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Sionya Haley now known as Priya Siran El Indigenous autochthonous flesh and blood woman of the Ani-
yu-Wiya tribe of Cherokee Moors Michael Fullilove now known as
Dfgrphmvp.qsil@,WijayASha ul me
el Indigenous autochthonous flesh and blood man the ofthe Ani-yu-wi'#,ifi6"%TClrdJol{;etlvloors our
Children/tribal members are Michael Fullilove jr now known as Samon Wijala Sha ul me el Indigenous
flesh in blood male child of the Ani-yu-wiya of Cherokee moors Etherlrali belerie Haloy Aleshanee
Kerensa Sha ul me el lndigenous Autochthonous flesh and blood female chi!{ o{-the Ani-yu-Wiya Tribe
of Cherokee moors on the Indigenous land of Cahokia Missouria Turtle GeographiCally location
38.60217 7 North Latitude -9A.206A58 West Longitude

Notice of malfeasance/ Deprivation of Rights under color of Law Title 18 sec,Z{2,Kidnapping Title l8
sec. 120 1 , Genocide Title 1 8 sec. 1 09 I and Human Rights Violations against the Indigenous people

This notice is served on public officials Administrator Robin Vannoy, Commissioner Annie Marie'
Clarke, and Christopher Brown to make you all aware of the Human Rights violations, to offer a final
notice to give cause as well to explain to the Indigenous parents your decision making, with all of the
applicable laws exercise to take by force our children from our custody as our right to self determination
and government transparency and to make public officials aware of the intent of the Indigenous parents.

o On March 21,2017 of the Gregorian calendar the public offrcials move to adjudication phase
without given prior notice to Priya Sha'ul me'el and Marshawn Sha ul me'el knowing first hand
that the nature of cause is civil
. The parents nor the children were not citizens or residence of the LTNITED STATES, State of
Missouri, or the City of St. Louis
o We and our children are white and Native American via Statutory Declarations, SF l8l
o State of Missouri nor the City of St. Louis have jurisdiction in civil matters involving Indians
pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. 1360
o After we continued to challenge the jurisdiction of this cour! You knowing had no merit to
determine the jurisdiction of this court, committed the acts of Genocide and use color of law with
a statue to deprive us of our rights my kidnapping our children
o Williingly put our children though traumatize experiences which well effect them for the rest of
their lives, base off unproven opinion of our beliefs which we are entitle to law: see children play
therapist for Michael now known as Samson
t Ignoring Federal Law, Congressional records pg. A322O May 11-, 1955, Executive orders and
lnternational Law to conspire with police, doctors, Missouri Children Division as well as all other
state agencies to violation our Rights, expose our children to medical experimentation and other
forms of human rights violations, and commit the offense of Genocide and kidnapping
' Willful intent to commit culture Genocide by knowing preventing the educate of our Indigenous
culture by restricting our visitation to two hours per 30day cycle and offering No other forms of
education in our culture in the (8)months which our children were forceful removed from our care '
o Knowing allowing the doctors to Give our children LEVOTHROXINE which we were against,
which was the reason the hospital stuffcontinue to threaten us with the child protect services in
made good on their threats and you allowing a (6) months delay for the doctors to experiment
with our children, who now suffer from the commonly known side effects from
LEVOTHROXINE which the so called foster parents Annie and Chris, all children protect
custody service staffas well as Robin Lundt and all cardinal Glennon staff are trying to cover up

and shift the blame on us, by up making lies saying Michael has not been property educate or
schooled or has anxiefr, lack of focus, which are the known common side effects of
LEVOTHROXINE causing major damages to our children brain and body. Immunization shots
were given to my children by public officials without our Consent, public officials are feeding our
children Meat, candy dead process foods which are destroying their health. Feeding them toxic
process foods that affect their thyroid gland. Public officials are the cause to why our children are
behaving dangerously because they are purposely harming our Indigenous Children and are
commit Genocide against the people. The State of Missouri Does Not have the best interest in my
children... We do Not want our children to have any medication nor Surgery and No poisonous
anesthesia Title 42 U.S.C. 1986
. Purposely allow for these abuses to occur by allowing the hospital stafe'children protect Services
and Christopher Brown to dismiss the first petition which clearly showed all of the
discrimination by the court(Robin Vannoy, Chris Brown and Annie Clarke) bring the suit(No
injury Parfy), refiled the suit minus the discrimination while holding our children in their custody,
while exposing our children to abuses and mental trauma and delaying our day in court, not
allowing us access medical records/blood work (never give us blood work) a timely maffer for
examination or to a fair and impartial remedy.

As a result of these actions the parents will be seeking restitution for kidnapping, human rights
violations in the amount of a minimum of $2,000,000,000 dollars per day. For your failed to answer
questions and give government transparency we will seek your removal though the Commission on
Retirement removal and discipline for violating judicial canon law by administrating over a Trust
without permission or without notice, bias, prejudice, Genocide against the people we will make the
complaint to the Afforney General for investigate matters under the Missouri sunshine Law. It must
be duly noted that we as Indigenous parents have suffer extreme mental anguish as well as a lost
which cannot be put in words.

Chief Nanya Shaabu Eil of the At-Sik-Hata: Nation of Yamassee Moors is the only Indigenous
autochthon who is recognize by the United Nations and a Nation. We are grateful for Chief Nanya
Shaabu Eil for the guidance and awareness he has given to us as well as other Indigenous autochthon
in the enforcement of our rights. The UPR submission to the United Nation Title UPR SUBMISSION
RE LTNITED STATES OF AMERICAN clearly shows the pattern of human rights abuses by public
officials such as your selves, using the authority the UNITED STATES by way of bias U.S courts to
COMMITT violates acts of ridicule, scorn, skepticism, rape, genocide and apartheid against
Indigenous peoples for attempting to claim or enforce our rights.

We will justice to the full instinct of the Law for these great violations of Human Rights Abuses,
coming from congress, Attorney General and the United Nation, Missouri Ethic commission,
Commission on Retirement removal and discipline as the finally attempt to gain clarity and
government transparency for your actions the following question are given and the authority to
comply with these answers are within (3) business days is request under RSMO 610 Missouri
sunshine Law:

1. As our member are define by Title 26 sec. 365(9)(1b) as a non-resident of the United
States, 26 CFR 1.871-2,26 U.S.C sec.770l(b) a non-resident alien with the respect to


theIINITED STATES and are outside of the general venue and jurisdiction of the
LINITED STATES Title 18 U.S.C sec.3002 (15), Title 48 U.S.C 874,whatLaw
specifically gave you Jurisdiction and adjudication authority over us or our lndigenous
children after we made you and those assisting you aware of these facts ald our
jurisdictional Challenge to the Family court?
2. Pursuant to congressional record pg A3220 May 1 1, 1955 what two books were use
and what book was the authority found to give validiryto the legislation which you use
to give yourselfjurisdiction in a civil matter involving Indians are Parties?
3. Why have you refuse to answer any questions we requested under the authority of the
Missouri Sunshine Law?
4. I'm requesting for Oaths of Office and Certified copy of bonds from: Commission
Annie Marie Clarke, Administrator Robin Vannoy, Christopher Brown

Public officials are requested to answer all questions in the given time frame (3) days under the authority
of the Missouri sunshine Law and Title 5 U.S.C sec. 552 better known as FOIA any question which you
cannot answer should be met with a good reason with all applicable laws support it. Silence equates fraud
and will be taken as an admittance of quilt and you're willing disobedience for the Law as a public
official. Thank you for your time in the great spirit of our ancestors braug kawan Ila el Neterus PO Box
775133 Saint Louis Missouria L63I771

United Nations Declaration on the right of Indigenous Peoples-
Grttp://www.un.ors./esa/socdev/unpfii/documentsDRIPS*en.pd0 United Nations Convention on
Economic, Social & cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Article 55 & 56, Presidential
prociamation 7500,H.J.R. 194, S. Con. Res. 26 S. 1200, HJR-3

Affrrmed to and subscribed before me this 3A duvor &zorz

Affiant UCC

f 111 ;S;.r*r, i\e" Q1-,vor' L,'r r-r,'

Produceldentification Type and # ID

l|*+,1*.rl Cf or/'** 7
Notary Ptdi{ My Commission Expires

Tlh,l0THY ,'. t40wnY

Nlctary Publ:r: - NotarY Seal
STAI'E O i f',i i 1l SOU ll I

ConrrnissicrreJ ior St. Lculs Couniy

l'4y Comilr:;lioir f rDires: Apr"ii 6, 20'1 I
COrTl l i:::::ri: rit # I 5534648

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