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UDL Lesson Plan

Kelsey Blanch
0 0 Last Updated: 1:13PM Today

About This Lesson

This lesson will be held in a second grade classroom, with students ages 7-8, during a 40 minutes English/Language Arts class period.
The classroom has 21 students. Each student in the classroom has their own device, a laptop, which is there for them throughout
instruction. Students has access to different supplies, pencils, markers, scissors, glue, etc., so they do not need to provide their own.
There is a Smartboard and a projector in the classroom for teacher and student use.

Mike has been identied as having a learning disability. He struggles to read grade level text and is unable to comprehend what he has
read. Data collected by his teacher suggests he is reading three levels below his peers. When material is read to him, however, he can
answer questions with a high degree of accuracy. When asked to read aloud in class or to respond verbally to written direction, Mike
often becomes verbally abusive to the teacher and his classmates. In the area of expressive oral language, Mike demonstrates the
ability to describe scenes, give directions, and explain steps. However, in written expression, Mike scores signicantly below his peers
in his ability to spell words used in everyday writing and to compose and write an organized, complete letter. His understanding of
mathematical concepts seems strong, but his academic progress in math is hindered by his difculties with reading and writing.

Jamal, a young boy with cerebral palsy, is an enthusiastic student, well on his way to becoming an expert on military tanks and
submarines. From his home computer he has found and collected hundreds of photos, stories, and websites devoted to these mobile
weapons. Jamal uses a wheelchair for mobility. Jamal speaks quite slowly and his speech is often unintelligible. With great difculty, he
can write and draw with pen and paper. He is much more successful using his computer with an expanded keyboard. Jamal is barely
keeping up in the mainstream classroom, in part because of increasing amounts of reading and writing. Science and social studies
particularly engage him, and he uses his strong strategic skills (such as his ability to seek, locate, and save information) to good effect
in these classes. However, because of his motor difculties, Jamal must invest tremendous effort just to keep pace, and at times he
becomes discouraged.

Mateo just moved to the United States with his parents and his little sister. Mateo loves futbol (soccer), music, and technology,
especially his iPad. He speaks Spanish uently. Mateo has had little education in the English language and only knows rudimentary
English vocabulary and directions. He struggles at reading and writing in the English language. Mateo attends an ESOL class for an
hour every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mateo is a bright student and has a great understanding of math, and when the textbook
and instructions are translated, has a wonderful understanding of science. When given repeated verbal directions, coupled with visual
supports, he is able to complete tasks. Mateo also excels when activities and assignments are rst modeled through hands-on

Daisy has been identied as Gifted and Talented. She is performing a whole grade level above her peers in reading, writing, and
mathematics. Daisy often gets bored during classroom instruction and has difculty with remaining motivated. Oftentimes, Daisy will
not nish her work and instead disrupt her peers with off-topic conversations. With appropriate, academic challenges, Daisy does enjoy
participating in cooperative group activities, discussions, and sharing her ideas with her peers. Daisy also enjoys doing research
projects and engaging creative writing opportunities.
Students must have a basic understanding of sequencing events,
Students must be able to explain what is happening in a picture.
Students must be able to read/listen to a story and understand the story.

45 minutes

Potential Use
PURPOSE: Classroom Instruction, Other, Small Group
CONTENT AREAS: English/Language Arts
COMMON CORE: English Language Arts
Reading: Literature
Key Ideas and Details
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.2 (grade 2): Recount
stories, including fables and folktales from diverse
cultures, and determine their central message,
lesson, or moral.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.3 (grade 2): Describe
how characters in a story respond to major events
and challenges.

All students will show they can successfully recall a story by sequencing the events from the story.

Students will be able to order the events of the story.

Options to Support Engagement:

To begin class everyday, students will follow the same routine so there is no confusion on what to do to begin the day. Each day, students will be
greeted by the teacher and then be expected to get ready for the day by grabbing their devices, putting their books in their chair pouch behind them,
having a sharpened pencil, and be sitting quietly either reading a book or working on work from the day before that they may have no nished, waiting
for the lesson to begin. To keep track of the time throughout the day, for each activity there will be an analog timer that is set to show the students
how much time they have remaining to work on the activity without having to ask how much time is left and making sure they are pacing themselves
to be able to complete the activity. At the start of everyday, a new student will be asked to read the objective and then another student is asked to
rephrase the objective in their own words to show they understand what the objective is stating. So all students are able to participate throughout the
day the teacher will call on students using Popsicle sticks. This will allow students like Jamal to have a chance to participate because he may be too
sky to raise his hand because he does not want to speak in front of others. The teacher will assign group leaders who will report the small group
answers when working in small groups so small group discussions are more orderly when sharing answers.

Options to Support Representation:

When giving instruction, the teacher will orally give the instruction multiple times as well as writing the instruction on the board for learners who forget
and need the extra reminder of what is to be done for the activity. The teacher will ask a student to repeat the directions of the activity to make sure
the students understand what is to be done and for some students, the instruction is reworded to understand better. To make sure all students are
following along, the teacher will ask for thumbs up or down to get an understanding of who needs more help and who is good with the directions or
the content being presented. Students will have access to their personal devices throughout the lesson and will be able to use Wixi and Padlet to
answer questions instead of using a pen and paper to write down their answers. Students will also have access to reading helpers, words posted
around the room (rst, second, after, then, last) to help guide the students in their activity.

Options to Support Action and Expression:

Teachers will allow students to submit their work in multiple different ways. For students who have trouble writing and are stronger speakers, they
can use a Vocaroo to answer their questions and then sent it to the teacher to listen to their answers. For students who are better writers but do not
like the tradition use of a pencil and paper, they have the option to work on their device to make a Powerpoint, create a Wixi, type a word document,
etc. Students will be able to do assignments using pictures, words, cutouts, drawings, etc. to show they get the meaning of the lesson and are able to
place events of a story in order. There will be supplies around the room at all times for students to use whenever needed and are easy to access for
any student (put in low, easy to reach places).

Part 2: Accommodations/Modications for Specic Students:

Mateo, who is an ELL student, will be provided with text in his native language as well as in English so while reading in English, if he
has trouble with a word, phrase, or sentence, he can look to his native language book and connect the two readings to help him better
understand the story. Mateo will also be provided with a dictionary for words he has trouble with that he will be able to look up
whenever needed. He will also be provided visuals as well as text to help him gure out what words are by using the pictures to help
him determine the word or event.

Mike, who has trouble reading and is 3 grades behind his peers, will have text read orally to him from a book on tape, allowing him to
comprehend the story. This will cause Mike to still get the content of the value of the lesson, even though he will not be reading the
story on his own. When given instruction, it will always be verbal as well as written so he is able to hear what is going on in the activity
as well as have it to refer back to if needed. To answer questions and assignments, Mike will be given the opportunity to use Vocaroo
to answer his questions orally to the teacher instead of writing down or typing up his answers so he does not become frustrated or

Jamal, a student with cerebral palsy, is placed in the front of the classroom so he is able to come and go freely and easily from the
classroom in his wheelchair. Jamal is provided with a device where he is able to type his answers down on paper instead of using a
pencil and paper, where he would have much difculty with gripping the pencil and writing legibly. Jamal is also provided with a text-to-
speech device so when he is hard to understand, he is able to still participate in conversation and answer questions, but instead he
types his answer or what he has to say, and his device will read it aloud for him. This will allow Jamal to still participate with the class
and will not feel left out or different.

Students will dene what sequencing is in their own words.

Students will raise their hands if they are struggling with any part of the shortstory and this will show if they are able to read this type of text or
if they are struggling with any part of it.

Teacher will walk around the class to make sure students are on task and completing the work correctly.

Thumbs up and thumbs down throughout the lesson to get feedback if students understand and the class can move on.

Giving feedback to peers.

Students will create a storyboard in a way that works best for them to show they understand sequential order of events in
a story.

Students will show they are able to sequence events from a story by sharing their creative ideas of how they brought their
storyboard together.

Students will show their understanding by turning in their storyboard and getting a grade back from their teacher.

Instructional Methods
When all students have arrived, while students are reading or doing work from the day before, give students a 2 minute warning to
nish up whatever they are doing, put everything away and sit quietly and wait until the whole class is ready. This gives the students
enough time to nish what they are working on and have time to clean up and get ready for the lesson to begin without feeling rushed.
When everyone has put everything away and everyone is quiet, the teacher will call the quietest tables to the rug one at a time to start
the morning activity, creating less chaos than if everyone were to go to the rug at once.

The teacher will write to word sequencing up on the board for visual learners and verbally say the word for oral learners. The teacher
will ask the students, What is sequencing? Can anyone explain that in their own words to me? If they are having trouble with this,
guide them by saying, What are some of your daily activities you complete? The teacher then will go onto act out some things that
the students might do during the day. The teacher acts out, for visual learners, brushing teeth, getting dressed, eating breakfast. When
the students see this they come up with some answers. Students Brushing teeth, going to school, getting dressed. Teacher then
says, All of these activities happen in multiple steps, which we have to do in a certain order to have it turn out the correct way. Now
everyone talk in your small groups to come up in your own words what it means to sequence. Students talk in small groups. Jamal
uses his text to speech device to give ideas in a small group. Mateo has his dictionary handy to participate. A student will be assigned
to be the group leader and the group leader will answer after two minutes of discussing.

Anticipatory Set

After groups have shared, students will be asked to think about why they are talking about sequencing and what they might be doing
with this lesson today. After a minute, the teacher will pull out a Popsicle stick with a students name on it and that student will be
asked to read the objective. If Mateo, Mike, or Jamal are called on, they will be encouraged to use their devices to help them to read
the objective successfully and will be allowed to ask for help with words they struggle with. After the objective is read, the teacher will
ask, Put your thumbs up if you think you would be able to reword this objective in your own words and thumbs down if you would
struggle doing this. This will give the teacher a view of what students understand what the goal is for the day. After the objective is
read, another student will be called on to reword the objective in their own words to show they understand what the objective is stating.


After reading the objective, ask the students, Why is it important to be able to recall events from a story? Students will think about this
question and if any students want to answer they can, or students can just think about this and come back to it later in the lesson. This
will leave the students thinking about the objective as they are working through their lesson and they will keep coming back to the
objective to get the meaning on the instruction.

Introduce New Knowledge
A erdiscussingwhatasequenceis,havestudentssaysomethingstheycompletethroughouttheirdailyrou nes

I will ask, What are some daily routines you complete throughout the day? I call on Daisy to answer rst to make sure
she is staying on task and she is the rst one to answer so if she becomes off task, she will not repeat what someone
has already given an example of.

Daisy says, Brushing my teeth.

Next I call on Mike who is following along because he is engaged since everything is being spoken to him and he does
not have to worry about reading any words to follow along.

I call on some other students and they give examples like, getting dressed, eating breakfast, cooking, following a recipe,
and doing homework.

I call on Mateo and ask him to act out something he does throughout his day so he does not struggle with coming up
with words on the spot and it will make him feel more comfortable sharing

We pick one of these ideas and we start to name what the order we do these activities in
For example we pick the idea of getting dressed. Even though it seems like an easy task, there are steps to completing
it. First pick out your clothes, and then put on a shirt. Next, put on your pants, last put on your socks. This is a short
sequence, but it is still a sequence of events that one follows.

After thinking about daily routines and the events that happen, students, as a class, will now work with a short story.

Each student will be given the same short story to begin so they are able to follow along while the story is ready orally
to the whole class so Mike and Mateo are able to follow along without falling behind or being frustrated.

As the story is read aloud instruct students to take a highlighter or sticky notes and mark down where they see main
events that they think are important to the story. This will help with our visual learners and poor readers, Mike and
Mateo, by allowing them to see where they found main points instead of having to reread the entire story to nd events.

As the teacher reads, pause after a couple of pages and walk around the room and make sure students understand the
task, especially Mateo and Mike.


Model New Skills and Knowledge

Now, still as a whole class we will do a visualsequence of events for our ELL student, Mateo, and students who have trouble writing like Mike

The teacher introduces the sequence of a daily routine, brushing your teeth, for example and acts this activity out
in front of the entire class.

Students will each be given a set of event cards, each having a different picture with the different parts of
brushing your teeth (getting toothbrush, wetting toothbrush, adding toothpaste, brushing teeth, spitting, rinsing.)

Students will work in pairs or independently, giving them the option to collaborate with others, to sequence these
events in order.

Students will have to recall the events the teacher has acted out previously to successfully put the events in the
correct order.

Since the activity has event cards, Mateo, Mike, and Jamal will do this assignment with more ease then if they
were instructed to write down the events in order on paper.

Will go over as a whole class to make sure everyone understood the activity and before moving on to a harder
sequencing map.

Guided Practice
After working on the two different sequencing activities, students will have a good understanding of sequencing events in order.
After the activities, ask students to put thumbs up that they understand the concept well or thumbs down if they
are struggling.

Some students put their thumbs down, but most put their thumbs up

The teacher says, Okay well no matter if you understand or need more practice, we are all going to take another
look at sequencing through other short stories.

Students will be assigned different short stories to work on independently or with a partner, however they feel
necessary. By giving the option to work with a partner gives Mateo, Jamal, and Mike the opportunity to work with
someone who can help them complete the activity and allows a student like Daisy to challenge herself and work

Students will challenge themselves to work hard on sequencing their story because every story is different and
they are going to share their main events of their story with the class after they have successfully sequenced
their story.

Stories will vary in reading level based on the level of each student. Mike and Mateo will be given a story of a
reading level that is of that of Kindergarten to 1st grade but will still challenge themselves to nd the sequence of
that story

Daisy will be given a story of a reading level of 3rd grade to challenge her to a more in-depth story and nd the
main events, which will probably contain more events than that of other students stories.

When pairing students, make sure students are working on the same reading level so one student is not
confused because the reading level is too difcult or bored because the reading level is too simple.

Students will begin reading their short stories and whether working alone or in pairs, will start to point out the
events of the stories.

Mike, Jamal, and Mateo will be given the opportunity to listen to their story on tape or use a reading marker to
follow along with the text as they are looking for main events.

Independent Practice
Now that students are able to put events into sequential order, they will have to put the events from the story into order.

Either working independently or with one partner, students will have to create a story line that would be able to be
explained to someone who has not read the story but wants to know what it is about. Since every pair or person has a
different book, they will have to explain to the rest of the class what events happen in their story so the other students
understand without having the read the story.
Students will be given several different materials to help them complete this activity. Students will be able to use multiple
resources around the room, for example, storybook paper, markers, glue, scissors, and devices. Students may create a
storyboard with pictures, speak into a Vocaroo that they can play for the class explaining the events, type the events
and make a powerpoint slideshow, create drawings on their devices to show the events, etc.

Students may use their devices to get images to create a visual story, they can draw pictures and write captions to go
along with them, etc.

By allowing students to come up with their own ideas to show the events from their story in a sequence, it allows each
student to be creative with how they are showing their understanding and learning and it allows for students with
disabilities, Mike, Mateo, and Jamal, to be able to complete the activity in an easy way instead of struggling with
writing. By allowing students to tell the story orally, Mike will be able to be successful in completing the assignment by
showing that he has learned instead of not seeing he has learned because he just could not get the words on paper.

For students who are struggling, pair them up with a student who is more condent and does a great job at getting their
work done and are striving.

To make sure students are all contributing equally to the assignment, the teacher will walk around the room making sure
everyone is staying on task and being involved with what they are working on. Students will get a warning if they are
goong off and not doing work with their partner, and if warned again, they will be forced to work on the assignment

Give the class 15 minutes to complete this activity before getting everyone together to end the lesson.

To close this lesson, I will have each student come up and present what he or she have come up with. By allowing the
students to show their work in a manner in which they decided, it allows for all students, including my four students
with different needs, to be successful at completing the assignment given. For Mike, Mateo, and Jamal, they will not
be forced to speak in front of the class, instead they are able to show their drawings, pictures, Vocaroo, or any other
way they have presented their information and allowing their classmates to look at the assignment to see what main
events were in their story.
To get quick feedback, I will have students give something they liked about their peers project and something they might want to
improve on for the future

By sharing everyones work, it allows the students to get quick feedback on if their events line up with others and maybe bring up an
event they thought was important that someone else might not have come up with.

After sharing everyones project, we will take a look back to the objective
One student will be asked to reread what the objective stated and take a look back at the question asked earlier, Why is it important to
be able to sequence the events of the story.

By looking at this question and looking back at the objective students will be able to prove if they have successfully completed this
objective for the day or if it will have to be revisited the next day to get a better understanding of the concept taught.

The teacher will ask, Using your ngers, holding up 1 to 5 ngers, show how well you believe you understand the concept and the
lesson objective for the day, 1 being did not understand it and 5 being you understand the objective so well you could teach it to a
different class tomorrow.

Students use their ngers to show how well they understood. This allows the teacher to get quick feedback right away and allows all
students to show if they understood without having to write down any answers or explain if they did or did not.

Students will turn in what they have created to be looked at by the teacher and the teacher will determine how well the students were
able to show the events of the story in order.

At the end of the day, because Daisy was not disruptive and helped her classmates, she earns one sticker to her chart to get closer to
receiving a prize.

Author's Reflection
By applying the UDL guidelines to lesson plans, it allows teachers to meet the needs of a diverse group of
students. Teachers are able to use multiple ways of engagement, representation, and action and expression to
allow all students to benet from the lesson and learn new skills and concepts. By applying the guidelines,
students are able to complete their work in many different ways and in ways that is best and easiest for them to
succeed. All students will not benet from writing answers down on a piece of paper and handing it in, some
students need visuals to help them learn while others need to be more verbal. Teachers must always use InTASC
6: assessment and think about what they are going to be assessing their students with and how much it will benet
each student. Because of the variability of learners, teachers may struggle with this and should always look for
resources that will help them to have ever student benet using different AI services.

The students with special needs in my description require additional supports because they struggle
with writing and reading skills. I made appropriate choices about assistive technology and alternative
communication for these students by allowing the students to listen to a book on tape as they followed along with
the story they were reading to help them to hear the words and place them with what the word looked like since
they struggled with reading and comprehending the text. For communication, I allowed for students to talk into a
Vocaroo to tell the events of the story because they are showing the understand the concept, just have trouble
writing down the words and as a teacher you do not want to hold a child back from learning the concept of the

This artifact demonstrates my ability to plan instruction for diverse learners because I was able to
change parts of the lesson for each of the different types of learners. I made sure that every student would be
able to complete the activity without them stressing about being able to get it done or worrying about only being
able to complete it in one way. I gave out various different resources for students to use so every student would
be free to do the activity however they believed they could show they understand and come complete the objective
for the day.

Books on tape for students who have trouble reading

Highlighter tape

The short story to use as a class

Sequencing cards



Variety of short stories

Communication devices

Vocaroo Web Page
Why it's included:
This resource will help Mike with creating his storyboard of events. This will allow Mike to use words
verbally rather than writing down each event that happened in the story. This way Mike is able to should
that he comprehends the story and the events throughout.

0 0 Last Updated: 12:51PM Today

Text to Speech Device

Why it's included:
This device will allow Jamal to type what he has to say and the device will speak for him. This allows
Jamal to participate in class and small group discussions without worrying about if someone will be able
to understand him.

0 0 Last Updated: 1:12PM Today

Author's Reflection
From writing this lesson, my ability to meet the needs of diverse learners has developed greatly. Before
when writing lessons, I did not think too much about the differences of the learners and the variability a teacher
must think about when planning lessons to make sure every student would benet from the lesson. After
writing the lesson, I have taken more consideration into all different learners and making sure the lesson is
suitable for all learners and not just one kind. By allowing students to choose how they want to present their
work shows variability in teaching because the learners get to show the teacher how they learned the concept
and if they understand it or not.

This positively impacts student learning because it allows for all students to benet from what the teacher
is teaching for the day. If the teacher did not think about all of the diverse learners, only a handful of the class
would have benetted form the day, and that would most likely be the GT learners that are able to adapt to
different learning styles better than a student with a learning disability would be able to.

I will use this knowledge and the skilled developed in this class in my future teaching every single time I
write a lesson plan or teach a lesson. I know that by having learners of all different types, not everything will
always go as planned but I learned that teachers must to be very adaptable during lessons for when a student
does not understand something or needs a little extra help or has to present their work in different ways. I will
always make sure that I am allowing my students multiple different ways of showing their work and never hold
a student back from doing so.


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