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Font: Capital letters/ Calibri / Size 11 / Style: Bold / Text Alignment: Left
I.Z. Gitas1, G. Galidaki2, M. Tompoulidou3 [Title Case, the family name follows the
first name, Calibri,
size 11, text aligned left, use comma to separate authors names, use numbers
(superscript) at the end to
denote different affiliations, underline presenting author but not the superscript.]

1 Type here the affiliations of each author, Each Word Should Be Capitalized.
2 Use a different paragraph for each affiliation, following the relative reference
number and a space
3 Use font Calibri / size 11/, line spacing 13pt, paragraph spacing 0pt, text aligned

KEYWORDS: Key words limited to five, short alphabetically, font Calibri / size 11.

Type your abstract main text here (max. 200 words). Prepare your abstract
electronically in English as a Microsoft Office Word Document (.doc / .docx)
using this format only. Abstracts should fit on one side of an A4 sized page (297 x
210 mm); with a maximum of 250 words. The standard body typeface is set in
Calibri font, body size 11. Set all text fonts colour to black. The body of your texts
should be expressed concisely, to optimise your page space. Scientific names
must always be formatted in italics but not followed by author names.
References, drawings, figures and small tables are not allowed.

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