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DESIGN OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SECOND EDITION ARTHUR H. NILSON Curved prestressed concrete bridge girders used . highway orade sep- ‘ration, Courtesy of State of Calforia, Department ot Puble Works, JOHN WILEY 6 SONS NewYork * Chichester - Brisbane - Toronlo ~ Singepore opi ©1017 yD ‘Abii eed Ped enna in Cina ‘Ata teed a ened Se {ey mdvod a Und St Cope 2 Sn nb pee ‘heermsnss Dept, Wy So ay of Coon Cag Pei ate In hl er tind PREFACE ‘Although the frst proposal appl prestessing to concrete was made as ‘arly a6 166, inthe United Stato, was ony a a result of he suc of the renowned French engineer Eugene Freyssinet inthe 1830s that pr ‘vesaed concrete became 2 pracical realty. in Europe, in the period ot ‘2cuta mater shortages folowing World War I Freyesint ana other pioneers demonsvated the remarkable possibilis ofthis new concept of fesign, and set hostage for tho development that was fo take pace tthe fotoming years Largely for economic rather than technical reasons, the evolution of prestested concrete in the Unied States haa been slong. somewhat flerent tines than in Europe. Untl just a few years ago, inerest was ‘mainly In standardized precast and pretensioned units of rlavely short Span, which could be mass-produced with great saving in labor cost Holowcore slabs and single and doubl-T boams wero, and are, widely ‘sed Yor floors, rots, and walls of buildings. For highway bridges, sta ‘are L-beams, T-beams, and box section bears evolved. Precast members ‘ot these types have accounted fo a sgnicant Wacton of al new construc: ‘ion ena undoubtedly wil continue to do 2. However, changing economic conditons and a rapily evolving tech nology are producing important changes In U. S. practice. Construction labor isnot in such short supply. The cost of materials & constanty ‘noreasing. There Is @ serous concern about conservation of resources Improved materiale and more powerful methods of analysis are goneraly valabe. Under these ceumstances, i's natural that engineers shoud ‘uum to more sophisticated designs, such as those developed meanwhile in Europe, which more fully expot the potential of presvessed concrote, CCastin-place fat plato leer, postensioned for hl continu are now ‘common in Buldings. Short to medium span highway brdges, often com Dining vertical grade wih horzontal curvature and superetvaton (Soe ‘rontspace, for example) are used to ensure smooth Wa flow. Segmen- ily east continuous-beam bridges an cable stayed gircers of presiossod concrete have dramatically extended previous span limts. The continued evolution of beth conventional and more innovative ‘ypes of prestesses. concrete consruction has created the need for {nginger who have a tm understanding of undamenta principles, on the fone hand, and the ally Yo create efficient and practeal designs, on the ‘ther. Family wih governing codes and specications is necessary Dut |S not sufficient for present-day pracice. Engineers are needed who can ‘ot eniy be effective in optimizing exsing forme of constuction but iso ‘can_apply fundamental concepts with confidence In new and unusual Stations, 'Thope that this book wil be an effective aid inthe edcaton of such persons. The inital emphasis is placed on fundamontas of behavior. This 'S folowed by presentation and explanation of imporiant code provisions {and design oft procedures, ilustrated by practical exampes. [Although intonded marly as a college textbook for use atthe fourth- ‘or tith-year fvel a special effort has been made to develop a clear ‘settcontaned presentation, so thatthe book may also be used by en ‘ineers in practice who wish To improve thee knowledge ot this raately ‘now field. The material has been cartuly coordinated with codes govern. Ing U.S. practee, partcularly the atest eaton of Bullaing Code Require ‘menis for Reinforced Concrete, published ty the American Concrete "AC! Cade notation ls used as far ax possible. Frequent reerence to tho publation ofthe Prestressed Concrete Instituto and tho PostTensioning Instiute, providing an insight into actual design practoo for the student, and suggesting souroos of practical information. Extonsive reference ists at ho ond ofeach chaptor provide a guide to the iterate {or those whose needs go beyond the coverage ofthis text “The book has grown trom a set of ectre notes tha developed while teaching prestressed concrete fo ov engineering students at Comet Universty over a 30sear period. The arrangement of te material flows ‘that of my loctres. Aor an introduction fo the Base concepts in Chapter 1, and a summary of concrete and stel material properties in Chapter 2, ‘the analysis and design of beams is presente in Chapters 3t0 5, Losees of presrest are considered in Chapter 6. it may be argued thal analysis of tosses shoulé precede beam analysis and design, but | have conclued that, om a pedagogical vewpoint, there's greater advantage to geting on ‘withthe Business of design ear in many practical cases, losses need be ‘Considered in no more detail than in Chaptrs 2 and 4 “The study of defections (Chaptor 8) and the design of slabs (Chapter 40) are fundamental and should be inchised in a fst course of std, However, the teacher may not find time to cover composite beams or continuous mombers (Chapters 7 and 8, respectively). These topics, a well as treatment of aly foaded members (Chapter 11), may be deterred Uni a ater course or taken up through sell-tudy Chapters 12 and 19, which deal respectively with precast construction and applications, have been writen to permit ther assignment as outsice reading, ‘Appendix A contains a varaly of design aids. These are useful in connection with examples and assigned problems, and may increase the Usefulness of the book to the practicing engineer. Append B contains fengineering. dala for certain post tensioning systems. No attempt was ‘made to be encyclopedic, but only to present sufficient detail to peer oalishe proportioning of members in problem assignments. Final, Ap ‘Bendix C provides i conversion factors ané metric auivalerts. ‘The prosenteation ofthis ex is an update and an expansion of the ‘stand Ineues changes in design pilosophy and methodology core: ponding fo changes n current practi. New information is presented on mater, parbcularly relating to high-strength concrete, now in common Use, and’ nowy avalable types of prestressingstov. Inthe chapters on Nexural analysts and design. adaitonal emphass has been placed on pata! prestessing, combining prestressed and non prestressed rein- foceament. These changes, among other things, have resulted in modca- tion of design equations for foxural strength and more elaborate mothods for calculating beam deflections. The reader vill fd moch new material Pertaining 1 prestressed slabs, particularly one-way banded slab construc “Many now design aids have been added. Section properties are given for standard holloweare slabs, and for single- and double-T beams, Used for floore and root. For tidges, secon property tables have been In Clided fr slandard AASHTO |beams, and fr other sections now used by |S numberof state highway departments. Secon properties are aso gwen for voided slabs, box section beams, an single-T beams, such a6 are ‘nidly use for shorter span highway bridges nally wil be noted that mary new problems have been added at ‘he end of each chapter for home assignment ‘R word is inorder relating to units of measurement. Naonwi, there ‘is a movement toward adoption ofthe Inlrmationa Systom (8) of metric Units, although progress In that decton has bean siow. tn. many cases, basic science and engineering science courses are taught using St nis Certain manutacturing Inausties have converted, But ia the construction industry, the familar "English" or “customary” unit are stil almost univer ‘sal although a metic version ofthe ACI Cade is avaiable, the ACI Coge In ‘customary unis 18 te one found In most desig offices, Recognizing tal Users of this text may have become tania with SI units i ropaatory ‘uses, but wil 8900 enter design aces in whieh customary unis preva, TThave proceeded as folows: (1) al graphs and tabulated information of fundamental nature (2. the Table of Chepter 2) are given in ual unt (@) examples are worked in customary unit, but SI equivalents are pro vide in parentheses for input data and key answers: (8) design ss in Appendix A are gven in customary units ony. This appears to be reasonable compromise between encouragemant 10 adopt the superior St {ystem, and rocognion of the probable facts of professional Me over the next 10 f0 20 years ‘Many individuals and several organizations have contibuted to this volume. Partcular thanks ‘are. duo to Professors Dan Branson, avis Darwin, and Manor Tadtos tor tei caret rovew ofthe entire manuscript ‘and their many constructive suggestions. stations an design aids were ‘biained, In many’ cases, wih the cooperation of Dan denny and Goorge Nasser, ofthe Prosiescod Concrete institut, and Cit Feyermuth, of the Post-Tensioning instute, Addonal photograpns were obtained through (Charles Dolan of ABAM Enginears and Davie Goodyear of Aric Grant ad Associations. Final, | would Ike to acknowledge a special debt to my former students, who havo nt only worked through al of the examples and problems found in the text, But have contibuted matrialy tough Classroom interaction tothe evolution of te lecture notes on which this book ie based Ithaca, New York February 1987 Arthur H. Nilson CONTENTS chaptee 2 4 invoducton 4 12 Crampl of Sess Control by Prestessing 13 Equvaert tows 114 Oferoad Behavior and Svenghh inFewe tT 116 PrestesongMemeds "14 1 Ghargesin restore Force 24 18 Conor a8 19 Srmeoabiy, Stengn and Sructual Salty 28 24 lnoducton 8 22 Imorance of High Svengin Stel a4 25 Type esening Seal 36 25 Sires Stain Properties of Stoel 27 Typesotconcte as 25 Concrtein Unis Compression 47 29 Concrete in Unis Teron $1 240 Banal Sueases Concrewe 83 21 Time-Dependent Detomaton of Concrete 54 22 Inreducton 61 32 Notton 62 33 Paral Lose of Presvess Force 62 54 Ela Flurl Soneesn Unoraca Boars 63, 35 Allowabe Pleural Sesees 78 36 Craming oad 76 87 Floral Svengh Araysis 70 ‘38 Flurl Sangh by ACI Cose Equatons 92 39, Paris rectessng) 108 2340 Eat Flexural Stsses Ata Cracking and Srenath ‘ot Panay Presvesseg Sauna 107 442 Flex! Design Sased on Alomable Svesses 28 43. Shape Selection and Flowura Molen) 158 chapter @ Chapter 7 44 Sansa Soctons 182 415. Concrete Protcten and spacing of Tendens 163 46 Coes tatancng ax Dosgn Toa) ted 47 worl Gorgn Sond on Pata Prestesnng 172 40 Flew! Crack Cont aay 419. Bona Stese, Tranter Longth, end Development engi tae 4.10 Anchorage Zone Design 100 51 eduction 206 52. Shear and agonal Fenstonia crac Beane 3 Glagoral Cracking Shear at 54 Web Rentoreament tor Snasr "are 55 Shear Design Crore othe AC! Code. 222 58. Example: Denn of ie Aanorsrent fr Shear 57 ‘Tomonin Concrete Stucuras ase 5 Tomson Dengn of Prestressed Conereta 234 59 Torsion Pur Snr aa 50 Example: Beagn of resect Aas for Combinas 5.11 Compression Fes Teor for Sharan Torsion Benge 3st 162 Limp Sum Estates of Losses 287 {83 Dotted Estimation Losses 288 185 Anenorage Sip 268 186 Caste Srenening ofthe Concrete 265 87 Creeper Concrete 266 85 Goncete Shimane 268 {810 Example: Calouaton of Sepa Lossos 270 1811 Eston of Losses y the Time Stop Mehod 274 composrremeams 278 111 ‘yom of Conposte Cnsiucion a8 12 oad Sages a0 175. Seoton Moparts and Eats Far! Sresen 1S orzo! Sher vanser 28a 78 Shearand Bago Terion aan Simple Spans vs Continuity s08 Tendon Pots and Suossing Arangements 302 Elasbe Anal forte Elects of Presvessing 307 Equtaent Loa Anayes. 312 samp ineterminafe Preseseed Beam 18 near ranstornaton ate (Concorde Tendone 321 ConerejeSresses nthe Elste Range 322 Fewral Song 538 (0 Moment Ressibvton ana Lint Anaysis 826 1 Ingeteminte Frames 390 peruecrons 307 93 Invoducton a7 2 ans tor te Cacustions a8 3. koprocnate Method or Detection Cleon 849 54. Retned Cauislons Using incrrantal Tine Seps 386 95 Example Detection Calcuiaions 349 36 Deteclon of Partly Pesvessed Seare 367 ‘Conese Hanbers 36? ‘Mowabe Detcctone 38 102 Oneviay labs "arr 103 SwoWay Stabs With Al Edges Suppore 104 ‘Two-Drectenal Ld Gaancing for Edge Suopored Sines 105 Precteal Anais for Unbalanced Loading 106 Dotecton of TeeWay Sas 3et 107 Pexural Seong of Two-Way Sade 304 108 Exenpe Twoay Walrouppored Sib aoe 10.0 Pretessed Fiat iste Sabe 10,0 Behar ot Fit lates 1013 Panural Sangin of Fat Pats $044 Shear in Fa iter No 1015 Traler of Moments at Comme 428 116 Dotection a Fa Plate aa 10.17 Exar Fat Plate Gerona Cheptar 41 AXIALLY LOADED MEMBERS 443 111 introduction ata 112 Behavior of Presrests Colne aaa 11.3. Example: Consrueon of stun Interac Diagram aso 1314 Nompresransed Remorcamentin Columns 88 113. Bonar of Sender Cuma ase 118 Praca! onsdrain a! endemess ects 480 118 Exar: Bohevor of Presrensed Concrete Tonson emer aro 119 Dong of Tension Menbers ara 11.10 Example: Oscign a ipesFrame Ts Member 73 1241 wodueton arr 122 Precestitombers for uings 478 123 Conpecton Detaie a 124 Shear Fehon Wats or Cannecton Ossgn 488 125 Brackets nd Cov 500 126 Linsteb Gonsructon 510 127 Stindara Precast srg Sectors S00 128. Segmemtaly Precet Gripe Corsivcton $07 132 Bnogee 510 135 Shels and Foisd Palos 520 135 iar Sorape Towers 520 6. Necles Containment Vessels 52 187 Paveronis ard Sebs on Grade 827 $24 Mat Foundations 528 139. Maine Sroctires 80 {310 Macelanooes Structural Clements 532 13.1 Tower ana ast Bee Aoperdix ] POSETENSIONING HARDWARE 560 ‘Aopendit SICONVERSION FACTORS 58 index 587 BASIC CONCEPTS 4.4 wTRODUCTION Prestresing canbe defined i general tems a the preloading ofa siructire, belo application ofthe service loads, (0 improve it performance in specie ways. Although the pin ls and techniques of prestssing have been appbed 1 stu lures of many types and teal, the most common applicaon iin the design ‘ot srcturalconeee. ‘Concrete is eseataly © compression material. Its sreagth in tension is uch lower than that in compression, and in many eases, indesign, the tensile resistance is discounted aliogeher. The prestessng of concrete, theefore, nat ‘ally volves aplication of«compresive luding, prio o-applying the antic pated service Toads, #9 that fen sreer that otherwise would cesar fe ‘odued or eliminated Ta fect, the original concept of prstessing concrete was 10 introduce saficent sal presompression im hum so that all tnson inthe concrete Was ‘liminated in the member at sence load. However, as knowledge of this Teativety new form of constaction has developed, it has become clea hat hs View is ennecesariy restive, and in present design pace tense sues in the eonerete, ven some ited racking, permite By varying the amount of ‘ompresive presen the number and width of cracks can be Limited to the desired degre. OF equal importance, the defection of the member may be ‘ontoled. Beams may even be designed to have aero defection at a specie ‘combination of prestess and extemal loading. Inthe sens of improved service Abiiy,soch paral prestresing represents a substan improvement ot only ‘over conventional reinforced conerete construction, but also over the original form of fal pretresig that, wile eliminating tervievlad cracking, often ‘produce troublesome upward camber But i i not only though improved serviceability that pretesing has achieved is positon of importance BY crack apd deletion consol a service loads, preening makes it pole to exploy ecnorscal and tient high tensile strength te enforcement and high strength concrete ‘Crack width in conventional reinforced concete beans te roughly proper tional te the sues inthe ese enforcement, and for this teason std sos ‘ust be limited to vals fr less than could oterwie be uscd. Inpretesed teams, high sel stress isnot accompanied by wide concrete cracks, because such of the stain is pple othe steel before it i anchored woth concrete and before the members oad. Deflection of ordinary seinforced concrete beams is also inked diel to sarees, IF very hiph stress Were pemited, the accompanying high tans in the conerete and stl would inevably produce lage rotations of the cross FIGURE 1.1 Bridge of 180% span over he rer Mame at Luzaney designs by Freyecnet and but 98, FIGURE 12 View of te Lurancy bie sections along. the member, which translate dicey into large detections By [restaning the high stength reinforcement of pevrewot beams, the lage ‘ation and defections that would etherwie occa are avoided In ion, he ‘Ssenialy uneracked concrete member ise, forgiven seton dimensions tian it would be teaching were permitted to he extent piel of reinforced “Thos, i isnot only because of improvement of service load behavior, by contoing caching and deecton, that prestessed concrete i atteactve, but sso because it peat uilination of fice high sengh materials. Smaller and isu members may be ued. Te rato of dead 1 Hve load i reduced, spans tnerean, and the range of application of structural cone greatly extended, “The dramatic improvements in the performance of concrete structures that could he obtained by prestressing were fist rcogize bythe renowaed French ‘nginser Eugene Freyasnet Hi sais ofthe te dependent eects of sink toe and cre of concrete, which began sel a 191, lo him to realize the itoportance of using sel 3 high ial sress to presssconctete members. In [S80 he introduced system for prestzesng using wedge-ancored high suength el cables, a practical arrangement that sila wide us, “The remaable bridge ove the river Marne at Lzancs, France, shown in ‘igs. 1-1 and 12, illstates the innovation and daring tat was to be spies of esatine later design Built in 194, ths very Aa, twocinged poral fame srture has a span of 180 fe and u depth at midspan of only 4.17 fa rato of ‘pan to depth of 43. The hinged supports ofthe brie were provided with ‘justments in orde to compensate forthe elects of srnkage and ereep. The TEshaped bridge segments were prc. The fangs were cast frst and were connected by wires that were lesioned prior o exiting the web y jacking the ‘anges apart. Alter the webs were cast, the jacking force was released, recom pressing the wobs to counteract dlagoaal tes sueses ruling fm loads. Tndividua segments were then asenbled into larger component, which were placed in nal posiion by cablewsys and the ene structure then postien- Sioned. This structure, and Sve other sary identical spans i the same reson, ‘provide dhe model for segmentally press bridges now widely use Presrsing has been applied to great advantage in a wide variety of situations, fe of which are strated by the fllowing photographs Figare 1.3 ‘show the tse of press “doable-T” beams carrying 4 floor with clear spn of bout 20 fe End suppor is provided by the precast L-sceton beam ove the ‘window, also prestesied. Such precast prestressed constuction as been used extensively throughent the United State, "The consracon of bridges by the cantilever method, in which newly ‘completed sepmens are prestressed to completed constuction, silat by Fig 1 The twin span shown under contraction, near Parser four anes of FQURE 14. Twinbogerbge ver conscton ug te serena cast FIGURE 13. Precast prestssed double-T floor beams. FIGURE 1.5 Highway ecesing ia Sutzran, continous over three spans. FIGURE 1.6, sexreially proces postersoned roid tame ‘or the Otmpe {ation n Montreal Photograph courtesy of eg Trudeau and Assoc, Te ‘onten Canasta “The two-lane bridge shown in Fig. 15, ovr the highway between Bern and ‘Laosine in Switzerand, ilostates the lightness and grace often suocated with prestressed concrete sacar. “The hog, segmentlly pret frames shown in Fig. 16, completed forthe 1976 Olympre Games in Montreal usta the versa of pretresed concrete ‘To provide a seme of scale, noe the construction worker atop the ata ofthe farther frame, jst Forward ofthe supporting lee 112. STRESS CONTROL BY PRESTRESSING “Many important feature of prestesing canbe illustrated by 2 simple illus tion, Consider St the plain, untenfrealconeee beam shown in Fig. La. ‘ais single concentatd load atthe enter of is span (The velit of the rember wil he neglected here) Ae the lsd 1 gradually applied Toni lesan stresses are induced. Assuming that the concrete is steed only within is elastic range, the Hetual sess distbuton at midspan wil be liner, 3¢ Ata relatively low lod the ene stress inthe coneet a the botom of he seer wil each te ens strength ofthe atria, and ceac wl orm Since no resin provided spans upward extension of the cack, the member ‘il collapse without farther nee of fad Now consider an otherwise identical Beam, asin Fig. 1h, in which a rgtudinal aval fore P is introduced prior to the vertical fading The ngiadizal prestzesng fore wll produce a wnifrm ail compresve sess = P/Ay where 4 8 the ersten aren of he cones. The force canbe sajsted in magoitinde, so that, when the transverse Toad Q is applied the tpesposition of steses due to P and Q wil est in zero tease sss atthe ‘otto ofthe Beam, a show. Tenile ste in the concrete may Be ciminsted ia this way or reduced to a spected stout Butt woud be mare loi 0 appy the presressing force nar the ttm ‘ofthe beam 0 a5 to compensate more elev for the oad induced tension. A sible design specication, for example, might be to latoduce the maximum empeeson atthe botiom of the member witout causing tension atthe top, ‘nen oly the prestresing fore ats teal shown that, fora rectangle ‘es-sction beam, the coresponding point of applcton of the free a he Wwer ted point of the secon depth, The force P, with the sate vale ts fore, but applied with eccentricity e = 476 relative to the concrete cet, sil produce a lonitdinal compressive ses ition varying ow zero at {htop siface oa maximum valve of. = (P/A,) + (Pee/1.) a he batons, ore fb the cnerete ses a the section centroid, the distance lr omeete centroid to the bottom face ofthe coneete, and, ie the momeat of inertia f the erss section. Tiss shown in Fig... The sess at the bottom ‘il be exactly tie the alse prodaced before by ail prestessing. CConsequeatly, the wansterse lad may ow he twice great Defre, 20. and stl cause o tense ses. Tn fac, thease distbition resulting ‘om the superpeston of load snd prstresing fre in Tig, i ntl to ‘ht of Fig 17, although the loud is we as great, The advantage of ecentsc estressing i obo, The methods hy which conrete members ae prestzessed will be dscssed in some dealin Seton 16 with further details given in Appendix B. For present purposes, ii sufcent to now that one common meth of peesteaing ses Nigh seength ste wires pasting through a conduit embedded in the concrete cum. The tendon i anchored 1 the conerete atone en, abd is ttc a the fa end by a hydra jack that reacts against the concrete. When the desired lemson ithe tendon is oblnned, iti anchord against the concrete at the iscking end a well nd the ack is remeve, The ete elcome ten hy which the force P of Fig 1.7 may be applied FIGURE 1.7 Ateratvo schemes for pressing a rectangular concrete boom, {@)Pann cancel bar (6) aly prosvossos bean. (c) Eccecaly pest eesod Sam (2) Beam prestossd wi vrsis score (e) Balance aad sage for 1 bean wh varie ecertty. 1 such a system is used, a significant improvement over the arrangement of, ‘i. 1. ore ean be made by using variable escent of prestes force ih cepost to the centroid of the conere section long the length af the member The lad 20 produces a Bending moment that vars inesty along the “pam ftom sero atthe supports to masimum st the contr. Inui, one spect that the Best amangement of prestesing would produce a countermo- ns sting he opposite sens, that would vary these wa. Thi aly nena the preses moments directly proportions to the evens of the endo, measured fom the steel centroid tothe concele centroid. Aca ny the tnd i now ven am escent that vais Heal rom 2ro a he nppors to maximum athe contr ofthe span. Such an areagemeat i Show a "ig 11d. Th sree at sispan ate the sume as before, both whea the load 20 ses and when it does aot. A the supports, where only the press fore acts ‘wi zero eccentricity, «uniform compresive srs is obtained as shown. shouldbe clear that, for each characters load arangemen tee is 2 st” tendon profile in the seas that it prodoes a prestess moment diagram ‘nat eoresponds to that ofthe applied fad. Ie is of farther interest to mote that, {The pretest oanteroment should be made exactly equal and epost to th torent from the lade al slong the span, the rs a beam tht i subject ‘nly fo uniform axial compress atreat throughout for that particular losing. he eam would not only be fe of eracking bu aso (neglecting the nuence ak ‘omerte shrinkage and eee) weal det neither up or dowe when that aad isin place, compared tos unstressl postion. Such a situation would be ‘blained for load of? * 20) =O, ssn i.e, for example. This condition iNtsfened to asthe balanced lod Sage ‘Although this bef dicanson fas ben presented with reference to the ‘mination of flenural esion and contol of ering and deflcion in concrete Iu should he rcopned that pressing may be used eleva Tor many ‘ile reasons, auch a0 reduce or eliminate diagonal tenalle sees in bea Insp teason in gud storage vessels or pipes, tense stresses due to loading Shnkage in pavements, ot fension from te scent louding of columns. The ‘undamental principles are broly applicable and provide design engine with 1 powerful means to improve the performance of stroctures of Many Pes 1 EQUIVALENT LOADS The eect of change in the vertical alignment of a prestesing tendon i 10 roce a transvers verti force onthe cone member. Tit foes, tote ‘th the prestesing fore acting atthe ends ofthe member though te tendon ‘ichorages, maybe looked pen as a system of external ores i sodyng the Mc of prestessing. Fig, 18a, for example, a tendon that spies force Pat the centroid of se concrete section atthe ends fa beam and that has a nifrm Slope at angle 8 ro « ————- yg FIGURE 1.8 Equvatnt leads and moments produce by presresing endons between the ends and midipan introdsces the transverse force 2 sin @ a the pin of change ia tendon alignment at midepan. A the anchorages, the vr Eomponcot af the pestesing force ix Pind and the bortaonal component i ‘Peos8. The horizontal components very neatly egal to the free P for the ‘sual small slope angles. The moment diagram forthe beam of Fig. Lai seen to have the same form a that for any eenterlouded spe ops, “The beam of Fig. 18%, with « curved teadon, is sje! to a transese sisted lad from the tendon, a well asthe fores P at cach end. The exact ‘station ofthe Toad depends on the alignment af he tendon. A tendon witha uraboke probe, for example, will produce » uniformly dstibued transverse esl Inds case, dhe moment diagram wil have a parabolic shape, oral Loaded Spl spa beam. Wa straight tendon usd with constant eccenticy , ain Fig. 8c thee ave no teanserse ores onthe concrete Bul the member subject to moment ‘Meat each end well tthe anal force P, and diagram of constant moment rel "The end moment ust lo be accounted or in considering the beam of Fit 1d in whit a parable tendon is sed that doesnot pass through the concrete cngoid at the ends ofthe span. In His cse uiformy dstbated tansere ia and end anchorage fore ate produced, jst asin Fig. 8b. Buin sion, ‘he end moments A= Pecos @ must be soosdeed “The concept of equivalent transverse lading a useful ae, but it mst be syplied ith care, In all of the cares considered ths fr the prof of the het entoid was stright, The conte thus was horizon, conser, an any change in alignment ofthe tendon produced an unbalanced force acting tthe concrete at tat sot, Ifthe beam ais is curved, asin Fige Le and Ty, and the tendon and concrete centroid coincide a al sections, then the Intl frce produce by the stl tan seco is alanced bya relat force Inthe opposte dieton produced bythe trast fom the aiacent concrete, and tno Bending moment rel ‘On the oer hand if the tendon is stipht bu the concrete cnoidal ais us Some other alignment, an Fg 18g, then the aera fore proce by the ace thst ot banca by the lateral fors rom the ste. and ending ‘nomeat i produced a shown Tr may be evident that, fr any srangement of applied loads, tendon rofl canbe selected such that te aguvalent loads cing onthe beam from he "endon ate jst equal an opposite 1 she apple loads. ‘The rest would be 2 ‘Nite of pure compression inthe beam, a cused in somewhat diferent terns athe end of the preceding Secon An advantage af the aqulalnt leading cept tha it lends che designer to slst what is probably the bes tendon Profle for any given load configuration. 1 ie worth emphasizing that aff of the systems shown in Fig. 18 ae ‘eltequiibrating, and thatthe application of prestessing forces produce 20 "exer reactons. Thi is alvays tue for tatstcaly determinate beams, bai fe generally trv for inteminate spans, as will be discussed in Capes 8 1.4 OVERLOAD BEHAVIOR AND STRENGTH IN FLEXURE ‘In descibng the eect of prestessing ia Seton 1.2, it was implied that the team responded ina near elastic way and thatthe principle of superpsion was valid. This requires that the beam remsia uncacked and that both the onerete and stel be sessed only within tha laste anges. This may be the HHVEHAEE TEER Tb Heed d eed aaa: FIGURE 1.9 Prestosues concrete Dem a timate fone lod, (2) Bear wih Factores toa. (b) Baur ores On tha of Bean ‘ase upto approximately the level of sec lad, hati the actual sell-veght of ‘the member plas thse superposed load that may eavnably be expected fo act during the Ife of the member. But should the loads be increased farther, tense stessesresuling rom fexte wil eventually exced the tense steagth of the canerete and cracks wil form. These cracks oot cause fare, Becse ofthe presence ofthese and the loads peal ca be increased wel beyond the racking load without produsiog dite. Eventually with loads increased sil further, ithe the ste rth concrete, ‘or bo, will be stesed into thar nonlinear rngs, The conditon at inciient {aur is represented by Fp. 18, which shows a Beis carrying fotred ad, ‘ual to some multiple ofthe expated sere load. In gang a member, te Imagnitade ofthe lod factor can be elected to provide the dese degce of sates For the oveloaded condition, the beam undoubtedly would bein a partly racked state; a posible pute of eracking is shown in Fig 19. Only the ‘sonetete in compression is considered to be efecive justin the analysis of ‘ordinary reinforced conerete The sel in tension works with the concete in ‘compression to form an iternal foe coupe which resist the moma rom the ‘pple loa, "he coerete stress distribution inthe compression zane a failure can be ond by netbods presented in Chape 3a ean the magnitude of the comprer sive rant C, the tensile fore Tn te ste andthe distance betwen the ‘oo If the interaa eer asm is = then the lina resisting momen is M= c= Te an 1c wll be recopnied that, a the ulkimat load stag, when the beam sa the int of incipient Tare in Dexa, it bebavee very much as an ordity forced coneete beam. The min ference is th the teal used has very hgh ‘uch and requires avery lage stain o achieve high sess evel were te wed witout being prestressed (ad pretaied) in tension, unsccepaby Inge deformation and eacking ofthe beam would rel Through review of this section and the two presiding sections, it wil be ‘ear hat the effets of prstessing have een considered from three pots of ‘ew providing concrete stress conta (Section 12), creating equivalent rane verse lds (Section 13), and providing overload rrength through creating an ‘nti fore eoupl, jus asi onary ceinfred concrete (Seton 18). Each ‘these approaches is usefl in the analyse nd design of prestewed concrete, ‘ol each willbe used in the work that flows It shoud te emphasaad ak ysis based on elastic streses provides no information about member strength Siengthpredition requires development ‘of equations tat acount for both ‘rocking tnd nonlinear mater bebe. On the eter hand. sength analyse ‘eves nothing about steses under normal service fonds, nor doer it provide ‘nformaton about cracking or defections, whereas east seas analy and ‘suivant load analysis wil dos. In mom cases, prestess eects must be sidered at diferent load states, and from dierent pots of view, i he ttl stressed coneete den proses 1.5 PARTIAL PRESTRESSING nly designers of pressed concrete focused on the complete ciminaton of tensile streses in members at normal service Toad. This is defied fal esresing. As experince has boon gned wth pressed onerete conto, tom, it hs besome evden tht slution intermediate betwee fully pressed ‘neste and ordinary telafoced concrete oles many advantage Sich an ‘ntermedate solution, im which conerte tension nnd wal) some Beta ‘rocking is permite a ful service load i termed partial presen Although full presiresing ofl the posbliy of complete elninain of ‘socks af fll service Joa, it may at the sume tine procs member lh syetionably large came, of negalive defection st nee pial loads fe ha ‘he fall value A. smaller amount of presse ouce may’ produce improved ection characteristics at load stages of interest. While cack wil usually form in partially peestesed beams should the epeie fall serace load be applic thse cracks are sll and wil lose completly when the load is reduced. 1s addon to improved defesion characteristics, paral presresing result in significant economy by reducing the amount of presresed rin forcement and by permitting the use ofeoee-section configurations with eval racial advantages compared with those required by fll prestessing even though the amount of pretress force may be seduced through use of partial presressng, beam mus tll have an adequate facoe of safety agains Failure. This wll often require the addition of ordinary reinforcing bats int tension one. Alteratives are to provide the ttl ste! area needed for stent by high strength tendons, but to tres those tendons to less than their fo permitted value, orto lave Some ofthe stands unstressed. Partial prestessng is looked upon with increasing favor io the United States, a if offers the combined advantages of reinforced and prest 1.6 PRESTRESSING METHODS ‘Although many methods have been wed to produce the desired state of precom pression in constete member, al prestesed concrete members canbe placed fone of to categories prtenioned oe paut-enioned. Pretesioned preste {force is released and the force is wansfered by bond from steel o concrete. the cae of posttensoned prestressodconreto members, the endons ar tes fafer the concrete has hardened and achieved sullen strength, By Jack ‘gaint the conerele member ise A. PRETENSIONING “The greater pat of prestressed concrete construction in the United States tensioned. The tendons, usually inthe form of mulipleire stranded he stretched between abutments that area peemanent part of the plant faci fs shown in Fig 10a, The extension ofthe strands is measured, as well a Jacking force ‘With the forms in place, the concrete is cast around the stressed ten igh eacly stengih concrete is ofen wsed, logher with steam cutng tcelerate the hardening ofthe concrete. After slicientsuength i attained, Jacking presure is released. Te strands tend to shorte, but are prevented fe ‘doing 0 Because they are Bonded to the coneree mths way, the prestes fo {s transferred tothe conree by bond, mel near the ends ofthe bea, and m INGURE 110, Metode ol prtensening. (a) Bean wih sgh tron. 2 ‘wth vanble endo ezaty (Longe sesang and casey” °*8™ ‘ves anchorage is needed. Figure 1.11 shows the fackng frame at the end of « “ting bed eng edo pretenson many stl ales sitaeus i was noed in Section 12 that tis often advantageous to vary the endon ‘conti along a beam span. This ean be done when petnsioning by holing ‘kon the strands a intermediate points and holding them up atthe end othe span as shown in Fi 1-108. One Wo, of thre intermediate able epresins ae tensed to obain the desiedprole.These holddown eves remain ‘onbedded in the menber. To minimize (tonal lose of teson itis common acto to stretch the stright cable, then to depress it tothe final pote by ‘sing atay jacks Allowance must be mad, im this case, fr the increase it tension asthe cables forced oof sight sligament FIGURE 1.11 Jacking frame a en of cating bed used for petensionng many Sands smunaneousy. Pretensioning i well ited to the mass prodvction of beams using the longctne method of prestessng a suggested by Pig 110 In prseat pace lanchorage and jsking abutments my be as moch as 80D ft apart. The strands “re tentoned over tefl length of the cating bed atone time, afer wich 3 fumfer of iadividvl members are cast slong the stressed tendon. When the Jacking foie released, the presuess fore is transferred to each member by ‘ond andthe sands acu free betmeen membas. Although a straight tendon ‘ahow in the sketch, able deprestors ire often ued wit long ine prestessing, x FIGURE 1.12, View of longine presiressing bed showing metal forma and tein tas wth individual members Figure 1.12 sa lew ofa longi pretensionng vpraton, showing th stresed tendons in place in the metal fers Note the lnk down frame in the middle distance; the tendon have ot yet been depress, Pretesioning is a parclal economical metod of pressing, mt only cause the standardaaion of design permits rable selon Aberlse fos, Int abo besause he simultaneous prestresng of many members at once rls tn great saving of labor. Tn addon expensive endhanchrage bandware sontnate, . POST-TENSIONNG ‘Whee pressing by posttnsoning, usually hollow conduits containing the unstressed tendons are placed inthe beam forms, othe desired prof, before pouring the coneret, as shown in Fig. 1.134. The tendons may be bundled Parallel wires, stranded cable or solid ste rods. “The condi wired to siiary beam reinforcement (ansrssd ters) to prevent scedentaldirplacement, andthe concrete poured. When it has gine uficient strength, te concrete beam ils edo provide the action for the fHressing jack a shown in the sketch. Wilh the tendon anchored by special fins the Trend ofthe member, tis stetced, den anchored atthe jacking =) ee FIGURE 1.18, Methods of postonsonng, (2) Beam wih rolow condut om edges in coneraa (0) Holow catia’ beam wah iene Songs (6) Cononucus ab wi Basle cheatned enoors “ul by sila ings ad he jack removed The esion is paged by messing ‘sth the jacking pressure and the elongation of the see. The tendons are nal tensed one Uno ach don may cons of many igure 114 shows a pica arangement for post-tensioning with the tendon ‘adit wired in positon and anchorage tings in place. In Fig. 115. niplstrand tendo, one of the a he bean, being ste Tendons are normally grouted in ther conduits after they ave sessed. A nit pate gout is forced into the conduit stone end Unde igh pressre, and wmping i coatnued wnt the gout appears atthe far ead of the abe. When it Fides, the grout bonds to the tendon and tothe inner wall of the cond Inviting transfer of fore. Although the anchorage tings rsa im pace Nansfor the main prstesing force to the conerets,grouiog improves the \etformance ofthe menter should it be overloaded and increases ts vlimate Menara strength ‘An aliemative method of posttensoning i iusratd in Fig. 1130. A Nwilow cellular concrete beam with Sold end blocks and intermediate’ dr ovlragms i shown. Anchorage tings are provided as efor, but te tendons FIGURE 1.18 Posttonsionad beam under canton showing draped tendon ‘ents and anchorages in poston or Wo ising sl fhe a osrng FIGURE 1.15. Postanioning a beam using mulsl-sran tendons. pss though the void spacer in the member. The dasied cable profile is ‘intact by passing the sel thouph stoves postoned in the intermedi Aliaphragms Tn many case, parca in relatively thin sibs, pose-esining tendons are wrapped with asphaleipregnaed paps or encased in plastic whestbing, 35 shown m Fig 113e. Anchorage and jacking hardware is provide The wrapping prevents the cocrete fom bonding 1 the tel. When the concrete has hardened, the tendons aze stretched and anchor, and the jack removed. Obsiousl, bonding of the tendon by grouting is inpoesble with sch an arrangement Figure 126 shows 2 o-nay lab under constrocion, which wll be pstien Sone ing the sheathed tendons shown in postion, ‘Countless patted systems of postensonng te availble alongwith al necesary hardware Esplict dete of representative stems are ound in ‘Appendix B.A sguant advantage ofall poxc-tesioning Schemes i the ease FIGURE 1.16, Two-way prestessod sib, using unbonded wrapped tendon, wn- "i donation Coury othe ost Tensoning nes wih which the tendon eecentcty canbe varied slog the span to provide the 1.7 CHANGES IN PRESTRESS FORCE ‘he magnitude of prstrssing force ina concrete member i got constant, but ‘ssa diferent vlbes during the fe of the member, Some ofthe changes are instantaneous or nea so, some are time-dependent, and some area Fanci of "he saperimposed lading. ll sch changes must be accounted for inthe desin. Nevlet of timedependen loss, in particular, accounts fr the lack of sucess ofall eayatempts to pestes concrete ‘With the exception of condone at severe overloading, the greatest force tastes dong the jeking operation. The joking force wil be releed to ‘utsequenty aff, For posttensioned member, this Toco is applied as ‘enti drs gon the concrete member, while wih preenioing. the ckng lence eats apni extemal anchorages and dos nt act onthe conceal ‘At the momeot of wansfr of pests fore from the jack to the anchorage uuings that gap the tendo, thee is an immediate reduction in force. Thee Is tcitably asa amount of slip asthe wedges or rps sex terse into the ‘teal tendon, nd the shortening ofthe tendon that resis accompanied by loss {intense suai and sues. This is always a factor to consider in pos-enstoned beams. Corresponding slip les oor in preteoning to, bacase temporary fips ae normally ued at the jacking abvtment to hold the strand as Ue ‘Sacre poured, However, beams pretesiond by the log-line method, ip lee spt to be insignificant because of the gest length of eadon oer which the slp is dsuibued "There isan instantaneous srs los because ofthe elastie hortening ofthe concrete ae the preset force i transferred to it. This alvays occurs in Dretcnsoning, but occurs in posttenioning only i tere ze two or more fendone and if they are tensioned sequal. “Another source of imamate los of presuess fre, applying to post.en- sioned members only, tthe friction Between the steel and the conduit through ‘vic passa the tendon i sretcod. The tense fora the jack wl always ‘be lager than that atte far end, where the tendon anchor. This loss ea be ‘minimized by overstotching the Hes slighty if neossay, then racing the Jacking force tthe desired tale. Tn some cas, tends ae jcked from both ‘cade fo minimize fitionl loses, purl when the tendon pte hus Several revere of curvare, "Ata consequene of al intantaneou loses, inching those due o anchor ge lip last thoreeing. and friction, the jacking force Fis veduced te a lower ‘alu P, defined asthe nial present ore "With the passage of ting the sel sess s fre edoced. The change hat ‘aut this eduction oseur rahe apy a fs, butte ate of change of Suess on decreases Aner contant ses lvls appoadhd, but onl tte many ‘months, or even several yeas. "The main cases of Hie dependent loss are shrinkage ofthe concrete and concrete creep under sustained compressive sues Both ofthese produce shorten tng of the mnber, which resus in a redaction in ste san and sts. In ‘ion, he sel experiences «gradual elation of ses ais hla esely feastant strain. The rest of al time-dependent alfents, including cone hviakage and eoep and sel reataton, i that the sal pretess force i radu reduced fo what wl be termed the elie press force "The su of al loses, immediate and tne dependent, may be ofthe onder of, 20 0 5 percent ofthe orginal jacking fore All ses mus be sccountad for is the design of prerened coerce. Tey wil be examined in deal in Chaper 6. ‘Laing of» prestressed beam wil peerallyprodace an ures inst in the tendon As long the member remains utcacte, the icfease isso small that tir ually epeted in. Gespn. Hower, cracking of the concrete 5 ‘accompanied hy an nstantancour increase i sl ste s tho tase fore formerly carried by the concrete i taster tothe sel. ithe loa is creased further, the ember Pehavs much a edinary reafoeed concrete, and the sel vss increases roughly ia proportion tothe load wnt the nosiner range of til Behavior is eached allowed by eventual fae. The tel may seach is te tes tenth at alr, although ts is ot generally 80. © LoaDs: ‘ods that act on stotures can be divided into three broad categories: dead lol, ie faa, and emirommentl loads. Dex load ae xe in oction sod sant in ragnitude throughout thee ofthe structre. Usually the sfelgh Ir stactar the most portant part ofthe dead Toad, This can be aalated ‘uly, based on the dimensions of the siactre and the unit weight of he Intnl, Coneete dest vate from about 90 to 130 pet (14 to 19 KN /m) Tor lnweght concrete and is about 145 pet 23 KN/m) for normal concree. In ‘edsting the dead load of strtral concrete, wally a5 pof (0 KN?) ment inclaed with the weight of the conerete to acount forthe presence "ive loads com chiey of occupancy loads in buildings and trac fads fridges. They maybe eter ally o paral in place o not presenta all and nay eange i oeaton. The minim live lads for which the Boos and oof of Wilding should be desigad sre lly speed in the bing code tht Fnnerns a the sit of consrecton. Representative values of minimum liv loads he sed ina wide variety of buldings are found in Min Desig Load or ‘lng and Other Siractres (Ref. 4 portion of whichis epanted in Table The table gies uniformly dstrbuted Hive Toads for various types of ‘weupunies; these include impact provisions where necessary. These loads are ‘hpetod maria and conierbly exceed average vals. In addon to these ifort’ distributed foods, is recommended that, as an altemative o the tom load Alors be designed to support sey certain concentrate loads if "hes Toads produce a preter stress. Cetin redetons are permitted in Hive lad fox members supporting large areas on the premise that i nt Wel that the vie en would befall foaded a one time ‘Service ive loads Fr highway brides are specie by the American Associ ‘uo of State Highway and Transporation Oficals (AASHTO) in is Standard Sjetcatons for Highway Bridges (Rel 12. For ralway bridges, the Amesican Nay Engineering Asointon (AREA) has published the Manual of Rata ‘nginceing (Ret 13) vironmental loads const mainly of snow lod, wind pres and oa, earthquake load (ce, neta frees cated by earthquake motion) 9 fressures on subsurface partons of structures, lads fom possible ponding of insater 0b at surfaces, and forces caused by temperature diferentals. Like ‘ive fads environmental ons at any given ime ae uncertain bot in magnitude int distibution. Reference 11 contains much information on envioamentl “Table 11 Minimum union coubues v oas creme oa Fenstamcennctooy ° ” ‘iy fon Br el" coun of can Nino Suncast, 2 toa which fen mailed ally depending, for instance, on ll lmao 3 sami eontons 7 Tipe 117 fom the 172 efion of Ref. 11, gives sow loads forthe - mena nia Strand nda befor aaron, Te 182 een « 3 sce gies ch mor etal infomation & ‘ach ogress hs ben made ia recat yas in developing rational eth 8 cw fon prec haruontal rer on ht te owing and samen © ‘ten 11 summais creat ting raring ind fro nd has auch 2 ‘nwmaton peraiiag to earhquae Made at we Release 1A pres ® ed pcobmendtoe fr teal forces rom erie 3 8 The sum ofthe aleulatd dead ond ad the spt or casted ve and a cvoonmenta ea elo the sera ad, his the est xin ot Serene ss ema aera i mazipum lod hat canbe expected to act dig he see ie of he Seeman inate The fae lal oar ad tat srr mut be capable of Beers eee era cng 6 enue an adequate aaa af fy aga colep wml of SESSION ti Semmens mar 0/1 ome ‘hetero ld explained nt towing sso, |L9. SERVICEABILITY, STRENGTH, AND STRUCTURAL SAFETY “To serve its purpose, a structure msl be sevieabe under ordinary condions of tse and mort be sfe apne calla, Servieaist requis that detctions be Suitably smal that cack wid be kept to waa accepuble Limits that ibrations be minimizd, and so on. In addluon, most specications impose Timitations on the stress in the concrete and od. Safety requires thatthe fHrength of the sirsture be adequate to resist oveloading should the loads eualy expected to at be incteoed by crn amount. Tn devgning peesuessod concrete stuctfs, the engineer must consider a number of load stags and must impose ceiin Limiting conditions defining ervceablity and safety. This proce somtineskaown alin sates deen, ‘with specie consideration of eacking limit sae, defection lint state, strength Timi state, and the lie, Ta the United States, the design ofa pressed conrete member usually stare withthe consideration of limit sess in the concrete and ste when the ‘mene is nthe unloaded stage (ember soweight ps prestess) and the fll Service load sage. Tentative member dimensions and pesressing ste ares and force are sleted ised on ste limite imposed hy speciestions tach ab the Buldng Code Reqaroments for Reinfored Concrete (Res. 15 and 18) of the ‘American Concrete Init! For the tal member, cack wd, defections, tnd other seria Hnstcondions are checked nd the desigh modi i recesary, The lima strength ofthe member is then eauated and compared sith strength required to ist hypotbecal overioads. Sion dimensions Drestesing, and otber rnfocemeat may be futher modified to produce the regired margin of sf. The szengh of stature depends om the stength of the mates from shih te made. Minimsr mail sucngths are spied in cram, standa- Uized ways. The proper of concrete and its components, the methods of ‘ining placing and curing to obtain the required quali, andthe methods for Testing are spetfed in documents such as Ref. 13, for example. Inloded y feference in that document are standard ofthe Americn Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) pertaiing wo reinforcing abd pressing steels and concrete "Ten nn ap es io ao eran one ‘Shas Butng Case ogaremern Rand Corr (A 3683 wh sree Tha Coa ann oie aa ta Tower ts pote reat ar nse “nema eurst ond patch seat aren eure a Sones ‘ong! ona eee star coe a hare el tas aa grove tereoy Srercert A seo’ paleaten, Comer on Bay Case Aasmaan ies Cog se) poe ast ean te se Song alka depends on the cate with which the stature is bul that, accuracy with whic the drawings and spciatons of the engage azo td. Member zs may aie rom specfed dimensions, reinforcement may ‘wt of postin, prestesing frce may be impropey applied, © poot sent of the copree may rele in sods An importa part of the nee’ jo is to provide proper supervision of eonsracton, and sighting of ths esponibity has had astro consequences im more then one instance. Ii stvength could be predicted accurately and if loads mere known with equal tsny, hen safety could be assured by proving strength just Barely in excess he eeguirement ofthe lads Bu thee ate many sources of uncer i the ‘otinson of Toads as wel atin analy and design ofthe siroctare and in vtructon. These uncertainties rogues larger sarin of sft. The selection "appropriate safety margin is hot a simple mate, but much progress as ‘wn made i reset years foward rational safety provisions in sgn codes {ets 110 110) "he approach to safety that is found inthe ACI Cade (Ref. 1.5) is as futons, Separate ansderaton is iven to lode and strength. Load factors, line than unity, ae app tothe eased dead fonds and called of wed sence live and envionment loads to obtain fartord loads tht the ‘toner mut ast be capable of sustaining inepient failure. Losd actors tsning to diferent pes of loads vary, depending othe degree of uncer ‘int asecatd ith lads of vans types nd wih he iki of simula ocourrence of diferent loads. he load ators specie in the ACI Code ae summarize in Table 12. The ‘oqured sengih Us caeaat by appjing individual load actors to the “pctv service loads: dead load D, ve load L, wind load W,eathgue load forth pressure uid pressure F impact allowance 1, and envisoamental rivets 7 that may inside setlemen, rep, shrinkage, and temperature change mer ators are sed for Toad Kno with greater cert, for example dead ‘isis compara wi leads of greater vara, for expe, Ive Joa. Fue ‘temo ot lead embinaions such dead ps live lod plas wind Tose, nto coef is inttodced that refit the feprobabity that a xe rely large tive load coincides with at unusally high windstorm. The factors wll, in general way uncrsntie wth which nteral fond ests are vue from external oad in sats a comple sare bihly indeterminate, ist, eiaforced or prestessed concrete sructaren Finally, te Toad factors rish between two situations: (1) where the efete of all sinutaneous ro are adv, of (2) whete the vvious lad eet end to counteract each i sch as when erzomtal orcs ase present i adion wo grit frees In "ase in Table 12, the controling eauation i the ope tat give the largest actor tad eet The required sreagth, should the member be overloaded, ust nt exced a ‘omsrvative evimat ofthe actual strength To obtain that etn, ti nana Tobie 12 Fact a costo aang age reg U abla 13 Strength ecuaton factors inthe ACI Cade ren con Conon Faso oa ET ee tri "noo in Unorsab.1200 400) ‘tnd al om are Seca Cncreton at =0 ‘seat ac ih Rue ooo tonepste ero en caenoconn ons atnauake W=075(140+1.20+1876) hee menace 270 mee ae toprol on, ay devas “yor manber na oe eee 000, a a ‘naymeren macorstsnocay Pressure a a (= 0'=d,),/M not tess than 0.70 ¢ may be bap ‘anne 050 9 Gases tom orto sea Arona sce aA tots atte Pork rand manor, ¢ mabe eee rose Sibernte (Lore ine) bu renee Setter, creep, y=079.40+147=17) sw a teron : 085 Sato noes Sree Staeteicer ting oneomeria an “trengih 8, ig calculated according to the best avaiable information concerning tates and member behavior. That nominal sng ie rodoed by applying # steengih reduction fair $10 obtain what is called the dain strong of the member. "The design strength most be atleast egal to the roel sength ‘aeulated from the fctred lod, that, es2u 2) Equation (12) is stated in general tems. [can be interpreted as applying ithe to Toads acing on a member or to the related intemal ef such a8 moment, shear, and thrust. Tus, in specif terms for + member sujet, 9, to moment, shat, and thrst M2 M, (13) aah (138) or2P, ax) where tems with the subscript are the nomial suengths in exe, shear, and ‘thrust, respectively and tems withthe subscript arte factored lo moment, Seat, and thrust “The sength reduction factors ¢ fund in the ACI Code are summarize in ‘Table 13, These ar given diferent values depending onthe sate of knowledge 4 partcular kinds of member behavior, that is the confidence with which “uta strength ean be ealelted. Ths, the vue for bending higher than ‘hat for shear or beating. Also, values ret the probable importance, for rival of he steuctre, ofthe pariculr member, well the probable Galt ‘nol acieable For both se reason, lower value ned for clumat ‘ha for bea, ‘Provisions in the ACI Code and other specications for steenghrauction ‘core and loa factors af Based to some extent on satis information std sul such a5 summarized in Refs. 17 to 110, but euenly are based 10 4 i larger dice on engnecing experience, intuton, abd judgment REFERENCES 11 Minion Deon Laat for Duns nd Other See, ANSI ASKS, 12 Sundad Spee for Highway Bridger, 10 el, American Asecinton of Ste gros and Transportation Ofte (AASHTO), Washington, D.C, 198 Manual of Rasy Engen, Areican Ratay Expinecing, Avnion (AREA) Wathgton, BC 14 Reconmnel Ltr Force Reremens and Commentary, Repo Siogy Coma, Sur Eginees Aston of Caster 1980 15 Ruling Cade Repeat for Retfored Comer, ACL SBS, Ameria Con: rte ate, De 1.5 Canes Bliing Cade Repiroment or Refored Concrete, ACL SAR, ‘Ames Conc last, Dea 198 17 MacGregor, 1G, Mina, $A, and Hlingnond B, “Stati Aba of Resstne of Remforen! and reed Corse Mewes” J ACT Va £8 Nova Mays fae 190 pp 167-16 18 MacGregor, JG, "Land an Restace Factor for Coes Design” J ACT, Vol 0, No 4 Ju-Atgat 198 pp 727 19 MacGregor, JG, "Safety an Lint Sts es for Reifel Cone” Con JG. Bn, Vo, Na 4 196 pp ST 10 Wat, Sey nd Serie Pvs ACL Rag, Cole, Nei sp. Ate BS moons 1 Fare hah (of PL, ile ad manent ‘Sige mig Hom pats pen oe dn ce o eS FE storm Plot be manent gran oo the compo ie of the bem in ach ase Disegard member sel-welght ab dead he eet fies of pees fre a cae ( hough) Fi P12, sh the tenon profile eesti the ‘ene of lacing the nde oh, Died member sleight and Sg ‘tees of pees ses. 1 tte == Geis auRe Pr2 ‘The simple spa eae own in Fig Le presi widh ceo 50 Kp an tendon een a shown (ent cnet be pot cred dowd fom he oat seni (9) Wht a th coneee tess a ipsa Sd support ae op a bots of he Dean, feng fram pests orc i ‘ing oe? Find th tenes aud fet o pers fre sad een Seon ang te equtlent lead appou. (0) What sees ret fom the Speponion of poste an sleet o 1 pl (0) Wat concrete reste (Shancd when te ie bed Q 1 kp nodose? (8) Cod 3B! fxs esi crerytere) member be sie for Some va of @ fer the ang and tendon poe swe? TWO MATERIALS 24 INTRODUCTION “The stratus and component member o be considera are ‘composed of concrete, pressed with stl tendoas. Seppe: ental noo-preteeed reinforcement alowed for various Purpose Although the general characteristics ofthe mates vie wellknown « stidens of structural engincering abd practicing engines sm special properties ae af profound sigacance inthe eign of prestesed receded was the falar to consider some of thee special properties ihn! secouted foe lack of sacs of all xl lls to presto coneete. For inp i 84s ony after Feyssinet established the sgnifeance of ne-depen “at trinkage and cep of concrete tat prestressed sutures could be alt “tly The us of high suengih tet for pressings necessary for basic pial cons The mechanical properties ofthis steel, a dilosd by stess-sain ures are ite diferent from thse of the steel wee for ordinary reinorot iret. In addition to the higher strength, the designer must acount for ‘erences in dct, lik of «welldebned ysl pont. and other charter ‘Ordinary bar reinforcment, of the sume type wed for ordinary reiforad ‘omeret strstr al plas an important role in pestresed constriction I is ‘for web enforcement, supplementary Jongitdialrnforceent, and other The concrete used in presiresed members is characterisially of higher tvength than that wed for manfred concrete, Diferenes in slate modula, strsn capacity, and strength must be accounted for in design, and time-depen- ‘Gen characters aun coil importance “The increasing use of lghweight cones in recent yeas has permitted reduction of dead loadsa ate of special sgnifcance in concrete structures, ‘ud has facial handing of lrg precast suctral components. Advances ‘Somcrete technology have feslted in the development of phigh agreate ‘concrete of sueagth comparable to normal density materia. Its deformation) ‘haractrsics.intoding time-dependent effets, mst be fly undestod before ieecan be used with confidens 2.2 IMPORTANCE OF HIGH STRENGTH STEEL “The reason for the lsk of sss of most ety alempts to pretes concrete vas the fllure to employ see aa sfcieny high stew and san. The ‘ine dependent length changes peated by shrinkage and crxp ofthe concrete ‘mpltly elev the sel of sexe The importance of high rit sain nd the corresponding high inal srs in the sel cam be shown by 4 simple sample ‘Shows io Fg. 2.1(0) is short concrete member tht is to be axially prestesed sing ase! endon Inthe unstressed sate, the concrete has length find the untested se has length [ler tnsonag ofthe sel and aster of Tore tothe concrete trough the end anchorages, the length ofthe concrete is shortened fo and the length ofthe steched scl [These values mus, of ‘ours, he ental, a indicated bythe gue twang to —_————_3 pH tacit & ee FIGURE 21 tect shrinkage and crap of concrete in reducing preizes force (Gp Aialyprosvesso concoto mamber (0) Sessin sea ‘tthe concrete experiences 2 svinkage sein ty with the passage of tne and, in aditon, if eld under compression wil ule a crexp tai #,. The "oti length change in the member B= (ent ale co} may esac that it enced the stretch nthe ste hat preachers, “nd complete les of pretese force wil rel. ‘The importance of sbrnkage and rep stan ca be mized by using 2 exy high intl strain ans high nial stress inthe te. The rection in teal ‘wes from thee causes depends only on the unit sirsins in the conerte sone with shrinkage ad cre, and he slate modulus F of he sel he ent tad cy 1s independent ofthe inl sel ses. Tis nformatve o study the rls of caeuations for epresetative ves ‘the various parameters. Suppose fist thatthe member it pretest sing inary reinforcing ste at ah inl sues f, of 30 ks, The moduli of ‘ltt, forall tte sao the se and wil Be taken have as 2.00 he seal Sein i the ste ie he 0 . co Bw ag 13 10 vn the toa steel elongation oJ, 103 10%, o Wt a conservative estimate of the sum of suinkage and erep Strain in the ‘merle is about 090 % 10", and the comesponing length change (e+ Fade = 090% 107%, @ Sc J, and J re nearly the same, tis lear by comparing (2) and (2) that te bined ets of shrinkage and ceep ofthe conerete amor a complet os vt srs in the steel, The elecive tal stress remaining afer tie-dependeat sts would be fe ™ (1.03 ~ 0.0) 10°* 29 « 107 = Abs ‘Alternatively, suppose thatthe peestes were appied wing hgh strength cl at an ial sess of 150 Ks. In hs ease, the nal ssn would be 150 ” Ba00 x10 i) nd the tl ostion eda 517x107, © “The length change resaling fom the shrinkage and erep eflets would be the sme ae before Cen fade = 0.90107, and the efetive el stress, afer sss det shrinkage and reep would be Jue (847 ~ 0.9010"? 29 10? = 124s “The losis about 17 perent of he inal sel stress i his case compare with 7 percent lose when mild teal vas used “The results of thee caealaons are shown paphially by Fig. 215 and ‘usta leary the net in prestessng for sng sel that capable of avery ‘igh nial sts, 29. TVPES OF PRESTRESSING STEEL ‘There are tree comin forms in which steel i used for prestesed concrete tendons coki-rawa fund wires, sanded cable, and alloy sts! bars Grade Clsignation for stand and bars, correspond to tbe minimum tensile strength in si units For the widely used seven-vare sand, two grades ae avalible: Grade 230 (jp. ~ 250k) an Grade 70. The higher strength Grade 270 strand i now ‘mors dey sed thn the lower teenth stand. Por alloy sel bas, two grades [usd the regular Grade 145 not common, bet spel Grade 160 bars ean ‘be erdered The minimam tense suengh for clddrawn wires vais fom 235 10 250k depending on diameter and type A. ROUND WES “The round wites used for postensoned pretest concrete constuction and ccaionaly for pretensoned work ae matufactred to meet the requirements of ASTM Specteston A2l, "Uncoated Sies-Relived Wire for Prestess Concrete The individu wits are manufactured by hotoing te ills nto found rods. After cooling, the rode ae pased though dis to redoee their Giameter tothe gue sta. In he proces of ts drawing operation, cold wark {s done on the se peatly modifying ts mechanical properties and increasing its eng, The ite ae sree reboed afer old drawing by continuous beat tease to produce the presebed mechanical ropes ste 21_Properis of wncostes ‘mn raion roreseves wr (ASTM A 21) sacra coe inom)_“Tipeua Tews __Tyeebh pew ameaey_*_—Raowrag + —aomsocom (0108258) 240,000(1655) 280000(1795) 92.000(1825) 200001380) ‘b2e0te38) 24a000 (1889) 24Bon0 (1665) Y92.000(%525) 102000 (128) bare@on nt aasenocteas) 18800001208) "a ata Sma anatase ype BA wre Wires ae valle four dameters as shown in Table 2.1 andin two type. type BA wie i used fr applications in which col-end deformation is used for chosing purposes (uton anchorage). Type WA is wd for applications in ‘nich the ends ate anchored by wedges and no coldend deformation ofthe wre ‘iavated (wedge anchorage). Examples of tendons with button anchorages, ‘wore common in United Sates practice, are shown in Appendix B ‘Lowrelataion wire, smetines know a sabe wie, ia avaiable 1 ‘wot when itis enable to reduce Jos of prestess (othe minimum (ae Section 20), "Tendons are normaly composed of groups of wires, the number of wires in oct group depending om the particule system used and the magaitade of Iwestes force required Typialpelabicaed potunsoaing tendons may "ost of 8 to 82 individual wires Molipe endo, each composed of groups of ‘STRANDED CABLE Siraned cable is snot slays used for pretension members, and it often ted for posttensioned constuction as well Suapd is manufactured to ASTM Spesifcaion A'dl6, "Uncoated Seven Wie Suess Relieved Stand for Pre ines Conte” Iie abate wih sx wies wound tightly around a seventh lg larger dame, The ich ofthe spr winding is between 12 and 16 ‘isthe nominal diameter of the strand, The same typeof cld-revn stresereteved wire is wodin making stranded ‘abla i used for indvdoal pressing wires. However, the apparent mechan- ‘al properties ae sighay diferent because of the tendency fr the suanded ‘rir t saigten when subjected to tension Because the as of the wes does * coincide withthe diection of tension. Cable is sues-reieved by beat Neamen after standing. Low-elaxation or stabiied stand is widely avalable (sce Seton 26, Strands may be obtained in a sang of sizes from 0250 in, to 0.600 in, stometet a8 shown in Table 22. Two grades are manufactured: Grade 250 and “Table22_ Propane ot uncoated amen wire srasecaheved rang (ASTM A 16) Tema ‘Breaing Tomar are Tm oad Sameer Sengih ‘lavas at eenerion incon) ci in om) ban) Grade 0 2s0(635 000400) 6 2020) rsocuo) Osg75) ——14s00(648) oss a7) 23001547) arses 20,000,800) omer.) 17.000 (78.8) asec — Zrooociz0%) sone.) 20001023) oso0c27 © Seooocieos) §——osaatonvo 0.60 (136) 00 (1528) S4000(2402) 0.6 (199.3) ‘asa00 2082), rade 270 0375(05 —— 23000(1023) * Ooass480 195500870) Sasser — Stooocsr) —Oneaat) 2ese0(1172), esoog27 — 00a OasRT Sereo(tse Gano) susonwor) O17 a0) samo) Grade 270 have minimum uimate strengths of 250000 and 270.000 psi (1720 and TS60 MPs, respectively, bse on the nominal area of the stand In the case of alloy steel bar, the rouired high strength ie obtained by inwoducing certain alloying elements, mainly manganese, sien, and chrom, during the manufacture ofthese. Tn adion cold work te done i nang the bars, further increasing the srengih. After cldretching, the bars ae tee relieved to obtain the roe properties. Bars are manufactured to meot the Fequirements of ASTM Spesication A 723,“ Uacsted High Strength Stel Bar for Presresing Concrete” ‘Allo sel bars ae avalble in diameters ranging tom { in. wo 1f in as Shown in Table 23, and in wo grades, Grade 148 abd Grade 160, conespoadiag to the minimum ultimate strengths of 145,000 and 160000 psi (1000 and 100 MPa), respective. 24 NON-PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT Non-presiresed sel has several important applications in prestressed concrete ‘omsruction Although web reinformen for diagonal tensile stress (eo Chapter 5) may be peesteied, gelinanlly i nom pressed bar scl. Sepplementary non-prstssed reinforcement is commonly used in the repon of high heal Tobie 23 Properties of alloy tet bars Neil Nomina roang Tana oad Somer stenotbar senate 10.7% enension ‘erm eo nt) man) maa rade 96251588) oa07oa) 45,000 200) 000178) o7s0(1008) ——aea{aes) ono 285) ‘2.000 (258) ars@oz) gor es) ar. oo0 ET) ‘e000 (347) o0o@s4o) —O7es(so7) sta o004S07) 200 (850) Vres@sse) god ee) tancoyeet) 125,000(578) \aso@i7s) Yaar) reocara2) ‘ea,000(712), Vars@4ss) ——48s(ess) 2180000867) 95,0008) race 160 6251588) oao7qia) ab c00 218) sono 190) 7501008) aaa{aes) Tonos) e2om0 270) ars@225) —Deoveses) S600) 84.000(378) 000540) rasisor) ae o00 561) sto (40, resis) gaa) te8000(708) 3800 (619) 1200175) ‘86000 (672) 72000765) ors) 236000 (1050) 206000226) compressive stress atthe anchorages of posttensoned beams. For both preten- stoned and posttesoned members, it fs common t provide longitu ar stato contr shrinkage and temperate cracking. Ovehanging fangs of T= Sind shaped eros sections are normaly reinforced in both the transverse and \ngtadinal direction wth nontensonod bars Final, ite offen conveiet to ‘nerease the Neral strength of preted beams using supplementary lng ial bc enor ‘Such non-prestresedceinforcing bars, which are ental to those used for inary rnforced concrete consretion, are manoictred to meet the roe: ‘nents of ASTM Specieaion A 615, "Defrmed snd Psi Billet Sts Bas for (Conerete Reinorement""A 616, “Rail Ste Deformot and Pain Bars for ‘Conerete Reinforcement, or A 617, “Axle Sted Defermed nd Pain Bart for ‘Concrete Reinforcement” For apicauons where bending o welding are i= ant. the provisions of Speiicaton A706, “Low-Alloy Sted Deformed Bart ‘Concrete Reinforcement” must be me Bats te avalable so nominal stameters rom 3 to 13, in fn increment, and in two lager zs of about 1 ond 24 in diameter They are generally refered to by number, the number Serespanding to the number of eighth inches the nominal bar ate, for "example, a No.7 ba has nominal diameter of} i "To entity bars that mex the requirements of the ASTM specications, tsingishing marks are ole int the srlce of one side he bast denote (2) the point of origin the producer's ill dsgnation,(b the sire designation by number, (6 the ype of sel for ble steal symbol or ail steel or A for ale sce, and (8) inthe cae of Grade 0 bas either the umber 60 or » single continues longtoinal line through atleast Ave spaces fst trom the ‘ear of the bar sie Tn the cave of bar reinforcement, it is important thit steel and conret ‘eform together, thats tha there bea scien strong boad between te to ‘ters so tha ite o no relative movement can oeut This bondi prewed by the rately lage chemical adhesion that develope at the see concrete inteface, by te atral oaphnes ofthe mil scale on hotoled reinforce, and by closely spaced ibshaped surface deformations with which ars are Themshed to provide high degre of nteriockng of the two mats, Minioush requirements for thse defoomations have boa developed in experiment e- Search and are deserbed in the ASTM spcieatons, Dilerent bar proces use ferent patens to sats these requirements Bars are. produced in diferent strengths. Grade 40, 50, and 60 have specie minim sis strengths of 40,00, 50.0, and 6,000 pl, respectively (G76, 345, and 414 MPs). The preent rend is toward thereof Grade 6 bas {the bars of lowe yield strength may not be commonly avilable. Large diameter ‘ars with 75,00 snd 90,00 psi (S17 and 621 MPa) yield ae availble on special cotde, ltough they Sd lle application n prez coetee member. ‘Apart fom single reinforcing bas, welded wire mesh Is often wsed for reinforcing slabs, beam anges and olhersuracer soch as sels The mesh Consists of longliainal and transverse cld-raen steal wie, at right anes Sele at all pints of itesecion. Mesh avaiable with wie spacing rom in to 12 in and wire diameters from 0080 ia. to 638 ine although all Toble24_Nonpresvesosrentrcoment peated mamas Torso rade or ye stength senate Tee ‘se ps tPa). ery iat tee and ae © ‘oao0 @7e)———70000(485) ‘ool bare o eoaoo,sre) ——000¢e21) al ie bare = ‘saon(see)——_000¢382) ° soaopcare) 000,621) Coldtraun wire ‘oqeotaes) Bn an0(582) Walsed wire mass wi2ena 000,688) Te, 000(817) lager smatlerinen —shco0¢a8e) 79000485) ‘combinations are aot readily avaiable. The ize and spacing of dhe wires may be "he same in both dtstion or ifereat ss asded, The sts wie and the Mite heh mast meet the requirments of ASTM Speciation A 82, "Cald-Deaw Sel Wite fr Concrete Reinforcement,” and A 185," Welded Stel Wie Fabric lo Concrete Reiforcment” “Table 24 ists all commonly availabe reinforcing sts including wire sesh, with information on eld stress and tense strength. Puree information Periaiing te bar sel and mesh wil be found in Appendix A, 25 STRESS-STRAIN PROPERTIES OF STEEL Most ofthe mechanical properties or steel of interes othe dexen engineer can te rad directly from thee stuen-strain cures. Sach niporant carats porn elas lint, yield oun, sngt, duct, and stain hardens Properties iewmedaely evident Ws iastrative wo compar, in general rms the tense stress-strain carves low oeinary bar taforcemeat and typical prestessing sel, sia Fig 22. The “|= 1GURE 22 Comparative sress- stan cures fo rinforcng see and prestress- ‘most sting difereoces ae the much higher proportional csi Limi and Strength available in the round wires and alloy bars ted for pressing, andthe Substantially lower duty. For ockinary reinforcing steel typed bere by Grades 40 and 60, here ia inal laste response upto» sharply dened yield pot beyond which there is a substantial increase in strain without an azompaning incense fn tes, I the load is inctased, this yield plateau is followed by 2 repon of strain ardeiny, during which very nonlinear relation Between sess and stain i obtained Eventually, rupture ofthe mate il occur at aather large tensile sin of about 13 peceat for Grade 0 bars and 20 percent for Grade 40 bars ‘The contrast provided by prestessng sels i striking, They show no ‘wellefned yield sues. The proportion! limit or fund wes (and for sand ‘made up of such wits) is about 20 ks, ve times the yield pot for Grade bars. With ferter leading, the wires show gradu sing but the curve continue ose monotonically wl the te fractures, The fale tess forthe site shown s 250i (1720 MPa), almost for times that for Grade 40 bar but ‘he sirin at fare is only oneid as great Ally bars have characters similat to those of round wire or sian, but the proportional Ht and strength te 30 wo 40 pera les, i jm fy oe ef FIGURE 23 Typca eress-san crestor nonterloned rifting bas. Mote desl stress-strain carves for reinforcing br sel are shown in Fig. 1 he elastic moda forall uch stele about these! 2000 kt (210 00, ‘Mt Although Grades 40 and 60 sel ally show «well dined il pin, ts nots for the higher strength sel. For such case, an equivalent yk i i deine as tha stess at which the ttl strain 0.35 percent, scoring {i ACT Code All grades show’ extensive sain hardening ater the ld se it feaced. Duct as measured bythe tol sain a fate is iia es Toth igh grades. Detaled stesraincrves for typical prestressiag wie, stand, and alloy ate given in Fig 24 For smooth, ound sites, the elastic medals about ‘he same as fr ordinary renforeemeni that, about 28,000 ks (200,00 MPa) ‘se standed eae, the apparent module is somewhat les bout 27,000 ks (1.000 MP), although the strand is manifctred fro the sume wre Ths happens Because the mpealwound iand tens to staihte lighly a thecal vloaded in tension The modulus for ebls embedded in cote may be ose Yo that fr round wees. The artic mods for allay bar aun about 27000 bee oe IGURE 24, Typla oss-sain cuves fr presessing seas (486,000 MPs), the reduction inthis case occating because ofthe presence of Tn the absence ofa welldetined yield sess for pressing sts of all types, it is necesry to adopt arbitrary definitions of yielding. For wire and Stand, the ild sess i dened asthe stress at which ft extension of petent is atsine. Fr allo bars, the iid stress faken as equal othe sess producing an extension of 07 percent. These ales ae shown in Fi. 24 26. STEEL RELAXATION ‘When presen sec ie steed tothe levels ae cso dng nl {ensoung and soviet canis + propery own ean, ‘Relsaon dened theo of sess in se aera held conta tenth (The same tae phenomenon known a cep when defined nts of Gi i engin ofa mca war coin sem) ln preted conces trebers cops ina ole concret a wl ee Eunos Fle! lad case changes in endo gh Howe in eauatg ls ft ‘es sa rel of ela. the ngh ay be consdcred constant. ‘elution i st shrived flonenon, From salle evdcce appears a conte sos nde aout dining ate mst te ‘loaned for inde ems t prokes sean lo of presen ose. “he amount of tation vars depending on the pe a de of il tt he most sient parancer tine thd nena ofthe tial ese “Rnb of th eof any experimental ive gtons some acing nine deat craion tas produced We omaton preestd apical in Fg 2,0 ich fie fl esr # hors te nel ses, a fe he Yields, Te pe sr may Be ae qual he eecne des net in Seon 25 "Te nfrton shown in Fig. 25 may be approxima wth misfactory sceuty by the follow een. bay ; gale} an erg i tthe tae 1, and f/f, 8 nt stan 05 Ref. 2, “Te ests on which Fig. 23 ad, Qi) ate bated were sl ered out 08 round sree ee The else cual appa seseeve Sand and inh hens oie infomation may a Be ape ally sel tem, in he ese of pretensions member te ration los cco etre rea (eater of fost ie cone) shold be sac fram the tal fautin lor pdt forthe Crve se at ewe For example he Ses i be erated tine the wie tenon at ine ad ele "GURE 25, Steet relsaton curs for onary eress-eeved wire and sand time then Eq 21) may be modi a ows fay. (HE os) wo) fie een "he term Jy, may Be taken asthe st stress at release, In sot cates, relation lasses have buen reseed by presuetching, a ‘echnige By which testes nthe sels increase to's level higher th the ‘nlended intial ses, held a that level for sheet pend of time and hen ‘ols tothe intended inl stress, Since the praca lee of initial se is hat 70 percent of the stcgth of the steel i i ao eal to overs by tore than about 15 percent ‘Oa the bass of avallabe evidence (Rel 1) it seat peseeching fl cosets the pressing pid i Inte o ony a few mines. ‘Special low-relatation wie and sean are avallbl, ad their use is becin- ‘ny: ommon, According to ASTM Specieatons AIG and $21, such ee! wil "rib celaxation after 1000 how's aot more than 2 percent when initally ‘eed 70 percent of the spcid nile strength, and not more tan 33 vent when loaded to 80 peceat of the speed tele stength, Relaaton ws fr lowtelaatin wre ad stand an be taken oe about 25 pesca the for normal wie sod send 2.7 TYPES OF CONCRETE "or several easons te concrete used fr prestressed contruction scaracttized loya highr strength than that used for ordinary reinfornd coset I asually subjected to higher forces, and an increase in aiy generally Teds to more onomatal eri Use of high srength concrete permits the dimensions of ‘ember ers sections tobe reduced othe minimum Significant saving in dead {ted ves and longer spans become tednialy and economically possible ‘Objectionable defton ad rekig which woul otherwise be sociated wih the ue of slender member at high sires are casi convlled by pressing “There are ober advaniages High suengh conrete has a higher elastic modal than low stengh covert 0 tat los of prestes oc sulin rom ste shotening of the conrete i reduced. resp loss, which re sously froportonl to clase loses ae lower ai. High Bearing sess in he vic) Er endon anchorages for psttessoned embers ae more ely accommodat- ‘and the az of expense anchorage hardware can e reduced. In the ease of pretensoned cements higher bond sng results reduction inte develop ent length fequred i tran presto from the cables othe concrete. Finally, concrete of higher comprenive strength ao has a hgher tense stengi, Sorthat the formation of lect sd agonal tension cack is delayed. The ste ptf prt oes cnn he Une Sass unde eat cotald plant codons. With extemal frm wbraion Tiel av internal vibration ofthe fe concrete ery sigh steagth mies, ‘ub low water-cement ro, can be placed thot danger of vids. Careful Tonvol of mix proportions Sore eal achieved. Stam ewig is often wed, ‘Thich provides ore complete hsdation ofthe cement. As, for prestressed Concrete members east on the job st higher sengh coneee s generally Specied amd more easly obaied,beeause of the more pressely engineered ature of he construction, Workabity of he mit an be matin ven with {he ven low watr-coment ratios need for high strength, tough the use of perp. ie present pace, compresive strength between 4000 and 8000 psi (25 and 35 fa is commonly specie for pressed conrete members altiovgh Strength ar high as 1200 pal (3 MPa) have been used It shoul be em ‘haseed, however, that the lace strength sasoed in the desig caleulatons Td spcied must be atid nth tat, because the clcalted high tees ‘lng frm presree fre realy 60 oat. Spec meston shold be made ofighveight concrete, atte though ase of ight abreat inthe ik The sugreats Used maybe shale, cy, Sieg. or pleut fy ash. They are gh in weight Because ofthe porous, ‘Silla ste ofthe india! aarerate partes, achive in most ass by {hr ov stam formation ts procenang the aggregates i rua) Ks at high {Eperatures Concrete canbe produce, usog these apezates, ith acl mx ‘lg, having uit meh brwexn 90 and 120 pet (and 19 EN/?) compared ‘sth about 145 pef G3 AN/a) for normal density concrete. The stengh of Tighe conte can be made comparable to thao sone ares ence through proper sletion and proportioning of components aad conte ofthe "he design and contol of conte mins and the development of proper vues fr placing and curing ar a highly speilred eld study ad rot "ihn the scope af ths book. Attention here wl be focsed on the enginsing wopstis ofthe esting mater For information on what is ene Know 1 suncrete material schol. the reader Is tefeted to the comprehensive lwatnets consid in Refs 22 and 23, Practical information of grt value ined in publications bythe Porland Cement Associaton (Ret 2.4) and the American Concrete lasttate (Refs. 2 1028), 2.0 CONCRETE IN UNIAXIAL COMPRESSION arc et nly in compen na colin ses of mente, ich oof ses a ppm, Arn, ‘hina somprne seta cune te pny ite Shee ied lado andar oindr pr oh at rbd ao ig! Rare 2 shows pe a eh as far nme weg ce si: of sboat MS gt cbt tm anal compre ee fea sal ete tne sper ob sna 2 aps al. Figo 27 ses wrpoaing curso ghee const with est of 10 po, ‘theres ast rue Tey Sons nt eey sit se porn in nh ss ad's ae sth Pept es ‘to creo te hus xing ima soca ati te nes seth asta tht ngs om ts 0072 0 003 fer ora ‘theorem 0.3 0 00035 er ightwe cones Ret 29.80 Th ihe le asin ach te creoding thigh segs Al ones ‘iow deendag bach are pa ts es Rotor hese ‘cis ofthe ces te ek ae ghlSepenn oe eb ‘ting fp posers olen eng nu on ss ‘inoiner sung dareang ng ai deedg ces ee ‘sine Re. 21) athe se pil Seve unoding pst he Plt ‘yak sess may be pl pay rte hier sagt see “rnrly more be tn iw seg oct: Ardy opt Seca trac ing inn wal mre en oO Thal te empl tt the Satay of he sea cave fe suy conrad oo sch vrai ee Mag te alr etn een the moh of ig de Sud shape te Sec Theron shorn ge 26 and 2a pal ne ee ane ‘ied by prt sandr pcos tbe stale ute dee Sitos my be ould. Pornu, deg ped a eed at sre perish pee sn eae ‘i ASTM SpeciatonC 192, “Stance sd Making and Curing Conrte Test ‘Seine titi nor Tet caso Campeseve Sr ol res strain curves for normal density con- Haun 26 ‘ype! cages erase Eee pet Aas rm Re 35 rs ofelely , Gn i) a te pe of te na sai pant ss sa srs he ihre sgh of te Sci! or eons ote sengih ogee 6000 pa, cn be Sigil anus we pal eqn foun ee B.- 3WiE 03) ew, th unit weight of he arn cone in pe and 0 tenth in ss! Eqiation @.3) was obtained by testing stroctural cones with vale of JF tot 90 to 135 po. For nova snd-and-stone concrets with w= 185 pl ay be taken as = 57.0007, 0) For compressive strengths inthe range fram 6000 1 12.000 pi the ACI Code 50 open fr he ale lan ne nensenay tsi aur. i be ef ? 5, GURE 27 Typical compresve sess stra cures for ighwelght concrete ‘iting 100 pe Adept tom Pet B8 * cation overestimates, for both normal weight and lightweight material by ax tics 20 percent Based on eeent recast Cornell Universi Refs 29 ad Wy the following equation is recnomended for normal wep emetic wk {he range om 300101200 pa and for ihre cone oa 30 (oan pt 2, ~ (40,000/72 + 1,00 00) *=) @s) lee terms and nis areas deine previously for the ACI Code equations ‘When compressed in one decton, contests, lke all other mutes ex- ‘ous the distin transverse othe direst of the appliodsuexs The 0 ‘lhe transverse strain othe loaitadial strani town oe Peon ratio. it ‘vega only inthe elastic range, at sree lee than about hal the conte wath In this ange, Poisons a for conerete varies between aboot DTS ad “The strength of concrete vais with ae, the gin strength being rapid ‘ws, then mach slower. Tis valaton of strength is specially impertast tie sign ntact of reese conte meer, ew eyo seemed eet pre con Srp Bt penned pnt re menos, cl Se ite lta op deepen of sopra Tends arin ce atu od eet Tee i ant Foins Comm isd he eo se oe "su of nent rine dt ind hae living at sion ae uta for pcg he et of sont a ay ine Rel 232 et wo = at fon of eoncats () Most FIGURE 2 Efecto ge on unis compressive song (owe ‘ured (0) Seam sured Adapted tom Pet 218. or moiseued concrete using Type I cement: : ‘ oa (262) v stared cont wig Type I comet fam (208) «Seamed conte ing Typ Ismet c (26) Yor seamen ng Type cement foe 264) |w these equations, is the compressive strength at tine fay is the ‘npressivesirength at 28 days, and is the age of the concrete a dap igue 2 presats thee strength-ime fonctions graphically, with tine plated to 8 hpihmic sale, Test evidence indester that Ege. (2:6) though (26d) ae ‘sully applicable for normal weight, sandlghtwegh, and all ighwelgh 25 29 CONCRETE IN UNIAXIAL TENSION ‘cs in prestressed concrete members may be caused by die tension, Reva, vie shear and flexure in Beams webs, torsion, ad chee scons Tis ‘etuvior of members often changes abruptly when esi eracs form. Accord ‘iis important to know the tense strength ofthe material, here are several ways to measure the tne strength of conrete, none of ‘hon emily satisfactory. Diet tne et have ben made wsing dambbel specimens held pil gis. Results show gret seater because ofthe ts of minor msalipmens, ese concentrations in the grips ad random s associated withthe location of aggregate, and for fh reason, det ‘vs tests are seldom used. For many yeas, ene strength has been mos wo wing either the mada of pte to the api nae es "he modus of ruptare isthe computed Reval fens ses at which test of plain concrete fractures. The est arangement, shown in Figure 29, i El FIGURE 29. Tests o detainee tone ewenghn of conor. (a) Modus of ‘ture est (2) Spi one fst standardized by AST specifetions. It employs a smal block of unreinorod Concrete apport tends and loaded atthe thi pints. Usually a6 6, ‘eam is wet wih 18 inches between supports. The modulus of rupture 1 a not en see P isthe oul ad aac, Liste a, nd Bad bsp. TERE Lo epet he ce etn. ar cl ety cone meas avr aly bros fad 2c. fo htt see Chucteitmay ange tom 6 (of I xheae, he alr alos es ii setap tna Bch nc pre compton el asec sonst bon ce cia and tee th ea se Saronyatthe ctr suo iat oper ha be seth fone amram a coc taken teen 9 a0 9 fr normal iy coeee an 3 and 3 or og mate eos ser year ie heme to er Beco od seqecdbily’ot tls Me tantra sb ogre 230 A SETS een te ame seed fore sar ual omg sean cach compra sng mc nthe orn ton sriuianeetlon ppl slog tm abet orroste poratn an SMNSSTEN n'a ete on ode! tn nyt near ner se Sects arginine fhe ba The cinder pt a {vlc computed to te oatin 2» fam ag where P is the rapture load di the diameter of the yr, and. sits eth For normal agaveate comer, the pit elinder strength is usally between 6 cs vn 8, whereas fr ightwight concrete itis generally between 47° and 67. IN fore he lower values corespond to higher strength eonect ‘Conerete subject © una tension responde acy elastically wp tothe Inytre Toad. The modulus of easy and Poston ao fn tension can be taken equal to the corespending valet in siti compssion for design 210 BIAXIALLY STRESSED CONCRETE nay Iain in states concrete sujet complex st of ses ‘example, bean wet cary ser combined wth el eson er compre ‘wat osional sheng steer in members getcrly ct concoct inves shears and legit normal sree Ober eampler ae easly Innis leno ome importa tobe sl oped te seen as nc me Bear before flr Of sorte et fo Sais Sat of combi Such complex ses sts can nays be reed t tice esuvalent twncpl sues, acting at pales toch othr, by appropriate Mansormation.Aay ofthe pail sues can Be case of compression. Tr sf them i eo se of Bil se i sido es tw of thee ‘ro the sate of ss ti, Int of exemae eath inset yar, no ser hry of he tenth of contender combined sts hs yet emered. Pours hasbeen tna ovardestablting experimentally the set of motivo suse, Do for casts of bina sear (Re 2.13 and 2.14, Figure 210 shows the neces of the tral princpal see fon the fare ss on he teapendiaardecton. ll sees are expedient of thu compresivesuenth Tt scent the anal compresion ‘lan, ateral compres ihe amon of 30 pent or more of te “Srpresion nthe lngodoa stn sient tenses he seg ‘efi dees by about 20 perc n the banal esin gut ath lm independent of alse. the teusonconpreston sate, am approxima lina tacion i bland. A realy ol lu fate eon ret nwt Io otal smproie weet Te bas ao bon found that Ista compreson of tation mois the sven tessa curve obtained fr nl sate ses (Rel 2.18) thes de paral othe Pouson fc but ab fen em the neat ‘inmost of iat microcracks inthe ese of Ital compres Such !nration has bee fl nthe read asl, wing nite dement mcthods, i cancrete meer such a deep eas and sar was where the st al tw Be considered Bal. bh ‘ite FIGURE 210 Srenath envope for concrete sujet 10 bisa srs, Adapts Atongh some progres as been mide in sving the behavior and suaph afm tase faunas St yet be ep Shr ead bs wal in ign, Foren, nso pci uc, he aa Sate cn be dao or il no en empl tots cigs omine oon 2.41. TIME-DEPENDENT DEFORMATION OF CONCRETE “Time-dependent deformation of concrete rsaling rm creep and shrinkage sof rial importance i the design of pestesed concrete srctures, because test Solumetrie changes rel sn pata loss of prestess force, and they produce ‘pnifent changes in defecuon. A cael estimate of te elects of cep and strinkage rogues quaative engiaceing information relating sich volume changes to ume, sues ltensity, humid, and other factors. Because oftheir importance, bot resp and shrinkage have been the subject of intensive een ‘ver log period of ime. The mort productive stds have heen experimental, sul ftom such investigations the acesay functional rationships have been 08, ‘cp isthe property of many materi by which they continue deforming ove consierable lengths of ime at constant sexo load. The ae of sta ines "pid at fst, but decreases with time unl after many months. «constant “alu is approcbad asymptotic. ‘Creep struin for eooerete has bra found experimentally to depend not ony wie, baton the mix proportions, humidity, curing condtons, ad the ae of the conrete when ti fst lade, Cresp stan is nearly nearly related ose ‘ntensty, 1 a sess of atleast 4-H therefore posible to tlt the ccc train to the tial ease sai by ep coficen dened 8 9) hte isthe iil ease stain and ,, i the addtional sein in the ‘nee after ong period of ne, esting Tom rep. The same phenomenon i sometimes desi in terns of unit ep tan, eco por unt ste such that fa Bale 210) here sth wit rep coefficient, somtimes called the spice, and, the tess intensity. Since he adtonal tsi can be wien ether as Ca 0 Bn ei easly sen that CBE, en The vues of Table 2, quoted fom Ret. 2.2 and extended for high strength sonetete ated on recent earch at Corel Universi, are pial wes fr ‘erage humidity condition for concrete oad the ag of sete day Table 25 Typical ere paraneers Cmpraeave seg Specie cep Gespeoataort r___MPa__ 70" perpa 10 perme —O, oa 9 16 3B cr) 00 we. 29 to 088 ® 2a neo om s 20 ‘ooo a a6 ‘A comprehensive study was made by Branson snd Kripsnariyanan of iting and erignal data praising to bot shrinkage and creep (Re 212, 20d 215) Basie equtions deserbing the funcional relationship between both creep land shrinkage sine and ime were recommended, together wth modification Factors that permit accounting forthe other vasiables of preset pnieance ‘These recommendations wee endorsed by ACT Commitee 209, charted withthe study of exeep apd srinkage in concrete, and provide formation in a usta ores for design (Ret 215. "The crep cole a any tie C, cam be related to the wldmate esep coeentC, bythe equation oper (10) or aernatvey : (28) a= aah hee is time in days after loading. This elation is shown graphically ia Fig. an, [gation (212) applies for “standard” conditions, defined by Branson and Kripanarayanan as concrete with 4. slump oles 0 percent relative hid itypminimum tikes of manber of 6 ino es, and leading age of sven 9% for meisteured conerete of leading age of ne to thee days for steamed fcmerete, For other than standard conditions, corection factors are Teeom- ‘mended 3 flows, tobe applied ther t0 Co 5, FIGURE 211. Varaton of rep coetclent win me. Aap tom Ret. 215, Table 26. creep corecton fers for Yosang fe Weiscre, eased Ses-cured ade Wye “atortan aye inter than’ aye For loading ages later than seven dys for moistcued onerte a7 12s (2130) shee fy te loading age i days. or loading ape ltr than one to thre days for stm cured concrete Fagg Lage 2138) For greater than 40 percent relative humidity: Fos 127 006TH eu whee 11 is the relative humidity io percent. Some spcitc values for the ‘cretion factors Fj, and Fy Pe ge in Tables 26 and 27, respctely. In ‘teases corectonsasoied with mtb ize higher sump conte ‘hr variable an be neat, Table 27_Crosp ane sinha correction ttn or inte ay " Creep conection Stinage cmecton (werceny "acerh, {actor nn ‘ortees 7.00 00 2 ose 090 o oar ‘80 x0 080 070 o ons be * oer 030, SHRINKAGE ‘Normal concrete mies consi more wer than i eid foe hydation ofthe cement. Thi re water evaporates a tine, the ate and competes of dee ‘depending onthe humidity, ambient tempeatre, and the sze abd shape ofthe ‘oncrte specimen. Drying of the concrete is accompanied by a rection in ‘Volume, the change occurring at a higher rate intly than Inte, when limiting Aimeasion ae approached asympiotaly ‘Branson and Kripanaryanan sggest “standard” equations relating shrink age (0 time as follows or moistcuedsoosrete at anytime # afer age seven day seine bere ty, isthe svinkage stra a die ¢ in aye and ei the abate Sinkage rain. The vale of, may be taken a6 800 10° if oa data are ‘ot avalable. For stean-curd cette a any Line afer age one thes days (2.4150) “se (24s) ‘An average vale for ty. of 302% 10" is suageted for steamed “The relation betwen shrinkage strain and ime, ploted to semilogarithmic scales shown in Fig 212 for both nit cued aad tearreued conc or other than standard condone of humidity. Ege (2154) and @215) rust be modified by a correction factor: 140-0108 (2160) 3.00 — oos0H (2168) Ford sus koown, and for particular values ofp, the steel sss at Tauris uncon of oly ene unknown, theses sri at fale e. The lon meen Jj ane fo paral valoes of pestesng sel ai canbe pote si {iy 312% prodace the family of curves shown. This et cares defies potas ‘iat satsty the reqirements of sxn geometry and egibrium at fale, for ‘ch spel sel tatio. The siess-ram cure Tor the resesing steel is hen ‘ipesimposed. Stes and straint fare st also fll om that cave. The Intersceton ofthe stes-sein carve wi the applicable plot of, (3.20) gives the values f, and, that satis ll conditions. The nominal Aexural strength in thea be found witout dificlty wine Es (18) ad (1). ‘An example of the calelation of feaurl suength by the method jut escd wl be found following Seton 3.8. The metho lso provides the basis foe design aid sch ae found in Rel 33 FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF MENBERS WITH UNGONDED TENDONS ‘The preeding analysis applcable if the ste tendons are bonded 10 the oncet so that no clave movetnent (lp) sus betwee he two components ‘hir is naturally the eave for prctensioned beams, and is normally tre for posttensoned member in which the tendons are groated ater they ate te ned ‘However, with some tes of posetensioned consruton, such as when gremed, plasiesheatha tenons are sed, or when tendon load in the follow cals of box gids, grouting is pot possible, Inthe resulting members, her the stele ot bond tothe coneree pean out between the Wo 35 ‘exer loading i ppg "The result is tat the elongtion of the sta is dstibutd ose the entre length of the fendon, rather than beng concentrated at the cack as for bonded ‘Sonsructon. The increate nse! enna stess athe cecal moment section les than fora bonded bea, andthe sess may be only sight more thn the tte prestes f,, when the member fas Faire in such case is chat fected by «small numberof eather wide craks The growth of such casks ‘uss a concentration of compression inthe Fedoced area of conrete above the ‘tacks, eteoding the capacity ofthe concrete ores "Tess indiate that the alu load ofan unbonded eam may be only 75 0 ‘0 percent of tht for oernse dential bonded member (Ref. 34). |G. CONTRIBUTION OF NON-PRESTRESSED REINFORCEMENT Prestressed concrete hes aniost always contain signifant amouat of ao prestresed reinforcing bars indeted in Fig. 313. Stop (a) at provided to ross shear snd diagonal tensle stresses atin ordinary seinfored concrete ‘Somsruction. Tranieree bas (5) inst the integrity of hin projecting anges oF tay be includ (c) a8 an ai in positioning oer sel Guig construction, Small diameter loggtdinal bars (4) ade) are includod in postensoned ‘members to control srinkage cracking peor to teasioning the man steel and to {i in eack control in parallypresuessed beams; the contribution to exural ‘esstance ofthese sul Ionpitial bars is usually not sigicant, However, other non prestesied bars (/) of lnrger diameter ae often in cladod in pray prestieued beams (ee Scion 39) t0 provide the eequied ‘kimate Rexural stegth, supplementing the coninbution of the prestressed FIGURE 2.12. cross secton of postlonsionos boom tentns Although he eset fhe pressing ena mite ite 1o ‘tou cee teal ewe atthe tp of the ufoadl Bass the vied is (Jean be pled as cso he eto ae af the eam perma by Aeyetement of once proton forte bars may th cotton {Gtoralacengh i nied, Members in whi subuatal amounts of tn rsd eral fnlconeat ae pent ae scans eel tab freed efor occ oa ele 33 08 39, The no prestesed basa ares Fig 31) wal ual be suse to wth sed seg when the meer eas to fare. Te eso for thes eden from Fg 316 in which the stern crs fr the non re cad and prestrese enframent ste spermponed. Whe the tendon ieee fe terns ay oper aso ttt eonretesbaage and rep a ota oe So Ra. 816 fal rset) As the Bam vende to fai, bah he tadon and the bar ‘nnfocerneatexpesece th sae sain increment Be if hey area he se iSetin the member ais often the seh bar ae agate Spt thn the tendon, they wil experience asain icrmet ret than hat of fhe ttn ther athe Soin increment Ae suit ots he at pat ‘te tenle yd pin excep in srl eases The iachaign of nom-presteed bre id & seicompaibiy sabia wets po serous eompontons The motions Io be mae wl be di "ss an lsat hy an example in Seton 30 i sonst wth he tteviment of partly preted eas, wich uly comin» anent ont of tenon Br renoreement Inte ACI Code approximate speach 0 ‘teeta et ulimae ural tng eee i Secon 3 uc Bars sce tat at i le yd ses FIGURE 3.14. Superimposed sve rain cures or rifrcng bars ae tendons 3.8 FLEXURAL STRENGTH BY ACI CODE EQUATIONS According to the ACI Code, the Bexualsuength of prestesed concrete beams an be calculated using a siraincompatbiity analyse such a descbed to Section 37. Alieratvely, within ceria limits, approximate eqstions for J. ‘may be wed to compute flexural steagth In practice, «stun sompatbiy Analysis is seldom sequired, and the ACT Cade approximate spproneh oie quialnt wed. ‘A. STEEL STRESS {, AT FLEXURAL FAILURE ‘The ACI Code consis approximate equation for fy the set in the pre steed sel when the bem fail, based on a combination of test evidence snd ‘nals, Code equitions fr f, canbe applied oly, i not less than 0) In thir general form, they apy to prestressed members that may alsa conta noa-prestessed tension flaercement, compres aforement ot boll | Nombre with Bonded Tendons bt without Tankian or ConpresionRbars v pressed beams that do ot contain supplementary bar reiforemen, of lor cases whee the contribution of sac reinforcement to eral strength ca be yl. the ses im the tendons at beat fare can be found rom he iain soot) om) this equation, the prestressed reinforcement ratio ~ 4y/bd in which 4, ‘the effective depth to the centroid of the prestressing stee."Diffrences in the is stan properties of ow-eattion vic and stand compared with ordasty tet rege the introduction ofthe cefiienty,. Based on clelations sing i-compaibity analysis (sce Ref. 37, Ye ~ 040 for fy /y, not es than 085 (ordinary sreseelieved tendons) %y 7 0280 f/f et ess than 0.90 (ln-elaaton wire and stands) Altother terms in a, (221) ave a heady dine. embers Win Bands Tendon, Plus Tension or Compression Rbare ‘he inluence of supplementary tension o compression bar reinforsment onthe leur stength of prestessd beams i accounted for inthe ACI Code meth, ot by mesifying the equation for, (which wll nelly be lower for beams uth tension rears than for those witht eause of increase in depth fo he vl ans a8, sade) and Second, by inclng the orcs inthe rebar in ‘pstation of nominal flexural stength 4, For bests conning spleen ny ur tenfrcement, the tess in he tendons ean he alate rom: a geo) 2) tw ty 20, 4 eet depth 6 nom presented tension sel j= eftcive depth wo pressing sel Phe = eb! where p = Ay ad p= Ay/bd 8 wal for eintorced concrete beams. Other Termin Eq (22) hive already been defined. If compression ste has been {aken into account when calculating, by Bq, (22), the term in square ‘racket snot toe taken les thas 0.17 and depth to the compression bars ‘ust not be greater than Od, according 1 Code. |. Members Win Unbonded Tendon and Spa-o-Dept Rato of 35 o ess twas pointed out in Soton3.7F that for member in which the tendons are not bonded tothe concrete slog tee length the increase in tendon stress asthe ‘beam i Toad to flue is mich fs than others. The beam span-to-depth Fao as been ous by test to bea signieant parameter also (Res. 3.8 and 55), Acsording to ACI Cod, for unonded beams wit pat-o-epth ratio of 35 oles (his typical of st onary beams: Soo Ipc * O00 + 62) ios, ithe esto tha, (225 sal ot be rete thn f, norte Than #8000. 4, Marbers Wh Unbonded Tenens an Spanto-Dept Ratio Greater tan 35. For slabs, the spa-to-dpth tof uly greater than 35, and often as igh as 50 thas been found tat fr such cave the ictase in tess in the tendons is les than that for les slender members. Accordingly, tbe ACT Code provides that for such eases, + 1000 + 9.28) le + 10.00 + 629 vith the restrictions that fy i Eg, (24) shall not be gener than fy, nor sreter than (f+ #0000. 8. FLEXURAL STRENGTH “The exural strength of presessd beams i compute, according to ACT Cod ‘bythe sme metho are wed for ordinary ranforeed concrete member, with “pproprate changes in tail. The stress fy im the tcadons a fate is de {ermined by the applicable equation from Scion 3.8A. Nop-prestesed har Feinforement, if present on the tension side of dhe beam, i assumed 10 ‘Sontibue to exutl strength ating at ts ld ses, Rectangular Cros Sections oe beams with rectangular coss sections (or for or hens im which the saresblock dep falls within the thikoese of the commpeesion, Range) and ‘voting no supplementary ceinforcng baryon the tension side according to the ACT Code Commentary, tbe nominal fear seagih is Mem Aol 25 626) ‘hyuatons (3:25) and (3.26) are Wena to Eat. 2.19) and (3.18), respectively oe design purposes, according to the Code, the nomial svength is to be ‘nutped by the stength eduction factor to obtain the design sent om.-44yn(é-4) ox ee § = 090 for texas TI "bor-presesed reinforcing ary are cade on the tension side of the eam, the nominal Hexualsuength is a oa where 0.29) 1 in addition to pressed and non-pestresed tension reinforcement the ‘eam contains relaortig bas in the compression 20e, the inllence of those ‘son exural strength can be found using saicompaiity analysis to tind the testes mall enforcement at Tale. Alternatively, the ACT Code ‘Commentary incdes addtional provisions for such a case. In ost cas, the ‘omtbaton of those bars to Mexural strength canbe neglected. 2 anges Sections wih Srase-Block Dain reser Than Flange Thickness Ve. lange sections, the depth of the suess block may be greater than he hicknes ofthe age I 0th equations for Mex stength must be mode’ ee | FIGURE 3:15 Dwsion of compression zone of Hanged beam for computation of ‘timate essing moment to account for the nonretngur shape ofthe compression zone. Whether or not this must be consdred ean easly be determined by cleulting the ses block ‘epdh assuming that rectangular beum analy applies, sing either Bq (26) ‘or Eq. 29, wluhover i applicable. Depth i then compared ith the Mange thickness hy Ifa greater than fy, the calulation is invalid and the ange fection exuations for feral strength most be ase. They ae developed as fellows. “The total compression fore in the Beam ston i divide fo computational ‘purposes int two parts. The Sst, the comprssion i he overhanging pron of the dang, is equate by apart ofthe total tension force. Ts pal tension Is defined a8 yf Accordingly, Arthye = OSA be) hy ox) wre all gsometsic terms are defined in Fig. 18. This ange fore provides a Testing moment withthe terol lever arm measured to he cenid ofthe Dressing sel, of (4, ~hy/2}. The eemaiiag ar of te tol tension force Caphet Af) is erated by the compression in the beam web, and See ee Thaw wets Ayedye = Aelys + Auby — Arsh (si) ‘The compression fre inthe web, which i equal to this arial tension, has internal lever am, seared tothe centroid of the prestrssing see of (2 — 9/2), where ox) ‘The ial contribaion othe essing moment is provided by the non prestressed sn enfrcemet f ay atiting 8 fe 4, acting ta distace (7°52 anh eno ete pring bese ttt sing mt th dy sige cobs ‘the three parts: ul My Ayah Frage 4) +4yuhld-%) 3 w ds purpose, as usa the Sen cesane i tunel eal to with ¢ = 0.90. = an (C. Lumtrs FoR RemronceMeNT "i ensure that prestressed concrete beams if overloaded, shall have duce sexpons before aur, is desirable o place an upper mit onthe ten tes) ‘ato, thereby ensuing that the eo wil be steed testo is cles ‘en the Beam falls. Such a requirement is analogous to that imposed athe vesign of ordinary rnforeed concrete beams, for which te Tense sel rato ms not exceed tre-ourths of he balanced value, sssording to Code For prestressed concrete beams, based on at ellecive pretress , of (fg seasonal typical of beam in practic ite shown in REL 37 that Spee Fis Should be pce on the enforcement indices a flows "or rectangular sstons wih prestestng se! ony 4 = 0368, (sta) where = belt Hor feanglir tine wih peeing sed and nonprestesed rit: (ow) = 0.368, Gun) FLEXURAL SIRENGTERY ACCODEEQUATIONS 97 For ange sections: Sot Blee— o) 0.368, (630) In Eq (3.34), the tinorcement indices fr Hanged sections are cleulted using Hel ratios bated onthe web with fy, rather than beam wth bat fot ‘rectangular Sections. In all ofthe equations above, flanged secons nth ste. bck depth equal to-0F les than Mange thicknes are tated at rsangalar a renforement index greater than that determined by these equations is ‘sed, the nominal flexural strength it calculated based on the ccoprocion Portion ofthe moment coupe Its shown in Ref, 37 (ase ACI Code Comme {ary aio) that this nominal Revaral sent For rectangular ston o aged sections in which a docs aot exced hy 1M, = hd {0368, ~ 00992) (6.350) For flange sections in which a exces Ma = rdi(0368, ~ 00883) + 08sfe(0~ a,)h[4,~ 2) (2358) Nominal exo strengths are ote mull by 4 oobi design strength ‘Athough he wala of = 090 for Rea ten sie fected ‘cams in which conpesion onto apps mone auc ke fe OO (ed ebewhere for tl led pus Beare As prcaon sit abrupt feral ale estg tom rp of he resin stl immediately on fesua racking ofthe bea he ACT Coe ‘urs tate lite resdag sweat beat as 2 times te sacong ‘moment, clus Using a module of rapt of 73) Gee Seen Sa) Re {xcepon toh oqutement oper he Real and shear mrs ok ‘he member ave est ts tha oui EXAMPLE: utimate Feral Capcty by Strain-Compaiy Antsia wh Norton Using the sain coetbty method of Secten 27, find the ulimste moment nasi ot tetnon angel Seen shan n Pon 34 an hea ‘ane concroe ie sed, wh compressive strength = 4000 pan as Imodulus & ~ 361% 10" pa. Tho utinetesrar-espacy ofthe concrete anne ‘1000, and f, = 85. he beans petenscned, ung even ordinary rats 35) Spak & SEES cece lee 2 eetee "FIGURE 3.18 Foxe suengh anal of beam 2) Crse secon. (6) Stain in ‘merle ae oa (2) Svea and ta rca (= 28 Mb, £24800 Pa aot P= Gat). From Tab 22 he eros ssctona area of ane nana is 144, hence Aya 7014 = 1.0080? Iv srs and sain ne tendons resulting rom he eect rete oe ao, a 6 _ we ten EB ~ 0008-5 Ine increase inset san a he concrete a its eve is dacompressd found om ea) “Te tel sess at fare wil nly be azure ta be 200k From Fi. 24 te corresponding san is gq" OO070 Assmng that theses eck deh is as than the average flange tekness of 5 nts Gop a eleltes ven Ea (sia: Abe 1.008% 200 og oBs¢b ~ Dapea te “4SIn ‘408 on fit sa the Gecorpresson sage fo tse ours aang Eg (35) © «0000 x 712= 581 _ oonsp = 00000 x 12885 888 od the total steal sn at fare, ound Hom the Sum ofthe tree pans, a Indes by Ee (319) 6 wratete = 0.008 + 0,008 + 0.0058 ~oons ‘atch must be compare wih the srain of 0070 assured atte tart Cleary, @ reveed estimate regres ore eocond i sel fur sesso 210 fs is sesured, wih core: sponting sain oF 04086, The eae bioce depth nis cases nase 2? o 549 aaa 8 5 = oon x 712-69 - ooo ‘8 shown in Fig, 3 16D. The totale sri a ares tu ‘7 00059 + 00008 + 00055 ‘compared wih the assumed value of 0.005, clear tom Inspection oft |Srese- sin curve tat her opener! would esutn nope crange the {ature evore in he tol The sen at tates very aoe to 270 ks (#60 MPa) tnd the nominal stat, om Ea (218) Al §) = 08x 211739 832) = s000in.sos = 257m a8 wm) ‘Adsitonal Comments | Almaugh the snes lock depen exceed he thickness of ho outer porns of sane, is tenuate average nes enero aca 2. Tha sol sain inert reuse by decompression of he concrete i ery fall compared wih rand ny Neglect of tus guarty woul have He intence on rau 9. Tha meal rains ature ls cose fo tat corespondng tothe ya aves. Consequonty, very ite sangaton ofthe eal woul Seer, shou te Baar be ovroaded prt brut eretng of te concrete. From the ewpomt of tay, the design cous be mores If «mere atl fare ese cous Bo \Meive Suen mocisomlons i baseload n Chapter 4 ‘EXAMPLE: Utimate Flexural Capacy by Stain Compotbity Analysis Using ‘Grophial Solution to Ste! Sess Find he utmate moment caps of he ber just conser, determining tne ‘rest n the precenved renoramen at alre by graphical rahe han ere From Ea (8.20), with p= 1.008/(12 17:18) = 00088, oe obtains Sah? x pasar Stes te Gh In relatonsip, conning the equiremnts of quibriim ad san compat: lyin ploted infin 3 12 4r the eran range otro, ansible yy 0.080 Do snoan in Fp. 312 ts he srese-mrnn cue for he presresting stand ‘produced exact tom Fg, 2. The single ses that sates a requrements 6 ‘ours iom te rtreocton fhe sve rain cove ts he cove pled or Ea (620) and ha ave fy = 216 ks, compared wih te apronnate valve of 210 ‘Sitound by terabon ne previous example. Tha woe depth oe compressive ‘Sree book ie 1.008% 216. 5 a4, an gupsaa is "S84" Ine nomi nr erent he a can heb id Hon Ea (21) tbe Soe sy,= 1008 x ate i710 934) = atone = 2p 7) he approximate value of 257 ps fund in the preceding example by tation ‘nree whi 2 pacar. EXAMPLE: utimate Flexural Capcty by ACI Equations Fn tho ulimate moment eapscty ofthe beam just consisted by using the pproniate AC equate. “he Yao of eacive preset utiate sang ol he sels £-38 -osr> 050 73 CConesquenty, Eo. (21) may be used Yo btn the approximata vue of sie! ‘svc tale Wit to rao no Bo ei — 0008 ‘he fare sees, by Ea 21) 8 ene B98) 214 — 136 = 804 ‘The s16s-book pt wn the web found om Ea, (82) “ater wien the namin Hera sangt is aly fund om Ea. (8.39) ) + r{rz10- $) ‘Astional Comments |The predicted tare moment of 262 eps accoraing 0 the ACI approximate irethoa a very lose othe value cf 259 Nps obtained By the more exact ‘Sranccompatbiy snaasAgresment wil no aways be e0 004, pateay Ter beam with high set aon ‘Athough a hanged bea anya indeed by te Cade eavation, the dept ‘lite ess loc inthe web when ele stuay nou eau to he ange cine oS Tne al an says Baa On a conn ‘Sran-compaiy anise 1. Umenover method sas to calculate the nominal Rows arent, hat ‘ue must be reaced by the fot #0 cba he dag sent 19 PARTIAL PRESTRESSING "ay in the development of prestressd concrete, the goto prestesing was the “simplet elimination of coneree tele srs sence loads The conepe ws hat an entirely new, Homogeneous maternal that would eminwneracked and ‘espond els opto the masimum antrpated Jong This Kind of ese, ‘here the Tmting tensile ses a he conrete a al servic lad er, feral known a fl pressing, whereas am allratve approach, i which Nowaral tension, and usally some cracking, are permiled inthe conrete at toa Sree oud, i elle pert! prestreing* “There are cases in whic tx necessary to oi ll isk of cracking end in ic fll pressing is requ. Such css include tanks or eerie where Teas mast be sveded, submerged structures or thee subect to a highly ‘owrosive environment whore maximum peotation of reisoreament must be nnued, and seule subj o igh frequency repetition of lad where fatigue the rifercement may be a consideration “However, dee afe many cases whete substantially improved performance, ‘oe cst or both may Be obtained thr the axe of ler amount of estessFuly prestressed beams may exhibit an undesable mount of upward ‘Cmber besnute ofthe eosenre pretesng fore a depacement tht tony rally counteracted by te gravity lads producing downward defection, This Tendency is agravated y erep inthe conerete, which magi the wpe placement due to the press foc, bat has ile nfuence onthe downward Sateeon de to lve load, hich may he only stemaiteny sppied Alo, “hould ely presiresed members be evel and fai they may do sain ‘no pone aera Fel wes erga a song abacle ef Ml eresschg rs nar mann ot Ses ay trite way rater dan gradually as do beams wih smaller amount of prestes. This is important fom tbe poiat of view of safes, becawe sudden falls without warning is dangerous. and gs 20 opportsnty fr coretve messuts Furthermore, fully prstess beus may show other undesimble side et, such as severe longitodinal shortening and sbstactl loss o reste ‘Although conrete cracking maybe allowed at fll seis Tond it is aso recognized that sch full service load may be iafequenty applied. The more typical load aetng is likely to be tbe dead load pls a smal action of the specied live load. Ths 4 partly prestesed betsy snty aot be sujet to Tensile ses under the usual conten of loading. Cracks may form ocaion. lly when fll seve load is applied, bot these wl lose completely when that Toad is removed. They maybe’ more objectionable in pressed srctres than in ordinary teinfercd cert, a nich earl crack always fom, Thy ‘may be considered smal pice to pay for he improvement in performance ‘cconomy that ae obtained. Paral pressing was pioneered in Earope by Abels (Refs. 2.1010 3.25 see aso Rel 34 to 36) Thee is iereasing te of pata pressing i the United Sates thas Been observed th ranforeed concrete, on the ce hand, and fllyprestessd cone onthe oter hind, are merely the two exe ‘ass ofthe broad cas of sel-raforced conrete systems, Partly pestesied ‘concrete represents everything between these it ears (Re. 3.13), Toad deletion elation for beams with a varying amount of pesres force ae presented in a ualiatne way in Fig. 317, Both reinforced cone and Drestresed conte beams may be anderrinforced with x relatively smal sel ‘ea such that alr presale by sg ofthese, one refed, th relatively Large stele so that fare is initated by crashing ofthe eomcrete fn the compression sdeof the mene before the steel reaches i ten. In ich eas, the amount of prsres fore introducod bythe sven sel area may ‘ary fom azr (inforcd conerete) toa tery Inge vale (overrestesng) Figure 117a shows loaddefction cures for underrenfoced bei, ll with the same sted ares and concrete dimensions bot varying Amounts of Drestess. The dotied lines represent adden curves cele ing the flexural rigidity ofthe uncesckad transformed cross soction (EI) and tha of fe cracked transformed eros ston (1) The lod causing fae is about the same in all eases. Beam (2), with Zero prestress, responds lacy to ts ‘racking Joa, alier which us loadin curve iz approximately linet nd paral tothe E, ie. Obviously for the beams (B). (2), and (4) that ate Dressed, the iad causing cracking is higher beater inal compresion ‘rete are superimposed in the tension zone. The loetion of te point of Separtore from the line Ely depends on the depree of prestress. Best (8) ‘epreseats a parialyprestesed beam, in which cracking may oor el full service load, whereas beam (c) is filly prestese, wih zo tensile stress at Service load, cracking only when hight load i reached. Beam () is over he Fa [FIGURE 317 ized toot datoction cue for Beane wih varying suns of ‘Resa. Aapnd nom e340) unde ere tare () Oar estessd, and wil ail suddenly i rite fashion. As shown inthe gure for nde-reiforeed beams thee is sommally a farther change in slope of the Wd-detction cure before fale, as Ue sel i sessod os nea range, ind as extensive cracking xcus. “The cortesponding carves for otr-eifored beams are given by Fig. 3.1, Sich Beams may alo have neo pressor maybe pasty, fly. oe overpre- Siresed, the depee of prestesing determining the cracking load as belo owover, after eacking, the cares fllow mor oles paral othe Ee the way to fare They fl sudealy an with mech ess waring than Before. The effet of varying the peste i similar Yo that for nde-reinorced beams, xcept thatthe load that causes file incest some extent ae the pretest lowe i neressd (Ref 3.10 and 3.10), (One may speak of the duty of prestressed conte beam when efetng to its capacity to delet extensively before fare, tis le rm Fig. 317 that 2 a chs, underrenfrced beams af more dil thas over infeed Beams: ‘and that in ithe case, paral pestesed eam exhibit more duct than fuly or overprestresed Beams. The capacity of flexural members to abso the erty of impact is rely related othe area under it loa detection diagram, ‘The advantage of partial pressing in his respec i also Gea ‘The choice of suitable amount of pretres as Abie has observed, is gover by 8 vatty of factors. These itcade the ature of the loading (Cr fxample, highway or road bridges, storage, and 40 on) th ratio of lve 10 dea Toad, the fequency of occurence ofthe fall ad, and the pesence of forresve agens. With sutures in hich the direction of load may be evered ch as in ansison ols (ste Chapter 13) high ior pests ‘would result in reduced ultimate sengthand is rite fut. In sich cise, Pata pressing provides the only stitctry slution Regardless ofthe amount of peste fore slated, the tensile steel must provide total tension fore, on reloading ofthe beam, tat wll develop the needed flexural stengih. A member despre for patil pretesing, using he ful allowabieinitlsuess to determine the fendon are A often wl ot saity stcength requirements witout modieation There ate lst te aleratives In modising the des 1. Irene he tendon aa that teu by conto timate, sing inal ‘econ ks tan te alloed to Bethe Seared inal estes 2 Ines the eon ae coding to reuteens line tse ony pst ste eons ote aed ital ein he emer eae 2 Provide te sede tension fre a late by cminton 6 ede, reed Intl to he flowable ate ad am reteset rnc Alternatives 1 or 2 are generally favored for pretensions, prestt beams. Strands ‘re moh stronger thn ebrs, so smaller aca can he use, equines space inthe forms. If unsresed stand is used (Alternative 2), short pico of stand an be wilized that woaldoterwise be wasted. Strands tensioned below the all allowable value (Altemative 1) mail experence lower relation lose. The tid ltemative is usualy more economical for postensoned. beams, besuie it educes the numberof tendon anchorages and ld jacking operations It wil Be shown in Section 10 (je Fig. 314 aio) that, when non prestessed ars ate ‘sed inthis way, they will almost always be tte to ther full id stenath ‘when the beam fl “The ACI Code permits concrete tension of 6/7 a fal vie loud, hy less than the wstal medals of raptors, and neues the ission of sufcent ‘bonded reinforcement in the tension zone to contol eacking I exp eal tion of defection due to immediate and mistinedloadesndcate that those ‘defctions are within allowable lists and the concrete protection for the reinforcement is nceased above the usual init, the Code permits a allowable \ensle ses of 12//7 (ae Table 3.1), Both sens ae equal 0 part restrssng according tothe definition given erie. 1h each cae, according to present United States practic, the testes ae ‘eaelated on te basis of propetcs ofthe uncacked eros seton It cet, hen, that the higher ses init epeseats only nama ey, nei wl hove the meus of rupeue- The jusifeatin for basing ealelations on the ‘ncracked section, in such case, that ficient bonded steals present to ‘nine and conta racking, and that te overall performance ofthe member at that loa is apprimatey what it would bei the concrete could, fat, develop the nominal ten tess "ter the mente: has racked if both concrete and sel steses resin in tne elntc range, reser may be computed wang proper of the racked ‘eansformed cross section (Ref 318). Such caculauons are decribed in the fallowing section. 3:10_ ELASTIC FLEXURAL STRESSES AFTER CRACKING AND ‘STRENGTH OF PARTIALLY PRESTRESSED BEAMS. [A the fll serie Toad stage, patsy presuessed eam ae wily crcked, sthough generally both concrete and sel steses remain within the lic ‘ange: Although seve lod sees ata crcked cross ston may propery be fonsidered of secondary importanee, compared withthe suength and safety of ‘he member should it be oveloaded,caleulaton of sess maybe rue for ‘vera reasons 1. For prestesed memes, cack wits at seve oa are lat othe nse in sete past he stage of cont deere coeucy, hem Id ‘he sess mus Kn el the res a decopeetn 2 An acum aeiton of bob eae an cep deli a ee lad rues ‘ha curate be based on sul nt nonin toes and sin dbus 1 aug factor dein i mecary odie ata es ranges bh ‘onc and st 4 Wag be ner 10 compute srs inthe cracked section to demonsiate ‘npn it eg ede (The ACI Cade does 3 requ hin) For an ordinary reinforced coetete bet, cacustion of steses at a ‘ke section isa simple matter. The transformed section conept permits te ‘(the falar equations of mechanics for homogeneous elastic beams to locate irl ais, determine section properics, and calculate stsses. Alternately, ‘plit equations may be derived for noahomogencous reinforced concrete wvtons (Rel 3). For cracked pestesed concrete beams, matters ae more complicated. The ‘waneal axis leeaton and effacive secon properties depend not only on the Oram @ owomresion @ rvmwaraa — a a 7 lat at +44, ele Ao FIGURE 3.18, Sass to anaysis of racked cross secton, (2) Cracked cross [tet (b) Cones and ate sane (e) Decompression ee, (0) Fores on ‘Sake Setter (e Resung seesee comity of the erst section and the material properties, a for reinforced foncrete beans, but aio oa the axial prestessng fore andthe lading The Seal presvesng force and the loading. The wal fore isnot constant afer ‘racking, bu depends on the loading andthe section properties “The eee cos Seton ofa typical paral prestesed beam a service load is shown in Fig 3 18a, The member shown includes both prestresod stel of ren 4, and aon peeszessed bat reiafocetent of fea 4, 6 commonly the ‘She, Is asumed thatthe member bas cracked, that both sonerete an ste! a Stressed only within tr elastic anges. and thi the contbuton ofthe tensile ‘concrete can be dacegarde, The stain and stesss in the concrete and stat wil be considered at several stages, crn of which ae not atu experienced bythe member, but are considered only a «computational convenience (Refs 3.14 snd 3.15). oad stage 1) (Fg, 3.180) corresponds to appliance press alone: Athi ta, he ten th ead = (0.26) "te compressive strain in the bar reaforcement at this stage, assuming perfect lw tetween the two materia isthe same at that in the concrete athe same el Consequently, the reinforcement 8 initaly subject to n compressive fam ~Bea oa [ext it is welt comer tous load stage 2) caesponding to 5 REFERENCES 31, ion A. sd Winter 6, Design of Cort Src, 1h, Mee 82, olan, ©. W, Lint Capaciy of Ranfocad Conrae Secos Ung Cans ‘Sh Sian Panton, MES. tas, Comal User aca NY 187. 2A Leonhardt Py Pred Cone Dep and Conran, 2nd od, Wiel rt and Son, ei, 196, 1S Gayo, ¥, Ln Ste Deg of Pred Cnr, Vt bn Wiley ed Sons, New Yor 197 1 Gayo, ¥ Lin Sate Do of rate Cn, ol 2 fb Way a ns 1 Matick, A, Hy "Madan of ACI Code Bgtion fr Sein Bonded Pressed Relnrcenvat st Feu Faire” J 47, Vol, Ilya 1984 pp. 3-399 1 Yama, Kat, and Mata A. 1 A Compan of he Beaver (Post Tesoel Perc Cant esa Wit wel Wie Bon,” Report $5393, Univer of Wagon Colle of Eagincerng Serta ad Mean ‘Seale, Wagon, eset 1. 1) Mojahed, Sand Ganbie, WL, “URimate Se Stosce in Unboad Pr ‘sarsed Conte" J. Simca! Dison, ASCE ol. 104 No. Say 178, pp. Tssies, 10 Abe, PW. Faodation to Fred Court, Vo 1, Cant Pblitons V1 bes, BW tanto Prd Core, Vo. 2, Concrete bles 1, Lope, 16 110 bs, PW. an Bd Roy. BK. Pend Conrete Desig Hando $e Cemcat aod Coacete Anocaion, Wes Sigs, Sought, 114 Naaman A," Propo to tad Some Code Provisions. on Reaoeomet Paral Prestsing” JP, Vol 8, No. March Ape 138, pp. 7491 914 Nikon, AH “Flu Stress After Cracking i Parl Paste Beams") PI, Wa 21, No.4 lA 1996. 2 MS Thutimana, 8, “A Cae fy Pail Piteing” Simca Conrete Spero Pres Unter of Teen, May 7p. 25 "Mo Taos M. Ke “Eapedint Seve Load Ana of Crake Petes Conte ‘Stton" J BC, Vat 2, No. Noveber- Deen 198, pp. BT, VIP Nios AH, Discusion of Rel 316, J. PC, Vo. 2, No, 6, Nove Deen nostens M1 A recanpla omc Ream of with b= 1 itt depth A= 28 sensoned thing a sng praole eda hodae ccna) ¢= 78 iat ‘nip and On athe ple oppor Te ial proses fee y= 394 ip, nd he fleas abo R= 8 Pe tener so any ipetnped de std lin loads of 3000 and 1.00 rete, willy tte oe the ‘0. span Spe comet engi is = Sp sa at he tinea as {= Sn ps Determine te Seal dtu inte cone pe he pay C Leet Stn rcune a2 (6) for na condons etre appinon of spinon na, and () a fl ‘src lod Compare ih AC at stews 512 The eonctete Hea of Fig. 52a is peste wth or sabes ashing {otal aa = 0575 Event of tel va paral fo ae Sport oi tthe center ofthe 3-1 span, The ete sess a the Se ‘ar Tonet i 12200 po) What ule ced sopetapoed od proce crckng of th beam, gen hat te mods of rapa f= 45 pa) ‘What sopernpend nad wil pec» anced codon of exer ane ‘Set pce fad, sch tal wore eal onpeson wil be ean ence (6) Fo the blac od ont cmp, wold the midpan defection be wow pa eso? Explain 213 Gise that te przesng se forthe beam of Probl 32 bata ses ‘Se aise Fp P.2, and ta be sncete ar imate nin opaty a 103 Steric te msn! eral tengo the mer bel) 20 "rain compat ania Sading by erat, bards comp yam dg eens a Yad oe Cl ie for jy, Concert f= 80 pa Compre od nament om oar ete 5A Am AASHTO Type I bride tee Appeal A, Table A) is wel on 8 SO ‘ple span Th ban spend wig sand bles that opp compe five foe Pa 42 ipa alee ln epee lowe, a ee estes Pf 67 ips ated. The tel cas of 9 fame ale 2 Fronds and the cen hs anstn cenit of 128s (0) Gen Un th ‘er comers spd mein apenas of pests ee theese a sort ser reciept at tig tae! ©) Wat err ‘bts for he uaoaed meter (pss pls sleight cay) eral Sm ‘ort! oe Ban ona (0) Whales rl pon apo ffl er nt am min i ea of 4) Wh ‘ley acral acing (ned ih pe ote gta ad seve ges a be mt of pete 2 So 9 ese [= S00 psn the set baa ers cre sown by Pg hat al tba poe fre fhe member (Ue he ACL en sl py ‘te ual sag confor Sonal mer engih) 19 Reset he nomial exe fo the AASHTO gir of Prob 34 tse on a sran-campasbity ana wing terton se cae neseston od ‘Snare ihe pea eve Comm 6 For the Eun shown in Fig. 3.16 and decibel in the ssmpnying exam ‘sy the elon xu stg tl ltrs cpa f(s he tanber of in deter artes from sen to fe ne Lepage eee ses fora 14 ip, relaing th ce rote foe 107 ie wie ping the munber of tanks unchanged t seven, apd (0) feducing be elie weiss force to 72 ips to Be poe by Be in lc ard tnd ‘owing sles aoe pated infog ar wih J, = to sre ae {ig Reoral epacty. Rotation copay nach cy Be computed Hes Be ‘in agra t Srl sre Comment om ou rove 17 The bam sow in i P70 be wed in aso apport syste spanning 4 tee simple opens wil arya supernosed dead lad of $0 Tad Stree He lead o 25 B/flaalioa frown wet Te mene pstiesond wth «fre 190 hige At loan the seen 13 in Timedependent les of 20 pact Wl be ase, Namal eight coe ‘peal with f= 50 pi ad tine of texing, f= 2080 pol 0) Pid freee earl Seat mip tthe ine nal teaoning Sad mp ‘WhAACK Ht @) Find concn stecs t fl scvie ad and smpae with CL pe cure P37 limits. Find te aly actor is cen, expel pecniag ines of ‘serie vend.) Using ACT apie ene nd thm ad detgn ‘esr seg. Astne te pests fre app by Grade 90 snr hong toil area p= 1.00 in ih perder gen by Fi 24A Hating emcee Stain of O13 ay be nd.) Dees te manber me! ACI reacts with see © cing rl eg Wap fo fy pan Rr FOUR FLEXURAL DESIGN 44 BASIS OF DESIGN 1s hep in dscosing beam design to summarize the performance of ipialconrete beam in terms of loud ‘etection curve shown in Fig. 41. Whea the inal presuese fore i appli, there il be aa immediate upward caer ‘eoulting from the bending moment associated with prestress eccentricity. With the Beam supported mainly ati eds, the sell-weight i immediately brow ino tet, superimposing a downward component of detecon 8, onthe vpward ‘hmber due opeesussing. This is eferted wo a he unloaded sage, with nit estes and sell-wepht acting Te wl be assumed het, for Simplicity, ta alos eeu at onc, sch that the net deflection at the satis, 8, esting from the combination of lice prestress fore P, and sel-Weght AK this tage the comet fe tras dstrbation at mipan is generally as shows by the stall shaded seth ‘aperimposed onthe foad-deestion eave varying Linealy fom low vale of ‘cre sea the top face ofthe eam fo maximum compresion st the boom, ‘When the superimposed dead lead is added, the dein iors in the Iwstive dowesard sete by the aoent The net defection i often upward ‘hs sage, ab suggested by Fig. 41, but this sno always. ‘Atsome pauls loading, 2 lone lad wage wil be reached, such that ‘he upward equivalent load frm presen i enacy equal to te Jownard nk _ oon 2 [FIGURE 41. Losddetecton cure lr Wypica Beam external lod. Tere i uniform compresive sues inthe member, a5 shown in Fig 41 and, nepotng the ine dependent ees, 2e0 destin. ‘With the further adtion of ve land, the decomprenion stage is reach, a which the concrete ses atthe bottom fae ofthe beam i 2x0. The beam ‘sponse mar up fad somewhat beyond his stage antl the cracking lad iS veached, when te costes tense res qos the modulus of rapture. “The sual range of servic load falls hetween the dacompeesion tage and the partly crack sage, ae indented in the Bue. Cracking intates nonlinear ‘response although both coerete and stl siess usualy remain inthe elasic ‘anges unt somebat beyond the eral oud ‘ently, as fos ae further incest, either the steel wil commence sling, or the conerete wll ater the nolincar range, in the ocelad stage [Near fatre, the beam response is very nonlinear, a indicated, The concrete ‘tess dstrbation inthe raked menbet, when falureisimsinent, i appeox- ‘ately a shown bythe ast ses sketch "Any of the lad sages deseribed may serve asthe stating point in propor. tioning a prestesed coerete beam, but the member mus be checked atl th Snifcant sings to fre that tw he ssfctry over he fl range According to curent practice in the United States, prestexedconerete members are proportioned sing te allowable ses design method Cross ton simensions,presess fore, and presresseceutctyaze sled to kerp concrete stresses within spcifed limita the member ranges fom the unloaded Sage te the fll service load stage: When the member i umloade, with itil vests force Band selweght acting, comet ste limite a nosed that eat to the consete strength J al the tine the prestes fore raster 0 te concrete. At fl serie lod with efecuve press force P, acting pl he ‘cual dea loads and specified servic ve loads, oer conreé stress its are impose that relate to the full specfled concrete Suength The pte tendon fn is chose, usally based onthe equied inital prestss force Fsnd certain. allowable stresses forthe sel, related to the yeld strength and wlimate strength th ea ‘Conerte ste limits imposed by the provisions of the ACI Code ate sunnarind in Table 31, and allowable ste trees are shown in Table 32. ‘Beams proportioned based on res lint as jst esrbed tus alo satis nee requirement. Debectons at fll service load understand load an wssbly othe load combinations mast be eaeanted, andthe results compared Spins iit values. For partially pressed beams, in which racing at fall Servic loads s normal, contol of erack wath is mportan o inst that cack ‘nil not be visually eectonable and will ot permit corosion of the highly Siesta tendons. Most important, an adequate margin of safety against collapse ‘st be asured, This requires that the flexural svength be called and mpared against the stengh rege to fest factored loads. Load factors ‘cid in the ACT Code are given in Tale 2, and ate used in conjunction ih the strength eduction fatrs shown in Table 3-1 the sent ofthe ial ‘ection found Yo be inadequate, the design must be modi “Another bass for beam design is own a tong daign? By this metho, the concrete section dimensions, ssl area, and sts! centod lotion are ‘elected to provide he eeguredsirength a factored loads This approach i ‘ilar 10 that gener used for reinforced concrete. It is tore it to “mpoy for prestressed beams manly bens theres inthe tendon at xual Tue f, 6 uaknown at the sat of the design procedure. For typically snderrelifored conrete beams, the sel ses is equal tothe veld sues Jy This dmculty canbe avoided in several waye that ae desrbed lt, 'A member designed by strength methods must be checked to csure that oedate deflections at onal service load a wel sx rostined load det ns are not excesive. Cracking must be investigated, and in ost case is ko necessary to check that sel and concrete sires mit imposed by the Cade “wth inal unloaded stage and the fll ence lead tage are sliced, All of so own woking et ai, sre ad bn, en ‘ne hacum at ima regi eno awh wsenonc Seto, the load stages considered in aowable ses design must usually be investigated ‘when sing suength design although in a dierent order "A trdalerstive in desiring reseed beams isto start with ad bulancing (oe Seton 1.3), Teil dimentons ae slctelfor the concrete econ, fn prsres force and excentiat ae chosen to provide ab upward egutaleat load that i xa and opposite to cerai dowavard load (ttn the fll dead loag), The factored load sage i then investigate, apd if the Mexual sueagth is less than that required, the strength ss increase, usualy by adding aam-re- ‘resid ar renforeament to supplement the tele force inthe pestesing tendons, The realing desig soften + eombinaton of reinforced concrete and Drestesed concrete (See the discussion of partallyprestessed conte in Scstion 15) Pleural tne cack ae generally present a orca eve load, and a check of crack wide is important, Deletions must be caused, Sccounting for the paral cracked stat of the bea, sing methods silat ‘hose for ordinary enforced concrete 42. FLEXURAL DESIGN BASED ON ALLOWABLE STRESSES “The emphasis in this chapter wil be on the allonable tes design approach, ‘because this i most common presen Alemative approaches wil be consid- red in Sections and 47. According tothe allowable sess design method, the concrete cross-section dimensions, presiress fore, and press cece are selected 1 ensue that spoiled limiting concrete sues ate not exceeded s the beam pases rom the Unloaded stage to the fll erce load stage. Both concrete and steel may be ‘considered laste in ths range and the member is usualy assumed 10 be Uneraced, Ina complete degn, alter member proportions have bee found, ‘Sefecton, cracking, and sength must be investigated andthe tentative design ‘modi, it ness Many designers adopt a wiaband-eror approach. A crst section is 36 sumed, andthe preset force and profle determine. The tl member then ‘hocked to ease hat seaee ae within allomble limits A more systematic Approach is posible, however, based op attaining it sess, as nearly a possble atthe coutlling load sages (Ref, 41). This approach wil be followed Eee ‘Notation i established pertinng to the concrete sets at limiting stages ss flows fo allowable compresive sess immediately aftr taster 4.7 dlowable east sts immediatety afte ranser {f= sllowabe compressive ses at service load, afterall loses {fo allowable tease sess a service oad, ater al loses ‘The values of thse int stesses are normally se by specication ie Table ‘. ‘A. BEAMS IN WHICH PRESTRESS ECCENTRICITY VARIES ALONG THE SPAN "ora typical Beam in which the tendon eset is pemited ovary long te ‘ou, feel sues dstibatons in the concrete the mania monet section reson in Fig. 2a, The ecenti prestres for having an inal vale oP, Produces the linear dstsbuio (1). Bosse of the upward camber of the Bea shat force i applied, the set weiht of the membre immediately intron, ‘he Mexoral stresses resulta fom the moment M, are superimpord, and the sistbation (2) is he fst chat actually tained At this sag, the tension at ‘he op surface snot to exceed, andthe compression a he botom surface Is ot wo eobe as sggested By Fig 420 HGURE 42 Flesua sess dtbtions for beams wth variable ecceniiy() ‘tu moment acon () Suppor seen ae

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