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Three Day weekends

In the month of February, there are two three day weekends. For some people, that might mean catching up on
sleep or homework for the week. But for senior Jack Armstrong, three day weekends mean more time on the slopes.
Armstrong started skiing when he was two years old with his parents and brother on the weekends. Armstrong got
into the sport because both his parents are avid skiers and decided to teach him when he was young.
While he has been recreationally skiing for almost his entire life, Armstrong has been a competitive skier for the
last several years. Armstrong said that he started competitive skiing because he wanted to see how good he was in
relation to other kids his age.
While Armstrong does compete on a Ski team, he has tried his hand at snowboarding.
When I was 4 or 5 we were at North Star and I asked my mom if I could try snowboarding, Armstrong said. She
said I could when I could ski the hardest line there, so we went up later that day and I skied run with her. At that
point I was so in love with skiing that I never asked to switch again.
Armstrong said that the week between Christmas and New Years is especially busy along with three-day
It takes a lot longer to do everything, Armstrong said. Traffic getting to the slopes, lift lines (and) everything.
Dan Arnold, a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, works at Squaw Valley Ski Resort seasonally. While he
didnt snowboard through high school, he grew up with the sport and now snowboards regularly.
Arnold has noticed that on long weekends, there are more people coming up, especially people coming up late
Friday in waves from the Bay Area, Arnold said.
Both Armstrong and Arnold recommend that if someone wanted to learn how to ski or snowboard, they should
come up on two day weekends, as opposed to three day weekends.
It will be much less overwhelming and you would have more room to learn, Arnold said. People with
experience usually have season passes and avoid the busy weekends.
Senior Allison Newell recommends that if someone wants to go skiing on a three day weekend they should try
and go on a three day weekend that is just for our school, so it isnt as busy.
While the upcoming long weekends will be fun, one should remember the lines at the slopes may take a bit longer
than usual.
Rogue One- Movie Review
Why would the engineers of the Death Star include a hidden self destruct button, and why would the resistance
have any idea where it is? The answer to this age old question and more are included in George Lucas newest
installment of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,
After the iconic yellow text rolls over the screen, we meet a young Galen Erso and his family in the outer rim, with
their young daughter Jyn.
After years of isolation, the Erso family are hunted down by Orson Krennic who forces Galen to build an all
powerful weapon for the Empire.
Once her father is taken by the Empire young Jyn Erso hides on her home planet, until she is found by Saw
Gerrera, who is with the resistance. How did he know what hidden latch Jyn was hiding under? Thats a great
question that was never answered.
Years later, we see Jyn who is a prisoner of the Empire escape while on the way to a work camp. However, we are
unaware of why she is captive or even for how long.
After her escape Jyn joins Captain Cassian Andar and later joins up with Bodhi Rook and K-2SO.
While we have not seen many Jedis in the most recent Star Wars movies, we do meet Chirrut Imwe, who is able to
use the force in place of his sight
Chirrut is almost never seen without Baze Malbus, who says he is keeping him from getting into trouble, however,
I got the feeling that there might be something more going on with the duo.
While I was quite impressed that both the late Governor Tarkin and Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin as well as a young
Carrie Fisher made an appearance, it was pretty obvious that there was something out of place.
The Star Wars corperation did hint to us that the characters in this movie would only be in Rogue One because
none of them appear in A New Hope, they did make the ultimate sacrifice for the rebellion on the beaches of
I know that Star Wars fans around the world are looking forward to seeing Carrie Fisher for the final time in the
next movie: Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Ditching Door Dash

On January 20th, an official statement was emailed to parents and students, as well as posted to the Granite Bay
High School website. The statement was from the Administration saying that the food delivery services (such as
Door Dash) were no longer allowed to deliver to the campus.
The statement from the GBHS website goes at follows:
Recently, we have experienced a surge in students using the app Door Dash to have fast food delivered here at
Granite Bay High School. This email is a reminder to both students and parents that food delivery services
(including pizza restaurants) are strictly prohibited from making deliveries to a school campus. This is due to safety
concerns, as well as Ed Code that prohibits bringing outside food onto campus from 7 a.m.-3 p.m. Please plan your
student's lunch accordingly.
The statement leaves some questions about what outside food means and what is and is not allowed on campus.
In the banning of outside food delivery services, some students who use the service on a regular basis are having to
find different ways to get their lunch to school.
I just want to know why they banned it, because sometimes that's how I get my lunch, Brianna Kirby, GBHS
sophomore, said.
Upon asking Mrs. Pando what the allowed food is, she said that students are welcome to bring food from home
or purchase food from the cafeteria if they choose.
At the school, many students enjoy the selection of food offered, however, not all do.
While the school offers a fairly large variety of hot lunch you can buy on campus, it is not high quality, David
Arden, GBHS senior, said. The theory of the food sounds good, but once you eat it you can see that it is not.
The Administration says that it wasnt their choice to ban the app.
There is legislation, Competitive Food & Beverage Sales, that all schools are required to abide by. There are five
criteria; sold, to a student, on the school campus, during the school day, and outside of the federal reimbursable meal
program, Pando says.
While Arden only used the food delivery service about once a week, he does say that he will miss the variety that
the app offers.
What I do now for lunch I just pack a couple small snacks like a bag of chips because I don't have time to make a
full lunch, Arden said.
In the banning of the service, students and parents are wondering how the rule will be enforced.
Door Dash employees are not permitted on campus, we have campus supervisors and/or administrators at the
main entrance before and after as well as during both lunches, Pando said.
The administration says that as soon as they were aware of the use of Door Dash, they decided to communicate the
message immediately to make sure the school was following Ed Code.
While the school has set the new rules, students can still get food delivered from their parents.
The school, however, isnt trying to be at a disservice to students.
Most importantly, we are keeping our campus and students safe, Pando said.
Early Grads are working hard

5,000 hours of high school. Thats the amount of time that all students spend in what may feel like the longest four
years of their life.
Exactly half of the states in the United States have requirements regarding students graduating from high school
early. Since California does not have statewide regulations, it is up to school districts to make the decision.
In the Roseville Joint High School District, to graduate early, a student must complete all graduation requirements.
Since most students follow the typical schedule for high school, they graduate at the end of the academic year time
with their class.
In December of 2016, 19 students in the class of 2017 met all of the graduation requirements, and made the
decision to graduate early.
The number of students that have made the decision to graduate early has remained about the same over the years.
According to information released from the GBHS Registrar, the number of seniors who have graduated after the
fall term has remained around 19 or 20 since 2010.
There are a few juniors on campus who will be graduating with the class of 2017.
Deciding whether or not you want to graduate early can be one of the hardest parts of the entire high school
process. Students often have to rearrange schedules to fit in graduation requirements.
I decided junior year (to graduate early) when I realized that I didnt need to stay the whole year. said former
Class of 2017 graduate, Devin Engeldinger.
Engeldinger says he made the decision because once he realized that he only had a few requirements left and could
finish them in one semester, he didnt see the point in taking unnecessary electives.
Since his graduation in December, Engeldinger has since moved back to Texas where he lived before moving to
(One of) the biggest down sides of graduating early is missing out on senior events. said GBHS senior Alexis
One of the biggest senior events in the spring is Powder Puff. Hazelette says she is sad that she wont be able to
participate in the game, but she is happy that she was able to be a member of the team junior year.
Alexis Hazelette is currently working five days a week at Learning Express and as a Realtors Assistant.
She is also currently working on her Realtors License, which she will receive by the beginning of April.
While graduating early can be what some seniors dream of, Hazelette claims there is a bit of a downside.
I miss (high school) sometimes. I dont see my friends often and I wish I was still in dance and art.
For many high schoolers, spring of their senior year is considered the best part of high school.
In between the countdown to graduation, seniors get to participate in events specifically for the graduating class.
While some graduates, like Megan Cline, are excited to come back and participate in the events that she is allowed
to be apart of, not all students will make the trip back.
Engeldinger says that he misses his friends that he made at GBHS while playing football, he wont be coming back
for events because his long term goals come first.
Leaving High School can be hard for a lot of people and making the decision to leave early can often be harder.
I miss feeling comfortable and knowing where everything is, Cline said. But Im happy with the new chapter in
my life.
While high school can be the best years of some peoples lives, it is not for everyone.
Have a plan for yourself after you graduate. Stay in contact with your friends. Think about everything youll miss
and make sure you're okay with that. Hazelette said.
Whether that's joining every club on campus, or only spending three years on campus, its important to remember
to always put personal needs first.
Do you need to be well-rounded to roll to a 4-year university?

Granite Bay High School revolves around competitive academics and getting into college.
However, students have started to realize that they need a little more than just a perfect GPA to get into the school
of their dreams.
Students should have a strong academic profile consisting of rigorous course selection and strong writing skills,
said Sherie Gilmore-Cleveland, the associate director of undergraduate admissions at Mills College in Oakland.
GBHS offers 17 Advanced Placement classes, as well as 16 International Baccalaureate classes, according to the
GBHS website.
With the large number and variety of classes, students who want to have a rigorous schedule have the opportunity
to do so.
Students should (also) show involvement in activities outside of the classroom that reflect leadership, service or
talent, Gilmore- Cleveland said.
Gemma Rizzuto is a senior who is involved in a large variety of academic and extracurricular activities.
Rizzuto has taken 11 AP classes through high school, including five her senior year, and shes been a varsity soccer
player, a member of the National Charity League and the National Honor Society. Shes also participated in
engineering, ROP and shes a professional model.
While Rizzuto does think her extracurricular activities will help her get into some schools, it wont for others.
For state schools, I only had to write how many hours of community service, grades and test scores, Rizzuto
said. Your extracurriculars mainly help with schools you have to write essays to apply to.
Some student think the number of activities is more important than the quality of them.
(The) quality of extra curricular activities is valuable in an application, Gilmore-Cleveland said. Regardless of
quality or quantity, extracurricular activities should show how students embody the following traits problem
solving, leadership, responsibility, strong work ethic and commitment.
One students who has shown a lot of commitment to extracurriculars is senior Brandon Hill.
Hill has been involved with the Autism Awareness club, programs at Bayside Church, track and field, the
Principals Advisory Committee and RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards).
Hill said he thinks his extracurricular activities helped him to get into all three schools that he applied to.
It is important that students take AP courses to challenge themselves, Gilmore-Cleveland said. I don't
recommend a student take a full course load of AP classes in an effort to show a challenging schedule
Gilmore-Cleveland said students should have a balance of classes, including college prep classes, AP/IB classes
and extracurricular activities.
It is best for students to work with their high school counselor to see what is the best mix of CP and AP courses
for them, Gilmore- Cleveland said.
Colleges are starting to admit more students that have more of an advanced thinking process. They have decided
that because so many students have such a high GPA, that they need to expand their applications beyond academics
and into more extracurricular activities.
We look for well-rounded students that have a thirst for knowledge and passion to contribute to others, Gilmore-
Cleveland said.
Senior Ball Preview

For many seniors, Senior Ball is one of the most anticipated events all year. It takes place just weeks before the
class graduates, and gives the class the opportunity to be together one the last times.
This year, the Class of 2017s senior ball will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Downtown Sacramento on the
night of April 6th.
It's a great experience and it is a wonderful way to end the year with all of your friends and spend time with your
class. Senior Class Vice President Daphne Peter says.
Groups of friends all across campus have already started preparations in the hope that the event will be the perfect
One long standing tradition that many are looking forward to is the elaborate askings that seniors come up with to
ask that special someone to be their date.
It's always been my favorite part of Senior Ball season. Senior Brandon Hill says. Just all of the crazy ways
people come up with to ask
Another tradition that is much anticipated is taking pictures at the Capitol.
Taking pictures was my favorite part (of the event) because it was right across the way from the venue Junior
Lauren Brown say.
Brown was a sophomore the first time she attended the event and said she had a ton of fun and (is) looking
forward to going again the the future.
This year the Senior Ball committee has changed some things to innovate the event and make it special for this
years graduating class.
We are setting up (the room) differently to make the environment more inclusive Peter says.
This years Senior Ball will also include more decorations in an effort to make the space feel fancier.
While there are many changes that are being made to this year's event, Senior Ball is sure to be a lasting memory
for the Class of 2017.
Festival Fashion

Summertime in California, much like a lot of other places, means that music festivals pop up in just about any field
or venue they can find. For a lot of festival goers, finding the perfect outfit is as important, if not more, than finding
the perfect festival.
From looking through Pinterest, to looking at pictures from other festivals, inspiration for these rather unique
outfits can be found almost anywhere.
I usually look at Pinterest or look up the location of the festival on Instagram to see what other people have worn
Granite Bay High School early graduate Alexis Hazelett said.
Pinterest can always be a resource when looking for anything trendy. For the most up to date trends, senior Layla
Mendoza sometimes takes a different approach.
I follow a lot fashion bloggers, models and small boutiques based out in the Los Angeles, Orange County and
Newport area, Mendoza said. I get inspiration from what they post on their Instagrams.
Its fashion bloggers like Olivia Culpo and Peyton List, who show off their outfits on social media, that inspire
festival goers like senior Jessica Williams.
I get a lot of my inspiration from looking at pictures of celebrities or people whose outfits Ive found really cute in
the past, Williams said.
Some people, like Hazelett and Mendoza, go out and buy new outfits from shops like Free People and Urban
Outfitters, while others like Williams build outfits off of what they already have in their closets.
I usually dont go out and shop for new outfits, Williams said. I just find something from my closet thats
similar to fits Ive built off of that.
Some of the festivals this summer include Bottlerock, in Napa Valley in late May and Lightning in a Bottle in
Bradley in late May. Later in the summer there is Outside Lands in San Francisco in August and Burning Man in
Nevada in late August.
For most of these festivals, attendees spend all day outside, which can get very hot, so functionality plays a part in
choosing an outfit as well.
I also base it a lot off the weather because if it's super hot you dont want to be uncomfortable in jeans or a long
sleeve all day.
When trying to find the perfect outfit a lot of things can factor in; for instance weather, location and personal
preference. However, the most important thing is always expressing yourself and wearing something that makes you
comfortable and happy.
The Parlor Cream Puffs
If you're into a dessert that is the most sugary thing known to man, but still delicious, then the Parlor is the ice
cream shop for you.
Unlike other ice cream shops around, The Parlors signature creation isnt just ice cream. It is, in fact, actually one
of their home made donuts, cut in half and stuffed with one of their signature ice cream flavors.
While the stuffed donut is their signature dessert, they also serve other things. You can get any one (or more) flavors
of their ice cream in a cup or a cone.
If that isn't enough, you have the option to add toppings. The toppings range from sprinkles, to cereal, to potato
chips, and much more.
When I first walked into the shop, I was greeted by two very friendly workers who welcomed myself and my group
in. We were immediately asked if we had been in before, and if we wanted them to explain their cream puffs.
The two other people I was with went the simple route and ordered their ice cream in a cup, while I wanted to try
the stuffed cream puff they are so famous for.
While we weren't able to try most of the flavors, I can say that we did try and enjoy a few.
50 shades of earl grey is an ice cream for those who dont have a super sweet tooth. The Green Machine is your
classic mint chip ice cream that you can never go wrong with getting. Both were very enjoyable flavors.
After much deliberations, and re-reading the almost too many ice cream flavors, I decided on a salted caramel ice
cream, inside an unglazed donut.
Dont get me wrong, both the ice cream and the donut were amazing, but I dont know how well they paired
together. I could have chosen another combination that might have been a little less sweet. What I chose was much
too powerful for me.
After they scooped our ice cream, made our way into the back room to eat our ice cream and hang out.
We didnt know about the back room when we came in, but it was nice because the front of the restaurant was
completely filled up with people.
The front room has a nice classic ice cream shop feeling, with tables to sit at, but I think the back room is much
cuter. There is more tables, as well as a chalkboard wall that you are able to draw on.
Since The Parlor has become one of the hotspots in Granite Bay, I would probably go again with friends.
However, I dont know if it would be the first place that comes to mind when the thought of ice cream comes into
my head.
Spring of Seniors final year of college can often be a hard and confusing time for many.
Between tests, college decision and trying to figure out what were trying to do with the rest of our lives, some
Granite Bay High School students have made a decision unlike most.
Seniors Grace Crandall and Brooke Golson have both made the decision to travel to Friedrichshafen, Germany,
after graduation to take part in a Bible study school.
The program is a 24 week intensive seminar on Christian discipleship and outreach from mid-September to mid-
March. the Bodenseehof website says.
The school offers a diverse and enriching experience for any student who chooses to study at the school.
Many student have different reasons as to why they choose to go to an international college versus an in country
I decided to attend an international college in Germany to expand my global outlook. Grace Crandall says Ive
grown up traveling with my family and I love to experience new cultures.
Aside from the actual curriculum that the school teaches, the school is in a location that allows students to easily
travel to Switzerland and Austria.
Friedrichshafen is located in a spot that is makes it easy to travel countries like France, Italy, Austria and
(I love) to travel and see a different parts of the world. Brooke Golson says.
While staying in the town of Friedrichshafen, students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular
activities like skiing and water sports.
The school is located on lake Bodensee. This allowed participants of the program to have an opportunity to be
involved in more than one sport.
Another one of the major draws for students is the closeness to the Swiss Alps. I love to ski and with the alps right
there I could ski every weekend. Crandall says.
The school is as close at 15 km (or about 9 miles) from ski resorts with some of the most famous slopes in the
world just a short car ride away.
For others who might be interested in the program, the starting fee for the 23 week program begins at 6,400,
which equates to a little more than $7,000 US dollars. The course fee includes: tuition, room, board, student fees,
laundry, email services, books, student trips, and use to the recreational facilities.

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