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2-1. An oil well produces under steady-state conditions. Assume that there is no skin effect in the
well system. The drainage area is 40 acres, and the reservoir pressure is 5000 psi. Generate inflow
performance relationship (IPR) curves for three permeability values of 1 md, 10 md, and 100 md,
respectively. Obtain other variables from Appendix A.

2-2. Assume a production rate of 150 STB/d and a drainage area of 40 acres. The reservoir pressure
is 5000 psi. Use the well and reservoir properties in Appendix A. Calculate the total pressure
gradient required for values of skin of 0, 5, 10, and 20. In each case, what fraction of the pressure
gradient is across the damage zone? Plot the well IPR for each skin value.

2-3. Equation (2-42) provided the time for beginning of pseudosteady state. Calculate this time for the
well described in Appendix A if the drainage area is 80 acres. What would be the average reservoir
pressure at that time? The flowing bottomhole pressure is 4000 psi. (Note: Calculate flow rate from
transient relationship. Use this flow rate to solve for from the pseudosteady-state relationship.)

2-4. Using the variables for the well in Appendix A, and assuming that the reservoir initial pressure
is 5000 psi, develop a cumulative production curve for 1 year. At what time will the well produce
50% of the total? The flowing bottomhole pressure is 4000 psi. Select the appropriate flow equation
based on Equation (2-42).

2-5. Continue Problem 4. Assuming a pressure decline rate of 500 psi/year, calculate the discounted
present value for the expected cumulative production of the first 3 years. Assume that the oil price is
$100. The discount rate (time value of money) is 0.08. Discounted present value = (Np)n/(1 + i)n,
where (Np)n is the cumulative production in year n and i is the discount rate. What are the fractional
contributions from each year to the 3-year discounted present value?

2-6. The average pressure in a reservoir is 5000 psi. If the well drainage area in another reservoir is
half that of the first reservoir, what should be its average pressure to produce the same well flow
rate? Use zero skin and 4000 psi bottomhole flowing pressure for both wells. Assume that all other
variables are the same. Explain your result.

2-7. Given the well data in Appendix A, and assuming a 40 acre drainage area, calculate:

a. the time required to reach pseudosteady state.

b. the flow rate for transient flow from time = 0 to time to pseudosteady state at wellbore flowing
pressures ranging from 0 to initial reservoir pressure. Display 5 equal increments for time and 10
for wellbore flowing pressure. Plot the corresponding IPR curves.

c. the flow rate for pseudosteady state, if the flow boundary pressure equals the initial reservoir
pressure and the wellbore flowing pressure is 500 psi.
d. the IPR curve for a reservoir at pseudosteady-state condition with average reservoir pressure
equal to 5000 psi at the time of transition. Repeat for average reservoir pressures of 4500 and
4000 psi.

2-8. For the well described in Problem 2-7, what should be the impact on the well production rate if
the well were placed within the drainage area as depicted in configurations no. 8, no. 9, or no. 11 in
Figure 2-3? How would be the presence of a skin effect change this comparison? Use skins equal to
0, 10, and 30.


2-1. Un pozo de petrleo produce bajo condiciones de estado estacionario. Suponga que no hay
efecto de la piel en el sistema del pozo. El rea de drenaje es de 40 acres, y la presin del depsito
es de 5000 psi. Generar curvas de relacin de rendimiento de entrada (IPR) para tres valores de
permeabilidad de 1 md, 10 md y 100 md, respectivamente. Obtener otras variables desde el
Apndice A .

2-2. Suponga una tasa de produccin de 150 STB / dy un rea de drenaje de 40 acres. La presin
del depsito es 5000 psi. Utilice las propiedades as y de depsito en el Apndice A . Calcular el
gradiente de presin total requerido para los valores de la piel de 0, 5, 10 y 20. En cada caso, qu
fraccin del gradiente de presin est a travs de la zona de dao? Trace el IPR del pozo para cada
valor de piel.

2-3. La ecuacin ( 2-42 ) proporcion el momento de inicio del estado seudo estable. Calcular esta
vez para el bien descrito en el Apndice A si el rea de drenaje es de 80 acres. Cul sera la presin
promedio del yacimiento en ese momento? La presin de fondo fluyente es de 4000 psi. (Nota:
Calcular el caudal de la relacin transitoria Utilice este caudal para resolver. desde el estado-
pseudoestable relacin.)

2-4. Utilizando las variables para el bien en el Apndice A , y suponiendo que la presin inicial del
depsito es de 5000 psi, desarrollar una curva de produccin acumulada durante 1
ao. A qu hora del pozo producir el 50% del total? La presin de fondo fluyente es de
4000 psi. Seleccionar la ecuacin de flujo apropiada basada en la ecuacin ( 2-42 ).
2-5. Continuar Problema 4. Suponiendo una tasa de cada de presin de 500 psi / ao,
calcular el valor actual descontado para la produccin acumulada esperada de los primeros 3
aos. Supongamos que el precio del petrleo es
$ 100. La tasa de descuento (valor temporal del dinero) es de 0,08. Valor descontado presente
= ( N p) n / (1 + i) n, donde ( N p) n es la produccin acumulada en el ao n y i es la tasa
de descuento. Cules son las contribuciones fraccionales de cada ao para el valor
actual descontado de 3 aos?

2-6. La presin media en un depsito es de 5000 psi. Si el rea de drenaje del pozo de otro
reservorio es la mitad de la del primer reservorio, cul debera ser su presin media para producir
el mismo caudal del pozo? Use cero piel y presin de flujo de fondo de 4000 psi para ambos
pozos. Suponga que todas las dems variables son iguales. Explique su resultado.

2-7. Teniendo en cuenta los datos de pozos en el Apndice A , y suponiendo un rea de drenaje 40
acre, calcular:

a. el tiempo requerido para alcanzar seudo estable estado.

b. el caudal de flujo transitorio de vez en cuando = 0 a seudo estable estado a las presiones del
pozo fluye que van desde 0 a la presin del depsito inicial. Display
5 incrementos iguales por el tiempo y 10 para pozo presin que
fluye. Trazar la correspondiente Las curvas de DPI.

c. el tarifa para pseudoestable fluir estado, si la presin lmite de flujo es igual

a la presin del depsito inicial y la presin que fluye del pozo es 500 psi.

d. el Curva IPR para un depsito en la condicin -

state pseudoestable con presin media depsito igual a 5000 psi
en el momento de transicin. Repita parapresiones medias de depsito de
4.500 y 4.000 psi.
2-8. Por el bien descrito en Problema 2-7 , lo que debera ser el impacto en la tasa de
produccin bien si el pozo se coloca dentro del rea de drenaje como se representa en las
configuraciones no. 8, no. 9, o no. 11 en la Figura 2-3 ? Cmo sera la presencia de un efecto
de piel cambie esta comparacin? Use pieles igual a 0, 10, y 30.
Petroleum Production Technology Inflow Equation Tutorial 1 1. Assume a production rate of
80 STB/d and a drainage area of 640 acres. Using the well and reservoir properties as given
bellow, calculate the total pressure drawdown required for values of skin of 0,5,10, and 20. In
each case, what would be the fraction of this pressure gradient across the damage zone? 2.
The average pressure in a reservoir is 6000 psi. If the well drainage area in another reservoir is
half that of the first reservoir (e.g., 640 versus 320 acres), what should be its average reservoir
pressure to produce the same flow rate? Use zero skin and 3000psi bottomhole flowing
pressure for both wells. All other variables are the same. 3. What would be the impact on the
well production rate if the well were placed within the drainage area as depicted in
configurations no. 7, no. 8, and no.9 in Figure 1, given bellow? Assume a drainage area of 640
acres and rw = 0.328. How would the presence of a skin distort this comparison? Use skins
equal to 0, 10, and 30 and pwf = 3000 psi. 4. A horizontal well, 1000 ft long, is drilled in a
reservoir with permeability anisotropy, = Iani= 1. What should be be the horizontal well length
to produce the same flow rate if Iani= 3? The drainage radius, reH = 2980 ft, and the flowing
bottomhole pressure, Pwf = 3500 psi. 1 Figure 1: Dietz Shape Factors Use following data while
it is necessary h = 53 ft pb =1323 psi co =1.40x10-05psi-1 cw =3.00x10-06psi-1 cf =2.80x10-
06psi-1 ct =1.29x10-05psi-1 o = 1.7 cp Bo =1.1 res bbl/STB RS =150 SCF/STB Sw = 0.34
APIo =28 rw =0.328ft kH = 8.2 mD kv = 0.9 mD = 0.19 Reservoir pressure, pi = 5651 psi (while
not given) 2 Solution Problem 1 Assume a production rate of 80 STB/d and a drainage area of
640 acres. Use the well and reservoir properties as given in page 2. Calculate the total
pressure loss for values of skin of 0, 5, 10, and 20. In each case, what fraction of this pressure
gradient is across the damage zone? Solution: Assume steady state condition with cylindrical
drainage area. Given q = 80 STB/d A = 640 acres = 27,878,400 ft2 A r e2 re A 27878400 2979
ft Pressure Drawdown at steady state condition: 142.2qB re ln s r kh w 141.2 80 1.11.7 2979 =
ln 0.328 s 8.253 Using Eq. p total p e p wf ptotal = 443 + 48.6s Pressure loss due to Skin:
ps = 48.6s Fraction of pressure loss due to skin across damaged zone: p s 48.6s (Eq. 1) p
total 443 48.6s Using Eq.1, fraction of pressure loss due to skin across damaged zone can be
calculated for different value of skin as given bellow: ps s ptotal, psi ptotal 0 443 0 5 686
0.354 10 929 0.523 20 1415 0.687 3 Problem 2 The average pressure in a reservoir is 6000
psi. If the well drainage area in another reservoir is half that of the first reservoir (e.g., 640
versus 320 acres), what should be its average reservoir pressure to produce the same flow
rate? Use zero skin and 3000psi bottomhole flowing pressure for both wells. All other variables
are the same. Solution: Since average reservoir pressure is given, well should flow under semi
steady state condition. Inflow equation at semisteady state condition is given by: q k hp p wf
.(1) 0.472re 141.2 B ln s rw Since flow rate for two reservoirs are equal, q k h p1 p wf k h p2
p wf (Assume other reservoir parameters are 0.472re1 0.472re 2 141.2 B ln 141.2 B ln rw rw
same, and s = o, given) p2 3000 6000 3000 0.472re1 0.472re1 ln ln rw rw ln 0.472re 2 rw 1 p2
3000 ln 0.472re1 rw re1 re 2 64043560 2980 ft 32043560 2106 ft rw = 0.328 ft So. p2 = 5875
psi 4 Problem 3 What would be the impact on the well production rate if the well were placed
within the drainage area as depicted in configurations no. 7, no. 8, and no.9 in Figure 1?
Assume a drainage area of 640 acres and rw = 0.328. How would the presence of a skin
distort this comparison? Use skins equal to 0, 10, and 30 and pwf = 3000 psi. Solution: Using
general pressure, which takes into account irregular (noncircular) drainage shapes or
asymmetrical positioning of a well within its drainage area, by using a shape factor CA, the
inflow equation is given by for semisteady state condition: p p wf 141.2 q B 1 4A ln 2 C r 2 s
Eq.1 kh A w Where: A : drainage area = 640 acres, : Eulers constant = 1.78, CA : shape factor,
rw : wellbore radius = 0.328 ft and s : skin effect Using given Data, check the influence of
irregular pattern on the production rate First let s = 0 Lets consider first that the well is placed
at the center of a square (configuration 7 in Fig.1), then CA = 30.9 Using above Eq.1, when s =
0: q = [ 8.2*53*(56513000) ] / [ 141.2*1.1*1.7*0.5*ln (4*640*43560 / 1.78*30.9*0.3282) ] q =
8727 / ln (582,317,909 / 30.9) q = 521 STB/day For configuration 8 in Fig 1, the shape factor is
equal to 13. All other variables remain the same. The production rate becomes q = 8727 / ln
(582,317,909 / 13) q = 495 STB/day This represents a 5 % reduction. The well is then placed at
the center of the upper right quadrant of a square drainage shape (configuration 9 in Fig 1),
and the shape factor becomes 4.5. So, q = 8727 / ln (582,317,909 / 4.5) q = 467 STB/day This
represents a 10 % reduction compared to the first configuration. 5 Influence of the skin effect
on the production rate Lets consider first, s = 10 For CA = 30.9, the well production becomes q
= 4363.5 / [ 0.5*ln (582,317,909 / 30.9) +10 ] q = 237 STB/day For CA = 13, the well production
becomes q = 4363.5 / [ 0.5*ln (582,317,909 / 13) +10 ] q = 232 STB/day This represents a 2 %
reduction. For CA = 4.5, the well production becomes q = 4363.5 / [ 0.5*ln (582,317,909 / 4.5)
+10 ] q = 226 STB/day This represents a 4.5 % reduction. We see that a skin effect equal to 10
divides approximately the production rate by 2. However, the influence of the shape is reduced
(2 % instead of 5 % and 4.5 % instead of 10 %). Lets consider now s = 30 For CA = 30.9, the
well production becomes q = 4363.5 / [ 0.5*ln (582,317,909 / 30.9) +30 ] q = 114 STB/day For
CA = 13, the well production becomes q =4363.5 / [ 0.5*ln (582,317,909 / 13) +30 ] q = 112
STB/day This represents only a 1.75 % reduction. For CA = 4.5, the well production becomes q
= 4363.5 / [ 0.5ln (582,317,909 / 4.5) +30 ] q = 111 STB/day This represents a 2.5 % reduction.
We can notice here that the presence of a skin effect of 30 divides approximately the
production rate by 4.5. However, the effects of the drainage shape become almost invisible. 6
Problem 4 A horizontal well, 1000 ft. long, is drilled in a reservoir with, permeability anisotropy,
I ani 1 . What should be the horizontal well length to produce the same flow rate if I ani 3 ? The
drainage radius, reH, is 2980 ft and the flowing bottomhole pressure, pwf, is 3500 psi. Solution:
Inflow equation for horizontal well is given by: q k H h( p r p wf ) 0.472reh S 141.2 B ln rw (1)
Where, rw reh ( L / 2) a 1 1 ( L / 2a ) 2 k h /rw ( k 1) k h / L a 0.5L 0.5 0.25 2reh / L , 4 (2) k
k H / k v reh 43560A / After mathematical manipulation of Eqs. 12, with S = 0, and k = Iani,
inflow equation can be written as: q k h h p i p wf a a 2 L / 2 2 141.2 B ln L/2 I h I h ani ani ln r I
1 L w ani (Eq.3) k I ani kh kv and a 0.5L 0.5 0.25 2reh / L 4 for L 0.9 reH 2 When Iani = 1 L =
1000ft then a = 3001 Thus, q = 1306 STB/d (Eq. 3) when For Iani = 1, reH = 2980 ft and, pwf,
= 3500 psi, and L = 1000 For Iani = 3 and q = 1306 stb/day, reH = 2980 ft and, pwf, = 3500 psi,
the length of horizontal section can be calculated using Eq. 3 by trial and error method (you
may try in excel). Ans: the length of well would be about 1380 ft to produce the same flow rate
(please let me know if you find different answer) 7 ...

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