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Impact Of Seaweeds On Agricultural Crop Production As Biofertilizer

abstract seaweeds or marine marcroalgae areb rich in diverense compaunds

like priteins ,carboydrates,bial compaunds and minerals.thir potenial for
agricultural application of organic farming and organic food stimulated mach the
application of organic treatments like seaweed extrcts in agriculture.the benefits of
seaweds application agricultural fields are numerous end diverse such as
stimulation of seed germination enhancementof health and growthof plants namely
shoot and root elongation resistance toward phytopathogenic organism remediation
of pollutants of contaminated coil and this review ,scientific
progress in this field was collected and critically assessed to lay grounds for further
investigation and application

Dampak Rumput Laut Terhadap Produksi Tanaman

Pertanian Sebagai Biofertilizer

Rumput laut abstrak atau marcroalgae laut areb kaya akan

variasi divergen seperti pritein, carboydrates, komplementer dan
mineral bial. Potenial untuk aplikasi pertanian organik organik dan
makanan organik mendorong penerapan aplikasi organik seperti
ekstrak rumput laut di pertanian. Manfaat aplikasi usahatani
rumput laut. Ladang beragam beragam seperti stimulasi
peningkatan perkecambahan benih kesehatan dan pertumbuhan
tanaman yaitu daya tahan tunas dan tunas terhadap remediasi
sitopatogenik polutan koil dan pemupukan yang terkontaminasi.
Dalam peninjauan ini, kemajuan ilmiah di bidang ini dikumpulkan
dan dinilai secara kritis untuk diletakkan. Dasar untuk
penyelidikan lebih lanjut dan aplikasi

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