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Demostratives pronouns

That (eso / que)

This ( esto dis)
These ( estos diiiis)

1) objetos, ideas, personas ,animals que

lejos ocerca
Estn de nosotros

2) singula / plurales

This bag ( sta maleta) = sing ( close to

That pencil case (esa cartuchera) = sing
(away to me)

These books ( stos libros) = plural ( close

to me)
Those books ( esos libros) = plural (away to

Close the window

Close ( objects. Door. Windowscerrar)
Close ( pesrons, animal-------cerca de..)
Get Verb

( objects, situations conseguir /


Get ( persons.conseguir, obtener)

I get a job ( consegui un trabajo)

You need get a Money ( tu necesitas
obtener dinero)

The wheater get cold

( el clima se volvio frio)

The economic crisis get very hard)

(la economia se volvio muy dificil)

There is / are ---( sing / plural)

Here is / are ----( sing / plural)

There is (hay)
There is some milk (hay algo de leche)
There are many cars
Hay muchos carros

Here .lugar.situacion

You are here..(tu estas aqu)

Where is Paula?
Paula she is there..

To (hacia..delola / ur

caminar / walk ---to walk

to there (all) ah.

here w ego.

to get there (para ir ah)

Street = calle / direcciones coordenas
Road = camino destapado. Arenoso.
Pavimentado no
Path = camino = emocional. instruccion
Way = carretera destino =(persons forma
manera )
Avenue = avenida

Main = principal
Principal (rector /director)
Main road (camino principal)

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