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Top 15 Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes

You need to know that the skin of the lower eyelids is thinner than the skin on
the rest of our bodies. It tends to lose moisture more easily, and the blood vessels
beneath it are more visible. These qualities, in addition to vitamin deficiencies,
stress, aging, lack of sleep, over-exposure to sun or electronics screens, allergies, or
illness, are the culprits behind dark circles. In addition to lack of sleep, dietary
choices, genetics and your sleep position can lead to dark circles and puffy eyes.
However, dark circles under the eyes are mostly caused by aging skin. As the
area becomes really thin and delicate, it needs to be improved by toning the skin
with water. Including a healthy diet and exercises to your day will expel dark
circles. If you are unable to escape stressful times or late night work, you can add
simple natural remedies to reduce the dark circles. Most commercial dark circle
creams are expensive and ineffective. Why waste time and money on them if there
natural and affordable home remedy?
These ingredients are all very cheap and easily available in the shop. You need
just to pick up a few extra vegetables and toss them in your shopping bag. If you
will follow our remedies described below, the dark circles around your eyes will
vanish. Try these easy home remedies to treat dark circles under eyes and you do
not have to spend a fortune on expensive creams and worry about side effects.

1. Almond Oil:
People have been using almond oil to treat skin issues for centuries. Also, it
lighten skin tone around the eyes, reduces scars, wrinkles, and stretch marks.
Almond oil it is a good source of vitamin K, which improves clotting, reducing
discoloration under the eyes. It provides the monounsaturated fats and vitamin E
that your skin needs to remain youthful, supple, and radiant.
Also is a naturally anti-inflammatory remedy, so it reduces puffy bags under
the eyes and dark circles.
Almond oil contain palmatic acid and retinol, that moisturizes delicate under-
eye skin, leaving it soft and smooth, and also anti-oxidants that keep skin healthy.
You can use almond oil for massage. It is known that massage improves
circulation, reducing the dark appearance of the veins beneath under-eye skin. For
this, firstly, you need to wash your face with a mild cleanser and pat dry with soft
towel. After, apply a few drops of almond oil around the eyes night time before
going to bed. Massage gently in circular motion for few minutes and leave on
overnight. Wash with cool water in the morning.
Also, you can eat 10 almonds daily along with application.

2. Cucumber:
Cucumbers have skin-lightening and mild astringent properties that help fix
raccoon eyes naturally. This is possible because cucumber contain antioxidants
capable to reduce the inflammation causing puffiness under eyes as well as the dark
circles. Scientists have proved that cucumbers contains such antioxidants as
cucurbitacins, vitexin, orientin and isoscoparin, along with vitamins C and K. You
can absorb these antioxidants through your skin.
Also, cucumber have a soothing and refreshing effect. That is why when you
place chilled cucumber slices on your closed eyes, the cool temperature helps in
easing out the puffiness by reducing accumulation of fluid under eyes.
Thus, how to use cucumber to reduce dark circles? Cut a fresh cucumber into
thick slices and chill them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Place a cucumber slice
on each of your eyes. Once the slice loses its cold temperature, take fresh slices and
place them on your eyes. Keep the slices on the affected skin area for about 10
minutes. Wash the area with water. It is a common remedy used to tone the skin.
This does not only remove dark circles, but also relaxes the eyes. You need to repeat
this procedure twice daily for about a week or more.
As well, you can use and another remedy. For this, take two equal quantities of
cucumber juice and lemon juice. Pour them into a small bowl. Take a cotton ball
and dip it into the juice mixture. After, place cotton balls on the dark circles and
leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with normal water and repeat this everyday
for a week. You will see the dark circles and puffiness of the eyes vanish!

3. Tomatoes:
Maybe you didn't know but tomatoes are an excellent solution for getting rid of
dark circle, as it naturally helps to decrease the dark circles and also makes the skin
soft and supple. Also, tomato is also a great skin lightening agent with certain
properties that will help clear the area around the eyes.
Thus, to use tomatoes as a solution for getting rid of dark circle, you need to
mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it under
your eyes. Allow it on the area for at least 10 minutes, and then, wash it off with
water. Follow this remedy twice, daily till you notice reduction in the dark circles.
On a daily basis you can also drink tomato juice mixed with some lemon juice
and mint leaves in order to get rid of dark circles.
Also, we recommend you another methods to get rid of the dark circle, using
Mix tomato juice with same quantity of Aloe Vera gel to apply to the darkened
areas under the eyes. It will reduce the darkness of your skin by mildly bleaching it.
As well, you can make a fine paste of tomato juice, flour, and turmeric powder
and apply under your eyes and leave it for 10-15 minutes before washing it. Use this
homemade remedy two times a day for best result.
The little sour nature of tomato is also having natural bleach property which
will make your dark circles lighter. You can now make a solution with a teaspoon of
tomato juice as well as a teaspoon of lime juice. Mix them well and apply it over the
skin layer where you can see dark circles. Keep the solution for 10 minutes and
remove it with cold water. If you dont want to use lemon juice, simple tomato juice
will be ideal as well.
Even if you can drink a glass of tomato juice with some mint leave over it
along with salt and lemon juice, it will not only taste well but also prove to be a
wonderful remedy for removing dark circles from your under eye. If you can drink
the solution and apply the juice regularly, getting dark circle free under eye will be
no problem at all.

4. Turmeric:
This recipe will reinvent, which is especially popular in India, will remove eye
bags, dark circles under your eyes! As well, it will reduce signs of fatigue and under
sleeping slightly swollen appearance.
Turmeric, called also "Holy Powder" has many different benefits: its anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to clear the dark circles.
For our recipe you need to take two teaspoons of turmeric powder and add it to
a few drops of pine apple juice. Apply this paste on the dark circles and leave it on
for at least 10 minutes. Wipe it off with a damp cloth.
Or, you can take one teaspoon baking soda, half teaspoon turmeric, little fresh
squeezed pineapple juice (do not use bottled or canned juice) and a few drops of
lemon juice. If you have very sensitive skin, do not put lemon.
With these ingredients make a soft paste and apply it under the eyes. You need
to remember that this pasta you can apply just under eyes, and not on the eyes.
Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse first with warm and then cold water.

5. Cold Potatoes:
Potato is not just a tasty vegetable, but also an amazing remedy which consists
of natural bleaching agents, that will help to lighten the dark circles and remove the
puffiness near the eyes.
You need just take two chilled potatoes and extract its juice. You can apply
potatoes cut in slices, as a thick puree or sieved.
For the first remedy, you need to cut them into pieces, blend them and sieve it.
After, take a cotton ball and dip it into the potato juice. Place flatten cotton ball on
the dark circles. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off with cool water. After,
you need to apply cream on this area. Continue this every day till you notice
Also you can take a raw potato and slice it into thin pieces. Place 1-1 slices
under both the eyes and relax yourself for 30 minutes. Apply this remedy twice
every day.
Furthermore, you can also blend the raw potato until it becomes a thick
puree. Apply this potato puree on the dark circles under your eyes and leave it for
25-30 minutes. Then, wash it off with fresh water. For better result, practice this
remedy two times daily.

6. Cold Milk:
Cold milk is a very useful product not just for internal consumption, but also
for skin. Milk is a rich source of probiotics and lactic acid as well. Lactic acid can
exfoliate skin to give it a radiance. The acidic and astringent properties of milk can
cure discoloration under eyes.
You can use milk alone, just by applying soaked cotton ball with milk on
affected area, or adding some ingredients for better results.
For example, you can add turmeric because of its anti-inflammatory effects.
For this take turmeric - tea spoons and milk - 2 tea spoons. Add both the
ingredients to make a paste. Apply this paste to your dark circles and leave for 15-
20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
Another recipe is to use saffron. Milk and saffron has been a part of Indian skin
care for centuries. A combination of these two is known for providing a flawless
complexion. Milk and saffron can be effective to treat any type of skin discoloration
and it can also work effectively to reduce the under eye dark circles. For this soak a
few strands of saffron in one spoon of whole raw cow milk overnight. In the
morning, smash the saffron strands in the milk and apply this mixture onto your
eyes. Massage the mixture on the skin of this area for 1-2 minutes and then leave it
on for some time. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the eyes with clean water. Follow
this treatment at least for 10-15 days for visible improvements.
Also you can prepare milk with cucumber and lemon juice. This technique can
be very effective to remove even deep set dark circles within 15 days. But be
careful, you should use it only once in a day!
Take 1 spoon of raw cow milk and add 1 spoon of cucumber juice, freshly
prepared from grated cucumber. Add 2-3 drops of lemon in this mixture and let it
cool in the fridge. After 10 minutes, soak a clean cotton ball in this mixture and
place the mixture around your eyes, including your eyelids and leave it on for 5-7
minutes. You should keep your eyes closed while applying the potion. After 5-7
minutes, wash off with cold water.

7. Mint Leaves
Mint has not just many amazing overall health improving effects, but also has
excellent skin rejuvenating and soothing properties. It helps in removing dark
circles effectively and makes skin soft and smooth. Mint leaves helps in increasing
blood flow under eye area that reduce dark circles effectively. Applying mint leaves
to the eye area causes a tingling sensation, which increases blood flow to the area
and can help dark circles fade away.
Along with reducing dark circles, mint leaves give a cooling effect to the eyes.
This is a natural remedy that will soothe and refresh your eyes. Take five to six mint
leaves and crush them. Apply these leaves around the eyes and leave it on for 10
minutes. Wash the area with a cold water. You need to be very attentive and gentle
as you are contacting a very sensitive area. This is the most effective natural remedy
to cure under eye dark circles.
According, another remedy to cure dark circles, you can add mint leaves paste
to tomato juice. You need to apply this paste on the dark circles and leave it on for 5
to 7 minutes. Rinse off this area with cold water.
Also, you can add instead of tomato juice honey or olive oil before applying to
the eye area.

8. Rose water
Rosewater is an excellent soothing remedy for eyes. This wonderful water is
quite helpful to treat dark circles and also relax your eyes. Made from the fragrant
roses, rosewater satisfies your many senses leaving you relaxed. The anti-bacterial
and antiseptic properties of rose water gives you protection against dust,
inflammation, pollutants, itchiness and redness of the eyes. Also, reduce the under
eye dark circles and puffiness too. This remedy is for you, if your dark circles are
due to lack of sleep, stress, overwork or due to long sittings in front of those bright
computer screens.
To use rose water for reducing dark circles you need to take two cotton balls or
pads and soak them in rosewater. Place them on your closed eyes while lying down.
Cover area of your dark circles. Leave them for 15-20 minutes.
Also, you can mix some cold milk with rosewater. Soak cotton pads in the
solution and place them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Use this remedy on a
regular basis for effective result.
You can also drip few drops of rose water into your eyes. It may provide a
soothing effect and prevent tiredness in the eyes.

9. Chilly tea bag:

Tea bags are rich in substances very useful for eyes skin. The antioxidants in
tea bags makes it a good remedy for treating dark circles and reducing puffiness,
just because they have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. For example, it
contains theophylline which permeates the skin to decrease the subcutaneous fat by
dehydrating the skin cells and reducing the inflammation. As well, contains
alkaloids that promote the healthy skin growth around the eyes. Tea bags, especially
green tea bags, contain EGCG, an anti-inflammatory that removes under eye fluid
Also, it contain caffeine that shrinks blood vessels and reduces the fluid
retention in the tissues around the eyes. Tannins contained in the tea bags, not only
gives flavor and color to the tea, but also stimulates blood circulation.
Thus, how to use tea bags for dark circles? Steep 2 tea bags (green or white or
black) in a glass of hot water for few minutes. Squeeze the bags to remove any
liquid. Place in a refrigerator for about 15 20 minutes for cooling. Lie down and
place the chilled tea bags on eyes. Leave them for 15 20 minutes before removing.
Wash your face with cool water to reduce inflammation. Repeat this procedure 2 3
times every day.
You can use, as well, chamomile tea. This tea has anti oxidant, anti
allergenic, astringent, anti inflammatory, bleaching, saturating and cleansing
properties that lightens up the skin around the eyes and reduces fatigue. This is the
only herbal tea bag you should use. For this soak a few chamomile tea bags in hot
water and rinse it in cool water. Create an eye pack and place it on your eyes. Leave
it on for 20 minutes, and wash the area with plain water.
Follow the above process for all tea bags.

10. Orange Juice:

Orange juice is high in vitamin C, a nutrient that is known to conceal dark
So, if you want to get rid of under eye dark circles, then simply use orange
juice. It is proved that regular application of orange juice mixed with glycerin is an
effective way to get rid of dark circles and besides removing your dark circles it will
also provide your overall skin with an inner glow and will make your skin around
your eyes smoother and softer than before.
To use this remedy, just apply the fresh orange juice on your dark circle with
cotton. Also, you may add few drops of lemon juice in this solution. Mix both the
ingredients well and apply this mixture on the skin under your eyes. Leave it on
your skin for 15 minutes. At last, just wash it off with lukewarm water. This mixture
will help you a lot in overcoming the problem of dark circles.
Another recipe is a orange juice with glycerine that will make your skin under
the eye softer and smoother. Orange juice provides the bleaching effect, whereas
glycerine provides nourishment to the skin. For this you need 1 teaspoon orange
juice and a few drops of glycerin. Mix the orange juice and glycerin, and apply this
mixture on the dark circles. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, after which you can
wash it off with cold water. Do this every morning for better effect. You can repeat
it thrice a week.

11. Castor Oil:

Castor oil is another great solution which penetrating deep into the skin and are
helpful to reduce black circles. This oil has ricinoleic acid which is naturally anti-
inflammatory. It contains natural fatty acids that rejuvenate skin to fade away the
dark circles. You need to know that this type of oil moisturizes dry skin and
stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which keep skin firm and supple.
To use castor oil first wash your face as normal. After, use fingertips to
massage castor oil into under-eye skin and leave on a few hours or overnight.
Repeat procedure daily for better results.
Another method is to combine castor oil and cream. To prepare our mixture
you need castor oil - 1 tea spoon and fresh cream - 1 tea spoon. Mix properly oil
with cream. Clean your face and eyes of any makeup that you had been wearing. Pat
dry and apply the mixture all around your eyes. Leave for 15-20 minutes and wash
off with water. If required, you may use lukewarm water as cream and oil will make
it a little greasy.
You can use castor oil and in combination with other natural ingredients that
keep skin soft, firm, and bright.

12. Cornflour:
Cornflour is also one of the most amazing home remedies for dark circles.
Cornflour is not good just for consumption, but also for improving overall skin
health. Used before by our grandmother, this method demonstrated good results and
resisted in time till now. What you can do is to take some cornflour and yogurt. Mix
them in such amount that it makes a thick paste. Now apply the paste under eyes
and after 10 minutes wipe it.
If you don't have yogurt, use milk. To prepare our beauty recipe mix a spoon of
corn flour in milk and apply it around your eyes. Leave it there to dry and then wash
your face. Corn flour works like a charm for dark circles.
You can use and a paste made of corn flour and curd. Mix 1 tablespoon of corn
flour with 1 tablespoon of curd to make a paste. Massage this paste lightly around
the eyes and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with normal water and pat dry.

13. Exercise:
Exercises are very important not just for body, but also for eyes. They can
improve circulation and blood flow and may cause less blood to pool under your
For this we recommend you the following set of exercises:
1. Sit down and relax. Breathe normally, and look at a spot between your eyes,
above the bridge of your nose. Keep looking at this spot for counting till five, and
then relax the eyes. Next look at the tip of your nose, also to the count of five and
relax. This exercise will ease the stress and tension and will relax your eyes.
2. Sit comfortably in a chair. Rub your hands together until they feel warm.
Close your eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid
applying pressure to your eyeballs. Make sure no light can enter your eyes though
gaps between your fingers or the edges of your palms and nose. Imagine deep
blackness and focus on it. Take deep breaths slowly and evenly while thinking of a
calming scene, like an empty beach or still mountain. Once you see nothing, but
blackness, remove your palms from your eyes. Repeat the palming for 3 minutes or
3. Sit down and relax and look straight in front of you. Inhale and look right as
far as possible, without turning your head. Slowly come to the original position and
exhale. Repeat the same method for the left side. Do this exercise three times.
4. Another procedure is to massage your eyes. Wash your hands well. Then,
close your eyes and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2
minutes. If you have coconut oil massage it on the dark circles area. Coconut oil is
very moisturizing; day-to-day applications will minimize eye wrinkles and eye rings
significantly and help with your facial aerobics routines.

14. Fenugreek seeds:

Fenugreek seeds have some active ingredients that can work to reduce over
pigmentation on skin. The high amount of vitamin C, potassium and protein present
in fenugreek seeds help lighten dark circles under the eyes. Plus, they can help
balance the pH level of your skin, which is essential to maintain an even skin tone.
To prepare our remedy you need to place 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a
shallow bowl. Please, add enough water to cover the seeds. Let the seeds soak for 3
After, pour the seeds and water through a strainer. Place the seeds in a food
processor blender to grind them into a paste.
Put the paste into a bowl and add teaspoon of milk. It is better to use raw
milk if you can because it is minimally processed and contains the most lactic acid,
but regular milk can also be used. Stir the fenugreek paste and milk with a spoon.
Apply the mixture onto the dark circles under your eyes, avoiding the eye itself.
Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash off well with a cool washcloth.
According, another recipe you need to soak 1 spoon of fenugreek seeds in raw
cow milk overnight. In the morning grind them with the milk to make a paste.
Apply this paste on to the dark circles and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash off with
plain water. You need to follow this treatment daily to see improvements.

15. Apply Vitamin E oil under the eyes:

Vitamin E oil is a special product that contains Vitamin E, either organic or
synthetic. But, instead of a capsule, like most vitamins, Vitamin E oil usually comes
in a large bottle. Vitamin E oil also contains other ingredients, like coconut oil to
make it the right viscosity for topical application.
Vitamin E is the perfect treatment of all skin problems. It is a perfect anti-
oxidant that can help keep the skin looking fresh and young. This, in turn, might
help to reduce wrinkles and dark circles. It can also lessen any puffiness that might
cause the circles to be more prominent. Vitamin E helps to nourish the skin and
improves the health of the skin. Thus, eat food that is rich in vitamin E. It will
prevent the skin to appear white due to the disease. Vitamin E oil is absolutely
amazing for getting the facial glow you have always desired.
Regular application of Vitamin E oil can give a person younger looking skin.
Anti-aging effects of most natural products are slow, and they become evident after
regular application for months, even years. So, be sure to apply your Vitamin E oil
regularly for this effect. Also, apply the vitamin E oil on your affected area in
morning and in the night. Squeeze the capsules of vitamin E and apply them on the
affected area directly. Applying vitamin E oil directly under your eyes is a good
option, but you can also take vitamin supplements or eat more foods rich in vitamin
E, such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.

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