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Ml ae So. & S Imes DBOOK © BULGY EYEBALLS AND FREAKISH OVERBITES: AN INTRODUCTION ‘ve beon a drawer of curves and ovels and squigaly lines for about at long os | can remember. | can even pinpoint the moment when iny fate 0s a lifelong compulsive doodier was sealed: the first day of the first grode. That's when | began to draw, and draw ond draw and draw, on whatever suface and with whatever tool had handy. Why? Because | found school so unbelievably bering that Thad to do tomething-onything-to keep myself from going out of my mind Eventually, those crude grade-school scribbles grew more polished ond refined, resulting in that crude grownup cartoon powerhouse we ‘ll love ond worship, “The Simpsons.” And today, “The Simpsons” remains part of e speciel but disappearing art form: two-dimensional hand-drawn animation, with heavy emphasis on large heads, beard lines, and comical flab. Back in 1993, we put together Cartooning with the Simpsons, the inspiration for this monumental instructional ort tome. But os great as the ‘original work was, i looks like a bootleg coloring book for litle babies compared to this big ol’ brick. Check out the gatefolds and tracing ppoper overlays, the oodles and oodles of Simpsons characters, including Milhouse, and the highly professional tips and tricks from the ani- Imators who have foiled on the show til they have weird litle skin grooves where they hold their pencils. I assure you thot if you practice hhard ond long enough, you too can develop your own special litle skin grooves. I've got lots of cartooning advice, ifyou can stop drawing for @ second and pay attention: Keop things simple. (You can convey space, motion, ‘end fealing with surprisingly few lines.) Save your stuft. (Don’t let your mom or stepmom throw it out.) Always finish what you're working fon. (There’s nothing like completing a full story.) Go ahead and copy other styles. (But don’t just stick to one.) Check out the original ‘artwork of cortoonists and artists you dig. [Pros do make mistakes, bul you have to see the originals to learn how they fixed them.) And finally (hore’s the tough one): Be original! (Keep practicing, develop your own style, and try to surprise yourself) This book is full of rules about how to draw the Simpsons characters, and those rules have made it possible for thousands of artists (penciles, clecneruppers, eroser-monkeys, inkers, inbetweenshediners, crayonisis, colorizers, mouse-lckers, and mogieal elves) to drow the Simpsons pretty much the same way. This process has foken vs years to get righ. But when | started drawing Bar, Lisa, Homer, Marge, ‘and Maggie for the first fimo, there wos no “right” way to draw them. I had tried, and filed, to draw lke the sick professionel artists I'd ‘edmired. So | gave up trying to be © drawing master and went back to doodling freakish humanoids with no chins. For me, thot wos when the fun begen. Your pel MAT GREG Welcome to the world of cartooning...”Simpsons”-style! Bele yu ol up your sleeves ond str geting your hand ty you needa few supplies Here ae some erential ome pls sme focy exes you fel ike pemparng youre Pencils @- A stondord #2 will work fine, bu ert pencil came in many varieties, from very sof lead (for dark lin) to very hord lod [fora ight line) Pick the one tha suits you best. Also, you'll noice that much of the rough sketching inthis book i done wih alight color pencil Then the final line is put ia wih e dorker lead pencil. You may wart ory some of he many clor pencs available ond find @ brand thot you ike Fora shorp drawing, you'll ned 0 sharp pencil Fo ho! you'll need « Penil Sharpener @, You con splurge and get coal, noisy electric mods ‘or economize wih ove ofthe hond-crank varity. You might also want to pek up small portable handheld sharpener for when you're drowing on the go. Erosers @ I's good to have a plas eraser such a @ Stondar Mors for eradicating unwanted dorier lines, and a kneaded eraser for geting rid of sft lines and removing dit and smudges fom your paper. Specking of Paper @), youll nce some ofthe, oo. Ill kesp you fram drawing all var your walls. Ary pope will do for pracce, even © poper bag. But you may want 2 good drawing paper, layout band r bristol boar, for your more finished drawings Pens @=Inorimoton, height pencil drawings ar scanned del, but for pring purposes fished ink ne is necessary. "Simpsons comic books, calendars merchondie ce all equi king ovr the finshed perl drowings. Mos! "Simpsons ors vse Rapidograph technical ‘pon ora Micon erchivalnk pene achieve those consstn! “Simpson ines ‘White Opaquing Point @ suchas Fro White is good for covering up inking mistakes, ond you con easly ik back vit afer hes. You'll rely sce perfec shaight nein “Simpsons drawing, but a Tesquare @, Plastic Tringle@, and Ruler @ wil occasionally come in handy for lying ou ines of perspective, flor and celing lines, ec, in background drawings ond large props. Final ins ore done without hese items to give the backgrounds ond props an ergonic hond drawn look Drawing Boord @® — A good sturdy surface essen o a good sturdy drawing. A drawing boord is idea, but a desk or kchen table wal do os ‘well Some orf ke fo work wth hei poper ono fat surface, while cthers prefer to work ot an angle. You decide what works best for you. I you cor‘ afford on adjustable drawing board, inexpensive lightweight boards are availabe hot you cen hold on your lap or prop agains the edge of robe, It you'te working olen angle, White Paper Tape @) is esxonl for keeping your drawing on your bord and off the lo. Lighting — Your drawing will came out bate fyou con actually see what you'e doing. If you decide fo wotk ota drawing bow, i's © good ideo to get an adjustable Clamp-on Lamp (®. Otherwise, moke sxe your space is wll itor hat you hove accesso los of Sunlight lL Now it can be revealed... the jealously guarded secrets of how to draw Lets start ith Homer's Head od wor ory doom Fam thar As you can sez From the roxsh construction ines on is doing, omer’ cal ball-shaped, bt Ws exerall ead s srt of We a art ‘hom once Youve dram that base ‘ape, You can add all the other detals cone by one, and tomer’s head will begin to tole shape, a8 by nage pea ee } cae Repronmartaly 5x eyeballs high! w the patented Matt Groening she Notice! Big, bug eyeballs are a ust! Shapes an sizes ray ery, depending on the deign oF ‘he wand character, wt ahays Weep ‘em bua RLS & observel Mats characters ‘ALUIYS hae an ouerbitl Behold! Less is indeod were eazp Hf sole vith os Fast Ines 05 possible! But Fist, « Feu ground res For deaving ay, step by step lets construct SI Front a oF HOMER'S HORD, er hes begesnatly et ” rot oe S 7 pa A ests ery om eee Xa a tnfle blow Na sar wth that base D. estblsh he postion of the rin Bis he ose tan de 4H, ara he novi /eu hope “ereré ny at he btn Aa cer ead bin 408 he a cette on he Fiihucemsn te — Sesnewb netic, barat Retna Coe oF ha a |S. ue tomer pap oda har eer cores Ee jv determine oF te mall, ont etnias io Sea covet hoor, nen eee teen Font of fe oherl cab ar on hese rans fr tat ete oe esr aaa etapa jt a ne Ned CPD OD we WE CB we No. “esl rs ere cond ih tary ehoped ree Bee eC E oe Tooele, Teothn st right! OC (> ode ha norte hing i Fie acne, se oie Bay Now is time to put all this boot AR learn fo action a ve anne THE MANY MOODS ED oF HOMER DETERMINED Gury CONDESCENDING As You can see, a. conplete range of emotions can be ackieved by changing pst a Fa lines, WwTRiGueD RUE FenRFUL Ve nay tnd ean anynoron, bt Nera look ot ROMER IN ACTION OF tomer From Fie main angles ore estential We body wort, nd hus beng ble #2 draw lm nation conuincinghy. Body LANGUAGE ‘hudy ese drovings and note how Homer's 4 all ct togetnar 4 tell vs what he’ something without the benefit of a. con eee ones penetra eS eee, see the elements of Homer's head. 6 greater becaise were Seeng more » OY Feed Calor Sots er of goer Slee sgn co p Feet) yy S Gaile rivets, G, é mi p < And now for something Mi EAR? (Ez conpletely different, let’s draw ure, Nat tonoring hide i winding , bor Let cela ake a deep brew, and begn wih MARGE 'S HEAD Zid er go, Peed cinied Te ale amp pert ls ae word he eal Sos ‘Sedna che Whe lost Aer ts tw MARGE'S BODY Now lets lock at THE MYRIAD MOODS OF MARGE MARGE ON THE MOVE: Sy out oF her wal SELECTINE PERSPECTIVE these dravings show how different points oF View effect \on ve $20 the clenerty oF Marge’s head. You'll amaze your Friends and confound Your enemies when you unlock the mysteries of how to draw Fest let's pos the connand conter, BART'S HEAD i & Lge de snender Tw af a trea, Rene oF be ‘ae ardbeac Soe fe etc vem atten he 2) ren 1B. agn to add Naw ponte ot haa te rst of Barts Nar pet pessoa bueonsetiece pe ai ee cena ‘The top of each hair pont & rounded ‘end each port bons out slghtly. vm eneet Stich eeeih frescos eco sTHFUL MELANCHOLY PUyPUL She dest at he al, Ls ls he Wadi an yn and ks.) et lar howto dra LISA IN ACTION ‘Shidy these stationary Mews of Lisa From Five angles to understand Vow er body Werte. hs ul allow yoo #0 drow her in mation mere conuneigly 31M Front Profile FRESH PERSPECTINES These dierse vas llstrate Now dF ferent perspectives ob hect the vay We See the clements oF Lisa head, tre worni-ele es! Titer atieeet tre See Now that you have Lisa down pat, it'll be a snap to draw 2s you vod eppect by now ell start ath , MAGGIE'S READ “j nde at wh a det 6 (se des Pael * Cd 00 (hs) eo Ce) ® 2r- @) MAGGIE'S PACIFIER SUCKING C/CLE wicket ‘hot eo oe eos oF tan yar Ue and are ely ace ‘Re ports of Maggs bar re So CG ecu arches Weel comded ok se dy Nol Yes! Zo \ agg head fe ey eh Maggie’ head, ink agoint Theres a tiny bby Figure () ander that thing, Se let's iam tnt Sra MAGGIE’S Bop] 2d at de peel reed “Aina baby cant conmoniate a well os her parents or der sbbige? Wel, le ogan! Here re THE MANY MOODS OF MAGGIE so etcepton oll vant 4 learn 40 Sra! MAGGIE IN MOTION Ask any nather, babies con be a handful and the Sinasons! baby él POINT oF VIEW eth Lice, note haw different Sight vornceye vow 296 HANDS (AND FEET) ACROSS TRE NURSERY pe 7X ee. Beas ets leave the emary Sampson Fanly enbers for 4 thle ard eplore fone OF she secondary characters, sorting wth By row You shoud be aretty Fanilar wth the method of balding a character Som Famlar Shapes, $0 Well Asnense wth the vial construction notes and jst Foeus on specific detals “hat nalie the rasdents oF Springfield nigel e we C apes for Grampa’ hood, hs cone establishes Ns ba. ‘ape to Bors = > Tree Falls OF shin The Many Moods oF Grampa = —= Ge, The (Net So) ; Via S63 Sin Noes SB y oF Willi zl / es .' KL| sr: one rand Hoot, mon! Heres Simpsons animator and publicity artist SUS PREITE with Further tips on draving sscetae Pore (ates with conse, — sides. The top Neck is lori ees oes clad Ok sett seme jitiarn Fiore Leela ioe S} the stom vests aganst Gar sis shanty Wis head above hs cor cboue the batt vino has ee, Ine oF bs eyes cectangier eyebrons THE MANY MOODS. OF MILROUSE Eyes are evel An. KRABAPPEL . Bey, hey, Kids! Here's Simpsons oninator ERICK TRAN with more ties on how to draw your of pal. Rds WI Keusty (6 try one of ur Favorite characters in the cast to dram When draving Win, think OF Homer in a alonn aot. Thay ave Very sslor boby proportions and Mand Shape, Kevsty 6 ery expressive every way When draving good oler-the-top pases, Your drovings need to rood in clear gruohic showers. tere are some examples oF Vat lean. af In ny drains, Las try 40 tink groehcaly, “ke a lect ot the Flat sihovertes above. VE You giessed ‘hey sere Leshy ny job & done. \ observe he Festures rake these characters unaue ond Arye drow thers so that it only fais a Second to be read clearly Leak at igre foe Keys “Hey hey” pose \ stretches Ws arns clear aay From Ns hae and body ‘Nes reads very clearly sraphically.n igre #2, | nade sire eastys callor ws separate From the back of bis hair and “hat Me srtleeies olerbned hs arms. TAS & & go08 cle *o Keep m nnd os You dean Krush, or any character: tress this technmie Yo ny anmation eran and ‘AW, THAT'S IT? hope 4h wll be belahil to you tack VLL GET YOU FOR THIS, ie TRAN, YOU LITTLE Bobs head shape is Tagen @ e Planers saat ed Ges oe st apart mone — Bek nde segittes oy ( as shh vite Nec 6 small ese long and conical —7| and blah Bob erany este vit short Fn apes et Flos out From the A ln oF Ws bend ta ei e SS cae Sons hale you derstand the orales oF Carls hen ir. Borns! head s an oval Shape ars St Nigh, / pee con uth of ing on a conical nec 3 1) \ ne aE ee gage socks are arranged in & Tendtton pomting towste We hosel i Mention, slackers! Sinpsons animation layout arts, director and Bongo Comics contribsting artist SHAUN CASHMAN wll nay share addtional tps Far arasing MIR. BURNS When | dra € Montgomery Burns, lam reminded oF a Fes Afferent thngs ‘hat belo ne cacture the Feel of Ws charveter. Aide From bin beng a weak, spindly old nan, he shares characteris wih a bra Gute) on sect Corayng nants), and te Aol UtractNi sen Ant cones ot oF the nother she “Chote Cheoatrs of the Tard end? ie. Burns main expression isa sly one Nast oF “ha tine he loots lke the mide graying to *e right—hnched ove, is arms. up lle a praying mantis With a BH-hows-a-day Seoul, Bt You only naed 40 eure Up the corner of hs mowth and open his eyes Vide and you have a Very leehl old nan “To malte bin angry, st eae his rrovth devin, draw the forehead Ine le a Frenng unibrow, and vant oF har ifelacin conutrtly sant Wis eles closed tightly a tepate pace tobe Ferrand bron that sed athe Te Soe te atic oops down ever bis onseicton Sana WS smoot eyes OFF the eave engl a cor em Seana de Ot the or oF seri Seva canbe ebm Eroeirane roteeey hs hed hae soot Town ied ns wn oe arg Som be. ord anges on ter Ws ees HY ee — ee, Pair wraps around the sarge nly te back oF the head Soler fou cans oe tar etc Te ar etry ly \ Be tas Large, Sree oe ry cig abet fmnee st pass ~ / beatlte ‘es hanna on Rec ere Gs nd het only oe se Oo ! note or ere we os a inside "Hope THESE DRAWINGS WILL HELP MAKE YOUR DRAWINGS: EEHMPXCELLENT! (7) shad dst ‘— Flos snooty . inte belly va ~ wee” f in tne aaa Dem i \ narrow ot Fes (4) esoduer Wp ond er at “Se wat Ned has impeccable pore Ci \ ee —GS> ee ie ease The Many Moods of Ned Flanders Waive Tr The lenses in Neds alesis are tangent {o one another: they never over Ral poste & very straight wie muses coe Short Sai (— | C Peper SS Legs are wide: and set oper wade lays draw! a cursing: \ergontl ine eros, Pals Forchend fo tobe Ne aque bonkext hairstyle! eo cS The Many Moods of Raleh Wiggum ead — “Am placed Forse’ on is Neck is at 46-dogree angle Fron ee Iaers = Par ness square ond sts a on ongle on back oF heod ear sts Pinpoint nostri low at back oh pug hose ‘reat the pcmary Cm. tentacles tea hand oF 8 singe Finger, aS Use the single brow to express Sine Various emotions. 1 Greetings, seribbler oF erude earthly hieroglyphics! Prepare to be Further illuminated on the majesty that is Ses it doesnt matter, is ewcty all C . Q) wey hae ves hey Nae No Rerelegy ie ong i Rigellon arm tentacles and i Kenoworphology: single “tall febaccaieates a/c \ ls been ght Sone snichire. The single > ye cin Y cflopean efebll we Sinpsond animator PAUL Wee! Gad conmanicaton! a ealernous sock. GANTA’S LITTLE HELPER AND GN@WBALL 1h === ed Bar A. » Snevbal has 6 long, eapule-shaped head pts oot at Rough hunches aren't saen in body on short, eyindrical legs. As-degree angle From body. Ais standing eose, Ney are dent Vaan oo t20 Snovball ‘ing, onning, ete Te ‘ S@ 9) The y a 2 2 Many 2 Moods of The S PR / Simpsons’ Pets < NODE Te! oF corng uem suas attennt onwsions fon Santas Little telber by changing hs eves x and movth, but You ean alto ve Ne east ‘Ss Ws lag are hin end set ide coart They ae also postioned Forward on the body Note how Nlions right lags drecthy wider Nis head 40 qe balance ‘te hs Fert soe ste re! Despite Nelson's girth, eres th sacl ond sah erocy chon pathtgen svar ts! Jf he song nas of schon an po dra engaging im such, any The Many Moods of Nelson. a © Listen up, dinguses! Simpsons character animator and merchandise artist Rob oliver is going to give you the 4ton how he draws NELSON! . Whenever | con, \teep Nekon’s shoulders and ors Forvard on bis body. | ausid breoling ito the hunched line of is back. e's a slouchy bully. Let's eee him that way, OF fen when rough-sketching Nelson, Vill ste the detail and draw, For instance, one lne for the eyebrows to coniey the mood auictly and easily. lowe eetehing wh a pent Foraes me 40 omnt my Uns, Yor alloys me 70 stay rough hin make sue to taep a good tere ue can sae how *he fp Src I Nekon’ back. Hs vat ir wraps rou q % nates bm tveatenng! Nor wees ooand Neve vas By treating that's oe facts ()\ For woul Smell ‘can easly eee! = ys later! Nelson From any arg asia i ( se sey QQ rss: 0 eS eb abbey de weeny Bot Faget tt She ane een bch Roby a pert. The Malevolent 3S oF Hehy and Seratchy un Face chy and Seratchy/’s whe gles are based on those oF | any lssie cartoon Aoracters oF the MSOs ond Os! The Many Moods oF ChieF Wiggum Short lag set vide apart Feat eng-saped body Usten up, s20FFlavsl Simogons animation arector Aw and sequence drector oh “The Sinosons Movie” B, Hanerscn vill now bring law! and order +o your drawings oF with bis jealously guarded draving tes! I's ALL IN THE EYES AND mouTIE Nigar bas a hage variety oF expressions ‘fast are all based on posing only Ns eyes and rovth whereas a lot oF cartoon characters heh Clancy Wiggs one of ny Fauocite Smpsons Araracters Yo dra is design {6 Nery sale but lends see toa warety of enctions ard comede poses. YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR MAKING MY ere i a collection of Nggun expressions Ns You can se, there ore sometines only subtle A Rerences bebieen eyes and mouths lot oF Funny Simpsons acting is based on the contrast betieen enctions. Wiggin i eas anvtng when be instantly Shits From Nappy 2 mad or ice versa, \HoPe you PAD THESE TIPS HELPFUL! “The ony oF 0, cop nade oF donvts makes me Inigh and the iden bas Stel ‘2 that VAeneuer | draw Niggun, the First thing | tink oF 6 donsts PATTY OND GELMA oe "9 Gy 12, MS Patty and Sala are Five end balls igh Petty and Sana Nave slightly FRoront tastes in every anatver ay 40 tell them apart! Patty bas lang Aranglar earring. Selva has big round ones “hat hang below her eor From wsisble hooks Fatty nectlace s a series oF shall balls connactad by a visble sting at rons through Ahem Sehus necklace i a series oF oul shapes hat attach te ench afer. COSTUME CHANGES Although the Simpsons characters usually wear the same clothes, they occasionally change into other duds aS the situation dictates. Here are serleral typical costume changes For various characters. ot B 2 2 PY eT Ee UE yt) THE SIMPSONS’ MEN ig ' \r “Lats het baclapondh They ny not he eas mperant 1 sa oractars nd You nay nar sae she Fenn eae ornecb etn, Wt eM face te tost Aoracters woud Flounder in an emery Vo / ._., chservational betuls are Vey elements of every Sinesons 1 odtaroind deosing w these Lichen views, notice that len though ‘he Ines ore smolfied Yo Werk wall wth the stile of the characters, ‘hey sil ghee meron of beg olsen. The periectes wet ‘eves ond the elements aren't drain wa “car toony? vay, WS oll based on real objects ond rel architecture ‘els You that Marge and Homer ore proud parents. The stool m the _ \ etc hoy the deta of the bctaronds el you | “gt shut the characters. The draing aead Yo he Frage ek corner reninds You that Bort needs to tole a tine-ovt every once ma while. The crack m the wall 6 eudence “hat Homer’ Spends more tine watching TY *han doing hone repairs ‘hee ngs nay sar wfc bt hey le Pasrer tte erucreinpnp hore ‘vcteg ml oars 7ME GIMPEENS’ Nohce *he ght perspective Ines in these ews oF the TN room, ll gong Yo single Vanishing pont whe center of the draunas THs tnoun as “onerpont perspecte’ As the vane, is perspective places vs ‘he center of the room at about eye level wth he vanishing pont. The angle at Which we See all oF he ‘lenents m the room is based on that one-point peripectNe. Can you tell what perspecte wus vsed to create ‘Ns drwing? F you sad “one-point Teward Yoursaif wth a tl cook BUF (ora pietled 09g iF Youre underage). “Re vonshng point ist to the lePt oF the door. Notice how the ines of the Floor, celina, pol table, bar, ete, oll ge to that point. Non check out he TM Yoo can tall hat t's hang ‘OEE the wll tan 208 angle becavse *he Ines dont relate at ll to the vanishing port ‘The pene shading here Firther helps to lbstrate that the alamants is drawing ara based on Gesering real chjects. Guerythng it the room has conuneing Form, shape, weigh, ond detal Speaking oF deta ths Stetch tates the call Stptons becground designer Lonce vilder \as ebuioily heon Yo a come book Store or tom his day. The abservational detals are so comineiig Yoo can the ener and greasy onion rings “The dotted ines mdieate placement oF lemerts Ike a came boot rack (mn he center of ‘he Fleer and other dsplay Fintres that have renaied Yo clon vs a batter Wen. These views oF Meus retal establishment are drain in a, “hlo-point perspectie’ In the case of the First whew, we the Menars ore ata vantage pint lacing Soun on the room le can tel “fot ou eye Ine sbcie Ne Yop of he Saihee nachna becuse Nie can pst barely se Me top surface Notice bo the Ines oF “te eer, comtertops, ete algo 40 poms on the ee ne or Koren Ina) ate ring on beth the right and hela ses. + / / Z ‘The Au-pont perspective dos us to See the room att an 038 ange. Nee not he center of he room 06 ve Were ne Sinesons TH room Now wae off to he se eres « rare eianele of “Aree-pont perioactile” Neve chia lasting doo on the room From Such a Meght hat he “Ge Norton ne @ ull oFF he page Ths bdineye ew 6 what oso creates “he rd pot vhat wou aerise be o-pont perspective You ean Fallon the barzortl Ines of ‘he classroom door, the bockshehes, ‘he ses oF the des ond the vndons to the Fist Vnihing pent fF ‘he ton of ‘Ne rage. the Ines of “Ne Front ond busts oF the deste 9 10 Ne second Vang pont OFF othe rh of the page The thd Venshing pont off the botton oF the page. Nefice Ke the csiroom door (sider at *he top ‘han eat “he botton? Nocwally “he vertical Ines of Re door vod be parallel to cock other it hecnse ox varie (pont & £0 igh those Inet leo vacate nto peripecte hla vertical Ines in ths Song go 40 he tr waning pot VE RUG IY? M2 CLOMIL CHO WESEMy Terrie aS ‘Ths drming 0 try one Because of the excuor canter ring ofea and Weocher placement ‘here ae lets of perseachves going on here. The camera, lets, eros, and heplaise gts ae al at od eras to each other and ‘a *he general perspective oF the Yoon toveler Ws avery sraenced coos. “The Floor Ines, celng nes and arcacenion arch ae actly m a one-powt persoeatile Many of he char cloner hate & Ne-pomt perspectne becaise hey ore tok af ht anaes wth Ne rest oF “he room fet everyting vorts together 10 ake one belewuble and Fantasie drangl Nes oF ws don't Yao shat the wide of on actil micleor pover plant ees, bot Ahete vs of Bomar’ oc } sinton are patty eomnens Wa Zn Ur vhs nest of hove dl tas od utes. rather Soe ona ‘The conplenty and det of his console only nereabes ‘oto of ho on at toner acy ete Ree = hen it comes to “the Simpsons,” dle hands are the cartoonist’s pl ere ore a cousle oF pages of props to gile those hands something to do. Lite the backgrounds, the props in the Simpsons unierse are Very observational. They have a very hand-drawn, organic look, yet, . 05 You can See by the shading on these preliminary sketches, their design comes From observing rel cbjects. . For comparison, a feu! oF +he preliminary shetches ore shou vith their Final animation line counterparts All the individual aspects of drawing that we've examined are essential to building a scene with characters interacting in a setting. MTU Cltme le MMe relic ReMi co Rae econo Col ooroL a MeL cel oer oom ol me Cole Roe alate ol Ld Ta ole) ORG Mae (oA oad Re ene RUN a ee Ro of a scene from its rough, block-shape layout stage, to a rough pencil sketch, followed by a tight pencil drawing, and ending with the final ink line illustration in full color! Study them well and use them as a fel MoM Ue ol ee MUO ecrdt From basic lines and circles to vivid character illusrations, The Simpsons Handbook is a tibute tothe time-honored tradition of hand-drawn animation. This lavishly detailed orist’s manual unveils the complex. \ 1 secrets behind the deceptively simple and universally loved “Simpsons” characters. * With creative insights, artists’ sketches, helpful insider hints, and step-by-step instructions, enter the imagination of master docdler Mott Groening, creator of “The Simptone,” and receive some professional “how-to” advice from many of the animators and directors who have made the show the comedic standard, as well as the longest running animated show and situation comedy in television history. US $39.95 CAN'SA.95 BAB BER! jj 10 wi

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