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A Day At The Turtle Sanctuary

Kinah and her parents are waiting at the beach. They are
looking for turtles to lay eggs.

Loud noise and bright lights will disturb a nesting turtle so

they watch the turtle from a distance. It starts to dig a hole with
its flippers. When the hole is big and deep enough, the turtle starts
to lay eggs. After that, it covers the hole with sand again.

Then, it crawls back into the sea. Kinah's father and mother
dig into the sand and find the eggs. Kinah helps them to take the
eggs out from the nest and put them into a pail carefully. Then, they
take the eggs to the turtle hatchery nearby.

They help the hatchery officer bury the eggs in a new hole in
the hatchery. The officer marks the sand clearly with a sign. After
the eggs hatch, Kinah will help to take the hatchlings out to the
beach and release them.


sanctuary tempat perlindungan pail baldi

lay egg bertelur carefully berhati-hati
distance jarak flippers anggota badan untuk berenang
hole lubang hatch menetas
hatchery tempat penetasan hatchling anak penyu
officer pegawai sand pasir
bury menanam release melepaskan


extinct pupus irresponsible tidak bertanggungjawab

profit keuntungan conserve memulihara

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