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"We live in a era where our cities are armed with steel and concrete.

and electronics barricade our minds. It doesn t change the fact that there exists
a lot of strange phenomena, bizzare beyond reason or logic. Most folks just don t
see them, that s because we cling to order to any tiny happiness that comes our wa
y and we bust our humps to blind ourselves with our desires and our pleasures. T
here s a world of darkness out there. Beyond time or space. A world filled with ev
il that is undeniably real and in that world there are things that run wild!
Eclipse - Perturbator
"Vivimos en una era en que nuestras ciudades estn armadas en acero y hormign. Info
rmtica y electrnica formando una barricada en nuestras mentes. Eso no cambia el he
cho de que existe una gran cantidad de fenmenos extraos, bizarros en el sentido an
glosajn de la palabra, ms all de la razn o la lgica. La mayora de la gente simplemente
no ve dichos eventos, eso se debe a que nos aferramos al orden, a cualquier peq
ueo trozo de felicidad que se nos cruce en el camino y nos rompemos la espalda ce
gndonos con nuestros deseos y placeres. Hay un mundo de oscuridad ah afuera. Ms all
del tiempo o el espacio. Un mundo lleno de maldad que es innegablemente real y e
n ese mundo hay cosas movindose fuera de nuestro control."

"We live in a era where our cities are armed with steel and concrete. Computers
and electronics barricade our minds. It doesn t change the fact that there exists
a lot of strange phenomena, bizzare beyond reason or logic. Most folks just don t
see them, that s because we cling to order to any tiny happiness that comes our wa
y and we bust our humps to blind ourselves with our desires and our pleasures. T
here s a world of darkness out there. Beyond time or space. A world filled with ev
il that is undeniably real and in that world there are things that run wild!

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