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El trmino esttica no est liberado del su uso clsico.

Proviene de la
palabra griega aisthetiks: sensacin. Connotacin naciente en la
filosofa platnica, asociada a lo sensible. La esttica se liga al acto
imaginativo (artstico), y se entiende como la disciplina que encuentra
su valor, al definir y bordear al ser. Disciplina de lo bello que plantea
la eternidad de la obra artstica, donde tanto el observador como el
creador son seres finitos, pero esta contemplacin/creacin afecta de
manera dialctica. Es entonces la esttica una prctica que cala los
huesos?, lo correcto es preguntarse entonces por
los actuales discursos y prcticas que giran en torno al concepto de la
esttica. El rastreo en el presente artculo se edifica desde la aparicin
de este trmino, sus giros ms importantes y la introduccin del
mismo en los discursos y practicas educativas, como practica
formativa del ser o como prctica instrumentalizada.

The term esthetics is not separate from his classic use. It comes from
the greek aisthetiks: feeling, this connotation derive from the platonic
philosophy associated with the concept of sensibility and the colective
imaginary of the world of the ideas. The esthetics is linked to the
imaginary act (artistic) and is understood as the discipline that founds
its meaning defining and shaping the Being. Discipline of the beauty
that pose the eternity of the artistic work, where both viewer and
creator are infinitive being, but this observation/ creation impact in a
dialectical manner. Is it then the esthetics a practice that splits your
bones?1 The right thing to ask, is then, which are the current
discourses and practices that relates itself with the esthetics concept.
The enquiry in this article is build from the appearance of this term and
its most important changes, its introduction in the speeches and the
educational practices, as a formative practice of the being or as a
practice use as an instrument.

1. Analoga del amor llevada al concepto de practica Vease; Cortazar, J (Rayuela,pp


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