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Session 4 Sequence of activities


Name/type Aims Procedures Materials Time

of activity

Review Sing 10 Little Peas Song 5 mins


Seed Start a seed growing project to Show a packet of seeds & elicit seeds. Egg cups, 20 mins
growing enable students to monitor & Ask the children what the farmer did with the seed in the story. seeds( any
project watch the growth of their seeds Explain to children that they are going to plant their own seeds like fast growing
during the course to enhance the farmer & watch them grow during the course. Tell them to listen seeds are
understanding of seed growth carefully to the five instructions. suitable such
cycle. as cress or
Give each child an egg cup & some cotton wool and tell them what
To practise listening to and acting lettuce), water
they are called.
on instructions. bottle, tray.
Read out instruction 1: Put the cotton in the egg cup &
demonstrate with model.
Go to each desk and children take some seeds to plant.
Read out instruction 2: Put the seeds on the cotton & demonstrate.
Ask children what the seeds need to grow to elicit water & sun from
the story.
Read out instruction 3: Water the seeds & demonstrate.
Go to each desk with a small bottle of water & children water their
Class To encourage children to observe Put an enlarged copy of worksheet 4.1 on the board to act as a class Enlarged copy 5 mins
Seed their seeds & provide a model for poster & explain that this is a chart to show how the seeds grow. of worksheet
observation personal growth chart. Tell children to look carefully at their seeds. 4.1
Ask what colour, shape & size they are.
Ask a volunteer to come to the board & draw the seeds in Day 1 box.
Look & draw To give children an opportunity to Hand out Seed Growth Chart to children and tell them to look closely Worksheet 4.1 10 mins
look closely at their own seeds & at their seeds. Seed growth
record on their chart. Read out instruction 4: Look carefully & draw. chart
Children draw their seeds on chart in box Day 1.
Ask what the seeds need now to elicit sun.
Read out instruction 5: Put the seeds near the sun then wait &
watch them grow!

The United Kingdoms international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland).
Children bring their seed boxes & place them carefully on a tray in a
safe, warm, light place until the next session.

Listen & do To introduce vocabulary set 2 Use TPR for transport vocabulary & get pupils to move around the Flashcards: 10 mins
from story to enable Ss to learn classroom set 2
The pea processing song & Say the word & demonstrate the movement & get children to copy realia:bag,
remember the next part of the repeating word. box, tin
story. Repeat for all forms of transport
You say word & they do action
You do action & they say word
Use realia to teach box, bag & tin
Use flashcards for shop, factory & home
Picture/word To reinforce new vocabulary Children sit back at their desks looking at the board. 10 mins
match Point to & read the word plane then point to the picture of the truck.
Elicit plane from children & ask for a volunteer to match the picture to
the word.
Repeat with all words
Vocabulary To make own set of vocabulary Hand out worksheet 4.2 and explain that they are going to make Worksheet 4.2 15 mins
cards cards to reinforce vocabulary set some more vocabulary cards to put in their envelope. Vocabulary
2 & add to personal dictionary. Say truck & tell children to read & find the correct card & draw a cards set 2
To recognise written word to truck.
encourage reading. Leave board with words & pictures if your learners need the extra
Repeat with all words.
Tell children to cut out their cards once they have finished.
Card game To play a card game to reinforce Tell children to write their initials on the back of their cards. 10 mins
Snap! & practise pronunciation of new Explain the rules of Snap!
vocabulary In pairs children take it in turns to turn over & place a card on the
table. As they place the card they must say the word on the card. If a
player places the same card on top of the one already on the pile the
first player to say snap! wins all the cards.
Play Snap!
Tell children to put their vocabulary cards in their envelope.

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Review To remember the five instructions Ask children how they planted their seeds. Did they copy the farmer 5 mins
for planting the seeds. in the story? What was the same/different?
Children look at their growth chart & match the five instructions with
the pictures & put into their learning folder.
Children come to front of class.
Ask them which new words they have learnt & how they remember all
the new words, what helped them to learn them.
Play an action game by asking a volunteer to say a transport word &
other children do the action.

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