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QUINTA EDICION: 2013 D.R. © Lic. Ratil Acosta Meléndez (Editor) D.R. © GUIA PRACTICA INGRESO ANIVEL SUPERIOR “POLITECNICO” (Varios Autores) D.R. © Disefio dela portada Lic. Manuel Cruz Yescas ISBN: 978 — 607 — 00 — 1160 —-3 Reservados todos los derechos. Nila totalidad ni parte de esta publicacién pueden reproducirse, registrarse o transmitirse, por un sistema de recuperacién de informacion, de ninguna forma, ni por ningn medio, sea electrénico, mecanico, fotoquimico, magnético o electroéptico, por fotocopia, grabacion o cualquier otro, sin permiso previo por escrito del editor. El préstamo o alquiler 0 cualquier otra forma de cesién de uso de este ejemplar requerira también la autorizacién del editor o de sus representantes. GUIA PRACTICA — PRESENTACION A los aspirante: La ensefianza a nivel superior es la base en la cual se sustenta el aprendizaje necesario para el desarrollo de las aptitudes y preparar la formacién de profesionistas e investigadores utiles para lanueva sociedad. Esto afio con afio ha hecho que la demanda en instituciones publicas, como es el Instituto Politécnico Nacional, se haya incrementado de una manera sustancial, por lo que esta institucién ha tomado una serie de medidas para seleccionar a los alumnos que van a ingresar a sus planteles. Su forma de seleccién a nivel superior, en donde todos los alumnos son evaluados por igual, no importando su procedencia, ha traido como consecuencia fundamental, el aumento de la demanda en algunas carreras y escuelas superiores, debido a su prestigio, tradicion 0, en ocasiones, al desconocimiento de las otras opciones que existen en este nivel en la misma institucién o en otras. Por lo que el examen de seleccién para el ingreso a nivel superior se ha elaborado de forma rigurosa y sistemética con 120 preguntas, esto con el fin de evaluar a los aspirantes en cuanto a aptitudes y conocimientos adquiridos en la educacion media superior. Las areas de conocimiento, son: comprension de textos en inglés, comprensién de lectura en espafiol, matematticas y ciencias experimentales. En donde cada area de conocimiento tiene una serie de materias y temas a estudiar de bachillerato, por ejemplo: ciencias experimentales se divide en fisica, quimica y biologia; mientras que matematicas tiene temas como algebra, geometria, trigonometria y razonamiento matematico. Esto ocasiona que el alumno que realmente quiere prepararse de una manera adecuada, tenga la necesidad de llevar a cabo un repaso general de todos los temas vistos a través de sus tres afios de bachillerato sobre estas Areas de conocimiento y que, ademas, lleve a cabo la practica de ejercicios tipo examen sobre los temas que se vayan estudiando. Puesto que se ha visto que el estudiar todo lo necesario sobre los temas no es garantia de éxito en el examen, debido a que las preguntas tipo examen requieren de razonamiento. Por todo lo anterior, el Grupo Cultural Propuesta XXI, ha disefiado un material de apoyo que satistace con todos los requerimientos necesarios para una preparacion optima del examen a nivel superior de esta institucién. Esto se realiz6 por medio del desarrollo, de manera sintetizada, de los temas basicos de matematicas, ciencias sociales y ciencias naturales. Ademas se incluyen los temas de: razonamiento verbal y matemattico, comprension de textos en inglés y de lectura en espafil, Por otro lado, al finalizar cada materia se incluyen ejercicios con el mismo tipo de pregunta, grado de dificultad y mecanica del examen original (una pregunta con cuatro opciones de respuesta). ‘Ademas, al final de los ejercicios se encuentran las respuestas correctas, con el fin de autoevaluarse yllevar a cabo una mejor preparacion en las materias y temas que mas se dificultaron. 1 GUIA PRACTICA INGRESO A CIENCIAS MEDICO BIOLOGICAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES Y ADMINISTRATIVAS CIENCIAS FiSICO MATEMATICAS Y LAS INGENIERIAS APEGADA A LOS PROGRAMAS OFICIALES Guta PRActIcA & ‘NIVEL SUPERIOR Las preguntas tratan de explorar mas que el simple almacenamiento de hechos memorizados, es decir, se necesita comprender lo que lees para dominar los conceptos fundamentales (razonar, inferir y deducir) y con ello elegir la opcion correcta al cuestionamiento. Asi al llegar el momento de realizar el examen se tendra la oportunidad de lograr los resultados deseados: la escuela de tu preferencia Esperamos que este material sea la solucion para la preparacién de tu examen de ingreso ala educacion superior y, ademas, un auxilio para preparar algunas de las tareas escolares. No lo olvides compariero, la guia propuesta XXI es la mejor opci6n para preparar tu examen. Atentamente Lic. Manuel Cruz Yescas Colaborador editorial GUIA PRACTICA & [NIVEL SUPERIOR INDICE TEMATICO INGLES 5 Comprension de textos... 5 preguntas tipo examen 7 Gramatica 16 preguntas tipo examen...... 22 ESPANOL. 25 Comprensién de textos Serer 25 preguntas tipo ExAMEN ......-.ceseeneeees 45 MATEMATICAS....... - 87 Algebra ion 7 Geometria y trigonometria ... 75 preguntas tipo examen 85 RAZONAMIENTO MATEMATICO. 93 Sucesiones numéricas ......... ve ate nannies etn 93 Series espaciales oe 96 Imaginacién espacial........... = oie a sei 97 Resolucién de problemas 99 preguntas tipo examen =e 102 CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES 112 SIG AN a erento a 7 n2 Medicién............ 12 Cinematica 13 DinaMiCa oe erennne : ‘ 17 Propiedades de la materia canoe ae ree oan Electrostatica s Ere ee eee 126 Electrodinamica .... 128 preguntas tipo examen 133 QUiMICA.... Quimica inorganica Quimica orgénica .. preguntas tipo examen .. BIOLOGia .. Célula Metabolismo Reproduccion de los seres vivos.. ‘Anatomia y fisiologia de aparatos reproductivos Medio ambiente .. Factores bidticos y abiéticos Ciclos bio-geoquimicos Cadenas... Equilibrio preguntas tipo examen .. HOJA DE RESPUESTAS BIBLIOGRAFIA ... 142 161 168 168 172 176 178 181 183 183 185 185 186 194 196 comcnaS e e INGLES Comprension de textos Para la comprensién de textos en inglés se requiere de los conocimientos basioos sobre las palabras comunes y construccién gramatical en este idioma, Esto se debe ‘aque no se necesita llevar a cabo una traduccion exacta del mismo, sino, mas bien, identicar las ideas principales yel contexto Generaimente, las preguntas del examen estén enfo- cadas a que se lleve a cabo un razonamiento acerca del texto que se ley6, con el fin de localizar o intuir el sig- nificado de aquellas palabras que no se conocen. Por tal ‘motivo, es importante repasar los pronombres, adjetivos, reposiciones, adverbios y verbos mas comunes de la lengua inglesa. A continuacién se ofrece una serie de palabras con su Uso y significado mas comin en los textos y que por lo mismo, no se deben de olvidar. PRONOMBRES PERSONALES yo 1a, usted él lla ello (objeto 6 animal) nosotros you ustedes they, them .. ellos: PRONOMBRES REFLEXIVOS ‘myself ‘me, yo mismo(a) yourselt . te, $e, tu ousted mismo(a) himselt 0, 61 mismo herselt se, ella misma itsett ourselves ssssess 88, 0N Si mismo Ros, nosotros(as), mismos(as) yourselves ustedes mismos(as) themseives ......01. 00s mismos(as) PRONOMBRES Y ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS mine 0 yours . sesseeetuyoa) his suyo hers suya ours rnuestro(a) yours . suyos(as) theirs . suyos(as) = Dp) Sas SUPERIOR PRONOMBRES DEMOSTRATIVOS, this . éste, ésta, ésto that .. ése, é5a(0), aquel, aquélla(o) these .. . éstos(as) those 6508, és0s(as), aquéllos(as) PRONOMBRES INTERROGATIVOS Y RELATIVOS who, whom, whose which, what += quién cual, qué PRINCIPALES PREPOSICIONES - de, desde + en (encima), sobre €en (dentro de) a, para, hasta + por, para por, junto de from . without sin between fen medio de ALGUNOS ADVERBIOS IMPORTANTES here > aqui there all ow + ahora down .. abajo well. bien hardly « apenas very muy always =. + siempre often .. ++ a menudo soon eves Pronto never .. sesseeee UNC EL USO DEL VERBO TO BE Enla lengua inglesa se emplea el verbo sero estar (to be) en diferentes casos. ~ Para expresarigualdad (se) Ejs.-> Bryanis a doctor = Bryan es un doctor. lam Ana's sister =soy lahermana de Ana = Para expresarcualdad (ser). E-=> Tho toes tall= El arboles ato También expresa origen oposesi6n (ser. Ejs.=> He strom Czech Republic = Els de Repibiea Checa ebook sine = Eto es mio, — Se emplea para expresar ia ubicacién o posicién (estar), Es ‘My car's in the parking lot = Mi auto esta en el estaciona: rmient. GUIA PRACTICA ~ Uno de los més importantes es para expresare! estado de animo y edad. Ejs.=> Heissad = Elestatriste. lam cold = tengo to She's afraid = elatiene miedo, Pauls 25 years old = Paul tiene 25 afos. LA CONJUGACION DEL VERBO TO BE PRONOMBRE PRESENTE PASADO o an was You are were He, Shes = was, we are wore You ae were They ae were La siguiente informacién esta en inglés, porque se requiere que se practique lo mas posible, Tips for improving your Reading skills ‘Skimming is an essential reading skill. The first time you read a text, move your eyes quickly across the Page. Do not worry about understanding every single ‘word. Skimming is all about finding the main idea, or Gist, of the text ‘Scanning is similar to skimming because it also requires you to read quickly. When you scan, however, you are looking for specific information within the text. Comprehension means understanding. After you read for main ideas and details, go back and read the text more carefully. This time, focus on the meaning of ‘each sentence. After this, you should have a solid ‘comprehension of the text. Context clues help you guess the meaning of a new ‘word without having to look in the dictionary, when you come across a difficult word, look at the other words in the sentence or paragraph. These will often give you clues about the meaning of the new word Inferences are assumptions based on given or known information. Sometimes a piece of information in an article is not directly stated, but rather implied. This ‘means that the author wants us to infer meaning from the other information in the article. Sentence Analysis means looking at sentences more Closely to see what they mean and examine the author's use of language. Otten, in a sentence analysis exercise, you will be asked to paraphrase sentences from the articles you have read, in order to get a deeper understanding of their meaning. Ej.=> ‘THE WORLD CUP ‘The FIFA World Cup (often called the Football World Cup, ‘Soccer World Cup or simply the World Cup) is the most important men’s competition in international football. The world’s most representative team sport event, the World Cup is contestedby themen’snationalfootballteamsot Federation International of Football Association (FIFA) (the spor'slargest governing body) member nations. The championship has been awarded every four years since the frst tournament in 11980 (exceptin 1942 and 1946 dueto World War'l). However, itis more of an ongoing event as the qualifying rounds of the ‘competition take place over the three years preceding the finalrounds. In 1991, FIFA addeda separate Women’s World Cup. ‘The men's final tournament phase (often called the “Finals") involves 32 national teams competing over a four-week ‘period in a previously nominated host nation, with these ‘games making it the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world. In the 17 tournaments held, only seven nations, have ever won the World Cup Finals. Brazil is the current holder, as well as the most successful World Cup team, having won the tournament five times, while Germany and Italy folow with three tiles each. The next football World Cup Finals will be held in Germany between June 9 and July 9, 2006. « Seguin el texto, zcada cuando se celebra un mundial? A) cada tres aos B) cada 6 anos C) cada 4 arios D) cada 4 meses La respuesta correcta es C, porque el texto nos dice: ~..el ‘campeonato ha sido premiado cada cuatro arios desde el primer torneo en 1930." 2 {Qué afios fue cancelado el mundial? A) 1942-1946 8) 1930-1942 C) 1991-1998 D) 1942-1947 La respuesta correcta es A, porque el texto nos dice: *..el mundial se ha celebrado desde 1930, excepto los afios de 1942 y 1946 debido a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.” 3.- 4Cuntos equipos participan en este mundial? A) 24 8) 16 ©) 30 D) 32 La respuesta correcta es D, porque el texto nos especitica {ue Ia fase final varonil del torneo, llamada final, involucra «a 32 equipos nacionales compitiendo mas de 4 semanas. 4) (Qué paises han ganado tres mundiales? A) Brasile Halla 8) Italia y Francia C) Alemania e Italia D) Alemania y Brasil GUIA PRACTICA La respuesta correcta es G, porque el texto nos dice: *.s6lo siete naciones han ganado el Mundial, el pais mas exitoso {85 Brasil siendo el campetn 5 veces y le sigue Alemania e Italia con tres titulos cada uno.” PREGUNTAS TIPO EXAMEN Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 1 a 5. AGATHA CHRISTIE Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie (September 15, 1890- January 12, 1976), was a British crime fiction writer. She ‘also wrote romances under the name Mary Wesimacott ‘Agatha Christie is the world's best-known mystery writer and alltime best selling author of any genre other than Wiliam Shakespeare. Her books have sold over a billion ‘copies in the English language and another billon in over, 445 foreign languages (as of 2003). As an example of her broad appeal, she is the all-time best-selling author in France, with over 40 milion copies sold in French (as of 2003) versus 22 million for Emile Zola, the nearest ‘contender. Cristie published over eighty novels and stageplays, mainly ‘whodunnits and locked room mysteries, many of these featuring one of her series characters, Hercule Poirot or Miss Marple. She is a major figure in detective fiction for both her commercial success and her innovations in the genre. ‘Although she was delighted in twisting the established form, she was scrupulous in “playing fair" with the reader by ‘making sure all necessary information for solving the puzzle was given. One of her early books, The Murder of Roger ‘Ackroyd, is renowned for its surprise denouement. ‘Most of her books and short stories have been filmed, some ‘many times over (Murder on the Orient Express, Death on the Nile, 4.50 from Paddington). The BBC has produced television and radio versions of most of the Poirot dramatizations starring David Suchet was made by Granada Television. In 2004, the Japanese broadcasting company Nippon Housou Kyoukai turned Poirot and Marple into animated characters in the anime series Agatha Christie's Great Detectives Poirot and Marple, introducing Mabel West (daughter of Miss Marple's mystery-wrter nephew Raymond West, a canonical Christie character) and her duck Oliver as new characters. 1 Agatha Christie escribié bajo el seudénimo de: ‘A) Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie. B) Mary Westmacott ©) Emile Zola. D) Miss Marple. 2. LCuantos ejemplares de sus obras ha vendido la escritora de misterio en Francia? ee as A) 22 millones B) 80 C) mas de 40 millones D) 45 ‘3 Menciona el titulo de la obra que tiene un final inesperado. A) Hercule Poirot B) Murder on the Orient C) Death on the Nile D) The murder of Roger Ackroyd 4 Nombra a los personajes principales de las novelas de ‘Agatha Christie: ‘A) Hercule Poirot y Miss Marple B) Miss Marple y Raymond West. C) Mabel West and her duck Olver. D) Raymond West y David Suchet. ‘5 LCual es la idea principal del ultimo parrato? ‘A) El interés de las compafias japonesas en las novelas de Agatha Christie. BB) Los nuevos personajes que aparecen en las caricaturas llamadas “los magnificos detectives Poirot y Marpl C) La creacién de una serie animada inspirada en los per- sonajes de Poirot y Marple, asi como personajes inno- vadores. D) Ninguna de ésas. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 6 a 10. BEATLES ‘The Beatles were one of the most influential music groups Of the rock era, and many consider them the best musical ‘group on Earth. Initially they affected the post-war baby boom ‘generation of Britain and the U.S. during the 1960s, and later the rest of the world. Certainly they were the most successful group, with global sales exceeding 1.1 billion records. While they were originally famous for light-weight pop music (and the extreme hysterical reaction they received from young women), their later works achieved a combination of Popular and critical acclaim perhaps unequaled in the 20th century. Eventually, they became more than recording artists, ‘branching out into fim and ~particulary inthe case of John Lennon political activism. They achieved an iconic status beyond mere celebrity, with far reaching effects dificult to exaggerate, The members of the group were John Lennon, (James) Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey), all from Liverpool, Merseyside, England. Original drummer Pete Best was asked to leave the group just before recording, Stuart Sutcliffe was with them in Hamburg but also let. Beatlemania began in the UK and exploded following the ‘appearance of the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show in the United States, on February 9, 1964. The pop-music band became a worldwide phenomenon with worshipful fans, hhysterical adulation, and denunciations by culture commen: tators and others such as Frank Sinatra ‘Some ofthis was confusion over the sources of their music (@ similar confusion was evinced in 1956 over Elvis Presley by commentators who were unaware ofthe tradition of blues, RB and gospel out of which Presley emerged), and some Cf twas simply an incredulous reaction tothe length oftheir hair. At any rate, it was regarded by the band members with both awe and resentment. 6 A synonim of exceed, is: A) to surpass. B) to goto far. ©) to limit D) excess, 7.- eCual fue el origen de la popularidad de los Beatles? ‘A) El baby-boom después de la 2a Guerra Mundial B) El activismo de John Lennon. ) La reaccién de las mujeres y la forma en qué taban el pop. D) La Beatlemania. 8 Who was the original drummer and asked to abandon the group? A) James Paul McCartney B) Stuart Sutcitfe ©) George Harrison D) Pete Best 9. ~Como se consolidé la Beatlemania? ‘A) Empez6 en el Reino Unido y culmind en USA, después, del_ programa de Ed Sulivan, B) Debido a los comentarios de Frank Sinatra, ) Por su masica y las fanaticas. 1D) Empezé en el Reino Unido y después en USA, la adu- lacion de los fanaticos y algunas acusaciones, 10.- gWhat do worshipful fans mean? ‘A) People who hate them. B) People who love and admire them. C) People who respect God and them. 1D) None of the above. Lee ot texto y contesta las preguntas 11 a 20, terpre- JUCHITAN A MODERN-DAY MATRIARCHY ‘What would it be lke if women ruled society? Most of us can only imagine what a matriarchy, ora society ruled by females, ‘would be lke. However, itis the reality for people who live in Juchitan, a city in Mexico. Juchitan is located in the state ‘of Oaxaca. In contrast to many maledominated societies, which are no strangers to conflict, i's a peaceful and harmonious place. ‘Among the Zapotec people, who are indigenous to Juchitan, women are in charge of the family finances. They are the entrepreneurs and merchants. A visitto Juchitan marketplace will show you many stalls filled with goods for sale, attended by women. The women speak both Spanish and their native language Zapotec. They are capable and outgoing, and they switch effortlessly between the two languages as they talk and joke with passers-by. From infancy, girls are taught that running the market, tending to finances. Owning businesses, and playing a role in politics are all women's jobs. In fact, the women believe that men don't have a good head for business “they are soft land need the guardianship of women’ a Zapotec woman remarks. “Only women know how to look after the money. Men have a different kind of brain. They are good for nothing but making babies” 11. What isthe author's main purpose in writing tis article? A) to explain where Juchitan is located. B) to describe the social and economic roles of women in Juchitan. ) to support the idea that all women should be involved in business. D) to desoribe the Zapotec culture. 12. Segin el texto, gcbmo es la ciudad de Juchitan? ‘A) Es un lugar dominado por las mujeres ancianas. 8) Es tranquilo y armonioso, C) Es una ciudad pintoresca en el estado de Oaxaca. 1D) Ninguna de las anteriores. 13.- The definition that seems to best ft outgoing is: A) sociable. B) shy. C) creative. 1D) somebody who goes out 14. La idea principal del primer patrafo, es: A) la mayoria de la gente piensa que es facil vivir en un rmatriarcado. B) Juchitan es un matriarcado tranquilo y armonioso lo- calizado en Oaxaca, ©) Juchitan es un lugar diferente de las sociedades dirigidas ‘por hombres. D) matriarcados son poco comunes en la actualidad. 18.- Del segundo parrato podemas deer A) si visitamos 1 mercado de Juchitén podemos ver que las mujeres son las que atienden. B) que las habitantes de Juchitan hablan espafiol y un dialecto. ) que las habitantes de Juchitan son capaces, son so- ciables y se encargan de los negocios. D) todas las anteriores. 16.-A synonim of indigenous, is: AA) cultured. B) native, ©) poor. 1D) mexican. 17.- Del timo parrafo se puede deducir que: ‘A) en Juchitan los hombres crian a los nifios, mientras que las mujeres trabajan, B) las mujeres de Juchitan creen que los hombres son malos en los negocios y que s6lo sirven para procreer. ©) solo las mujeres saben cuidar el dinero. D) solo By Cc. 18.- Many women in Juchitan work in the: ‘A) merchant. B) marketplace. ©) entrepreneur. 1D) Oaxaca, 19. A synonim of infancy is: A) childhood. B) adulthood. ©) adolescence. D) puberty. 20.- Segan el texto, ,cules son los empleos de las mujeres ‘en Juchitan? A) Amas de casa B) Comerciantes ©) Empresarias D) Todas las anteriores, excepto A Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 21 a 26. Biography of Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez Javier 'Chicharito' Hernandez enjoyed a wonderful maiden season for Manchester United Football Club in 2010/11, ‘scoring 20 goals in all competitions and terrorizing defences with his pace and movement. ‘Adored in his native Mexico, it wasnt long before he also became a fans' favourite in the UK, thanks to his footballing abilty,triendly demeanour and dedicated professionalism. Big things are expected of the exciting young striker. CChicharito completed his move to Oid Trafford in July 2010, becoming United's first Mexican player. He joined from hometown club Chivas de Guadalajara, for whom he had scored 29 goals in 79 games since making his debut as a teenager in 2006. Unusually for a club of United's stature, the transfer was conducted completely under the radar: only the player and his father were aware of the deal and there was no prior ‘speculation in the media, ether in the UK or Mexico. “Chicharito" means “tle pea” and Hemandez attracted the ‘moniker because he's the son of Javier Hernandez, himself fa top Mexican striker who played in the 1986 World Cup land was nicknamed ‘Chicharo’ (‘pea’) because of his green eyes. ‘An out-and-out striker, Chicharito is quick, two-ooted and. strong in the air, qualities that have seen him likened to Reeds legend Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. He's already made an impact at international level, scoring twice for Mexico in the 2010 World Cup just days before ‘completing his switch to Manchester United FC. ‘Those goals introduced him to a wider global audience and ‘would undoubtedly have led to a clamour for his signature = precisely the reason why United moved fast to complete the deal before the tournament began It quickly became clear why Sir Alex was so keen to sign Hernandez. After an eye-catching, goalscoring debut in pre- season against an MLS All-Stars side, Paul Scholes predicted the Mexican would score 25 goals in his first campaign. ‘And though Hernandez was expected to be eased into the first team gradually, Sir Alex could not ignore his abilty in front of goal for long. Chicharito grabbed his chance with both hands. He's a born finisher and scored all kinds of goals in 2010/11, among them numerous vital match winners. By the end of a season in which he picked up his first league winners’ medal, Sir Alex had enough faith in his new signing to start him in the Champions League final. And although hhis Wembley outing ended in disappointment, i's safe to ‘say Chicharito has a very bright future ahead of him. 21.- How many goals, did Chicharto score in his frst season, in the MUFC? A) 25 goals B) 29 goals ©) 2 goals D) 20 goals £22. Terrorizing in the text is close to mean. A) Kiling ordinary people for poltical purposes. BB) Making somebody fee! frightened, C) Being very afraid of the defences. ) Making somebody fall down, 23. Chicharito's abilities and qualities are similar to whose? A) Paul Scholes B) Sir Alex C) "Chicharo" Javier Hernandez D) Ole Gunnar Solskjaer 24 -How did Chicharito catch the eyes of the international audience? ‘A) Scoring two goals in the World Cup, playing for Mexico. B) Scoring 79 goals when he used to play in Chivas de Guadalajara. ) Playing in the Champions League Final 1D) Goalscoring debut in pre-season against an MLS All- Stars side, 25.-In the sentence, "the transfer was conducted completely under the radar" we can infer that ‘A) Everybody in the UK and Mexico knew about it. B) The transfer was made almost secretly C) The Media was aware ofthe transfer. 1D) Just the United Kingdom knew that Chicharito was transferred 26.- Synonyms of prior: A) Before / earlier. B) While’ during, ©) Alter ‘tater. D) Serious / formal. GUIA PRACTICA Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 27 a 29. Traditional Mexican Cuisine Inscribed in 2010 on the Representative Lis of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Traditional Mexican cuisine is a comprehensive cultural model comprising farming, ritual practices, age-old skils, culinary techniques and ancestral community customs and ‘manners. It is made possible by collective participation in the entire traitional food chain: from planting and harvesting to cooking and eating. The basis of the system is founded ‘on corn, beans and chili; unique farming methods such as milpas (rotating fields of corn and other crops) and cchinampas (man-made farming islets in lake areas); cooking processes such as nixtamalization (lime-hulling maize which increases its nutritional value); and singular utensils including grinding stones and stone mortars. Native ingredients such as varieties of tomatoes, squashes, ‘avocados, cocoa and vanilla augment the basic staples. Mexican cuisine is elaborate and symbol-laden, with ‘everyday tortillas and tamales, both made of corn, forming an integral part of Day of the Dead offerings. Collectives of female cooks and other practitioners devoted to raising ‘crops and traditional cuisine are found in the State of Michoacan and across Mexico. Their knowledge and techniques express community identity, reinforce social bonds, and build stronger local, regional and national identities. Those efforts in Michoacan also underiine the importance of traditional cuisine as a means of sustainable development. 27.- The word cuisine means: A) culinary. 8) the style of cooking of a particular country. ©) gastronomic. D) kitchen. 28. Why Mexican cuisine is considered an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity? ‘A) Because it is based on com, beans and chil B) Because it is modern and promotes sustainable development C) Because of the tortillas and tamales. D) Because itis ancestral, full of traditions and ritual. 28.- An antonym of the word unique is: A) very unusual B) being the only one ofits type. ©) ordinary. D) special Lee ot texto y contesta las preguntas 30 a 37. ‘The United Kingdom ‘The United Kingdom is a large island located in Europe. It also includes part of the island of Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern lteland. Over 60 million people live in the United Kindom. ‘The vast majority of the population, however, lives in 10 NIVEL SUPERIOR England. The government of the United Kingdom is considered a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a government in which the monarch (king or queen) is head of state. Queen Elizabeth Il is the monarch of the United Kingdom. In reality, however, she exercises very tle politcal power. The history of the United Kingdom is full of wars, invasions, revolutions, and interesting rulers. Numerous castles, fortifications, old cathedrals, and ruins are evidence of the kingdom's past. The "UK." as itis often called, was once the world's most powerful nation. Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and even the United States are among nations that used to be controlled by the United Kingdom. Its also the birthplace of the English language. ‘There are many remarkable landmarks to see in the United ‘Kingdom such as the Tower of London, Big Ben, Oxford University and the mysterious Stonehenge. Oxtord University, founded sometime in the 12th century, is the ‘oldest university in the English speaking world. Many of the United Kingdom's former prime ministers attended Oxtord. ‘Stonehenge, located near Salisbury, England, is a group of giant standing stones arranged in a circular formation. Archaeologists believe the formations are over 4,500 years ‘ld, No one knows exactly what Stonehenge is meant to represent, 30.- Which of the following is NOT a country that makes up the United Kingdom? ‘A) London BB) Northern Ireland ©) Scotiand D) Wales 31.« Which of the following is NOT an example of a ‘Constitutional Monarchy? A) A country with a Queen, 8) A country with a King. ) A country with a Prince. D) A country with a President. 32.- Which of the following nations was NOT once controlled by the United Kingdom? A) United States of America 8) Canada C) Australia D) Russia 38.- Why is Stonehenge mysterious? A) tis old 'B) No one knows what it supposed to represent. C) The origin of the stones. D) The stones are too heavy and grey. 34.- Which of the countries in the United Kingdom has the highest population? A) Northern Ireland 8) Wales ©) Scotland D) England GUIA PRACTICA 35 The term" ‘A) an abbreviation. B) a synonym, ©) an antonym. D) a homophone. 36.- Which ofthe following is NOT true? ‘A) The Queen really does not make political decisions. BB) The United Kingdom was the bithplace of the English language. ©) The United Kingdom is made up of Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland. ) The United Kingdom's Queen is named Elizabeth I 37. Which of the following does not apply to Oxford University? AA) tis the oldest University in the world. 8) Many Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom attended Oxford University ) Its the oldest University in the English-speaking world ) It was founded in the 12th century. is an example of Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 98 a 47. Juan Ponce de Leon Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to touch the ‘shores of the present United States. As Columbus had not remotely realized the extent of his momentous discovery s0 de Leon never dreamed that his “island” of Florida was a peninsular extension of the vast North American continent Ater coming to the New World with Columbus in 1493, he had led the occupation of Puerto Rico in 1508 and governed it from 1809 to 1512, In 1509, de Leon started a colony at Caparra, later abandoned in favor of San Juan. He was one of the first adelantados-men who “advanced the Spanish Empire by conquest, subjugation of the Indians, and establishment ofa semi-military government. In Puerto Rico he heard a legend about an island called Bimini, where there was said to be a spring that restored youth to all who bathed init It is said he was seeking this spring when he discovered Florida, He sailed from Puerto Rico in March 1513. On Easter ‘Sunday he sighted the coast. A few days later he landed on Florida's east coast, near what is now St. Augustine. He named the place La Florida after the Spanish term for Easter Sunday-Pascua florida, or “flowery feast." He then sailed ‘around the peninsula and up the west coast. He returned to Florida in 1521 38.- In what year did de Leon discover Florida? A) 1508, 8) 1513 ©) 1521 D) 1492 39.- What was the ile ofthe first colony started by Ponce de Leon in Puerto Rico? ‘A) San Juan B) La Florida ©) Caparra 11 NIVEL SUPERIOR D) St. Augustine 40.- What was the name of the legendary sland where the ‘abled Fountain of Youth was said to be? A) Cuba 8) Bimini ©) Atlantis D) Bermuda 41.- Which of the following is implied by the passage? ‘A) Ponce de Leon was the true discoverer of the North ‘American continent. B) Ponce de Leon rejected the philosophy of the adelantados. ©) Ponce de Leon may have discovered Florida "by accident” 1D) Ponce de Leon's greatest contribution was his discovery of the Fountain of Youth, 42.- Pascua Florida is the Spanish term for which holiday? AA) Easter Sunday 8) Christmas ) Thanksgiving 1) Palm Sunday 43.- According to the passage, which of the following was NOT a means of advancement of the Spanish Empire in the New World? A) Conquest. B) Subjugation of indians. C) Establishment of semi-military governments, D) Treaties and negotiation, ‘44.- From the passage, it can be assumed that a "peninsula is: A) a volcanic istand. BB) an island completely surrounded by water. C) an extension of land surrounded almost completely by water D) an island inhabited by Indians. 45.- The tone of the word "advanced! in ine 10 suggests that: |A) adelantados favor progress. B) progress could not have occurred without subjugation. ) progress is related to conquest and subjugation. D) conquest, subjugation, and semi-military government are not progress. 46.- According to the passage. Ponce de Leon believed the land he discovered was: AA) part of the Bahamas. B) the new "island" of Florida. C) the mainland of the United States. D) Puerto Rico. 47.- Ponce de Leon was classified as an adelantado be- cause he: A) was a great explorer 8) was the first Spaniard to see the shores of the United States. ©) conquered and ruled by miltary force. D) claimed Florida forthe King of Spain. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 48 a $2 ‘As far back as 700 D.C., man has talked about children being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. Its believed that when a she- wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place. The seemingly preposterous idea did not become Credible until the late nineteenth century when a French ‘doctor actualy found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect, could not speak inteligily, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boy's ‘confidence and began to work with him. After many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himsel, recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words. 48.- The French doctor found the boy: 'A) wandering in the woods. B) at his doorstep. ©) growing at him, D) speaking inteligibly. 49.- In this passage, the word litter most nearly means. ©) Otspring D) Hair 50.- The doctor was able to work with the boy because: A) the boy was high! B) the boy trusted him. ) the boy liked to dress up. ) the boy was dedicated and patient '51.- Which ofthe following statements is not true? ‘A) She-wolves have been said to substitute human children for thei lst liters. 8) Examples of wolves caring for human children can be found only in the nineteenth century. ) The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy somewhat 1D) The young boy never was able to speak perfectly. ‘52+ In this passage, the word preposterous most nearly means: A) dedicated B) scientific ©) wonderful D) absurd. Lee et texto y contesta las preguntas 53 2 56. ‘Ocean acid may make fish deat. Scientists in the UK have ‘published a report suggesting acidic sea water could be turning fish deat. Inteigent, This could be very damaging to many fish species as they rely on their hearing for survival. ‘Spectacular tropical clownfish who live around ocean coral reels rely heavily on their hearing, say scientists. It helps 12 them find a mate, forage for food, and crucially avoid Predators lurking in the depths, ‘Scientists from the University of Bristol in England bred baby Clownfish then exposed different groups of them to cifferent levels of carbon dioxide in the water around them: one at today's levels, and the others atthe levels the world's oceans ‘are predicted to reach by 2050 and the year 2100. ‘They tested their hearing by piping in to each tank the sounds Of the coral reef. Those in today's conditions swam away from the noise of predators. Those in the mocked-up waters of the future showed no response, suggesting they couldnt hear. Scientists say the more carbon dioxide we emit, the more ‘oceans absorb and the more acidic the water becomes, land that has potentially devastating consequences for fish ‘What they don't know though is whether fish willbe able to ‘adapt and tolerate the changing waters. '53.- In this passage the verb forage for, means. A) to search. B) tofind. ©) to lose. D) toeat '54.- The phrase Predator lurking in the depths, refers to ‘A) predators looking for the clowntish in the depths. B) predators following the clowntish in the depths. ) predators waiting secretly in the depths in order to kill them. D) predators swimming in the depths. '55.- The word piping in, in Spanish means? ‘A) Extrayendo un tubo. B) Rompiendo un tubo. C) Introduciendo un tubo. D) Creando sonidos a través de un tubo. 56. British Scientists are completely sure that. ‘A) eventually the fish will evolve and survive. B) acidic sea water has negative effects on many fish species’ ability to hear. ) by 2080 and the year 2100 all the fish will be deat. D) all the fish species will be in danger. Lee el texto y contesta las preguntas 57 a 60. Argentina builds a tower of books ‘A new monument celebrating books has been launched in Buenos Aires. The Tower of Babel was created by artist Marta Minujin, who is well-known for creating works made from plastic. The tower includes books in more than 50 languages, This is simply an audio and visual celebration of the book - any books, all books, in whichever language you lke. Works by Jane Austen, Dickens, Henry Blake, Ernest Hemingway Cervantes, Vargas Llosa, Tolstoy and Argentina's own favourites , Borges and Sabato, line the walls ofthis tower, leach wrapped in plastic for its own protection. ‘The United Nations has designated the city as the 2011, World Book Capital. This book tower is 25 metres high and lined with 30,000 Bournemouth Bournemouth is wellknown as a healthy and attractive and modern resort, surrounded by gardens and pine forests, which is popular all year round. t stands on two small hills in the sheltered valley of the Bourne river, the banks of which are laid out as public gardens. There are excellent and extensive sandy beaches for bathing, and a long line of picturesque ciffs. Among interesting things to see, there is the town art gallery and museum, and the East Clif rock arden attracts geologists for it contains a large collection of British geological specimens. The town has literary ‘connections, with Thomas Hardy and R. L. Stevenson, and Mary, the second wife of the poet, Shelley, is buried in St Peter's churchyard. Pleasant walks may be taken along the ‘coast in both directions. 13 B Brighton Brighton is a popular place, with a pebble beach and some ‘sand at low tide. It es on the slope of a hil, in the middle ot a broad and shallow bay. The chief attractions ofthe place are its clear and bracing air, the fine expanse of sea bordered by white chalk-cifs, and the crowds of visitors. There are a large number of old and interesting buildings in the town, in Particular the Royal Pavilion, builtin an Oriental style by the famous architect, John Nash, for the Prince Regent. There is an interesting aquarium near the Palace Pier. On the landward side of the town, the South Downs provide many interesting walks and viewpoints. In the summer, there is horseracing at the town race course, immortalized in Graham Greene's novel, Brighton Rock. Brighton is well- known for its numerous public houses, C.- Torquay This is a well-known resort and spa on Tor Bay, Devon, with excellent bathing from a sand and pebble beach. It has reputation for being a warm and well-sheltered place, and there is sub-tropical vegetation, palm-trees and the like, growing in the public gardens. On account of the mild climate, itis a popular place for people with delicate chests. and pulmonary problems. The piace dates back to pre-historical times, and there are numerous archaeological remains. Visitors enjoy picturesque cliff walks, but the town is best ‘seen from a boat in the bay. Infact, Torquay is an important yachting station and an annual regatta is held there in ‘August or September. D.- Scarborough Situated on the Yorkshire coast, Scarborough is build around two bays, separated by a headland on which are the ruins of atwelth-century castle. The castle makes a fine viewpoint, especially at sunrise. The new town to the north is rather formal, and some find it dul; the narrow streets of the old town to the south become very crowded. The North Bay has gardens and a promenade, protected by a sea-wall, Anne Bronte is buried in Scarborough churchyard. It is a good place for the active and vigorous, for the town makes a {good centre for the North York Moor national park, and there 's opportunity for sea fishing E.- Hastings ‘The name of the town is remembered because of the Battle Cf Hastings, 1086, in which the French defeated the English and took over the country. Near Hastings is Battle Abbey, ‘one of the most interesting historical monuments in Britain, founded by Wiliam the Conqueror after his victory over the English, led by Harold, The Abbey stands on the exact spot where the English king fel. There are many old buildings, including the remains of a Norman castle, open tothe public. The sea front is striking, being about three miles long, and having a fine esplanade. The beach is pebble with sand at low tide. The town is active only in summer, and along the seafront are row upon row of bed and breakfast hotels. ‘There are cis to the east, providing walks to the well-known beauty spots of Fairlight and Ecclesbourne Glens. GUIA PRACTICA 61- Which seaside resort would you go to it you liked seeing a lot of people? A) Hastings 8) Brighton ©) Torquay ) Scarborough 62-Which seaside resort would you go to if you had breathing problems? 'A) Bournemouth 8) Brighton ©) Torquay D) Hastings 63-Which seaside resort would you go to if you were interested in architecture? A) Hastings B) Brighton ©) Torquay ) Scarborough 64- Which seaside resort would you go to if you wanted to 90 fishing? A) Bournemouth B) Brighton ©) Hastings 1) Scarborough 65- Which seaside resort would you go to if you were interested in fish. ‘A) Bournemouth B) Brighton ©) Torquay 1D) Scarborough 66-Which seaside resort would you go to if you were interested in rocks? ‘A) Bournemouth, 8) Hastings ©) Torquay D) Scarborough 667- Which seaside resort would you go tof you are interested inant? ‘A) Bournemouth 8) Brighton ©) Torquay D) Scarborough 68-Which seaside resort would you go to if you preferred a warm climate? A) Hastings B) Brighton ©) Torquay ) Scarborough 69-Which seaside resort would you go to if you wanted to go sailing? A) Bournemouth B) Hastings ©) Torquay 14 D) Scarborough 70- Which seaside resort would you go to if you were Interested in English poetry? A) Bournemouth 8) Brighton ©) Hastings ) Scarborough aie Eola ‘A) Transportation of passengers and students. B) Parking spot for busses. ©) Bus stop D) Busses are not allowed to park. 72. ‘A) He is the doctor of the sight B) He is specialist in optometry. ) He is not an oculis, he is a doctor. 1D) He makes glasses for his patients. 73. ‘A) only is possible to circulate on motorcycle, B) there is no place for the motorcycles. ©) itis forbidden to circulate on motoroyies, D) all the motorcycles are allowed to circulate. 74 ‘A) Place saved for handicapped people. B) Only for people in wheelchair. ©) Place for women with different capacities, D) Itis not a place for handicapped persons. |A) Derrick is used to be parked. B) Derrick will be used if itis parked. ) Darrick is not used if the car is broken. ) The derrick takes off the cars. ‘A) Men's zone in road work. BB) Men working at the area €) Man that are not resting D) Pace of working men, _— A) No right turn. B) Noleft tum, 6) No“U"tums. D) “U" tum only. 76. 15 & NIVEL SUPERIOR 78. ‘A) No cattle crossing B) Caution cattle crossing. ©) Cattle farm. D) Cattle crossing only. 79. ‘A) No only use lap tops, B) No use lap top. (©) No admittance for lap tops. D) No space for ap tops. 80 ‘Attention You can use the water shute only if you are at less than 6 years old. The Administration ‘A) Only children can use the water shute, B) You can not use if you are more than 7. ©) You can use the water shute it you are seven. ) The water shute is only for children who are 6. Gramatica Questions Para realizar preguntas se coloca el verbo antes del sujeto. Eis. verb(+) subject verb(+) subject Will Tom? Will Tom be here tomorrow? Have You? Have you been working hard? Is Catherine working today? (not is working Catherine) En ‘simple present” siempre se utiliza do/does. Do you live near here? What time does the film begin? En "simple past’ siempre se utiliza did Did you sell your cat? Why did the train stop? Recuerda que nunca se debe utlizar do/does/did, si who! what etc, son el sujeto de la oracion. Ejs.=> ‘Who object: Emma telephoned somebody (who->object did Emma telephone? ‘Who subject: subject who = somebody telephoned Emma. Who telephoned Emma? ‘Who wants something to eat? What happened to you last night How many people came to the meeting? Open Questions Existen dos tipos de preguntas: abiertas 0 cerradas. Una pregunta cerrada es aquella que su respuesta es un nimero 0 diferentes alternativas. Ejs.=> How olten do you read a newspaper? Every day Once a week Never Las preguntas abiertas permiten responder mas amplia y abiertamente en su propio estilo. Ej.=> What do you think about environmer ‘Subject and object questions En las subject questions la contestacién es un nombre. Se ‘componen de la siguiente manera: Palabras interrogativas + Auxliar + Sujeto + Verbo + Complemento. Ej.=> ‘Who won the Eurovision Contest 2008? "Russia’ Las objects questions son las mas comunes y por lo gene- ral son las que comienzan con: what, where, when, who, why, which, how.Ej.=> ‘What did you see last Saturday evening on TV? A comedy. Subject questions— la contestaci6n es un nombre. (Object question-ia contestacion es cualquier cosa u objeto, Direct and indirect questions Direct questions: se utiizan en un lenguaje mas cologuial, Para formarias se utiliza Do/Did., Ejs.=> issues? 16 Does he like swimming? Do you like reading? Podemos usar las direct questions utiizando los pronom- bres interrrogativos como; what, why, when, how y who. Eis What happened? ‘Who saw you? Indirect questions: utiizadas en el lenguaje mas formal y ‘educado. Para este tipo de estilo se consideran varias es- ‘ructuras. Ejs.=> Would you mind telling me? Do you think? Could you tell me? Questions ending with prepositions Las preguntas que terminan con preposiciones se utizan de la siguiente manera. Ejs.=> Who does Mary go with? What did you step on? ‘Question tags Un question tag convierte una frase normal en una pre- gunta. Son muy, pero muy, comunes en el inglés y su uso principal es la de buscar confirmacién, aunque se pueden utlizar para hacer acusaciones y en otros émbitos también, Ejs—> You play tennis, don't you? Juegas tenis, .verdad? He is tired, isnt he? El esta cansado, no? Prepositions of place, time and movement on, in, at and to ‘Compara: at, on and in. Ejs.=> They arrived at 5 o'clock. They arrive on Friday. They arrived in October. ‘Usamos at para la hora o un tiempo determinado del dia: At five o'clock / at 11:45 / at midnight / at lunchtime / at sunset, ‘On para dias y fechas exactas: ‘On Friday/ on Fridays /on 16 May 1999 / on Christmas Day Ton my birthday. In para periodos mas largos como en el mes..., en el afio.. €en el siglo... en el invierno, In October /in 1988 / in the 18th Century /in the past /in the winter. At se utiliza en las siguientes expresiones: At night, at the ‘weekend/ at weekends, at Christmas, at the moment, at present, Tips (Consejos) In - ciudades, pueblos y paises. Ej. Live in Madrid, in Spain. ‘At - lugares concretos. Ejs.=> The train artived at the station. The children are at school Estar en el trabajo = to be at work Trabajar en un banco = work in a bank In the corner (esquina), si estas dentro de una habitacion. ‘At 6 on the comer, si estas on la calle. At the front 6 at the back, para hablar de posiciones dentro de un edifcio. Ej=> | always sit atthe front of the class, On si te refieres a algo que esta escrito en una pagina 6 una hoja. Ina book, ina newspaper, in a magazine, sino te refieres a la pagina. Ej.=> | saw an interesting article in yesterday's newspaper. Present tenses (Lam doing! | do) "Vam doing’ con un significado futuro. I'm doing something (tomorrow) = Ya decidi que maftana haré algo, This is Ben's diary for next week. He is playing tennis on Monday afternoon. He is going to the dentist on Tuesday morning. Present Simple (Ido) con un significado futuro Hablamos de presente simple para referirnos a rutinas (horarios, programas), para anuncios de transporte piblico, cines, etc. Ejs.=> My train leaves at 11.30 a.m, so I need to be atthe station by 11.18 am. What time does the film begin this evening? Podemos utiizar el presente simple para hablar de perso- nas con planes ya agendados. Ejs.-> | start my new job on Monday What time do you finish work tomorrow? ‘Simple Present Se utiliza para hablar de rutinas 0 habitos, siempre las ter- ‘ceras personas (He, She, It) agregaran s 0 es a los verbos. Ejs.= Hove pizza We love pizza You love pizza You love pizza He/Sheilt loves pizza They love pizza | wake up at 6 o'clock everyday Matt swims every afternoon Negative form: se utiliza el auxilar Don’t / Doesn't. Ejs.=> | don’t wake up at 6 o'clock everyday. Matt doesn’t swim every day (cuando hablamos de terceras personas, si se esta utlizando el auxliar el verbo siempre ira en presente simple). Interrogative form: se utliza anteponiendo el auxiliar Dor Does (+) el sujeto (+) el verbo en forma simple (+) el 17 LIF __ NIVEL. SUPERIOR complemento. Ej.=> Do you wake up at 6 o'clock every day? Does Matt swim every day? Present Continuous El present continuous se utiliza para hablar de acciones {que estén sucediendo en el preciso momento. auxiliar ue utilizamos en el presente continuo es el verbo to be (Am, Is,Are). La estructura de una oracién en presente con- tinuo es la siguiente: Sujeto (+) verbo to be (,are) (+) verbo con terminacién €en ing (+) complemento. Ejs.=> Laura is eating spaguett ‘Alonso is taking drawing lessons right now. Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous. El present perfect simple esta formado por havelhas (+) el verbo en pasado partcipio. Los verbos en pasado part- cipio a menudo terminan con ~ed, pero muchos otros son ltregulares. Cuando decimos que algo ha pasado, es por Jo general nueva informacion. Ejs.=> Ow! | have cut my finger. ‘The road is closed. There has been an accident | can’t find my bag. Have you seen it? (do you know where is itnow?), Present Pertect (I have done): cuando estamos hablando de un periodo de tiempo que inicio en el pasado pero que continua, podemos acupar el presente perfecto. Ejs.=> Have you ever eaten caviar? We have never had a car. ‘Se puede usar el present perfect con palabras como: today/this feveningithis year, etc. Cuando estos periodos no han terminado al momento de estar hablando de ellos. Ejs.=» | have drunk four cups of coftee today. He tomado cuatro tazas de café en el dia. Have you had a holiday this year? {Has tenido vacaciones en el afio? Use of just, already and yet Just tiene varios signticados. Eis. solo, solamente, itis just a game. justamente. that is just what happened. Con el imperativo... just look at her! acabo de. Ihave just eaten, Already generalmente se emplea en frases afirmativas. Se utiliza con el presente perfecto; es decir, have/has (+) pa- ‘sado partcipio y se coloca normalmente entre el have y el pasado partcipio. Ejs.—> They have already bought the car. She has already sold the house. Yet se utiliza en oraciones negativas y en preguntas. Se utliza con el presente perfecto, es decir: have/has (+) pasa: do paricipio. Ejs.= Have they bought the car yet? ‘She hasn't sold the house yet. Use of for and since Utlizamos for and since para decir por cuanto tiempo ha ‘Sucedido algo. Usamos for (+) un periodo de tiempo. Ejs.=> | have been waiting for two weeks. For: two hours, along time, a week, 20 minutes, six months, ages,years, etc Utilizamos since (+) el inicio de este periodo. Ejs.—> I have been waiting since 8 o'clock Sally has been working here since Apri. haven't seen Tom since Monday. Past Tenses Past Simple E! past simple se va a utlizar para hablar de acciones que ¥ya se terminaron.La estructura de la oracion es: sujeto (+) ‘verbo en pasado (+) complemento. Existen dos tipos de verbos en pasado: regulares ¢ irregulares Los regulares tnicamente se agregard -ed al verbo, mien- tras que los irregulares cambian su estructura gramatical Regular: stop — stopped and study-> studied Inregular: write wrote, see->saw, go->went and do->dld. El auxliar del pasado simple es: did & didn’t. Ej.=> Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. Para las oraciones negativas del past simple, se utilizaré el auxiiar en negativo y el verbo siempre iré en presente sim- ple ‘Mozart didn’t write more than 600 pieces of music. Para las oraciones interrogativas la estructura sera: auxiliar (4) sujeto (4) verbo en presente (+) complemento(+) signo de interrogacién. Ej=> Did Mozart write more than 600 pieces of music? Yes He did, Past Continuous Vamos a comparar entre pasado continuo (I was doing) land simple past (| did). Pasado continuo (en medio de la ‘accién)-> Pasado simple (I di). La estructura es: sujeto(+) verbo to be en pasado(was! ‘were)(+)verbo con terminacién ing (+) complemento. Ejs.=> Past continuous |Lwas walking home when | met Daye. Yo estaba caminando a casa cuando conoci a Daye. Kate was watching television when we arrived. Kate estaba viendo la television cuando nosotros llegamos. ‘Simple past (complete action): Lwalked home after the party lastnight. Yo caminé a casa después de la fiesta de ayer en la noche. Kate watched television a lot when she was il last year. Kate vid mucha television cuando se enfermé ol aro pasado. Use of when, while and as. ‘When significa cuando y puede usarse tanto en preguntas, 18 también de conector en oraciones y para introducircléusulas: relativas. Ejs.=> When was the last time you...? |lwas taking a shower when suddenly, | heard someone knocking at my door. When | was a child | used to. {ried to cal you when I realized how late it was, but my cell phone was out of range. ‘While significa mientras y puede usarse como conector de Craciones. Asi mismo, como sustantivo, significa un rato (corto de espacio 0 de tiempo). Hay ocasiones en las que ‘puede reemplazar como conector a when sin cambiar con- ‘siderablemente el significado de la oraci6n, aunque si debe reordenarse la misma, por lo general. Ejs.=> was taking a shower when suddenly | heard someone knocking at my door. While | was taking a shower, | suddenly heard someone knocking at my door. (Ok, while you do thai, I! take a shower. Se le usa en la expresion armada "every once in a while” ue significa de vez en cuando. También se puede usar de la siguiente forma, con un significado que podria tradu- cirse como “aunque”. E> While that may be true, Id rather check other options. Past Perfect La estructura del past perfect es: had(+) pasado participio. ‘Muchas vaces lo utlizamos para hablar de cosas que pa- ssaron en el pasado. Ejs.=> Juan had closed the window before we arrived, ‘When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into the flat Future Forms Will + infinitive: decisiones que se toman mientras se habla © predicciones en la 1* persona, se puede utlizar shall, pero no es frecuente, Going to: intenciones y planes 0 predicciones evidentes. Present continuous: planes a corto plazo (con preparativos, fecha, hora...) Present simple: hechos para los que se tiene una hora 0 una fecha, Future continuous (willbe + verbo en terminacion en ing I! (negative) won't be + verbo en terminacion en ing !/ en interrogatvo es: will (sujeto) be + verbo en terminacien en ing) Su uso es en acciones futuras que se desarrollarén du rante un perodo de tiempo, coiniciendo, ademas, con otra accién. E=> We can't come around at seven because we will be having dinner ‘También en acciones futuras que ya se hayan planificado. Ej This time next week, | will be living in England, Future time clauses: after (después de) ~ as (cuando) ~ as soon as (en cuanto) ~ before (antes de) ~by the time (para ‘cuando) ~ until (hasta que) ~ when (cuando) - while (mientras). Detras de ellos no se pueden utilizar wil, going 0.0 present continuous. Se suele ullizar present simple © present perfect, will Existen dos formas de hablar en futuro, Will and Going to. Will lo vamos a utlizar para pregicciones inciertas. Ej.=> | think the weather willbe nice. Going to lo vamos a utilizar para hablar de algo que tene- mos la certeza de que va a suceder. Ejs.=> Look at those black clouds. t's going to rain. Heel terrible. | think I'm going to be sick. Predictions, promises, offers and decisions: will se puede utilizar para diferentes objetivos.Usamos will;won't (+) infinitive para predicciones del futuro. Won't se utliza en la forma negativa. Ejs.=> He will be late. She will forget to buy the wine | won't pass the exam, Podemos usar también willwon’t (+) infinitivo para realizar decisiones, ofrecer y prometer. Ejs.=> | will have the steak, please (decision). ‘We will take the 6:30 train, Going to Plans, Intentions and Predictions: el futuro con going to, ‘se utiliza con sujeto(+) verbo to be (+) going to (+) infiniti. E> She is going to leave. Plans and intentions. Ejs.=> Is Freddy going to buy a new car soon? ‘Are John and Pam going to visit Milan when they are in Italy? | think Nigel and Mary are going to have a party next week. Predictions based on present evidence. Eje.=> ‘There is going to be a terrible accident! He is going to be a briliant poitician |Tam going to have terrible indigestion NOTA: no es coman utiizar'Tm going o goto... en vez de, we use ‘going to'+ lugar o evento. Ejs.—> We are going to the beach tomorrow. ‘She is going to the ballet tonight. ‘Are you going to the party tomorrow night?” Passive Voice La voz pasiva en presente esta formada por el presente ‘simple del verbo to be (+) el pasado participio del verbo. Ejs> Hollywood is known for its movies and movie stars. ‘Switzerland and Germany are known for their fine watches. Por lo general, la voz pasiva la utlizamos cuando no es Jmportante saber quien exactamente realiz6 la accion. Mas bien, se concentra la atencién en el sujeto de la oracion. Ejs.> ‘That house is made of brick (We don't know who put the bricks on the house). 19 Rice and tea are grown in China and India (We don't know the farmers). Para cambiar una oracién de voz pasiva a voz activa, hay {que cambiar el objeto en la parte activa de la oracion y el Sujeto a la oracion pasiva, El.=> Passive voice: Rice is grown in China Active voice: China grows rice. Comparatives and Superlatives ‘Se pueden utilizar comparativos con ~er para comparar {dos personas, lugares 0 cosas. Una silaba es la parte dela palabra que tiene un solo sonido de vocal. Ejs.=> Una silaba: shor, red, sad, tall, straight, and old. Tall taller, old-> older and straight-> straighter. ‘Cuando en un adjetivo de una sola silaba tenga dnicamente luna consonante, vocal u otra consonante, se repetira la ‘hima consonante, Ejs.=+ Big-sbigger, fat->fatter and sad-> sadder. ‘Se puede utiizar el superiativo con la terminacién -est para ‘comparar tres personas, lugares 0 cosas. Ejs.=> Tall-> taller-> tallest and old—> older-> oldest. ‘Se debe de utilizar "the" antes del adjetivo con ~est al final Eis. Hiro has the biggest collection of sports cards. Mr. Gomez isthe friendliest teacher of al Adjetivos de dos silabas terminados en *-y". Ejs.-> happy — happier / funny ~ funnier 11am happier than you. ‘That joke was funnier than his joke. Adjetivos de dos, tres o mas silabas. Se escribe ‘more! an- tes del adjetivo. Ejs.> interesting - more interesting / dificult - more difficult, London is more expensive than Madrid This testis more dificult than the last test Existen algunas excepciones importantes a estas reglas. A Continuacién, hay dos de las excepciones mas importantes: good ~ adjective Detter ~ comparative best ~ superlative This book is better than that one. | am better at tennis than my sister. bad - adjective worse - comparative worst- superiative Eis His French is worse than mine. His singing is worse than Tom's. Articles ‘The definite article (The) Usamos the cuando Gnicamente hay una cosa, Ejs.-> What is the longest river in the world? ‘The Earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the Earth Paris is the capital of France. Se dice: the sky, the sea, the bathroom, the ground, the ‘country, the environment. Ej.=> We looked up at all the stars inthe sky. ‘The Indefinite Article (a, an) Hay tres articulos indefinidos singulares en inglés -a, an, cone-que equivalen a las dos formas en espafiol (un, un En inglés como en espaol, el articulo indefinido se refiere ‘a una cosa no especificada. El aticulo a va, regularmente, antes de una consonante. Ejs.=> | bought a car. He saw a bird, ‘There's a book on the table. Do you have a pen?’ El articulo indefinido an se usa en frente de la palabra que ‘comienzan en un sonido vocalico (que no corresponde ne- ccesariamente a la primera letra de la palabra). Ejs.=> bought an apple. ‘That's an interesting idea, have to wait an hour. Like and as En ellenguaie cotidiano del idioma se puede utilizar también like. Ejs.=e That house looks like it’s going to fall down. Puedes decir de igual forma: It looks asif./It sounds asf. It looks as it she isn’t coming. We took an umbrella because it looked as if it was going to rain. It sounds as if they are having a party. Conditionals Los "conditionals” son ciertas estructuras del inglés en las ‘cuales, sicierta condicion, situacién o circunstancia es verda- {1 work too much, | get tired. Ihave time, | usually go to the movies. t she eats hamburgers, she gets an allergy. Hf they come here, they always bring a present. First Conditional (Type I): situacion real o posible. Se estrucutura asf: if clause (present tense) + main clause (will ean / may / must + verb). Ejs.=> Ithe is busy now, | will come back tomorrow. It have time, I visit my parents this afternoon It itis warm tomorrow, well go to the beach. Hfitis cold, you must wear warm clothes. It he doesnt do his homework, he can not go to the party Second Conditional (Type Il): situacion hipotética. Se ‘estrucutura asi: If clause main clause + past simple would / ‘could / might + verb. Eje.=» 20 1 won the lottery, I would travel around the world. I were in Brazil, | would go to Rio de Janeiro. WI were you, | would buy that car. the were in my place, he wouldn't do this. had more money, I would buy a nice apartment. It'she had more time, she would travel more often. Third Conditional (Type Ill): se refiere a una situaci6n hipotetica del pasado y se forma segin la estructura, asi: it + past perfect + conditional perfect. Ejs.=> It had won the lottery, | would have traveled around the world. If had seen him, | would have told him about you. If Thad known the answer, I would have raised my hand. I she had come on Saturday, | would have seen her. Ht they had left earlier, they would have arrived on time. Ing forms (gerunds) and infinitives Los gerundios estan formados con la tarminacién ~ing del presente participio de! verbo. Funcionan como verbos. El verbo sing (+) presente partcpio con terminacién -ing ‘he gerund es singing. Como sustantivos, los gerundios pueden realizar a funcion de sujetos. Ejs.=> Painting is my favorite hobby. Swimming isa great exercise. Como sustantivos, los gerundios pueden actuar como obje- tos, Ejs.=> Hove woodworking My sister enjoys kniting Como sustantvo, los gerundios pueden actuar como obje- tos de preposicon. Ejs.—> {im interested in earring how to kt We talked about taking dance lessons Relative pronouns: who, whom, which, what, where Qué son los relative pronouns? Son palabras que uti- fzamos en inglés como nexo de unign en una oracion, con ®i fn de entfcar 0 proporcionar mas informacion sobre tuna persona 0 cosa previamente mencionada. Estas palabras son: wholwhom, which y that. En espaol utilizamos el pronombre "que" o "quien", "eVal, cuat,"ia cual’..para realizar esta misma funcion. Por ejemplo si digo: "El hombre que viste ayer, "que" me sitve para identiicar a un hombre determinado” ¢Cual?" que ti viste ayer’ En inglés existe un punto sobre el que debemos prestar aiencion al hablar: debemos dstingur si estamos hablando de "una persona’ o de *un objeto’. zPor qué? Porque el ‘pronombte relative es distinto segin sea una persona, cosa © animal, Veamos para que sive cada uno de ellos (jate ‘como todas estas palabras llevan una “h” intercalada). “Wholwhom" es para personas. “Which” es para cosas. “That” es para personas 0 cosas pero con ciertos matices ‘que veremos mas adelante. Ejs.=> GUIA PRACTICA The gil who is sitting next to you. La chica que esta sentada al lado tuyo. ‘Aman whom I don’ know. Un hombre al cual no conozco. ‘The book which you just read. Et libro que acabas de leer. ‘ which is going to merge. Una empresa que va a fusionarse. Possesive pronouns Los pronombres posesivos en inglés son: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs. Indican posesion y son invariables, Nunca van precedidos de un articulo, Subject] Object] Possessive | Possessive Pronouns | Pronouns | Adjectives | Pronouns v me my ‘mine You you your yours He him his his She her her hers " it its its We us our ours. You you your yours They them thelr theirs Quantifiers (few, a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, some and any) Se utiliza much and litle para hablar de sustantivos in- ccontables: much time, much luck, litle energy and litle money. Se utiliza many and few para sustantivos plurales. Ejs.-> Many iends, many people, few ears and few counties, Se utiliza a lot of /lots of / plenty of para ambos incontables ¥ sustantivos plurales. Ejs.—> Alotof luck, fos of ime, plenty of money, a lot of friends, lots ‘of people and plenty of ideas. ‘Much no es tan comin en oraciones positivas (especial- mente cuando se habla inglés). Ejs.—> We didn’t spend much money. But we spent a lot of money Do you see David much? I see David a lot Adjectives and adverbs Observe io siguientes ejemplos: Qur holiday was to0 short— the time passed very quickly ‘Two people were seriously injured in the accident. Quicky y seriously son adverbios. Otros adverbios estan formados por un adjetivo (+) — ly. ‘Adjectives: quick, serious, careful, quiet, heavy and bad. ‘Adverbs: quickly, seriousiy, carefully, quietly, heavily and badly. Compare: ‘She speaks perfect English She speaks English perfectly acjetivo (+) sustantivo verbo (+) sustantvo (+) adverbio 21 , | NIVEL SUPERIOR También se puede usar los adjetivos después de algunos verbos, especialmente del to be, asi como look/feel/Sound ete. Eis. Please be quiet. Please speak quiely. | was disappointed that my exam results, | was unhappy that | did so badly in the exam. Why do you always look so serious? Why do you never take me seriously? Verb patterns ‘Son verbos que tienen que seguir algunas condiciones es- ppeciales; por ejemplo, algunos de ellos exigen que después {de ellos pongas la preposicion to y no se conjuga el verbo, {que sigue, mientras otros exigen que se les ponga la prepo- sici6n for y, por lo tanto, el verbo siguiente debe ponerse ‘en gerundio, la terminacion sera con ~ing. Mientras otros vverbos como let exigen que el verbo que sigue vaya sin conjugar. Ejs.=> to for let There is, There are Usamos la estructura There is/There are para simplemente decir que algo existe (0 no existe), El verdadero sujeto va siempre después de "There is/There are”. Ejs.=> Look there are some apples. Is there any fruit? No, there isn’t There is a bathroom upstairs. There are a lot of fishin the ocean, Possibility and Certainty (can, could, may and might) Utiizamos can cuando queremos expresar que algo es posible o que esta permitido; o simplemente que alguien tiene la habilidad de hacer algo. La estructura es: can(+) infinitivo(+) (can do/can see etc). Ejs.=> {ove to eat hamburgers. | stop for eating a hot dog. Let shine the sun. Can you speak any other language? 'Tcan come and see you tomorrow if you want. Could algunas veces es el pasado de can, Lo utlizamos cespeciicamente con: see, hear, smell taste, feel, understand, Eis We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake, ‘As soon as | walked into the room. | could smell gas. Ublizamos must para decir que crees en que algo es certero, Eis. ‘You have been traveling all day. You must be tired. Jim is @ hard worker. Jim? Just must be joking. He doesn’t {do anything? Utlizamos may 0 might para demostrar una posibilidad. It may be true or it might be true, She might know or She may know. Too and enough Enough siempre va después de los adjetivos 0 adverbios, Too puede expresar una idea de exceso 0 algo mas que una simple necesidad. Ejs.—> This backpack is too expensive. (The cost is higher than necessary). Do you think this coat is too long? (Maybe it's the wrong size for me). I'm too tired to play soccer. (| don’t have the energy now). Enough puede expresar la idea de que algo es suficiente 0 justo. Ejs.—> This backpack is big enough for all my things. (Everything fits). ‘Are you strong enough to lit that box? (Do you have the strength?). I can’t run very far. I'm not ft enough. Permission, obligation and necessity (can, could, may, should, ought to, must, have to, eed to, make, let, be allowed to, be made to): Los modals pueden parecer confusos para alguien que no habla el idioma Inglés. Veamos la tabla siguiente: Inference/conclusion: must : He must know about the Second World War because he was bom in Germany. must not : They must not have gotten my message because they havent called. have to : If she is British she has to have drunk tea at least ‘once. {got to: With those brightly colored shorts and sunglasses, theyve got to be tourists Would: A tall steel tower in the center of Paris? Ah, that would be the Eitfel Tower. Will: Behind every successful man, you will find a woman. Will: When the cat's away, the mice will play. Cant: If she's tall and thin, it can't be Mary. Obligation: ‘must: All the soldiers must report back to their commanding officer atleast once a day. ‘Must: If two ride on a horse, one must ride behind. ‘Must not: If you are feeling sick, you must not go out in the rain. have to: To become a doctor you have to study for many years. dont have to: In America, all citizens should vote, but they dont have to. {got to: You've got to change the ol in your car every once in {2 while, oF the engine will blow up. Need: To get your passport, you need to go to the gover- ment office Will: You will do exactly as | tll you to do, ‘Advice: recommendation/advice: Need: If you want to go hiking in the Rocky Mountains, you ‘need to get a good raincoat Should: To learn English really well, you should travel in ‘America or Ireland, Permission/concession: @! 22 May: The guard said we may nottake pictures inthe museum May: You may be @ college graduate, but you're a lousy poker player. May: A man may work rom sun to sun but a woman's work is never done ‘Might: The World Cup might be the biggest sports event in the word, but think i's boring Could: Mom said we could play outside ater dinner Can: 1m sory only employees can use the office telephone. Necessity: ‘Would: Would you please be quiet? Will: Will you open that door for me please? Might: Might | have a try at your computer game? Could: Could | see the rest of your house? Gan: Gan Pamela use the bathroom? Use of would El verbo modal would se utiliza acompariado de! infinitivo "to like" para expresar ofrecimientos o invitaciones. Ejs.=> Would you lke a cup of cottes? Would you lke to come with us? Would he like a piece of cake? También se ulliza para manifestar deseos o realizar pet- ciones de una manera cortés. Ejs.—> | would lke to be rich, | would like your help: Would you lend me your car? ‘Aparte de estos usos would como verbo modal, también se. utliza para formar el condicional. Ejs. It that car was cheaper, | would buy it If it didn’t rain, we would go to the beach. Asi como para formar el futuro de una accién que se Autobiografia de Manuel Cruz Yescas. Naci et 7 de febrero de 1962, en la Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal. Mis padres son Julio Cruz Carlo y Elena Yescas Garcia. Soy el tercero de seis hermanos. Vivi mininiez y adolescencia en unos cuartos de una vecin dad de la colonia Nativitas. Curse la primaria en la escuela \Verustiano Carranza en el tumo vespertinoy la secundaria fen la escuela Ramon Lopez Velarde. Por no ser un alumno regular al finalizar el tercer grado de ‘secundaria, tuve que inscribirme en el Colegio de Bachi- lleres # 3, donde termine el bachillerato y busqué lugar en la UNAM. Afortunadamente logré el ingreso mediante el ‘examen de seleccién en la carrera que en ese momento queria (Ingenieria Quimica), pero no en el plantel que deseaba (FES Zaragoza), por lo que tuve muchos proble- mas para acudir a la escuela, esto se debio a que ya tra- bajaba en la venta de quias de estudio por las maftanas fn las escuelas secundarias. {final del cuarto semestre de la carrera, me vi en la nece- sidad de abandonar la escuela y dedicarme de lleno a mi trabajo. Durante dos afios deje los estudios, pero al tener libre la tarde, decid volver a la Universidad. Por lo que al ‘estar dedicado a las ventas, me interesé en estudiar Ad- ministracion. Esto lo reals en la UAM Iztapalapa donde logré terminar y titularme en el afio de1991. = se desoribe de manera muy general datos personales y situaciones especiticas del escrito. el escritor esta en todo momento dentro del cuadro; ha- ce un registro de su vida. = 21 tipo de lenguaje es referencial = larelacién entre el texto y el estado de animo del escritor es de objetividad, Crénica: obra que describe hechos histéricos en orden cronol6gico, a menudo por testigos presenciales o con- temporéneos, ya sea en primera o en tercera persona. E.= Sabado. Doce de la noche. Las paredes blancas y azules, del Hospital Xoco retlejan el trasiego de varios pares de batas blancas. Un gifo que gotea marca con un compas casi fanebre los silencios. Una ambulancia de la Cruz Roja espera en el estacionamiento para salir ante cualquier Uurgencia. Las computadoras allan al son del mar de de- dos que s¢ les viene encima. La ciudad ya duerme, pero la sala de emergencias esta despiera Cada noche, todo un mundo abre sus puertas ante la mi- rada acostumbrada de los doctores. Alejandro Morales, jefe de la unidad de emergencias, esta de turno. Sus ojos, ‘ojos revelan falta de suefio. Una mueca de incredulidad cubre su rostro. Eliry venir de historias es constante. Y 61 despacha érdenes con la misma seguridad con la que un carnicero cercena a su presa. Con todo, este rincon del hospital muestra siempre su propia inercia.

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