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Causes of Hypertension

The use of drugs such as corticosteroids group (cortison) and some hormone drugs, including
some anti-inflammatory drugs (anti-inflammasi) constantly (often) can increase a person's blood
pressure. Smoking is also one factor contributing to the increase in high blood pressure because
tobacco contains nicotine. Drinks containing alcohol are also included among the factors that can
cause high blood pressure.
Tips to overcome Hypertension

High blood pressure treatment begins with lifestyle changes to help lower blood
pressure and reduces risk of heart disease. If those changes do not provide results,
you may need to take medications for hypertension patients, of course, in
consultation with the doctor. Even if you have to take drugs, that would be
accompanied by changes in lifestyle can help you reduce the amount or dose of
medication you are taking.

1. Stop smoking
Nicotine in cigarettes, from tobacco causes blood vessels to shrink (constrict) and
heart rate becomes faster, which will temporarily raise blood pressure. If you stop
smoking, you can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attacks,
and can also lower blood pressure.

2. Exercise regularly

Reduce weight if you are overweight and do regular exercise.

If you are a person with overweight or overweight, losing weight usually helps lower
blood pressure. Regular exercise is a habit and a good way to lose weight. It also
seems useful for lowering blood pressure by itself.

3. Adjust your diet

Eat a healthy diet includes eating fruits and vegetables multiply and subtract
Reduce consumption of fat and sodium, alcohol and caffeine.
alcohol causes blood pressure to rise quite a lot. In others it does not give effect to
the rise in blood pressure. If you drink alcohol, limit your alcohol consumption with a
minium of alcohol not more than 1 or 2 drinks per day. One drink is a can of beer,
which one is the one glass of wine or a jigger of liquor. If your blood pressure
increases associated with alcohol, it is best not to drink any alcohol.

4. Try relaxation techniques

Stress may affect blood pressure. To help fight stress, try relaxation or
biofeeedback. This works well if done at least once a day.
diagnosis of hypertension
Someone said to suffer from hypertension if pressure is 140/90 mmHg and over,
measured in lying position after five minutes of rest.

Symptoms and signs of hypertension

Most patients do not have any complaints / symptoms, so a person can suffer from
hypertension for many - years without experiencing a disruption or symptoms.
Symptoms usually occur if the tension is very high in the form of headaches, neck
tension, dizziness, palpitations, etc..

Hypertension treatment
Treatment is divided into two non-drug treatment (non-pharmacologic) and
treatment with medication (pharmacologic). Non-drug treatment includes losing
weight if overweight, stop smoking, stop alcohol consumption and excessive coffee,
do regular exercise, change a stressful lifestyle, it is recommended salt intake does
not exceed - teaspoon / day). Treatment with the drug by administering anti-
hypertensive drugs such as diuretics, beta blockers, ACE (Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme) Inhibitors, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, Calcium Antagonists.

Based on the causes of hypertension, can be classified as:

1. primary hypertension

Primary hypertension is defined as hypertension that is not caused by a disturbance of other

organs such as kidneys and heart. Hypertension can be caused by environmental conditions such

Unhealthy lifestyle and balanced

Genetics / heredity
Unhealthy eating patterns are paying less attention to the fat content of foods consumed
Low activity / lack of movement and rarely exercise
Obesity / overweight
Smoking, consuming alcohol and caffeine
The majority of primary hypertension is caused by a stress factor because stress tends to
raise blood pressure temporarily.

2. secondary hypertension

Hypertension caused by disturbances in the function of organs such as:

The change in heart and blood vessels of organs that are causing increased blood tekananan
Kidney disorders, diabetes,

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