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Lesson Planning Peer observation Task 1

Observation Template:
Edward Alexander Ruiz Castro Institution: Lesson
Description Age: 12/13/14 Centro Cultural Colombo Americano (Sede Centro)
From : 12:10
of Students PM
Genders: How many girls and boys? GIRLS (13) BOYS (8)
To : 01:50
PM (100
Number of
Grade:NO Grade
Proficiency level(s): A1 Students:
(PT course)
Other aspects (students with special needs): 0 21
Lesson Information:
Lesson Objectives Students will be able to: Talk about objects in different places

Teaching Method: Communicative approach through TASK BASED INSTRUCTION combined with CALLA strategies.
Aspects to consider during the class

Part of Group(num
Kind of Activity , Procedure, Students' Type of ber of ss)
Time the interacti TTT/ Materials
teacher' actions, material use reactions STT/W /Individual Your thoughts
lesson on (T-
SS, S-S) T work or questions

12:10 Warm- Activity 1: The teacher Students Power Point I think that the
pm up/Revie started the class; at the have Whole class Presentatio fact that
w beginning she always contact n students only
presents the objectives of the once in a TTT interact on
class. For this she used a week, so T-SS Saturdays is
power point presentation and they seem great when
then she asked some to be giving a class.
students to read the really If it was a
objectives. After the quiet school, the
objectives are read, she when the scene would
explained really quickly every class be completely
objective. starts. different,
When the students
Activity 2: Students teacher S-S STT PAIRS would be
homework consists in started talking aloud
reviewing the next lesson of the class and
the book in order to find new they were disorganized.
vocabulary. Students have to attentive. Teaching
find 5 new words, Besides English here
additionally; they must find they seem requires
the pronunciation, the to be better
definition to create an comfortab T-SS TSS preparation,
example. Students are always le with the and Whole class as they have
prompted to compare their methodol STT really high
homework through some ogy of the standards, but
questions. homework in terms of
and discipline it
comparing seems to be
Activity 3: After the students words. easier.
compared their homework, T-SS TTT Whole class
12 : 15 PRE the teacher elicits some
pm TASK difficult words and writes
them on the board. Teacher
also elicits examples and
pronunciation of the words. Students
are very
well At Centro
Activity 1: (Pre listening) The focused. Cultural
teacher starts with a listening They are Colombo
activity, they have to use the very Americano,
book and a soundtrack in receptive. they decided
order to relate some to help
information and filling gaps. students to
However, the first thing she learn in a
did was introducing a more effective
Learning Strategy. This time way, for that
she introduced the strategy they have
listening for specific T-SS WT INDIVIDUAL implemented
information. What she did Speaker Learning
first, was to raise awareness TV Strategies.
about the strategy; she CD ROM This is really
explained what it is about, helpful as
why it is good, and how to students are
carry out the strategy. They like learning how
the T-SS TTT Whole class to learn
strategy STT better.
and they
remain in
Activity 2: (While Listening) silence for
The teacher plays the the
recording twice, the listening listening.
is mainly about prepositions,
the students need to identify
the correct location of some
objects, and complete some
sentences. T-SS STT Whole class
Activity 3: (Post listening) IMAGE
Teacher starts asking for the WITH
answers to different students, PREPOSITI
the teacher confirms whether ONS
the answers are correct or
not. When a student has a
wrong answer, the teacher
elicits the corrections from The use of
students. candies Candies seem
encourage to be very
s to important for
students encouraging
Activity 4 (Controlled to students. It
practice) participat reminds me of
e. They behaviorism,
The teacher uses some seem to students react
12:50 Focus candies; she places the be really T-SS STT Whole class due to a
PM on Form candies around the eager to stimulus.
and classroom, in different places. win a Books and
Languag If the students want to get the candy Slides
e candies they have to create
sentences about the candy
using prepositions.

The teacher displays the

prepositions with images on
the TV, so that students can
rely on the vocabulary.
Some The teacher is
If the student wants a candy, students using an
they raise his/her hand and remain in inductive
says the correct expression. silence. approach to
They teach
Activity 1 (Controlled practice seem to S WT Individual grammar. She
of Grammar) be very never uses
shy. On Book metacognitive
The teacher presents some the other exercises terms like
sentences on the TV; the hand, auxiliary,
teacher says to students that there are verb, tense.
there are multiple grammar some However,
problems in the sentences. students some students
Students must look for the who are seemed really
problem in order to come up always confused and
with the correction. The trying to unable to
grammar of this lesson is correct correct the
related to Do and Does. the mistakes.
T-SS STT / Whole
TTT Class
The use of Book During this
music at moment,
this stage using music
Activity 2 (Controlled practice seems to seems to be
Grammar exercise) After the relax relaxing and
students found the problems students. students enjoy
in all sentences, the teacher This is a it.
asked them to go over the moment
book to solve some grammar of
exercises. They only had to individual
choose DO, DOES in a working
paragraph, and they also had and the
to unscramble sentences. The students
01:20 PM teacher played songs during understan
TASK this stage d it.

I am thinking
For this S-S STT again about
stage, Whole the shy
Activity 3 (Post grammar only a few Class REALIA, students. They
practice) students students are not
The teacher corrects all the want to objects confident
answers of the exercises. She participat enough, even
elicits the answers from e. The when they
students. If the student has a teacher have a good
mistake, she elicits the has to answer.
correct answers from other choose
students. different
who had
participat The teacher
ed. provided a
Activity 1 (Free practice) Some model, which
students really helps
In this task, the students had did not students to
to choose an object. After understan achieve the
that, they had to place the d very outcome.
object in any place of the well the
classroom. activity. T-S TTT However, the
The teacher did
After that, they had to mingle teacher Whole not model the
in order to talk to a partner to did not set Class conversation,
a clear
so some
find the owner of different students
objects that they were seemed
finding. lost in the
These were the instructions The
for the activity. teacher
had to
1. Choose an object improvise and she did
2. Put your object in a by helping not checked if
place of the classroom some the
3. Choose other objects to students instructions
find their owner (Use to were clear.
the model) understan Some
4. Report d the students were
purpose of confused.
The teacher stopped the the
activity, after students came activity.
back to their seats, the
teacher started to choose
some students to report
findings. They had to say who
the owner of a specific object
The teacher checked the students
objectives again. Students seemed Not all
had to say whether they had eager to students had
achieved the objectives. At get out of the chance to
Closure the end the teacher gave the report their
WRAP them the homework for next classroom findings on
01:45 PM UP class. . the task.
One of the advantages is that she understands how to structure the class as she sticks to the TBL framework. Besides she uses the
book in a very effective way, I think she takes all the advantage from the book. As she has a clear understanding of each phase, she is
able to predict almost everything in terms of difficulties and situations emerging from each part of the class. Besides, the teacher
uses technological resources on her side; she prepared images and a Power Point Presentation, which always contribute to a more
striking class.
In terms of disadvantages, I consider that the inductive approach is an excellent way to present grammar. However, some students
seem to have problems with this method, as they might figure out the rules but not accurately. Sometimes the teacher assumes that
the students understood the rule clearly, but not all students have the same abilities to discover rules at ease. I think that the teacher
must provide as well the rule in an inductive way so that doubts are completely clear.
I think that in this class I observed very good planning. I think that the use of candies to incentive the participation in class is a good
idea, although it could become counterproductive if you use it at all times since students can get accustomed to it and the teacher
would be obliged to take candies for all classes. The use of music was also a good idea, the students felt really pleased when they
were listening to music. I could notice that the teacher has a list with songs that the students had previously selected, so she always
chooses a different song for them; I think it is a good idea to lower stress.
I think that the class was really good, considering the fact that she had 21 students and only 100 minutes. Nevertheless, I would have
planned the task better; it is notorious that the task was not very well carried out. Even for me, it was confusing at the beginning, I did
not understand the activity at first, but then the teacher explained again through examples and it was clearer. The outcome of the
task was not clear either, students had to report their findings, but not all of them had the opportunity to talk in order to be corrected.
I would have asked students to write a short paragraph explaining what their findings were so that I can have more control about their
mistakes. As of the rest of the class, I dont really have something to change.

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