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WelcometoChainofCommand:AttheSharp From the very outset it was clear that

End, the campaign supplement which we however we structured the campaign system
hope will allow you to have many enjoyable itwouldneedtoachieveseveralgoals.Firstly
hours of gaming fun following the careers of it would have to be simple enough to set up
yourminiaturesoldiersacrossthebattlefields andmanagesothatitdidnotundulyimpede
oftheSecondWorldWar. on the gaming time available to the players.
So many campaigns have floundered on the
Chain of Command is a game devoted to rocksofwellmeaningcomplexityintheform
exploring and enjoying small unit tactics on of wonderful but impractical detail. To
the tabletop. Much of the emphasis within achieve this we have focussed on what we
the rules is on the way in which troops were believe are the key factors which when
trained to fight, and to reflect that the main combined present the gamer with the most
rules focus on fullstrength units equipped in interesting, challenging and representative
atextbookmanner. choices which best mirror those which a
platoon commander would be faced with in
Of course, real war brings trials and reality.Ofcoursethismeansthatsomeofthe
tribulationsandhowlonganyunitinthefront minutiae of detail has to be allowed to fade
lineremainedatfullstrengthwasamatterof into the background in order to make the
luckasmuchasanythingelse.Inthefaceof systemmanageable.However,forthegamer
theenemyplatoonshadtobereorganisedto who prefers more detail, it is possible to use
takelossesintoaccount,oftenonamissionby the basic structure presented here and bolt
missionbasis.AssoonaswepublishedChain on additional factors to suit their own
of Command we had wargamers asking us interests.
how to field forces weakened by losses. We
felt that the very best way to represent the Secondly,wedidnotwantthissupplementto
effectofattritiononafightingforcewasina simply present one, or even a number of,
campaignsetting,wheretheplayer,inhisrole campaignstobeusedstraightoutofthebox.
as force commander, is faced with the on Certainly, this supplement is designed to
going challenge of how to keep his unit as provideafastandsimplegenericsettingfora
effectiveaspossible. campaignwhichdoesnotevenrequireamap
to play. However, far more importantly, it
Whatwewantedtoachievewasthecreation also serves as a key which may be used with
of a small, discrete game universe where a more specific historical campaigns, which we
couple of players could run an ongoing will be presenting in future, and also as a
campaign in a plausible setting or a larger frameworkuponwhichthegamercandesign
group could fight several linked campaigns. his own campaigns of whatever size and
We wanted an environment where the complexityhedesires.
command on the tabletop; a setting where
they needed to overcome their enemy; but
also a world in which they were faced with
such as managing the expectations of their
mention the wellbeing of their own

2 Introduction

4 SectionOneTheLadderCampaign
5 TheScenarios
6 TheNoMapCampaign
7 TheFullMapCampaign
10 TheAbbreviatedCampaign
11 TheTaillevilleCampaign
13 Notesonsourcingperiodmaps

14 SectionTwoIntheField
15 TheCampaignTurn
17 TheLocalisedCounterAttack
18 CampaignDuration
19 Replacements&Reinforcements
20 WildCardReinforcements
22 SettinguptheTables
23 InGameEvents
24 PostGameEvents
26 PostBattleReorganisation
27 CampaignPromptSheet

28 SectionThreeMenUnderFire
28 KeyCharacters
29 CharacterTables
33 Background
34 Names
35 PostGameTracking
37 TheMensOpinion
38 ThePlatoonLeadersOutlook
39 TrackingOutlook

40 SectionFourBuildingaCampaign
44 TheLocation
47 RunningtheCampaign


So what is a ladder campaign? Let us look at the basic ladder
Basically it is a structure which which will form the basis of the
allows us to link together a full campaign. As we progress,
number of games in a manner the reader will see that a
which provides a coherent number of abbreviated options
campaign narrative, whilst being are available for short
extremelysimple torun andwith campaigns with as few as three
as much or as little detail as you games being possible, but well
wouldlikeateachstage.Weuse begin looking at the complete
the phrase ladder campaign, as ladder as it shows all the main
a ladder best describes the linear options and the complete
structure. structure.

The objective of the ladder Oppositeisthemastercampaign
campaign is to povide a fast and ladder. Youll note that it has
easily manageable series of eleven rungs in total, five
games which involve the players numbered in blue, five in red
inconsideringanumberoffactors andoneinneutralblack.
and making decisions which they
wouldnotnormallybefacedwith Thenumbersshowncorrespond
in a oneoff tabletop game. The tothescenariosinthemainrule
system does not, however, seek book.
to replicate the unlimited
intricacies of a map campaign At the outset of the full
where the players have absolute campaign the rungs marked in
free rein over each and every blueareheldbyoneside,those
aspectofthegame. in red by the other side. The
central rung, marked in black,
Wemadethisdecisiontousethe represents NoMansLand
ladder format to keep things betweenthetwoforces.
easily manageable, but also
because in a platoon level game Theobjectiveofeachforceisto
the junior officer or NCO advanceup ordowntheladder,
commanding the force would not into his opponents territory
be making grand strategic with a view to seizing the
decisions about avenues of ultimate objective on the final
advance: he would be following rung.
orders which would already have
determined which areas of the We have made certain
battlefield his force was assigned assumptions abouttheshapeof
to. As such, the ladder structure thebattlefieldhere:
reflects well the constraints
within which our miniature Betweenthetwoforceswehave
commanders reallife an area which, as yet, neither
counterpartswouldbeoperating. sidecontrols,thatbeingrung1.

Rungs 2 represent the outposts of the two youaresuccessfulinthatencounterScenario
opposing sides. These are their patrols, Fiveseesyourforcemanoeuvretoconducta
listeningposts,weaklyheldforwardpositions Flank Attack against an enemy makeshift
which are there to mask their main defences defensiveposition.
Finally Scenario Six will see your victorious
Rungs 3 represent the main defensive force attacking the ultimate objective against
positions forboth sides, whilst rungs 4 and 5 astrongenemy.Winhereandyouhavewon
are marked collectively as Pursuit and thecampaign.
Retreat. This is the more open ground
beyond the main defences where a THECAVEAT
manoeuvre battle can take place as one side All of which sounds like a clear process.
retreatsandtheotherpursues.Thisareawill However, be warned that your opponent is
see fighting withdrawals and potential unlikely to allow you quite such a victorious
counterattacksaswellaspursuit. procession! The ladder format is there to
allow the forces to move up and down
Finally, rungs 6 represent the ultimate depending on who controls the campaign
objectiveforbothsides.Whatthatobjective initiative.Welllookatallthisinmoredetail
is will depend on the campaign setting. It inthefullcampaignrules.
oasis in the Libyan desert or an anonymous
crossroads south of St L. Whatever that
objective is, capturing it is the ultimate
objective, the securing of which ends the

As we have mentioned, the scenarios which
youll use during this campaign are the ones
found in the main rule book. For the first
game in NoMansLand youll play Scenario

In the second game whoever had gained

pass and drive in the enemy outposts. For
this game youll use Scenario Two; The
want to push on an attack the enemys main
defensive line. For this youll use Scenario

Breaking through the enemys main defences
opens up the opportunity for more open
A Delaying Action, sees the retreating force
attempttostemthetide ofyouradvance.If

SETTINGUPYOURCAMPAIGN playing a No Map Campaign it is a good idea
Beforewelookatdifferentsizeandstructural why you are fighting as that does provide a
options, let us consider the three basic sorts nice bit of background narrative and adds
of campaign options the players have to much colour to proceedings, as we will see
choosefrom.Inkeepingwiththeprincipleof withtheSimpleMapCampaign.
simplicity, we call these the No Map, Simple
Map and Full Map campaigns. But what are

The No Map Campaign is without doubt the
simplest option of the three. It allows the In many respects the Simple Map Campaign
playerstogetstartedimmediatelywithpretty has the best of both worlds. You get a
much no preparation other than sorting out background narrative and setting to guide
details of your forces with Part Two of this your choice of terrain, whilst avoiding too
supplement,MenUnderFire. much time spent on preparation. Below is
ToplaytheNoMapcampaigntheonlymap MansLand in the Libyan desert to the
youllneedistheladderonthepreviouspage. ultimate British objective, the Oasis at
Asoutlinedabove,youbeginthecampaignon Khermal.
moving up or down the ladder according to From this simple map, you can see that the
successesorfailuresonthetable.Winninga GermanoutpostsareamongsomeoldRoman
gamewillseethevictoradvanceonerungon ruins whilst their main defences are around
theladderintoenemyheldterritory,andthe the village of Sheik al Fak where, one
next game then takes place. A reversal will presumes,thereisawatersupply.
will then attempt to advance into your The pursuit phase of this campaign would be
territory. The campaign continues in that throughtheAlamHayfarange,allowingfora
manner until one
side secures their

total of zero
investment in time
spent planning.
However, in other
respects it is the
most difficult as
guidelines setting up
terrain for each
game can be

Even if you are

fighting withdrawal through the passes, THEFULLMAPCAMPAIGN
before a battle of manoeuvre against There are actually two types of Full Map
impromptu German defences at the small Campaigns, but both share the key attribute
oasis at Al Jazirya. Finally, the British that they use an actual map to provide the
objectiveisthemainOasisatKhermal. areatobefoughtover.

As we can see, just this simple sketch map The first type of Full Map Campaign simply
givesusprettymuchalloftheinformationwe uses a map as a setting for a campaign. The
need for setting up our table for each second uses a map of part of an historical
scenario.Yes,wedohavetheadvantageina battlefieldinordertorefighttheeventswhich
desert game that one feature is pretty much happenedinthatlocation.
all you need for a single game, but even in
northern Europe knowing what the main We can, of course, use modern maps in
terrain feature is on each table will give us a association with Google Earth to provide us
goodstartingpoint. withimagesoftheterrain.However,Iwould
Why is there only half of the ladder on this oftenpossibletogetaccesstohistoricalmaps
map? Well, as we shall see, it could be that from the period of the Second World War.
we are playing an abbreviated campaign Thiscouldbeonline,inbookssuchasthePen
where the Germans are firmly on the &SwordBattlegroundEuropeseries,oreven
defensive, possibly through shortage of purchasing vintage maps on eBay if you feel
ammunition,transportorwater,inwhichcase likereallygoingtotown!Welltakealookat
a half map may be appropriate, as we will accesstotheselaterinthissection.Sufficeto
see. In fact the truth is somewhat simpler. say, we use an actual map for this campaign
ThisisthemapwhichIusedformyownearly option.
1941 campaign in Libya. That began as a No
Map Campaign, just using the ladder as a Using a map for a nonhistorical campaign, is
template. However, as the campaign funinitsownright.Militarytrainingmanuals
progressedandtheBritishadvanced,itmade are full of real maps on which hypothetical
my life easier to sketch out such a map in battles are fought out. The advantage of a
order to make the campaign more real. It map is that it shows real terrain. A period
also helped me plan the campaign around mapfromthe1930sand40sgoesfurtheras
what terrain I already owned and what I it presents a more plausible model on which
neededtopurchaseormakegoingforward.If to fight our campaign. There are no
the Germans counterattack and are motorways, no urban sprawl: we see the
successful in pushing the British back down terrainasitwasatpreciselytheperiodweare
intotheirterritory,Ishallhavetoproducethe lookingtogame.Allofwhichprovidesuswith
secondhalfofthemap! a very plausible and useable backdrop to the
an ideal starting point, or, possibly more Wecanusethemaptobriefourparticipants,
likely, something which a No Map Campaign and it provides us with the type of detail it
can quickly and easily develop into. What is wouldbeimpossibletoprovidewithaSimple
more, this is precisely the type of campaign Map Campaign when it comes to setting up
which can be developed from the type of ourtablesforeachgame.
sketched out maps which one finds in
veteransaccountsoftheirexperiences. Of course, using an historical map of an area
actually fought over and reproducing aspects
of that battle has all of the advantages
outlined above but it also connects us to the


accounts of actions and then taking that FortheGermansitisthevillageofCavillonto
through onto the tabletop must, surely, be thesouth.
one of the most interesting aspects of
wargaming,andtodosousingthesamemaps Whatyoucanseehereisthatthemapobliges
asthosemenwouldhaveusedcanonlyserve us to do some planning, if only to decide on
to make that bridge to history even more the relative positions of the forces at the
tangible. outsetofthecampaignandwhattheultimate
objectivesare.Wehave lefttheRetreatand
However, having said all that, the Full Map Pursuitareasasunspecifiedatthispoint,but
Campaignineitherformatdoesinvolvemore clearlytheywillbesomewheretotherearof
preparation that the No Map or Simple Map the main positions and in front of the
Campaigns. Lets look first at an example of objective. As already said, we can leave that
the simpler of the two: the FullMap with a detail until later if we want to leave a bit of
nonhistoricalcampaign wriggleroom to allow what happens in the
earlier games to influence this and, maybe,
Onthenextpageisamapoftheareaaround evenallowtheplayerachoiceoflocation.
the town of Mouy in the Oise department of
Northern France. Its a 1943 version of an Another noteworthy factor is that how close
originalpreparedin1938bytheGeographical together the rungs on the ladder are; on the
Service of the British General Staff (in other map this is very much a moveable feast. On
wordsastandardGSGSmap)in1:50,000scale themapbelowtheoutpostsandmainlineof
(1 inch to 0.79 miles). As such this is an resistance are relatively close together and
original and very nice Second World War the final objectives are a mere six and a half
vintagemap.Theonlyissuebeingthat,bythe miles apart as the crow flies. In other
timeMouywasliberatedbytheUSXIXCorps campaignsandinotherpartsoftheworldthis
onthe31stofAugust,theGermanarmywasin willvary,sometimesquitesignificantly,dueto
full retreat and no fighting occurred in this thenatureoftheterrain. Inthe SimpleMap
area.Nevertheless,itisstillanicemapandin Campaign, above, in my minds eye I see the
our campaign world it can provide a nice campaign as covering around 100 miles of
periodsetting. desert.InRussiain1941itcouldbethatthe
Retreat and Pursuit phase of the campaign
As can be seen we have used the ladder could be seen to cover very large distances
structuretotheleftofthepagetoshowhow with the ultimate objective far away across
this artificial format fits in with the reality of the rolling steppe. Equally, in the closest
theterrain. jungle terrain or densest bocage a campaign
Probably the first thing to note is that whilst Solongasthepersonorganisingthecampaign
the rungs on the ladder are set distances can identify these parameters from the
apart, the ground as shown on the map outset, the basic structure of the campaign
determineshowfarapartthevariousstepsin canbemanipulatedtofitthesituationonthe
thecampaignareonthemap. map.

Shown on the map in red and blue is the
shown here as platoon positions. To their
rear the ultimate objectives are shown for
the Americans it is outlined in red, being the

What we also note is that I have effectively both sides are equally keen to take ground
put a Company of men on each side on the from their opponents. There are often
map. It would be a very simple thing to run situations in war where this is not the case,
three parallel campaigns using the setup but this is easily dealt with by adjusting the
shown which, whilst on the same map and ladder mechanism to suit that specific
occurring over a relatively small acreage, situation.
would be totally different in content. To run
those three campaigns concurrently could THEABBREVIATEDCAMPAIGN
provide us with all sorts of additional factors Clearlythemainladdercampaignwilllastfor
which could make the process even more aminimumofsixgames,andonlytheninthe
enjoyable and multidimensional whilst unusual situation where one side wipes the
adding very little in the way of necessary floor with their opponent, winning all six
effort.Butthatsanoptionforyoutoexplore. gamesinarow.Itisfarmorelikelythatafull
for some gamers that will be too long to

Equally, there are some situations where
historical precedent means that a shortened
campaign ladder is needed. Amphibious
landings, for example, will only have blue
the workload is potentially greater but, then
territory represented as the defeat of the
again, the return is vastly higher. Of course
attacking side on the beach will end the
how much research you do is up to you. A
campaign rather than allow blue to push
single paragraph in a broad ranging history
down the ladder into reds territory. It may
can provide the locations you need and your
be that the objective for the campaign is
simply to snatch a single objective in the
bit of research can reap benefits in terms of
information which can essentially write the
situation. Lets look at a couple of examples

Regimental diaries, increasingly to be found

handaccounts will often provide you with a
Readers of the 2013 Christmas Special will
recall the account of the Canadian forces on
of advance and other detail which will allow
you to put together a campaign relatively
tale of Major Archie McNaughton
our intention to produce a number of
supplements and articles which use precisely
Regiment: there was something interesting
about this veteran of the Great War who,
Well take a look at one such campaign later
despite his 47 years, returned to the colours

McNaughtons final trip to French soil was to
lastbutafewhoursand afewmiles until he
was killed during the battle for Tailleville at
VARIATIONSONATHEME around1800onthe6thofJune.HisCompany
Ofcourse,theladdercampaign,aspresented had landed to the west of WN27 where B
above,presumesthatthebattlefieldconforms Companywerefightingtoovercomethemain
tothearrangementwehavechosenandthat German position on the sea wall. They

advanced inland against lightly held German company.Inordertobestreflecttheadvance
positions among the holiday villas, before of A Company with Chain of Command I am
skirtingtheedgeofStAubintoreachtheroad goingtofocusoneplatoon,the1st,Lieutenant
heading for Tailleville. Here he ran into Moars, platoon. You can see the map I
uncoordinated German forces who devisedforthisabbreviatedcampaignbelow.
Clearly on DDay there is no NoMansLand
Acting under his own initiative McNaughton so we abandon Scenario 1, The Patrol, and
pushed on inland, taking on a German jump straight in with Scenario 2, the Probe
defensive position to the north of Tailleville against German outposts to the west of St
where two roads met. Dealing with this Aubin. Were we recreating the actions of B
McNaughton waited for reinforcements Company,attackingWN27,weduseScenario
before moving on as part of the attack on Three, Attack & Defend, as that would be
Tailleville. appropriate for an assault on a significant
German defensive position. Here, however,
TheTaillevilleCampaign we set our first game amid sand dunes and
Whilst the North Shore Regiments objective scattered villas. The Canadian objective is
for DDay were to take Taileville and pass on simply to find a way through this table and
to the radar station at Douvres, I am pushoninland.
particularly interested in the exploits of one

If Game One is completed successfully the fightitswaythroughawholevillage!Iwould
Canadians push on inland. If they fail to have a row of houses along the road with
achieve this I will allow a second attempt at gardens to the rear and fields behind that
the same scenario using another of withstandingwheat.Victoryherewillseethe
McNaughtons platoons Lieutenant Canadians win the campaign. Again, a
Merseraus 2nd Platoon but if this also fails Germanvictorygivesthemtheopportunityto
thenMcNaughtonisdeemedtohavediedon counterattack.
As we can see we have a short, four rung,
Game Two sees McNaughtons men faced ladder which presents a short and
with retreating German elements on the manageable campaign to be played over half
southernedgeofStAubin.Tobestreflectthis adozenorsogames.Iwouldputatimelimit
wegotoScenario4,ADelayingAction.Thisis on this campaign of seven turns. If the
fought out on a table with a few cottages CanadianshaventtakenTaillevillebythenthe
along the Tailleville road and standing wheat Germanswillwin.
in the fields. Add the odd orchard near the
housesasthisisNormandy!IftheCanadians What I would also add for this campaign is a
canaffordit,theirfirstchoiceinsupportsfor specific list of possible supports based on
thisscenarioMUSTbeaShermantank. historical sources. We know that the Fort
A Canadian defeat here will push the with Shermans, we know that the North
Canadians back and allow the Germans to Shoresantitankplatoonandmortarplatoon
push back into St Aubin: in this case the wereinvolvedinthisbattleaswastheCarrier
nature of the scenario would depend on the platoon. Conversely there is no evidence for
choice of the German player, as we shall the Canadians having Vickers machine guns
subsequentlyseeinthecampaignrules. present,noranyarmouredcars,scoutcarsof
similar. On the German side there were no
A Canadian victory sees McNaughton and his armoured vehicles present. Our support lists
men push on to the third scenario, Scenario should be amended to reflect this when
Three,Attack&Defend.Thisisanattackona puttingtogetherthisshortcampaign.
German defensive position to their north of
Taillevillearoundtheroadjunctionandwater Aswehaveseenabove,amoderatedegreeof
tower. The terrain here is open wheat fields research,combinedwithaperiodmap,tellus
withlittleelseotherthanawatertowerwhich all we need to know to put this campaign
isattheYJunction. together.Havingsomanyhistoricalreference
points on which to hang our campaign
InthisscenarioIamgoingtospecifythatthe removes all of the guesswork and pretty
Germans must take all of their support as much writes the small detail for us. It also
entrenchments, wire or mines. This was a allowsustogetthatconnectionwiththemen
platoon sized position which was well whofoughtanddied.
entrenched and protected by obstacles, so
thisisagoodmatch. Havinglookedatseveralcampaignoptionswe
can leave this section behind and look at the
Again, a Canadian defeat at this point could specific campaign rules which will make our
bringonaGermancounterattack.ACanadian lives simple throughout the whole process,
victory will result in the final scenario, allowing us to focus on having fun with our
Scenario Six, An Attack on an Objective. The games.
overdo things and expect your platoon to

NOTESONSOURCINGPERIODMAPS settings, covering the action from start to
get hold of, good ones, i.e. ones which are
source for vintage maps, for wargaming
purposes it may be more costeffective and
especially as vintage maps of key battlefields

The practical scales for campaigns are

1:25,000 or 1:50,000. The former is ideal in
that all detail is clear, and the latter at their

used during the war are simply enlarged A1:25,000Map.Lesscolour,butmoredetail
1:80,000 French maps which are not perfect,
butdogivesufficientdetailtoformageneral Anythinglargerthan1:50,000isprobablynot
idea of the terrain at each location. Cross idealforthelevelofgameweareconsidering.
referencingthesewithGoogleEarthwilloften 1:100,000 will give you a general feel for the
clarifywherethereareuncertainties. landscapebutthedetailwearelookingforis

More detailed maps, such as WWII vintage
1:10,000 are the Holy Grail of map collectors
find them. But frankly they are often too
detailed for what we need and dont cover
sufficient ground for many campaigns. That
said, in Normandy, where progress is
Above. An original 1:50,000 map compared gameon.
shownbelow.Thedifferenceisnotable. Ihavefoundwww.battlefieldhistorian.comto
be extremely helpful in sourcing maps.
Downloadable in jpeg format, just one of
these can be used as a basis for numerous
much more comprehensive than those listed

The other advantage with 1:25,000 and

being large enough for most campaign


The Campaign rules for Chain of Command: wounded men return immediately, those
At the Sharp End cover two main areas: the worseaffectedafteronegame,whereasvery
rules for conducting the campaign itself, and badly wounded men are removed from the
therulesdealingwiththecharactersinvolved. campaignaltogether.However,wewillmake
Thissectiondealswiththeformer. certainsuggestionsformoredetailedsystems
GROUND&TIMESCALE moregranularapproach.

When writing a set of wargames rules or CAMPAIGNMOVEMENT&COMBAT
playingatraditionalmapcampaign,theissues Allmovementandcombatinthecampaignis
of ground and time scale are of primary conducted using the campaign ladder or on
concern. When playing a ladder campaign, the tabletop. There is no separate map
thesearelargelyabstractedinordertoretain movementorcombatoffthetabletop.Forces
thesimplicitywearelookingtoachieve. willfightbattlesandthenmoveontothenext
There is much enjoyment to be had pouring
for hours over a map, a set of compasses in
hand, considering the next move with which
your armies will outmanoeuvre your Therearenorulesforsupplyinthecampaign.
opponenttodeliverastrategicmasterstroke. It is presumed that all forces are adequately
Fine when you are Napoleon (or even just supplied with what they need to survive and
dressed as him), but not particularly relevant fight.Itisperfectlypossibletoconstructrules
when you are a Subaltern commanding a for supply shortages for specific campaigns,
platoonofmen. butnonearepresentedhere.

time and ground scale, so that each game
focuses on the next point of action in the
campaign,whether thatisonehour,oneday
or one week after the previous game.
Distancebetweeneachactionis,forthemost The campaign turn in Chain of Command: At
part,ignored,aswehavealreadyoutlined.A the Sharp End is quite simply one games
campaigncould,asaconsequence,runovera worthoftime.
leisurely period of weeks or represent a
frantic burst of activity covering a matter of Whatactionoccursinaturnisdependenton
hours. whichplayerhastheinitiative.Atthestartof
the campaign one side will be determined to
As a result of this approach, some aspects of have the initiative and be designated as the
the campaign management rules must be attacker for the first turn. Subsequently, the
regarded as abstract rather than precise winnerofthelastturnsgameisconsideredto
modelsofpossibleoutcomes.Casualtiesand be the attacker and has the initiative at the
recovery time for the wounded, for example, start of the next turn. For that turn his
aretreatedinthesamemannerregardlessof opponentisconsideredtobethedefender.

Onceaturnbegins,theattackerhasalimited Thedefenderwillnotusuallygetanychoicein
number of choices available to him. He may what happens in a turn as his opponent will
dooneofthefollowing: beholdingtheinitiativeandpushingforward.
Immediatelyfightthenextscenario oneofthefollowing:
Consolidate on captured enemy main
defensive position. This hands the Fightthenextscenario,attemptingto
initiativetohisopponent. stoptheattacker.
Notadvance.Thishandstheinitiative Avoid battle by giving ground to the
to his opponent but does allow the enemy.
attacker to strengthen his defences
whereheis. However, if his opponent elects to do
If counterattacked, he may fight or something which hands him the initiative his
avoid battle by giving ground to the choicesaresomewhatwider,asfollows:
Inmostsituations,theywillchoosetoattack. Remain static and strengthen his
However, in some situations, such as defences.Thiswillendtheturn.
strengthening or consolidating on a position
secured or waiting for wounded men to Inaturnwherenobattleisfoughtandwhere
return to make up their numbers, they may neithersideadvancesorattacks,theinitiative
electtonotattackinthecurrentturn.Ifthey islost.Inthenextturn,whohastheinitiative
do not attack, the initiative for the current is decided by rolling a D6 each until one side
turnswitchestothedefender rolls higher than their opponent. The higher
rolling side will then have the initiative for
For example: A US player advancing near
and secures the German main front line

thenextgame,orhemayelecttoconsolidate FIGHTINGONTHELADDER
The ladder campaign is very straightforward
the position he has taken in case of a
while one side is achieving a string of
victories. They simply keep moving up or

down the ladder to the next game and

The US Player decides to not attack, but
fighting that. But what happens when the
switches the initiative for this turn to the

German player who may now decide how he
Lets walk through the first few turns of one

It should be noted that possession of the

initiative is an important factor in the


winning will potentially retain the initiative

throughout the entire campaign, it is only

when they stop advancing and attacking that



Redistheattackerandadvancesintoactionin Red attacks Blues main line of defences, but

the Patrol scenario. Red successfully wins luckisnotonhisside,andheisdefeated.On
controlofNoMansLand.Ontheladderthe theladderweseethatRedisstuckatrung2
red arrow shows the advance at the end of andunabletoadvance.

Having won the last game, Blue is now the
attacker with the initiative in this turn. He
TURNTWO may elect to do nothing and strengthen his
defences where he stands or he may launch
HavingwonthefirstgameRedistheattacker an attack. He elects to attack. The action
for the next game and decides to keep the foughtis Scenario2,aProbe,asindicatedby
initiative by pushing on. Attacking Blues therungontheladder.
outpost line he successfully drives them in
and the arrow on the ladder advances
towards rung three. Red now able to attack

In the above example, we can see that the position and one which is readily put into a
ladder determines the type of action fought. stateofdefenceifaforcespendsacampaign
Clearly in Turn Four the ground Blue is turnnotadvancing.Onceapositionhasbeen
attacking is not Reds original outpost line. consolidatedanyattackonitwillbefoughtas
However, it is the open ground in front of Scenario Six, Attack on an Objective, rather
Blues main defences where Reds advance than Scenario Three. This will provide the
hasfaltered.Assuch,wearetreatingthisas defenderwithagreaterlevelofsupportwhen
Reds new outpost line with Blue attempting holdingthatstrengthenedpositioninfuture.
Main Defensive positions being consolidated
which are counterattacked will immediately
count as having been consolidated and the

LOCALISEDCOUNTERATTACK StrengtheningDefencesoccurswhenaplayer
In addition to the options outlined above, haltsinordertodothat.Foreachturnhalted
there is one additional choice which the he may add one minefield, entrenchment or
defendermayuseduringthecampaign,thisis barbed wire from List One to his defences.
thelocalisedcounterattack. Theseremaininplaceonlywhilethegroundis
occupied. Once vacated the defences are
Counterattacks will normally occur when a abandoned, removed or fall into a state of
defender is handed the initiative by an disrepair,renderingthemuseless.
opponent who decides not to advance into
the next scenario. In that situation the
attack. In that case a game is fought
having the choice of whether the scenario GIVINGGROUND
foughtistheoneasindicatedontheladderor Giving ground is the surrendering of terrain
whetheritisanAttack&Defendscenario. and abandons a rung on the ladder to your
So,intheexamplewehavejustlookedat,had as an automatic victory to the side following
blue been counterattacking in Turn Four he up.Therearetwowaystogiveground.
&DefendratherthanaProbe. Attheendofaturneitherplayermaydeclare
in the next campaign turn. Once this is
rung on the ladder. This represents a well
planned and executed withdrawal conducted
with the approval and assistance of the
DEFENCES use the time gained to strengthen the
Wehavementionedtheoptiontoconsolidate defences in their new location (one rung
on a captured enemy position several times further away from the enemy) by selecting
now,butwhatdoesitmean? one minefield, entrenchment or barbed wire
from List One. The ground they surrender is
OnlyScenarioThree,MainDefences,locations automatically occupied by the enemy in the
maybeconsolidated.Consolidationisonlyan next turn and counts as an automatic victory
option when a player has captured a main for the advancing force. No battle will take
enemy defensive position in an Attack & placeinthisturn.
Defend scenario. This is a significant enemy

Thealternativewayofgivinggroundisforthe battletoassistabadlywoundedcomrade.At
playertowaituntiltheiropponentdeclaresan the end of an action some of these men will
advance at the start of a turn before then be able to return to their unit almost
declaring that they are giving ground. This immediately, some will return later whilst
represents a hasty withdrawal in the face of some will, sadly, not return at all. As the
anenemyadvanceandisundertakenwithout campaign progresses it will be important to
fullapprovalfromsuperiorauthority.Itgains consider how these losses affect the platoon
the retiring force no time to improve their going forward. To do this we use the
defences and counts as an automatic victory followingbasicformulawhichisalsoshownin
for the advancing force. No battle will take diagrammaticformbelow.
to declare how many men they have lost
a good idea to keep any men removed from

CAMPAIGNDURATION smallbox.Remember,thisdoesNOTinclude

The winner and loser now compare their
Force Morale ratings. If the winner has a
gets more experienced with the campaign
a stronger force being given less time, a
men killed the winner may immediately
return to duty. This reflects his owning the

battlefield and being better able to retrieve

The maximum duration of a campaign
his wounded whereas those of his defeated
depends on the number of rungs on the
ladder. A minimum of three additional turns
equal to or less than the losers enemy then
should be allowed, whatever the ladder
length, but with an addition of 50% being

Now divide the remaining men killed into

three groups. Fifty percent are either dead,

For example, a four run campaign would
missing in action or so badly wounded that
normally be rounded up to six turns, but the
minimum of three will apply, making seven
five percent are sufficiently badly wounded
that they need treatment which will mean


Of course, numbers of dead are not always
easily divisible by these percentages. We
CASUALTIES alwaysrounddownthenumberofmennever
returning but with those missing the next
Once a campaign begins, we will quickly find gametakinganyfractionsasopposedtothose
that losses occur. The main Chain of returningtodutyimmediately.
Command rules use the term Kill to
represent men who are out of action for the
rest of that game. In reality this could be
anything from a man knocked out and
concussed to a man who has left the field of

Allofthiscanmakeforsomepainfulmathsat REPLACEMENTS&REINFORCEMENTS
the end of an evenings gaming, so the
followingtableshowhowtoapportionlosses. The need for replacements and
reinforcements during a campaign will
Figures Never Missnext Returnto dependverymuchonthewayitissetup.We
Lost Return game duty use the term replacements to refer to men
1 1
up for losses suffered. Reinforcements tend
2 1 1
to be different units which may, during the
3 1 2
4 2 1 1 second operational phase, building on what
5 2 2 1 wasachievedbythefirstplatoon.
6 3 2 1
7 3 2 2 Replacements
8 4 2 2 Most short campaigns with ladders of four
9 4 3 2 rungsorfewerwillnotinvolvereplacements.
10 5 3 2 For larger campaigns the availability of
11 5 3 3 replacements will depend on whether we
12 6 3 3 haveafullladdergongintwodirections,such
13 6 4 3 astheladdershownintheMouycampaign,or
14 7 4 3 an abbreviated ladder such as the one used
15 7 4 4 for the McNaughton campaign, where we
16 8 4 4 have only the German half of the ladder
How units operate with reduced manpower
will be covered in the next section, Men Foranabbreviatedladdercampaignwithfive
UnderFire. to eight rungs we would recommend one lot
of replacements be available for each side.

wellsupported force, with adequate trained Reinforcements
men available, may have up to two lots of Reinforcements are a very different kettle of
replacements. The Allies in Northern Europe fishandshouldbetreatedinoneoftwoways.
wouldbeagoodexamplehere.Aforcewith The first sort are restricted to a very specific
lessresourcesavailable,suchastheGermans type of campaign where one platoon leads
in the same theatre or all troops in thewayandfightsasfarasitcantowardsan
inhospitable climes, would only have one lot objective before the next platoon takes over
ofreplacements. to continue. These campaigns are normally
A player should be aware at the start of a as this is a hard and aggressive push into an
campaign how many times he may request opponentsterritory.
attheendofanycampaignturn.Whenthisis Such a situation is representative of some of
done he uses the following formula to see theharshestfightingandusuallybestreflects
whatisavailable. a short but particularly violent period of
Add the number of men thus far removed an ongoing action, the second platoon will
fromaforcenevertoreturninthiscampaign arrivefresh,readytopickupthemetaphorical
(lets call them dead) to the COs current ball and, with renewed momentum, carry it
rating(seepagexxxx).Nowdividethatfigure acrosstheline.

by two, rounding down for any fractions.
Such campaigns can be created using full
That gives you the number of replacements
you are sure youll get if you ask. Then roll
for luck to see how many more men you do
will not gain from the advantage of having a
actually get. Roll 1D6 and add that figure to
get the number actually available. This can

Where such reinforcements are available the
at what point in the campaign he will
introduce the fresh platoon to the campaign.
This may never happen during a game, but
The only stipulation here is that the number will happen at the start of a campaign turn
of replacements can never bring the platoon with the original platoon and its survivors
strength to a figure greater than its original removed from the campaign, playing no
strength. furtherpart.

VariationsonaTheme The second type of reinforcements are what
All of this is somewhat generalised, as rules we call Wild Card reinforcements. These
are inclined to be. It is very simple to adjust are effectively a oneshot weapon which a
that equation to reflect an environment or player may use at some point in the
situation where replacements are less campaign. This allows the player to declare
generous. In a war being fought a long way that,ascertaincriteriahavebeenfulfilled,he
from home it would be a simple matter to is playing his Wild Card and adding the
dividetheinitialsumby3,4oreven5,rather relevantreinforcementstohisforces.

Typically, the Wild Card will allow the player
to select a specified amount of supports

which may be used at that point. For

example, a German player on the Eastern

front may only be allowed to play his Wild

Card counterattack once the Soviets have
and that card may provide a specific amount
of support which must be spent on armour.
Additionally the card will allow the German
player to seize the initiative for that next

Alternatively a different Wild Card could be

more defensive, allowing the Germans to
which could be then used to form part of a

Such Wild Card are great tools for adding

historical events which fall outside of the
main remit of the campaign rules and, as
application. However, here are a few Wild

It should be entirely selfevident that when
setting up tabletop terrain for each game,
terrain piece larger than 9 square and two
pieces under 9 square in order to represent
with the scenario and the campaign in

issue which, largely, looks after itself, as the
Amendments: The defender should be
allowed three team sized entrenchments for
aspects of terrain. With a Simple Map
this scenario OR one entrenchment and one

inordertokeeptheactionplausible. SCENARIOFOUR
To a degree, the ability of the defender to tablebutwiththedefenderabletomoveone
select his table edge in the majority of the terrain piece of up to 9 square into his
scenariosshouldkeepyouhonestinsetting deployment area, as shown on the table by
up terrain where you are doing so with no the shaded area, and remove two other
map to guide you, but below we have added piecesofterrainupto9squareentirelyfrom
someguidelinesinadditiontosomecampaign thegame.
specific scenario amendments which help in
reflecting the tactical situation in a campaign Amendments:Thedefendershouldbeginthe
setting. These should only be used for a No game with three points on his Chain of
Map game. Where a map is being used to Commanddice.
determine the terrain, simply apply the
Scenarioamendmentsaslistedandignorethe SCENARIOFIVE
terrainnotes. Theterrainshouldbeplacedevenlyacrossthe
table but with the defender able to remove
SCENARIOONE twoitemsofterrain9squarefromthetable,
The terrain for should be relatively evenly and the attacker either remove one piece of
spread and in most situations quite sparse. similarly sized terrain, or replace one piece
Neithersideshouldhaveaclearadvantagein whichthedefenderremoved.
SCENARIOTWO In view of the nature of this scenario, the
Theterrainshouldbesetupevenlyacrossthe chief piece of terrain should be the main
table,butwiththedefenderbeingallowedto objective,bethatabridge,keybuilding,hillor
move two terrain pieces of up to 9 square whateverisrelevantforyourcampaign.Asa
intohisdeploymentzone,asshadedwhiteon resultnorealchangesshouldbemadetothe
the map, to represent the features around tabletop, but the majority of the terrain
whichhisoutpostdefencesareconstructed. should be towards the defenders end of the
Amendments: The defender should be
allowed two team sized entrenchments for Amendments:None.
this scenario to represent his outpost

INGAMEEVENTS the campaign. On a roll of 3 or 4, they are
dispersed and will be absent for the next
Mosteventsinatabletopgamearecoveredin campaign turn. On a roll of 5 or 6 they
the main Chain of command rules; however, withdrawsuccessfully.
some specific rules are required for ending a
scenarioinacampaignsetting. Rout

A force whose Force Morale falls to zero will

toquitthetablevoluntarilyorasaresultofa When a rout occurs, any of the players
Force Morale collapse. How this occurs is figureswithin12ofafriendlyJumpOffPoint
importantinacampaignsetting. whocantraceanunbrokenlinetothatpoint
which does not come within 6 of any
AVoluntaryWithdrawal unpinned or broken enemy troops, may
Aplayermaydeclarethathewishestoretire immediatelyretirefromthetable.
it is his Phase and before he rolls his Any unpinned figures more than 12 but less
CommandDice.IfhehasrolledhisCommand than 24 from a JumpOff Point, who can
Dice he MUST play out that Phase as normal trace an unbroken line to that point which
andmaynotdeclareawithdrawal. does not come within 6 of any unpinned or
Whenavoluntarywithdrawalisdeclared,any thetable.Onarollof1onaD6,thefigureis
oftheplayersfigureswithin12ofafriendly capturedandisremovedfromthecampaign.
JumpOff Point who can trace an unbroken On a roll of 2, he is dispersed and will be
linetothatpointwhichdoesnotcomewithin absentforthenextcampaignturn.Arollof3
6 of any unpinned or broken enemy troops to 6 on a D6 indicates that the figure has
mayimmediatelyretirefromthetable. withdrawnsuccessfully.

Any unpinned figures more than 12 but less Anyunpinnedfiguresfurtherthan24froma
than 24 from a JumpOff Point, who can JumpOff Point, or those which cannot trace
trace an unbroken line to that point which anunbrokenlinetothatpointwhichdoesnot
does not come within 6 of any unpinned or come within 6 of any unpinned or broken
brokenenemytroops,mayrolltoretirefrom enemy troops, may roll to retire from the
the table. A roll of 1 on a D6, the figure is table. On a roll of 1 on a D6, the figure is
dispersed and will be absent for the next capturedandisremovedfromthecampaign.
campaign turn. A roll of 2 to 6 on a D6 On a roll of 2 or 3, he is dispersed and is
indicates that the figure has withdrawn absentforthenextcampaignturn.Arollof4
successfully. to 6 indicates that the figure has withdrawn

JumpOff Point, or those which cannot trace AnyPinnedfigureswillrollaD6.Onarollof1
anunbrokenlinetothatpointwhichdoesnot to3,theywillbecapturedandremovedfrom
come within 6 of any unpinned or broken the campaign. On a roll of 4 or 5, they are
enemy troops, may roll to retire from the dispersed and will be absent for the next
table. On a roll of 1 on a D6, the figure is campaign turn. On a roll of 6 they withdraw
capturedandisremovedfromthecampaign. successfully.
the next campaign turn. A roll of 3 to 6 Any Leaders captured or dispersed will count
indicates that the figure has withdrawn as being lost for the purpose of the mens
successfully. opinioninthepostgameroll,seePostGame


POSTGAMEEVENTS promoted to Sergeant. Add +1 to the roll of
an existing Junior Leader has an award for
Certain ingame events will need to be bravery.
considered after any game in which they
occur. These include losses of key Leaders, Where a promotion from Junior to Senior
Prisoners of War and any awards which the Leader occurs, an NCO with a bravery award
menarerecommendedfor. will always take precedence, or with the
highest award where multiple awards are
REPLACEMENTLEADERS present.Wheretherearenobraveryawards
Leaders who are wounded twice in any one the oldest Junior Leader present will take
gamewillberemovedfromplayfor thenext precedence.
campaign turn, returning on the following
turn. Dead Leaders will, fairly obviously, be AnyreplacementSeniorLeader,whetherfrom
removedfromplayentirely. outsidetheplatoon,orpromotedfromJunior
Leader, will operate with a command radius
Junior Leaders will always be replaced, of just 6 and with two Command Initiatives
permanently if they are killed, or temporarily until he is accepted by his men as their new
if they are absent. A new character will be SeniorLeader.AftereachgamerollaD6:ona
promotedfromtheranksandshouldbediced rollof1or2theleaderisnotyetacceptedby
for using the Key Characters section of this hismen.
with one Command Initiative until he is

accepted by his men as their new leader.
Other ranks captured and made Prisoners of
SeniorLeaderswillalwaysbereplacedifthey Wargointothebag,accepting thatforthem
are the only one, or last one, with the thewarisover.OfficersandNCOsaremade
Platoon. Where an officer is killed roll a D6. ofsternerstuffandwillattempttoescapeat
On a 1 to 2 a new replacement officer joins everyopportunity.
the platoon. On a 3 to 5 a Senior NCO is
transferredtotheplatoontoleadit.Ona6a ForanyLeadertakenPrisoner,rollaD6atthe
Junior Leader who is leading one of the endofeachsubsequentcampaignturn.Ona
existing sections or squads is promoted to 1 to 4 the CO hears via the Red Cross that
Senior NCO role and will lead the platoon. theyareinacampinSilesia.Donotrollagain
Add+1totherollifanexistingJuniorLeader for this Leader. On a 5 hope springs eternal,
hasanawardforbravery. roll again next turn. On a 6 the Leader has
escaped and returns to his unit. Any man
Where a Senior Leader is killed but a second promotedtofillhisroleisnowdemoted.
Senior Leader, such as a Senior NCO is
present, roll a D6. On a 1 a replacement
officer will join the platoon. On a 2 to 6 the
Where an NCO Senior Leader is killed but an
continue with no replacement senior NCO.
such awards were made is quite another.
On a 5 or 6 an existing Junior Leader will be
Men undertaking selfless and heroic actions

were often overlooked, whereas others were award the Leader is being recommended for.
richlyrewardedforthesame,orsimilar,acts. Ifa6isrolledthentheplayermayrollagain,
Itisalsoimpossibletobeentirelyprescriptive with a 6 on the next roll increasing the
about which actions should result in a medal recommendation by one level on the table.
recommendation. In Chain of Command: At The number in brackets above show the
the Sharp End, we suggest that only Leaders number of rerolls which may be made for
arerecommendedformedals. that act of bravery. Keep rolling, increasing
the level of award recommended, for each 6
As a starting point we suggest that the rolleduntilalloftheadditionalrollsareused.
following acts will always result in a Leader
Igor Klinsekov storms the fascist MG nest at
Leadingatattackonatripodmounted theheadofhissquad,sowillautomaticallybe
machinegunposition(4) recommended for a gallantry award at the
Destroying an armoured vehicle with endofthegame.Onceplayends,theplayer
ahandheldchargeorgrenade(3) rolls a D6. Igor is a Junior Leader so any roll
Singlehandedly manning a support will see him recommended for the Order of
weapon and destroying a vehicle or the Red Star. However, attacking a MG
defeatinganinfantryattack(2) positioncanresultinfouradditionalrolls.
Leading an attack in close combat
which defeats a numerically stronger The player rolls the first additional D6 and
enemyinadefensiveposition(2) rollsa6,sotherecommendationincreasesto
A Prisoner of War escaping and onefortheOrderoftheGreatPatrioticWar.
returningtohisunit(1) He rolls again and, remarkably, another 6 is
RescuingawoundedJuniorLeader(1) rolled.Thisincreasestherecommendationto
RescuingawoundedSeniorLeader(2) one for the Order of Glory. With his third
Any action which your opponent additional roll he rolls a 4, so there is no
agreesismedalworthy(?) increase. Finally his fourth roll is another 6,
that is a lucky three increases out of four
For all of these acts, the players should roll attempts,soIgorhasbeenrecommendedfor
1D6ontheawardtablefortheLeadersrank theOrderoftheRedBannerforhisbravery.

Whenanawardisrecommended,consultthe IftheLeaderconcernedalreadyhastheaward
followingtableattheendofthegame.Rolla indicatedthenincreasethenumberorrerolls
D6andrefertotherelevantlinetoseewhich tobemadebyone.

Officer 15 6 6+ 6+ 6+
NCO 15 6 6+ 6+ 6+
Iron Iron Iron German German Knights
German CrossII CrossI CrossI Cross Cross Cross
Officer 15 6 6+ 6+ 6+
NCO 16 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
Soldiers Bronze
USA Medal Star SilverStar D.S.M. D.S.C. D.S.C. M.O.H.
Officer 14 5 6 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
NCO 14 5,6 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
SovietUnion Red Patriotic Alexander Orderof Red Orderof Heroofthe
Star War Nevsky Glory Banner Lenin SovietUnion
Officer 15 6 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
NCO 16 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+ 6+
Once a medal recommendation has been casualties mount, there will come a time
made, the player should roll immediately to when some consideration of restructuring
see if the award is made and then on mustbemadeinordertokeeptheplatoonin
subsequent campaign turns, as indicated action.
MakingAwards entirely up to the player what organisational
The recommendations for awards do not structureheuses.Allthatisimportantisthat,
always result in that particular award being in preparation for the next game, he
made. At the end of each campaign turn, determines how that platoon will operate in
including the turn in which the termsofTeamsandSectionsorSquads.
recommendation is made, the player should
rolltoseeiftheawardismade. Beforeeachgameisplayedtheplayersshould
be able to make a note of how their force is
On a 1 to 5 no decision has been made and structured for that game. This may differ
theplayershouldrollagainattheendofthe from game to game, allowing for the specific
next campaign turn. On a 6 the award is missiontobefought.Inadefensivescenario
madewithimmediateeffect. a weakened platoon may decide to field
strong LMG teams rather than twoteam
Onsubsequentcampaignturnsrollattheend squads, whereas in an attack scenario they
oftheturn.Ona1or2nodecisionhasbeen may use weakened fire elements in order to
made,rollagainonthenextturn.Ona3or4 strengthen the manoeuvre teams. All that
an award is made, but one level lower than mattersisthattheycanallocatetheirLeaders
the recommended award. If the award tospecificunitssothattheycankeepatrack
recommendedhasnoloweraward,suchasa oftheirforceoncethegamebegins.
British Leader who was recommended to be
Mentioned In Despatches, then no award is
made. If the award has not been made in Withjusteighteenotherranksmenleftinhis
three campaign turns it has been turned platoon,LieutenantJonesdecidestofieldtwo
down. fourmanBrenteams,eachcommandedbya
On a 5 the award is made at the level another Corporal. Making the best of what
recommended.Ona6theawardmadeisone resourceshehas,theLieutenanthaskeptone
levelhigherthanrecommended. strongsectiontoassaulttheobjective,whilst

Were this a defensive mission Jones might
POSTBATTLEREORGANISATION well decide on two weakened sections of
We have already looked at how casualties eightmeneach,withtheremainingtwomen
affectaforceintermsofmenlost.Whatthe manning the PIAT because he suspects the
above does not tell you is what happens to enemy will be fielding armour. If no armour
theplatoonwhenlossesaresuffered. turns up, he can always shift the men to the
a full complement of men will normally be
will attempt to fight in that manner whilst
manpower levels allow. At first, simply
man will probably suffice. However, as


BEFORETHEGAME Didyoulosecasualties?
The winner reduces casualties if he has a
TheAttackermay: superiorForceMorale.Thenapplytheresults
Immediatelyfightthenextscenario. belowtobothsides:
Consolidate, handing initiative to
opponent. Figures Never Missnext Returnto
No advance, strengthen defences, hand Lost Return game duty
initiativetoopponent. 1 1
Fightifcounterattackedorgiveground. 2 1 1
3 1 2
4 2 1 1
5 2 2 1
6 3 2 1

Ifgiventheinitiative,theDefendermay: 7 3 2 2
Immediatelycounterattack. 8 4 2 2
Strengthendefences. 9 4 3 2
10 5 3 2
11 5 3 3
13 6 4 3
Didyourforcewithdrawvoluntarily? 14 7 4 3
DistancetoJumpOff Result 15 7 4 4
Marker 16 8 4 4
Upto12 Retiresafely
12to24 1:Dispersed
Morethan24 1:Captured Calculateusingthefollowingformula:
Pinned 12:Captured

DistancetoJumpOff Result
Marker DoYouNeedtoReplaceanyLeaders?
Upto12 Retiresafely OnlySeniorLeader
12to24 1:Captured 12 Newofficerjoinstheplatoon
2:Dispersed 35 SeniorNCOjoinstheplatoon
6 JuniorLeaderpromoted
Morethan24 1:Captured
1 Newofficerjoinstheplatoon
26 No replacement. Senior NCO
Pinned 13:Captured
1 SeniorNCOjoinstheplatoon

34 Noreplacement

56 JuniorLeaderpromoted


As we have seen, wargame campaigns will BEFORETHECAMPAIGN

always focus on military objectives. The
reality of achieving certain goals within Beforethecampaignbegins,youwillneedto
specified timescales is a common feature of find out a bit about your force: in particular,
warfarethroughtheages.However,Chainof whoisleadingyourmenintobattle.
the men who fought and the impact which KEYCHARACTERS
warhasonthem. TherearetwosortsofcharactersintheAtthe
Sharp End Campaign: firstly, we have your
We have elected to use this format for a platoonleaderandthenhissupportingNCOs.
number of reasons. Firstly, following the Ourprimaryfocuswillbeonthecharacterof
careerofindividualcharactersmakesforafun the platoon commander who, as the central
gaming experience. Whilst I may not care figureinourforce,willdeterminehowhisunit
about that toy soldier with the Sten gun, I isseen,bothbyitselfandothers.

do care about Sergeant Harris who took out
that MG nest near Sword beach and led his The NCOs are the supporting cast, the men
men to victory storming that farm on the theretoprovidethedisciplineandleadership
outskirtsofCaen.Byimbuingourtinysoldiers to achieve their platoon leaders plan. They
with their own personalities, we add an too have backgrounds and characters, but
additional dimension to the campaign and thesearesomewhatabbreviated,asthetone
give ourselves pause to consider the bravery issetbytheplatooncommander.

andselflessnessofthosewhoreallydidfight. Thenwehavethemenoftheplatoon.These
It also does more: it presents us with an are generally anonymous, although some
additionaltierofgamingchallengeswhichthe gamers may wish to use the character
playershavetoconsider. creation system to name every man in the
platoon. Finally there is the battalion as a
In addition to naming and creating whole, embodied in the person of the
backgrounds for our main characters, we battalion commander. His opinion will
want to consider those whose lives they influence the platoon as they fight their way
influence, namely the men in their platoon, through the campaign, and keeping him
andwhocaninfluencethem:specificallytheir happy will be an important objective
battalion commander and his staff. As the throughout.
campaign progresses, it will become
increasingly apparent that the player, in the InitialCharacterCreation
Before the campaign begins we will need to
mens morale up throughout the campaign,
create out characters, all of whom will have
whilst also keeping his commanding officer
their various attributes determined by using
happy with his results. The two are not
the following tables. Some of these are
mutually exclusive, neither are they mutually
the players should feel free to see these as
can keep both happy, and retain his own
sense of perspective and good humour
fit to increase their enjoyment of the game.
through the trials and tribulations of a


2 Minor nobility. Major public school. Oxbridge. Something in the city and an interest in
or politicsbeforewarsawyousignup.TheCOisverypleasedtohaveyouintheMess.Add+4
3 toyourrollforage.Add+1totheC.Osopinion
4 Wild Colonial boy. Possibly a CANLOAN chap or possibly from another part of the Empire.
5 Agoodschool,University,thenapromisingCivilServicecareer.Itwasareservedoccupation
6 Minorpublicschool.Thankstothewaryouwentstraightintokhaki.Rollonly1D6foryour
7 Majorpublicschool.Longstanding militaryfamily. Joinedthefamilyregiment.TheCOis
8 Grammarschoolboy.Intradebeforeyouwerecalledup.Identifiedasaleaderinyourbasic
9 Elevated from the ranks. An enlisted man who made his mark as a Sergeant and was
or commissionedasaresult.Youmaynothavebeenborntotherole,butyoureasgoodas
10 anyothermaninthemess.RollagainontheNCObackgroundtable.Add+4toyourrollfor
11 Grammarschoolboy,bothasastudentandthenamasterafterOxbridge.Add+4toyour
12 Youreallyarealovelyfellow.Everyonelikesyou,butsadlyyouarejustnottherightsortof
dont really fit in with the other officers in the mess. How very sad. Reduce the COs

2 A circus entertainer. Strong man, juggler, clown; youve done it all. You can jump and
3 Acolonial.Atoughmanfromatoughworldwhereamanlearnstolookafterhimself
4 Awaiterinarestaurant.Discrete,deferential;theofficersappreciateyourqualities
5 Agreasemonkeyincivvystreet,youcanstripanengineinnotimeatall
6 APreWarRegularSoldierwithlongservicestripestoproveit.Yousawtheworld,oratleast
7 Afarmboywiththemudstillonhisboots
8 Afactoryworker
9 AnOfficeClerkwithaheadforfiguresandanaptitudeforpaperwork.
10 Adoortodoorsalesman.Brushes,mops,dusters,yourethehousewifesbestfriend
11 A bohemian, you have been an artist and a writer, but sadly your talents have been
12 A cardcarrying Communist. You learnt your beliefs on the pit face and fought fascism in


2 the works of Neitzsche, but such views are unpopular now, as indeed are many of your
3 Awelltodo farmersson,onedayyouwillreturntoyourestatesandenjoythefruitsof
4 Promoted up from the ranks. You showed your worth on the battlefield and were
or rewardedwithacommission.RollagainontheNCObackgroundtable.Add+3toyourroll
5 forage.Add+1tothemensopinion
6 School.HitlerJugend.Reichsarbeitsdienst.Heer.Suchisthecareerofayoungmaninthe
or ThirdReich.YouareamodelcitizenofthenewGermanyandyouwithfighthardtoensure
7 that1918isnotrepeated.Roll1D6onlyforage
8 record earned you your opportunity for a commission after a promising career at
9 not a natural soldier, you have little interest in politics, but you do your best for the
A Civil Servant in the local municipal level, you have swopped the brown uniform of the
10 Partyforfieldgrey.YouareamodelcitizenofthenewGermanyandbelievethatonlythe
11 AtrueGermanaristocrat.YourfamilywereennobledbackbeforetheOldFritzcamealong.
or After the humiliation of Weimar you have returned to the colours to continue the family
12 tradition of service to the Fatherland. Overpromoted Austrian Corporals do not impress

2 Acabaretmusician,youplayedwithallthebigstarsbeforebeingcalledup.Youstillhanker
3 AformerCommunistdockworker,youkeepquietaboutyourbackgroundnowbutleopards
4 Agamekeeperonalargecountryestate,youhavehuntedboarwithReichsmarschallGring.
5or AninnercitySchoolwithafatherinanarmamentsfactory.YoulefttheHitlerJugendand
6 joinedtheArmy.YouareamodelcitizenofthenewGermany.Roll1D6onlyforage.
7or Aruralfarmboy.YoulefttheHitlerJugendandjoinedtheArmy.Youareamodelcitizenof
8 thenewGermany.Roll1D6onlyforage.
9 AnOfficeClerksinceschool,andthenthearmywhenyouwerecalledup
10 Awaiterinahighqualityestablishment
11 A Sturmabteilungsmann. Your father was a Communist, but where did that get him? You
saw from an early age that only the Fhrer could save Germany. This is a war against
international communism and capitalism; once it is won a new society can be built on
12 Anoldsoldieryoujoinedupwhentherewaslittleotherworktobehad.AveteranofSpain.


2 youastaffposition,butyouwantedtofighttheenemiesofdemocracy.Add+4toyourroll
Detective. You left High School and joined the police. Now youre keen to take on the
3 worldsbiggestcriminal:HerrA.HitlerofBerlin,Germany.JustthefactsAdolf!Add+4to
4 Acityboywithanoseforadeal.YoucutyourteethonWallStreetwithstocksandshares
or butwhenyourcountryscallcame,youdidnthedgeyourbets.Add+2toyourrollforyour
5 age
6 Amidwestfarmersson,youcomefromwherethecornisashighasanelephantseye.You
to volunteered to see even wider horizons than the ones in Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota.
7 Hopefullywherethereisnodamncorn!
8 AHighSchoolgraduate,youshowedaptitudeintrainingandwereselectedforOCS.
9 Promoted from the ranks. You came up the hard way, winning your stripes through good
or soldiering and your commission by killing Krauts. Plenty of them! Roll again on the NCO
10 table.Add+3toyourrollforyourage.Add+1tothemensopinion
11 Thesonofapreacherman,yourupbringingtoldyouwhatwasrightandwhatwaswrong.
12 Hollywoodgaveyouatasteforactionbeforeyouswoppedthesilverscreenforaroleinthe
biggest war story ever know: WWII. In some circles people still talk about your Second

2 AstockcardriverwholearnthistradeatDaytonaBeachwiththeoldbootlegdrivers
3 Youwerealinemanforthecountyandyoudrovethemainroad
4 the man. Nobody messed with you then, nobody messes with you now. No messing,
5 Bornonafarmwaybackupinthewoods,joiningtheArmywasyourwaytoescapeandfind
or thebigwideworld.Youranthehiredhandswhenthingsgotbusy,andyourexperiencesaw
6 yougoodatrunningmeninyoursquad
7 Anofficedeskinthecity,keepingnotesinledgers,wasnotthelifeyouyearnedforatHigh
or Schoolandthewarwasachancetoseeanotherworld.One,youdiscovered,wherenobody
8 cancookadecenthamburger!
9 You sold your wares where you could. Encyclopaedias, pots, pans, insurance. Some you
10 YoubuiltskyscrapersacrossAmerica.YournativeAmericanancestorsgaveyoutheirbravery
11 Aprewarregularsoldier,youareararebreedthesedays.Ahardnosedprofessionalyou
12 BornonamountaintopinTennessee,youmadeyourlivingfromthemountaindewyou


2 Youworkedinthelibrary,whereyourloveofbookswasappreciated.Solongasthebookin
3 Yousupervisedtheworkersinthefactory,makingpackagingforthebumperturnipharvest.
4 Yousupervisedtheworkersonthecollectivefarmwherebumperturnipcropsweregrown.
to YouarealoyalPartymemberandfineSovietcitizenbutyourpeasantbackgroundmeansyou
6 takecaretolookafteryourmen.Add+1tothemensopinion
7 YoustudiedhardintheTekhnikumtolearntheskillswhichyouwoulduseupongraduation
to todistributebumperturnipcropstothepeoplesofalltheSovietUnion.YouarealoyalParty
9 memberandfineSovietcitizen
10 AsaCivilServantintheMinistryforTurnipProduction,youfailedtoadequatelyexplainwhy
or thebumperturnipcropneverarrived.Henceyouarenowatthefrontline.Yourleadership
11 skillshave,however,assistedyouinbecomingagoodsoldier.ReducetheCOsopinionby1
You were a Professor at a Tekhnikum academy accused of corrupting your students with
12 backsliding revisionist propaganda relating to a socalled bumper turnip crop. For such

2 AbookbinderinthePartyPressOfficesyouvolunteeredfortheGreatPatrioticWarassoon
3 Aclerkinanoffice,involvedwiththeimplementationoftheFiveYearPlan
4 AworkeronacollectivefarmproducingfoodfortheSovietpeopleandtheirfraternalallies.
to TheArmyhasbeenaharshschool,butyouhavesurvivedandkilledmanyfascists.Yourmen
6 looktoyouforleadershipastheyknowyouareoneofthem.
7 A worker in a factory producing much needed armaments. You volunteered for the Army
or when your factory was moved to the Urals to save it from the rapacious invader of Soviet
8 soil.Onedayyouwillreturn,aherooftheSovietUnion!
9 A mechanic. You trained on engines and there is nothing about the internal combustion
10 Thesonofasmallshopkeeper,youfightforHolyMotherRussiainherhourofneed
11 do now is of greater importance than music. You fight for the rights of the workers and
A former seminary student, you escaped from the Solovki Special Purpose Camp, thereby
12 avoidingdeath.YounowserveintheArmyunderanassumedidentity.Youfearexposure

serve as a guide when filling in more of their
personal details. Backgrounds will vary,
depending on whether they are officers or

For each leader in your force roll 2D6 on the


Location Itisperfectlypossibletoaddmoredetailhere
To add a bit more background you may wish
to find out where your leaders are from
states, but we find that a broadbrush
geographically. To do this youll need to
approach suffices with the players then
divide the relevant county into six areas and
adding the small detail as they deem
roll a D6. For the UK I divide into six
convenient areas: the South East, the

Midlands, Wales and the South West, the
North Scotland and finally Ireland, as shown
come up through the ranks, use the NCO

Roll Officer NCO
2 19 21
3 20 22
4 21 23
5 22 24
6 23 25
7 24 26
8 25 27
9 26 2833,1D6,
10 27 3439,1D6,
11 28 4045,1D6,
12 29 4651,1D6,


Based on their background, select a suitable

location in that general area depending on
son from the North could come from the
Yorkshire Dales, whereas a factory worker I

would allocate to industrial centres such as
Sheffield or Manchester. You can follow the

same system for any country, as we see on

Names charactersthemoreinterestingthecampaign
You can name your leaders yourself if you willbe.Onceyouarefinishedyoullbeready
wish, possibly taking names from historical tostartthecampaign.
your fancy. As an alternative, you can roll a
D6fortheirfirstnameandsurname,andthen Our US platoon is commanded by a
consult the following table as a prompt to Lieutenant.Asanofficerwerollonthattable
determineinitials. todeterminehisbackground.Using2D6Iroll
a total of 9, so the Lieutenant started his
Dice Initial careerintheranksandhasworkedhiswayup
1 A,B,C,D the hard way. This also tells us to roll again
2 E,F,G,H on the NCO table to find out more about his
3 I,J,K,L
went to High School and worked in an office
4 M,N,O,P
before leaving his job to see the world with
5 Q,R,S,T,
6 U,V,W,X,Y,Z
This system is by no means foolproof, it a 5, so hes from somewhere out West. I
doesntallowfornationalvariationsonletter choose Oregon and as we know he works in
usage, but will hopefully give you a guide if anoffice,IchoosethecityofPortlandforhis
stuck for inspiration. What is important is home town. I have no idea what they
that all of our leaders have names! produceinPortland,soIamgoingtohavehis
work background as being in a bank.

Next we check his age. We use the NCO
AppearanceandPhysique column here as that was his background
Finally, we check to see what out character before being commissioned. I roll 9. That
lookslike.Roll2D6onthetablebelow: meansheisagedsomewherebetween28and

Dice Result
The next thing I do is think about a name. I
2 Undernourished,thinandpale couldmakeoneup,butletsusethetable.I
3 Atruebantam,shortbutfulloffight roll 2D6, a 4 and a 4 which inspires me to
4 An intellectual looking man of come up with Norman Peterson. As hes
averagetoshortheight American Ill give him a middle initial which I
5 As broad as he is tall. A barrel of a dicefor.NormanW.Peterson.
6,7,8 Anaveragesort.Unremarkable Finally we dice for appearance. An 11. I
9 Tallandthin didnt expect that! So Big Norm is a
10 Astrappingsixfooter lumbering giant. He left his bank job in
11 Alumberinggiant Portlandashekeptknockingovertheinkand
12 Remarkably overweight considering wasfedupwithhisbossMrKolowskibeingon
hisrelianceonArmyrations his back for ten long years. He signed up,
Now you have your characters, feel free to He likes seeing the world, but still hankers
add any other details you wish, and some of afteragoodoldAmericanhamburger.
the detail above can be elaborated on. Feel
free to add as much or as little as you wish;
the better the picture you have of your

POSTGAMETRACKING we go any further, we need to consider the
four possible outcomes from each game. At
Oncethecampaignbeginswewillkeeptrack the end of each game both players will use
ofthreekeyindicatorsofsuccess.Specifically the following victory conditions to see how
these are the Commanding Officers opinion, thethreekeyindicatorsareinfluencedand,if
themoraleofthemenintheplatoonandthe necessary, adjusted to reflect the current
PlatoonLeadersownmoraleandselfesteem. mood.
withanoverallsnapshotoftheplatoonatany A Victory: To claim a victory you must win
time. the game, achieving the scenario objectives
listed for the scenario being played. If you
Keepingthebattalioncommanderhappyisall achieve this, regardless of casualties or any
about achieving your objectives. Hes not otherfactors,youcanclaimavictory.
volumestohim.Iftheplatoondoeswell,this ADraw:Somescenariosallowforadraw.If
willinfluencehowmuchsupporttheunitcan this happens then both sides may claim a
draw upon the CO likes to back winners draw, regardless of casualties or any other
and how well rewarded the platoon is when factors.
However,theCOisalsokeentorunwhatisat However,therearecircumstanceswhereyou
least superficially a happy ship. If he hears mayclaimaLosingDraw.Seebelow.
rumours of the men being unhappy, he will
take a dim view of any platoon commander A Losing Draw: If you lose a game you may
who is implicated, and this, as well asresults still be able to claim some degree of success
inbattle,caninfluencehisopinion. by inflicting disproportionate casualties on
your opponent. If you lose the scenario but
Secondly there are the men. Yes, they want inflict50%morecasualtiesonyouropponent
togetthejobdone,butultimatelytheywant than you suffer (the number of men lost
to get home at the end of the war. If a killedattheendofeachscenario),thenyou
platoon commander starts losing too many mayclaimaLosingDraw.

Finally, the platoon leaders own mood will

way they see themselves and their morale.
The platoon leaders own outlook will
influence the way that the platoon feels as a
whole, and also influence the units force

To do well in the campaign the player will

CO happy, the men happy and trying to not
allow the pressures of command get to his

To a large degree, all three indicators will be


TRACKINGOPINION unchanged.Onarollof6itincreases
Keeping track of the three key indicators is a
simple process. The COs and the mens
opinion are both tracked numerically on a
scale ranging from 12 down to 12 with the
effects being cumulative through the

campaign. The Platoon Leaders outlook is
What does this mean? Keep a tally of your
matrix with the possibility of the rating
when selecting support for each mission,
moving horizontally as well as vertically on
when rolling for any medal awards or when

At the start of a campaign, we will normally
12 Promoted to a Staff position.
This may be adjusted slightly if the platoon
9to11 +3 levels of support for each
leaders background, if that indicates that he
will be particularly well or badly or looked
+3 for any medal roll for the

Tracking the COs opinion of your platoon is
6to8 +2 levels of support for each
very simple. To a degree what he thinks is
+1 for any medal roll for the
be noticed, you may gain laurels which, in
truth, you do not deserve. During the
accordingtosuccessorfailureinbattle.This 3to5 +1 level of support for each
happensasfollows: mission
2to2 Noeffect
AftereachVictoryrollaD6.Onaroll 3to5 1 level of support for each
of1to4theCOsopinionincreasesby mission
1.Onarollof5or6itincreasesby2. 6to8 1 level of support for each
AftereachDrawrollaD6.Onarollof 2 for any medal roll for the
1theCOsopiniondecreasesby1.On Platoon
arollof2to5itremainsthesame. 1foranyreinforcementroll
Onarollof6itincreasesby1. 9to11 2 levels of support for each
AftereachLossrollaD6.Onarollof ForceMoralerollswitha1
1 to 5 the COs opinion decreases by Nomedalrolls
1.Onarollof6itdecreasesby2. 1foranyreinforcementroll
12 Relieved of command. This man
AftereachLosingDrawrollaD6.Ona willspendthewarincommandof
rollof1theCOsopiniondecreasesby a latrine cleaning detachment.
1.Onarollof2to4itremainsthe Flyingadeskandsortingoutcrap


Measuring the opinion of the men in the Opinion Effect
platoonisdoneinasimilarwaytotheCObut 9to12 ForceMoralerollswitha+3
the men are affected by the number of Platoon leaders Command
casualtiessufferedbytheplatoon,ratherthan Initiative increased to 4 with a
victoryconditions. rangeof12
6to8 ForceMoralerollswitha+2
Themenunderstandandacceptthatdeathis Any negative soubriquet gained
an inevitable part of war. However, they previouslyislost
appreciateaplatoonleaderwhotriestokeep Platoon leaders command range
casualtiestoaminimum. extendsto12
3to5 ForceMoralerollswitha+1
Aftereachgame,youwillneedtokeepatrack 2to2 Noeffect
of losses. Using that information you will 3to5 ForceMoralerollswitha1
need to test for each of the following 6to8 Platoon leader earns the
situations that apply. Multiple tests may be soubriquet Dangerous. Force
requiredifmorethanonecriterionapplies.If Moralerollswitha2
sotheresultsarecumulative. Platoon leaders command range
If you lost more men dead than the The first time that the mens
enemy,rollaD6.On1to5themens opinion falls to 6 or less, the
opinion decreases by 1. On a 6 it battalion commander will be
decreasesby2. spoken to by a senior NCO,
reporting the concerns. The
If you lost fewer men dead than the platoon commander will be
enemy, roll a D6. On a 1 to 2 the ordered to an interview without
mens opinion remains unchanged. coffee. See Platoon Leaders
On3to6themensopinionincreases Outlookbelow
by1. 9to11 Platoon leader earns the
soubriquet Butcher. Force
IfyoulostanNCOkilledrollaD6.On Moralerollswitha3
a 1 to 2 the Mens opinion remains Platoon leaders Command
thesame.On3to5itdecreasesby1. Initiative reduced to 4 with a
Ona6itdecreasesby2. rangeof6
The first time that the mens
If you lost very heavy casualties, that opinion falls to 9 or less, the
is5ormoremendead,rollaD6.Ona battalion commander will be
1 to 3, the mens opinion decreases spoken to by a senior NCO,
by 1. On 4 to 6, the mens opinion reporting the concerns. The
decreasesby2. platoon commander will be
Ifyoulostverylightcasualties,thatis PlatoonLeadersOutlookbelow
2menorfewerdead,rollaD6.Ona 12 Platoonleaderdiesinmysterious
1, the mens opinion remains circumstances.Nobodyweeps


What does this mean? Keep a tally of your

mens opinion rating. This will affect your
force morale and how your platoon leader

HowwetrackaPlatoonLeadersoutlookwill 0 2
depend on the type of campaign we are 1or2 1
fightingandthatLeaderscircumstances.Ina 3or4 0
full campaign, where a new leader has just 5to8 +1
joined his unit or been promoted to lead it, 9 +2
we use a slightly different initial setup to a
more established leader who has been with Theadjustedtotalindicateswhichoneofthe
hisforceforaperiodoftime. tenstartingpointsindicatedintheredboxon
the Outlook Table applies to the platoon
TheFreshLeader leader.
campaign with a mix of enthusiasm, TheVeteranLeader
trepidation and uncertainty. We do not Thesituationisslightlydifferentforthemore
attempttodiscoverwhattheiroutlookisuntil experienced commander, in that they will
they have completed three games. By that beginthecampaignwiththeiroutlookalready
point they have had an opportunity to test established. To generate this roll 1D6, with
themselves in the maelstrom of battle. This the result indicating the starting point in the
willdeterminetheiroutlookatthatpoint. redboxonthetablebelow.Ifacharacterhas
been used in a previous campaign the player
Aftereachofthefirstthreegamestheplayers may continue with the characters outlook
will claim their result, be that Victory, Draw, from that, adjusting it up or down by one or
LossorLosingDraw.Theywillconvertthatto twospacesiftheleaderhasenjoyedaperiod
points on the following basis. For a Victory of leave or in a quiet sector of the line
theplayerclaimsthreepoints.ForaDrawor betweenthecampaigns.
LosingDraw the player claimsonepoint,and

After the three games, the player rolls 1D6


Merciless Ruthless Impatient Arrogant Uncontrollable
Contempt Arrogant Power Heroic Violent
Selfrighteous Pride Pride Superior Brutish
Spiteful Reckless Exhilarated Brave Wild
Bitter Aggressive Confident Popular Loud
Anger Energetic 7 Affable 8 Sociable Gregarious
Annoyed Shorttempered 5 Happy 6 Secure Assured
SelfPity Sad 3 Content 4 Cheerful Merry
Uncertain Concerned 1 Thoughtful 2 Relaxed Droll
Insecure Confusion 1 Retiring 0 Worried Guarded
Shame Shock Introverted Irritable Prickly
Afraid Bitter Weak Cautious Remorseful
Dread Jealous Disgust Regretful Malevolent
Exhaustion Tired Rage Vindictive Misery
Exhaustion Exhaustion Exhaustion Grief Stupour

Once a platoon leaders outlook has been A character whose outlook turns green,
established it will be affected by results of with an outlook in the right hand column, is
eachgame.Thisoccursasfollows: clearly drinking more than is normal. While
AftereachVictory,rollaD6.Onarollof1or drinking to forget this may cause problems.
2hisoutlookremainsunchanged.Onarollof His behaviour and temperament are likely to
3to5itmovesupverticallyonespaceonthe be more erratic if this continues for an
table. On a roll of 6 it moves one space extendedperiod.

his outlook remains unchanged. On a 5 his Inadditiontotheresultsofcampaigngames,
outlook moves one space horizontally to the the platoon leaders outlook can be
left,ona6onespaceverticallydown. influenced by his interaction with his
commanding officer. This occurs when there
AftereachLosingDraw,rollaD6.Onarollof areseriousissueswiththemensopinions,to
1 to 5 his outlook remains unchanged. On a the extent that reports of their concerns
roll of 6 move one space horizontally or reachtheCOsears.
vertically in any direction of the players
choice. An Interview without coffee: During this
meeting the commanding officer will make
AftereachLoss,rollaD6.Onarollof1or2 perfectlyclearthattheplatooncommanderis
hisoutlookremainsunchanged.Onarollof3 responsible for the morale within his
to5itmovesdownverticallyonespaceonthe commandand,atthismoment,heisfailingin
table. On a roll of 6 it moves one space this regard. Roll a D6. On a 1 to 3 the
horizontallytotheleftonthetable. platoonleadersoutlookwillmovedownone

All moves are horizontal or vertical, never
diagonal. A result indicating a move off the

A Carpet Parade: During this meeting the

commanding officer will make it absolutely

Results clearthattheplatooncommanderisfailingin
What does this mean? A platoon leaders his obligations to his men. This is a final
outlook will influence all of his men and set warning and if matters worsen he will be
the tone within the platoon. Keep a tally of removed from his command. Roll two D6.
yourplatoonleadersoutlookusingthecolour For each roll of 1 to 3 the platoon leaders
codebelow: outlookwillmovedownonespace.Foreach
Outlook Effect
Plain Noeffect
Light +1onForceMoraleroll
Dark +2onForceMoraleroll


Light 1onForceMoraleroll


Dark 2onForceMoraleroll


Red the rest of your war weaving


Inspirationforacampaigncancomefromthe As a full ladder campaign with eleven rungs,
smallest of sources: a single paragraph in a this should be played with a maximum of
book, a scene in a film. Often a passing seventeen games. As there is no historical
reference can trigger a desire to find out background to influence us, we can just use
more, and this can lead to an intriguing thestandardarmylistsforwhateverperiodof
research project which provides us with the thewarwewanttofight.
desire to get our miniature troops on the
tabletopandrefighttheaction. A campaign of this length will probably see
both sides with two opportunities to get
Inthissectionwewilllookattwocampaigns, replacementstofillthegapsintheirranks.
MapCampaign.Thefirst,thesimplemap,we Whenstartingthecampaigntossacoinorroll
have designed to be as generic as and is a D6 to see which player has the initiative in
shownatthefootofthispage.NoMansLand Turn One. The campaign will run until one
is a bridged river whilst the outposts are in sideachievestheirfinalobjective.
small farms set amid cultivated land. Both
sides have their main defences in a war As can be seen, this is a very simple, very
damaged village, whilst to the rear of that is genericcampaign.Withalittleeffortitcould
rolling relatively open countryside where the be fleshed out further or converted to suit a
pursuit and retreat actions can be fought. differentsetting.

The simple sketch map we have used is

European in its style, but it can be used as a
Next we will look at the Full Map Campaign.
template for anywhere in the world. In the
This will involved more frontend effort, but
possibly less than would be expected. In
more in the way of vegetation, but the river,
order to show how simple this can be, this
the small farms, the village and the hilltop
how we got this from concept onto the
pursuit and retreat phase will likely be
through lightly populated jungle rather than


INSPIRATION,NOTPERSPIRATION United States, and can be read easily on a
detail for campaigns is a wellwritten and The key is that researching your campaign is
wellillustrated book. There are plenty of aseasyorashardasyoudlikeittobe.There
series of excellent battlefield walking tour is a tradeoff here, between time taken
books which are littered with historical reading books and the speed with which you
accounts, illustrations and maps. The cangetyourgameontothetabletop.Equally,
BattlegroundEuropeseriesfromPen&Sword the more research you do the easier
and Battlezone Normandy series from Sutton developing the campaign becomes as the
Publishing are both superb examples and, more hard data you have. You set the line
with their emphasis on walking the ground betweenspeedandresearchwhereyouwant
fought over, they focus sufficiently on detail ittobe.
to be ideal for our purposes. These may be
had from any decent book seller, either in

Battalion and Regimental histories are also
very useful, as are personal memoirs written DESIGNINGACAMPAIGN
by those present. These will, by their very When designing a campaign you are looking
nature, focus on the units and the men who for certain key information, namely the
fought; they also often contain maps, location where the action took place, what
sometimessketches,sometimesinfulldetail, the terrain was like, what troops were
ofthelocationsofthemainactionscoveredin involvedandwhatsupportwasavailable.This
thetext.IntheUK,Regimentalmuseumsare will allow you to build your map and
often a great source of these books, with accompanying ladder and provide action
many selfpublishing some very good, but specificsupportlistoptionsforyourforces.
almostunknown,memoirswhicharejustnot For the campaign presented here I took the
availableanywhereelse. simplest route of consulting one of the
Battleground Europe books, specifically Hill
Obviously a whole raft of books covering the 112whichlooksattheactionsonoraround
SecondWorldWarareavailable;somegood, the Odon River from late June to the
some not so useful. Try to find books which beginningofAugust1944.
focus on individual actions rather than broad
brush approaches to whole theatres. The Whenputtingtogetheracampaignitisworth
latter may well have cameo appearances rememberingthatnotallactionsareidealfor
which give the appearance of being detailed, a platoon sized rule set. Some actions are
but ultimately the breadth of the subject better fought with a larger scale set of rules
beingcoveredwillmeanmuchiscoveredonly such as I Aint Been Shot Mum, so it is
superficially. important to find an action which is self
contained and discrete enough to be
Finally, dont forget the internet. There are appropriate. For example, the main attacks
plenty of books already online with projects which were launched at Hill 112 in early to
such as Google Books and the Project lateJulywerelargeactionsfoughtoverlargely
Gutenburg, and those numbers will only open terrain. However, even larger attacks
increase. Some of the most interesting can contain some gems. For example, the
documents online are declassified military mainattackonHill112by129Brigadeonthe
reports and texts which seek to analyse 10th of July 1944 would be largely
military operations. Many of these are inappropriate, but the 5th Wiltshires were
available in downloadable PDF format from taskedwithtakingaflankingGermanposition
organisationssuchasFortLeavenworthinthe around the hamlet of le Bon Repos to the

north of Esquay. Such a separate,
subordinate, action would be suitable for a

I selected a later action fought by the 5th

Wiltshires on the 22nd of July, just over two
kilometres east of Hill 112 in the village of
Maltot. The Battleground Europe book also
covered this action in some detail, and I
museums web store which was a gold mine
of information. I found a further description
of the action in Fighting Wessex Wyverns by
Patrick Delaforce, and the internet provided
units in this area, and their strength at that

the British Army 1944 GSGS map in 1:25.000 Having said that, were I to simply follow the
scalefromthisrange: actions of this one battalion on this single
map sheet, I could get several campaigns for Chain of Command. Being Normandy, the
47_1_25000_normandy.asp map presents lots of other opportunities,
covering such locations as Carpiquet airport
Now I was ready to start designing my and Hill 112, along with a whole range of
campaign. Before I do, however, lets recap othervillages,suchasleMesnilPatryandles
onmypurchases. Haut Vents which are names writ large in
The Map and the book on the 5th Wiltshires reasonable investment in a lot of future
had both cost me 12 each. The Wessex gamingenjoyment.
picked that up for 7 on Amazon, whilst Hill Onthenextpageisthemapoftheareawith
112 was 10 in hard copy or 99p on Kindle. the site of five potential actions for the
So, were I to be starting from scratch, the campaign marked by red boxes. These are
total outlay would have been between 30 scaled for a 6 by 4 table at 12 being 40
and40forwhatweseebelow. yards,asperthemainrules.



the attack were drawn from the battalion
history, and easily identifiable with the map.
On the British side, the 5th Wiltshires had
Maltot sat in a shallow valley, and the plan
was to use the spur above it as a start
of their action at Maltot, had fought one
position, as it allowed good visibility for the
major action on the slopes of Hill 112on the
attack would then wheel round, cross the
start the British with a complete and intact
standing wheat in the fields and attack along
platoon. This may not be absolutely correct,
as most platoons had suffered some

The operation was ideal as a campaign as,
be tough enough for the British as it is and
from a game perspective this keeps things
frontage, accounts make it very clear that
amid the houses and orchards the attack

The action will initially focus on 12 Platoon
is that which makes it ideal for a short
from B Company which formed part of the
vanguard of the attack. This campaign is

To reflect this, we will include a campaign
specific rule that men who require medical
assistance will not return to the campaign.
THETERRAIN So,attheendofeachgame,onlythe25%of
Onthenextpageisasecondmapofthesame men who are lightly wounded will return to
area, but with the terrain in the playing area theranks.
toterrainforthescenarios.Indesigningthis What we will add is a second platoon which
wehave,clearly,usedthe1944mapandthis can be introduced as reinforcements. In the
provides both a backdrop to the whole actualattackAandBCompanyadvancedfirst,
campaignanddetailforsettingoutterrainfor withDCompanyfollowingupandtaskedwith
ourscenarios. clearing the village itself once the vanguard
had broken in. To reflect this, the British
Additionally, we have used Google Earth to player may withdraw 12 Platoon from action
clarifywherethemapisambiguous.Thisisan attheendofanygameandreplacethemwith
excellent resource as whilst France is a fullstrength 16 Platoon. Once withdrawn
beginningtoexperiencesomeurbansprawl 12 Platoon will play no further part in the
theterrainisstillentirelyrecognisableinrural campaign.
areas. Maltot itself has been largely rebuilt,
but the surrounding countryside is largely On the German side, the men of 980
intact, albeit with larger fields thanks to the Grenadier Regiment were defending Maltot,
mechanisation of farming. This is a good having only recently taken over the defences
resource and well worth using when from 9 SS Panzer Division Hohenstaufen. By
constructing a campaign. Remember that all thisstageinthebattleforNormandy,lossesin
sorts of additional information comes from the 272nd Grenadier Division were around
walkingbattlefieldswhichwecantgetfroma 50%.However,werepresentthemherewith
map.GoogleEarthallowsustogetascloseto a fullstrength platoon for the sake of
walkingtheterrainaswecanwithoutactually simplicity. It would be equally possible to
goingthere. view this as the reorganised remnants of a


Unlike the British, the Germans do get their BRITISHSUPPORTLIST
men requiring medical attention back as
covered by the normal campaign rules. LISTONE
However,thisonlyoccurswhiletheystillhold EngineerMineClearanceTeam,3men
the table at rung five on the ladder, as their EngineerWireCuttingTeam,3men
Regimental Aid Post is located there. Once EngineerDemolitionTeam,3men
that falls to the British, only the 25% of men Adjutant
who are lightly wounded will return to the LISTTWO
ranksinsubsequentgames. PIATTeam,2men

During the actual battle SS Hohenstaufen
intervened by shoring up the defences with
some of their Panzer Grenadiers. To reflect
this, the Germans may call for replacements LISTTHREE
once during the campaign using the normal SniperTeam
means outlined in the campaign rules. LISTFOUR
However, these will be elite Panzer EngineerSectionwithJuniorLeader
Grenadiers rather than infantry. For every RegularInfantrySquadwithJuniorLeader
one MG42 and one Panzerfaust 30. Any
group of less than four men will be armed
with a rifle and one Panzerfaust 30 OR be LISTFIVE
equippedasatankkillerteamwithhandheld 6pounderantitankgun,5crewandJunior
magneticmines. Leader
Additional support was lent to the troops in
Maltot by Tiger tanks firing from the reverse GERMANSUPPORTLIST
the crews of 7RTR and hampered good LISTONE
infantryandarmourcoordination.Thearcof SingleCompoundCharge
fireisindicatedonthemapaboveasashaded Minefield
coneoutlinedinred,coveringthefieldsnorth BarbedWire
ofMaltotandsouthofEtervile,andcanaffect Adjutant
any tanks operating on game tables 1 and 2. TigerSupport(offtablefire)
To reflect this, the German player selecting EntrenchmentsforoneTeam
Tiger Support may fire onto any British LISTTWO
road on Table 2. The Tiger Support is
activated on a roll of 5 and fires with a 2 to
hit.OncetheBritishhaveadvancedtotable3 PanzerknackerTeam,4men
andbeyondtheTigerSupportwillbeuseless. LISTTHREE
TheSupportListsbelowhavebeenspecifically LISTFOUR
constructedforthiscampaign,basedonwhat EngineerSectionwithJuniorLeader
support was historically present for this
Pak 36 antitank gun with stielgrenate. Five
action. Some readers will note that certain
support options have different values here
is intentional in order to provide the right

this action. The first Patrol action amid the We hope that this final section has shown
wheatfields was undertaken in the days how simple it is to construct an historical
precedingtheattack.TheattackonaGerman campaign using the rules outlined in this
outpost at Lieu de la France was where the supplement.CertainlytheNoMapcampaign
advance first encountered an enemy is ready to go without any effort, and the
disorientated by a sharp but short initial Simple Map Campaign is almost as simple to
bombardment. The main defensive position get started with. If the Full Map Campaign
was first met on the edge of the village of seems a little daunting, then you can still
Maltot, and then, having broken into the enjoycampaignswiththeseoptions.
village, the British fought a running battle
withtheGermandefenderswhowereseeking Constructing your own campaign using the
toevacuatetheirRegimentalAidPost.Finally, guidelines presented here will allow you to
the capture of the village church at the road refight some of the actions of the war which
junction marked the successful clearance of mostinterestyou.
Dont forget that well be producing ready to
The other aspect of this fight which is playcampaignsusingtheserulesinthefuture,
interesting is the fact that, whilst the British both as standalone supplements and in the
attackedwithsupportfromChurchilltanksof SummerandChristmasSpecialsaswellasthe
B Squadron 7 RTR, the coordination was not hobbypress.
tanks firing across from the rear slope of Hill
to be available for the toughest scenarios,
other actions are going to be largely infantry

The British have the initiative at the start of

Turn One. They get no opportunities to
consolidate in this campaign, as there is
simply not enough time. Both the German
and British Platoon commanders should
immediately roll 1D6 to see what their
outlook is. The COs and their men start the

This is a fiverung ladder campaign with the
minimum eight game duration. If the British
fail to capture the church by then they have


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