',
1s 2n 1-4 1-4 t0' 5.8 325 r.3 r l', t 87', 250 1.9 1.0 8' 8.0 276 1.5 ].l',
20 125 1.9 r.9 15' 8.7', 144 19 1.7', 8', 13.9', 98 3.1 1.5 12 12.9 123 2.3 1.6
25 80 2.4 24 20 11.5 81 26 2.2 ]]',19.1', 52 4.3 2.1 16',10.d 6S 3.1 2.2
vNsP (PH|tlPS] 30 56 2.9 2.9 25 144 52 32 2.8 14 24.2 32 5.4 2.7 20 20.A 44 3.5 2.7
--'E---l/:---l-i---l- --;--n----;;-- - --;--;---;---r----
A r
12 76 11 1.1 10 5.8', 7r rg', 1.6', 4', 6.3 86 2.3 11 =--i;--
1 1.A 79 2.0 14
uo* ro-ffioronrrt r r,000 16 43 2.2 2.2 13 1.5 42 2.4 2.1 t 8.7 55 2.8 14', 9 9.0 48 2t 18',
34', 1.7', 11 11.0 32 31

20 28 2.8 2.8 16 9.2', 28 3.0', 20 6', 10.4 38 --t--


--3 r4;---;----C- --i-t '-;---A- ,. r -----l- "-
'o,oe,rt 5', 52 2] 2.1 5 29 34 37 3.1 2 3.5 41 5.5 2.1 3 3.0 51 3.1 2.3

,o* rfr /\^ 7

21 3.8 3.r 1 40 17 5.1 4.3 3 5.2 18
16 4.8 4.8 9 5.2', 10 6.6', 5.6 4 6.9', 10
5.2 3.2 4 4.0 29 4.6
10.S', 4.3 5', 5.0 18 5.8

,.:\ 3 21 3.r', 3.1 3 1.7 17 4.6', 36', 2 3.5 8 445 42 3', 3.0 9 80', 44',
50w PAn36 A 24a 2ooo
t 15 4.2 42 4 2.3 10 6.1', 4.8', 3 5.2 3 668', 62', 4', 40 5 ll4', 59
55" t 10 5.2 52', --T--i;---fr--a1- 5', 5.0', 3 143 4
4 6.9 2 89.1', 8.3',--i:-;0---0e---tt---j:-
5 2.5 6 7.6', 6.0',--ir--d:! 7
-r0----E---t----:l 24-b- I {r
A 15 140 r.o', 2.0 12 6.9', r42 ].1', 1.7', 6 10.4 109 1.7', l.t 9 9.0', 137 13 1.6
A 31,500 20' 79 r.4 2.6 16 9.2 80 ]t 2.3', 8 13.9 62 2.2 2.0 12 12.0 71 11 21
4'X7" 25', 50 1.1 3.3 20 r.5 51 19 2.8', 10', 17.3 39 28 2.4 15 15.0', 49 2.1', 26

6', r39 1.0 1.0 5', 29 130 1.2', 1.0', 2 35 156 1.4', 0.7 3 30', 196 l.r', 0.7
8 78 1.4 1.4 7', 4.0 06 1.6', 1.4', 3 52', 09 2.1', Ld 5 5.0 71 1.6 1.2
A t* 2ooo
10 50 1.7 1.7 9 5.2 4A 21 1.8', 4 6.9', 39 2.S', 1.4 1 7.0 36 2.5 1.1
t0' 12', 35 71 21 11 64 21 26 2.2 5 8.7 25 3.5 1.1 I 9.0 22 3.2 2.2
3', 144 1.6 r.6 --i--1i.--7q z-z-ts --T-7i.--1fi---li'--1r 2 2.0', 115 2.3 1.5
s', 52 2.1 2.1 5 ?9 ?,4 31 31 2 35 41 5.5 3 3.0', 51 3.5 23',
A r3oo 2ooo
7 21 3.8', 38 1 4.0 11 5.1 4.3 3 52 18 8.2 3.2
4 4.0', 29 4.0 3.0',

NFL g', t0 48', 48 s' 52 r0 6.6 5.6', 4 69', l0 109', 4.3', 5 50', t8 58 3.8',

7 153 1.2 1.2 6 3 5', 135 1.4', 1.2 2', 3.5 234 1.4 A.1 4', 4.0 160 4 1.0
:^ i5oo 10 75 1.7 1.7 9 5.2 60 2.1', 1.8 3', 5.2 104 2.1', 1.0',
6', 6.0 74 21', r.t
rsw pABt6 /\ 2otlo
13', 44 2.3 2.3 12 6.9 34 2.8 2.4 4', 6.9 59 2 g', L4 8 8.0 41 2.8', 20
NSP t0" 16 29 2.6 2.6 15 8.1 22 3.5 3.0 s', 8.7 38 3 6', i.7 10 10a 21 3.5 25
4', 119 2.1 -=--=j=-- Ji_.2'/--=--|1--.j:d---|j
2.1 3', 3.0 75 35', 2.3',

6', 53 3.2 32 t 2.9 49 3.7 31 2 3.t 59 5.t 2.1', 4', 4.0 42 4.6', 3,0',

75wPARI6 /\ 8 30 4.3', 43', 7', 4.0 25 5.1 43', 3 5.2 26 8.2 3.2 t 5.0 27 5.8', 3.8', I
NFL 30' 10 19 5.4', 54', g', 5.2', t5 6.6 5.6', 4', 6.9', 15 10.9 43', 6', 6.0 19 6.9', 4.t -l

1To 50"t CB.PI o rc L wlo c Fc t wlo c rc L w DC FC

ft I 6 83 08' 08 5' 2.9 78 09' 08' 2' 35 94 11 06' 3 30' ll8 08' 06'
/\ 8 47 r r' r 1' 7 40' 40 13' 1.1' 3 5.2 42 11 a.8 5 5.0' 42 14' I0'
35w pAB20 /l ruuu 10' 30 t4' 14' 9 52 24 11 1.5 4' 69 23 23 1.1 7 10 22 2.0' 1.4
NSP 8' 1? 21 1]', 17 11 64', 16 Zl', 18 t 87 15 2A 1.4 9', 9.0', 13 2.t 1.8',
--f-=i---A---zZ---tr --T-1t---18--]j-1l --T-]f---?i---11---1s
-J /\^ ----r00---IF---lt
5 36 21 2.1 5', 2.9 23 37 31 2 3.5 28 5.5 21 3 3.A 35 35 2.3
3sw PAB2o / \ 1
g', 18 3.8 3.8 7', 4.0 12 5.1 43 3 5.2 13 9.2 3.2 4 4.0 20 4.0 3.0
NFL 30" 1t 4.8 4.8 g', 5.2 7 6.6 56', 4', 6.9 7 10.9 43', 5 5.0 13 5.8 3.8
llt r ffi3,u4330,2''1'1.T1548,1'5'2,2'a'533'4'2']'
5 24 3 0 3.6 5 2.9 \6 51 4.2 2', 3.1 19 S.7', 2.9 3', 3.0 24 5.d 3 l
/ 1 51 5.t 7 4.0 8 71', 5.9 3 5.2 8 l45', 4.4 4', 4.0 13 67
g' 12
:]5W PAF2O 4.1

WFL 40' 7 6.0 6.6 9 52 5 9.1', 70 4 69 5 19.3', 5.8 5', 5.0 8 84 5.1

--! rb-:---ii- -T- i ;--.i---:;- --;---::- r"" *

8', S4 t.t -1.1 7 40', 80 13', 1.1 3', 5.2 83 1.7', 0.8',--5', 50';----:;---:;--
85 1.4',
1A $ 20 14

10' 60 1.4 14 9 52', 48 17', lt 4', 6.y 41 2.3 1.1 7

NSP 8" 't? 4? 17 1.1 11 64 32 2.1 18', s', 8.7 30 28', 1.4 g', 9.0 26 2.1 1.8',

a 6 89 ]6', ]6', t 2.9 83 l.8 15 2', 3.5 100 22 ].l', 3 3.0 126 1.6', l.]',
8', 50 2.1 2.1 7 4A 42 25 21 3', 5.2 44 33', 1.6 5 50 45 2.7', 1.9',
10' 32 2.6 2.6 9 5.2 26 32 ZT 4', 6.9 25 44 2.1 7 1A n 3.8 26
1t 12 22 3.2 3.? ]l', 64', 17 39', 3.3', s', 8.7 16 56', 2.6 g', 9d 14 4.8 3.4
fi^ 4 l]6 ].9 3', lJ r34 2.0 11 1.9 1 1.7 231 2.3', 1.0 3 30', 73 3.1 2.0
6', 5l 2.9 2.9 t 2.9 48 3.3 2.8', Z 35 58 4.6', 1.9 4 40', 41 4.1 21
5ow PAB20 / \ 1850 2ooo 8', 29 38', 3.8 r' 40 25 46 3g', 3 52 26 1.0 2.9 5 50', 26 51', 34
NFI 21' 10' 19 c' 2', 15 g', 5.0', 4 6 g', 14 9.3', 3.8 0 6.0' 18 6l' 41
5 5

--'t----iiF---i0'---ii- --;-;r---roo---:----] t --:--;

L, tl 9200 2000 r0 92 14' 14' 9 5.2 14 1.7 15 ---::;--= 'l---=-
3' 52 128 17 08 6 60' 90 17' 12
oow * 13 54 iB' 1.8 11 6s 41 2.2 19' 4'69 12 2.3 1.1 8' 80' 5i 22' 16
B' 16 36 22 22 ____i_;__l 5' 8.7 46 26 1.4 10 100' 33 28' 20
15 a1 27 La za __:___;,___
____--;____________:__ _____;__________:i_ .:.-__ _
A 12 119 1.i r.7 10 5.8' ll0 19 "_-_li
16' 4 69' 133 23' I1 7 70 18 2a 14
rHrnr /\ 17,000 3000 16 66 22 2.2 11. 1,?:. 6.1 ?t:. ?1-:. L t?.. !: 19. 11. .r.. .rio:. -1.1 21. !8^.
50w pAnao
""" s" 20 43 28 28.
- --'i- r75 ]f- l3- l!' 3' ?:, 144 1!'l8 lt 17' :1
l lY' 250 :X
2l' 09 ll' f
3 30 :9
79 28 11,
lvi:, I ll; l'l' ll,
- . /\ 6 56 21 2.1 5 2.9 52 3a 26 2' 3t 63 4z 18 4 40' 44 37 25
SOWinnrO /I 2000 2000 8 31 3.5 3.5, 1 4.A 2j 4.2 3.6 3 i.2 29 6.2 21 5 t0' 23 47 31
_'lrL *
25' l0' 20 44 4.4 g', 52 16 54 4.6 4', 69', 16 83', 3'5 o', 60', 20 56 3'8
--3--150---1ffi --1--1i.-m-- 2r-n- -i- rl---tE---*-IT- 1---rn---1u--- 1-v
5 58 32 3.2 t 2.9 36 4.3 36', 2 3.5 44 7.2 25 3 30 55 4.2 27
l rs 44 44 7 40 1S 61 51', 3', 5.2 19 108', 36 4', 40', 31 5.6 30
-"il'* 35' 9' 17 51 57 9 52 11 78 66' 4 69 11 144 5'0 5' 50' 20 70 4'5
-- --i---7i- t:" t" -l---::--;;---- -:---; --.--
A tz sr r9 i9 10' 58' st 2.l 18 4 69 '.- 26' 13' 1 10 101 22
109 16
rswFnneo /l 14000 2500 16 55 Z\ 25 13 15 54 21 24 5 87 10 32 1.6' I g0' 61 29 2.0

NSP 9" 20' 35 3.1', 31
2d 6 104 49 36', Lv r'110' 41 35
10 92' 36 3.4 29', 24
2 3 s', 100 5.5', 2.1 3', 3.0 126 3 5',

A i' ;0 ;.3 it
JZ00 2500 r0 t qo tz s.t +s 3 5.2 44 82 32 5' 50 45 58' 3s'
/\ 32 54 4 5 9' 5.2 26 6.6', 6 5 4', 0.9', 25 10.S', 4.3 7', 7.0 23 Ll', 5.3',

r,rrf 3r" 12' 22 64 6.4 11' 6.4 17 81 6.8 5' 87' 16 137' 54 9' 90 14 104' 66'
4 125 2.9 19 t r 144 ra n 1 1.1' 25a 4.8 t5 3' 30' 79 50 31
A A 2ooo 25oo

56 4.4
31 5.8
5 29 52 5.1 42
1 4Q 21 11 59
2 3.5 63 91 29
3', 5.2 28 14.5 4.4
40 44 81 41
50', 28 84 5.1

10 20 73 1.3 g', 52', 16 91 76', 4', 6.9 16 19.3 58 6 6.0', 20 10.1 62

8 150 r.3 1.3

--t'-T' 33---i:6-i:?- --5'--7-1e
r 1 s'--i:6- j 5
j-i-]ii-IE -- i-
12 09 19 10 5.8 65 2.1', t.8 4 69', 78 26', 1.3', 1 1.0 72 22 16
oo,,^jdr,, ll8'
25oo 16', 33 25 2.5 13 75 38 2.1 2.4 t 87 50 32', r.6', g', 9.0 44 28', 20
NsP 'oooo 20 25 3l', 3l t6' 9.2 25 3.4', 29 6 104 35 38', r.g', rr', 11.0 29 35', 24',

6', 153 13', 13

8', 86 1.7 3 52 70 2.6', r.3 s', 5.0 78 21',
11 7 40 13 2A 11 1.5',

l0' 55 2.1 21 9 52 44 25 22
4 6.9 43 3.5', 1.7 7', 7.0 40 3.0', 2.1',

sP 12" l2' 33 25 5 5.1 28 4.3 2.1 y 9.0 24 3.8

25 ]]', 64', 30 31', 21 2.7',

4 106 2.1 t/-, ------;----;---;i--

5 29 44 37 31 - 2 3t 53 55 2.1 ---;---;;---::
4 40 38 4.6 3.0
6', 47 3.2 32
45w PAB38 /\ I Z7 4.3', 4 7 4.0', 23 51 4.3', 3 5.2 24 82 3.2 t 50 24 5.8 3.8

FL 30' 10' 11 5.4', g', 5.2', 14 66', 56', 4 68', 13 r09', 4.3', 6 60 17 6.9 4.1
5 4',

8', 219 r.3 r.3', 7', 40', 186 1.5', t.3 3', 52', t94 1.9', 09', s', 50', 198 16 l.l
12 91 L9 t.g', t0' 5.8' 9t 2.1', t.8 4', 6g', 109 2.6', 1.3 1 1.0 1A1 22 16
16', 55 2.5 2.5 13', 7.5 54 2.1 2.4 5 8.1 7A 32 r.6 9 9.0', 61 29 20',
NSP lHrR) $ 20' 35 3.t 16', 9.2 36 3.4 2.9 6', t0.4', 49 38 1.9 ]]', 11.0 41 35 24
--E--E L-j Lr- s', 2.S', 78 30', 26', 2 35 94 4.2 1.8 3 30 118 2.8 1.9
8 47 35 3.5 7', 4.0', 40 4.2', 3.6 3 52 42 6.2 2.7 1 50 42 4.7 3.1

sow pnnga I 10 30 44 4.4 9 57 24 54 4.6 4', 6 g', 23 8.3 3.5 7 10 22 6.5 4.4
FLlHIB) 2.5' 12 21 53', 5.3 ]]', 6.4 10 6.6', 5.6 5', 8.7 15 104 44', 9', S.o', 13 84 50
8 213 1.4 1.4 1 4t 232 L6 L4 3 52', 243 2.1 1.A 5', 5.0 247 18', 1.2',

10 58' f4 23', 2.0', 4', 6.9', 137 29', l.4 l 1A 126 25

2500 12 12 2.1 21 1.1',
J 17,500 10, 68 2.8 25 t3' 7.t 67 30', 26', s', 8.7', 88 36', 1.7 9 90 76 32 22
-l sP t0' zA M 35 3.5 _-;___ti__i 6', 10.4', 61 43', 2.l
16 5.2 44 3.7 32 __7_=___tfi__ ll l10' 51 3.9 2.7
6', 89 3.2 3.2 ,, t ___:.___,; -_-
8', 50 4.3 4.3 1', 4.A 42 5.1 4.3 3 5.2 44 82 32 1 5.0 45 5.8', 38',
10 32 5.4 5.4 g', 52 26 6.6 5.6 4 69', 25 109 43', 1 1.A 23 81 5.3
12 22 6.4 64 ]]', 04 17 8.r' 6.8 5 87', 16 137', 5.4 g', 9.0 14 104' 6.6',


wl o c FC

'O - i3ar!-'---15-
.-5' r-l'---d'--3--E- --i' r-7-i56--lii' ,"q-- --'-1!-' iiT--T:'z.g--
5 50 5.0', 5.0 5 2-9', 32 .2 5.6 2 3.5 39 3l .4 4.0 3 3.0', 49 8.d
1', ?6 7n 10

7 4.0 17 10.1', 8.1', 3 5.2', 17 47.1 6.0 4 4.0', 28 10.6

lj' g', t5 9.0', 9.0', 9 5.2', l0 13.0 10.4 { 6.9', l0 62.8 8.0 5 5,0', 18 13.3 7.1',
--16-lr5---l:ii--'i:6- --8'-ls' r-!-I7- ls 4 6s 152 2.6 1.3 6' 60 192 l s' 1.3
PAF38 ll l9,5oo 25oo
lt 87 2.4 2.{ 12 6.9 88 2.5', 2.2 0' 10.4 60 3.8 25',
20 49 2.4 2.{ 16' LZ 49 3.4 2.9', 8 13.9', 38 5.1
19', S 9.0 85 29', 20
lZ 12.0 43 38', 2T
NSP 9. 2t 31 3.9 3.9 20', 11.5 31 4.2 3.6', 10 17.3', 24 6.4 31', 15' 15.0', 31 48', 33
-' 7' 4.a-_- 1w ri---17- 3 51 201 2 6' l 3' 5' 5.0' 205 2.l 21', l.t
A | ,n,ro 25oo
12 101 2.5', 2.5 10', 5.8 94 2.S', 2.4 4', 6.9', 113 35', 17 ?',
16 57 3.4 3.4 13', 7.5', 56 3.7', 3.2 5 8.7 13 43 21 ll ll0' g',
70', 105 3.0
So', 63 38', 2.7',

SP 12' 20 36 4-2 4.2 16', 9.2', 37 4.5 3.9 6', 10{ 50 5Z 2t 42 4.7', 33
--'6' it6---'i5-ig z 3.5 141 4.9' 2.0' 3 30 w 32' 2.1
irn:s / \ 4500 2500
i zs 117 3.4 zs
8 70 4.0', 4.0 7 4.0 60 4.8 4.0 3 5.2 63 74 3.0 5', 50
10' 45 5.0', 5.0', 9 5.2 36 6.1 5.2', 4 6.9 35 9.8 4-0 1 g',
64 53', 35
10 32 7 4 49
Fr 28' 12 31 6.0', 6.0', 11 6.4' 24 7.5 6.3', t 6.7 23 12.3 5.0 90 20 S6', 63'
---'---iE--11'---:6- --3' 1--i' ,4-----7---ll- r 17 163 ' 2.3 2 20 115 0s' 33'
A 5', 52 5.6', 5.6', 5', 2.S', 34 6.7 6.7', z', 3.5', 4l ' 46', 3
7 ?7 8.1 8.1 7 4.0', 17 12.1 9.3', 3', 5.2', 16 " 69',
30 51 104 49'
4 40 29 139 6t
9 16 10.4 10.4 9 5.2 10 15.6', 12.0', 4', 6.9', l0 ', 52 5 5.0 18 17 3 8.2
10' 2n 1.1 1.7 8' 4.6' 294 i.9' 1.6' 4' 6.9 221 ?.9 1.4 6 6.0' 285 2.1' 1.5
A il 29,000
15', 12s 2.6 2.6 12', 6.s 131 2.8 2.4 6 10.4 101 4.3' 2.1 9 9.0', 121 3.2', 2.2
20 73 35 3 5', 16', 92 74 3.7', 3.2 8', 13.9', 57 5.7 2.8 12'. 12,0', 11 4.2', 3-0
seHtR 10" 25 6 4.4 4.4 m t5 47 4.1 4.0 10', 17.3', 36 7.2 3.5 15 15.0' 46 5.3', 3l
--r---.i;3---a?r--':7- --3--fi' r-35---a:a'--31 2 35 234 4.6' |s 4 40 166 41' 2.7
r0 75 4.8', 4.8', g', 5.2 60 5.9', 5.0 3', 5.2', 104 7.0', 2.9 6 60 74 61', 4l
A ^,
NFI- 21"
3ooo 13', 44 6.2', 6.2 12 6.9 34 7.8 6.7', 4', 6.9', 59 9.3', 36', 8 8.0 41 IZ 54
16', 29 1.1 1.1 15', 8.7 22 9.8', 8.3 5 8.7', 38 116', 48', 10', 10.0' 27 l0z 68
---ir---!i-'il'--11- --5' ,-s 88-----l-42 ? 3i 106 9.7' 2.9 3' 3 0 134 5 0 3 1'
A 34oo 8 53 5.8', 5.8', 7', 4.0 4s 7.1 5.9', 3', 5.2 41 14.5 4.4', 1',
10 34 -1.3 1.3 5 5.2 27 9.1 1.A { 6.v 27 19.3', 5.8',
5', 5.0 84 51',
7-0 25 111 72'
FL, HIfl
12', 24 Al 8.1 ll 6-4' 18 11.2 9.2', 5 A.7 17 24.2 -13 9 90 15 151 93',
--ft---fr---11'--1i- --Tr- 4s'---s4 r3 l5-- 4 6.o ls5 2.9 1.4 5 60' 246 2.1' 1.5'
t\ I
15' llr 2.6 2.6 12 6.5 113 2-8', 2.4', 0', 10.4' 87 4.3 2.1', 9 90', 109 32',
20' 63 3.5', 3.5 16', S.2', 63 3.7 3.2', 8', 13.9', 4S 5.7', 2.8', 12', 120 61 42 30
t20w PAR38 ll 3000
oa 41 4.0', 31 3t
NSP ]0" 25', 4A 4.4 4.4 20 11.5 4.7', 10 17.3 7.2', 15 150', 53', 37
-----lld---llt- 5 19 r30 3./ 3J 2' 3.5 156 5s' 2l' 3' 30 196 3t 23
r20w PA838
8', 73 43', 43 7 4.0', 66 5.1', 4.3', 3', 5.2 69 6.2 3-2', 4', 40', 71 5 8', 38',
10 50 5.4', 5.4', 9 52 40 6.6', 5.6', 4 6.9 39 109 43', 6', 5', 50', 36 8.1', s3',
30' 12 35 6.4', 6.4', 11 6.4 27 8.1', 6.8', 5 8.7', 25 13.7 5.4', 60', 22 10{ 68',
---n---E---1i.--1i- 3' 17' w 40 32 l' 1.7 250 10.7 1.s 3 3 0' 7s 7 2 4 0'
6 56 5.6', 5.6', 5 2.9', 52 6.1 5.4', 2 3.5 63 21.5', 37 ll 40' 44 9.5

wFL 50"
2ooo 3ooo 8 31 1.5 1.5 7 4.0 21 5.4 1.5', 3 5.2', 28 32.2 56',
10 20 9.3 9.3', 9 5.2', 16 12.1', 9.7', 4 6.9 10 42.9 75', 0 60' 20 143 79',
t 50' 28 119 6.0

--T--1d---17---1V- -7' i7'---66-I3-ft- --i' ii----6d---43 r.{-- -2_aTffi

A 3
2.1 2.1', 3 1.l', 38 2.9 2.4', 2 3.5 17 8.6 2.8', 3', 3.A 21 4.1 29
A 28', 4', 2.3 22 3.a 3.2', 3 5.2', 1 12.8 4.1 4', 4.0 12 6.3
2 3.9',

38" 5', 21 3.4 3.4', 5 2.9', 14 4.8', 4.0 4', 6.9', 4 17.1 5.t 5', 5.0 7 7.8', 4.9',

lA --Z-- r$-r t-t r--7-t.t-1---E ,4-r4 7l- --i il----:5---ii= -

7'r4 t-=-76---]'---n=
825 3', 92 2.5 2.5 3', 1.7 60 3.6', 2.9 2 3.5', 26 14.8 3.4 3', 3.0', 32 6.2 3.6
7sw R2o /\ 2ooo t 57 34 34 { 2.3 33 4.8 3.9 3 5.1 11 22.2', 5.1 4', 4.0', 18 8.3 4.8
46' 5', 33 4.2 4.2 5', 2.9 21 6.0 4.9 ( 6.3 6 29.6', 6.8 5 5.0 12 10.4', 60
-=.--ino---- 11.--'i:i- i/ i b--iF- -i---il- ,00--t:=--n:e- { 3r, 6-3 m-T
6 44 2.1 21', - 5 2.9', 42 3.0 2.6', 2 3.5 50 4.2 8 ---
A 4.0', 35 3.7 21

8 25 3.5', 3.5', 1 4.0', ?l 4.2 3.6 3 5.2 22 6.2', 2.7 5 50', 23 4.7 31',
6 60', 16 5.6', 38',
25" 10 16 4.( 4.4 9 5.2', 13 5.4 4.6', 4', 6.9 12 8.3', 3t
---i'-'1id----iA--r 2' LL $ rs n l' 1.7' 64 " ?3 2' 2.0' 45 0.9' 3.3
lr n 510 3
q 32 51 3.t 3t 3', 1.7 31 5.2 4.A 2 3.5', 16 ** 46', 3', 30 20 !04', 49
6.9 4 4.0 11 139', 65
6sw BB3oFL / \ 2ooo 4.6 4.6', 4', 2.3', 21 6.9', 53 3', 5.1 7
4 6.9', 4 ' 9.2 ', 5.0', 7 173 82
5 n 5.8', 5.8 5', 2.9 13 8.7', 6.7 --Z-=---li-i --i-- 31---E--77- 15
-i 8-d z r z-r --T--7!---Ei--, ^ n r 4--
8 48 2.a', 2.8 7 4.0 41 3.3', 2.9 3 5.2 43 4.1 2-1 5', 5 0 44 3 6', 2.5
l0' 31 3.t 3.5' 9 5.2 25 4.3 3.7 t|r 69' 24 6.2 28' 1 10 22 51' 35
g', 9.0 14 66', 45
12 22 4.2 4.2 11 6.4', 17 5.2 4.5', --1---i1- 8.7 16 7.8 3t
--l---s---r:---ti- --' il'---i---'iT--l6- t da--Ai--1i- --Z-in_ffi
.l ,.
s', 28 5.2 5.2 5', 2.9', 18 7.6 6.0', 2 3-5 22 44.5', 4.2 3', 30', 27 86 44',
A 7oo 2ooo 7 14 1.3 1.3 7 4.0 9 10.?' 8.4r 3 5,2', l0 66.8', 6.2 4', 40', 15 114 5g',
5t g', I 9.4', 9.4 9 5.2 0 13.7 10.r 4 6.S', 5 89.1', 8.3 5', 50 10 143', 74',
--T_-n-s 7 t-Lt=-
--T--7s tzo 7-T_in- --i---T-- r=-j'--i?- ----n'--iir 22 i 5-
8 12 z.a', 2.8', 7', 4.0 61 3.3 2.9 3 5.1 64 4.7 2-1 5 5 o', 65 3.9', 2.5',

10 46 3.5 3.5', 9 5.2 37 4.3 3.7 4', 6.9 36 6.2 2.8 7 7.0', 33 5r' 35
11 32 4.1 4.2 11 6.4', 25 5.2 4.5 5', 8.7 23 7.8', 3.5 9 9.0', 20 6 6 4 t
t r11 3-5 35 --T-i-'t i2 ,z +0 1 1.7 125 ' 2.3 2 2.0' 88 6.9 3.3
5', 40 5.8 5.8', 5', 2.9', 26 8.7 6.7', Z 3.5 31 " 4.6 3', 3.0', 39 10.4', 4.9
oo t 20w BB40
/g', 2A 81 8.1 7', 4.0', 13 12.1 9.3', 3 5.2 14 " 6.9 4', 4.0 22 13.9 0t
r? r04 104', 9 52', 8 15.6', 12.0', 4 6,9', I ', 9.2 5', 5.0', 14 17.3
* Fnceds useable linits.

Finishes Lylecaster ollels a wide variety ol ape ure linishes to coordinate with any interior design
and provide lhe exa6t perlormance desited.

Specular Clear
Crisp, clean appearance and excellent llght 0utput. W0rks well with "c001"
a colored interiors.

Specular (iold
Bich uster af d excellent light 0utput. Works well with "warm" c0l0red interi0rs
and woods

Sper:ular Rlack
Contemporary appearance. ldeal f0r accent lighting since it appears "off" even
when it's "on." The ultimate low brightness downlight.

Bmshed Gold
Pr0vides a soft aperture brightness. Pr0minent appearance w0rks wel with
traditional interi0rs and "warms" the iqht.

Brushed Clear
C0ntemp0rary "etched" appearance provides a soft aperture bri0htness.
l\4atches popu ar hardware finish.

Matte White
0ffers an architectural, built-in appearance that softly blends into the ceiling
and smoothes the light beam.

White Step Rafflt'

Provides excellent light 0utput with 0w br ghtness. White finish b ends lntO the
celling when the iights are otf and softens shadows when lights are on.

Blar:k Step Raf{[r:

J. 0ffers good light output with maximum glare c0ntrol. Black finish assures a
c0mfortable, glare free aperture that keeps attenti0n f0cused 0n the space
No. . No. No. P9 No. Cal.No. Pg No.

Cat No. Pg No Cal- No. ......P9 No. Cal. Pq No Cal- No. Pq Na Cat. Pg. No Cat.
- '1038 ...........p.35 1161WH.. .p 45 1550... .......p. 75 20045BK....p.42
AS300 ........p.74 11020Ml. .p. 49 1129WH......p. 35

1000P1........p. 14 1045......p. 18,52 t1020M2....p.49 11298K ......p.35 1153 ............p. 45 1552........ ... p. 74 2004SPB....p 42

1000tc........p. 14 1046 .....p. 18,52 1102TM1 ....p.50 1129Ct.......p.35 't164............p. 45 l7mPl..... .p 14 2005....p.11,42
1000AlCM..p. 15 1048...........p. 35 1102TM2....p. 50 1129GD .....p.35 1l70Ml.. p.24,56 1738Ct........p. 34 2005wH ..p 11,42

10001v........p 40 1052lV..... .p. 44 1102HF.......p. 51 1130Ct........p. 34 1171......p.24,56 1738G0 ......p.34 2006........ .p. 43

1000LVNT..p 40 1055lV........p. 44 11038.... ....p. 14 1l30GD ......p.34 1176P8 .....p.24 1910FH1......p. 51 2008....p.11,42
1t1001vn..... p.40 l055wflLV ...p.44 ll04lC.... ..p 15 1l3l . .........p. 26 ll76WH. p. 24, 56 1910DHl ....p.51 20t0 . ...p.11,42
10001Cv......p. 40 '10561V........p. 44 1104lCB......p. 15 1131WH......p.26 tl76..... p. 24, 56 l920LV... .. p. 40 2011 ... .p. 17,43

1002P1 ........p. l4 1062LV ...... p. 44 1105T..........p. 64 1131C1 .... p. 26 l17iSH....p 28, 58 1954.......... .p. 75 2012 ..... p. 1l , 42

1002F1 ........p.48 10631V... .. p. 44 1105HR ......p.68 1131GD .. ..p 26 'l178Lx ......p. 28 '1955............p. 74 2013......p 1l,42

1002FH1. .. .p. 48 l0MLV. ......p. 44 1105... . p. 24, 56 ll31BK ..... p.26 1178T..........p. 66 1956 .........p.74 20138K...p. 17,42

1002FH2......p. 48 1071 .... p.20,52 1105WH..p.24,56 1132T..........p. 64 1l78SH ...p.28,58 1957 ...........p.75 2013WH .p 11,42

1002FHlR ..p.49 l0t6PB ......p. 18 1108 . ...p.22,54 1132TA........p.64 lligwH ..p 24,56 1959.... .......p. 75 2022....... ....p 38

10m R.......... p. l4 1076......p. 18,52 1110.....p.22,54 11324....p.22, 54 ll79M1...p 24,56 1960... ..... p. 75 2022WH. ...p.36

1004rc........p. 15 1076WH..p. 18,52 1112 ......p . 22, 54 1132 ......p.22,54 1182 ..........p.31 1361 ..... ....p. 75 2022LV .... ...p.43

10041CR.....p. 1s 1078......p. 20, 53 1113TGD....p.64 1133........ . p.26 1182P8 ......p.37 1964....... ....P. 74 20241V.......p. 43

1005WH ..p. 18,52 1082 . ....... . p.36 1',t13TCr......p.64 1133WH......p.26 1185......p. 32, 62 1965......... ..p 74 2021 ..........p.34

1005. ...p. 18, 52 1085......p 32, 62 1113T8K....p.64 l133CL ......p. 26 1186 .... .p 62 1966... . ......p. 74 2027WH.....p 34

1007..... ......p. l8 1100P1........p. l4 l113HB ......p 68 1l33GD ......p. 26 l'l86wH .p.32,62 19674..........P.75 2029C1.......p 34

1007WH......p. 18 11001C........p. l5 1113.... p 22, 54 'l133BK ......p.26 1300C1.... .p.72 19678.... .. p. 75 2029G0 . ...p.34
ll00AlCM..p. l5 lll3wH ..p.22,54 1134......p. 30, 60 1300GD ......p.72 '1967C..........p.75 20298K .....p.34
1008... ..p. 18, 52
10t0....p. 18, 52 'l100DlCM..p. 15 11138K....p 22, 54 1135...... ... p. 32 1302 ............p . l2 1968 ............p. 75 2029WH... .p.34

10ll ............p.20 llmDAlCM ..p.1s 1114T..........p. 66 1135WH.. .p 32 1303WH......p.72 1969 ............p. 75 6497.... .....p.4l

1012......p 18,52 1100lCF ......p.4s l114TWH ..p.66 ll35T .........p.64 1304 .........p.12 1970 ............p. 74 7550 ......... p.41

1013......p. 18,52 1100t26T1 ..p.48 1114TC1......p.66 I137.. .....p.35 1305............p. 72 19i5TA1......p.41 7551 ...........P. 41

oil 10138K... p. 18,52

1013WH..p. 18, 52
1021 ......p.20,53
lll4TBK ... p.66

'1121 . ...p.30, 60
1t38............p. 35
1145 ......p.22,54
1310 ...... ...p.72

1350 ............p. 75
l400GD ......p.72
1976 ............p 74
t997. ..........p.74
7552 ..... ....p.41
7555 ... ..... ..p. 41


1022 ............p. 36 1l00AlCMFL.p.48 1122............p. 36

1022WH ....p.36 1102P1........p. 14 1122wH.....p.36 1l46HB ......p.68 1402 ..... ......p.12 2000P1 ........p. 14 7556.... .... .. p. 41

1023............p. 37 1102F1 ........p.48 1123............p. 37 1146 ......p.22,54 1403WH......p.72 20001C........p. 14 7557 ..... .... .p. 4l

1024......p. 20, 53 ll02FHt......p. 48 ll23WH ....p.37 1147............p. 35 14t4.. ........p.12 2000A1C......p. l4 7558 ........ p.4l
1027............p. 35 1102FH2......p.48 1124......p. 30, 60 1148............p. 35 1405....... ....p. 72 20001V.... ...p 40 7997........... P.75

1027WH.....p. 35 110201........p.49 1126T .........p.66 1149............p. 22 't408 ........... p 72 2tiooLVNT ..p.40 8608...... ...p.40
l027BK ......p.35 11020Hl ....p.49 1l26HR ......p.68 1l49HR ..... p.68 l4l0............p.72 20tn1VR......p.40 8609...........p 40

1029.......... .p. 34 11020H2 ....p.4S 1126. ....p. 28, 58 1150............p. 22 1450.... ......p. 75 2000A|CV ..p.40
1029WH......p.34 1102T1........p.50 1127............p. 35 1t51 ...........p. 22 1452...........p.14 2002P1.... ...p. l4
1029Ct........p.34 ll02TH1 ....p. 50 1127WH......p. 35 115tHR ......p.68 1500Ct....... p.72 2m3n.......... p. 14

102sGD......p.34 1102TH2..p.50 ll27BK ......p.35 1152 .. ........p. 45 l500GD ......p.72 2004RWH ..p.42

10ABK .... p.34 1102FH18 ..p.49 1128T..........p. 66 1155 ............p. 45 1502............p. 72 2004RBK ....p.42

l{I}5... ..p. 32, 62 11020Hln..p.49 1128. ....p. 28, 58 1155WH......p. 45 1503wH......p.72 2004BPB....p.42

1035WH. p.32,62 1102TH'lB ..p.50 1129...........p. 35 t161 ............p.45 1508......... .p.72 2004SWH ..p.42

OO -t Photo Credils:

Fronr & Back Cover: l,4ande k0rn PhotographV O1996; Page 2: Aaron Llsher Photography 01995; Paqe 8: Dan Farer Ph0loqraphy O; Paqc 9: { eft) D. Forer
phoroqraphyO; Paqe23:AaronUsherPhotoqraphyOlgg5; Pag 28r Carol Peerce Pholography; Peerce Phish & Photo O; Page33:J!iaHeinephoto!rapher;prop
ertyof tc niulif Architects o); Page 38:Nrlandelkorn PhotoqraphyOl996; Page45:SharonRisedorphPhotography,c/oBeccaFosterLghtinqDesi!nO; Page46:

Rockport; by Andrew B0rdw I Pholo!raphy O; Page 55: Arch Photo, nc., Eduard H!eber Photographer at; Paqe 63: D. Radgers photographer; Boyd Assoc atet
archilects @; Page 70: Edward Jacoby Photoqraphy O.


A Genlyte Conrpa y

631 Airport Road

Fall River. MA 02720
Phooe 15081 679-8131
Fax (508)674-4710
http://www li ghlolier.conr

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Lachine l0r6bec) H8T C4
Phone {514)636-0670
Fax (514)636-0460
is) Co!r' lht l99l ry L rhlo tr, a
d v s on ol The Gefll,le Gr.Ip :
fco prlratrrl A l riii rls rcsrrr,,{r{l
Celta n prodr]cts !strrlel ,rr th s
.rL3 .! a'e t) !lcrl!d Iy rplr .airle
patDnls a rr pate rts pe rd r!1.
L ehlo er u/ ll a!!lress ve y deiend
a of ts irtc 0iriua Drop{rrly t/y'(l
reserve ihe r !lhl to chanrle dela s
oi des gn, maier a s ard ilnlslres

A.l.A. Div s of l6
Broch re 27332

Pfirted I the ll S.A

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