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Long-term attention decits combined with subcortical and cortical 0$5.

structural central nervous system alterations in young adults born small for
gestational age
Sabrina Surena, Diego Angulob,c,d, Yang Dinga, Pablo Reyesc,e, Jorge Marinf,
Jose T. Hernandezd, Nathalie Charpakc, Gregory A. Lodygenskya,g,
Research Center, Sainte-Justine University Hospital, 3175, Chemin de la Cote-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, Quebec H3T1C5, Canada
ImExHS, Imex-Research, Calle 93 # 16 46, Of 502, Edicio Zen Oce, Bogot, Colombia
Kangaroo Foundation, Bogot, Colombia
IMAGINE, Systems and Computing Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogot, Colombia
Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Bogot, Colombia
Fundacin Hospital Infantil Universitario de San Jos, Bogot, Colombia
Department of Pediatrics and Pharmacology, University of Montreal, C.P.6128, succursale Centre-ville, Montreal, Quebec H3C3J7, Canada


Keywords: Background: Being born small for gestational age has been associated with neurodevelopmental disabilities and
Small for gestational age smaller gray matter volumes in childhood. However, it is not known if these changes persist in adults and
Adults whether SGA has any impact on attention memory and IQ.
Cerebral MRI Aims: The goal of this study was to evaluate the association between birth weight and gray matter anatomy in
Voxel-based morphometry
adults born small for gestational age at term, in relation to IQ, attention and memory.
Materials and methods: This prospective follow-up study at age 20 included 39 adults born small for gestational
age at term and 37 adults born appropriate for gestational age at term. Detailed neurocognitive skills were
assessed (IQ, attention and memory). Anatomical images were analyzed using Voxel-Based-Morphometry and
Results: Adults born small for gestational age at term had lower performances in subtests assessing attention and
executive functions. They also showed smaller total intracranial volume; smaller volumes and surface areas in
the frontal lobe, inferior/middle parietal and temporal gyrus; smaller cerebellum, thalamus and basal ganglia
volumes. Interestingly, all these structures correlated with attention subtests.
Conclusion: These results highlight the persistent eects of being born small for gestational age on attention and
associated brain structures.

1. Introduction priate stimulation and enhances bonding and breastfeeding. Kangaroo

nutrition is based on breastfeeding and kangaroo discharge policy relies
Being born small for gestational age (SGA), either being born on family empowerment and early discharge in kangaroo position with
preterm or at term, was linked to decreased IQ, academic achievement close ambulatory follow-up [10].
and learning abilities; visomotors skills; as well as diculties in One study in 4 to 7 years-old SGA children born at term reported
attention, memory, executive function and emotional regulation in smaller cerebellum, globus pallidus, putamen and hippocampus vo-
children and adults [18]. Moreover, decreased total brain volume has lumes [11]. One study in 15 years-old SGA adolescents born at term
been observed in SGA children and adults [9]. showed smaller cerebellum and thalamus volumes, but no dierence in
The Kangaroo Mother Care program is a human-based care inter- the amygdala and hippocampus volumes [12]. In 20 years-old SGA
vention devised to complement neonatal care for low birth weight and adults born at term, Ostgard et al. (2014) reported smaller frontal lobe,
premature infants. Kangaroo position (skin-to-skin contact on the cingulate, temporal and parietal lobes surface area, as well as smaller
mother's chest) oers thermal regulation, physiological stability, appro- putamen volume. However, they found no dierence regarding cortical

Corresponding author at: Pediatrics and Pharmacology, University of Montreal, Research Centre, Ste-Justine University Hospital, 3175 Cote Ste-Catherine, Montreal, Quebec H3T
1C5, Canada.
E-mail address: (G.A. Lodygensky).
Received 11 January 2017; Received in revised form 26 April 2017; Accepted 27 April 2017
S. Suren et al. (DUO\+XPDQ'HYHORSPHQW  

thickness and they did not assess cortical volumes [13]. Gaser, University of Jena) within the SPM12 software package
The objective of this study was to investigate subcortical volumes, (Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) and
as well as cortical volume, thickness and surface area in 20 years-old MATLAB R2016a, 9.0.0 (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) [21,22]. First,
SGA adults born at term. Participants were from the Colombian all T1-weighted anatomical images were manually reoriented to place
Kangaroo Mother Care cohort [10]. In addition to cortical thickness the anterior commissure (AC) at the origin of the three-dimensional
and surface area measurements [13], cortical volumes were assessed Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space. The images were then
using two complementary methods for anatomical structural measure- segmented into gray matter, white matter, and cerebrospinal uid [23].
ments (voxel-based and surface-based morphometric analyses). More- Segmentations were then inspected for their quality and homogeneity
over, to test the relationship between structure and function, we was checked with the CAT12 toolbox. One participant was excluded
measured IQ, attention/executive functions and memory of the parti- because of the anatomical image inhomogeneity and motion. Images
cipants. were normalized to Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space using a
dieomorphic non-linear registration algorithm (dieomorphic anato-
2. Methods mical registration through exponentiated lie algebra toolbox-DARTEL)
[24]. Images were modulated by the Jacobian transformed tissue
2.1. Participants probability maps (to obtain volume dierences in gray matter) and
smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 8 mm full width at half maximum
This study is part of a larger prospective research program on low before statistical analyses.
birth weight, prematurity and the Kangaroo Mother Care program in
Bogota, Colombia [14]. This program involved fetal assessment and 2.3.2. Surface-based morphometry (SBM)
long-term postnatal follow-up of several hundred newborns at the We assessed cortical volumes, thickness and surface area, as well as
Clinica San Pedro Claver. In this cohort, newborns were born between sub-cortical volumes using the FreeSurfer software (version 5.3.0) in
1993 and 1994 with a weight of < 2001 g. Among these newborns, 39 the Canadian Brain Imaging Research Platform (CBRAIN) [25]. Free-
term infants participated in the follow-up study until adulthood. The Surfer, a fully automated surface-based pipeline, was used to process
present study included 76 adults, with 39 adults born at term, small for the T1 images into a common stereotactic space, in which volumes,
gestational age (SGA, mean birth weight: 1817 g 400 g) and 37 cortical thickness and surface area values could be derived on a
adults born at term, appropriate for gestational age (AGA, mean birth participant-by-participant basis [26] Cortical and sub-cortical segmen-
weight: 3032 g 800 g) and equivalent in terms of socio-economic tation procedure involved the assignment of a neuroanatomical label to
status. The SGA group was dened by a birth weight below the 10th each voxel in a MRI volume using voxel intensity, a probabilistic atlas
percentile, adjusted for gestational age [15]. Control subjects were estimated from a manually labeled training set, and Bayesian classica-
dened as adults with birth weight between the 10th and 90th tion rules [26]. This technique was previously shown to be comparable
percentile. We dened SGA adults whose height at 12 months of age in accuracy to manual tracing [27,28]. Cortical thickness was auto-
was equal to or above the 3rd percentile as having experienced catch-up matically quantied within FreeSurfer on a vertex-by-vertex basis by
growth [16,17]. In the SGA adults, 15 experienced catch-up growth, 22 computing the average shortest distance between the white matter
not. The study protocol was approved by an ethical committee, and boundary and the pial surface (i.e. the cerebral spinal uid boundary)
written informed consent was obtained for all participants. at each point on the cortex [29]. Segmentation boundaries were
visually inspected by a trained rater and, if necessary, errors due to
2.2. Measures segmentation miss classication were reprocessed.

Maternal age at birth; gender and parental education and incomes 2.4. Statistical analyses
were recorded. Developmental physical data included weight, height
and head perimeter at birth, 41 weeks of GA, 3, 6, 9, 12 months of Developmental, demographic, cognitive and neuropsychological
corrected age and 20 years. data were analyzed in SPSS v.20 (Armonk, NY) with 2 sample t-tests
Cognitive and neuropsychological tests were administered to all comparing the two groups (small for gestational age, SGA vs. appro-
participants at the time of testing. Intelligent Quotient (IQ) was priate for gestational age, AGA), when data were normally distributed.
measured with the Weschler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI-II) If not, a non-parametric U Mann-Whitney test was used. With catego-
[18]. The California Verbal Learning Test-2nd edition (CVLT-2) was used rical data, a non-parametric Chi2 test was used.
to assess memory [19]. Nine subtests of the Test-battery of Attentional A whole brain VBM analyses was performed with a Gaussian
Performance (TAP 2.2.) [20] were used to evaluate attention/executive random eld threshold set at = 0.001 with an extent of at least 130
function of the youth: alertness (focus attention), divided attention, contiguous voxels (based on the expected voxels per clusters < k >
sustained attention, working memory and go/nogo (selective attention/ = 128.81 for this analysis). Clusters were considered signicant at
inhibition) subtests. p < 0.05, FWE-corrected. For FreeSurfer analyses, we extracted ROIs
based on anatomical atlas and evaluated their gray matter volume,
2.3. Image acquisition and processing cortical thickness and surface area. Bonferroni's correction for multiple
comparisons was applied with a signicance level of p < 0.0022
Structural brain images were acquired on a 3 T MRI scanner, with (p < 0.05/23 number of comparisons in each hemisphere) to sub-
whole-brain, high resolution T1-weighted MPRAGE images acquired in cortical volume; cortical volume, thickness and surface area analysis of
the sagittal plane (TR = 8,52 ms, TE = 4.13 ms, matrix si- 19 regions. Two sample t-tests between groups (SGA vs. AGA), and sex
ze = 250 256 160 mm, voxel size = 0.97 0.97 1 mm, as covariate of no interest, were performed in SPM12 and SPSS 20,
FOV = 74 mm). The two-dimensional DICOM les of each brain were respectively.
organized into volumetric three-dimensional les using the MRIcron With Spearman's correlations, we then assessed how signicant
software package ( extracted VBM peak voxels and signicant FreeSurfer gray matter
mricron/). volume, cortical thickness and surface area were related to the
neurocognitive signicant dierences between groups. Correlations
2.3.1. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) were considered signicant at p < 0.05.
The structural T1 images were rstly processed using the Exploratory, we performed a whole brain VBM analyze to dier-
Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT12; developed by Christian entiate participants who presented catch-up growth or not.

S. Suren et al. (DUO\+XPDQ'HYHORSPHQW  

Table 1 Table 2
Demographic and physical development between small for gestational age (SGA) and Neurocognitive scores between 20 years-old young adults born small for gestational age
appropriate for gestational age (AGA) groups. (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) (mean (SD)).

SGA (n = 39) AGA (n = 37) p SGA (n = 39) AGA (n = 37) p

Maternal age at birth (years, 28(0.93) 24(0.90) 0.01 IQ (WASI-II)

mean (SD)) Verbal comprehension (composite 87(2.15) 88(2.72) 0.984
Gender (males/females) 15/24 18/19 0.37 score)
Socio-economic status Perceptual reasoning (composite 84(2.09) 89(2.52) 0.171
Mother's education level 12/27 8/29 0.37 score)
(primary/more than Full scale 4 (composite score) 84(1.83) 87(2.61) 0.484
primary) Memory
Father's education level 12/27 6/31 0.14 CVLT-II immediate correct free recall 46(1.67) 49(1.85) 0.307
(primary/more than Attention/executive functions (T-
primary) scores)
Monthly income per capita 100,428(74887) 117,107(82784) 0.35 TAP alertnessa 49(1.49) 53(1.52) 0.032
(mean (SD)) TAP divided attention: omissionsa 45(1.18) 48(1.02) 0.139
Weight (g, mean (SD)) TAP sustained attention: false 39(1.87) 46(2.66) 0.024
Birth 1817(31) 3032(57) < 0.001 alarmsa
41 weeks of GA 2308(74) 3344(64) < 0.001 TAP sustained attention: omissionsa 35(1.79) 41(2.15) 0.049
3 months 4869(93) 5929(120) < 0.001 TAP working memory: omissionsa 48(1.69) 53(2.06) 0.051
6 months 6213(115) 7437(160) < 0.001 TAP working memory: RT 56(1.63) 56(2.31) 0.533
9 months 7058(130) 8292(184) < 0.001 TAP Go/noGo: false alarmsa 47(1.37) 52(0.93) 0.005
12 months 7987(159) 9234(210) < 0.001 TAP Go/noGo: RT (median) 49(1.32) 44(1.64) 0.005
20 years 54,928(1645) 58,216(1421) 0.085
Height (cm, mean (SD)) Note. IQ, Intellectual Quotient; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; CVLT,
Birth 43.49(0.37) 48.83(0.34) < 0.001 Californian Verbal Learning Test; TAP, Test-battery of Attentional Performance; RT,
41 weeks of GA 44.98(0.41) 49.89(0.41) < 0.001 Reaction Time.
3 months 55.33(0.43) 58.73(0.50) < 0.001 a
Highest TAP scores indicate better outcome.
6 months 61.45(0.39) 64.21(0.48) < 0.001
T-test between the two groups, p < 0.05.
9 months 65.82(0.40) 68.78(0.41) < 0.001
12 months 69.66(0.45) 73.14(0.38) < 0.001
20 years 158.90(1.24) 165.14(1.34) 0.001 Among the participants in the SGA group, there were no dierence
Head perimeter (cm, mean (SD)) in outcome between those who had a catch-up growth and those who
did not (data not shown).
Birth 31.26(0.28) 39.15(1.32) < 0.001
41 weeks of GA 33.03(0.22) 35.34(0.2) < 0.001
3 months 38.92(0.19) 39.83(0.30) 0.002 3.2. Imaging data
6 months 41.56(0.21) 42.97(0.26) < 0.001
9 months 43.16(0.24) 44.65(0.26) < 0.001 3.2.1. Voxel-based morphometry
12 months 44.45(0.25) 45.99(0.27) < 0.001
Whole brain VBM analysis revealed 4 clusters signicantly smaller
20 years 53.85(0.26) 54.91(0.29) 0.006
Total intracranial volume at 1397(17.54) 1545(26.88) < 0.001
in SGA compared to AGA adults: one cluster in the left frontal lobe
20 years (mean (SD)) [9, 36, 45] (T72 = 6.97, p < 0.001, FWE-corrected; cluster size:
38,822), including parts of the lateral and medial superior frontal
Note. Chi2 test;
Mann-Whitney test;
t-test. gyrus, orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex, putamen,
caudate nucleus and thalamus (see Fig. 1a). Smaller clusters in the right
3. Results inferior/supramarginal parietal gyrus [58.5, 45, 49.5] (T72 = 4.32,
p < 0.05, FWE-corrected; cluster size: 1086); right inferior/middle
3.1. Clinical, developmental, demographic and neurocognitive data temporal gyrus [61.5, 36, 25.5] (T72 = 5. 25, p < 0.05, FWE-
corrected; cluster size: 1429); and right cerebellum [10.5, 42,
All participants were born between 37 and 41 weeks of gestational 19.5] (T72 = 4.39, p < 0.001, FWE-corrected; cluster size: 2500)
age. However, as we can see in Table 1, maternal age at birth was were also observed (see Fig. 1b, c, d, respectively). When we corrected
higher in the SGA than in the AGA group (T74 = 2.74, p = 0.008). for total intracranial volume, the left superior frontal cluster was shown
There were no signicant dierences in gender and socioeconomic to be signicantly reduced [10.5, 34.5, 45] (T71 = 4.85, p < 0.05,
measures between the two groups. Weight, height and head perimeter FWE-corrected; cluster size: 1272).
were signicantly lower in SGA compared to AGA adults, at all data
points (at birth, 41 weeks of GA, 3, 6, 9, 12 months of corrected age and 3.2.2. Surface-based morphometry
20 years) (all ps < 0.006, nonparametric U Mann-Whitney tests), As we can see in Table 3, FreeSurfer cortical results are similar to
except for the weight at 20 years. Total intracranial volume was also results observed with VBM. Indeed, we observed a reduction in the
lower in SGA compared to AGA adults at the time of testing volume or surface area in several frontal regions (ROIs were based on
(T73 = 4.62, p < 0.001). the Desikan-Killiany Atlas [30]), in SGA compared to AGA adults: the
The participants' neurocognitive data are summarized in Table 2. left superior frontal gyrus volume; left orbitofrontal cortex volume and
Attention/executive functions decits were shown using the Test- surface area; and left and right anterior cingulate cortex surface areas.
battery of Attentional Performance with the following subtests signi- Smaller surface areas in the right inferior/supramarginal parietal gyrus
cantly reduced in the SGA group, as measured (see Table 2): phasic and the right inferior/middle temporal gyrus were also observed in SGA
alertness (T74 = 2.19, p = 0.03); sustained attention, false alarms compared to AGA adults (see Table 3). No cortical thickness dierences
(T53 = 2.32, p = 0.02) and omissions (T53 = 2.01, p = 0.05); were observed.
working memory, false alarms (T32 = 2.40, p = 0.009) and omissions At a subcortical level, and in agreement with what has been
(T62 = 1.99, p = 0.05); and go/nogo, false alarms (T74 = 2.91, observed with the VBM method, we obtained smaller right cerebellum
p = 0.005) and reaction time (T74 = 2.95, p = 0.004) subtests. gray matter volume; left and right thalamus; right caudate nucleus;
There were no signicant dierences in IQ and memory subtest (all right pallidum; left and right putamen volumes in SGA compared to
ps > 0.05). AGA adults (see Table 3). There was no dierence of volumes between

S. Suren et al. (DUO\+XPDQ'HYHORSPHQW  

Fig. 1. Clusters represented a smaller volume in the participants born small for gestational age, compared to those born appropriate for gestational age, from the VBM analyses, for (a) the
frontal lobe (b) the cerebellum (c) the temporal lobe and (d) the parietal lobe. The color bars represent the t scores.

Table 3 Concerning the frontal lobe, the left medial frontal gyrus was
Smaller cortical volumes and surface areas and subcortical volumes between small for positively correlated with the sustained attention, false alarms subtest
gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) groups.
(r = 0.24, p = 0.01) and omissions subtest (r = 0.26, p = 0.008); the
Side SGA (n = 38) AGA (n = 37) p left lateral orbitofrontal cortex (r = 0.20, p = 0.04) and the anterior
cingulate cortex (r = 0.20, p = 0.04) were also positively correlated to
Cortical the sustained attention, false alarms subtest. Concerning the parietal
Frontal lobe, the right inferoparietal gyrus was positively correlated with the
Superior volume L 18,564(351) 20,259(346) 0.001
Lateral orbitofrontal L 10,084(197) 10,980(199) 0.002
sustained attention, false alarms subtest (r = 0.20, p = 0.04).
volume Concerning the temporal lobe, the inferior temporal gyrus volume
Lateral orbitofrontal L 3209(59) 3473(60) 0.002 was positively correlated with the working memory, omissions subtest
surface area (r = 0.26, p = 0.04).
Anterior cingulate cortex L 1304(35) 1481(36) 0.001
Concerning subcortical structures, the right cerebellum was posi-
surface area
Anterior cingulate cortex R 1342(42) 1537(42) 0.002 tively correlated with the sustained attention, false alarms subtests
surface area (r = 0.20, p = 0.04); the left and right thalamus were positively
Temporal correlated with the working memory, omissions subtest (r = 0.35,
Middle surface area R 3108(63) 3439(63) < 0.001 p = 0.005; r = 0.26, p = 0.04, respectively). Concerning basal ganglia,
Inferior surface area R 4954(94) 5449(95) < 0.001
the right putamen was positively correlated with the working memory,
Middle surface area L 3513(74) 3849(75) 0.002 omissions subtest (r = 0.27, p = 0.03); the caudate nucleus was posi-
Subcortical tively correlated with the sustained attention, omissions subtests
Thalamus L 6518(103) 7106(104) < 0.001 (r = 0.20, p = 0.04); the right pallidum was negatively correlated with
Thalamus R 6747(103) 7360(104) < 0.001
the Go/NoGo, reaction time subtest (r = 0.17, p = 0.03).
Caudate nucleus R 3658(79) 4020(80) 0.002
Putamen L 6281(93) 6773(94) < 0.001
Putamen R 6015(95) 6516(96) 0.001 3.2.4. Catch-up growth
Globus pallidus R 1620(39) 1866(40) < 0.001 SGA adults with a catch-up growth had a higher right superior
Cerebellar gray matter R 40,764(734) 44,196(744) 0.002
frontal gyrus compared to SGA adults without catch-up growth. This
Note. Results are from the FreeSurfer analyses.
cluster is signicant with [29, 18, 48] (T32 = 4.36, p < 0.05, FWE
corrected) and without [26, 17, 44] (T33 = 4.44, p < 0.05, FWE
the two groups using FreeSurfer when we corrected for total intracra- corrected) correction for total intracranial volume (see Fig. 2).
nial volume.
4. Discussion

3.2.3. Correlation with neurocognition To our knowledge, this study is the rst to compare adults born at
Correlation analyses were done on structures known to be asso- term Small for Gestational Age (SGA, < 2001 g) and Appropriate for
ciated with attention and executive functions. Frontal and parietal lobes Gestational Age (AGA, > 2500 g), with a VBM approach. In addition,
seem very important in the control of attentional processes and no study has used both methods (VBM and SBM) simultaneously.
executive functions [3133]. Temporal lobes were also linked to Surface-based morphometry alone, had already been used to measure
attention/executive functions [34]. The basal ganglia, the thalamus the surface area, cortical thickness and subcortical volumes of adoles-
and the cerebellum seem to be also activated during attentional tasks cents and SGA adults [12,13]. The simultaneous use of both methods
[3133]. allows an internal validation of our results and underlines the strength

S. Suren et al. (DUO\+XPDQ'HYHORSPHQW  

Fig. 2. Cluster represented a higher volume in the participants born small for gestational age with catch-up growth, compared to those born small for gestational age without catch-up
growth. The color bar represents the t score.

of this study. In our cohort, SGA adults had lower attention/executive area, as well as smaller temporal lobe surface area were linked to
functions scores and smaller brain volumes and surface areas compared attention/executive functions decits observed in the SGA adults. In
with AGA adults. addition to Ostgard et al. (2016), smaller parietal volume; smaller
The brain regions that exhibit the greatest reductions in volume cerebellum, thalamus and basal ganglia volumes were also linked to
and/or surface area were the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes, the attention/executive functions decits observed in the SGA adults.
cerebellum, thalamus and basal ganglia, similarly to Ostgard et al. On the other hand, it was interesting to rediscover the known
(2014). When corrected for total intracranial volume, the left superior positive eect of catch-up growth in the rst year as previously
frontal lobe volume was shown to be reduced with the VBM method. described by Ostgard et al. (2014). In our study, catch-up growth was
The anatomical cerebral studies on being born SGA generally do not shown to have a clear protective eect on frontal lobe volume.
correct for the total intracranial volume, except for the subcortical One limitation of this study is the lack of data on parental weight
volumes. In this study, we reported the corrected and uncorrected and height. Indeed, we cannot arm here that our participants are not
results. As being born SGA is accompanied by a smaller total intracra- genetically small. Future studies should take these variables into
nial volume, we interpret results uncorrected for the total intracranial account. However, before speaking of small genetic size, it would be
volume, so as not to correct for the disease itself. necessary to eliminate the bad nutrition present in this poor Colombian
Our results are consistent with smaller anterior cingulate, frontal, population of 20 years ago.
temporal and parietal lobes surface areas reported in young SGA adults In conclusion, being born small for gestational age, without being
born at term [13]. Our results are all the more important that we found premature, is linked to smaller frontal lobe volume and attention/
similar alterations with both methods (VBM and FreeSurfer). Although executive function decits in adulthood.
the results with FreeSurfer related alterations in the surface area more
than in the volume, damaged structures remain similar with both Conict of interest
On the other hand, as Ostgard et al. (2014), we found no dierence All authors declare that they have no nancial interests or potential
in cortical thickness. Surface area and volume measures seem more conicts of interest.
vulnerable to the eects of being born SGA than the cortical thickness
measures [35,36]. Moreover, gray matter volume dierences seem Acknowledgements
more closely related and driven by surface area rather than cortical
thickness dierences [3739]. The radial unit hypothesis of cortical This work was supported by Grand Challenge Canada (< grant
development suggests that cortical thickness and surface area measures number 0059-03 > [to < NC > ]); Fundacion Canguro y
are genetically and phenotypically independent, and are driven by COLCIENCIAS (National Colombia Organization for Science and
distinct cellular mechanisms [3840]. It is therefore not surprising that Technology), (< grant number 714-2013 > [to < NC > ]); Brain
our results show similar dierences in the measurements of cortical Canada, the Research Center of the Sainte Justine Hospital, Sainte-
gray matter volume and surface area, but absence of dierences in the Justine Foundation and the Cercle des Jeunes Leaders [to < GL > ].
cortical thickness measures. We thank Alan Evans and CBRAIN for their support in this project.
At a subcortical level, smaller cerebellum volume in the SGA adults We also thank all the families who participated in the research, as
born at term is similar to results observed in SGA children [11] and well as the members of the Kangaroo research team.
adolescents [12] born at term. Smaller thalamus volume in SGA adults
born at term is similar to results in SGA adolescents born at term [12]. References
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