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Desde que Internet entr en nuestras vidas, el crculo social ha sido reconfigurado. Un claro
ejemplo de ello son las plataformas virtuales como Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo,
Baidu, Wikipedia, Blogger, WAP, entre otras, porque estas plataformas virtuales sin duda
tienen un impacto en la interaccin social de los jvenes. Llegar a ese contacto cara a cara
tradicional ha sido reemplazado por el contacto digital.


Since the advent of the Internet the social sphere has been reconfigured in an accelerated
manner. An example is represented by virtual platform such as Facebook, for without
doubt, this platform has a booming virtual social interaction in the juvenile population
sector, to the extent that sometimes the traditional face-face interaction has become
disrupted by the virtual. Thus, this paper discusses the issue of the impact that the Internet
is for young people. In particular we analyze the use that Youngs Y gives to the Internet to
generate postdesarrollo conditions.

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